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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Temo vidijo: vsi
840 / 843

Malidelničar ::

Je kaj novega glede Belorusije? Lukašenko je še vedno v sedlu je pa presenetljivo tiho. A ruska vojska povsem obvladuje Belorusijo je tam možna kakšna vstaja?
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

redtech ::

@Eduardo kakšne rezerve imaš v mislih, FX?

Sem mislil, da je šla OM gor zaradi pregrevanja gospodarstva. Tako je pri nas US obresti dol (kriza), obresti gor (rast).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: redtech ()

Eduardo ::

redtech je izjavil:

@Eduardo kakšne rezerve imaš v mislih, FX?

Sem mislil, da je šla OM gor zaradi pregrevanja gospodarstva. Tako je pri nas US obresti dol (kriza), obresti gor (rast).

Ja, v veliki meri FX.

V Rusiji ni šel gor zaradi pregrevanja gospodarstva. Trošenje na vojaško industrijo ni neko pregrevanje. So razlogi bolj stabilizacija valute.

Pac-Man ::

CDU je po Merklovi dobesedno našel jajca


🇩🇪🇺🇦 "I would say to Putin: if the bombing does not stop, then the first step will be to remove the long-range restrictions. The second step will be the delivery of Taurus. Then Putin himself decides how far he wants to escalate this war," - Friedrich Merz, CDU's chancellor candidate.

❗️He added that Chancellor Scholz and his allies in the government lack a strategic vision. The government informs Putin of all the details. They publicly argue about their positions and next steps.

Volitve bodo konec septembra 2025, CDU po vseh anketah vodi.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Jazon ::

CDU je zgodaj pričel predvolilno tekmo. Trdijo tudi, da bodo kazensko preganjali zelene, priklopili nazaj ugasnjene nuklearke in zgradili nove, če bodo izvoljeni.

Aston_11 ::

bm1973 je izjavil:

Res motivacija, da umreš za par skorumpiranih politikov. Prislna mobilizacija potem limitira k dezerterstvu in hitri predaji na fronti.

Podobno kot rusi za skorumpiranega Putlerja. S tem, da te ruski fašisti ustrelijo, če se predaš. Ni ravno neke izbire.

bm1973 je izjavil:

September 2025? Takrat Ukrajine ne bo več...

Lani si trdil enako. In si se seveda motil. Grem stavit, da bodo še. V enem letu bo 12x30000 mrtvih Rusov in morda par kvadratnih metrov osvojenega ozemlja

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Aston_11 ()

Pac-Man ::

bm1973 je izjavil:

Res motivacija, da umreš za par skorumpiranih politikov.

Tule imaš videodnevnik Rusa, ki se je prostovoljno javil v SVO, da bi rezal glave hoholom in bil tako glavni na vasi


Pa ga je nadrejeni v Kursku poslal v frontalni napad, z vnaprej znanim izhodom. So tekle solze obžalovanja, čeprav je osvobajal ruski teritorij.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Sync ::

Third World War? Some are already writing.
What had a German military expert written: We live in a time when once-in-a-century events happen every three months.
China and North Korea have attracted the attention of the world today.

?Media, citing intelligence services: North Korea may blow up roads to South Korea today and conduct military operations near the demilitarized zone;

? Earlier it was written that the DPRK troops had brought the artillery on the border to combat readiness;

?Meanwhile, China has launched large-scale military exercises near Taiwan with no end date. Ships and aircraft are approaching the peninsula from different directions;

?The PRC is also practicing high-precision strikes on key targets.


"brics" dela gadne šahovske poteze.
Odziv zahoda: 'Don't, don't, don't':

Saj lepo ampak preveč soft, vključno Z "tehničnimi težavami" z dostavo orožja Ukrajini, da more Zelenski prosijačit že dve leti.

Actions speak louder than words

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Sync ()

paradajzos ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

CDU je po Merklovi dobesedno našel jajca


🇩🇪🇺🇦 "I would say to Putin: if the bombing does not stop, then the first step will be to remove the long-range restrictions. The second step will be the delivery of Taurus. Then Putin himself decides how far he wants to escalate this war," - Friedrich Merz, CDU's chancellor candidate.

❗️He added that Chancellor Scholz and his allies in the government lack a strategic vision. The government informs Putin of all the details. They publicly argue about their positions and next steps.

Volitve bodo konec septembra 2025, CDU po vseh anketah vodi.

Pamet se vrača v Nemčijo! Skrajni čas, da to pokveko od Scholza škartirajo! :)
Levakarski forum. Moderiranje prolevakarsko.
Prikrito so proruski, tako kot naša oblast.
Bella ciao!

Sync ::

paradajzos je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

CDU je po Merklovi dobesedno našel jajca


🇩🇪🇺🇦 "I would say to Putin: if the bombing does not stop, then the first step will be to remove the long-range restrictions. The second step will be the delivery of Taurus. Then Putin himself decides how far he wants to escalate this war," - Friedrich Merz, CDU's chancellor candidate.

❗️He added that Chancellor Scholz and his allies in the government lack a strategic vision. The government informs Putin of all the details. They publicly argue about their positions and next steps.

Volitve bodo konec septembra 2025, CDU po vseh anketah vodi.

Pamet se vrača v Nemčijo! Skrajni čas, da to pokveko od Scholza škartirajo! :)

Se strinjam za Olafa Chamberlaina.
Germany will no longer supply heavy equipment to Ukraine, — BILD.

Although Germany announced new aid, it turned out that it was a previously promised delivery.

The publication also writes that Zelensky asked the German Chancellor for permission to attack Russia with Western weapons and for guarantees of a quick NATO accession, but he did not receive any support.

Field Marshal olaf scholz is the greatest catastrophe for Ukraine and for the security of Europe.

Ne vem, če se olaf posranček zaveda, da v primeru napredka/uspeha rusov bo še več miljonov beguncev prišlo v nemčijo ampak on vseeno kliče putina ta pa se mu ne javlja.

mihor ::

Aston_11 je izjavil:

S tem, da te ruski fašisti ustrelijo, če se predaš.

Samo, če si azovc (beri: nacist), Rus pač nima milosti za iztrebke.

gozdar1 ::

mihor je izjavil:

Aston_11 je izjavil:

S tem, da te ruski fašisti ustrelijo, če se predaš.

Samo, če si azovc (beri: nacist), Rus pač nima milosti za iztrebke.

Ironično so največji fašisti danes ravno rusi.

Sync je izjavil:

paradajzos je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

CDU je po Merklovi dobesedno našel jajca


🇩🇪🇺🇦 "I would say to Putin: if the bombing does not stop, then the first step will be to remove the long-range restrictions. The second step will be the delivery of Taurus. Then Putin himself decides how far he wants to escalate this war," - Friedrich Merz, CDU's chancellor candidate.

❗️He added that Chancellor Scholz and his allies in the government lack a strategic vision. The government informs Putin of all the details. They publicly argue about their positions and next steps.

Volitve bodo konec septembra 2025, CDU po vseh anketah vodi.

Pamet se vrača v Nemčijo! Skrajni čas, da to pokveko od Scholza škartirajo! :)

Se strinjam za Olafa Chamberlaina.
Germany will no longer supply heavy equipment to Ukraine, — BILD.

Although Germany announced new aid, it turned out that it was a previously promised delivery.

The publication also writes that Zelensky asked the German Chancellor for permission to attack Russia with Western weapons and for guarantees of a quick NATO accession, but he did not receive any support.

Field Marshal olaf scholz is the greatest catastrophe for Ukraine and for the security of Europe.

Ne vem, če se olaf posranček zaveda, da v primeru napredka/uspeha rusov bo še več miljonov beguncev prišlo v nemčijo ampak on vseeno kliče putina ta pa se mu ne javlja.

Dejansko zato ker ni adekvatne reakcije putin in ostali diktatorji postajajo vedno bolj pogumni. Težavani samo v politikih ampak ljudeh, ki tega ne razumejo, tusi pri nas se jih ne manjka. Nenazadnje so v zda, ko je v evropi že divjala vojna nekateri še vedno protestirali za dogovor s hitlerjem.
V takih časih ima diktatura nedvomno svoje prednosti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: gozdar1 ()

Sc0ut ::

gozdar1 je izjavil:

mihor je izjavil:

Aston_11 je izjavil:

S tem, da te ruski fašisti ustrelijo, če se predaš.

Samo, če si azovc (beri: nacist), Rus pač nima milosti za iztrebke.

Ironično so največji fašisti danes ravno rusi.

Sync je izjavil:

paradajzos je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

CDU je po Merklovi dobesedno našel jajca


🇩🇪🇺🇦 "I would say to Putin: if the bombing does not stop, then the first step will be to remove the long-range restrictions. The second step will be the delivery of Taurus. Then Putin himself decides how far he wants to escalate this war," - Friedrich Merz, CDU's chancellor candidate.

❗️He added that Chancellor Scholz and his allies in the government lack a strategic vision. The government informs Putin of all the details. They publicly argue about their positions and next steps.

Volitve bodo konec septembra 2025, CDU po vseh anketah vodi.

Pamet se vrača v Nemčijo! Skrajni čas, da to pokveko od Scholza škartirajo! :)

Se strinjam za Olafa Chamberlaina.
Germany will no longer supply heavy equipment to Ukraine, — BILD.

Although Germany announced new aid, it turned out that it was a previously promised delivery.

The publication also writes that Zelensky asked the German Chancellor for permission to attack Russia with Western weapons and for guarantees of a quick NATO accession, but he did not receive any support.

Field Marshal olaf scholz is the greatest catastrophe for Ukraine and for the security of Europe.

Ne vem, če se olaf posranček zaveda, da v primeru napredka/uspeha rusov bo še več miljonov beguncev prišlo v nemčijo ampak on vseeno kliče putina ta pa se mu ne javlja.

Dejansko zato ker ni adekvatne reakcije putin in ostali diktatorji postajajo vedno bolj pogumni. Težavani samo v politikih ampak ljudeh, ki tega ne razumejo, tusi pri nas se jih ne manjka. Nenazadnje so v zda, ko je v evropi že divjala vojna nekateri še vedno protestirali za dogovor s hitlerjem.
V takih časih ima diktatura nedvomno svoje prednosti.

Nemška obveščevalna služba jasno opozarja da želi putin stestirat rdeče linije zahoda.

1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

raceboy ::

ok. to smo ze dostkrat slisali "by the end of decade"... zakaj ne uredijo to, da do tega ne bo prislo ? se bojijo ? nimajo dovolj orozja ?

Chalky ::

Če še ni bilo objavljeno...

gozdar1 ::

Kdo bo branil evropo (kontraverzni Keir Giles)

mihor ::

Chalky je izjavil:

Če še ni bilo objavljeno...

Stara zadeva, mulo je verjetno že zdavnaj pod rušo.

Pac-Man ::

O enoti zračne obrambe sestavljene iz prebivalk Buče


Crunching over broken glass and rubble in army boots, rifle in hand, office manager Anya is another volunteer Witch. Now 52, she finds the military training empowering.

“Under occupation, I felt the utter pointlessness of my existence. I could neither help anyone else, nor defend myself. I wanted to learn how to use weapons, so I could be some use.”

There’s a lot of backchat with the trainers: the women are enjoying themselves. But later that night, at their base in the woods, one of them opens up even more and shares a chilling story.

When Bucha was taken over, Russian forces began going house to house. They raped and they murdered. Then one day, a rumour spread that the occupiers were coming to kill the children.

“For the decision I took that day, I will never forgive the Russians,” this woman confides.

I won’t share the details of what she told me – the extreme decision she took – only that the soldiers never came and she never had to act on it. But this woman has been haunted by that moment ever since, and by guilt.

The first time she felt relief was when she began learning to defend herself, her family and her country.

“Coming here really helped,” she tells me quietly. “Because I won’t ever sit like a victim again and be so very afraid.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

mihor je izjavil:

Stara zadeva, mulo je verjetno že zdavnaj pod rušo.

Tisto je bil Scripps, to je WSJ, naloženo 15 ur nazaj.

Mulo je še živ.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

damirj79 ::

bm1973 je izjavil:

Propaganda kot ponavadi.

Bolj naj vas skrbijo EU vojaki na Ukrajinski strani.

Sicer so registrirani kot najemniki, ampak večinoma gre za profesionalne vojake iz EU vojsk.

Kaj pa je narobe z EU vojaki? Saj se lahko vsak sam odloči, ali bo se boril za UKR ali pa ne. Posledično to nima nobene veze z vpletenostjo EU in/ali NATO, saj uradno pač ni nobene direktne vpletenosti. Sicer pa tudi rusija enako zagotavlja, da ni na njeni strani kitajskih, nepalskih, indijskih, pakistanskih, kazahstanskih, bangladeških itd vojakov.

Jazon ::

Tale propaganda se mi je pokazala na X-u:


Biolabsov niso omenili, mimogrede.

Machete ::

bm1973 je izjavil:

Propaganda kot ponavadi.
Bolj naj vas skrbijo EU vojaki na Ukrajinski strani.
Sicer so registrirani kot najemniki, ampak večinoma gre za profesionalne vojake iz EU vojsk.

Lol EU vojaki so problem (česar niti ni, ne obstaja, ne more biti, je numno),
severno korejski pa so propaganda. HAHAHA
Debelinko je znan po tem, da svoje ljudi kot sužnje pošilja po svetu, zakaj jih ne bi podaril Putlerju?
Še Madžarska ima vojake po Afriki, pa jih ne bo imel debelinko v Ukrajini?
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

WhiteAngel ::

Chalky je izjavil:

Če še ni bilo objavljeno...

4:18 RPi zero.

mtosev ::

Nič kaj dosti nisem spremljal situacijo v Ukrajini, a se je kaj spremenilo v zadnjih parih dneh?

A Ukrajinci še vedno držijo tisto ozemlje v Rusiji (kursk)?
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: mtosev ()

Pac-Man ::

Morda kje omenijo tudi njeno uporabnost v rudarstvu?


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Avstralija bo Ukrajini podarila 49 upokojenih Abramsov


Dozens of soon-to-be-retired Australian Abrams tanks will be sent to Ukraine under a $245 million military support package to bolster the war-torn country's fight against Russia's invasion.

More than a year after Kyiv first expressed interest in the aging M1A1 fleet, and months after Australia rejected a request to donate its grounded Taipan helicopters, the Albanese government has confirmed it will now gift 49 of the American-made tanks.

Omenjeni Taipani so predčasno upokojeni NH90, s katerimi so bili sami problemi

MRH-90 Taipan @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Strel455 ::

Ukrainian decoy drones which are launched together with "Lyuty" kamikaze drones to break through Russian air defence.

Vinski Kamen ::

mtosev je izjavil:

Nič kaj dosti nisem spremljal situacijo v Ukrajini, a se je kaj spremenilo v zadnjih parih dneh?

A Ukrajinci še vedno držijo tisto ozemlje v Rusiji (kursk)?


mzakelj ::

mihor je izjavil:

Aston_11 je izjavil:

S tem, da te ruski fašisti ustrelijo, če se predaš.

Samo, če si azovc (beri: nacist), Rus pač nima milosti za iztrebke.

Ni res. Celo FPV enoto so postrelili. In tudi če si iz Azov bataljona zate velja Ženevska konvencija o vojnih ujetnikih. So del redne Ukrajinske vojske. To z nacisti pa je že čas da nehaš opletati ker vsi natančno vemo da je več nacijev v ruzzkih vrstah. Še šefe PMC Rusich Group je sam izjavil da ni nacionalist ampak čisti NACIST. Tako da vatniki kar lepo tiho.
Recimo ne velja pa Ženevska konvencija za Wagner in podobne PMC-je. Edino Čečeni so pomoje v sivem območju.

Malidelničar ::

Vinski Kamen je izjavil:

mtosev je izjavil:

Nič kaj dosti nisem spremljal situacijo v Ukrajini, a se je kaj spremenilo v zadnjih parih dneh?

A Ukrajinci še vedno držijo tisto ozemlje v Rusiji (kursk)?


Ja to sem mislil, tu se lepo vidi ta ruski prodor. Do vasi Novoivanovka (vzhodni del so Ukrajinci zavzeli nazaj). Je pa malo informacij iz terena, zadeva se spreminja iz ure v uro, zelo je fluidno bojišče .....
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

Pac-Man ::

vir je očitno ruski Telegram kanal


‼️The infamous 155th russian marines brigade is surrounded in Kursk...

Apparently overstretched after too many victories, so sad

The good news is that Ukrainians have enough bullets for all of them

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

tattoo ::

Kaj pa Fico tole prodaja?

Pac-Man ::

IMO ratfucking ameriških volitev
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Jazon ::

Glede na nastalo situacijo so v tem trenutku realne šanse, da v EU sprovedejo prve tri točke To Do Liste, ki jo je pripravil Zelenski.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Jazon ()

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Avstralija bo Ukrajini podarila 49 upokojenih Abramsov


Če gre verjet war thunder wiki, imajo avstralski abramsi oklep iz osiromašenega urana


but if there's anything that can make it different from the M1A1 and HC variant in US service, it is the AIM package. This gives better protection to the M1A1 AIM in terms of its turret and LFP where revised DU armour was installed to fit the 21st century battlefield.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fikus_ ::

Koliko je meni znano, samo abramsi v posesti Usa vojske imajo oklepljene kupole iz osiromašenega urana. Še te, ki je prodala Usa UA, so jim menjali kupole za kupole, ki so brez osiromašenega urana.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: fikus_ ()

bm1973 ::

To, da imaš osiromašen uran v oklepu, ni ravno najboljša zadeva, saj je zadeva vnetljiva...

Poleg sevanja seveda...

Pac-Man ::

7:30 dolg video, CNN


We got unprecedented access to strike drone mission deep into Russia with Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence Agency GUR. They allowed us to film everything from the planning to the launch. They say their drones are effective but they need Western long range weapons and permission to use them to really make a difference. One key thing: the Russians have excellent layered air defenses, the Ukrainians admit. Very hard to get past that.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::



Having always been mildly curious about the topic, I decided to use my nonexistent financial and legal expertise to find out how much money Navalny's "anti-corruption foundation" makes and just what it is they spend it on - and it has been one extraordinary journey! 🧵

As per their last report, about 80% of their funds ($1.4 million out of approximately $1.8 million) were spent as "grant distributions", with every single cent of those "grants" being transferred to, as I am sure you all guessed it, an obscure Lithuanian NGO named POSTERUM.

As of 2024, POSTERUM (which at one point purchased one of Leonid Volkov's companies) has 10 employees (all paid with around $4000), apparently deals with "YouTube content" and has a remarkable tax-free profit for a non-profit, about $4.5 million which just so happens to vanish into the void as soon as being made.

Upon checking the company's physical address in Lithuanian public registries, the exact same flat appears to be the HQ of so many NGOs and companies that I've become convinced this is the very center of Lithuanian economy.

Obviously, all the companies are owned by some slight variations of the very same Lithuanian name, Lapinskas, weirdly similar to Lapinskiene (Irene), which just so happens to be the head of the European branch of Navalny's foundation (also having this exact same place as HQ).
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

RedDrake ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:



Politiki, ki zganjajo korupcijo?
stop the presses!

Pa a ti drugače bereš še kakšne druge članke po MMC, al' sam' une o Rašistih in Ukronacistih?

Strel455 ::

Pa ne samo Ukrajinci, tudi vsi ostali bomo morali razvit nuklearna orožja v primeru, da Rusija dobi kakšen del Ukrajine na način, ki se ga gre zadnjih 10 let.

"Either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons, and then it will be a defense for us, or Ukraine will be in NATO. NATO countries are not at war today. All people are alive in NATO countries. And that is why we choose NATO over nuclear weapons." - President Zelensky.

Ukraine is seriously considering the possibility of restoring nuclear weapons, - Bild. "We have materials, we have knowledge. If there is an order, it will take us only a few weeks to get the first bomb.''

Pac-Man ::

Plot twist: tabu uporabe jedrskega orožja bo prelomila Ukrajina.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

WhiteAngel ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Plot twist: tabu uporabe jedrskega orožja bo prelomila Ukrajina.

Brez skrbi. Itak bodo ZDA krive.


Hecno. Ob vsej 'deeskalaciji' in vezanju rok ukrajini, kapljanju vojaške pomoči, da le ne bi putina 'izzivali', bo končni rezultat da bo ukrajina na nek način prišla do jedrskega orožja. In za njo vsaka samostojna država, ki ni v kaki učinkoviti obrambni zvezi. Hkrati pa nihče več ne bo verjel nobenim 'garancijam' in 'sporazumom', ko zdaj na primeru ukrajine vidimo, kako so učinkoviti.

No, mogoče pa le bodo končno dali dovolj pomoči ukrajini, da prežene rusko vojsko nazaj v rusijo...
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

fikus_ ::

Sem zasledil, da naj bi Zelenski dejal, da bo UA naredila jedrsko orožje. Iran se že leta dela na tem, pa (na srečo) še nima jedrskega orožja. Kako bo UA uspelo?!
Umazano bombo lahko naredijo in jo dostavijo nekam v RU, kaj več pa ne.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Hudobec82 ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

Sem zasledil, da naj bi Zelenski dejal, da bo UA naredila jedrsko orožje. Iran se že leta dela na tem, pa (na srečo) še nima jedrskega orožja. Kako bo UA uspelo?!
Umazano bombo lahko naredijo in jo dostavijo nekam v RU, kaj več pa ne.

Zgleda niso čist-čist-čist vsega prav zares dal nazaj. :)


No ja, vojna traja skoraj tri leta, načeloma že toliko časa delajo na tem...
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

Malidelničar ::

fikus, TESKAn: kaj je sploh fora te umazane bombe, to ni čisto prava jedrska, kajne?
Nikoli nisem razumel tega (to se je omenjalo v kontektsu kakšnih Holywood filmov, pa Al Kajde, ko je bila takrat panika itd.), kaj lahko takšna naprava naredi, oz. hipotetično kakš težko bi jo Ukrajina naredila in nekam "dostavila"...
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.


IMO grejo v smer 'prave' jedrske.
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

Jazon ::

Ukrajinci so ohranili vojaško tovarno za obogatenje urana v Kamjanskem, ob Dnjepru. Tam se nahaja tudi odlagališče radioaktivnih odpadkov. Ni jasno v kakšnem stanju je ta kemična tovarna, ampak verjetno se da hitro priti do nekaj kilogramov prečiščenega urana.
Takih in drugačnih radioaktivnih odpadkov je pa Ukrajina polna, tako da umazana bomba je opcija že zdaj.

Vprašanje pa je, kaj bo storila mednarodna skupnost. Ker dejansko Supreme Leader Zelensky "grozi" tudi zahodu v smislu, ali nas boste sprejeli v EU, NATO, ali pa bomo izdelali atomsko bombo. Kar ni ravno najbolj modro, kljub nezavidljivi situaciji.

Če bodo nukali Rusijo, bo Rusija odgovorila nazaj po Ukrajini. Dvomim da bo zahod odgovoril, če bo šlo za tak razvoj dogodkov. Dvomim tudi, da bo zahod sploh šel tako daleč in se zna vse obrniti proti Ukrajincem v smislu sankcij (Iran 2.0), če bodo šli full nuclear.
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