Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Galaxy Tab A8 Safe mode
Galaxy Tab A8 Safe mode
buick ::
Imam čisto novo tablico Samsung Tab A8.
Ko sem jo prvič vklopil se je spodaj levo izpisalo Varni način.
Poizkusil sem vse opcije kako jo spraviti iz Safe Mode v normalno delovanje pa ne najdem načina.
Prosim za kak nasvet.
Ko sem jo prvič vklopil se je spodaj levo izpisalo Varni način.
Poizkusil sem vse opcije kako jo spraviti iz Safe Mode v normalno delovanje pa ne najdem načina.
Prosim za kak nasvet.
- spremenil: buick ()
V-i-p ::
A to ne pomaga?
To turn off Safe Mode, follow these steps:
Simply press and hold the "Power" button to bring up the "Device options" screen. From there, select "Restart"Tap "OK" to confirm the shut down.Once the device has completely powered off, you can press the "Power" button again to turn the Galaxy Tab A back on.
To turn off Safe Mode, follow these steps:
Simply press and hold the "Power" button to bring up the "Device options" screen. From there, select "Restart"Tap "OK" to confirm the shut down.Once the device has completely powered off, you can press the "Power" button again to turn the Galaxy Tab A back on.
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!
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