Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
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Pac-Man ::
Belgoroda očitno niso napadli s Češkimi/Slovaškimi, ampak Srbskimi raketami. Samo to v Rusiji ni politično korektno.
Serbian 122-mm G-2000/45 shells found in Belgorod Region
The production date of the projectile is April 2023. Also, this projectile has a range of up to 40 km, which is more than in conventional modifications (20-25 km, with ± 18 km aimed fire)
The previous tweet erroneously claimed it was Slovak, apologies
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

bbbbbb2015 ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Sem že pisal, iz filozofskega stališča, če bi Putin želel "obnoviti" ruski "imperij" oz. rusko carstvo, je to že prepozno, ker so Ruse zajebali boljševiki.
Potem bi morali v ruski državljanski vojni zmagati Denikin, Wrangel in ostali.
Meje med republikami in določanje kaj bo republika kaj pa avtonomna enota in ne republika so namreč določali boljševiki.
Putin objokuje Sovjetsko zvezo in hkrati fura rusko pravoslavno-caristično ikonografijo.
To pa ne gre skupaj.
Ne ne. Putin nič ne objokuje. Putin ima pred sabo "zgodovinsko" knjigo in lista samo strani, ki mu pašejo. Saj to dela že ves čas.
Na primer, v enem intervjuju in v eseju se mi zdi, da je napisal, da jih je najbolj "zayebal" Lenin, ker je Sovjetsko zvezo baziral na neki "nacionalni" osnovi in je "dovolil" Ukrajinsko SSR in Belorusko SSR.
Realnost je bila ta, da če tega ne bi "dovolil" bi Ukrajinci in Belorusi verjetno šli po poti osamosvojitve narodov. Čas po 1. sv.v. je bila t.i. "pomlad narodov".
Ukrajinci in Belorusi so tehtali in so ugotovili, da je še vedno bolje, da so v neki post-carski Rusiji, kot pa samostojni, ker je bila pa druga realnost, da so menjšviki (beli) našli zaveznika v Poljski in Nemčiji, ki sta vdirali v ozemlja današnje Ukrajine. Boljšviki so potem družno nagnali bele in tujce.
V kontekstu časa in prostora je bila odločitev boljševikov prava takrat.
Zato njemu paše najbolj čas pred oktobrsko revolucijo, tam nekje marec-april 1917.
Pa dosti takih protislovij ima. Saj to morda neukemu folku prodaja, samo vsak proper zgodovinar v Rusiji je preprosto tiho.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bbbbbb2015 ()

Pac-Man ::
Po nekaj guglanja ne najdem potrditve, da so res zamenjali zastavo, ampak je predobra zgodba, da bi jo izpustil
in to
do you remember when those stupid tankies thought that the flag of The Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine was a Nazi flag?
I just thought about it, it was so funny lmao ; btw I'd like to buy a flag like that but I can't find any on Internet
in to
Yep. Many among the vanguard of the proletariat revealed they can't recognize a bucket wheel excavator.
Do stupid people even realize that if Zelensky was installed by the American government, it was Donald Trump who put him in charge? 🤔
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
kraut, 9 minut
The Postwar matters. In the bleakness and horrors of the war we are currently witnessing in Europe, it is important to remind ourselves that this war will also end. This matters. It is upon us who believe in a free and democratic Europe to support our ukrainian brothers and sisters in their striving for victory. BUT it is also upon us all to imagine a world after the war. Many of my videos since the brutal Russian invasion of 2022 have focuse heavily on what the world will be like after the war, and I have noticed criticisms directed at this approach of mine. I therefore wish to defend myself briefly and explain why the Postwar matters so much, not just to me, but also to you.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

damirj79 ::
Napačno si povzel številke 7% GDP, približno ena tretjina vladnih izdatkov, UA pa za 1/3 GDP-ja.
While that is less than the 12-17 percent of GDP that the Soviet Union was spending on defense at the height of the Cold War, it is comparable to U.S. military expenditure in the 1980s
Vseeno je to full. Bili so nekoč drugi časi, kjer je to šlo, omejeno časa. Tisti, ki so pravočasno spoznali, da je takšen izdatek preveč, so zdaj v precej boljšem položaju, kot tisti, ki niso pravočasno spoznali tega.
Zdaj se pa tega noben ne more več it, ker so časi drugačni.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: damirj79 ()

Fritz ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
ampak vse še vedno pokrivajo s profesionalno vojsko in profesionalno rezervo.
Fritz ne spremlja te vojne ali pa je patoloski laznivec. Khm...
No, glej, deloma to drži.
Nic ne drzi "deloma". Popolnoma NE drzi in je OCITNA laz. Ruska Federacija je prisilno mobilizirala na osvojenih ozemljih. Kar je tudi v nasprotju z Zenevsko konvencijo.
V DNR/LNR so imeli že dolgo splošno mobilizacijo, saj so v vojni od leta 2014. V Rusiji ni splošne mobilizacije, tako kot jo imajo v Ukrajini. To je dejstvo.
Uporaba zasebnih vojaških organizacij tipa Wagner, Blackwater/Academi etc. ni nič neobičajnega.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Bauc ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
ampak vse še vedno pokrivajo s profesionalno vojsko in profesionalno rezervo.
Fritz ne spremlja te vojne ali pa je patoloski laznivec. Khm...
No, glej, deloma to drži.
Nic ne drzi "deloma". Popolnoma NE drzi in je OCITNA laz. Ruska Federacija je prisilno mobilizirala na osvojenih ozemljih. Kar je tudi v nasprotju z Zenevsko konvencijo.
V DNR/LNR so imeli že dolgo splošno mobilizacijo, saj so v vojni od leta 2014. V Rusiji ni splošne mobilizacije, tako kot jo imajo v Ukrajini. To je dejstvo.
Uporaba zasebnih vojaških organizacij tipa Wagner, Blackwater/Academi etc. ni nič neobičajnega.
DNR/LNR sta bili samo kremeljski lutki vodeni iz moskve. Wagner je bil v celoti financiran s strani kremlja in je iz zaporov mobiliziral kriminalce najhujše sorte in jih poslal nad normalne ljudi. Tvoje primerjave so za v kanto.

Malidelničar ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Sem že pisal, iz filozofskega stališča, če bi Putin želel "obnoviti" ruski "imperij" oz. rusko carstvo, je to že prepozno, ker so Ruse zajebali boljševiki.
Potem bi morali v ruski državljanski vojni zmagati Denikin, Wrangel in ostali.
Meje med republikami in določanje kaj bo republika kaj pa avtonomna enota in ne republika so namreč določali boljševiki.
Putin objokuje Sovjetsko zvezo in hkrati fura rusko pravoslavno-caristično ikonografijo.
To pa ne gre skupaj.
Ne ne. Putin nič ne objokuje. Putin ima pred sabo "zgodovinsko" knjigo in lista samo strani, ki mu pašejo. Saj to dela že ves čas.
Na primer, v enem intervjuju in v eseju se mi zdi, da je napisal, da jih je najbolj "zayebal" Lenin, ker je Sovjetsko zvezo baziral na neki "nacionalni" osnovi in je "dovolil" Ukrajinsko SSR in Belorusko SSR.
Realnost je bila ta, da če tega ne bi "dovolil" bi Ukrajinci in Belorusi verjetno šli po poti osamosvojitve narodov. Čas po 1. sv.v. je bila t.i. "pomlad narodov".
Ukrajinci in Belorusi so tehtali in so ugotovili, da je še vedno bolje, da so v neki post-carski Rusiji, kot pa samostojni, ker je bila pa druga realnost, da so menjšviki (beli) našli zaveznika v Poljski in Nemčiji, ki sta vdirali v ozemlja današnje Ukrajine. Boljšviki so potem družno nagnali bele in tujce.
V kontekstu časa in prostora je bila odločitev boljševikov prava takrat.
Zato njemu paše najbolj čas pred oktobrsko revolucijo, tam nekje marec-april 1917.
Pa dosti takih protislovij ima. Saj to morda neukemu folku prodaja, samo vsak proper zgodovinar v Rusiji je preprosto tiho.
Morda imaš prav. Si pa pravilno omenil, da so Ukrajinci in Belorusi takrat po 1. sv. vojni zamudili priložnost za samostojnost. Sem to tudi že tukaj pisal. Predvsem kakšen clusterfuck vojska je bila Ukrajina takrat (imaš na Youtubeu veliko dokumentarcev na to temo). Zdaj zakaj Ukrajincem na koncu ni ratalo in se niso uspeli oboroženo ubraniti ne vem, morda so dejansko precenjevali nevarnost Nemcev, ki je takrat 1917-1918 realno že izgubljala - recimo zanimivo mi je kako so Balti takrat zelo pogumno družno nagnali Ruse in Nemce v baltskih deželah. Za Beloruse je pa zanimivo, da so (sicer kot Ukrajinci pod Tarasom Shevchenkom) izjemno narodno napredovali od prve t.i. 'pomladi narodov' leta 1848 to te recimo tvoje druge 1918 (saj to je isti timeline kot pri Slovencih), nato pa je njihov neuspeh praktično pomenil skorajda izbris beloruskega naroda in beloruskega jezika, kar je še pospešila nekako napol uspela samostojnost/državnost po 1991, ko so se zafrknili z izvolitvijo Lukašenka .....
Za menjševike nisem vedel, ne bi pa jih sam vodil pod beli tabor, ne vem ...
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

bbbbbb2015 ::
DNR/LNR sta bili samo kremeljski lutki vodeni iz moskve. Wagner je bil v celoti financiran s strani kremlja in je iz zaporov mobiliziral kriminalce najhujše sorte in jih poslal nad normalne ljudi. Tvoje primerjave so za v kanto.
To zdaj govoriš tako, kot da so vojske sestavljene iz samih proper marincev, nabildanih, 190cm visokih in več, ki so vsi dali skozi špecialno usposabljanje.
Že od rimskih časov, pa Napoleonove vojske so jemale v svoje vrste in zapornike, oz. zločince, sužnje, ni da ni. Nenazadnje Tujska legija v Franciji, jemlje vsakogar, če si le fit, pa nimaš duševnih bolezni, da imajo pol probleme s tabo, ti dajo novo identiteto, če jo hočeš, državljanstvo, naučiš se jezika, ni da ni. Sicer je vsako rekrutiranje case-by-case, če vidijo, da si zmešan, te ne bodo vzeli. Sicer pa te z veseljem vzamejo. To, če imaš kje kakšne dolgove ali pa te kje čaka zapor, je čisto zares drugotnega pomena. Imaš deployment v Gvajano ali kam po svetu, im aš drugo ime, si francoski državljan,. imeli so še menda kanadsko državljanstvo pa še par stvari na izbiro. Po 10, 15 letih služenja, z drugim imenom in državljanstvom te nihče ne najde.
Tudi Madžari so med 2. sv. vojno rekrutirali vsakogar, vključno z zaporniki, ki je le količkaj bil fit in ni aktivno nasprotoval madžarski vojski in se je naučil par 10 ukazov v madžarščini, kar ni težko.
Poglej, kar sem jaz hotel povedati je, da Ukrajinci seveda rekrutirajo svoje državljane v vojsko za sveto obrambo domovine. To je vedno case in motivacija.
Kaj naj pa Rusi rečejo? Da preganjajo ukro-nacije? Pa saj to ni Battlefield 2042 igrica. Zato oni lepo rečejo, glej, tu podpiši, greš v Ukrajino in se boriš in dobiš denar. Seveda kasneje dosti ljudi denarja sploh ne dobi ali pa izginejo v vihri vojne in nihče ne ve, če gnijejo po poljih Ukrajine ali pa so kje v kakem taborišču POW.
LNR/DNRjevci ne vem, kako funkcionirajo sedaj, na začetku so bili prostovoljci, potem so rekli, da dobivajo plačilo. Kako je sedaj ne vem. Vem pa, da so imeli reportaže, da ranjeni in invalidi ne dobijo nič. Ne penzije, ne odškodnine, nič.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bbbbbb2015 ()

Pac-Man ::
Če bi kdo bral, cel kup obramboslovne teorije
Battlefield failure can be the harbinger of defeat, or the beginning of adaptation & intellectual renewal that leads to victory. This is the challenge that faces #Ukraine after President Zelensky accepted that the 2023 counteroffensive failed to meets its objectives. 1/17 🧵
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Jelcin je konec 90ih želel, da Amerika prepusti Evropo Rusiji.
Ampak ni bil ravno vrhunski prodajalec, "pustite nam jih in jim bomo zagotovili varnost". Pred čem? :D
in to
Prepis je datiran 19.11.1999, na začetku organizirata Clintonov obisk Jelcina v Rusiji. Jelcin je odstopil 31.12.1999 in za naslednika imenoval Putina. Blef ali se je zgodba res odvila v manj kot mesecu in pol?
Ampak ni bil ravno vrhunski prodajalec, "pustite nam jih in jim bomo zagotovili varnost". Pred čem? :D
Russians call Yeltsin a US puppet, but when you look at the 90s he was the one pulling Clinton's strings. He was every bit as imperialist as Putin, but he lacked the physical capability to follow through. That's the only thing his russian critics really hate.
in to
Surreal excerpt from a transcript of a conversation between Yeltsin and Clinton on the sidelines of the 1999 OSCE summit in Istanbul.
"Just give Europe to Russia." The full memorandum of conversation:
Prepis je datiran 19.11.1999, na začetku organizirata Clintonov obisk Jelcina v Rusiji. Jelcin je odstopil 31.12.1999 in za naslednika imenoval Putina. Blef ali se je zgodba res odvila v manj kot mesecu in pol?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

RedDrake ::
Če bi kdo bral, cel kup obramboslovne teorije
Battlefield failure can be the harbinger of defeat, or the beginning of adaptation & intellectual renewal that leads to victory. This is the challenge that faces #Ukraine after President Zelensky accepted that the 2023 counteroffensive failed to meets its objectives. 1/17 🧵
Victory is near?
Analitiki spet analizirajo ...

fur80 ::
Nekam veliko posnetkov samomorov iz fronte je v zadnjem času.
Collective suicide by Russian soldiers !!
During the battle, three Russian soldiers crawled up to the BMP and two of them shot themselves.
The case of suicides on the battle field have risen markedly in the recent weeks among Russians.
!!a small announcement for Russians:
How to properly shoot at yourself?
Shoot in the head. Not in the stomach.
And immediately after the shot, you get a Lada or not...
Collective suicide by Russian soldiers !!
During the battle, three Russian soldiers crawled up to the BMP and two of them shot themselves.
The case of suicides on the battle field have risen markedly in the recent weeks among Russians.
!!a small announcement for Russians:
How to properly shoot at yourself?
Shoot in the head. Not in the stomach.
And immediately after the shot, you get a Lada or not...

AgJ1 ::
Putin ploska in se veseli, nas pa bi moralo skrbeti in bi kot Slovenci morali strniti vrste:
Italijanska opozicija zahteva prepoved skrajno desnih strank po množičnem fašističnem pozdravu

AtaŠtumf ::
Govori Ukrajinec resnico ali Ukrajinec laže?
Ukraine lost 500,000 soldiers, killed or seriously wounded, since the beginning of the Russian special military operation/invasion, former Prosecutor General and ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said on the YouTube channel.
Ukraine lost 500,000 soldiers, killed or seriously wounded, since the beginning of the Russian special military operation/invasion, former Prosecutor General and ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said on the YouTube channel.
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem

Pac-Man ::
Ko opravijo z Ukrajino mislijo nad Moldavijo in Latvijo
Rus zmrzuje, 30s video s podnapisi. BTW je že kdo spekel hrčka? Moj še vedno dela elektriko.
Just watched some clips from today's Russian TV praising US House Speaker @SpeakerJohnson for helping Russia by blocking assistance to Ukraine.
The hubris..
Comments like "We will make Johnson a member of the Duma" and "Without Patriots, our missiles will soon bring Ukrainians to their knees" and "Moldova will be much easier than Ukraine" and "Latvia will fall without a shot".
This is how enemies of the US now see America.
Rus zmrzuje, 30s video s podnapisi. BTW je že kdo spekel hrčka? Moj še vedno dela elektriko.
They are freezing! 😏
Local residents of Selyatino, a city near Moscow recorded a video appeal to draw the attention of authorities to the problem with heating in the city.
The guys that would normally fix things are lying in Ukrainian fields rotting, perhaps? 😏
Quite possibly. 😉
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::
V DNR/LNR so imeli že dolgo splošno mobilizacijo, saj so v vojni od leta 2014. V Rusiji ni splošne mobilizacije, tako kot jo imajo v Ukrajini. To je dejstvo.
2022 mobilization in the Donetsk People%27s Republic and the Luhansk People%27s Republic @ Wikipedia
Ti kar nadaljuj s svojimi lazmi... Upam, da si vsaj placan.

kow ::
Komedijant je vmes se spremenil izjavo iz: "ampak vse še vedno pokrivajo s profesionalno vojsko in profesionalno rezervo." v "V Rusiji ni splošne mobilizacije, tako kot jo imajo v Ukrajini.".

Pac-Man ::
BBCjev pregled ruskega tiska, video, 3 min
When you read in your morning paper that “Repressions are inevitable, unavoidable…they are not carried out against the innocent, but against internal enemies” it makes you want to check the date of the newspaper. It sounds very 1930s...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::
Ukrajinci naj bi dobili v kratkem 2 taka sistema na preizkušnjo (1000 strelov na minuto):
During Rheinmetall's latest edition of the 35mm Air Defence Systems Group event in 2021, Rheinmetall presented the Skynex Air Defence System in a truck-mounted version, successfully engaging a swarm of eight small drones with the 35mm Revolver Gun Mk3.
During Rheinmetall's latest edition of the 35mm Air Defence Systems Group event in 2021, Rheinmetall presented the Skynex Air Defence System in a truck-mounted version, successfully engaging a swarm of eight small drones with the 35mm Revolver Gun Mk3.

Pac-Man ::
Za primerjavo ta zemljevid s cenami iz 2013. Pod 300 so ga imele samo VB, Belorusija in Armenija.
Miks z ameriškim LNG je cenejši od ruskega plinovodnega pred krizo? Čudno to, vsi rusofili me prepričujejo v nasprotno...
The price of gas in Europe will normalize and drop below $300 per 1,000 cubic meters by the end of the heating season amid record reserves in storage facilities and the commissioning of new LNG capacities in the US in 2024, Finam analyst Sergey Kaufman told TASS.
Za primerjavo ta zemljevid s cenami iz 2013. Pod 300 so ga imele samo VB, Belorusija in Armenija.
Miks z ameriškim LNG je cenejši od ruskega plinovodnega pred krizo? Čudno to, vsi rusofili me prepričujejo v nasprotno...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

RedDrake ::
The price of gas in Europe will normalize and drop below $300 per 1,000 cubic meters by the end of the heating season amid record reserves in storage facilities and the commissioning of new LNG capacities in the US in 2024, Finam analyst Sergey Kaufman told TASS.
Za primerjavo ta zemljevid s cenami iz 2013. Pod 300 so ga imele samo VB, Belorusija in Armenija.
Miks z ameriškim LNG je cenejši od ruskega plinovodnega pred krizo? Čudno to, vsi rusofili me prepričujejo v nasprotno...
S tem da je bilo $300 leta 2013 enako kot je $400 danes ...
Ruski oligarhi so se dobesedno šlepali na račun Evrope.
Mogoče zdaj dobijo kako drugo žrtev (Indijci, Kitajci?) - vsako sekundo se rodi nov idiot ...

kow ::
Ja. Katastrofalno novica je bila 2 dni nazaj. Nemske zaloge plina so 7. januarja padle pod 90%.

Mogoče zdaj dobijo kako drugo žrtev (Indijci, Kitajci?)
Indijci plačujejo v rupijah, oligarhi bi pa dolarje (ali evre). Nč, bodo počakali na BRICS valuto ;).
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

kow ::
Je kar draga in bo se ostala. Padla je tudi poraba zaradi zmanjsevanja energetsko intenzivne industrije. Sedaj, ko bo cena spet nizja, zna da bo kaksna zadeva spet bolj rentabilna. Energetska politika, industrializacija, vojska - sami ogromni izzivi za evropsko politiko in birokracijo. Problemov se ne da vec skrivati.

Unilseptij ::
The price of gas in Europe will normalize and drop below $300 per 1,000 cubic meters by the end of the heating season amid record reserves in storage facilities and the commissioning of new LNG capacities in the US in 2024, Finam analyst Sergey Kaufman told TASS.
Za primerjavo ta zemljevid s cenami iz 2013. Pod 300 so ga imele samo VB, Belorusija in Armenija.
Miks z ameriškim LNG je cenejši od ruskega plinovodnega pred krizo? Čudno to, vsi rusofili me prepričujejo v nasprotno...
Ti se prav trudis, da najdes najbolj neresnicne informacije... cena plina je tukaj, ne vem, od kod tvoje stevilke, vsekakor vsaj za EU niso realne, ker je bila cena okoli 30 EUR/MWh, morda si primerjal neprimerljivo, kubicni metri vs. MWh:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Unilseptij ()

Pac-Man ::
Unilseptij je izjavil:
cena plina je tukaj, ne vem, od kod tvoje stevilke, vsekakor vsaj za EU niso realne, ker je bila cena okoli 30 EUR/MWh, morda si primerjal neprimerljivo, kubicni metri vs. MWh
Vir je TASS, imaš povezavo, cena je podana na 1000 m3, kot piše v citiranem tekstu.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

RedDrake ::
Unilseptij je izjavil:
Ti se prav trudis, da najdes najbolj neresnicne informacije... cena plina je tukaj, ne vem, od kod tvoje stevilke, vsekakor vsaj za EU niso realne, ker je bila cena okoli 30 EUR/MWh, morda si primerjal neprimerljivo, kubicni metri vs. MWh:
Ti si pa prav po prorusko nepismen.
1MWh plina je nekje med 83 in 97 kubičnimi metri.
30 EUR/MWh je torej cca 330 EUR/1000m3. Oziroma cca $450. Leta 2013. GTFO!

Pac-Man ::
Sem šel malo guglat, faktor pretvorbe je 10,55 kot je že omenil RedDrake
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Unilseptij ::
OK, morda sem narobe razumel... ja, cena trenutno je priblizno enaka (nominalno) kot leta 2013, ce je bil to point... ampak vmes je cena sla do 3000 USD za 1000 m3, kar je povzrocilo, da smo v EU spet zaceli kuriti premog in nafto (da ne bo kdo mislil, da smo izpad nadomestili z obnovljivimi viri
). Ce zelis res narediti analizo, poglej se koliko je padla poraba plina.

Unilseptij ::
Oktobra 2022 je bila kratek cas cena celo negativna, -15 EUR, to je prej posledica nestabilnih razmer in dokler ni mozno pogledati na daljse obdobje, je tezko iz tega vleci neke dolgorocne zakljucke/projekcije.

Pac-Man ::
to, video s podnapisi, že bilo omenjeno
in to, leta je preživel v Rusiji, pozna tamkajšnjo "dušo"
Serbian mercenary in the Russian army, Dejan Berić, complains that Russians from the 119th regiment treated other Serbs like cattle, called them gypsies, and beat a number of them. The command of the brigade sent the mercenaries into assaults without ammo and offered to collect some during the battle.
in to, leta je preživel v Rusiji, pozna tamkajšnjo "dušo"
This should be mandatory watching for every Serb who believes when russia calls them "little brothers." Now you see what that brotherhood looks like up close.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::
How it started. How it's going.
Zgleda bo poletel iz 3 nadstropja ali kak topel čajček! Verjetno ima še 1-3 mesece življenja.

Pac-Man ::
zdaj še tepeni Srbi osebno, video s podnapisi
Jelisaveta Plavšić:
Serbian mercenaries, all with traditional values, no drunkies, no crackies, who were beaten and treated worse than convicts by Russian officers from the 119th Brigade. Speaking Russian fluently.
Jelisaveta Plavšić:
Y’all don’t understand how much we’ve been laughing at these stupid chetniks all day 🤣🤣🤣 They fall for their own “orthodox brothers” propaganda LOL 😂
These guys swallowed 🗑️🇷🇺 propaganda so hard that they russified THEMSELVES. Making a video like serf to a tsar. Where is the inat??? There is none. Instead they go like mindless serfs to murder Ukrainians in their own country.
Just like… one of the most important parts of our culture is resistance and defiance, no matter the price, and these 💩 nationalists say they are true Serbs, then they make video like this after they join 🗑️🇷🇺 army as mercs to kill Ukrainians on sovereign Ukrainian territory
Culturally, this is like… 10 layers deep of FAFO all wrapped together. It’s hilarious, but what’s not hilarious is they went to murder Ukrainians
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::
Putin ploska in se veseli, nas pa bi moralo skrbeti in bi kot Slovenci morali strniti vrste:
Italijanska opozicija zahteva prepoved skrajno desnih strank po množičnem fašističnem pozdravu
Tile so čisto blizu s stranko, ki vlada Italiji in izvira iz Mussolinijeve fašistične stranke. Ampak ker Melonijeva podpira ZDA, Ukrajino, WEF, apartheid režim, ki okupira palestino ipd., je seveda vse kosher.
Kar se tiče Ukrajine, nov wunderwaffe bo zdaj zdaj...
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Malidelničar ::
Baje, da se nekaj dogaja pri Kreminni in se ne ve ali Rusi na tem odseku planirajo umik ...
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

Bauc ::
Putin ploska in se veseli, nas pa bi moralo skrbeti in bi kot Slovenci morali strniti vrste:
Italijanska opozicija zahteva prepoved skrajno desnih strank po množičnem fašističnem pozdravu
Tile so čisto blizu s stranko, ki vlada Italiji in izvira iz Mussolinijeve fašistične stranke. Ampak ker Melonijeva podpira ZDA, Ukrajino, WEF, apartheid režim, ki okupira palestino ipd., je seveda vse kosher.
Kar se tiče Ukrajine, nov wunderwaffe bo zdaj zdaj...
Zaenkrat Italijani še niso poizkušali okupirat primorske tako, da jih ne moremo označiti za fašiste. Ko bodo začeli z retoriko, da je Slovenija njihovo zgodovinsko ozemlje in da je potrebno slovence poitalijanit bo pa druga zgodba.
Dejansko so vsa našteta orožja po svoje gamechangerji. Javelini so zrukali tanke. Himarsi skladišča. Atamcsi helikopterska letališča. Pomagala so, da je tri dni do kijeva postalo po tri mesece za eno njivo

yayo ::
How it started. How it's going.
Zgleda bo poletel iz 3 nadstropja ali kak topel čajček! Verjetno ima še 1-3 mesece življenja.
sedaj so srbe baje tako zaščitili, da so jih preselili v čečenske enote. Me zanima kako jim bo tam.

Fritz ::
Dejansko so vsa našteta orožja po svoje gamechangerji. Javelini so zrukali tanke. Himarsi skladišča. Atamcsi helikopterska letališča. Pomagala so, da je tri dni do kijeva postalo po tri mesece za eno njivo![]()
Saj veš, da si je tri dni do Kijeva izmislil ameriški general Miley, anede...
Vojna izčrpavanja pa je takšna kot je in bo trajala dokler ena stran ne bo več zmogla.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Bauc ::
Dejansko so vsa našteta orožja po svoje gamechangerji. Javelini so zrukali tanke. Himarsi skladišča. Atamcsi helikopterska letališča. Pomagala so, da je tri dni do kijeva postalo po tri mesece za eno njivo![]()
Saj veš, da si je tri dni do Kijeva izmislil ameriški general Miley, anede...
Vojna izčrpavanja pa je takšna kot je in bo trajala dokler ena stran ne bo več zmogla.
Podobno so trdili tudi po ruski televiziji. Nekateri so tudi na tem forumu lani marca trdili, da je vojna praktično končana in je samo vprašanje dni ko bo ukrajinska vojska obkoljena. Si pozabil, anede?

Fritz ::
Lej, sem ti podal kdo je to serviral v eter. Naprej pa...
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Bauc ::

Pac-Man ::
V bistvu so mislili zavzet celo Ukrajino v 10ih dneh.
Ukraine war: Captured Russian documents reveal Moscow's 10-day plan to take over the country and kill its leaders
Russia planned to start the invasion with a "massive missile and airstrike campaign" against Ukrainian military targets, RUSI says, with a list also showing who should be killed, who would be intimidated and who would be targeted as a collaborator.
Russia had planned to take over Ukraine over 10 days and annex it by August this year [2022], the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI) said.
According to the British Army-linked think tank, only a small group of Russian officials were aware of the full scale of the plans.
It said even deputy heads of branches within the Russian military were unaware of the plan to invade and occupy Ukraine until days before the invasion began, and tactical military units didn't receive orders until hours before.
The documents also revealed that Russia planned to capture Ukraine's power stations, airfields, water supplies, central bank and parliament - and that Russian special services were tasked with killing the Ukrainian leadership.
They appeared to assume Ukrainian government officials would "either flee or be captured as a result of the speed of the invasion", RUSI said.
The Russian counterintelligence regime had compiled lists of some Ukrainians, RUSI said.
They were divided into four categories:
Those who should be killed
Those in need of suppression and intimidation
Those considered neutral who should be encouraged to collaborate
Those prepared to collaborate.
Officials planned to register the population through door-to-door sweeps and filtration camps, the think tank said.
Russia also reportedly planned the coerced cooperation of regional governors and local authorities, and the FSB had been tasked with capturing local officials.
Over time, it planned to bring teachers and other officials from Russia to start the "re-education of Ukrainians".
Učitelje za reedukacijo dokumentirano vozijo na okupirane teritorije, video s podnapisi
Ukraine war: Captured Russian documents reveal Moscow's 10-day plan to take over the country and kill its leaders
Russia planned to start the invasion with a "massive missile and airstrike campaign" against Ukrainian military targets, RUSI says, with a list also showing who should be killed, who would be intimidated and who would be targeted as a collaborator.
Russia had planned to take over Ukraine over 10 days and annex it by August this year [2022], the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI) said.
According to the British Army-linked think tank, only a small group of Russian officials were aware of the full scale of the plans.
It said even deputy heads of branches within the Russian military were unaware of the plan to invade and occupy Ukraine until days before the invasion began, and tactical military units didn't receive orders until hours before.
The documents also revealed that Russia planned to capture Ukraine's power stations, airfields, water supplies, central bank and parliament - and that Russian special services were tasked with killing the Ukrainian leadership.
They appeared to assume Ukrainian government officials would "either flee or be captured as a result of the speed of the invasion", RUSI said.
The Russian counterintelligence regime had compiled lists of some Ukrainians, RUSI said.
They were divided into four categories:
Those who should be killed
Those in need of suppression and intimidation
Those considered neutral who should be encouraged to collaborate
Those prepared to collaborate.
Officials planned to register the population through door-to-door sweeps and filtration camps, the think tank said.
Russia also reportedly planned the coerced cooperation of regional governors and local authorities, and the FSB had been tasked with capturing local officials.
Over time, it planned to bring teachers and other officials from Russia to start the "re-education of Ukrainians".
Učitelje za reedukacijo dokumentirano vozijo na okupirane teritorije, video s podnapisi
It’s heartbreaking to watch how Russian “volunteers” replace normal teachers in occupied areas of Ukraine. And it feels like saying “Nazi government” is a must for any propaganda video.
“We came here to show the teachers what Russian discipline is." — Russia forces them to do what they don’t want.
“There’s a shortage of teachers" —nobody wants to take part in this hell.
“Their past education is very different from the Russian education" — when they lived in a free Ukraine, there was a real education.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::
Lej, sem ti podal kdo je to serviral v eter. Naprej pa...
No navsezadnje se moraš strinjati, da je zahodno orožje spremenilo potek vojne, kar posredno postavi na laž tvojo tvojo meme slikico. Anede?
Potek vojne sta spremenili količini denarja in orožja, ki ju je zahod zlil v Ukrajino in ju delno še zliva. Spremenili na ta način, da sta vojno podaljšali, ne bosta pa spremenili končnega izzida.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

ne bosta pa spremenili končnega izzida.
Ne vem, lani smo poslušali kako bomo v evropi zmrznili, danes pa zmrzujejo v rusiji...
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

fur80 ::
How it started. How it's going.
Zgleda bo poletel iz 3 nadstropja ali kak topel čajček! Verjetno ima še 1-3 mesece življenja.
sedaj so srbe baje tako zaščitili, da so jih preselili v čečenske enote. Me zanima kako jim bo tam.
Bodo skupaj napadali pravoslavce in pravoslavne cerkve, ter molili Alahu. Mogoče si povejo kako zgodbo še iz Bosne in Albanije.
Lej, sem ti podal kdo je to serviral v eter. Naprej pa...
No navsezadnje se moraš strinjati, da je zahodno orožje spremenilo potek vojne, kar posredno postavi na laž tvojo tvojo meme slikico. Anede?
Potek vojne sta spremenili količini denarja in orožja, ki ju je zahod zlil v Ukrajino in ju delno še zliva. Spremenili na ta način, da sta vojno podaljšali, ne bosta pa spremenili končnega izzida.
Kakšen bo končni izid, ko starcev, Xi-ja, Bidna, Putina,... ne bo več? Čez 10, 20, 30 let bo na sceni mladina, ki je danes stara 20, 30, 40 let.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()