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kripto splošna debata

kripto splošna debata

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581 / 1489

Mato989 ::

"Bitcoin Spikes 6 Percent in Minutes as Elon Musk Confirms That Tesla Still Holds It"

Se je usral pred SECom pa ni upal prodat ha :))

No so pa njegovi znanci kaj obrnili, kak milijonček ali 20
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Mato989 ()

BorutO ::

Se pravi, da ste preveč pametovali, ko ste trdili, da je tesla zagotovo prodala vse bitcoine ... mislim ... če bi prodal, bi bili jezni nanj, če jih ne proda, pa izpade pussy ... em, srednja opcija je, da drži do leta 2100?

PrimoZ_ ::

Saj ni nikjer napisal da je prodal.

Nekdo je twital da mu ne bi zameril če vse proda, ker ga tolk pljuvajo, Musk pa je malce pomenljivo odgovoril. Kar je v teh časih dovolj da pošlje BTC še enkrat dol.
Če bi takoj napisal da Tesla še vedno drži BTC tele drame zvečer/ponoči ne bi bilo.

Jaz ostajam zunaj toliko, da se vse skupaj malo razkadi in da so neki spodbudni dnevi okrevanja.

kow ::

Pricakujem kaksno opravicilo, ce se cez 2 meseca izkaze, da Tesla ni prodala BTC. 8-)

uvodV?? ::

Super, da še ni prodal. Pomeni da nas velik dump še čaka :)

WRC555 ::

Sedaj se pripravlja čistka, da pocrkajo shitcoini in gremo očiščeni naprej na ATH.

Ta trenutek smo dolgo čakali.

Mato989 ::

kow je izjavil:

Pricakujem kaksno opravicilo, ce se cez 2 meseca izkaze, da Tesla ni prodala BTC. 8-)

Zakaj? Saj če je kolegom rekel naj prodajo in/ALI shortajo in mu dajo deleže je to vse ok, ali pa za nagrado za inside info vložijo v teslo... skratka, mutnih poslov je lahko na tone
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

Kripto ::

Muskovi twitti gor ali dol. Ne si delat utvar. Ko je BTC balon enkrat napihnjen, pride stagnacija, mencanje kar je bilo zelo očitno že lep čas in nezadržno pride pok, spuščanje balona, obdobje rdečih vertikalnih črt, spuščanje do dna z vmesnimi krajšimi ali daljšimi postanki... Občasne nepričakovane negativne novice bodo to samo pospešile. Seveda obstaja tudi kontra mnenje, da smo šele na začetku bulla in to po 600% rasti v šestih mesecih. Očitno gre za zelo različno dojemanje realnosti in razumevanje trga.

Money is mindset!

kow ::

Ker ste delali nagle zakljucke, medtem ko sem vam jaz govoril, da pocakajmo in bomo videli kaksna so dejstva. Govora je bilo o Tesli, ne o Muskovem portfelju osebno.
Poleg tega, ce mislite, da se bo Musk jebal s tviti, da bo zasluzil par 100 milijonov dolarjev, medtem ko je njegov net worth 100 milijard, ste imo naivni. Tip trola, in ja - ni prevec moralen, ampak to mu stejem pri kriptu prej v prid, kot slabost. Noben resni hodler resnega kripta ni zaradi njega izgubil centa.

Mato989 ::

kow je izjavil:

Ker ste delali nagle zakljucke, medtem ko sem vam jaz govoril, da pocakajmo in bomo videli kaksna so dejstva. Govora je bilo o Tesli, ne o Muskovem portfelju osebno.
Poleg tega, ce mislite, da se bo Musk jebal s tviti, da bo zasluzil par 100 milijonov dolarjev, medtem ko je njegov net worth 100 milijard, ste imo naivni. Tip trola, in ja - ni prevec moralen, ampak to mu stejem pri kriptu prej v prid, kot slabost. Noben resni hodler resnega kripta ni zaradi njega izgubil centa.

Daj ne se šalit no, kako je lahko jebanje celega market capa dobro za ekosistem? Pa najsi bo gor ali dol...

Take odločitve kot so sprejemanje BTCjev za Teslo in nato po niti 3 mesecih sprememba in da KAO niso vedli da porablja BTC energijo, kar ve vsak polovičen trader v cryptu je pač burleska, pa karkoli kdorkoli reče...

To da pa je tipo lahko kolegom rekel naj shortajo na leverage pol pa take fore izjavil, je pa še druga stvar... skratka sleparija na kubik.

Nima veze ali je TESLA PRODALA ALI NE, to je v obe smeri sleparija, dvojna je pa ko po 2 mesecih in pol spremeniš izjavo z neumnimi razlogi ki bi jih neka firma kot je Tesla že vedela pred ŽNJ meseci
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

PrimoZ_ ::

WRC555 je izjavil:

Sedaj se pripravlja čistka, da pocrkajo shitcoini in gremo očiščeni naprej na ATH.

Ta trenutek smo dolgo čakali.

Zdaj ko je ETH malo dol, bodo fee-ji cenejši.
Sedaj se šele začenja prava veselica. Buy all the šitkojns!!!!

kow ::

Kar je pomembno za kripto ekosistem ni cena, Ali je eter 1k ali 4k, je v resnici popolnoma nepomembno. Na dolgi rok je pomembna tehnologija in zakonodaja.
Pac vas 99% ni investitorjev. NIC vam ne pripada, razumes.

Glede neeko mininga, pa se strinjam s tabo. To je bila njegova dalec najbolj sporna izjava. Oz. se je delal neumnega - itak, da je vedel.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

Mato989 ::

Kar je pomembno za kripto ekosistem ni cena, Ali je eter 1k ali 4k, je v resnici popolnoma nepomembno. Na dolgi rok je pomembna tehnologija in zakonodaja.
Pac vas 99% ni investitorjev. NIC vam ne pripada, razumes.

Kako ni pomembna cena no? Sicer se z čisto teoretičnega vidika strinjam, da za napredovanje ni pomembna cena če pa greva v prakso pa oba veva, da se z višanjem cene, več ljudi seznani z ekosistemom, več ljudi vloži in se izobrazi itd... Tako da cena ultimativno je pomembna, razen če meniš da bodo ob cenah 0€ enaki napredki kot ob trenutnih cenah =)

Glede neeko mininga, pa se strinjam s tabo. To je bila njegova dalec najbolj sporna izjava. Oz. se je delal neumnega - itak, da je vedel.

Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

PrimoZ_ ::

Ultimativni trol bi bil, če sedaj še napiše: "Nismo prodali, smo pa poceni kupovali."


hdx ::

Ena za Boruta

Vitalik: "I've decided to burn 90% of the remaining shiba tokens in my wallet. The remaining 10% will be sent to a (not yet decided) charity with similar values to cryptorelief (preventing large-scale loss of life) but with a more long-term orientation. Covid is a big problem now, but it's important to think about the longer term future too!

Simply holding the remaining coins in the 0xab58 wallet forever was never an option; for security reasons alone they would have to be moved to a better wallet eventually, and any transaction I make would get interpreted as an action. So... may as well just do the useful thing immediately.

I've actually been impressed by how the dog token communities have treated the recent donations! Plenty of dog people have shown their generosity and their willingness to not just focus on their own profits but also be interested in making the world as a whole better. I support all who are earnestly doing that.

But for anyone making coins (or daos, or whatever else) in the future, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME COINS OR POWER IN YOUR PROJECT WITHOUT MY CONSENT! I don't want to be a locus of power of that kind. Better to just print the coins into the hands of a worthy charity directly (though do talk to them first)."

sentiš ::

hdx je izjavil:

Ena za Boruta

Vitalik: "I've decided to burn 90% of the remaining shiba tokens in my wallet. The remaining 10% will be sent to a (not yet decided) charity with similar values to cryptorelief (preventing large-scale loss of life) but with a more long-term orientation. Covid is a big problem now, but it's important to think about the longer term future too!

Simply holding the remaining coins in the 0xab58 wallet forever was never an option; for security reasons alone they would have to be moved to a better wallet eventually, and any transaction I make would get interpreted as an action. So... may as well just do the useful thing immediately.

I've actually been impressed by how the dog token communities have treated the recent donations! Plenty of dog people have shown their generosity and their willingness to not just focus on their own profits but also be interested in making the world as a whole better. I support all who are earnestly doing that.

But for anyone making coins (or daos, or whatever else) in the future, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME COINS OR POWER IN YOUR PROJECT WITHOUT MY CONSENT! I don't want to be a locus of power of that kind. Better to just print the coins into the hands of a worthy charity directly (though do talk to them first)."


sentiš je izjavil:

hdx je izjavil:

Ena za Boruta

Vitalik: "I've decided to burn 90% of the remaining shiba tokens in my wallet. The remaining 10% will be sent to a (not yet decided) charity with similar values to cryptorelief (preventing large-scale loss of life) but with a more long-term orientation. Covid is a big problem now, but it's important to think about the longer term future too!

Simply holding the remaining coins in the 0xab58 wallet forever was never an option; for security reasons alone they would have to be moved to a better wallet eventually, and any transaction I make would get interpreted as an action. So... may as well just do the useful thing immediately.

I've actually been impressed by how the dog token communities have treated the recent donations! Plenty of dog people have shown their generosity and their willingness to not just focus on their own profits but also be interested in making the world as a whole better. I support all who are earnestly doing that.

But for anyone making coins (or daos, or whatever else) in the future, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME COINS OR POWER IN YOUR PROJECT WITHOUT MY CONSENT! I don't want to be a locus of power of that kind. Better to just print the coins into the hands of a worthy charity directly (though do talk to them first)."


Že tu se vidi koliko večji človek je Elon, ki se ne boji nikogar

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: sentiš ()

sentiš ::

sentiš je izjavil:

hdx je izjavil:

Ena za Boruta

Vitalik: "I've decided to burn 90% of the remaining shiba tokens in my wallet. The remaining 10% will be sent to a (not yet decided) charity with similar values to cryptorelief (preventing large-scale loss of life) but with a more long-term orientation. Covid is a big problem now, but it's important to think about the longer term future too!

Simply holding the remaining coins in the 0xab58 wallet forever was never an option; for security reasons alone they would have to be moved to a better wallet eventually, and any transaction I make would get interpreted as an action. So... may as well just do the useful thing immediately.

I've actually been impressed by how the dog token communities have treated the recent donations! Plenty of dog people have shown their generosity and their willingness to not just focus on their own profits but also be interested in making the world as a whole better. I support all who are earnestly doing that.

But for anyone making coins (or daos, or whatever else) in the future, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME COINS OR POWER IN YOUR PROJECT WITHOUT MY CONSENT! I don't want to be a locus of power of that kind. Better to just print the coins into the hands of a worthy charity directly (though do talk to them first)."


sentiš je izjavil:

hdx je izjavil:

Ena za Boruta

Vitalik: "I've decided to burn 90% of the remaining shiba tokens in my wallet. The remaining 10% will be sent to a (not yet decided) charity with similar values to cryptorelief (preventing large-scale loss of life) but with a more long-term orientation. Covid is a big problem now, but it's important to think about the longer term future too!

Simply holding the remaining coins in the 0xab58 wallet forever was never an option; for security reasons alone they would have to be moved to a better wallet eventually, and any transaction I make would get interpreted as an action. So... may as well just do the useful thing immediately.

I've actually been impressed by how the dog token communities have treated the recent donations! Plenty of dog people have shown their generosity and their willingness to not just focus on their own profits but also be interested in making the world as a whole better. I support all who are earnestly doing that.

But for anyone making coins (or daos, or whatever else) in the future, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME COINS OR POWER IN YOUR PROJECT WITHOUT MY CONSENT! I don't want to be a locus of power of that kind. Better to just print the coins into the hands of a worthy charity directly (though do talk to them first)."


Že tu se vidi koliko večji človek je Elon, ki se ne boji nikogar

Tudi v fizičnem izgledu. Vitalik: mali, suhi piflar, ki nikoli ne bo mogel konkretno ukrotiti ene prave ženske. Elon: visok, pravi dec, dobre postave, dejansko izgleda bilijonar.

sentiš ::

sentiš je izjavil:

sentiš je izjavil:

hdx je izjavil:

Ena za Boruta

Vitalik: "I've decided to burn 90% of the remaining shiba tokens in my wallet. The remaining 10% will be sent to a (not yet decided) charity with similar values to cryptorelief (preventing large-scale loss of life) but with a more long-term orientation. Covid is a big problem now, but it's important to think about the longer term future too!

Simply holding the remaining coins in the 0xab58 wallet forever was never an option; for security reasons alone they would have to be moved to a better wallet eventually, and any transaction I make would get interpreted as an action. So... may as well just do the useful thing immediately.

I've actually been impressed by how the dog token communities have treated the recent donations! Plenty of dog people have shown their generosity and their willingness to not just focus on their own profits but also be interested in making the world as a whole better. I support all who are earnestly doing that.

But for anyone making coins (or daos, or whatever else) in the future, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME COINS OR POWER IN YOUR PROJECT WITHOUT MY CONSENT! I don't want to be a locus of power of that kind. Better to just print the coins into the hands of a worthy charity directly (though do talk to them first)."


sentiš je izjavil:

hdx je izjavil:

Ena za Boruta

Vitalik: "I've decided to burn 90% of the remaining shiba tokens in my wallet. The remaining 10% will be sent to a (not yet decided) charity with similar values to cryptorelief (preventing large-scale loss of life) but with a more long-term orientation. Covid is a big problem now, but it's important to think about the longer term future too!

Simply holding the remaining coins in the 0xab58 wallet forever was never an option; for security reasons alone they would have to be moved to a better wallet eventually, and any transaction I make would get interpreted as an action. So... may as well just do the useful thing immediately.

I've actually been impressed by how the dog token communities have treated the recent donations! Plenty of dog people have shown their generosity and their willingness to not just focus on their own profits but also be interested in making the world as a whole better. I support all who are earnestly doing that.

But for anyone making coins (or daos, or whatever else) in the future, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME COINS OR POWER IN YOUR PROJECT WITHOUT MY CONSENT! I don't want to be a locus of power of that kind. Better to just print the coins into the hands of a worthy charity directly (though do talk to them first)."


Že tu se vidi koliko večji človek je Elon, ki se ne boji nikogar

Tudi v fizičnem izgledu. Vitalik: mali, suhi piflar, ki nikoli ne bo mogel konkretno ukrotiti ene prave ženske. Elon: visok, pravi dec, dobre postave, dejansko izgleda bilijonar.

Če pa se področja kripto valut gledamo, pa je Vitalik brez lastnih idej, samo skopiral Bitcoin in želel na njegovem uspehu uspeti. Medtem ko je Elon iz čistega heca naredil najbolj popularno kripto valuto v samo parih mesecih. Kdo je tu pravi genij...

kow ::

Sentis, pejt ti te neumnosti pisati na med.over.net, ne pa na slo-tech :))

celje ::

tesli/musku vseeno za par sto mil? vic stoletja

gandolfino ::

Mam dober filing da mi bo Sanshu Inu naredil x10 še ta teden:
Low mc, neki burnajo, novi listingi, napovedujejo promocijo.
včeraj na Bilaxy pretopil 0.25Eth v tega luštnega kužija, ne bi blo slabo da mi meme coin plača 2-3 mesca tropov:P

oracle ::

sentiš je izjavil:

Elon: visok, pravi dec, dobre postave, dejansko izgleda bilijonar.


sentiš je izjavil:

Če pa se področja kripto valut gledamo, pa je Vitalik brez lastnih idej, samo skopiral Bitcoin in želel na njegovem uspehu uspeti. Medtem ko je Elon iz čistega heca naredil najbolj popularno kripto valuto v samo parih mesecih. Kdo je tu pravi genij...


Kaki šaljivci, hvala za tole!

kow je izjavil:

Kar je pomembno za kripto ekosistem ni cena, Ali je eter 1k ali 4k, je v resnici popolnoma nepomembno. Na dolgi rok je pomembna tehnologija in zakonodaja.
Pac vas 99% ni investitorjev. NIC vam ne pripada, razumes.

Glede neeko mininga, pa se strinjam s tabo. To je bila njegova dalec najbolj sporna izjava. Oz. se je delal neumnega - itak, da je vedel.

Simple as that. 👍

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: oracle ()

BenjaminTB ::


PrihajaNodi ::


Zgodovina sprememb…

enemon ::

Bitcoin se spet odbija od 45k, zgleda je to strong support?

StarMafijec ::

BenjaminTB je izjavil:


Ali je to res ali scam?

BenjaminTB ::

StarMafijec je izjavil:

BenjaminTB je izjavil:


Ali je to res ali scam?

Verjetno scam :D

nafta55 ::

Lahko nehate te scame objavljati. Kaj ne veste z glavo razmišljati?

Vuli ::

ne me jebat, na kake fore padate.
|Gb x570 Pro|R9 5900x|64GB DDR4 RAM G.Skill V@ 3600 cl16|6800XT Merc319 Black|

enemon ::

Tole z reddita puščam tukaj:

Despite all the noise in the market today, institutions are accumulating Bitcoin with ever-growing conviction, offering compelling evidence that the bull market is far from over.
Bitcoin Treasuries, which tracks corporate and institutional exposure to BTC, reported Saturday that institutions have accumulated 215,000 Bitcoin in the past 30 days. That's equivalent to roughly $10 billion.

StarMafijec ::

nafta55 je izjavil:

Lahko nehate te scame objavljati. Kaj ne veste z glavo razmišljati?

Meni je čudno. Zakaj potem Cardano človek sodeluje zraven?

PrimoZ_ ::

(F)Elon vam pravi, hvala za poceni nakupe :)
Če to še twtne kako je pocen kupilbom pa še jaz reku da je heroj. :D

novak-t ::

StarMafijec je izjavil:

nafta55 je izjavil:

Lahko nehate te scame objavljati. Kaj ne veste z glavo razmišljati?

Meni je čudno. Zakaj potem Cardano človek sodeluje zraven?

To je verjetno posnetek nekega starega intervjuja...

StarMafijec ::

In objavljeno na YouTube kanalu imenovanem ADA Foundation, ki ima 203k sledilcev.

Haha, ampak če pogledaš njihove video, vidiš tam neke japonske animeje.

Zgodovina sprememb…

BorutO ::

Sem kupil 15mrd coinov od ASS (Australian neki token) ... me zanima, če bo tu tudi kaj kaknilo. :D Problem je edino, da ime neke države in osebe ne bo veliko pripomogla k rasti ...

WRC555 ::

Borut, a maš tega tudi kaj?

BorutO ::

Ne, te shit coine kupuje na hotbit.io ;) Dobro je, če jih tu kupujete, cena je malenkost nižja kot na binancah, torej jih še vedno lahko kupiš ceneje, kot pa na binancah. :D

Kripto ::

enemon je izjavil:

Tole z reddita puščam tukaj:

Despite all the noise in the market today, institutions are accumulating Bitcoin with ever-growing conviction, offering compelling evidence that the bull market is far from over.
Bitcoin Treasuries, which tracks corporate and institutional exposure to BTC, reported Saturday that institutions have accumulated 215,000 Bitcoin in the past 30 days. That's equivalent to roughly $10 billion.

Inštitucije kupujejo in akumulirajo bitcoine v balonu, ko je zelo velika verjetnost za crash?

Money is mindset!

PrimoZ_ ::

Ali pa je bila to samo korekcija in ima bik še sape da nadaljuje tek...

Kdo bi vedel

enemon ::

BTC v konsolidaciji med 45.000 in 45.500 USD. When leg up?

Kripto ::

PrimoZ_ je izjavil:

Ali pa je bila to samo korekcija in ima bik še sape da nadaljuje tek...

Kdo bi vedel

Možno je vse. Kaj je pa bolj verjetno je pa drugo.

Money is mindset!

DeeJay ::

MoonRetriever Lottrey WL 1000x potencial
Don't f with me.

Mato989 ::

Ne bi me čudilo, če bi šel BTC po tej korekciji ki bo trajala še kak teden ali mesec, x1,5 - x2... Sumljivo je vse skupaj, ampak jaz ne upam reskirat...


0,677 BTC
0,25 BNB (od referalov na binance)
3 milijone SHIBA INU (od referalov na binance)
25.000 USDC na Celsius app v 10% letnem obrestovanju (referal = 106749fd6c , če še kdo rabi pomoč nastavit lahko piše v ZS)
23 XTZja v stakanju na Kraken :))
600 USDT na Kucoin za joke trading in bot testing

Dvomim da grem nazaj v crypto ob 10% letnih obrestih na USDC :O Vsaj v trenutnem marketu
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
KUCOIN EXCHANGE link: https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=E3I9Ij
BINANCE EXCHANGE link: https://www.binance.com/?ref=10161115

BenjaminTB ::

Mislim da smo daleč od konca bullruna, če ga bo sploh konec na način kot je to blo leta 2018.

Nič vredni coini bodo zagotovo veliko padli ko se "konča" bullrun, coini ki pa imajo dejansko vrednost pa ne bodo izgubljali kot tri leta nazaj.

kow ::

Kripto je izjavil:

Inštitucije kupujejo in akumulirajo bitcoine v balonu, ko je zelo velika verjetnost za crash?

Da. Ni jih sicer ogromno, ampak se pozna.

Alien123 ::

Dečki bullrun se je komaj začel

BenjaminTB ::

Evo ga, $FUCKELON v zadnji uri 100% skok :)

BenjaminTB ::

enemon ::

Alien123 je izjavil:

Dečki bullrun se je komaj začel

Pozabil /s na koncu?

StarMafijec ::

V ZDA se nekaj govori o še enem stimulus čeku, o delnem odpisu študentskih dolgov, ma denarja bo spet ogromno na voljo, nekam bo moral it.
581 / 1489