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A zgledamo res toliko naivni

A zgledamo res toliko naivni

Maršal ::

Pred parimi dnevi sem dobil naslednji mail.;(( ;(( ;(( >:D

od: sbedie13@juno.com
Za: **********@*****.**
Sprejeto: pet 26.09.2003 12:39:20
Ustvarjeno: pet 26.09.2003 12:38:42
Zadeva: Very Urgent

Dear Sir,

I decided to contact you on a mutual business relationship. My name is Mr.
Stephen Amey Konan Bedie the son of former president Henri Konan Bedie of Cote
d' Ivorie, who was unfortunately toppled in a military coup in Dec 1999 by
General Robert Guei. And was later killed last year by the troop loyal to the
incumbent president Mr. Laurent Gbagbo when he attempted coup on the present

As at when the military junta struck and overthrew the elected government of my
father, he was forced to go into exile in France while some of his ministers and
close aids ran to other countries.

When my father was in power, I was working as his special aid that was
co-ordinating his special businesses, and was also in charge of all his deposit
account with different financial institutions in Europe. Unfortunately for my
family the military headed by General Robert Guei in other to frustrate my
father and his colleagues frozen all bank
accounts held by my father, his family members and his cabinet.

Furthermore, he later handed over to Mr. Laurent Gbagbo who was in the
opposition party when my father was the president of cote d'Ivoire. Now my
father have come back to his country and have declared his intention to run as
the presidential candidate of his party, the incumbent president Mr. Laurent
Gbagbo tends to tow the line of Gen.Guei to the seizure of my family's assets
and accounts.

To this effect Mr. Laurent Gbagbo has requested the entire eastern world to
furnish his government with information that will lead to the
discovery/recovery of any bank account held by my father or his carbinate
members. To this, Switzerland and Luxemburg Government has already responded by
exposing my family bank accounts in their country. But my people know that it is
an act to frustrate my father's ambition to come back.

It is based on this development that I have the mandate of my father to contact
you and request you specifically to assist my family, by helping us to secure
this deposit which we have with a financial institution in Europe, which amounts
to U.S.$35 million (Thirty five million US dollars). This will make it
impossible for the Government in power in my country, to have access to this
fund and it is this money my father wants to use to sponsor his presidential

It is based on this fact that I am requesting you to assist us in putting this
sum of money in safe keeping by accepting to receive it from the financial
institution on our behalf by changing the name and signatory of the account into
yours, so that it will not have any link to my family and for that reason, my
country will not dictate it.

I will furnish you with details of this transaction if you accept to assist. For
your efforts we shall discuss what remuneration I will give you when you show
your interest.

I await your quick response

Thanks and God Bless,
Stephen Amey Konan Bedie

Thomas ::

Eni SO toliko naivni. Za dva primera v SLO se je že slišalo.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

LoneWolf ::

Google: Nigerian Scam in variacije na temo. Dobim vsaj enega na teden.

Thomas ::

Najboljš jim povedat, kam naj nakažejo 100$, da bi se lahko pogovarjali naprej. Samo 100$. >:D
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

ABX ::

Tako pismo je dobil moja stara pred leti, ko mi ga je pokazala sem ji rekel naj vrže to v smeti.
No, njej je rabilo 4 mesece da je razumela da od tega ni nič ter par klicev v Nigerijo.
Vaša inštalacija je uspešno spodletela!

Yohan del Sud ::

Bilo je v cajtngih, na forumih n-krat, pa je še vedno novica. Moj rekord je 22 takih pisem na teden. Iz Nigerije, Gane, Gabona, Srbije, Sudana, Kameruna, Sierra Leone, pa še sem pozabil kako državo. ;((

Možgani so najboljši spam filter. :\

username ::

Možgani so najboljši spam filter.

ja, ampak večina ljudi jih nima instaliranih. ali pač, pa ne vklopljenih,
I've got a solution for the rainforest: napalm the lot. (Jeremy Clarkson)

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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