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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

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bbbbbb2015 ::

Okapi je izjavil:

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Madžari nikoli niso mogli reči - zatirate madžarsko manjšino.
A zato Orban tako rad pokaže kakšen zemljevid z Madžarsko do Reke?>:D

Ne vem, če se ti ni tipka z špičastim oklepajem zataknila, vedno te zlobne smeškote pišeš.
Orban ima tezo, da Ukrajinci zatirajo Madžare, da ne morejo uporabljati svojega jezika, ipd. Do neke mere ima prav. Ampak boli Orbana klinac, njemu je važno, da ima nekaj za "prodajat".

Nam, oziroma preostalim "prodaja" drugo tezo: da samo velike države (ala velika Madžarska) spravijo dovolj skupaj resursov v smislu mase gospodarstva, da lahko dosežejo nekaj.

Povedal sem, da je Orban za nas Slovence najbolj nevaren. In povedal sem, da če se gre gledat čez mejo na Madžarsko, siromašija na kvadrat. Severovzhod Slovenije je 10x boljši kot jug Madžarske.

Zato Orban meni ne bo prodal nič.

mn ::

FireSnake je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Toliko kot Bahmut.

Problem je, da so Bahmut zapustili, ko ni bilo več smiselno branit tistih ruševin, Avdivko pa izgubljajo tudi zaradi pomanjkanja orožja.

Ne mi o pomanjkanju orožja.
Toliko, kot se je tega poslalo tja, bi morali imeti za 10 let dovolj.

Skoraj nic se ni poslalo v Ukrajino, v bistvu smo malo pocistili po skladiscih. Saj ves vse tisto kar ves da ne rabis vec, ampak vseeno sparas ker ti je skoda vreci stran.

Okapi ::

mn je izjavil:

Skoraj nic se ni poslalo v Ukrajino, v bistvu smo malo pocistili po skladiscih. Saj ves vse tisto kar ves da ne rabis vec, ampak vseeno sparas ker ti je skoda vreci stran.

Dejansko. Mi recimo nočemo poslati 40 za silo spodobnih tankov M-84, očitno zato, ker se bojimi, da jih bomo rabili doma. Ne zavedamo se, da bi obrambi Slovenije ta hip najbolj koristili v Ukrajini.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Okapi ()

bbbbbb2015 ::

Okapi je izjavil:

mn je izjavil:

Skoraj nic se ni poslalo v Ukrajino, v bistvu smo malo pocistili po skladiscih. Saj ves vse tisto kar ves da ne rabis vec, ampak vseeno sparas ker ti je skoda vreci stran.

Dejansko. Mi recimo nočemo poslati 40 za silo spodobnih tankov M-84, očitno zato, ker se bojimi, da jih bomo rabili doma. Ne zavedamo se, da bi obrambi Slovenije ta hip najbolj koristili v Ukrajini.

Saj je Slovenija rekla, da če dobimo Leopard 2A6 40 komadov, lahko gre toliko komadov M-84 od hiše. To ni nerazumna zahteva. Lahko z doplačilom.

Da pa damo M-84 od sebe in nimamo tankov pa je nerazumno.

Okapi ::

Po kakšni logiki bi nam kdorkoli dajal Leoparde 2 v zameno za M-84? Potem je že bolje, da jih da Ukrajincem.

Naša logika bi morala biti, da ti tanki za našo varnost več koristijo v Ukrajini kot v garaži na Vrhniki, ali kjerkoli pač sedaj rjavijo.

Za domačo rabo pa pač kupimo nekaj novih, če kdo misli, da ji dejansko potrebujemo. Vojna v Ukrajini nas uči, da so tanki, če jih imaš malo, bolj ali manj neuporabni. Še zlasti nekoristni so za obrambo, na terenu, kot je pri nas.

Bauc ::

Zanimiva analiza mladega Rusa v čem je dejansko ruski problem. Nikoli niso imeli dekolonizacije, lustracije ter da rus zaradi zgodovinskih razlogov ni sposoben planirati prihodnosti:)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Bauc ()

Smrekar1 ::

Okapi je izjavil:

Dejansko. Mi recimo nočemo poslati 40 za silo spodobnih tankov M-84, očitno zato, ker se bojimi, da jih bomo rabili doma. Ne zavedamo se, da bi obrambi Slovenije ta hip najbolj koristili v Ukrajini.

Zgodba s tistimi M-84 je pač taka, da imamo v zvezi NATO določeno funkcijo in za izpolnjevanje te funkcije NATO meni, da potrebujemo en tankovski bataljon. Zato smo poslali M-55S, ki so nekaj tudi naredili. Pa malo vprašanje je v kakšnem stanju so ti M-84. Sicer 14 je menda operabilnih, ostali so vprašljivi.

Sicer se strinjam, M-84 bi za obrambo Slovenije največ naredili v Ukrajini, ampak mednarodne zaveze so mednarodne zaveze. K sreči so uspeli dobiti tiste Kuvajtske M-84.

bbbbbb2015 ::

Okapi je izjavil:

Po kakšni logiki bi nam kdorkoli dajal Leoparde 2 v zameno za M-84? Potem je že bolje, da jih da Ukrajincem.

Naša logika bi morala biti, da ti tanki za našo varnost več koristijo v Ukrajini kot v garaži na Vrhniki, ali kjerkoli pač sedaj rjavijo.

Za domačo rabo pa pač kupimo nekaj novih, če kdo misli, da ji dejansko potrebujemo. Vojna v Ukrajini nas uči, da so tanki, če jih imaš malo, bolj ali manj neuporabni. Še zlasti nekoristni so za obrambo, na terenu, kot je pri nas.

Ti naravo teh transakcij nisi čisto dojel, no.

Nihče ne daje orožja Ukrajini, oz. podarja. Podarili smo mi, transporterje M80A, pa Poljaki in Čehi so podarili Mig-29. Samo zdaj pa smo prišli čez mejo podarjanja.

Američani lahko naprintajo dolarje, jih prinesejo k nma, zamenjajo za M-84, mi v istem hipu zamenjamo dolarje za evrote, ter damo še nekaj svojih, ter kupimo Leopard 2A6, A7 ali A8. Ampak tako, da vlak odpelje M-84 in isti hip pripelje nekdo Leoparde 2.

Če transakcija 'isti hip' ni možna, ker so Nemci zasedeni do leta 2045, transakcija ni možna. Nam naprintani dolarji ne nucajo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

kow ::

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Nima to res veze, kar praviš. Če bi bili Čehi korektni, bi pustili Nemce na miru. Pa jih niso. Jugoslovani so madžarsko manjšino pustili na miru, recimo. Celo avtonomijo so imeli v Vojvodini.

Nemci Cehe niso tretirali kot enakovreden narod - ta del si izpustil. Tako kot Srbi se danes Albance ne tretirajo kot enakovredne. Pac, zagamanost.

Smrekar1 ::

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Da pa damo M-84 od sebe in nimamo tankov pa je nerazumno.

Čisto nerazumno ni, največja grožnja slovenski varnosti je tretji ruski rajh in vse, kar ta rajh zavira, je boljše kot neka marginalna sposobnost vojskovanja v teoretični prihodnosti.
Ampak ker tretji ruski rajh ni edina nevarnost NATO pravi, da jih moramo imeti v pripravljenosti. Zoprno, samo nimaš kaj. Boljše bi bilo, če bi poskusili narediti kak startup (ali pet) za proizvodnjo dronov. Prodamo jih v Ukrajino po proizvodni ceni, da se jih naučimo delati in imamo nek atraktiven vojaški proizvod za ponuditi na trgu.

bbbbbb2015 ::

kow je izjavil:

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Nima to res veze, kar praviš. Če bi bili Čehi korektni, bi pustili Nemce na miru. Pa jih niso. Jugoslovani so madžarsko manjšino pustili na miru, recimo. Celo avtonomijo so imeli v Vojvodini.

Nemci Cehe niso tretirali kot enakovreden narod - ta del si izpustil. Tako kot Srbi se danes Albance ne tretirajo kot enakovredne. Pac, zagamanost.

Poglej, jaz sem govoril z enim delovodjem v Audi fabriki cca 10 let nazaj. Gasterbajter iz Slovenije, poročil se je z neko Hrvatico, živela sta v Nemčiji, nakar je tam na Jadranu zgradil apartmaje, ter to dajal v najem. Tako sva tudi midva govorila. V bistvu je bil v penziji, dobival je nemško penzijo.

Rekel je, da pač Nemci imajo občutek večvrednosti. Pač on je x krat doživel, da so se ga Nemci napili, postali so žaljivi, naduti. Njegovo mnenje je, da se Nem,e nikoli ne sme s ketne spustit, ker vedno, ampak vedno pizdarijo naredijo. To so njegove besede. In človek je bil pač celo delovno dobo v Nemčiji.

Tudi moji sorodniki so bili gastarbajterji, bili smo na obisku, sami so rekli enako, samo malo bolj obzirno. Sedaj so stari pomrli, mladi pa se v bistvu sploh ne čutijo Slovence. Niti slovensko ne znajo, niti jih Slovenija ne zanima. Naduti pa so bili enako na pogrebu ta starih.

Ne vem, morda je kaj v vodi v Nemčiji ali kaj.

blay44 ::

Pregledal sem Putinov govor. To ni noben intervju. Kam so padli novinarji?. Dve uri flancanja.
Edina poved, vredna pozornosti je omenjanje "zlate milijarde"! Bistvo problema naše dobe.
Le kako bodo to rešili?
No, še prekvalifikacija posebne opreacije v državljansko vojno je vredna pozornosti.
Zdej, toliko je bilo že laži, da vzhod ne moreš jemati resno.
Sem kaj spregledal?

kow ::

Spregledal si, da si imel nerealna pricakovanja, da bos videl intervju. Tucker ni resen novinar, kaj sele evropski novinar (ki bolje pozna odnose, razmere). Saj imas visje ORF intervju, kjer je bil Putin popolnoma nebogljen.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

bbbbbb2015 ::

Smo dejansko v kurtzu:

Putin je rekel, da ne bo napadel NATO. Fantje in punce, pejte sedaj pripravit vodo, živež za 15 dni, baterijski radio, svetilko.

Če imate motiko, kramp, karkoli. Vse bo prav prišlo, pripravite to.

LightBit ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Okapi je izjavil:

Dejansko. Mi recimo nočemo poslati 40 za silo spodobnih tankov M-84, očitno zato, ker se bojimi, da jih bomo rabili doma. Ne zavedamo se, da bi obrambi Slovenije ta hip najbolj koristili v Ukrajini.

Zgodba s tistimi M-84 je pač taka, da imamo v zvezi NATO določeno funkcijo in za izpolnjevanje te funkcije NATO meni, da potrebujemo en tankovski bataljon. Zato smo poslali M-55S, ki so nekaj tudi naredili. Pa malo vprašanje je v kakšnem stanju so ti M-84. Sicer 14 je menda operabilnih, ostali so vprašljivi.

Sicer se strinjam, M-84 bi za obrambo Slovenije največ naredili v Ukrajini, ampak mednarodne zaveze so mednarodne zaveze. K sreči so uspeli dobiti tiste Kuvajtske M-84.

Od tistih 26 ki jih ne uporabljamo bi jih 20 ziher lahko poslali. Jaz mislim da v tako zelo slabem stanju niso, saj imajo vsi isto nadgradnjo.

Jarno ::

Določenim ruskim enotam tudi primanjkuje municije. Zadeva ni enoznačna.
Ne primanjkuje pa jim mobilizirancev, klenih fantov, katerih zgodbe pa vodilnih ne zanimajo preveč.

Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

bbbbbb2015 ::

Jarno je izjavil:

Določenim ruskim enotam tudi primanjkuje municije. Zadeva ni enoznačna.
Ne primanjkuje pa jim mobilizirancev, klenih fantov, katerih zgodbe pa vodilnih ne zanimajo preveč.


Manjko municije je v vojski (vojni) vedno prisoten, sploh v vojni visoke intenzitete. V JNA je vojak dobil en 'borbeni komplet', to je pet napolnjenih okvirjev, po 30 nabojev. To bi naj zdržalo 24 ur.
To je cca 12 kg opreme s puško in to bi naj vojak imel.

Če si naložiš več municije, to težko prenašaš in si okoren. Če si naložiš manj, tvegaš da ti zmanjka.

Če si narediš zalogo, se težko hitro umakneš.

Municija je sicer težka, to se nosi v zabojih po 30kg ali cca 60kg dva. NATO municija je malenkost lažja, samo malenkost.

Če torej ni oskrbe z municijo ves čas, je vedno problem, če ti municije zmanjka. Tako Ukrajincem in Rusom.

Rusi ves čas igrajo na karto izčrpavanja. Ne morete vi postreliti toliko ljudi, kot jih mi lahko pošljemo. V realnosti jih seveda Ukrajinci lahko postrelijo, samo municije jim ne sme zmanjkati.

Pac-Man ::

Zraven so citirane še druge niti


There is just a massive amount to dissect here, but it’s astounding how much Carlson REALLY wants Putin to say that he invaded Ukraine because NATO expansion provoked him, but Putin instead insists on continuing his diatribe on Russian irredentism and how Ukraine belongs to them

I’m actually almost in shock at just how much Putin just debunked the

“NATO expansionism was the proximal motive, not Russian irredentist sentiment” theory of the war

This is so genuinely funny to me that he just destroyed 2 straight years of western pro-Russia propaganda
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

"It's not boring just don't know how it's relevant" BWAHAHAHAHA, prasnil sem v krohot

video 40s



zanyfen lepi odlomke, ampak ni ravno nit


Glede na videno Putin ni ravno gladek.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Okapi ::

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Manjko municije je v vojski (vojni) vedno prisoten, sploh v vojni visoke intenzitete.

Malo nakladaš, ne?

Eno je, če vojaku v akciji zmanjka nabojev, ker je hitro vse postrelil (enako velja za tank, bojno letalo, helikopter, havbico na položaju...), drugo je, ko nabojev zmanjka v skladišču. Tu je govora o pomanjkanju streliva v skladiščih.

c3p0 ::

Bauc je izjavil:

Zanimiva analiza mladega Rusa v čem je dejansko ruski problem. Nikoli niso imeli dekolonizacije, lustracije ter da rus zaradi zgodovinskih razlogov ni sposoben planirati prihodnosti:)

Torej precej dobro opisuje tudi nas?

Pac-Man ::


putin turned out to be SO MUCH DUMBER than i expected. I wanted to see a masterstroke of propaganda, a one of a kind opportunity to speak directly to republican viewers on culture war bullshit and get them on his side, and yet all of it is just his fucking hobby kaiserreich AU

i have been watching this shit and laughing my ass off for the past half an hour this is BRILLIANT i could never have invented a better torture method for cuckkker. oh my GOD
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

Putin je starec. Nekateri imajo nerazumna pricakovanja, da bo neki tezki mastermind pri teh letih.

Pac-Man ::

20s dolg video, šel je razlagat kako so Poljaki sprovocirali naciste v 2. sv. vojno


Russian dictator Putin just break the Russian law during "interview" for Carlson:
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 354.1. Rehabilitation of Nazism

It's easy to understand, that he try persuade Americans, that Putinm, like a Hitler "was provoked" by neighbour country, because this neighboring country voluntarily did not want to give up part of its legal territories...

Ta šit morajo pokazat na ruski TV, se bo marsikdo zamislil kdo jim vlada.


That moment when “anti-Nazi” Putin justifies Hitler’s invasion of Poland

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

bbbbbb2015 ::

kow je izjavil:

Putin je starec. Nekateri imajo nerazumna pricakovanja, da bo neki tezki mastermind pri teh letih.

In marsikdo se ne zaveda, da je zadaj četica silovikov, ki so forsirali tole vojnico.
Putin je samo front-man.

To je podobno posebnemu preiskovalcu Muellerju, ki je bil nek preiskovalec, legacy, uno top šit:
Mueller special counsel investigation @ Wikipedia

Report sicer ni mogel nič odgovoriti, preiskava pa je namigovala par stvari.

Nakar je bil Mueller osebno zaslišan s strani senatorjev. Nakar se je videlo, da ni imel pojma, kaj piše noter. Senatorji (republikanski) so ga poučevali, kaj piše v njegovem lastnem poročilu. Zadaj pa skrita vojska demokratskih peroprask zombijev, naspidiranih do daske.

Tole s Putinom je enako. On frontman, zadaj pa gara vojska naspidirancev.

Pac-Man ::

Precej znan ruski filozof na YT. Seveda živi v izgnanstvu.


A flop for both Carlson and Putin. Or a limited success: a destructively productive concept poorly executed.

I will analyse Putin's part.

Narratively, the 2 hours had 3 parts.

(1) A half hour long history lecture by Putin
(2) an hour on how Putin is a victim of the West - which has tricked him over and over and
(3) a half hour on how mistreating Russia hurts the West.

The history lecture was bad - bad by Putin's own standards. He was compulsive about all the dates he had memorised. 892. 988. 1922. He kept pulling out historical dates and clinging to them for dear life. When Carlson tried to move the conversation on, Putin couldn't bear it.

I rarely laugh at the tyrant, but I laughed uproariously around minute 18. This was the ludicrousness of a human being ludicrously victimised by his own unfiltered power.

Then came Putin's perennial victimhood. This part was mildly revealing. The central thread was Putin's sincere astonishment at what he sees as the utter hypocrisy of Western political elites, and the sham that he thinks Western ideals turn out to be in practice.

Putin's ask is clear. Can we please do politics without ethical pretence? Can we stop pretending there is a difference between authority and power, or that small countries can have sovereignty. Putin said: we won't invade Latvia because we don't have an interest in it.

Finally, Putin appealed to the West to stop being self-destructive. This was a big missed opportunity for him. A good strategist would've told Putin to drill down: 'Western citizens, your politicians are your enemies and your institutions are betraying you'.

I regularly speak about democracy to a Western audience. I know what Putin needed to say to impact the 2024 US election. But he failed to engage with Western citizens' feelings of (1) unsafety (2) powerless (3) betrayal and (4) opacity about their political systems.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Bauc ::

c3p0 je izjavil:

Bauc je izjavil:

Zanimiva analiza mladega Rusa v čem je dejansko ruski problem. Nikoli niso imeli dekolonizacije, lustracije ter da rus zaradi zgodovinskih razlogov ni sposoben planirati prihodnosti:)

Torej precej dobro opisuje tudi nas?

Delno :D

kow ::

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

kow je izjavil:

Putin je starec. Nekateri imajo nerazumna pricakovanja, da bo neki tezki mastermind pri teh letih.

In marsikdo se ne zaveda, da je zadaj četica silovikov, ki so forsirali tole vojnico.
Putin je samo front-man.

Se ne strinjam. Putin je kar glavni. Hotel sem povedati, da nima pretirano brihtnih planov. "Siloviki" se ga realno ne morejo znebiti - koga pa bodo postavili za predsednika? Medvedjeva? Lol.
Ce gre Putinova glava, grejo tudi glave najozjega vodstva.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ta šit morajo pokazat na ruski TV, se bo marsikdo zamislil kdo jim vlada.


That moment when “anti-Nazi” Putin justifies Hitler’s invasion of Poland

30 s dolg video, kažejo ga zdolgočasenim srednješolcem po šolah


Apparently Putin’s interview with ⁦@TuckerCarlson⁩ is being shown in history classes at Russian schools today. Shows he was speaking just as much to a Russian as a US audience.

Ne vem ali so resni ali pa gre za kako Laibach foro.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

Mimogrede, Gerasimov se je pojavil? Ker zdaj je pa res ze dolgo odkar smo ga nazadnje videli...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

RedDrake ::

kow je izjavil:

Mimogrede, Gerasimov se je pojavil? Ker zdaj je pa res ze dolgo odkar smo ga nazadnje videli...

Še trenirajo AI model, ki ga bo dodajal v posnetke ...

bbbbbb2015 ::

kow je izjavil:

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

kow je izjavil:

Putin je starec. Nekateri imajo nerazumna pricakovanja, da bo neki tezki mastermind pri teh letih.

In marsikdo se ne zaveda, da je zadaj četica silovikov, ki so forsirali tole vojnico.
Putin je samo front-man.

Se ne strinjam. Putin je kar glavni. Hotel sem povedati, da nima pretirano brihtnih planov. "Siloviki" se ga realno ne morejo znebiti - koga pa bodo postavili za predsednika? Medvedjeva? Lol.
Ce gre Putinova glava, grejo tudi glave najozjega vodstva.

Putin ali bo umrl pač naravne smrti ali pa ga bodo poslali na bolniško v toplice in nikoli ne bo prišel nazaj. In bo "imenoval" naslednika.
Da bi prav odstavili Putina, to pa ne bo šlo. Večina penzionistov v Rusiji ga ima v čislih.

avani12 ::

Fantje, a je še kdo ujel dogajanje v avdiviki? Kolikor sem videl, so se rusi prebili preko tistega jezera na severovzhodu in vstopili v mesto. Na karti zgleda neugodno za Ukrajince...

Okapi ::

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Da bi prav odstavili Putina, to pa ne bo šlo. Večina penzionistov v Rusiji ga ima v čislih.

Leta 1999 so to tudi za Miloševića govorili. Ali leta 2009 za Gadafija. Leta 1989 tudi nihče ni napovedoval skorajšnjega kolapsa in razpada Sovjetske zveze.

bbbbbb2015 ::

avani12 je izjavil:

Fantje, a je še kdo ujel dogajanje v avdiviki? Kolikor sem videl, so se rusi prebili preko tistega jezera na severovzhodu in vstopili v mesto. Na karti zgleda neugodno za Ukrajince...

Tako neugodna situacija je že eno 2-3 dni. Ukrajici so tiho, Rusi so poročali, da so Rusi zmetali 100 FAB bomb na center mesta, vendar Understandingwar tega ni potrdil.
Do preboja je prišlo pred 2-3 dnevi, ponoči, ko je bila megla in nekaj dežja. Rusi so poslali oklepno podporo, Ukrajinci so poslali Abramse.

Rusi pa so sicer ujeti v ozek preboj, tehnično lahko ogrožajo ukrajinsko dobavo streliva, čisto zares pa jih Ukrajinci lahko odrežejo.

Bomo videli za par dni, kaj je iz tega nastalo.

Pac-Man ::

Upam, da se vrnejo pravočasno za potencialno glasovanje


Important arrival in #Kyiv. The train carrying a bipartisan delegation from US Congress.

#Ukraine is desperate for Republicans to stop being selfish/stupid or just plain genocide supporters.

The self-anointed leading free country in the world needs to protect freedom in #Ukraine

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

OK, jih posodabljajo, ZDA počnejo enako z abramsi


This T-90M's hull have number "Щ08ВТ9745", that is means that hull is made in 1994 (literally it's the upgraded T-90 Obr.1992)

The number decoding:

Щ - stands for the 1994
08 - stands for the month (august)
ВТ - stands for the "The Nizhny Tagil Wagon Factory", or just the UVZ (Нижнетагильский вагоностроительный завод)
9745 - serial number

There is also another number on the hull "1Р5Л02ВТ", it's a repair number. I don't know how to decipher this number because the old decoding system doesn't work for it.

Images are from "Army-2021" exhibition.

Ampak vsak posodobljen je samo posodobljen, ne nov, dodatni tank. Kar bi jih ob trenutnih izgubah znalo kmalu ugriznit v rit
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Na kremlin.ru imajo intervju s prepisom tudi v angleškem jeziku, mi pa ne dela brez VPN


Tudi tisti esej od zjutraj je kaput, takrat sem ga lahko odprl brez.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Berem prepis, Poljaki so že stoletja the baddies

Vladimir Putin: It was in the 13th century.

Now I will tell what happened later and give the dates so that there is no confusion. And in 1654, even a bit earlier, the people who were in control of the authority over that part of the Russian lands, addressed Warsaw, I repeat, demanding their rights be observed that they send to them rulers of Russian origin and Orthodox faith. When Warsaw did not answer them and in fact rejected their demands, they turned to Moscow so that Moscow took them away.

So that you don't think that I am inventing things… I'll give you these documents…

Tucker Carlson: It doesn’t sound like you are inventing it, but I am not sure why it’s relevant to what’s happened two years ago.

Tucker Carlson: May I ask… You are making the case that Ukraine, certain parts of Ukraine, Eastern Ukraine, in fact, has been Russia for hundreds of years, why wouldn’t you just take it when you became President 24 years ago? Your have nuclear weapons, they don’t. It’s actually your land. Why did you wait so long?

Vladimir Putin: I’ll tell you. I’m coming to that. This briefing is coming to an end. It might be boring, but it explains many things.

Tucker Carlson: It’s not boring.

Vladimir Putin: Good. Good. I am so gratified that you appreciate that. Thank you.

So before World War II, Poland collaborated with Hitler (...) But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that the war began, and Poland fell prey to the policies it had pursued against Czechoslovakia, as under the well-known Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, part of that territory, including western Ukraine, was to be given to Russia. Thus Russia, which was then named the USSR, regained its historical lands.

After the victory in the Great Patriotic War, as we call World War II, all those territories were ultimately enshrined as belonging to Russia, to the USSR. (...)

Tucker mu dobesedno polaga na jezik, da je za vojno kriv NATO in zahod, Putin ne registrira

Tucker Carlson: And there’s a lot of that though, I think. Many nations feel upset about — there are Transylvanians as well as you, others, you know — but many nations feel frustrated by their re-drawn borders after the wars of the 20th century, and wars going back a thousand years, the ones that you mention, but the fact is that you didn’t make this case in public until two years ago in February, and in the case that you made, which I read today, you explain a great length that you thought a physical threat from the West and NATO, including potentially a nuclear threat, and that’s what got you to move. Is that a fair characterization of what you said?

Vladimir Putin: I understand that my long speeches probably fall outside of the genre of an interview. That is why I asked you at the beginning: ”Are we going to have a serious talk or a show?“ You said — a serious talk. So bear with me please.

We are coming to the point where the Soviet Ukraine was established. Then, in 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. And everything that Russia had generously bestowed on Ukraine was ”dragged away“ by the latter.

Nadaljevanje je na videz bolj koherentno, ampak če spremljaš vidiš kje laže/naklada
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Utk ::

Mislim, če gremo do 9. stoletja nazaj, ni dveh držav v Evropi, ki nimata vsaj enako dobrega razloga za invazijo ena na drugo kot Rusi. Še Slovenci bi morali okupirat pol Evrope, nas bi pa lahko okupirala praktično vsaka država od Španije do Turčije.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Utk ()

Okapi ::

Te Putinove blodnje samo dokazujejo, kako nevaren je v resnici.

Notnow ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tucker mu dobesedno polaga na jezik, da je za vojno kriv NATO in zahod, Putin ne registrira

Tucker Carlson: And there’s a lot of that though, I think. Many nations feel upset about — there are Transylvanians as well as you, others, you know — but many nations feel frustrated by their re-drawn borders after the wars of the 20th century, and wars going back a thousand years, the ones that you mention, but the fact is that you didn’t make this case in public until two years ago in February, and in the case that you made, which I read today, you explain a great length that you thought a physical threat from the West and NATO, including potentially a nuclear threat, and that’s what got you to move. Is that a fair characterization of what you said?

Vladimir Putin: I understand that my long speeches probably fall outside of the genre of an interview. That is why I asked you at the beginning: ”Are we going to have a serious talk or a show?“ You said — a serious talk. So bear with me please.

We are coming to the point where the Soviet Ukraine was established. Then, in 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. And everything that Russia had generously bestowed on Ukraine was ”dragged away“ by the latter.

Nadaljevanje je na videz bolj koherentno, ampak če spremljaš vidiš kje laže/naklada

Prehitr si,sej je prišel do vsega tega,tle je tucker bol kot ne hotel,da bi preskočla ta njegov monolog...poglej do konca prvo.

Sem pa tudi zelo presenečen,da je večina komentarjev,tako kot na twitterju kot na yutubu zelo pozitivnih...
Ali res ni nobene kosti dal za glodat putin?
Mel sem občutek,da tole ne bo daleč pršlo,ker je res mal zabluzu,še posebej za ameriško publiko tole absolutno ni bilo...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Notnow ()

Pac-Man ::

Anarhisti iz Dresdna v Freibergu


Tamkajšnji župan je russia llover


In August 2023, Freiberg Mayor Sven Krüger visited Russia.

Now Russia is coming in sheep's clothing for a return visit with a propaganda show. The word “Ukraine” doesn’t even appear in the invitation.

In Freiberg, people don't dance on the volcano, but rather to the Russian tune.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Notnow ::

Kaj to je res?

Pac-Man ::

Ne ni.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Bauc ::

Notnow je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tucker mu dobesedno polaga na jezik, da je za vojno kriv NATO in zahod, Putin ne registrira

Tucker Carlson: And there’s a lot of that though, I think. Many nations feel upset about — there are Transylvanians as well as you, others, you know — but many nations feel frustrated by their re-drawn borders after the wars of the 20th century, and wars going back a thousand years, the ones that you mention, but the fact is that you didn’t make this case in public until two years ago in February, and in the case that you made, which I read today, you explain a great length that you thought a physical threat from the West and NATO, including potentially a nuclear threat, and that’s what got you to move. Is that a fair characterization of what you said?

Vladimir Putin: I understand that my long speeches probably fall outside of the genre of an interview. That is why I asked you at the beginning: ”Are we going to have a serious talk or a show?“ You said — a serious talk. So bear with me please.

We are coming to the point where the Soviet Ukraine was established. Then, in 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. And everything that Russia had generously bestowed on Ukraine was ”dragged away“ by the latter.

Nadaljevanje je na videz bolj koherentno, ampak če spremljaš vidiš kje laže/naklada

Prehitr si,sej je prišel do vsega tega,tle je tucker bol kot ne hotel,da bi preskočla ta njegov monolog...poglej do konca prvo.

Sem pa tudi zelo presenečen,da je večina komentarjev,tako kot na twitterju kot na yutubu zelo pozitivnih...
Ali res ni nobene kosti dal za glodat putin?
Mel sem občutek,da tole ne bo daleč pršlo,ker je res mal zabluzu,še posebej za ameriško publiko tole absolutno ni bilo...

Pseudo intelektualno nakladanje. S podobnimi monologi je Hitler ob večerih utrujal spremljevalce na Berghofu. Po pričakovanju ni povedal nič novega:D Pozitivni komentarji so samo na kanalih, ki širijo rusofilsko narativo.

tony1 ::

Kaj zdaj? Da je video fake ali da ne, nismo dovolili našim prijateljem in zaveznikom, da so z Norveškimi potapljači zdemolirali plinovod?

Pac-Man ::

Tistih 80 ali koliko metrov globoko se da tudi z jadrnice, ni treba preveč komplicirat

100 Meter Trimix Tech Dive - Puerto Galera - July 2020
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

Ocitno je danes ruska propagandna masina v popolni paniki, ker je fuehrer imel tako slab nastop. Pa so naceli spet severni tok.

Pac-Man ::


Vladimir Tsema Bursov after the exchange following 20 months in russian captivity



Volodymyr Tsema-Bursov lived in Mariupol with his wife and young daughter. He is a serviceman of the 56th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade. Before the full-scale invasion, Volodymyr was a stocky man - he was 191 cm tall and weighed 95 kg. In April 2022, he was captured by the Russians from the Ilyich metallurgical plant, where he spent 20 months.

I am a senior soldier of the 56th separate Mariupol motorized infantry brigade in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On contract from November 2019. My position is an orchestra artist. Before connecting my life with the army, I worked as a musician. After finishing school, he constantly played in amateur groups, orchestras, etc. In 2019, he left his "place of residence" — the Mariupol Chamber Philharmonic and part-time the "Ukrainian House" Palace of Culture — and decided to work on cruise liners. I had two contracts, for half a year each.
When the coronavirus pandemic began, I was on a ship traveling between the countries of Asia and Oceania. There were 2.5 thousand passengers and 700 crew members, of course, the passenger fleet stopped. It was the middle of the summer of 2020 when he returned to his native Mariupol.

I was looking for a job for some time. And then a comrade from the National Guard orchestra told about the 56th brigade, which was just recruiting for the orchestra. He immediately called his future commander. He confirmed that people are needed in the orchestra, but you need to pass a medical examination - if everything is fine with your health, then we are waiting for you in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. I'm in my hometown, doing what I love — what more could you want?


The "Rosgvardiysi" re-registered all of us, took us to the Kamenskyi pre-trial detention center, it was not working, the institution was probably opened a few days ago. There we sat for 3-4 hours in cells with windows without glass, then we tied our hands, loaded them into KamAZs and transported them to Sartana. After 2 days, we were put on buses at night and brought to Olenivska Colony in the morning. We sat in those buses all day.


We are met by a "turner", each of us says his last name, first name and patronymic and runs to the barracks along the "living corridor". Three on the left, the same number on the right. Each of them has a "work tool" in their hands - some have a club or a rubber stick, others have something like a cutting board or a strap with metal inserts. Each of them will hit you for whatever reason.


There was an episode in Sukhodolsk when I was summoned for questioning. They searched me completely, to the point of removing the insoles from my shoes and bending them so that I wouldn't hide some tiny object in the soles. They take me to the cell, and there are two of them. And one of them, apparently the older one, says: "According to our information, you are an instructor in the Azov regiment." I answered them that this information was far from the truth. But they did not believe that he was only a musician in a military band. And they began to "fly" on the legs, in the chest, under the breath. Accusations — blows, and so on for 15 minutes. Then, apparently, they got tired of it. They say, well, if you are a musician and now we bring a guitar, are you "weak"? Well, of course, I will play, he answered.


Well, there were rumors that someone was able to remove the cap and saw a road sign with the inscription Rostov, although I personally cannot confirm this. We are crammed into a plane like a herring into a can. We, without exaggeration, were lying on top of each other. It was very difficult. Four hours flew by. And the "vertuhai" still manage to periodically beat the heads and backs of prisoners of war with sticks. We naively thought that there would be an exchange.


How was the exchange? On the night of January 4, they woke up from the fact that in the corridor, a few cells away from ours, they heard mats and the rattle of a bunch of keys. And also the hustle and bustle. We had three options: another resettlement, someone was brought or, on the contrary, they will be taken away.


There were 8 people in our cell, four were summoned. They put them in autobags and took them to the airfield. The plane was spacious, not like the one used to transport us to prison. There were long benches. Hands were no longer tied, as before, but they had to be held on the knees with palms up, heads down. I fell asleep for a while because I wasn't feeling well. And when he woke up, the plane had already landed in Belgorod. We were transferred to a bus and taken to the border with Ukraine, to the Sumy region.


Now I am being treated in one of the medical facilities in Poltava Oblast. My health is much worse than I expected. I have, as they say, a "whole bouquet" of diseases, including chronic gastritis in the exacerbation stage, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - a disease of the human digestive system, chronic prostatitis in the remission stage, etc.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
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