Forum » Kriptovalute in blockchain » kripto splošna debata
kripto splošna debata
Temo vidijo: vsi
lamborđini ::
UNI je za "tezake". Mi je bilo obrazlozeno, da bo ta UNI fee v prihodnosti se narascal.
kow ::
overvalued sushi al uni?
sushi: relativno glede UNI. Lahko, da sta oba mocno podcenjena ali precenjena. To pa ne vem.
Imo je najbolj pomembni kazalec volume in inflacija obeh tokenov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kow ()
kakob ::
Jaz imam UNI v Celsius walletu kjer mi nabira obresti. Sushi se da pa menda stejkat za xsushi. Nisem imel še časa naštudirat.
Never take a financial advice from someone who works for a living.
SuperKripto ::
trenutno sedi na modri moving average na 4h grafu. Do zakljucka svece je se 1 ura in 17 min.
Drgac pa dnevna MA je ze na priblizno 34.200 usd.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SuperKripto ()
A_A ::
AVAXa mi je pa res zal, pri 2,5 eu sm ga mel na spisku za nakup :/ no pa to da sem ETH prodal tudi :)
PrihajaNodi ::
Avax na athju, ja. Lepa. A.A se vedno je cas za Tezos. Ta ne zbezi kr tko.
SuperKripto ::
perci ::
tetherfud, jst bi na tvojem mestu zaprl short - ne bit pohlepen :)
že zdej si dobro zaslužil
že zdej si dobro zaslužil
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: perci ()
Valvoline ::
Spet mal tetherfuda:
From January 2020 to September 2020, the amount of all foreign currencies held by all the domestic banks in the Bahamas increases by only $600 million -- going from $4.7B to $5.3B. (The table is in Bahamian dollars, but the Bahamian dollar is pegged to the US dollar, so 1 BSD = 1 USD.)
But during the same period, total issued Tethers increased by almost $5.4 billion -- going from $4.6B to $10B!
The implication was shocking: there weren't nearly enough dollars in all the domestic banks in the Bahamas to back the Tethers that were floating around in the crypto market!
So this was crypto's big short: Tether Ltd. was short of US dollars -- to the tune of about $25 billion!
Kraken is the biggest USD-banked crypto exchange on which Tether and US dollars trade freely against each other. The market in that trading pair on Kraken is fairly modest -- about $16M worth of daily volume -- and Tether Ltd. surely needs to keep a very close eye on its movements. In fact, whenever someone sells Tether for USD on Kraken, Tether Ltd. has no choice but to buy it -- to do otherwise would risk letting the peg slip, and unmask the whole charade.
My guess is that maintaining the Tether peg on Kraken represents the single biggest ongoing capital expense of this entire fraud. If the crooks can't scrape together enough USD to prop up the Tether peg on Kraken, then it's game over, and the whole shambles collapses. And that makes it the fraud's weak point.
To be crystal clear: every time you sell Tethers on Kraken, you are forcing Tether Ltd. to pay you in US dollars. If you can manage to sell enough Tethers for USD on Kraken, then Tether Ltd. will run out of dollars and this whole machine -- which currently undergirds 70% of all crypto trading flows -- will fall apart..
From January 2020 to September 2020, the amount of all foreign currencies held by all the domestic banks in the Bahamas increases by only $600 million -- going from $4.7B to $5.3B. (The table is in Bahamian dollars, but the Bahamian dollar is pegged to the US dollar, so 1 BSD = 1 USD.)
But during the same period, total issued Tethers increased by almost $5.4 billion -- going from $4.6B to $10B!
The implication was shocking: there weren't nearly enough dollars in all the domestic banks in the Bahamas to back the Tethers that were floating around in the crypto market!
So this was crypto's big short: Tether Ltd. was short of US dollars -- to the tune of about $25 billion!
Kraken is the biggest USD-banked crypto exchange on which Tether and US dollars trade freely against each other. The market in that trading pair on Kraken is fairly modest -- about $16M worth of daily volume -- and Tether Ltd. surely needs to keep a very close eye on its movements. In fact, whenever someone sells Tether for USD on Kraken, Tether Ltd. has no choice but to buy it -- to do otherwise would risk letting the peg slip, and unmask the whole charade.
My guess is that maintaining the Tether peg on Kraken represents the single biggest ongoing capital expense of this entire fraud. If the crooks can't scrape together enough USD to prop up the Tether peg on Kraken, then it's game over, and the whole shambles collapses. And that makes it the fraud's weak point.
To be crystal clear: every time you sell Tethers on Kraken, you are forcing Tether Ltd. to pay you in US dollars. If you can manage to sell enough Tethers for USD on Kraken, then Tether Ltd. will run out of dollars and this whole machine -- which currently undergirds 70% of all crypto trading flows -- will fall apart..
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Valvoline ()
DegenGambler ::
A_A ::
SuperKripto je izjavil:
AVAXa mi je pa res zal, pri 2,5 eu sm ga mel na spisku za nakup :/ no pa to da sem ETH prodal tudi :)
A ce prodas Eth, ga ne smes vec kupit nazaj?
Lahko samo sedaj je drazji, se vedno bo sel gor, ampak ne dobim ga vec enako kolicino :)
profesjonalc ::
Spet mal tetherfuda:
From January 2020 to September 2020, the amount of all foreign currencies held by all the domestic banks in the Bahamas increases by only $600 million -- going from $4.7B to $5.3B. (The table is in Bahamian dollars, but the Bahamian dollar is pegged to the US dollar, so 1 BSD = 1 USD.)
But during the same period, total issued Tethers increased by almost $5.4 billion -- going from $4.6B to $10B!
The implication was shocking: there weren't nearly enough dollars in all the domestic banks in the Bahamas to back the Tethers that were floating around in the crypto market!
So this was crypto's big short: Tether Ltd. was short of US dollars -- to the tune of about $25 billion!
Kraken is the biggest USD-banked crypto exchange on which Tether and US dollars trade freely against each other. The market in that trading pair on Kraken is fairly modest -- about $16M worth of daily volume -- and Tether Ltd. surely needs to keep a very close eye on its movements. In fact, whenever someone sells Tether for USD on Kraken, Tether Ltd. has no choice but to buy it -- to do otherwise would risk letting the peg slip, and unmask the whole charade.
My guess is that maintaining the Tether peg on Kraken represents the single biggest ongoing capital expense of this entire fraud. If the crooks can't scrape together enough USD to prop up the Tether peg on Kraken, then it's game over, and the whole shambles collapses. And that makes it the fraud's weak point.
To be crystal clear: every time you sell Tethers on Kraken, you are forcing Tether Ltd. to pay you in US dollars. If you can manage to sell enough Tethers for USD on Kraken, then Tether Ltd. will run out of dollars and this whole machine -- which currently undergirds 70% of all crypto trading flows -- will fall apart..
Danes je 15. ane? A nisi rekel, da bodo danes ostrižene vse ovce, kaj je zdaj to...
SuperKripto ::
SuperKripto je izjavil:
AVAXa mi je pa res zal, pri 2,5 eu sm ga mel na spisku za nakup :/ no pa to da sem ETH prodal tudi :)
A ce prodas Eth, ga ne smes vec kupit nazaj?
Lahko samo sedaj je drazji, se vedno bo sel gor, ampak ne dobim ga vec enako kolicino :)
Trejdar naj ne bi smel razmisljat na taksen nacin. ne gleda se ali je drazji ampak koliksna je verjetnost da ti naredi dolocen procent dobicka. Potem nekdo ki ga je prodal pri 10k, ga vec ne bo kupil ker je vsak dan drazji?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SuperKripto ()
Valvoline ::
profesjonalc je izjavil:
Spet mal tetherfuda:
From January 2020 to September 2020, the amount of all foreign currencies held by all the domestic banks in the Bahamas increases by only $600 million -- going from $4.7B to $5.3B. (The table is in Bahamian dollars, but the Bahamian dollar is pegged to the US dollar, so 1 BSD = 1 USD.)
But during the same period, total issued Tethers increased by almost $5.4 billion -- going from $4.6B to $10B!
The implication was shocking: there weren't nearly enough dollars in all the domestic banks in the Bahamas to back the Tethers that were floating around in the crypto market!
So this was crypto's big short: Tether Ltd. was short of US dollars -- to the tune of about $25 billion!
Kraken is the biggest USD-banked crypto exchange on which Tether and US dollars trade freely against each other. The market in that trading pair on Kraken is fairly modest -- about $16M worth of daily volume -- and Tether Ltd. surely needs to keep a very close eye on its movements. In fact, whenever someone sells Tether for USD on Kraken, Tether Ltd. has no choice but to buy it -- to do otherwise would risk letting the peg slip, and unmask the whole charade.
My guess is that maintaining the Tether peg on Kraken represents the single biggest ongoing capital expense of this entire fraud. If the crooks can't scrape together enough USD to prop up the Tether peg on Kraken, then it's game over, and the whole shambles collapses. And that makes it the fraud's weak point.
To be crystal clear: every time you sell Tethers on Kraken, you are forcing Tether Ltd. to pay you in US dollars. If you can manage to sell enough Tethers for USD on Kraken, then Tether Ltd. will run out of dollars and this whole machine -- which currently undergirds 70% of all crypto trading flows -- will fall apart..
Danes je 15. ane? A nisi rekel, da bodo danes ostrižene vse ovce, kaj je zdaj to...
Cist odvisno kaj bo zakonodaja naredila v danem trenutku. Glede na to kar se v ZDA dogaja volitve itn se bo verjetno mal zavleklo. Ce pa pospravijo tetherase na hladnem je to garantiran /10 btc v enem dnevu.
DegenGambler ::
DegenGambler je izjavil:
tetherfud, jst bi na tvojem mestu zaprl short - ne bit pohlepen :)
že zdej si dobro zaslužil
Zapiram svoj navidezen short pri 35333$. Mislim, da bo vsaj toliko padlo preden gre na 41k.
NE zapiram še shorta, danes gremo še nižje. Bom greedy. Nova meja pri recimo 33700$.
SuperKripto ::
da ne boste rekl, da nisem delil. Vrjetno zlo dobra novica za ETH. Splača se it vrjetno notr, če še kdo ni. Je pa tudi "špekulacija", glede na novice ostajam osebno definitivno še v ETH kljub že lepemu % od trade-a.
dobr, da si nas opozoril, da whali verjetno zelijo prodajat drugim pri vrhu in prek svojih pokroviteljskih medijev dajejo take novice , da jim kupujejo dump pri cim visji ceni
SuperKripto ::
tista novica je bila sell signal, drgac dnevna ma je na 33.800 usd k
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SuperKripto ()
Mato989 ::
Ne morem verjet vedno ko zacne malo rast je drop btcja, drugic zapored
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
PowaAaaaH ::
Panika panika, prodaja se zato ker gre BTC dol in itak 90%+ coinov sledi temu.. Sem že včeraj napisal da je 40k meja za BTCUSD premočn zalogaj in lahko pričakujemo pullback zelo kmalu.. Bottom BTC-ja v USD vidm nekje na 31.500$ pa najbrš ne bo šel vse do ke. ETH še vedno long term za zdaj. Nismo valda vsi panik selerji, to se dogaja v crypto vsak teden :). Vsi smo pričakval, sploh po včerajšnem price actionu in tight "trikotniku".
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PowaAaaaH ()
gruntfürmich ::
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
SuperKripto ::
v bistvu dokler drzi tisto trendlinijo na dnevnem ma, je ok in se lahk konsolidira v trikotnik, je pa zdej naredil lower high, ampak se vedno higher low. Tisti, ki so bolj previdni pa izstopijo, ko pade pod 4h moving average
BorutO ::
Preko bitstampa sem si kupil za 200 evrov oz. 244 dolarjev oz. če odštejem bonus, ki si ga vzamejo, okoli 135usd bitcoinov ... zdaj pa ne vem kako dalje. Je možno, da bi bitcoine pri določeni ceni "dvignil ven" in jih dal nekam na varno - naraslo je do 271 dolarjev največ. Se pravi, da bi dal v neko denarnico ali nekaj, kot sem to nekaj zasledil, ampak nič ne vem kako to kaj prenakazati. Probal sem si na kraken prenakazati bitcoine, pa nimam pojma kako se to izpolnjuje, ker na krakenu povezava o infu od bitstampa ne dela.
Če kdo kaj ve glede tega, bi bil vesel, če mi kaj več razloži pod zs.
Če kdo kaj ve glede tega, bi bil vesel, če mi kaj več razloži pod zs.
PowaAaaaH ::
BTCUSD je 3x retestu 40k - brez uspeha. Začel je delovat weak vse skupi, ne verjamem da bo prebil RSI trendline-resistance in s tem nadaljeval momentum za ATH z ETH-jom.
Zna pasti zelo kmalu v downtrend vse skupaj za nekaj časa (bolj kratkoročno?) (lower high, mogoče tudi lower low)..
ETH mu itak sledi "na grobo" tako, da bi pričakoval enako..
Ta "analiza" pa je glede na nov "trikotnik" oz. triangle, ki se je oblikoval in zgornjo mejo trenutno lahko vidiš kot velik resistance. Ampak nikoli ne veš, navsezadnje je to BTC in dela skoraj kar se mu zljubi kot Tesla :)
Lahko prebije, danes, jutri ali nekje po grafu do 26.1.. We will see. Za 1x še držim ETH
sivistol ::
Preko bitstampa sem si kupil za 200 evrov oz. 244 dolarjev oz. če odštejem bonus, ki si ga vzamejo, okoli 135usd bitcoinov ... zdaj pa ne vem kako dalje. Je možno, da bi bitcoine pri določeni ceni "dvignil ven" in jih dal nekam na varno - naraslo je do 271 dolarjev največ. Se pravi, da bi dal v neko denarnico ali nekaj, kot sem to nekaj zasledil, ampak nič ne vem kako to kaj prenakazati. Probal sem si na kraken prenakazati bitcoine, pa nimam pojma kako se to izpolnjuje, ker na krakenu povezava o infu od bitstampa ne dela.
Če kdo kaj ve glede tega, bi bil vesel, če mi kaj več razloži pod zs.
pr taki cifri je bitstamp cist varen, vse kar je pod 10k ja pomoje na bitstampu varno
endelin ::
DegenGambler ::
Se mi zdi, da boste nekateri res šli s Tezosom v penzijo. Mišljeno kot, da ga boste takrat, ko se boste upokojili, še zmeraj držali.
Lep pozdrav, Janez
Lep pozdrav, Janez
Aston_11 ::
DegenGambler ::
Če kdo kaj ve glede tega, bi bil vesel, če mi kaj več razloži pod zs.Tam jih pusti. Premajhen znesek, da bi z njim kompliciral.
To so rekli tudi pri MtGoxu. Potem so jih pa heknil, Bitcoin pa šel papa. Danes so ti BTCji vredni 100x več. A mu bo čez 5 let res vseeno, da je potencialnih 20k€ zaupal menjalnici?
Mato989 ::
Ne morem verjet vedno ko zacne malo rast je drop btcja, drugic zapored
Kaj mato si mislil sa gre direkt na 50k?
Za xtz govorim
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
PrihajaNodi ::
Ne morem verjet vedno ko zacne malo rast je drop btcja, drugic zapored
Kaj mato si mislil sa gre direkt na 50k?
Za xtz govorim
Pa mislim da tretjic. Se pa vstrajno drzi 20 mesta
endelin ::
Machete ::
DegenGambler je izjavil:
Se mi zdi, da boste nekateri res šli s Tezosom v penzijo. Mišljeno kot, da ga boste takrat, ko se boste upokojili, še zmeraj držali.
Lep pozdrav, Janez
Ena boljših tu gor, since forever.
Za tole se dobi gremija.
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