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Zerologon - Active Directory

Zerologon - Active Directory

jukoz ::


"According to Secura experts, the bug, which they named Zerologon, takes advantage of a weak cryptographic algorithm used in the Netlogon authentication process.

This bug allows an attacker to manipulate Netlogon authentication procedures and:

impersonate the identity of any computer on a network when trying to authenticate against the domain controller
disable security features in the Netlogon authentication process
change a computer's password on the domain controller's Active Directory (a database of all computers joined to a domain, and their passwords)

The gist, and the reason why the bug has been named Zerologon, is that the attack is done by adding zero characters in certain Netlogon authentication parameters.

The entire attack is very fast and can last up to three seconds, at most. In addition, there are no limits to how an attacker can use the Zerologon attack. For example, the attacker could also pose as the domain controller itself and change its password, allowing the hacker to take over the entire corporate network."

Kakšen bug je pa to ?? A je to sploh še bug?

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