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Putinov nagovor udeležencem 10. moskovske konference o mednarodni varnosti

Pac-Man ::
V sosednji temi je BBB podal izziv, ki sem se ga odločil sprejet
Tule imamo angleški prepis
torej lahko začnemo
Ukrajina se je recimo suvereno odločila oddaljit od rusocentrizma in uveljavit svojo identiteto, tradicije in vrednote, pa ste jo napadli.
Najprej skrivoma, z raznimi Strelkovi, Borodaji in ruskimi vojaki v vlogah rudarjev & traktoristov in nato letos odkrito.
S šestimi znaki: ((( )))
Pri raketnem ščitu ga še nekoliko razumem, ostalo je bil pa odziv na ruske akcije od l. 2014 naprej in še posebej letos.
In nikomur se ne vsiljuje militarizacije, ampak to članice počnejo samoiniciativno. Recimo 10 od romunskih 54 HIMARS lanserjev:
Gruzijo 2008 smo kar nekako pozabili.
Odebeljen del je bila njihova zahteva, da se NATO umakne na meje iz l. 1997. Zahteva, ne predlog.
Popolnoma neresno z njihove strani, sploh v povezavi z dogodki od 24. februarja letos.
Topovsko hrano iz Ukrajincev delajo ruski vojaki. Tako s poboji na teritorijih pod nadzorom Kijiva, kot s prisilno mobilizacijo na okupiranih ozemljih.
Seveda pošiljamo orožje, Ukrajina ima vso pravico do samoobrambe.
Napad na članico ZN in splošno zanikanje njene pravice do obstoja je v polnem soskladju z listino ZN?
Lani je v DNR zaradi spopadov umrlo 7 civilistov & 70 vojakov, to po besedah njihove ombudsmanke pred začetkom vojne (skrolaj dol, graždanske/voinoslužeče 7/70):
Kje je torej genocid?
Tudi, ruski ambasador pri organih ZN na Dunaju (IAEA pa to): Diši po genocidu...
Lahko smo cinični in napišemo, da je v interesu ZDA, da Rusijo v Ukrajini čimbolj izčrpajo. Verjetno drži.
Ampak hkrati drži, da je v interesu Ukrajine, da ne postane ruski vazal v stilu Belorusije. Pač se interesi pokrivajo. Kaj je tu čudno ali narobe?
Še vedno je 24.2.2022 Rusija samovoljno napadla Ukrajino in si je za vse križe & težave, ki sledijo kot posledica tega dejanja, kriva povsem sama, obtožuje pa vse druge. Še pridemo do tega.
Lahko pa da je Putin ameriški agent?
Pelosijeva je Kitajce "provocirala" že vsaj od konca 80ih, 2. video je enkrat na začetku 90ih
NANCY PELOSI ON CHINA: Tiananmen Square "massacre was shocking to us" (June 22, 1989)
Nancy Pelosi in Tiananmen Square 1989
In se vrnemo do obtoževanja drugih za lastne probleme.
Ko bi po izhodu iz COVID krize lahko gospodarstvo vstopilo v fazo okrevanja, se je največja država na planetu odločila, da še ni dovolj velika, zdaj nas pa, ironično zaradi globalizacije, nekoliko izsiljuje z našo odvisnostjo od njihovega plina.
Kdo nami/ji je tega kriv?
Tudi, spet ((( ))) žvižgalica.
Prvega odstavka se vsekakor ne doseže z zahrbtnimi napadi na suverene države.
Saj se spomnimo kako so Rusi dolgo zanikali, da načrtujejo napad, nato priznali LDNR in nam je kar malo odleglo, da je to vse, nato pa se je čez par dni kar naenkrat začelo?
In bljatskrieg 2. vojaške sile sveta v Ukrajini kaže, da unipolarnega sveta še ne bo tako kmalu konec oz. se ta konec vsaj ne bo zgodil po ruskem scenariju. Nǐ hǎo.
Tudi, spet ((( ))) in copium overdose.
Boilerplate crap.
Še več boilerplate sranja.
Vlado, od besed k dejanjem. Z napadi na suverene države se to ne bo doseglo, ti je res treba narisat?
In kneecapanje mehanizmov ZN tudi ni konstruktivno.
Katere od naslednjih navedb so neresnične?
Tule imamo angleški prepis
torej lahko začnemo
An increasing number of countries and peoples are choosing a path of free and sovereign development based on their own distinct identity, traditions and values.
Ukrajina se je recimo suvereno odločila oddaljit od rusocentrizma in uveljavit svojo identiteto, tradicije in vrednote, pa ste jo napadli.
Najprej skrivoma, z raznimi Strelkovi, Borodaji in ruskimi vojaki v vlogah rudarjev & traktoristov in nato letos odkrito.
These objective processes are being opposed by the Western globalist elites, who provoke chaos, fanning long-standing and new conflicts and pursuing the so-called containment policy, which in fact amounts to the subversion of any alternative, sovereign development options.
S šestimi znaki: ((( )))
NATO is crawling east and building up its military infrastructure. Among other things, it is deploying missile defence systems and enhancing the strike capabilities of its offensive forces. This is hypocritically attributed to the need to strengthen security in Europe, but in fact quite the opposite is taking place. Moreover, the proposals on mutual security measures, which Russia put forward last December, were once again disregarded.
Pri raketnem ščitu ga še nekoliko razumem, ostalo je bil pa odziv na ruske akcije od l. 2014 naprej in še posebej letos.
In nikomur se ne vsiljuje militarizacije, ampak to članice počnejo samoiniciativno. Recimo 10 od romunskih 54 HIMARS lanserjev:
Gruzijo 2008 smo kar nekako pozabili.
Odebeljen del je bila njihova zahteva, da se NATO umakne na meje iz l. 1997. Zahteva, ne predlog.
Popolnoma neresno z njihove strani, sploh v povezavi z dogodki od 24. februarja letos.
They need conflicts to retain their hegemony. It is for this reason that they have destined the Ukrainian people to being used as cannon fodder. They have implemented the anti-Russia project and connived at the dissemination of the neo-Nazi ideology. They looked the other way when residents of Donbass were killed in their thousands and continued to pour weapons, including heavy weapons, for use by the Kiev regime, something that they persist in doing now.
Topovsko hrano iz Ukrajincev delajo ruski vojaki. Tako s poboji na teritorijih pod nadzorom Kijiva, kot s prisilno mobilizacijo na okupiranih ozemljih.
Seveda pošiljamo orožje, Ukrajina ima vso pravico do samoobrambe.
Under these circumstances, we have taken the decision to conduct a special military operation in Ukraine, a decision which is in full conformity with the Charter of the United Nations. It has been clearly spelled out that the aims of this operation are to ensure the security of Russia and its citizens and protect the residents of Donbass from genocide.
Napad na članico ZN in splošno zanikanje njene pravice do obstoja je v polnem soskladju z listino ZN?
Lani je v DNR zaradi spopadov umrlo 7 civilistov & 70 vojakov, to po besedah njihove ombudsmanke pred začetkom vojne (skrolaj dol, graždanske/voinoslužeče 7/70):
Kje je torej genocid?
Tudi, ruski ambasador pri organih ZN na Dunaju (IAEA pa to): Diši po genocidu...
The situation in Ukraine shows that the United States is attempting to draw out this conflict. It acts in the same way elsewhere, fomenting the conflict potential in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. As is common knowledge, the US has recently made another deliberate attempt to fuel the flames and stir up trouble in the Asia-Pacific. The US escapade towards Taiwan is not just a voyage by an irresponsible politician, but part of the purpose-oriented and deliberate US strategy designed to destabilise the situation and sow chaos in the region and the world. It is a brazen demonstration of disrespect for other countries and their own international commitments. We regard this as a thoroughly planned provocation.
Lahko smo cinični in napišemo, da je v interesu ZDA, da Rusijo v Ukrajini čimbolj izčrpajo. Verjetno drži.
Ampak hkrati drži, da je v interesu Ukrajine, da ne postane ruski vazal v stilu Belorusije. Pač se interesi pokrivajo. Kaj je tu čudno ali narobe?
Še vedno je 24.2.2022 Rusija samovoljno napadla Ukrajino in si je za vse križe & težave, ki sledijo kot posledica tega dejanja, kriva povsem sama, obtožuje pa vse druge. Še pridemo do tega.
Lahko pa da je Putin ameriški agent?
Pelosijeva je Kitajce "provocirala" že vsaj od konca 80ih, 2. video je enkrat na začetku 90ih
NANCY PELOSI ON CHINA: Tiananmen Square "massacre was shocking to us" (June 22, 1989)
Nancy Pelosi in Tiananmen Square 1989
It is clear that by taking these actions the Western globalist elites are attempting, among other things, to divert the attention of their own citizens from pressing socioeconomic problems, such as plummeting living standards, unemployment, poverty, and deindustrialisation. They want to shift the blame for their own failures to other countries, namely Russia and China, which are defending their point of view and designing a sovereign development policy without submitting to the diktat of the supranational elites.
In se vrnemo do obtoževanja drugih za lastne probleme.
Ko bi po izhodu iz COVID krize lahko gospodarstvo vstopilo v fazo okrevanja, se je največja država na planetu odločila, da še ni dovolj velika, zdaj nas pa, ironično zaradi globalizacije, nekoliko izsiljuje z našo odvisnostjo od njihovega plina.
Kdo nami/ji je tega kriv?
Tudi, spet ((( ))) žvižgalica.
It is obvious that it is only possible to reduce tensions in the world, overcome military-political threats and risks, improve trust between countries and ensure their sustainable development through a radical strengthening of the contemporary system of a multipolar world.
I reiterate that the era of the unipolar world is becoming a thing of the past. No matter how strongly the beneficiaries of the current globalist model cling to the familiar state of affairs, it is doomed. The historic geopolitical changes are going in a totally different direction.
Prvega odstavka se vsekakor ne doseže z zahrbtnimi napadi na suverene države.
Saj se spomnimo kako so Rusi dolgo zanikali, da načrtujejo napad, nato priznali LDNR in nam je kar malo odleglo, da je to vse, nato pa se je čez par dni kar naenkrat začelo?
In bljatskrieg 2. vojaške sile sveta v Ukrajini kaže, da unipolarnega sveta še ne bo tako kmalu konec oz. se ta konec vsaj ne bo zgodil po ruskem scenariju. Nǐ hǎo.
Tudi, spet ((( ))) in copium overdose.
And, of course, your conference is another important proof of the objective processes forming a multipolar world, bringing together representatives from many countries who want to discuss security issues on an equal footing, and conduct a dialogue that takes into account the interests of all parties, without exception.
I want to emphasise that the multipolar world, based on international law and more just relations, opens up new opportunities for counteracting common threats, such as regional conflicts and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism and cybercrime. All these challenges are global, and therefore it would be impossible to overcome them without combining the efforts and potentials of all states.
Boilerplate crap.
As before, Russia will actively and assertively participate in such coordinated joint efforts; together with its allies, partners and fellow thinkers, it will improve the existing mechanisms of international security and create new ones, as well as consistently strengthen the national armed forces and other security structures by providing them with advanced weapons and military equipment. Russia will secure its national interests, as well as the protection of its allies, and take other steps towards building of a more democratic world where the rights of all peoples and cultural and civilisational diversity are guaranteed.
Še več boilerplate sranja.
We need to restore respect for international law, for its fundamental norms and principles. And, of course, it is important to promote such universal and commonly acknowledged agencies as the United Nations and other international dialogue platforms. The UN Security Council and the General Assembly, as it was intended initially, are supposed to serve as effective tools to reduce international tensions and prevent conflicts, as well as facilitate the provision of reliable security and wellbeing of countries and peoples.
Vlado, od besed k dejanjem. Z napadi na suverene države se to ne bo doseglo, ti je res treba narisat?
In kneecapanje mehanizmov ZN tudi ni konstruktivno.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
- zaklenil: bluefish ()

D3m ::
Se mi zdi, da si krepko falil, kaj je BBB mislil.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::
Torej razloži kaj je mislil/kako sem falil.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::
Debata je o unipolarnemu vs. multipolarnemu svetu.
Nekaj, kar je že govoril v Munchen 2007.
Nekaj, kar je že govoril v Munchen 2007.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
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