Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
Pac-Man ::
Bivši ameriški inženirec pravi, da jez ni bil razstreljen, verjetno je popustil pod previsoko vodo, nit
So... to summarize. It's seems more likely that it failed than was blown. Everyone loses from this disaster. The likelihood of AFU crossing the Dnipro went from slim to none. Information battles have started. And no the ZNPP is not in danger.
So... to summarize. It's seems more likely that it failed than was blown. Everyone loses from this disaster. The likelihood of AFU crossing the Dnipro went from slim to none. Information battles have started. And no the ZNPP is not in danger.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
CoolBits ::
Three months before saboteurs bombed the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline, the Biden administration learned from a close ally that the Ukrainian military had planned a covert attack on the undersea network, using a small team of divers who reported directly to the commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces.
Lesoto ::
Three months before saboteurs bombed the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline, the Biden administration learned from a close ally that the Ukrainian military had planned a covert attack on the undersea network, using a small team of divers who reported directly to the commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces.
To, da bi bili Ukrajinci, so zanikali še Rusi sami. Edino tisti, ki je poznal tiste vode v najširšem pomenu te besede vključno s samimi protokoli nadzora, je lahko to napravil. In to zagotovo niso bili Ukrajinci.
evo ga.. leopard 2
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
mojsterleo ::
The territory of the zoo completely went under water, only swans and ducks managed to escape, UAnimals reported.
"We tried hard to preserve the zoo during the occupation and now it no longer exists," the Zoo management confirmed.
fur80 ::
mojsterleo je izjavil:
The territory of the zoo completely went under water, only swans and ducks managed to escape, UAnimals reported.
"We tried hard to preserve the zoo during the occupation and now it no longer exists," the Zoo management confirmed.
Noro! Rusofili bi rekli, "prokleta Amerika"?
Vedno več Ukrajincev zgleda hočejo maščevanje in lepijo Krimski most. Verjetno bi tudi Rusi to lepo sprejeli sedaj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
MadMen ::
Anney ::
Wait a second.
Verjamem, da še pride, samo, da se voda poleže.
Če bodo kombajne rušli, jim bo znajkalo municije, asi eni.
Verjamem, da še pride, samo, da se voda poleže.
Če bodo kombajne rušli, jim bo znajkalo municije, asi eni.
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Anney ()
BorutO ::
Lesoto ::
Zdaj vemo, kako so Rusi prišli do epskih številk ukrajinskih izgub.
Pilot in vsi ostali, ki so gledali tale video, niso razločili, kaj sploh streljajo. Fakin dizaster.
This is possible the dumbest kill video of this whole war and I really mean it.
This Russian Ka-52 attack chopper crew thought that they have targeted and destroyed Leopard 2 tanks (you read this correctly). Even a semi-professional can clearly see that this are agricultural harvester and sprayer machines.And as if this is not dumb enough, Russian regime bloggers like Kotsnews plus Ria Novosti issued this footage claiming exactly that.
Pilot in vsi ostali, ki so gledali tale video, niso razločili, kaj sploh streljajo. Fakin dizaster.
This is possible the dumbest kill video of this whole war and I really mean it.
This Russian Ka-52 attack chopper crew thought that they have targeted and destroyed Leopard 2 tanks (you read this correctly). Even a semi-professional can clearly see that this are agricultural harvester and sprayer machines.And as if this is not dumb enough, Russian regime bloggers like Kotsnews plus Ria Novosti issued this footage claiming exactly that.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Pac-Man ::
nit, cel kup mest in namakalnih sistemov bo verjetno ostalo brez vode
While the focus is rightly on the flooding downstream of the Kakhovka Dam, the long-term damage to Southern Ukraine's huge agricultural sector is particularly worrying.
These farms and people rely on 4 canals that flow from the (soon to be former) Kakhovskyi Reservoir. A short🧵
While the focus is rightly on the flooding downstream of the Kakhovka Dam, the long-term damage to Southern Ukraine's huge agricultural sector is particularly worrying.
These farms and people rely on 4 canals that flow from the (soon to be former) Kakhovskyi Reservoir. A short🧵
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
o0o0o0o0o0 ::
Utk ::
Zdaj vemo, kako so Rusi prišli do epskih številk ukrajinskih izgub.
Pilot in vsi ostali, ki so gledali tale video, niso razločili, kaj sploh streljajo. Fakin dizaster.
This is possible the dumbest kill video of this whole war and I really mean it.
This Russian Ka-52 attack chopper crew thought that they have targeted and destroyed Leopard 2 tanks (you read this correctly). Even a semi-professional can clearly see that this are agricultural harvester and sprayer machines.And as if this is not dumb enough, Russian regime bloggers like Kotsnews plus Ria Novosti issued this footage claiming exactly that.
Kaj se čudiš, saj še pralnih strojev nimajo, kje naj bi oni vidli to čudo od stroja? V sekretu na štrbunk?
bbbbbb2015 ::
Bivši ameriški inženirec pravi, da jez ni bil razstreljen, verjetno je popustil pod previsoko vodo, nit
So... to summarize. It's seems more likely that it failed than was blown. Everyone loses from this disaster. The likelihood of AFU crossing the Dnipro went from slim to none. Information battles have started. And no the ZNPP is not in danger.
V vsakem primeru Rusi niso skrbeli za jez, vse je šlo cu grunt. Verjamem, da rusko sanjarjenje o Evroaziji-Afriki in Rusi kot gospodarji vse te mase - mah, ene ovce jim ne bodo dali za čuvati eno minuto, da ovca slučajno ne crkne vmes.
To je bila povsem nepotrebna in huda škoda.
mailer ::
Po parih mesecih pogledal pop novice in niti za sekundo omenjena Ukrajina. So se naveličali?
Asus B560-I, Intel 11500, Corsair 16GB 3200MHz
CoolBits ::
Someone sabotaged the Nova Kakhovka dam in Kherson, causing an ecological disaster in the region.
The Western media machine immediately went into full overdrive calling Russia a "terrorist state".
Russia denies the claims and declared that this was a media stunt to distract from the failed counter offensive attempts in the past few days.
Same happened with Zaporozhye, Nord Stream 2, Crimean bridge, etc.
Ukraine cannot win this war, and need media headlines to continue to paint Russia as the bad guys. So they continue to conduct false flags on their own infrastructure, as a means to distract from their failures and blame Russia for crimes they did not commit.
The Western media machine immediately went into full overdrive calling Russia a "terrorist state".
Russia denies the claims and declared that this was a media stunt to distract from the failed counter offensive attempts in the past few days.
Same happened with Zaporozhye, Nord Stream 2, Crimean bridge, etc.
Ukraine cannot win this war, and need media headlines to continue to paint Russia as the bad guys. So they continue to conduct false flags on their own infrastructure, as a means to distract from their failures and blame Russia for crimes they did not commit.
Lesoto ::
Someone sabotaged the Nova Kakhovka dam in Kherson, causing an ecological disaster in the region.
The Western media machine immediately went into full overdrive calling Russia a "terrorist state".
Russia denies the claims and declared that this was a media stunt to distract from the failed counter offensive attempts in the past few days.
Same happened with Zaporozhye, Nord Stream 2, Crimean bridge, etc.
Ukraine cannot win this war, and need media headlines to continue to paint Russia as the bad guys. So they continue to conduct false flags on their own infrastructure, as a means to distract from their failures and blame Russia for crimes they did not commit.
KDO JE MINIRAL JEZ????? Kaj limaš te bedarije?!?!?!?!?!
Po parih mesecih pogledal pop novice in niti za sekundo omenjena Ukrajina. So se naveličali?
Čestitam. Večje neumnosti nisi mogel napisat.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
kow ::
Najbolj verjetna razlaga je vedno najbolj preprosta. Rusi so se ga tako napili z vodko, da so vsi za vec ur zaspali. Medtem so Ukrajinci neslisno namontirali eksploziv, spili se zadnje kapljice vodke iz ruskih flas, nevidno odsli ter sprozili. Aja, se videokasete so jim vmes prevrteli, zato ni nobenih posnetkov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kow ()
Lesoto ::
TukiUki ::
Lesoto ::
Saj so posnetki samo vam jih vaša propaganda ne sme pokazat.
Ti samo odgovori, zakaj so ga minirali Rusi. A je težko?
Poprečen Rusofil. Ko dobi enostavno vprašanje, mu možgani odpovejo. Tistih 6 gramov pameti, ki jih ima v glavi, pač ne zadostuje za malo težje miselne napore.
Rusi so jez miniral z namenom, da ga razgonijo, ko bo nevarnost za izgubo jezu (desant preko Dnjepra) previsoka.
fur80 ::
Nikec3 ::
Ukraine cannot win this war, and need media headlines to continue to paint Russia as the bad guys.
Rusija pa res ne rabi nobene pomoči, da izpadejo bad guys.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"
Aston_11 ::
Rusi so glupi kot točak.
Itak da so raztrelili jez. Glupi kot točak.
Domov naj gredo, v svojo vukojebino jahat kozle, pa bodo jezovi celi.
Itak da so raztrelili jez. Glupi kot točak.
Domov naj gredo, v svojo vukojebino jahat kozle, pa bodo jezovi celi.
Sc0ut ::
Berem komentarje na rtvslo. Rusofili med komentarji, rusofili v naslovu in rusofili v tekstu.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850
Aston_11 ::
Dokler jim ne rabi nastaviti rusu, so vsi rusofili. Udobno, s kavča, od daleč in seveda iz zahoda. Pusiji patetični.
PacificBlue ::
Po eni strani porusitev jezu bolj koristi Ukrajincem, ker so Rusi morali zapustit polozaje v blizini..
Tezko kar koli fiksno dokazat
Tezko kar koli fiksno dokazat
I’m out.
TukiUki ::
PacificBlue je izjavil:
Po eni strani porusitev jezu bolj koristi Ukrajincem, ker so Rusi morali zapustit polozaje v blizini..
Tezko kar koli fiksno dokazat
Koristi kako?
Chalky ::
Russia's Ministry of Defence says that 71 Russian servicemen have been killed while repelling Ukrainian attacks during the last 3 days. Russia's MoD says they killed 3715 Ukrainian soldiers & destroyed 52 tanks and 207 armoured vehicles in the same timeframe
Ali res obstajajo ljudje ki verjamejo takšnim oslarijam? Če že lažejo naj bodo vsaj neke normalne številke.
Ali res obstajajo ljudje ki verjamejo takšnim oslarijam? Če že lažejo naj bodo vsaj neke normalne številke.
Lesoto ::
Russia's Ministry of Defence says that 71 Russian servicemen have been killed while repelling Ukrainian attacks during the last 3 days. Russia's MoD says they killed 3715 Ukrainian soldiers & destroyed 52 tanks and 207 armoured vehicles in the same timeframe
Ali res obstajajo ljudje ki verjamejo takšnim oslarijam? Če že lažejo naj bodo vsaj neke normalne številke.
To je tipični ruski retard-mode.
Če bi recimo rekli, da so zadeli samo radar od Patriota, bi jim marsikdo verjel.
Ampak Rus ne bi Rus, če ne bi izpadel čisto retardiran s tem, da so zraven zatrdili, da so zadeli še 5 launcherjev.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
PacificBlue ::
PacificBlue je izjavil:
Po eni strani porusitev jezu bolj koristi Ukrajincem, ker so Rusi morali zapustit polozaje v blizini..
Tezko kar koli fiksno dokazat
Koristi kako?
Nekako dvomim da so jez zrusili Rusi iz vsaj dveh razlogov:
- zdaj bodo imeli pomanjkanje vode na Krimu, ceprav so potrosili veliko casa in denarja za oskrbo pod njenim nadzorom
-vecino ozemlja v okolici jezu nadzirajo Rusi in zdaj so morali zapustiti obrambne polozaje
I’m out.
Bauc ::
Pac-Man ::
Saj so posnetki samo vam jih vaša propaganda ne sme pokazat.
Pa deli posnetke na telegramu, naj ti ne bo težko.
Sam vem za en posnetek, ki se prodaja kot svež, ampak je z novembra lani, ko so Rusi pakirali z desnega brega Dnepra:
ZDA imajo menda obveščevalne podatke, da so jez razstrelili Rusi in delajo na deklasifikaciji. Saj vem, WMD blablabla, ampak v Ukrajini so od MH17 naprej vedno točni.
Sam sem se sicer nagibal k temu, da se je zrušil, ker od jeseni niso premaknili zapornic in je bilo enostavno preveč vode.
According to NBC, quoting two US officials and one western official, the US government has intelligence that indicates Russia is behind the blowing up of the Nova Kakhovka dam.
The administration is currently working to declassify intelligence to enable it to be shared.
This is likely why all the statements from Western officials (from Kaja Kallas to James Cleverly to the Portuguese MFA) were pretty unambiguous in attribution of culpability to the Russians - they felt no need to hedge in their statements as they'd already seen the intelligence.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
TukiUki ::
PacificBlue je izjavil:
PacificBlue je izjavil:
Po eni strani porusitev jezu bolj koristi Ukrajincem, ker so Rusi morali zapustit polozaje v blizini..
Tezko kar koli fiksno dokazat
Koristi kako?
Nekako dvomim da so jez zrusili Rusi iz vsaj dveh razlogov
Ampak bil je pod nadzorom rusov.
Torej trdiš da so Ukrajinci teleportirali tja tono razstreliva in ga pognali v zrak?
Take masivne betonske zadeve Himars komaj opraska.
Poleg tega...
Zjutraj je bil moj discord poln sporočil v smislu: "haha, zdej se bodo pa mogl khokholi naučit plavat, dobr so jih to".
Nekaj ur kasneje, pa že niso Rusi ničesar krivi...
Podobna zgodba kot lani, ko so raketirali tisto tržnico al busno postajo. Najprej hvala kako so sesuli nek hud vojaški cilj, ko so malo kasneje pogruntal da so sfalili in pobili civiliste, so pa že zanikali da so izstrelili kako raketo.
Skratka totalna patetika.
In tole
Na kratek rok Ukrajini škodje podrtje jezu.Vsaj nekaj tednov bo verjetno vse blatno pod jezom. Na daljši rok pa tudi nisem prepričan da bo nad jezom enostavno iti čez (blato ...).
Je bil pa jez prej z manjšim popravilom še vedno uporaben za prečkanje. Ne moremo pa izključiti niti tega da se je jez porušil zaradi slabega upravljanja (čeprav bi bilo to veliko naključje).
Skratka Ukrajincem stoječi jez veliko bolj koristi kot podrti.
Pa še tole si poglej
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TukiUki ()
TukiUki ::
Nivo vode za jezom je rastel na rekordno raven preden je jez padel.
To zgleda kot da si Rusijo polnijo jez da bodo naredili maksimalno škodo s poplavljanjem.
In ne se izgovarjat na spomladanski dež, ker odvečno vodo bi lahko izpuščali ven.
To zgleda kot da si Rusijo polnijo jez da bodo naredili maksimalno škodo s poplavljanjem.
In ne se izgovarjat na spomladanski dež, ker odvečno vodo bi lahko izpuščali ven.
Pac-Man ::
2x prej/po
Na prej posnetkih se vidi, da se je voda prelivala preko vseh prelivnih polj. Cestišče na ovinku ob strojnici se je podrlo par dni nazaj, zdi se mi, da so nekje tam tudi HIMARSali jeseni, tri segmente cestišča na ukrajinski strani so razstrelili Rusi ob umiku.
Na prej posnetkih se vidi, da se je voda prelivala preko vseh prelivnih polj. Cestišče na ovinku ob strojnici se je podrlo par dni nazaj, zdi se mi, da so nekje tam tudi HIMARSali jeseni, tri segmente cestišča na ukrajinski strani so razstrelili Rusi ob umiku.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
BorutO ::
Na bildu puše, da se je nekaj že pred dnevi dogajalo na mostu. Del ceste ali nečesa je manjkalo tik pred nesrečo. Izgleda, da je mogla prileteti tja neka raketa nekaj dni pred tem, da je konstrukcija počasi začela popuščati.
Gregor P ::
Tudi v najbolj mili različici so Rusi krivi; oni si ga okupirali, majo da skrbijo za njega.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
bbbbbb2015 ::
In ne se izgovarjat na spomladanski dež, ker odvečno vodo bi lahko izpuščali ven.
Ne, niso mogli. Ta del si spregledal v analizi. Poglej si kak dokumentarec o tem, kako laufa jez hidro elektrarne. Jez ima v osnovi dva izpusta - skozi rešetke na turbine ali čez preliv. Pred obema se nabirajo veje, smeti. To je treba nenehno pucat. Ti prelivi so bili že kar nekaj časa imobilizirani, blokirani. Ne vem, če so bile veje ali smeti ali trupla, navsezadnje. Ali pa kosi vojaške opreme. Pucanje tega je nevarno, postane še nevarnejše, če se gladina dvigne. To recimo potapljači več ne morejo blizu.
Rusi niso nič čistili in se je voda začela prelivati. Povsem vseeno, če je jez popustil zaradi zanemarjanja ali eksplozije, krivi so Rusi.
Kot rečeno. V Ukrajini so naredili tako škodo, da so Rusi lahko sploh srečni, da smejo prestopiti meje svoje države. Ker imajo sedaj status škodoželjnih barbarov. Dobro ime po svetu so si pokvarili za 100+ let. V Ukrajini pa za vedno.
BorutO ::
Rusi so v vsakem primeru krivi ... dokler niso začeli srati po Ukrajini, je bil tam mir. Ni bilo civilnih žrtev, ni bilo porušenih stavb, ni bilo kazanja s prsti en na drugega, jedrska elektrarna je normalno laufala, od vojne dalje jo stalno vlačijo po medijih zaradi morebitne nevarnosti, zdaj ta jez ...
bbbbbb2015 ::
Na bildu puše, da se je nekaj že pred dnevi dogajalo na mostu. Del ceste ali nečesa je manjkalo tik pred nesrečo. Izgleda, da je mogla prileteti tja neka raketa nekaj dni pred tem, da je konstrukcija počasi začela popuščati.
Rusi so pri umiku iz Kersona oz. iz one strani Dnepra razstrelili segment ceste, ki je tekel čez jez. Samo to je bilo že jeseni, oz. ko so se Rusi umikali. Menim, da so jez zanemarjali, niso ga pucali, niso izpuščali vode, niti delali elektrike, ter je popustil. Če je tista eksplozija kaj prispevala. Ja, lahko da je. Samo gre bojl za čas koliko časa bo trajalo, preden se bo jez sam od sebe podrl.
Lesoto ::
Summary of Ukrainians' accusations:
At two o'clock in the morning, the Russians blow up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant, but they don't see how much. It's not very visible, but it can still hit.
1. The Russians still think that they have neatly blown up a small part of the HPP and are flooding our military on the islands. At 6:06 in the morning, the head of Nova Kakhovka, Leontyev, said that the explosion of the GES is nonsense. Like we don't know why the water rose there. Here is the link to Ria Novosti
2. Russian OSINT intelligence community Rybar, picks up the thesis and says that a small area was blown up at 6:51 a.m. Link
3. At 6:51 a.m. in Nova Kakhovka, they see that the dam is a complete asshole, and the mom's stratagems start to realize that they are in trouble. The mayor of Nova Kakhovka abruptly changes his rhetoric and says there was no explosion, it was a shelling by the Ukrainian army. Link
4. But the propagandists who do not know what the hell has happened yet continue to work according to the methodology and continue to throw into the information space about the dam, that it was previously shelled, and then it got a little tired and broke a little. Here is a post by Podolyaki's propagandist And the propaganda channel War on Fakes
5. Other telegram channels that cooperate with the military are happily hopping on one leg, cheering, because of the undermining of the Kakhovka dam, the positions of the Armed Forces on the islands are flooded, the Armed Forces are trying to evacuate and escape, and then they publish joyful reports of how they are defeating the positions of our guys on the islands. 08:25 Link
6. Here, the Russians are slowly realizing that they have created a large-scale man-made environmental disaster, almost as large as Chernobyl. And they are starting to reverse. Russian influence on the information space is changing its tone dramatically. They instantly change their tune and start accusing the Ukrainian side of provocations. Like this is Bankova's operation A reference to the same "war on fakes" that said the dam had somehow collapsed on its own....
But even in their excuses, the racists still screwed up. Either the dam was blown up, or Olha was shelled with MLRS.... Although any sapper specialist will give a one hundred percent guarantee that it is impossible to make such destruction from the outside, here the damage was done by planting explosives
And then they are already beginning to adhere to this thesis, because what they have done is a huge international tragedy, especially in the environmental sense.
7. The order to blow up the Kakhovka HPP 205 motorized rifle brigade was personally given by the commander of the "Dnepr" group of troops, Colonel-General Oleg Makarevich.
Summary of Ukrainians' accusations:
At two o'clock in the morning, the Russians blow up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant, but they don't see how much. It's not very visible, but it can still hit.
1. The Russians still think that they have neatly blown up a small part of the HPP and are flooding our military on the islands. At 6:06 in the morning, the head of Nova Kakhovka, Leontyev, said that the explosion of the GES is nonsense. Like we don't know why the water rose there. Here is the link to Ria Novosti
2. Russian OSINT intelligence community Rybar, picks up the thesis and says that a small area was blown up at 6:51 a.m. Link
3. At 6:51 a.m. in Nova Kakhovka, they see that the dam is a complete asshole, and the mom's stratagems start to realize that they are in trouble. The mayor of Nova Kakhovka abruptly changes his rhetoric and says there was no explosion, it was a shelling by the Ukrainian army. Link
4. But the propagandists who do not know what the hell has happened yet continue to work according to the methodology and continue to throw into the information space about the dam, that it was previously shelled, and then it got a little tired and broke a little. Here is a post by Podolyaki's propagandist And the propaganda channel War on Fakes
5. Other telegram channels that cooperate with the military are happily hopping on one leg, cheering, because of the undermining of the Kakhovka dam, the positions of the Armed Forces on the islands are flooded, the Armed Forces are trying to evacuate and escape, and then they publish joyful reports of how they are defeating the positions of our guys on the islands. 08:25 Link
6. Here, the Russians are slowly realizing that they have created a large-scale man-made environmental disaster, almost as large as Chernobyl. And they are starting to reverse. Russian influence on the information space is changing its tone dramatically. They instantly change their tune and start accusing the Ukrainian side of provocations. Like this is Bankova's operation A reference to the same "war on fakes" that said the dam had somehow collapsed on its own....
But even in their excuses, the racists still screwed up. Either the dam was blown up, or Olha was shelled with MLRS.... Although any sapper specialist will give a one hundred percent guarantee that it is impossible to make such destruction from the outside, here the damage was done by planting explosives
And then they are already beginning to adhere to this thesis, because what they have done is a huge international tragedy, especially in the environmental sense.
7. The order to blow up the Kakhovka HPP 205 motorized rifle brigade was personally given by the commander of the "Dnepr" group of troops, Colonel-General Oleg Makarevich.
bbbbbb2015 ::
PacificBlue je izjavil:
PacificBlue je izjavil:
Po eni strani porusitev jezu bolj koristi Ukrajincem, ker so Rusi morali zapustit polozaje v blizini..
Tezko kar koli fiksno dokazat
Koristi kako?
Nekako dvomim da so jez zrusili Rusi iz vsaj dveh razlogov:
- zdaj bodo imeli pomanjkanje vode na Krimu, ceprav so potrosili veliko casa in denarja za oskrbo pod njenim nadzorom
-vecino ozemlja v okolici jezu nadzirajo Rusi in zdaj so morali zapustiti obrambne polozaje
Vojaško je porušitev jeza insignifikantna. Resda bo sedaj v voda meandrih Dnepra, samo voda bo odtekla. V zgornjem toku bodo lahko Ukrajinci prečkali Dnepr brez ladij. V spodnjem toku je pa res najbolj poplavilo Ruse, vendar skoraj enako Ukrajince.
Rusi niso potrošili nič. Jez so zgradili Ukrajinci ob priključitvi Krima ukrajini - da so preko kanalov napajali in Krim in Kerson regijo.
Menim, da je to 50% nemarnost Rusov in 50% namerna škodoželjnost Rusov.
Nič, čim prej je treba Orke nagnati nazaj.
BorutO ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Kot rečeno. V Ukrajini so naredili tako škodo, da so Rusi lahko sploh srečni, da smejo prestopiti meje svoje države. Ker imajo sedaj status škodoželjnih barbarov. Dobro ime po svetu so si pokvarili za 100+ let. V Ukrajini pa za vedno.
Rusi bodo še zagotovo kakšno desetletje ali dve imeli zelo močen status nevarnega človeka ... Če smo se (nekoč) delali norca iz arabcev, da je vsak iz iraka ali afganistana morebiten terorist, bo pa zdaj skoraj vsak rus ta zloben rus, katerega se je treba izogibati.
BorutO ::
Satellite images made by @Maxar on June 5 showed recent damage to the Nova Khakova dam's sluice gates and a section of roadway running across it. Before images (1 and 3) made on May 28. After images (2 and 4) made June 5, around 12:15pm.
Sc0ut ::
Kako to da Nato lahko poslje misijo na Kosovo, v Ukrajino pa ne? Glede na to da so rusi enostavno taki barbari da jih je treba ustavit.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850