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Igre (brez lastne teme)

Igre (brez lastne teme)

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mahone ::

oo7 ::

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Rejects Will Rise

Total War: Warhammer III - Immortal Empires

opeter ::

Jaz čakam na to igro 8-O8-):

Kočno pravi FPS v WH40K franšizi.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: opeter ()

oo7 ::

Tale strategija zgleda zanimiva :)

Manor Lords - Gameplay Overview

sentiš ::

Wow, kdaj pa naj bi izšlo to?

Gagatronix ::

Confirmed je za 2022, ni pa se tocno navedeno kdaj.

oo7 ::

Nightdive studio kateri dela reemake igre System Shock hoče narediti naslednji reemake originalne igre Unreal iz leta 1998.

oo7 ::

Tako bi lahko zgledala igra Assassin s Creed v Unreal 5 pogonu

Assassins Creed Infinity - Welcome to Japan! - Unreal Engine 5 Amazing Showcase | Concept Trailer

oo7 ::

Turok 2 Plus je MOD - https://www.moddb.com/mods/turok-2-plus

Turok 2 Plus Release Trailer

Enhanced Weapon Design: new alternate fire modes, better balance, new effects and more.
Improved Artificial Intelligence: new attacks, gravely underutilized behavior put to good use, new dynamic spawning and so on.
Subtle Graphics Enhancements: weapon textures, gore, lighting, and other effects.
New Player Mechanics: spirit cannon, double jump (with minor level tweaks to accommodate), new alt fire modes, and increased movement speed to match Turok 1 speeds.
Better Level Design: significantly improved Totem Defense maps, polish where needed, enhanced encounter design, better enemy spawning to account for extended draw distance & ledge-grabbing, new surprises on higher difficulties, and more. Layout is not changed.
Difficulty Rebalance: between mouselook, extended draw distance, quicksaves and "show hints" (and new alt fires etc added in this mod), the remaster of Turok 2 is not the brutal beast the game originally was on the N64. If you pick higher difficulty modes you'll face more enemies (as one example) to compensate.
-Bug fixes: various issues addressed and a professional standard of polish.

oo7 ::

Hideo Kojima dela na novi horror igri Overdose.

Hideo Kojima is reportedly working on a horror game called Overdose


oo7 ::

Fort Solis - Gameplay Trailer

Featuring Troy Baker, Roger Clark, and Julia Brown, Fort Solis is a third-person narrative focused horror game brought to life by Fallen Leaf Studio.

oo7 ::

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Summer Game Fest 2022 | Gameplay Trailer

The team's latest game is heading to PC, Xbox Series X/S. It will be released on September 13, this year.

oo7 ::

Saudska arabija je za 1 miljardo $ kupila 8,1 % delnic Švedskega Embrecer Groupa

Embrecer Group pa kupuje za 300 mio $ studije Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal in Square Enix Montreal in s tem pridobi naslove kot so Deus Ex, Thief...

oo7 ::

The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria za PC (EGS) enkrat splomladi 2023

The Lord of the Rings™: Return to Moria™ - Official Announcement Trailer 4K

oo7 ::

V izdelavi igra Blade Runner katera bo izšla enkrat leta 2025. Kaj več ni znanega trenutno razen, da je Britanski založnik 110 Industries pridobil pravice za BLade runnerja. Igro pa bo delal na novo ustanovljen studio v Švici.

opeter ::

9,. junija je izšla streljaška igra Postal: Brain Damaged. Ampak izgleda, da je v igri ostalo kar nekaj hroščev, predvsem pa je neoptimiziran, tudi na bolj mišičasti strojni opremi se občasno pojavi diaprojekcija.


Mogoče je vredno počakati, da izdajo kakšen popravek ...
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

oo7 ::

Pentiment - Official Announce Trailer - Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2022

To igro dela Josh Sawyer kateri je bil glavni pri igri Fallout New Vegas in Pillars of Eternity ...

oo7 ::

Nova igra studija 11bit kateri so znani po igrah This war of mine in Frostpunk.

The Alters | Announcement Trailer

The story of Jan Dolski and his alternate versions

Jan - a simple worker - is facing circumstances that lead him to a life-changing crossroads. Crash landing on a distant planet, stranded and alone, Jan finds himself in a death trap. His only hope for survival is to bring helping hands on board. Acting somewhat blindly, Jan must create alternate versions of himself: the Alters.

oo7 ::

Protect and guide your small band of settlers to forge a town from untamed wilderness at the edge of the known world. Harvest raw materials, hunt, fish and farm to sustain your advancing town. Produce crafted items for villagers to trade, consume, equip and fight with as you battle for your survival against the elements and outside threats (pacifist mode available for players who do not want to engage in combat).

STEAM stran - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1044...

Farthest Frontier - Official Release Date Trailer

opeter ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Nova igra studija 11bit kateri so znani po igrah This war of mine in Frostpunk.

Meni je bila odlična njihova serija Anomaly (Warzone Earth).
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

opeter ::

oo7 je izjavil:

Pentiment - Official Announce Trailer - Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2022
To igro dela Josh Sawyer kateri je bil glavni pri igri Fallout New Vegas in Pillars of Eternity ...

Vauuu, dobro izgleda. 8-O
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

oo7 ::

opeter je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

Nova igra studija 11bit kateri so znani po igrah This war of mine in Frostpunk.

Meni je bila odlična njihova serija Anomaly (Warzone Earth).

Te pa nisem igral.
Drugače pa so oni uspeli z igro This war of mine.

oo7 ::

opeter je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

Pentiment - Official Announce Trailer - Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2022
To igro dela Josh Sawyer kateri je bil glavni pri igri Fallout New Vegas in Pillars of Eternity ...

Vauuu, dobro izgleda. 8-O

Srednjeveška tematika je vedno zanimiva :)

oo7 ::


Build and expand your very own settlements in high mountains! Carefully plan production chains and satisfy various needs of your three-caste society while dealing with mountain hazards such as weather breakdowns and avalanches. Are you skilled enough to make your town thrive? The game is being developed by Quite OK Games.

Tropico v gorah ? :)

oo7 ::

V izdelavi igra Dragon s Dogma 2. Igra bo uporabljal RE pogon (Resident Evil)

oo7 ::

Trenutno zelo popularna igra na Steamu V Rising.

V Rising - Gameplay Trailer

Steam stran - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1604...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

Nivalis - Official Announcement Trailer

Grow your business, manage restaurants and nightclubs, make friends and enemies, buy and decorate apartments, go fishing and maybe even find love.

oo7 ::

GTA III kako bi izgledala v Unreal 5 pogonu.

GTA III igra je izšla leta 2001

GTA III Remake - Unreal Engine 5 Amazing Showcase | Concept Trailer

ahac ::

Nova PvP igra od studija, ki je naredil odlični Alien Isolation.
Ampak to ne pomeni veliko, ker smo že vidl studije, ki so izdal super single player igre, potem pa naredil barvasti pvp shooter, ki je popolnoma failal...

HYENAS - Official Announcement Trailer | Summer of Gaming 2022

Checkout the announcement trailer for HYENAS. HYENAS pits 5 teams of 3 against each other and the environment to engage, evade, exploit, and steal their way to victory.

HYENAS is coming to Xbox Series Consoles, Xbox One and Xbox One X, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC sometime in 2023 . Visit playhyenas.com to find out even more about the game and to sign up for the alpha.

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1989...
EGS: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/hye...
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::

ahac je izjavil:

Nova PvP igra od studija, ki je naredil odlični Alien Isolation.
Ampak to ne pomeni veliko, ker smo že vidl studije, ki so izdal super single player igre, potem pa naredil barvasti pvp shooter, ki je popolnoma failal...

Ja glede na dislike - like ratio na you tube igra ni dobro sprejeta.

oo7 ::

Če bi kdo rad lovil ribe :)

The Angler Announcement Trailer

Welcome to an all new open world fishing experience from the creators of The Hunter: Call of the Wild! Explore a vast and atmospheric open world alone or with friends and embark on your journey to become a master angler. Coming soon to Windows and Xbox stores.

oo7 ::

Igralec, ki posoja glas Joniju Cage v igrah Mortal Kombat je na twitterju namignil, da naj bi bila igra MK 12 v izdelavi.

scipascapa ::

ne razumem SEGE, res ne.

oo7 ::

scipascapa je izjavil:

ne razumem SEGE, res ne.

Sega ? Ker dela tisto MMO igro ?

oo7 ::

Če bi kdo rad gradil :)

Construction Simulator - Announcement Trailer

oo7 ::

CD Projekt Red praznuje 20 let na včerajšnji dan :)

oo7 ::

Ubisoft Ends Support for 15 Games
Ubisoft will stop supporting many of its classic titles, including Assassin's Creed 3, Brotherhood, and Liberation. Ends of support mean all multiplayer features will be disabled, blocking access to any DLC. Due to the end of support, numerous games, including Far Cry 3, Silent Hunter 5, and Splinter Cell: Blacklist, will no longer have their DLCs playable from September 1st.


oo7 ::

Rockstar reportedly canned GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption remasters


oo7 ::

Trenutno igram Quake 4 pa sem razmišljal katera FPS franšiza je bila čez zgodovino najbolj udarna ali najboljša...

Duke Nukem

Kaj vi pravite ? >:D

Gagatronix ::

Quake 4 ima samo eno dobro sekvenco, ostalo je vse bolj kot ne za pozabit.

oo7 ::

Gagatronix je izjavil:

Quake 4 ima samo eno dobro sekvenco, ostalo je vse bolj kot ne za pozabit.

Katera je to ?

Gagatronix ::


oo7 ::

RoboCop: Rogue City igra izide za PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S in Nintendo Switch in junija 2023.

Welcome to Detroit; crime runs rampant as the city lies on the edge of ruin, people fighting for scraps as others live extravagant lives of luxury. Control of the Detroit Police Department is given to the Omni Consumer Products corporation in an attempt to restore order. You are that solution, RoboCop, a cyborg tasked with protecting the city.

The triumphant return of RoboCop wouldn't feel right without the man who brought so much life into the role, and we're excited to reveal that Peter Weller will be performing voiceover work on the game.

RoboCop: Rogue City | Gameplay Reveal

oo7 ::

Terminator Survival Project | Reveal Trailer

Just a tease for the future, but if you couldn't tell, we're big fans of 80's movies, and our team at Nacon Studio Milan is working on the first survival game set in the Terminator universe.

We can't say much more for now, but this is definitely something to keep your eyes on.

Coming to PC & Consoles in the distant future.

ahac ::

Po več letih prestavljanja izidov je Ubisoft končno spet pokazal svojo gusarsko igro Skull and Bones.
Sedaj je izid napovedan za 8. november letos.

Ubisoft Store: https://store.ubi.com/ie/skull-and-bone...
EGS: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/sku...

Skull and Bones | Long Live Piracy Cinematic Trailer

Skull and Bones | Gameplay Overview Trailer

Skull and Bones: Ship Combat, Customization, and Progression Gameplay
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

oo7 ::

Ubisoftov Sea of Thieves ?

Po moje tale igra od Ubisofta ne bo uspešna.

oo7 ::

Ukinjena Ubisoftova igra Project Ion.


Nekaj slik

Slike vsekakor zgledajo zanimivo. Škoda

oo7 ::

CD Projekt izgublja prvo mesto. Tukaj je novi kralj poljskega igranja iger

Slab niz svetovno znanega poljskega proizvajalca iger z logotipom CD Projekt se nadaljuje. Njena borzna vrednost je padla pod 10 milijard PLN. Vroclavski Techland je vreden več. Ustvarjalec serije "Dying Light" je za razliko od tekmeca videti, kot da je na naraščajočem valu. Računa na velike dobičke in napoveduje še eno visokoproračunsko igro.


ales85 ::

oo7 je izjavil:

CD Projekt izgublja prvo mesto. Tukaj je novi kralj poljskega igranja iger

Slab niz svetovno znanega poljskega proizvajalca iger z logotipom CD Projekt se nadaljuje. Njena borzna vrednost je padla pod 10 milijard PLN. Vroclavski Techland je vreden več. Ustvarjalec serije "Dying Light" je za razliko od tekmeca videti, kot da je na naraščajočem valu. Računa na velike dobičke in napoveduje še eno visokoproračunsko igro.


Upam, da ne bo ista pot kot CDPR. DL2 meni ni tako vsec kot prvi del.

oo7 ::

ales85 je izjavil:

oo7 je izjavil:

CD Projekt izgublja prvo mesto. Tukaj je novi kralj poljskega igranja iger

Slab niz svetovno znanega poljskega proizvajalca iger z logotipom CD Projekt se nadaljuje. Njena borzna vrednost je padla pod 10 milijard PLN. Vroclavski Techland je vreden več. Ustvarjalec serije "Dying Light" je za razliko od tekmeca videti, kot da je na naraščajočem valu. Računa na velike dobičke in napoveduje še eno visokoproračunsko igro.


Upam, da ne bo ista pot kot CDPR. DL2 meni ni tako vsec kot prvi del.

Tudi meni je bil prvi DL boljši.
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