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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Temo vidijo: vsi
442 / 905

Lesoto ::

SPECIAL OPERATIONS: they are of two different characters. The first is continued attack on the led's maintenance lines with missiles and precision strikes.
The second is more interesting, namely the activity of our sissi koman troops behind the lines. They have previously attracted interest in, among others, Nova Kakhovka. We have dozens of sissi groups that landed here and spread out along the entire Kherson Oblast line and half of the Zaporizhzhia front. They carry out raids around Tokmak and south of Staromaiorske and Urozhaine. At the same time, our regular troops from the north are pushing hard. It would not surprise me at all if within a couple of days these two communities are controlled by us. The Sissi activity, AND the local resistance movement are planning something big in Kherson Oblast, it is undoubtedly real.

Lesoto ::

According to preliminary information, in Rykove, Kherson region, as a result of a missile strike on June 18 at 03:58, about 550 Russian servicemen were killed at this railway hub full of ammo. The number of wounded is high, but there is no exact data. The bodies were loaded into freight cars at the Sivash station and subsequently transported to Dzhankoy.

This warehouse was placed by the command of the Russian Armed Forces at a distance of 90 km from the front line in order to avoid attacks using GMLRS, the range of which is 84 km, and was so important and large that roads around it were built / updated to improve logistics.

Pac-Man ::

Če Prigožin zdaj ne pade skozi okno...


Prigozhin released today a new interview going over the current state of affairs as well as looking back at the events preceding the start of the "SMO". In this first bit, he explains that the Donbas was plundered by Russians since 2014 and the 2022 war began for reasons very different from those advertised to the public.

In continuation of his interview, Prigozhin lists two reasons for the start of the SMO: a) personal ambitions of Shoygu and b) the desire of Russia's ruling clan, who were not satisfied with the Donbas, to appoint Medvedchuk as the president of Ukraine and divide its assets between each other for plundering. According to Prigozhin, denazification and demilitarisation make no sense since Azov wouldn't be exchanged for Medvedchuk otherwise.

Prigozhin says that by the time Wagner arrived in Ukraine in March of 2022, it was already impossible to be talking about any victory as the forces were simply not enough, but the military leadership was demanding advances, even of 50-100 meters per day, and the dead were not counted.

Prigozhin says again that Rusian lines in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson are falling, and it is only a matter of time until moves similar to Kherson and Kharkiv regroupings take place. Local Russian commanders are forced to provide false reports on their positions so as to not antagonise the high command.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Sheteentz ::

To je za zahodno občinstvo. Ruski plebs je priklopljen na rusonet.

Lesoto ::

Sheteentz je izjavil:

To je za zahodno občinstvo. Ruski plebs je priklopljen na rusonet.

A vežde ja. Je kar lepo za rusko občinstvo.

Sheteentz ::

Pa je tw dovoljen v Rusiji?

Lesoto ::

Prigozhin je zvezda v Rusiji - praktično najbolj popularen človek v zadnjem mesecu.

Putin Is No Longer the Most Popular Person in Russia--Internet Searches Show

Russian President Vladimir Putin is no longer the most popular person in Russia, with citizens searching for information about his ally--Wagner Group boss Yevgeny Prigozhin--twice as often in the month of May.

Lesoto ::

"The Chonhar bridge is damaged more seriously than we thought. Due to this damage, traffic between the Kherson region and Crimea via this bridge will be closed for 15-20 days," Russian appointed Governor of the Kherson region Volodymyr Saldo said.

k4vz0024 ::

Pritožina čaka zdravilo novičok pa to:D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: k4vz0024 ()

Lesoto ::

Definitely interesting that the Russian Pantsir-S1 had an IR lock on the Storm Shadow at near point-blank range and the 95YA6 missiles just failed to track.

Pac-Man ::

Sheteentz je izjavil:

Pa je tw dovoljen v Rusiji?

Original je z njegovega Telegrama, danes ob desetih. Pol ure dolg prvi del intervjuja. Pride še več?


Публикуем первую часть большого интервью Евгения Пригожина.

We are publishing the first part of a long interview with Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Na twiterju imaš samo prevedene odlomke


not the whole thing as it's 30 minutes but I'm doing big chunks right now

Brani sebe in Carja ter za faile krivi Šojguja z oligarhi.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Možno, da je kaj v zvezi s poškodovanim mostom.


The russian already built a pontoon bridge at Chonhar, which proves how important that bridge is for their logistics.

Ukraine will strike the bridge and the pontoon bridge with Storm Shadow again in a few days.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::



Some Russian channels are spreading info about the alleged intention of the Russian MoD to detain Wagner's Prigozhin.

Channel Goryachie Tochki posts a screenshot of the "conversation" between two soldiers from Rostov. By their words, the command is preparing for a force move to arrest Wagnerites for their refusal to sign contracts with the MoD - a requirement that needs to be fulfilled before 1 July to "legalise" the PMC. The channel suggests those who resist the arrest will be shot.

In this regard, Prigozhin's emotional interview from today could be a way for him to deal the most damage.

However, aside from this information from several channels, there's currently no indication that any raid against Wagner is actually going to take place.

Cela telenovela
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

bbbbbb2015 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Možno, da je kaj v zvezi s poškodovanim mostom.


The russian already built a pontoon bridge at Chonhar, which proves how important that bridge is for their logistics.

Ukraine will strike the bridge and the pontoon bridge with Storm Shadow again in a few days.

Ja, Pancir AA ni uspel sestreliti Storm Shadow. Predvsem je bil SS zelo zelo blizu, kot prvič. Na tistem posnetku se vidi, kako pozno je obrnil osvetljevalni radar na SS. Ko ga je pa obrnil, pa je bil SS skoraj že iz fokusa (osvetljevanja) radarja. Zato mu je ušel. Potem je operater (zgleda ročno) pomaknil osvetljevanje, samo SS je bil že mimo. Istrelil je drugi izstrelek, potem pa je nek komentar, da so vibracije ali kaj preprečile drugi lock, ker bi naj dobesedno delal lock v rep rakete. Sicer pa ne vem, če bi druga raketa sploh še ujela SS.

To je bilo prvič. Drugič bodo Rusi morda bolj pripravljeni. Zdaj vedo, da SS (zopet) prihaja.

So pa nekako SS pričakovali, zato ni povsem jasno, kak ga niso ujeli. Zgleda, da je SS letel prečno, kar je za Pancir najbolj neugodno. Pancir bi naj imel auto tracking, kjer se osvetljevanje obrača za manevrirno raketo. Ne vem, zakaj ni imel to vklopljeno in je manualno obračal osvetljevalni radar.

V praksi pa ta Pancir dela slabo. Zdi se, da je prepočasen v namerjanju in locku.

Lesoto ::

The BMP turret flew a few meters short from the drone height (107 m)

Sheteentz ::


An army that can't take care of truck tires can't take care of shock- and temperature- sensitive oscillators/boards/photo-optics/lasers?

Shocked. Shocked I tell you.


bbbbbb2015 ::

Sheteentz je izjavil:


An army that can't take care of truck tires can't take care of shock- and temperature- sensitive oscillators/boards/photo-optics/lasers?

Shocked. Shocked I tell you.


Ne razumem, kaj želiš povedati?

Si bil kdaj v vojski? V praksi je tako, da so pnevmatike na vojaških vozilih obremenjene. Sicer imajo obroč, ko snameš obroč, gre feltna v dva kosa. Ko sem bil jaz v JNA so se nam:
a) pnevmatike zažgale
b) počile
c) strgale, ker smo parkirali in se je čez noč naredil led, pa je šofer hotel kamion "iztrgati" iz leda - v realnosti je led strgal pnevmatiko

To so bile *nove* pnevmatike.

Menjavati pnevmatiko pri -5 stopinj je pasje. Mi smo jo menjavali pri -20 na Krivolaku, v Makedoniji:
Krivolak @ Wikipedia

Za servisiranje nočne namerilne naprave, pa ima T-90 tri absorberje s silicijevim gelom (kroglice). Če se ta gel napolni (postane oranžen) potem se ti pojavi vlaga znotraj namerilne (durbina), čez čas pa korozija.

Saj so Ukrajinci rekli, da saj je PzH2000 (nemška havbica) v redu, samo še sesalec je zraven, da se počisti autoloader, ker drugače se smeti in listje zgrabijo noter. In da po vsakem streljanju delajo ko junci, da počistijo havbico. Da pa razumejo, da je mašina bolj fina, da več od sebe, da pa je vzdrževanje daleč zahtevnejše.

Lesoto ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Cela telenovela

čaki, zdaj imamo že pravo dramo

The Russian MoD has attacked a Wagner camp reportedly
This comes against the backdrop of this morning video in which Prigozhin basically undermined 9 years of Russian propaganda and requested Shoigu and Gerasimov to be investigated

"A huge number of our fighters died. We will decide how to respond. The next step is ours," Prigozhin about the Russians shelling the rear positions of the Wagner PMC

Strelkov aka Girkin: " The country is on the verge of a military coup"


MadMen ::

I posted earlier today a quote from Chekhov - "If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired."

It seems it did fire - Prigozhin claims that locations of Wagner mercenaries were hit by a missile strike - from the rear, "performed by the military of Russian defense ministry."

Prigozhin confirmed the strikes in an audiomessage and said the number of casualties was "huge."

How many acts are in that play?


kow ::

Se je pol le zacelo?

MadMen ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

Strelkov aka Girkin: " The country is on the verge of a military coup"

Men je zanimivo, kako je Strelkov spremenil način razmišljanja(iz "doomsday" govorca do stanja kakršno je sedaj). Pomoje je dobil ponudbo, ki jo ni mogel zavrnit...

kow ::

MadMen ::

kow je izjavil:

Se je pol le zacelo?

Lahko da je to samo politična predigra za odstranitev Šojguja in nekaterih oligarhov. Kdo ve, bi bla pa njegova odstranitev precej negativna za UA...

gozdar1 ::

Dvomim, da prigožin kakrkoli počne brez putinove privolitve. Očitno se išče grešne kozle ...

Lesoto ::

MadMen je izjavil:

Kdo ve, bi bla pa njegova odstranitev precej negativna za UA...

Ruska vojska je beyond repair. Ne more noben Prigožin popravit tega v mesecu dveh. In to se ne bo končalo samo z zamenjavo nekih generalov. Te zadeve so precej globje.

Full message of Prigozhi "declaring war on the Russian Ministry of Defence:
"PMC Wagner Commanders' Council made a decision: the evil brought by the military leadership of the country must be stopped.
They neglect the lives of soldiers. They forgot the word "justice", and we will bring it back.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

karafeka ::

Kam smo prišli, da še enemu kuharju danes ne moreš zaupat.

Lesoto ::

Bojda je ruska vojska napadla več Wagnerjevih oporišč, ne samo enega.

Russian Ministry of Defense: All messages and video footage distributed on social networks on behalf of Y.Prigozhin about the alleged "strike by the RF Ministry of Defense on the rear camps of PMC Wagner" do not correspond to reality and are an informational provocation. The armed forces of the Russian Federation continue to carry out combat missions on the line of contact with the armed forces of Ukraine in the area of the special military operation.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

bbbbbb2015 ::

karafeka je izjavil:

Kam smo prišli, da še enemu kuharju danes ne moreš zaupat.

Na Financial Times so poznavalci mnenja, da Prigožin sedaj opravlja umazano delo za Putina. Kritizira vojsko, namesto, da Putin pritiska za njih. Samo zato še ni padel skozi okno ali popil čajčka, pa se ga je polotil glavobol.

Nakazuje pa to na kaos. Javno je bilo rečeno gubernatorjem oblasti, da naj NE OBJAVLJAJO pravega števila mrtvih in naj ne objavljajo osmrtnic. Ker tvegajo resne upore. To putinovo mistrstvo javlja JAVNO gubernatorjem.

Velki ::

Kje se to tolčejo, a v Sibiriji? Ker če smo iskreni so po vaše Ukiji že v Moskvi... Gremo do Willya da vidimo če je v teh vaših virih vsaj kanček resnice...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: connel ()

Lesoto ::

UA military has advanced and is holding positions in the area where there was an unsuccessful attempt to break through Ru defense lines in early June.

Bauc ::

Velki je izjavil:

Kje se to tolčejo, a v Sibiriji? Ker če smo iskreni so po vaše Ukiji že v Moskvi... Gremo do Willya da vidimo če je v teh vaših virih vsaj kanček resnice...

Kje ti vidiš vire,da so ukrajinci v Moskvi? Kdo je Willy? Skupni vrhovni poveljnik Rusov in Ukrajincev,da mu je vse jasno?

Lesoto ::

Pro-Russian TG channels are coping hard: one of them is claiming that Wagner's comms were "hacked" and Prigozhin's voice was "emulated by a neural network", whatever that even means.

MadMen ::

Jutri na RT.com

Chalky ::

The National Guard of Russia also know as the "Rosgvardiya" has reportedly been placed into a High Alert Status with Mobilization Orders having been received from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Očitno bo počilo od znotraj. Rusi naj bi že napadali Wagner skupino.

BREAKING: Putin is aware of the situation unfolding around Prigozhin, all necessary measures are being taken, Kremlin spokesman says - TASS

Bosta Wagner in Prigožin prestopila na stran Ukrajine? To bi bil pa res zanimivo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Chalky ()

MadMen ::

Strelkov pravi da je vse mirno, pa ponavadi ne laže. Pomoje je to samo show za interno občinstvo, nakazuje pa smer spremembe, jaz pravim da Šojguj ne bo več dolgo med nami ter par oligarhov bo izgubilo svoje premoženje z nacionalizacijo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: MadMen ()

Lesoto ::


Ukrainian "Bakhmut Demon" :

"The leftovers of Wagners on the outskirts of Bakhmut opened fire on the regular roads of the Russian Federation.
Our assault brigades see everything, systematic strikes are now being carried out on the positions of the Russians.
You would hear the radio broadcast of these *** now.
The impression is that part of the Russian regular troops are killing their own, and it seems that part of the military is supporting Prigozhin. While it is not clear what is finally happening, it is a bloodbath"

MadMen je izjavil:

Strelkov pravi da je vse mirno, pa ponavadi ne laže.

Strelkov sedi v Moskvi.

Shoigu is personally commanding the special troops which are attacking Wagner near Rostov per Prigozhin statements. The situation seems to spiral out of control very fast.

"Soldiers of the SOBR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were sent from Moscow to Belgorod by plane." - ASTRA

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

sparklyslo ::

"?Putin has been informed about the situation around Prigozhin, all the necessary measures are being taken" Peskov said.

CIA + $$$ + wagner = Putin-1: Prigožin presidente :D

Lesoto ::

BREAKING The Russians are killing each other in Bakhmut. It is not only Wagner against the regular army, it is also part of the regular army against the rest of the regular army.
Ukrainian soldiers are enjoying the show. They write it is a real massacre....

Chalky ::

Rybar is reporting that the Russian Ministry of Justice has just announced that they will be adding the Leader of the Wagner PMC Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin to the Official List of Foreign Agents.

Jutri se bomo zbudili in Prigožina ne bo več.

Lesoto ::

Chalky je izjavil:

Rybar is reporting that the Russian Ministry of Justice has just announced that they will be adding the Leader of the Wagner PMC Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin to the Official List of Foreign Agents.

Jutri se bomo zbudili in Prigožina ne bo več.

To bomo pa še videli, koga ne bo.

Bauc ::

Tako Wagnerju kot ruski vojski želim obilo uspeha,mirne roke in dobro merjenje v medsebojni denacifikaciji.

Lesoto ::

"The majority of the military supports us. Information has just arrived that Shoigu ordered to hide 2,000 corpses in the Rostov morgue in order not to show the losses" - Prigozhin

sparklyslo ::

Bauc je izjavil:

Tako Wagnerju kot ruski vojski želim obilo uspeha,mirne roke in dobro merjenje v medsebojni denacifikaciji.

Noč dolgih nožev... emm odprtih oken

bbbbbb2015 ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

Shoigu is personally commanding the special troops which are attacking Wagner near Rostov per Prigozhin statements. The situation seems to spiral out of control very fast.

Ne pobiraj vsega šunda ukrajinskega gor. Saj so Ukrajinci v redu fantje, pa vse, samo to pa je raca velikosti jelena ali večja.

Šojgu je inženir. Verjetno bi znal menjati magacin v kalašnikovu, kaj več pa ne in niti noče. On je bil postavljen za ministra, KER ni general, uni so se itak šolali in krokali skupaj, Šojgu pa je outsider. Dobesedno je svojo pozicijo dobil, ker ni poznal svoje predhodnike IN NIMA VOJAŠKE IZOBRAZBE. Imel je eno samo nalogo: prenoviti rusko vojsko. Imelje in še vedno ima proračun. Zdaj še večji,kot prej.

To je njegova kvaliteta in to on prodaja Putinu. Samo ima pa pomočnike, ki vodijo investicije in tam se marmelada lovi prstov.

Da bi pa Šojgu koga komandiral, on sebe izrecno prodaja (Putinu in silovikom) kot inženirja, ne-vojaka.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Lesoto ::

This is not completely related to the Prigozhin situation nor confirmed, but it's interesting to note that the leaked Pentagon documents from February mentioned an alleged plot in which Gerasimov was purposely sabotaging the Russian war effort. Could this be a possible motive for Prigozhin's actions?

Pac-Man ::

17 objav dolga nit z dokaznim materialom:


Mobilised Russian soldiers facing the Ukrainian counteroffensive in Zaporizhzhya say they are suffering huge casualties from precision shelling by Ukrainian forces, cannot evacuate their wounded, and are brutally treated for refusing orders they consider to be suicidal. ⬇️

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

bbbbbb2015 ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

This is not completely related to the Prigozhin situation nor confirmed, but it's interesting to note that the leaked Pentagon documents from February mentioned an alleged plot in which Gerasimov was purposely sabotaging the Russian war effort. Could this be a possible motive for Prigozhin's actions?

Glejte fantje, to pobirate gor leake, ki so dezinformacije. Gerasimov je šef generalštaba še od Čečenskih vojn, Sirske vojne. On je arhitekt zavzetja Krima.

Putin == Gerasimov == War'R'Us

Gerasimov ve, da tisti hip, ko ga naženejo iz Ukrajine, je njegova glava vredna toliko, kot Putinova, 1 evrocent ali manj.

On je prvi, ki se trudi to eskapado nekako končati, kakorkoli pač, uspešno.

MadMen ::

No, mogoče pa vse skupaj ni gledališče.

Precej verodostojni viri

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: MadMen ()

Nikec3 ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

Prigozhin je zvezda v Rusiji - praktično najbolj popularen človek v zadnjem mesecu.

Putin Is No Longer the Most Popular Person in Russia--Internet Searches Show

Russian President Vladimir Putin is no longer the most popular person in Russia, with citizens searching for information about his ally--Wagner Group boss Yevgeny Prigozhin--twice as often in the month of May.

Prigozhinove ambicje so jasne - rad bi bil predsednik Rusije. Človek je rahlo usekan, ampak to ne pomeni, da ne ve kaj dela. In hkrati mislim, da se o zadevah o katerih govori ne laže. Res je, zelo jasno poudarja samo negativne stvari Rusije in ruske vojske, ampak to kar pove skoraj zagotovo ni laž. Tudi logično gledano, njegove izjave precej pijejo vodo.

Njegova narativa je, da je trenutna oblast grožnja Rusiji - on v bistvu igra na enake karte kot Putin, samo drugačnega nasprotnika si je izbral. Če Putin ruskemu narodu slika, da je grožnja Rusiji NATO in Ukrajina, si je Prigozhin za tarčo izbral Ruski politični vrh. Na ta način on sebe ponuja kot alternativo, ki bo preprečila grožnje Rusiji. V rokah ima vse karte:
1. Če Rusi gladko popušijo bo opisal, da se je to zgodilo, ker so namenoma sabotirali njegov Wagner in ker so politiki nesposobni. Kaj je njegova rešitev? Ljudstvo ga izvoli za predsednika.
2. V primeru, da se Rusi umaknejo lahko spet reče, da je to zato, ker je političen vrh nesposoben in da če bi Wagnerju nudili podporo bi Ukrajino že osvojili.
3. Če ga Putin ubije bo postal mučenik, kar spet ne igra v prid trenutni politični kliki.

Prigozhin je too big to fail, v Ruskih srcih bo zelo težko kaj drugega kot heroj in to je nevarnost za Putina. Hkrati ima "majstor" tudi to srečo, da realno ni na neki odgovorni poziciji in mu nihče nikoli ne more očitat, da je on kaj zajebal, ker ni sprejemal odločitev, ki so peljale v potencialne scenarije omenjene zgoraj. Hkrati pa je vsaj navidezno blizu akcije in lahko vsem ostalim očita, da se skrivajo v bunkerjih "on se pa bori za državo". Trenutno mu vse gre v prid.

Ambicije ima in človek si je enostavno zaželel postat predsednik Rusije. In naj se sliši še tako čudno - po mojem bi Rusija pod Prighozinom spet začela približevanje zahodu. Ker je preveč narcisa ta človek, da se ne bi želel rokovat z Bideno, Von Der Leyen in tako dalje. Pozornost mu ustreza - malo je podoben našemu Pahorju - Prighozin bi za rokovanje z Bidenom verjetno ponudil demilitarizacijo ruske vojske. :))
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"

Lesoto ::

MadMen je izjavil:

No, mogoče pa vse skupaj ni gledališče.

Precej verodostojni viri

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Gerasimov je šef generalštaba še od Čečenskih vojn, Sirske vojne. On je arhitekt zavzetja Krima.

Ti raje malo poglej, kaj se je dogajalo med Wagnerjem in ruskimi generali v Siriji.

Glejte fantje, to pobirate gor leake, ki so dezinformacije.

Pentagon documents from February...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()
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