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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

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Okapi ::

In kako se je ta "varovalka" obnesla 2014, pri okupacijo Krima?

Okapi ::

Hail Putin, na proslavi ob dnevu ruske mornarice. Indinjski mornarji sicer.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Okapi ()

fikus_ ::

Slabo vidiš!
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: connel ()

Sync ::

Pa dobro no. To so ja rusi "najboljše carstvo na svetu" ki ne delajo čisti copy/paste kot kitajske kobilice.

redtech ::

Povzetek iz Malija, da boste vedeli za koga navijate ;((

Intensification of fighting in northern Mali: ambush on Wagner PMC and death of @grey_zone admin

Since July 20th, the Malian armed forces, supported by the Wagner PMC, have intensified reconnaissance and search operations on the Algerian border. The activities were carried out with limited forces in order to identify the positions of militants from the "Coordination Movement of Azawad" and the Al-Qaeda affiliated group "Jama'at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin".

?On July 22nd, the advance groups carried out a raid in In-Afarak: only fuel depots were found in the settlement. After the army's retreat, which had managed to announce the village's capture, the Tuareg rebels again occupied the settlement.

At the same time, a convoy of up to 20 vehicles was moving towards the town of Tin-Zautin - the last major stronghold of the Azawad militants in this direction.

?On July 23rd, government forces reached Bougessa. As the column advanced towards the target, it was hit by an IED planted by the separatists in the Wadi Tamassaharit valley.

?On July 25th, government forces clashed with Azawad rebels 20 kilometers from the city. The first day of the battle brought its results: the militants were pressed against the city at a distance of 7 km, and some groups reached a small camp 2 km from the Algerian border. One of the field commanders was also eliminated.

?If the army column numbered no more than seven dozen servicemen, the rebels concentrated a group of up to 900 people in Tin-Zautin, transferring reserves there. The ensuing battle was interrupted by a sandstorm: the parties withdrew their troops from the line of contact.

The next day, the battle resumed at the initiative of the enemy. The Tuaregs attacked the field camps and managed to destroy some of the armored vehicles. The army aviation that arrived to help was ineffective due to weather conditions, and one of the Mi-24 helicopters was shot at with anti-aircraft weapons: the helicopter made a hard landing in Kidal.

?On July 27th, government forces began to retreat from the outskirts of the city (the Tuaregs continued to bring up reserves). That's when the militants from the Malian branch of Al-Qaeda got involved: the "Jama'at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin" group, apparently acting in concert with the "Azawad Movement", set up an ambush on the column of the Malian Armed Forces and the Wagner PMC near the Tin-Gamira mountains, mining the area.

?After the explosion and the attack by the Al-Qaeda members, the Tuaregs arrived, trapping the remnants of the government and Russian forces. The battle ended in a rout and the capture of the survivors. Among the killed Wagner PMC fighters was the administrator of the @grey_zone channel, Nikita (call signs "White" and "Five Hundredth"). His death was confirmed by friendly resources.

Despite the videos and photos circulating on the Internet, the number of losses is unlikely to exceed a couple of dozens: some of the white corpses could have belonged to the Tuareg rebels, who were filmed for the picture.

?According to information from Medved na divane, the Wagner PMC, together with the "African Corps" @KorpusAfrica, quickly held negotiations to ransom the prisoners, concluding two deals Original msg

nejcek74 ::

redtech je izjavil:

..the Tuaregs arrived, trapping the remnants of the government and Russian forces. The battle ended in a rout and the capture of the survivors. Among the killed Wagner PMC fighters was the administrator of the @grey_zone channel, Nikita (call signs "White" and "Five Hundredth"). His death was confirmed by friendly resources.

sem vedu da so Tuaregi carji, pobijajo ruske kolonialistične nacije v Maliju, dodaten plus za eliminacijo naci propagandista ki je nasedel lastni propagandi.... ce imas se kaj tako lepih novic jih kar prilepi.

Strel455 ::

Tale Nabiulina bo tudi letela kmalu čez oken.

"All resources in Russian economy are exhausted. Inflation is rising, interest rates cannot be significantly increased. Extreme lack of the workforce. Adding money from reserves to market will just increase inflation without bringing new growth. Russia is likely facing stagnation or deep recession".
- brief of Chief of Central Bank Elvira Nabiulina

Pac-Man ::

redtech je izjavil:

Povzetek iz Malija, da boste vedeli za koga navijate ;((

Za dekolonizatorje


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

bluefish ::

Ne odgovarjajte muham enodnevnicam, ker se po nepotrebnem smeti temo.

Prijavite v:
Opozori moderatorja v2.0

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: bluefish ()

fur80 ::

Na ruski TV so se začeli učiti ekonomije, po diktatorsko seveda. Zanimivo , izgleda, da jim res začelo hudo škripat. So porabili rezerve? Solovyev bi vse popravil in zahteva ureditev. Naj mu dajo kar knjige, da porihtata to z čistilko pa hišnik naj pomaga.

Russian propagandist Solovyev is mad about inflation in Russia - it hinders military production. He demands Russian central bank fix the problem.

What Solovyev doesn't tell his audience is that the inflation in Russia is this high exactly because of the war.

Inflation in Russia has surged over 9% this month, with prices for a wide range of goods and services rising, including potatoes (up 91% this year) and economy-class flights (up 35%). Russian Central Bank reports that reducing inflation will require a "significantly longer period" of higher interest rates than previously forecasted.

The reasons for such unmanageable inflation are labor shortage due to the mobilization of men; U.S. sanctions that have made it more difficult to import goods from China and Turkey; and Russian society itself, since rising price tags have spurred some to cut consumption, limit vacations or discuss where to find the best deals.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

fur80 ::

Ena najlepše možno predstaveljena stvar kaj je z diktatorji narobe!

Dictator vs. true leader.


Pac-Man ::

Tale video se prodaja kot F-16 v Ukrajini, ampak se ne da določit lokacije


Najprej jih bodo uporabljali v zahodnem delu, za klatenje dronov in raket.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

video s podnapisi, ruska skrbnica pod vplivom alkohola prizna, da pretepa punco iz Mariupola


‼️ This is a very disturbing video that needs to be made public.

In the video, a heavily intoxicated Russian woman named Elya admits she's been touching (meaning beating) a Ukrainian girl that she adopted from Mariupol ‘for as long as the war has been going on’.

The video with her confession was published on July 28 on the TG channel ‘K-Inform Surgut’ with the following comment:

“A certain lady, sitting on social networks with signs of intoxication, tells everyone that she adopted a girl from Mariupol and regularly beats her. Judging by her story, she openly hates her and starts fights with her. I ask the guardianship service to respond and take action. Thank you in advance."

In the video, Elya gives the person she's talking to her address. It’s 5 Lenin Street in Surgut.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

sparklyslo ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

video s podnapisi, ruska skrbnica pod vplivom alkohola prizna, da pretepa punco iz Mariupola


‼️ This is a very disturbing video that needs to be made public.

In the video, a heavily intoxicated Russian woman named Elya admits she's been touching (meaning beating) a Ukrainian girl that she adopted from Mariupol ‘for as long as the war has been going on’.

The video with her confession was published on July 28 on the TG channel ‘K-Inform Surgut’ with the following comment:

“A certain lady, sitting on social networks with signs of intoxication, tells everyone that she adopted a girl from Mariupol and regularly beats her. Judging by her story, she openly hates her and starts fights with her. I ask the guardianship service to respond and take action. Thank you in advance."

In the video, Elya gives the person she's talking to her address. It’s 5 Lenin Street in Surgut.

Poldi112 ti bo znal povedat, da je za to kriv zahod in ZDA, ter da je bila ta ruska svinja pač sprovocirana, da zaščiti svoje osebne interese...

Srecko696 ::

Fant je verjetno spal zadnja dva meseca...
Zelenskyy is playing his cards right": President of Finland on Russia's participation in the second Peace Summit
Otiginalni članek..
Alexander Stubb, président finlandais, ? propos de la guerre en Ukraine : Nous arrivons ? un point o? les négociations doivent commencer

Ne razume koliko je Ruske izgube so cca 3 do 15x urinskih izgub.. Čeprav ima Rusija premoč v Dronih, granatah in po navedbah Kijeva, meče okoli 800 FAB na teden. Da Po navedbah Kijeva po 800 FAB na teden. Tako da izgube z objavljanjem simboličnih zadetkov, nekako ne pridejo skupaj z izgubami Ruskih sil. Pa še par ? je, samo nekako po mapah seveda napredujejo Ukjinci dalje. In Rusi zagotovo nimajo inicijative :|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: connel ()

Gregor P ::

Ruske izgube morajo biti enormne, o tem sploh ni vprašanja.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Sync ::

Eno pitanje, če ve kateri. Kaj diktator Putin je sploh obiskal fronto v zadnjih dveh letih in pol? Ali samo v zaledju drekeca meša?

Ta car, bi si moral Aleksandra Velikega prebrat.
Ni čudno, da so ti naši rusofili obični pusiji kot njihov Putler.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tale video se prodaja kot F-16 v Ukrajini, ampak se ne da določit lokacije


Najprej jih bodo uporabljali v zahodnem delu, za klatenje dronov in raket.

Tudi (pol)uradno, prvi F-16 so v Ukrajini


⚡️BREAKING: First F-16 fighter jets arrive in Ukraine, Bloomberg reports

Ukraine has received the first batch of fourth-generation U.S.-made F-16 jets, Bloomberg reported on July 31, citing unnamed people familiar with the matter.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Sync je izjavil:

Eno pitanje, če ve kateri. Kaj diktator Putin je sploh obiskal fronto v zadnjih dveh letih in pol? Ali samo v zaledju drekeca meša?

Marca 23 je bil v Mariupolu


Vladimir Putin was reportedly heckled during a visit to Mariupol over the weekend, a video circulating on social media purports to show.

In the clip, which has been widely shared online, a woman can be heard shouting "it's all lies, it's all for show" in the direction of the Russian president as he meets with a group of people, according to other media outlets.

Euronews cannot independently verify what words are shouted.

There is a lot of echo in the recording and the shout, which appears to come from the window of a nearby apartment, is muffled.

Shortly after the heckle, Putin's security detail is seen frantically looking around to see where it came from.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Strel455 ::

tile bodo še dolgo v Ukrajini, verjetno jih šparajo, ker ne stanejo veliko

"We get 40,000, and some of us get 15,000 rubles. 15! Most people cannot afford to provide for themselves," a Russian soldier commented on a poster promising salaries of 210,000 rubles for Russian contract enlistees.

Those Russian soldiers who signed a contract earlier receive much smaller payments and are now starting to resent it.

sparklyslo ::

Strel455 je izjavil:

tile bodo še dolgo v Ukrajini, verjetno jih šparajo, ker ne stanejo veliko

"We get 40,000, and some of us get 15,000 rubles. 15! Most people cannot afford to provide for themselves," a Russian soldier commented on a poster promising salaries of 210,000 rubles for Russian contract enlistees.

Those Russian soldiers who signed a contract earlier receive much smaller payments and are now starting to resent it.

Zanimivo mi je to: tip namreč pove, da si kupijo neke vrste slušni aparat, da pravočasno slišijo Ukrajinske (mini) drone. Zgleda so ti droni res nagnali strah med ruse...kot FAB med Ukrajince.

phantom ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Sync je izjavil:

Eno pitanje, če ve kateri. Kaj diktator Putin je sploh obiskal fronto v zadnjih dveh letih in pol? Ali samo v zaledju drekeca meša?

Marca 23 je bil v Mariupolu


Vladimir Putin was reportedly heckled during a visit to Mariupol over the weekend, a video circulating on social media purports to show.

In the clip, which has been widely shared online, a woman can be heard shouting "it's all lies, it's all for show" in the direction of the Russian president as he meets with a group of people, according to other media outlets.

Euronews cannot independently verify what words are shouted.

There is a lot of echo in the recording and the shout, which appears to come from the window of a nearby apartment, is muffled.

Shortly after the heckle, Putin's security detail is seen frantically looking around to see where it came from.

Marca 23 je bila fronta že 80 km od Mariupolja.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

gozdar1 ::

Ko se že ruska propaganda rada ukvarja z dragimi avtomobili z ukrajinskimi registracijami.

It turns out that Russians have started to massively change their license plates from Russian to Ukrainian ones to circumvent sanctions or to avoid having their cars confiscated.


redtech ::

Rešitev je, da iz neskorumpirane UA dobiš tablice za $30 :))

gozdar1 ::

V s. koreji ne rabiš ukrajinskih tablic.

fikus_ ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

F-16 nad Lvivom


"parkirali" pa jih naj bi v okolici Kijeva, ker imajo tam največ protizračne obrambe.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Sync ::

phantom je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Sync je izjavil:

Eno pitanje, Äe ve kateri. Kaj diktator Putin je sploh obiskal fronto v zadnjih dveh letih in pol? Ali samo v zaledju drekeca meĹĄa?

Marca 23 je bil v Mariupolu


Vladimir Putin was reportedly heckled during a visit to Mariupol over the weekend, a video circulating on social media purports to show.

In the clip, which has been widely shared online, a woman can be heard shouting "it's all lies, it's all for show" in the direction of the Russian president as he meets with a group of people, according to other media outlets.

Euronews cannot independently verify what words are shouted.

There is a lot of echo in the recording and the shout, which appears to come from the window of a nearby apartment, is muffled.

Shortly after the heckle, Putin's security detail is seen frantically looking around to see where it came from.

Marca 23 je bila fronta Ĺže 80 km od Mariupolja.

Hvala za link, Pac.

Ruseki: vidite tudi vaš car je bil blizu fronte"80km" oblečen v debelo puhovko znamke Dolce&Gabbana, pod njo pa Armanijeva oblekca, da mu nebi ritka zmrznila je imel gor tudi dolge gate, znamke HUGO.

Vseeno je razlika med pusijom"z rdečim knofom" in Ukrajinskim predsednikom, kateri večkrat obišče direktno rove na fronti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Sync ()

kow ::

Gazprom se naprej tolce izgube. Ce se hoce kdo mocno nasmejati, naj gre prebirati teme iz leta 2022, ko so nas tukajsni rusofili prepricevali, da bomo brez ruskega plina zmrznili.

Ganon ::

darkolord ::

Ne ne, ne razumeš, to je samo dokaz njihove dobre gospodarske rasti.

Pac-Man ::

Prvoosebni video s fronte, ima podnapise. 2:40 dolg izsek


Moment the Ukrainian soldiers captured a Russian radio and tricked two Russians into not shooting at them. Upon getting closer to an enemy treeline, the Ukrainians opened fire. This, in addition to drone strikes, forced Russians to retreat.

Footage from the latest 3rd Assault Brigade’s video in Kharkiv direction.

in 18 min dolg cel video

Third Assault brigade recaptures positions in Kharkiv region with tank cover
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

o menjavi zapornikov


russian illegals Artem Dultsev and Anna Dultseva, who were captured in Ljubljana Slovenia, just landed on a "three-letter agency" Bombardier Global 6500 in Ankara for the swap with some of the our russian-held hostages.


To be Released by Russia/Belarus:

• Evan Gershkovich
• Paul Whelan
• Alsu Kurmasheva
• Rico Krieger
• Mikhail Mikushinrican
• Vladimir Kara-Murza
• Kevin Lik
• Liliya Chanysheva
• Ksenia Fadeeva
• Sasha Skochilenko
• Ilya Yashin
• Oleg Orlov
• Daniil Krinari

To be Released by the United States, Germany, Slovenia, UK, Norway, Estonia:

• Alexander Vinnik
• Maxim Marchenko
• Vadim Konoshchenko
• Vladislav Klyushin
• Vladimir Dunaev
• Roman Seleznev
• Vadim Krasikov
• Artem Dultsev
• Anna Dultseva
• Mikhail Mikushin


Looks as if Putin has abruptly lost confidence that Trump will win in November. Locking in his hostage-taking payoff early.



Initially, the Kremlin believed it only needed to negotiate with the United States, assuming Washington could influence the Europeans. However, Krasikov was arrested by Germany, making Berlin's involvement crucial for the talks. Putin hoped to swap Krasikov for Evan Gershkovich — an American journalist arrested specifically for the exchange. Negotiators even learned about Gershkovich's sentence before it was officially announced. Nonetheless, Putin's plan failed as the Germans showed no interest in “American spies” detained in Russia and were only willing to discuss exchanging Krasikov for Navalny, who became well-known after his poisoning attempt.

Zato so v Belorusiji pohopsali Nemca in ga obsodili na smrt.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Strel455 ::

Prav hecno, da je bil med njimi major po činu.

FIVE Russian special forces officers of the "Senezh" Special Forces Centre as part of a subversive group were killed in full squad in Chernihiv region.

"Guards Major
Pospelov Andriy Ivanovych."

paradajzos ::

pierch je izjavil:

Orban odpira vrata za ruske delavce. ;((

Madžarsko ven iz EU in NATO. Dost je blo sranja tega pajaca. In ne mi jokat da kao niso vsi Madžari Orban. Očitno jih dovolj podpira tega kvizlinga, da je trajno inštaliran na oblasti.
Levakarski forum. Moderiranje prolevakarsko.
Prikrito so proruski, tako kot naša oblast.

Pac-Man ::

Ukrajinski politik, ki je tunkal Bidna, je postal ruski politik ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well look at that. Andriy Derkach, the Ukrainian ex-MP who helped Trump and Giuliani pressure Ukraine to smear Biden, and was sanctioned by the US for being “an active Russian agent” working to interfere with the 2020 election — all of which which he denied being/doing — has surfaced in Russia with Russian citizenship and is now seeking political office.

Andrii Derkach @ Wikipedia

On 9 October 2019, Derkach alleged that Joe Biden had been involved in an international money laundering scheme with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings and US-based Rosemont Seneca Partners.[49][50] He claimed that Burisma's payments to four of its board members–including Biden's son Hunter–which were neither secret nor illegal, were "a sinister plot involving" Ukraine's former president Poroshenko but his claims initially were mostly ignored in Ukraine and abroad.[51] Anders Åslund, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, itself a member of the pro-NATO Atlantic Treaty Association, called Derkach "not credible" and a "professional disinformer".[52]


In June 2022, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said that Derkach received funds from the Russian GRU to create private security companies that Russia planned to use to capture Ukraine, and that Prosecutor General of Ukraine had started a pre-trial investigation into his role.[79][80]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

@menjava, takole je Putin svoje pozdravil na letališču, video


Vadim Krasikov, the FSB killer, was the first of the assorted spies and criminals that Russia extracted from western jails who walked down the red carpet to meet Putin.

The Russian president hugged him.

He’s the one in the baseball cap and the Adidas shell suit

Naša vohunka čisto v solzah zaradi te časti, mora bit pa vse skupaj šok za otroka. Živita kot Argentinca, lep del tega v Sloveniji, nato se pa nekega ponedeljkovega jutra v decembru izkaže, da sta starša ruska vohuna


Po njihovih navedbah sta leta 2012 po ločenih poteh prispela v Argentino in se skoraj takoj lotila pridobivanja tamkajšnjega državljanstva.

Gisch je trdil, da je avstrijski državljan, rojen argentinski materi v Namibiji, kar mu je omogočilo hitro pot do državljanstva. Maria Mayer Munos pa je navajala, da je Mehičanka in predložila rojstni list, v katerem je pisalo, da je rojena v Grčiji.


Zakonca sta – tako Wall Street Journal – v argentinski prestolnici živela umirjeno in nevpadljivo življenje, sosedje so ju opisali kot vljudna in spoštljiva. V tem času sta se jima rodila hčerka in sin.

Poleti 2017 je družina s turističnim vizumom prišla v Slovenijo.


Po besedah poznavalcev takratnega dogajanja pa je le malo manjkalo, da do akcije tudi tedaj ne bi prišlo. Policija in Sova naj bi namreč čakali, da je bil izpolnjen še en pogoj, ki je omogočil aretacijo ruskih vohunov.

Ali kot je dejal eden naših sogovornikov: “Čakali so, da ju ujamejo z roko v marmeladi.” Iz nekaterih navedb je mogoče sklepati, da so ju želeli zasačiti pri komunikaciji z Moskvo. Očitno pa je Sova ocenila, da lahko ruska vohuna “s prsti v marmeladi” dobijo ob ponedeljkih. Tako 28. novembra, ko naj bi po prvih razmišljanjih Kadivnika izpeljali aretacijo, kot 5. decembra, ko se je dejansko zgodila, je bil namreč ponedeljek.

Vpad v hišo v Črnučah 5. decembra 2022 je bil po informacijah N1 precej nasilen – policisti so razbili šipe in se vanjo povzpeli skozi okna. Za takšno akcijo naj bi se odločili, da Mayer Munos in Gisch ne bi mogla prikriti sledov morebitnega kaznivega dejanja.


Po besedah naših virov so sicer policisti, ki so bili pripravljeni na vdor v hišo ruskih vohunov v Ljubljani, z akcijo toliko počakali, da sta otroka odšla v šolo. Po priprtju Mayer Munos in Gischa sta bila deklica in deček, ki sta zdaj stara 11 in 8 let, nameščena v začasno rejništvo. Kot je poročal Wall Street Journal, sta lahko starše, ki so ju seznanili z možnostjo, da bosta njuna mama in oče nekega dne ujeta, redno obiskovala v priporu.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

redtech ::

kow je izjavil:

Gazprom se naprej tolce izgube. Ce se hoce kdo mocno nasmejati, naj gre prebirati teme iz leta 2022, ko so nas tukajsni rusofili prepricevali, da bomo brez ruskega plina zmrznili.

Prva izguba v 20 letih, zadnje leto pred vojno 22B dobička. Nasmejemo se lahko vsi potrošniki v EU, ki imamo večjo položnico nekje nad +50% ali več...(mogoče lahko izračunaš to)

Gazprom ne izdaja več poročil, v Dumi so protestirali proti regulaciji cen plina v RU, ki ne omogočajo profita. Iz zadnjih poročil: v letu 2023 planiranih investicij za 31-37B.

Samo Rosneft je pridelal več dobička 7B (+42%). Rusija pospešeno prodaja vse surovine, ki jih ima, kar se vidi na trgu. Cene povedo tudi, kako šibka je ekonomija nasploh.

Gregor P ::

A pa je ruske vohune dejansko pričakal Putin ali pa je bil njegov dvojnik?:|
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Pac-Man ::


2019: “We have no relation to the Russian murderer”

2024: Hugs & red carpets for the murderer.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Putin še o Wagnerju, video+podnapisi


2022: Nimamo nobenih povezav z Wagnerjem, častna ruska
2023: Wagner je bil v celoti financiran iz ruskega proračuna

Kakšen mazohist moraš bit, da simpaš za to?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.


Veš kaj je luckyss napisal na mmc, mislim da pod rezultate volitev v argentini(?): ni važno kdo je, samo da je proti zahodu. Evo, tak mazohist. Da sovražiš, kje živiš.
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

Pac-Man ::

Članki o berlinskem umoru na MMC, ko bo čas bom šel skozi komentarje. Ker sem mazohist ;)

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Strel455 ::

redtech je izjavil:

kow je izjavil:

Gazprom se naprej tolce izgube. Ce se hoce kdo mocno nasmejati, naj gre prebirati teme iz leta 2022, ko so nas tukajsni rusofili prepricevali, da bomo brez ruskega plina zmrznili.

Prva izguba v 20 letih, zadnje leto pred vojno 22B dobička. Nasmejemo se lahko vsi potrošniki v EU, ki imamo večjo položnico nekje nad +50% ali več...(mogoče lahko izračunaš to)

Gazprom ne izdaja več poročil, v Dumi so protestirali proti regulaciji cen plina v RU, ki ne omogočajo profita. Iz zadnjih poročil: v letu 2023 planiranih investicij za 31-37B.

Samo Rosneft je pridelal več dobička 7B (+42%). Rusija pospešeno prodaja vse surovine, ki jih ima, kar se vidi na trgu. Cene povedo tudi, kako šibka je ekonomija nasploh.

Ojoj, le kam so šli vsi ti "dobički"??
The gas business of the company, which has the largest reserves in the world, has become unprofitable (by 1.2 trillion rubles per year), and Gazprom's debt has reached a record amount of 6.65 trillion rubles, exceeding the size of the liquid part of the National Welfare Fund (5 trillion rubles).
Gazprom tolče trenutno cca $25 miljonov izgube dnevno.

Rusija pospešeno prodaja vse surovine,

A lahko razložiš. kaj naj bi to sploh pomenilo?? Pospešeno? Z izgubo??

EU, ki imamo večjo položnico nekje nad +50% ali več...

Dokaži, da je to zaradi tega, ker nimamo ruskega plina.

krucymucy ::

redtech je izjavil:

Nasmejemo se lahko vsi potrošniki v EU, ki imamo večjo položnico nekje nad +50% ali več...(mogoče lahko izračunaš to)

Poloznice za kaj imate 50% visje? Vprasam pac, ker jaz jih nimam.

Malidelničar ::

Btw. kakšno je kaj stanje zalog plina v EU, ko smo že pri tej temi?
Kako stoji trg in prognoza za drugo polovico tega leta?
Recimo ravno zdaj je bilo po radiu, da se je slovenski Geoplin zmenil z Azerbajdžanom za odkup plina od tam.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

Sync ::

To tudi mene zanima, +50% ali več?? Lahko prilepiš staro"2022" in novo položnico, da vidimo?!

paradajzos ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Putin še o Wagnerju, video+podnapisi


2022: Nimamo nobenih povezav z Wagnerjem, častna ruska
2023: Wagner je bil v celoti financiran iz ruskega proračuna

Kakšen mazohist moraš bit, da simpaš za to?

Rusom koristni idioti so bili vedno faktor, na katerega so Rusi lahko računali.
Levakarski forum. Moderiranje prolevakarsko.
Prikrito so proruski, tako kot naša oblast.

Zgodovina sprememb…

arnecan1 ::

Malidelničar je izjavil:

Lahko bluzite, ampak mednarodno pravo drži in edina opcija je Ukr na mejah iz leta 91.
Alternativa je WWIII, ker potem pač OZN sistem ne velja več.

Mednarodno pravo ne drži že sedaj.

Kosovo je odcepljeno, Hrvaška ne prizna arbitraže, ZDA so napadle Irak na podlagi neresničnih informacijah o kemijskem orožju brez resolucije OZN-a.

Pa še kakšen primer bi se našel.

Tako da ja, OZN sistem velja, ampak samo na papirju.

redtech ::

Brez reportov ne moreš špekulirati, ti čivki niso relevantni.
Lahko bi napisal tudi - Gazprom tolče trenutno cca $95 miljonov investicij dnevno.

Glede plina pa:
Država RS je subvencionirala/regulirala cene do aprila letos.

Medtem v EU do +100%

Večino dobimo iz Avstrije (CEGH), večina plina je dobavljenega iz RU - sreča, ko se bo to končalo bo dražje.

Položnic ne bom iskal za vas, folk je protestiral po TV zaradi dragih položnic, politika je potem "rešila" zadevo - da vsi plačamo.

DEC 2017 55,5516 €
DEC 2018 69,64811 €
DEC 2019 72,0447 €
DEC 2020 73,0979 €
DEC 2021 127,0630 €
DEC 2022 111,0878 €
DEC 2023 108,2140 €

Bomo videli, kaj bo AT naredila.
776 / 834