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Igre (brez lastne teme)

yayo ::
26 avgust 2021 Myst remake. Myst igra je izšla leta 1993.
Myst is Coming to PC, Mac and Gamepass! Get it August 26th!
tole sem igral jaz 1995-1996, še na PS1. Potem sem še dvojko in trojko igral brez internetnih vodičev. Danes ne bi tri korake v igri naredil, ker mi je IQ z leti in lenobo popolnoma skopnel.

Drugače je fora v temu, da izhaja VR verzija Mysta. Ker raznih remasterjev in remakeov v 3D grafiki je bilo že nekaj. V originalu so bile v bistvu 2D slike skozi katere si se sprehajal s klikanjem. Fak, kaki lepi časi! Ah, mladost...

Gagatronix ::
Oh ja, Myst, imam se vedno nekje CD. Dokoncal ga nisem nikoli, ker je mel res najbolj obtuse variante ugank. Je pa bil prvi spil, ki je dokazal, da je CD valiabilen medij za igre.

Kurzweil ::
26 avgust 2021 Myst remake. Myst igra je izšla leta 1993.
Myst is Coming to PC, Mac and Gamepass! Get it August 26th!
tole sem igral jaz 1995-1996, še na PS1. Potem sem še dvojko in trojko igral brez internetnih vodičev. Danes ne bi tri korake v igri naredil, ker mi je IQ z leti in lenobo popolnoma skopnel.
Drugače je fora v temu, da izhaja VR verzija Mysta. Ker raznih remasterjev in remakeov v 3D grafiki je bilo že nekaj. V originalu so bile v bistvu 2D slike skozi katere si se sprehajal s klikanjem. Fak, kaki lepi časi! Ah, mladost...
Waw, sploh nisem vedel da prihaja tole... moram malce pogledat kaj vse je že izšlo... tole bo samo za VR?
Sicer pa jaz sem preigral vse Myste, tudi mene pogreje nostalgija... ja tole je bilo obdobje raznih point and click iger po principu, da si kliknil na sliko... vmes pa animacije, ko so si lahko developerji to privoščili, ker je seveda s popolno razširjenostjo CDjev bilo mogoče spravit kaj na CD... se na hitro spomnim na miljon takšnih iger, kot Cyberia, 7th Guest,... ali pa ono, ko si imel renderirane backgrounde po katerih si se gibal, kot naprimer Megarace...

oo7 ::
Team17 najavili novo igro Broken Roads. Igra izide enkrat 2022.
Deep and compelling. Broken Roads builds on classic single-player role-playing games, blending traditional gameplay with original mechanics and experiences
Moral Compass. A unique system that influences both story and gameplay as the plot unfolds
Authentic setting. Explore real-world locations across a post-apocalyptic Western Australia filled with intriguing and emotional stories
Unique visual and musical styles. Hand-drawn visuals and a soundtrack composed with instruments constructed from everyday objects help make the world of Broken Roads vibrant and alive.
Team17 Presents... Broken Roads
Deep and compelling. Broken Roads builds on classic single-player role-playing games, blending traditional gameplay with original mechanics and experiences
Moral Compass. A unique system that influences both story and gameplay as the plot unfolds
Authentic setting. Explore real-world locations across a post-apocalyptic Western Australia filled with intriguing and emotional stories
Unique visual and musical styles. Hand-drawn visuals and a soundtrack composed with instruments constructed from everyday objects help make the world of Broken Roads vibrant and alive.
Team17 Presents... Broken Roads

oo7 ::
Če kdo pogreša igro F.E.A.R.
TREPANG2 Announcement Trailer - Future Games Show Gamescom 2021
Na Stemau je možno probati DEMO.
TREPANG2 Announcement Trailer - Future Games Show Gamescom 2021
Na Stemau je možno probati DEMO.

opeter ::
Opala, to pa bi znalo biti zanimivo. Meni osebno bolj od kakšnega Cyberpunka 2077.
Ta Vigilance 2099 na prvi pogled spominja na zanimivo mešanico Iztrebljevalca (Blade Runner) in Duha v školjki (Ghost in Shell).
Ta Vigilance 2099 na prvi pogled spominja na zanimivo mešanico Iztrebljevalca (Blade Runner) in Duha v školjki (Ghost in Shell).
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::

opeter ::
Hvala, ne tega ExeKillerja do sedaj še nisem videl.

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
SuperPower 3 - Announcement Trailer
Jagged Alliance 3 - Announcement Trailer
Jagged Alliance 3 - Announcement Trailer
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Skyman ::
Kena: Bridge of Spirits Review - The Legend of The Mountain Shrine

oo7 ::
Naredili bodo igro po filmu Quiet place. Igro bo naredil studio, ki je naredil igro World War Z.

oo7 ::
Marvel's Next Game is Coming from Skydance and Uncharted's Amy Hennig
Marvel's next big AAA game will be an original adventure from the creative director of Uncharted.
Marvel's next big AAA game will be an original adventure from the creative director of Uncharted.

oo7 ::
Untitled FPS igra. Kaj več trenutno ni znanega razen tega, da je podobna igrama kot sta BLACK in F.E.A.R.
Ni še znano na kater sistem pride in izid datuma tudi še ni znan.
Untitled FPS - Car Destruction
Untitled FPS - Bridge Explosion
Untitled FPS - Gunfight
Ni še znano na kater sistem pride in izid datuma tudi še ni znan.
Untitled FPS - Car Destruction
Untitled FPS - Bridge Explosion
Untitled FPS - Gunfight
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Take-Two Interactive je primarno publisher, ne developer.
Ja imaš prav.
Igro so pa delali pri Hangar 13 tisti, ki so naredili igro Mafia III.

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Myth of Empires - Official Closed Beta Trailer 4K
Naslednji teden izide igra v Early Access.
Lies of P Alpha Gameplay Teaser Trailer
Get your first look at gameplay for Lies of P, a fantastically baroque Action RPG inspired by the classic Italian novel Pinocchio from Carlo Collodi.
Naslednji teden izide igra v Early Access.
Lies of P Alpha Gameplay Teaser Trailer
Get your first look at gameplay for Lies of P, a fantastically baroque Action RPG inspired by the classic Italian novel Pinocchio from Carlo Collodi.

oo7 ::
Eden najbolje plačanih direktorjev na svetu grozil: Dal te bom ubiti
V podjetju Activision Blizzard, enemu od največjih igralcev svetovne industrije videoiger, vre. Več kot sto zaposlenih je v sredo med delovnim časom protestno zapustilo pisarne, s čimer so izrazili nezadovoljstvo nad vodstvom podjetja in predvsem direktorjem Bobbyjem Kotickom. Ta se je v središču pozornosti znašel po bombastičnem poročilu medija The Wall Street Journal, ki je razkril, kako je Kotick, sicer eden najbolje plačanih direktorjev ZDA in na svetu, pod preprogo pometal incidente, povezane z diskriminacijo zaposlenih ženskega spola, svoji nekdanji pomočnici pa je celo grozil s smrtjo. Delničarji zahtevajo, da Kotick odide.
V podjetju Activision Blizzard, enemu od največjih igralcev svetovne industrije videoiger, vre. Več kot sto zaposlenih je v sredo med delovnim časom protestno zapustilo pisarne, s čimer so izrazili nezadovoljstvo nad vodstvom podjetja in predvsem direktorjem Bobbyjem Kotickom. Ta se je v središču pozornosti znašel po bombastičnem poročilu medija The Wall Street Journal, ki je razkril, kako je Kotick, sicer eden najbolje plačanih direktorjev ZDA in na svetu, pod preprogo pometal incidente, povezane z diskriminacijo zaposlenih ženskega spola, svoji nekdanji pomočnici pa je celo grozil s smrtjo. Delničarji zahtevajo, da Kotick odide.

oo7 ::
Igra Bleak Faith: Forsaken , ki sta jo delala samo dva človeka ( Miso Vukcevic, Mirko Stanic ) ne vem ali se je ekipa kaj povečala.
Bleak Faith: Forsaken - 100 Man Slayer
Bleak Faith: Forsaken - 100 Man Slayer
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
inXile Entertainment studio znan po igrah Wasteland dela na novi igri katera bo FPS RPG. To je znano že nekaj časa.
Glede na izjave na twitterju razvijalcev nekateri ugibajo, da mogoče ampak to je samo ugibanje, da studio dela na igri Dune.
Glede na izjave na twitterju razvijalcev nekateri ugibajo, da mogoče ampak to je samo ugibanje, da studio dela na igri Dune.

oo7 ::
Obsidian enterteimnet trenutno dela na več igrah Awoved, Outher worlds 2... na eni manjši igri po imenu Pentiment pa dela 12 ljudi med njimi Josh Sawyer direktor igre Fallout New Vegas. Gre za raziskovalno RPG igro, ki se bo dogajala v Evropi v 16 stoletju.
Pentiment will reportedly be a dialogue-heavy game with choice and consequence mechanics, similar to Disco Elysium.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

jedateruk ::
Bom vprašal tukaj, ker je ta thread (menda) splošen za vse igre. Kako se naredi no - cd patch ali crack za 10 let stare igre?

oo7 ::
Terminator: Resistence igra bo dobila DLC

oo7 ::
Men of War II - Official Reveal Trailer
Men of War II has an emphasis on tactical decision-making, engaging campaigns, and most importantly, historical accuracy. We want to give players the most authentic and entertaining experience possible. With our destructible environments, plethora of units to choose from, and full mod support, aspiring commanders can experience WWII on their own terms."
Men of War II will release on Steam for PC in 2022!
Wronged Us Official Gameplay Trailer - Golden Joystick 2021
Check out the World Premiere of the official gameplay trailer from Wronged US. The supernatural horror game inspired by Silent Hill and Dark Souls. Coming in 2022
Men of War II has an emphasis on tactical decision-making, engaging campaigns, and most importantly, historical accuracy. We want to give players the most authentic and entertaining experience possible. With our destructible environments, plethora of units to choose from, and full mod support, aspiring commanders can experience WWII on their own terms."
Men of War II will release on Steam for PC in 2022!
Wronged Us Official Gameplay Trailer - Golden Joystick 2021
Check out the World Premiere of the official gameplay trailer from Wronged US. The supernatural horror game inspired by Silent Hill and Dark Souls. Coming in 2022

oo7 ::
Dune: Spice Wars - Announcement Trailer
ARC Raiders - Official Reveal Trailer (4K)
Coming to PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC in 2022.
Metal: Hellsinger - Official Gameplay Trailer
Metal: Hellsinger arrives in 2022 on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.
Star Trek Resurgence - Official Reveal Trailer
Spring 2022.
The Lord of the Rings Gollum - Official Cinematic Trailer
Warhammer Vermintide 2: Warrior Priest Trailer
Evil West - Official Gameplay Trailer (4K)
June 2022
Nightingale Reveal Trailer |
Releasing in early access in 2022 on PC
Planet of Lana: An Off-Earth Odyssey - Reveal Trailer
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - Reveal Trailer
The Expanse: A Telltale Series - Official Reveal Trailer
The Expanse: A Telltale Series is expected to be released for PC and leading consoles.

oo7 ::
Wonder Woman Single Player Open World Game
Wonder Woman - Official Game Announcement Teaser
Igro dela Monolith Productions znani po igrah Middle-earth: Shadow of War, No one lives forever, F.E.A.R...
Wonder Woman - Official Game Announcement Teaser
Igro dela Monolith Productions znani po igrah Middle-earth: Shadow of War, No one lives forever, F.E.A.R...

oo7 ::
Terminator Dark Fate: Defiance - Official Gameplay Trailer
Terminator: Dark Fate - Defiance PC - minimum requirements
Processor: i5-4460 or equivalent
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 2 GB VRAM
DirectX: 11
Disk space: 25 GB
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Terminator: Dark Fate - Defiance PC - recommended requirements
Processor: i5-6400 or equivalent
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 950 2 GB VRAM
DirectX: 11
Disk space: 25 GB
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Terminator: Dark Fate - Defiance PC - minimum requirements
Processor: i5-4460 or equivalent
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 2 GB VRAM
DirectX: 11
Disk space: 25 GB
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Terminator: Dark Fate - Defiance PC - recommended requirements
Processor: i5-6400 or equivalent
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 950 2 GB VRAM
DirectX: 11
Disk space: 25 GB
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit

opeter ::
Hopala, realnočasovna strateška igra v Terminator svetu? Zanimivo. Kje bo to na Steam, Epic ..?
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

oo7 ::
Ubisoft's CEO Wants to Go With NFTs Despite Player and Developer Criticism

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon (PC) -- Teaser Trailer
Tole zgleda kar zanimivo. Konec 2022 early access. Singley player igra :)
Tole zgleda kar zanimivo. Konec 2022 early access. Singley player igra :)

yoco ::
Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon (PC) -- Teaser Trailer
Tole zgleda kar zanimivo. Konec 2022 early access. Singley player igra :)
Ufff, celo leto čakati!

Če slučajno nisi igral
Meni zelo dobra igra!

oo7 ::
Če slučajno nisi igral
Meni zelo dobra igra!
Nisem igral. Pa tudi te vrste gameplay mi ni preveč všeč.

yoco ::
Če slučajno nisi igral
Meni zelo dobra igra!
Nisem igral. Pa tudi te vrste gameplay mi ni preveč všeč.
Tudi meni ni, sam nekaj je na tej igri, da sem res užival v igranju!