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Ukrajinska kontraofenziva

scythe ::
Kaj se je pa tukaj zgodilo?
VladarP prišel pod novim imenom in smo tam kjer smo bili pred tednim😂😂😂
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|

fur80 ::
Izgleda, da ni bil samo foto session.
Vsi so veseli. xD
Smeh je pol zdravja pravijo, ali to je nekaj kar Putler nikoli ni imel, pa tudi manjšo glavo dobiš, če se veliko smejiš!

TezkoDihanje ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Dimitrije legendo![]()
Stari, koga briga no, kaj si Medvedjev misli in Putlerjeva medijsko trolanje? Kaj moraš res vse zasvinjat, da potem zaklenejo?
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Sam bi bil smeh, da jim Rusi pustijo to enklavo od drzave![]()
Da ta Medvedjev lahko lapa in trola umira na 1000 Rusov v Ukrajini!
A plane full of dead orcs is flying home
Pač odgovor na tole, kar se je rolalo po ruskih TVjih par dni nazaj
slikca prikazuje razpad Rusije na manjše dele, za tiste ta trde v glavo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Očitno so Rusi končno obupali nad obkrožitvijo Slovjanska in spizdili južno od Izjuma na druge fronte (se lepo vidi, kako jih je premalo).
pred parimi dnevi (razbit pontonski most):
Russian pontoon bridge was destroyed/removed in the vicinity of Yaremivka, #Kharkiv Oblast. Some rumors hinting at that Russians might retreated from the area.
"In the area of the settlement of Pasika, a reconnaissance group tried to expose the positions of our troops. Unsuccessfully. The group is neutralized." - GSUA
Arestovich said today russians are hollowing out the Izyum front, every combat capable unit is being sent to the Kherson front. Izyum + Kharkiv front will be very vulnerable
Tle so jih Ukrajinci porinli severno vsaj 10km.
pred parimi dnevi (razbit pontonski most):
Russian pontoon bridge was destroyed/removed in the vicinity of Yaremivka, #Kharkiv Oblast. Some rumors hinting at that Russians might retreated from the area.
"In the area of the settlement of Pasika, a reconnaissance group tried to expose the positions of our troops. Unsuccessfully. The group is neutralized." - GSUA
Arestovich said today russians are hollowing out the Izyum front, every combat capable unit is being sent to the Kherson front. Izyum + Kharkiv front will be very vulnerable
Tle so jih Ukrajinci porinli severno vsaj 10km.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Če je komu kaj jasno pri teh ruskih budalah, je to Girkinu.
Že šesti mesec frontalno napadajo Avdiivko (zraven Donetska) in to je njegov komentar
Assault of Avdiivka. The battle for the initiative has started.
So, the Russian military thinking was marked by another genius military decision - while the ukrops are trying to achieve success on Kherson direction (where a breakthrough of a frontline in theory promises a deep penetration or at least an operational success), our military geniuses again decided to directly assault Avdiivka.
Today, after several hours of artillery preparation, the remnants of the DPR infantry attacked it [Avdiivka] and the surrounding "bastions".
Naturally, I wish our fighters maximum success. But even in the most favourable case (that is when after fierce street battles and fights inside the depths of the enemy's prepared defences, our forces will take Avdiivka etc), the frontline will only be moved to the next defensive line of the enemy - that is the same Sloviansk - Kramatorsk - Druzhovka - Konstantinovka - Kurakhovo line. Hardly any deeper. Although for me personally such success does not seem to be guaranteed at all (knowing the state of the DPR and RF Armed Forces infantry).
Since I've written dozen of times that even the complete "pushing out" of the UAF from the Donbas (without the defeat or encirclement of the group concentrated there) will not lead to a victory in the war and will not even bring it much closer, I must state that this move of the "Third Effective Stage of the SMO" looks to be a copy of the "Second Concrete Stage", and in result will lead to a loss of remnants of the main resource - TIME. Not even talking about the irreversible losses in people who will be sacrificed in the name of the strategy which is being implemented by the RF AF. Most likely, the "backbone" of our forces in this war, which is the L/DPR infantry, will be finished off completely as a result of the operation that has begun. Ukrs, without any doubt will also suffer enormous losses. But they have something to replenish them with.
Že šesti mesec frontalno napadajo Avdiivko (zraven Donetska) in to je njegov komentar
Assault of Avdiivka. The battle for the initiative has started.
So, the Russian military thinking was marked by another genius military decision - while the ukrops are trying to achieve success on Kherson direction (where a breakthrough of a frontline in theory promises a deep penetration or at least an operational success), our military geniuses again decided to directly assault Avdiivka.
Today, after several hours of artillery preparation, the remnants of the DPR infantry attacked it [Avdiivka] and the surrounding "bastions".
Naturally, I wish our fighters maximum success. But even in the most favourable case (that is when after fierce street battles and fights inside the depths of the enemy's prepared defences, our forces will take Avdiivka etc), the frontline will only be moved to the next defensive line of the enemy - that is the same Sloviansk - Kramatorsk - Druzhovka - Konstantinovka - Kurakhovo line. Hardly any deeper. Although for me personally such success does not seem to be guaranteed at all (knowing the state of the DPR and RF Armed Forces infantry).
Since I've written dozen of times that even the complete "pushing out" of the UAF from the Donbas (without the defeat or encirclement of the group concentrated there) will not lead to a victory in the war and will not even bring it much closer, I must state that this move of the "Third Effective Stage of the SMO" looks to be a copy of the "Second Concrete Stage", and in result will lead to a loss of remnants of the main resource - TIME. Not even talking about the irreversible losses in people who will be sacrificed in the name of the strategy which is being implemented by the RF AF. Most likely, the "backbone" of our forces in this war, which is the L/DPR infantry, will be finished off completely as a result of the operation that has begun. Ukrs, without any doubt will also suffer enormous losses. But they have something to replenish them with.

fur80 ::
Griffin R500 je izjavil:
Lgtbq Ukroidi.
Tik-tok gay army
Kaj ti jih prav iščeš, tako zvečer, pa si podelil z nami?! :D

TezkoDihanje ::
Zraven Donteska že spet gori:
A fire is reported at a machine-building plant in occupied Horlivka
At least 6 155-mm shells landed in occupied Horlivka
This is what occupied Horlivka looks like now.
Russian Spetsnaz Major, Sergei Kononov [Cargo ID #332], has been confirmed Cargo200 in Ukraine. He received Syria's highest award from president Assad personally; served time with the Wagner Group; then decided to go die near Kharkiv.
A fire is reported at a machine-building plant in occupied Horlivka
At least 6 155-mm shells landed in occupied Horlivka
This is what occupied Horlivka looks like now.
Russian Spetsnaz Major, Sergei Kononov [Cargo ID #332], has been confirmed Cargo200 in Ukraine. He received Syria's highest award from president Assad personally; served time with the Wagner Group; then decided to go die near Kharkiv.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

Pac-Man ::
Wunderbar, Rusi so v Černobilu kampirali med nizko radioaktivnimi odpadki.
A Greenpeace Germany investigation team working with Ukrainian scientists at Chornobyl has found radiation levels in areas where Russian military operations occurred to be at least three times higher than the estimation by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).[1] In April 2022, the IAEA provided very limited data with assurances that radiation levels were “normal” and not a major environmental or public safety issue.[2]
Shaun Burnie, senior nuclear specialist at Greenpeace Germany said:
Greenpeace Germany is concerned that the IAEA is severely compromised in its role on nuclear safety and security in Ukraine by its ties to Russia’s nuclear state agency, ROSATOM, including its current IAEA Deputy Director Mikhail Chudakov, a long term ROSATOM official.
Jan Vande Putte, lead radiation specialist at Greenpeace Belgium who also participated in the investigation said:
“We measured levels of gamma radiation inside the abandoned Russian trenches that qualify it as low-level nuclear waste. Clearly the Russian military was operating in a highly radioactive environment, but that’s not what the IAEA is communicating. We can only conclude that the IAEA for some reason decided not to make an effort to fully investigate. It’s clear from our survey that there is nothing normal about the radiation levels inside the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, despite what the IAEA wants the world to believe.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mackilla ::
Griffin R500 je izjavil:
Lgtbq Ukroidi.
Tik-tok gay army
Kaj ti jih prav iščeš, tako zvečer, pa si podelil z nami?! :D
Zanimivo. Kot,da sovraži geje po drugi strani ga pa nekaj neustavljivo vleče k njim

fur80 ::
Griffin R500 je izjavil:
Lgtbq Ukroidi.
Tik-tok gay army
Kaj ti jih prav iščeš, tako zvečer, pa si podelil z nami?! :D
Zanimivo. Kot,da sovraži geje po drugi strani ga pa nekaj neustavljivo vleče k njim![]()
Pa še ura, ne bi rekel, da bi prilepil to za časa kosila, tako pa tako pozno zvečer! :D ne vem, malo sumljivo! :D

TezkoDihanje ::
ok tole bi bilo fajn da sesujejo:
To še za potrebe civilov ni dovolj, kamoli za suport 15+ tisoč vojakov, ki jih imajo tam.

Pac-Man ::
Flat pack pohištvo si in v flat pack pohištvo se povrneš, video.
A cargo plane full of dead Russians is heading home to the Republic of Tuva, some 2,000 kilometers east of Ukraine.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Geho ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
In kaj se bo spremenilo, ce podrejo most. Ste slisal kdaj za pontonski most ali "skelo".
Ma čisto nič. Itak da zdaj navadnih mostov nihče več ne postavlja na novo, vsi delajo samo še pontonske mostove./s
Lažeš. Danes so Hrvati odprli pelješki most, ki so ga zgradili moji bratje Kitajci.
Urban boli kurac Kitajce zate![]()
Nevem ce, sem velik kupec njihovih produktov, ki jih tu z primerno marzo prodamo.
Aha pa se je izdal gnida debela! PetarVeliki = Poldi

Pac-Man ::
nitka, več na povezavi
Just in: New batch of statistics on the Russian economy in June 2022!
Output in June 22 compared to June 21:
Cars: -89% (a few more than in May)
Trucks: -40%
Washing machines: -58.4%
Fridges/freezers: -52.3%
We already know from #Gazprom 's statistics:
Natural #gas production was down significantly in June, totalling 39.3bcm (May: 49bcm).
Russian gas production is now 23.3% lower than in June 21, reflecting the gas cut-off of the EU.
Russia's tabacco industry continues to struggle:
Cigarettes: -32.4% yoy (down 16.6% from May 22)
Chemical industry also weaker:
Ammonia: -21% yoy (-6.6% from May 22)
Potash: -32.1% yoy (-6.5% from May 22)
Russian pharma continues to boom (also pharma imports): +16.5% yoy.
There is a strong contraction in some corners of the #glass industry, especially sheet glass. In June 22, #Russia produced 2.4 million m², which is 64.5% less than in June 21 and 23.6% less than in May 22.
Computer & electronics had a bad month. The reason could be exhausted inventory:
Semiconductors: -39.6% yoy.
Monthly comparison even more drastic:
May 22: 5.3 million pieces
June 22: 2.5 million pieces
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

PetarVeliki ::
Ceu stadion turskega Fenerbahcea skandiral Vladimir Putin. Nasprotnik pa Dinamo iz Kijeva
Svobodni svet se zbuja s svetlobno hitrostjo!
Ceu stadion turskega Fenerbahcea skandiral Vladimir Putin. Nasprotnik pa Dinamo iz Kijeva

Svobodni svet se zbuja s svetlobno hitrostjo!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PetarVeliki ()

Pac-Man ::
V Kijivu se jim bodo pa drli "svobodni Kurdistan". Klasične ultras fore, Pe*ar.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

PetarVeliki ::
Lahko se tudi tako tolazis
Dr. Dragan Petrovic na Happy TV v oddaji Aktuelnosti(oddaja o Specialni operaciji v Zacasni nacisticni drzavi Ukrajini) pohvalil forum in obe teme o Ukrajini.
Dr. Dragan Petrovic na Happy TV v oddaji Aktuelnosti(oddaja o Specialni operaciji v Zacasni nacisticni drzavi Ukrajini) pohvalil forum in obe teme o Ukrajini.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PetarVeliki ()

mackilla ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Lahko se tudi tako tolazis
Dr. Dragan Petrovic na Happy TV v oddaji Aktuelnosti(oddaja o Specialni operaciji v Zacasni nacisticni drzavi Ukrajini) pohvalil forum in obe teme o Ukrajini.
Zakaj bi se kdo moral tolažit zaradi turških navijačev? Na koncu so pa še izgubili.

Jarno ::
Brezposelni nesocializirani hobo bo kmalu odgovoril.
Aha, je že.
Aha, je že.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jarno ()

PetarVeliki ::
Dokler nacisti nabirajo 70 letnike za kontraofanzivo, ki je nebo. Rusi rabotajo...
27. JUL 23:38
"Potpuno očišćeno"
Teritorija najveće termoelektrane u Donbasu, Ugljegorsk, potpuno je očišćena od ukrajinskih trupa, izjavio je portparol samoproglašene Luganske Narodne Republike (LNR) Ivan Filiponenko.
''Teritorija termoelektrane u Ugljegorsku, koja je ranije bila pod našom kontrolom, potpuno je očišćena od neprijateljskih snaga'', rekao je on za Sputnjik. On je dodao da će sledeći korak biti njeno deminiranje.

mackilla ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Rezultat tekme tega nepomembnega sporta je sekundarnega pomena.
Joj kako si zabit. Če bi pa v Istanbulu igrali Rusi bi pa Turki skandirali slava Ukrajini

l0g1t3ch ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Dokler nacisti nabirajo 70 letnike za kontraofanzivo, ki je nebo. Rusi rabotajo...
27. JUL 23:38
"Potpuno očišćeno"
Teritorija najveće termoelektrane u Donbasu, Ugljegorsk, potpuno je očišćena od ukrajinskih trupa, izjavio je portparol samoproglašene Luganske Narodne Republike (LNR) Ivan Filiponenko.
''Teritorija termoelektrane u Ugljegorsku, koja je ranije bila pod našom kontrolom, potpuno je očišćena od neprijateljskih snaga'', rekao je on za Sputnjik. On je dodao da će sledeći korak biti njeno deminiranje.
Ojej reveži.
Že 6 mesecev se mučijo.
Preveč vodke pa premalo dela

Kje so pa kej kozlojebni Čečeni?
Na tiktoku? Se uči šef metat žogo?

mackilla ::

PetarVeliki ::
Kar mi je vsec, da so slovenski mediji Ukrajino crtali iz svojih novic sploh pa iz naslovnic.
Iskanderji in kalibri kalibrirajo Harkov na tovarniške nastavitve.
Iskanderji in kalibri kalibrirajo Harkov na tovarniške nastavitve.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PetarVeliki ()

Unchancy ::
A je tebi zmanjkalo listja za roke in rit brisat, da nisi kakšnih parazitov fasal?
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

PetarVeliki ::
Nasi ponovno plenijo orozje od naciteroristov.
Trije nacisticni polkovniki sli na obisk Hitlerja.
Trije nacisticni polkovniki sli na obisk Hitlerja.

gazibo ::
Gravitas: IMF: Russian economy doing better than expected
Nč novga
Nč novga

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: gazibo ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Gravitas: IMF: Russian economy doing better than expected
Nč novga![]()
In na podlagi katerih podatkov IMF predvideva to? Aja, na podlagi cherry picked s strani Rusije.

PS: Ta medij je tipično proruski ter antikitajski.
minimum od minimuma (pa Wagnerjev in podobnih milic tukaj sploh vštetih ni)
"We were briefed that over 75,000 Russians have either been killed or wounded [in Ukraine], which is huge...over 80% of their land forces are bogged down, and they're tired,"
@RepSlotkin told @MZanona re: classified briefing House members just got from Biden admin officials.
Much more. Thats only the ruzzian ruzzian one. What about the DNR/LNR ?
The DNR losses alone are at least 12k dead/wounded, which is really fucking crazy.
The russians are now using a pontoon-ferry departing directly next to the Antonovsky Bridge to ferry supplies to Kherson...
In other words: the russians are creating a fuel and ammo trucks traffic jam right next to the Antonovsky Bridge's pillars in GMLRS range
Ta most je v dosegu 155mm haubic z Exalibur strelivom.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

kow ::
The Mari El Republic north of Kazan sent two volunteer battalions to train and is forming a third battalion to deploy to Ukraine.

FireSnake ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Raje zaprt kakšno tovarno, ki požre goro plina, kot pa stotine domov za ostarele. Sicer pa, ti to vse veš. Samo drkaš. Razen, če si res zabit do dna.
Ayy LMAO, že mate nov update? Zapirat fabrkeRekordni pridelki, plin nam ostaja, mam na 17C ker mi je vroče...
Smešno za crknit.
Ti "poznavalec".
To, da si blodil o napačnem mostu:
si pa spregledal?
Govorili smo pa o tem mostu:
Antonivsky bridge in Kherson
Poglej in se nasmej:

shmandi ::

AtaŠtumf ::
Vidim, da se ukrajinski propagandisti še vedno borijo do zadnjega Ukrajinca in so glasni samo na internetu iz mamine kleti, ter se derejo - "Slava Ukrajini" in farbajo socialne profile v ukrajinske barve, ali pa je že kdo našel svoja jajčka in šel v Ukrajino premagati Putlerja?
Pac-Mana vsaj razumem, on je celo plačana za vse svoje fake news bedarije, ostale ovčke pa res ne razumem.
Ej Pac-Man glede na ves denar, ki ga prejemaš, si upaš oz. si sposoben pokazati kak vredostojen dokument, kako so se vse milijarde poslane v Ukrajino razdelile ali pe gre malce v tvoj žep, malce v kokainarjev, malce v nacistične žepe, malce v rusofilne žepe itd.
Pa očitno je že konec vojne, glede na to, da je tudi Fajonka obiskala Ukrajino, a ni bila ful glasne nekaj pred volitvami?
Pac-Mana vsaj razumem, on je celo plačana za vse svoje fake news bedarije, ostale ovčke pa res ne razumem.
Ej Pac-Man glede na ves denar, ki ga prejemaš, si upaš oz. si sposoben pokazati kak vredostojen dokument, kako so se vse milijarde poslane v Ukrajino razdelile ali pe gre malce v tvoj žep, malce v kokainarjev, malce v nacistične žepe, malce v rusofilne žepe itd.
Pa očitno je že konec vojne, glede na to, da je tudi Fajonka obiskala Ukrajino, a ni bila ful glasne nekaj pred volitvami?
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: AtaŠtumf ()

D3m ::
Gremo staviti ali se bodo Kitajci pokakali ali ne.
Russia: Don't cross our red lines in Ukraine or we'll take action.
US politicians: They're bluffing. Cross those red lines.
*Russia invades.*
China: Don't cross our red lines in Taiwan or we'll take action.
US politicians: They're bluffing. Cross those red lines.
Russia: Don't cross our red lines in Ukraine or we'll take action.
US politicians: They're bluffing. Cross those red lines.
*Russia invades.*
China: Don't cross our red lines in Taiwan or we'll take action.
US politicians: They're bluffing. Cross those red lines.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

gozdar1 ::
Vidim, da se ukrajinski propagandisti še vedno borijo do zadnjega Ukrajinca in so glasni samo na internetu iz mamine kleti, ter se derejo - "Slava Ukrajini" in farbajo socialne profile v ukrajinske barve, ali pa je že kdo našel svoja jajčka in šel v Ukrajino premagati Putlerja?
Pac-Mana vsaj razumem, on je celo plačana za vse svoje fake news bedarije, ostale ovčke pa res ne razumem.
Ej Pac-Man glede na ves denar, ki ga prejemaš, si upaš oz. si sposoben pokazati kak vredostojen dokument, kako so se vse milijarde poslane v Ukrajino razdelile ali pe gre malce v tvoj žep, malce v kokainarjev, malce v nacistične žepe, malce v rusofilne žepe itd.
Pa očitno je že konec vojne, glede na to, da je tudi Fajonka obiskala Ukrajino, a ni bila ful glasne nekaj pred volitvami?
Rusi mobilizirajo okupirane ukrajince očitno se bori ne samo doa zadnjega čečena ampak tudi zadnjega ukrajinca.
Napiše potem ko više citira rusko proagando.

mackilla ::

Horas ::
a vojna da je? :D medtem pa pozirajo tako malo in se afnajo.
a vojna da je? :D medtem pa pozirajo tako malo in se afnajo.
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd

gozdar1 ::

cias ::

Unchancy ::
Gremo staviti ali se bodo Kitajci pokakali ali ne.
Russia: Don't cross our red lines in Ukraine or we'll take action.
US politicians: They're bluffing. Cross those red lines.
*Russia invades.*
China: Don't cross our red lines in Taiwan or we'll take action.
US politicians: They're bluffing. Cross those red lines.
1. Red line v primeru Ukrajine je njen obstoj izven popolne kontrole Rusije.
2. Veliko sreče pri osvajanju Tajvana s strani Kitajske.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Rusija prepovedala plačila v kriptovalutah (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / Kriptovalute | 13301 (10166) | Pac-Man |
» | V vzhodni Ukrajini internetni promet že teče prek Rusije (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 75 76 77 78 )Oddelek: Novice / Omrežja / internet | 256477 (201295) | Pithlit |
⊘ | Ukrajina Part IV (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 120 121 122 123 )Oddelek: Loža | 504751 (372485) | l0g1t3ch |