Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
Anney ::
Hello from General Zaluzhny!
Remember the Russian Ministry of Defense claim that it destroyed all naval drones that tried to attack the Ivan Khurs reconnaissance ship?
Well, it turned out (at least) one naval drone managed to reach the ship. What damaged it inflicted is not known.
Remember the Russian Ministry of Defense claim that it destroyed all naval drones that tried to attack the Ivan Khurs reconnaissance ship?
Well, it turned out (at least) one naval drone managed to reach the ship. What damaged it inflicted is not known.
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
yayo ::
o0o0o0o0o0 je izjavil:
McCain in Lindsay Graham sta glavna podpihovalca te vojne.
Ja seveda ;), človek je že skoraj 5 let pokojni.
Je bil pa eden redkih pametnih republikancev...
Lesoto ::
Hello from General Zaluzhny!
Remember the Russian Ministry of Defense claim that it destroyed all naval drones that tried to attack the Ivan Khurs reconnaissance ship?
Well, it turned out (at least) one naval drone managed to reach the ship. What damaged it inflicted is not known.
eh, prav škoda.. bi morali trolat glupe Ruse še vsaj nekaj tednov.
Telbanc ::
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
mackilla ::
Hello from General Zaluzhny!
Zalužni je desničar.
Seveda. Zato pa drži na posnetku pisalo v desni roki.
bbbbbb2015 ::
Hello from General Zaluzhny!
Zalužni je desničar.
Seveda. Zato pa drži na posnetku pisalo v desni roki.
Ne vem, kaj ga najedate. Zalužni ima sedaj povhn dela. Vojno je treba zmagati. Dela do vratu za poveljnika.
Saj to razumete, ali?
mackilla ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Hello from General Zaluzhny!
Zalužni je desničar.
Seveda. Zato pa drži na posnetku pisalo v desni roki.
Ne vem, kaj ga najedate. Zalužni ima sedaj povhn dela. Vojno je treba zmagati. Dela do vratu za poveljnika.
Saj to razumete, ali?
Meni je absolutno jasno.
Lesoto ::
Hello from General Zaluzhny!
Zalužni je desničar.
evo, da boš kvalitetno delal bedaka iz sebe.
mojsterleo ::
evo, da boš kvalitetno delal bedaka iz sebe.
Slika ni popolna. Baje da je Zalužni invalid in zato niso pokazali njegovega spodnjega dela.
Pa btw ruska propaganda je tako patetična da vsakodnevno umiram od smeha. Včeraj je nekdo objavil sliko ruskih ostrostrelcev ki so pozirali za kamero in zraven pripisal da so to ruski profesionalno vojaki. Po natančnejšem ogledu slike je bilo ugotovljeno, da so bili oboroženi z airsoft puškami brez optike.
mackilla ::
mojsterleo je izjavil:
evo, da boš kvalitetno delal bedaka iz sebe.
Slika ni popolna. Baje da je Zalužni invalid in zato niso pokazali njegovega spodnjega dela.
Pa btw ruska propaganda je tako patetična da vsakodnevno umiram od smeha. Včeraj je nekdo objavil sliko ruskih ostrostrelcev ki so pozirali za kamero in zraven pripisal da so to ruski profesionalno vojaki. Po natančnejšem ogledu slike je bilo ugotovljeno, da so bili oboroženi z airsoft puškami brez optike.
Lahko,da so ga klonirali v CIA laboratorijih in ga zato ni bilo na spregled
Pac-Man ::
Z marca 2022, ampak se ne spomnim
Russia releases bizarre dog propaganda video as it calls for end to 'hate' campaign
Russia releases bizarre dog propaganda video as it calls for end to 'hate' campaign
A new propaganda video produced by the Russian government paints Russians as victims of a hate campaign amid the nation’s invasion of Ukraine.
The #StopRussianHate campaign video comes after President Vladimir Putin previously claimed that Russians across the world are being targeted for their nationality.
It appears to serve as a distraction from the atrocities Russia is committing in Ukraine, which US President Joe Biden has labelled as war crimes.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
BorutO ::
Ta ruska SU-xx jajca so navadna jajca. Niti približno tako dobra, kot jih rusi opevajo. Še ta su 35 izgleda, kot da je iz zgodnjih 80tih.
mikhaair ::
Su25 je kot leteči tank odličen preživi marsikaj. Seveda pa ni čudežen letalnico z restart tipko.
Comandante ::
bbbbbb2015 ::
Su25 je kot leteči tank odličen preživi marsikaj. Seveda pa ni čudežen letalnico z restart tipko.
Z misije sta se vrnila morda dva Su 25, zadeta. To je recimo poročilo o enem:
Ne glede na to, da se je vrnil zadet, je za odpis. Par instrumentov lahko poberejo ven, ostalo pa je za odpis. Problem, Su 25 je,da niso modernizirani. Delali so jih in jih še delajo v Gruziji. Samo je problem, naredili so modernizacijo, pa modernega Su 25 stranke niso hotele kupiti, ker je bil predrag.
To je pa drugi zadet, ki se je vrnil:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bbbbbb2015 ()
thundercat ::
Če je kaj ta vojna pokazala, je pokazala realno stanje Ruske vojske, je zastarela, podhranjena.
Podobno kot se je JNA izkazala v letih 91-94. Govorilo se je veliko, realno je bila pa šit od šita. Učili so jih, da so 2. Armada na svetu, realno so pa bili 80. Ali več
Podobno kot se je JNA izkazala v letih 91-94. Govorilo se je veliko, realno je bila pa šit od šita. Učili so jih, da so 2. Armada na svetu, realno so pa bili 80. Ali več
Lesoto ::
It is significant that yesterday, in the area of the attack site on the Russian ship Ivan Khurs, an American drone changed its basic flight course and made a couple of circles over the ship.
So riddle me this why is this just sitting there?
Look it's ok to admit your nice new ship got smashed by a piece of Lego.
Even masters of the universe have a bad day.
The thing to do is admit it and move on.
Ivan Khurs še vedno čiča tam.
It is significant that yesterday, in the area of the attack site on the Russian ship Ivan Khurs, an American drone changed its basic flight course and made a couple of circles over the ship.
So riddle me this why is this just sitting there?
Look it's ok to admit your nice new ship got smashed by a piece of Lego.
Even masters of the universe have a bad day.
The thing to do is admit it and move on.
Ivan Khurs še vedno čiča tam.
Pac-Man ::
Dobra, izpod prstov Rusa:
So I think the specifically American problem with the concept of spheres of influence is that they imagine something like pre-Castro Cuba, where, sure, being America's wretched hive of scum and villainy is not ideal but probably preferable to the USAF bombing Havana daily Most Americans probably just can't fathom that someone would want to put a nation into a sphere of influence to then unexist it one way or the other because they regard it as an existential threat, despite historical and current precedent of Russia doing exactly that
You know what's always missing from the tired "What if Mexico allied with China" hypothetical? US punditry telling Mexicans that their nation is not real and actually made up by the German General Staff circa 1917, and they need to be cured of their made-up "mexicanness"
So I think the specifically American problem with the concept of spheres of influence is that they imagine something like pre-Castro Cuba, where, sure, being America's wretched hive of scum and villainy is not ideal but probably preferable to the USAF bombing Havana daily Most Americans probably just can't fathom that someone would want to put a nation into a sphere of influence to then unexist it one way or the other because they regard it as an existential threat, despite historical and current precedent of Russia doing exactly that
You know what's always missing from the tired "What if Mexico allied with China" hypothetical? US punditry telling Mexicans that their nation is not real and actually made up by the German General Staff circa 1917, and they need to be cured of their made-up "mexicanness"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
to, video na povezavi
>lives in the United States A Russian woman living in the U.S. wrote “Bakhmut is ours, thank you Wagner” on her garage in order to upset the Ukrainian neighbors that live on the same street as her.
The Ukrainians tell her “how can you write that after so many children killed?” [video]
in to
The Russian nationalist dilemma is that they want to force other people to be in Russia while not actually wanting to be there themselves. The logic ends up with everything being Russia and therefore there is nowhere for them to be.
>lives in the United States A Russian woman living in the U.S. wrote “Bakhmut is ours, thank you Wagner” on her garage in order to upset the Ukrainian neighbors that live on the same street as her.
The Ukrainians tell her “how can you write that after so many children killed?” [video]
in to
The Russian nationalist dilemma is that they want to force other people to be in Russia while not actually wanting to be there themselves. The logic ends up with everything being Russia and therefore there is nowhere for them to be.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lesoto ::
fakin šit... pa to je na nivoju druge svetovne vojne
Russia's 20th Century Air Force:
Footage of Russian Su-34s attempting to target RDK fighters at the Grayvoron checkpoint.
The aircrafts fly at extremely low altitude, exposing themselves to MANPADs and mobile air defense, then drop unguided munitions (likely FAB-250s). They completely fail to destroy the target.
Russia's 20th Century Air Force:
Footage of Russian Su-34s attempting to target RDK fighters at the Grayvoron checkpoint.
The aircrafts fly at extremely low altitude, exposing themselves to MANPADs and mobile air defense, then drop unguided munitions (likely FAB-250s). They completely fail to destroy the target.
luli ::
to, video na povezavi
>lives in the United States A Russian woman living in the U.S. wrote “Bakhmut is ours, thank you Wagner” on her garage in order to upset the Ukrainian neighbors that live on the same street as her.
The Ukrainians tell her “how can you write that after so many children killed?” [video]
in to
The Russian nationalist dilemma is that they want to force other people to be in Russia while not actually wanting to be there themselves. The logic ends up with everything being Russia and therefore there is nowhere for them to be.
To je značilno za Srbe in Ruse. Spomnite se komentatorjev tukaj, ki celo življenje živijo v Sloveniji, a se imajo za južnjake. To so pravi bedaki. Pred leti je navijal za Miloševiča bolj kot oni spodaj, zdaj pa se počuti prevaranega in je jezen na cel svet ter navija za Putina.
Anney ::
Res je, nebom omenjal ''imensko'' poznamo pa patriota.
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Malidelničar ::
fakin šit... pa to je na nivoju druge svetovne vojne
Russia's 20th Century Air Force:
Footage of Russian Su-34s attempting to target RDK fighters at the Grayvoron checkpoint.
The aircrafts fly at extremely low altitude, exposing themselves to MANPADs and mobile air defense, then drop unguided munitions (likely FAB-250s). They completely fail to destroy the target.
A ne more leteti višje??????? Saj leti kot 'gunship' oz. bojni helikopter ....
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Pac-Man ::
fakin šit... pa to je na nivoju druge svetovne vojne
Russia's 20th Century Air Force:
Footage of Russian Su-34s attempting to target RDK fighters at the Grayvoron checkpoint.
The aircrafts fly at extremely low altitude, exposing themselves to MANPADs and mobile air defense, then drop unguided munitions (likely FAB-250s). They completely fail to destroy the target.
Ko je bilo potrebno višje rangiranim pokazat, kako učinkoviti so, se je pa zgodilo to, nit
The Russian government released this photo of the alleged Belgorod insurgents vehicles after a battle. I used to be a tow truck operator. This is staged. These vehicles didn’t crash into that trench. I’ll explain why
V krater so vrgli 2x HMMWV and called it a day ;)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lesoto ::
Nekaj je bilo zadeto v Berdjansku.
And here is the video of the arrival in Berdyansk
And here is the video of the arrival in Berdyansk
Pac-Man ::
There are very, very persistent rumors that the M1A1 Abrams tanks will arrive in Ukraine by early June & that F-16 training concluded long ago.
So far we have no confirmation for either; but once F-16 arrive we will quickly know as there will be so many russian air forces losses.
+ še ena nit na temo F-16
Left: 🇳🇱RNLAF: F-16AM Block 20 MLU
Right: 🇺🇸USAF: F-16CM Block 50 These two F-16 are different production variants (A and C), and different blocks, but they run identical software.
Yep, the fighters Ukraine will receive and the US Air Force's most modern F-16 share the mission computer, which runs identical software. The F-16AM/BM Falcons are older air frames with less remaining flight hours and use an older radar (APG-66(V)2A). The F-16CM/DM use the more modern AN/APG-68(V)7.
There are very, very persistent rumors that the M1A1 Abrams tanks will arrive in Ukraine by early June & that F-16 training concluded long ago.
So far we have no confirmation for either; but once F-16 arrive we will quickly know as there will be so many russian air forces losses.
+ še ena nit na temo F-16
Left: 🇳🇱RNLAF: F-16AM Block 20 MLU
Right: 🇺🇸USAF: F-16CM Block 50 These two F-16 are different production variants (A and C), and different blocks, but they run identical software.
Yep, the fighters Ukraine will receive and the US Air Force's most modern F-16 share the mission computer, which runs identical software. The F-16AM/BM Falcons are older air frames with less remaining flight hours and use an older radar (APG-66(V)2A). The F-16CM/DM use the more modern AN/APG-68(V)7.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
fur80 ::
Ukrajinci se urijo tudi na najboljših letalih, v rangu za Ukrajino! ;)
Sweden allowed Ukrainian pilots to train on Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighters.
Such actions can be considered as the first step towards Ukraine being able to apply for the supply of these aircraft in the future.
Sweden allowed Ukrainian pilots to train on Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighters.
Such actions can be considered as the first step towards Ukraine being able to apply for the supply of these aircraft in the future.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
darkolord ::
To je značilno za Srbe in Ruse. Spomnite se komentatorjev tukaj, ki celo življenje živijo v Sloveniji, a se imajo za južnjake. To so pravi bedaki. Pred leti je navijal za Miloševiča bolj kot oni spodaj, zdaj pa se počuti prevaranega in je jezen na cel svet ter navija za Putina.Mama iz Slovenije, fotr iz Bosne, oni pa - Srbi.
FireSnake ::
Kdo bo vso to mašinerijo plačal? Se vpraša kdo?
Ena vodena raketa, ki jo vojak izstreli, da uniči tank, pride 100 000 €.
Koliko ste vi dali za vaša stanovanja?
Ena vodena raketa, ki jo vojak izstreli, da uniči tank, pride 100 000 €.
Koliko ste vi dali za vaša stanovanja?
Poglej in se nasmej:
mikhaair ::
There are very, very persistent rumors that the M1A1 Abrams tanks will arrive in Ukraine by early June & that F-16 training concluded long ago.
So far we have no confirmation for either; but once F-16 arrive we will quickly know as there will be so many russian air forces losses.
+ še ena nit na temo F-16
Left: 🇳🇱RNLAF: F-16AM Block 20 MLU
Right: 🇺🇸USAF: F-16CM Block 50 These two F-16 are different production variants (A and C), and different blocks, but they run identical software.
Yep, the fighters Ukraine will receive and the US Air Force's most modern F-16 share the mission computer, which runs identical software. The F-16AM/BM Falcons are older air frames with less remaining flight hours and use an older radar (APG-66(V)2A). The F-16CM/DM use the more modern AN/APG-68(V)7.
Verjetno je bistvo f16, da lahko med letom spreminjajo oz. določiji parametre orožju. SS in Jdam npr. Sedaj SS sprogramirajo na tleh in s Suhojem izstrelijo.
mackilla ::
fakin šit... pa to je na nivoju druge svetovne vojne
Russia's 20th Century Air Force:
Footage of Russian Su-34s attempting to target RDK fighters at the Grayvoron checkpoint.
The aircrafts fly at extremely low altitude, exposing themselves to MANPADs and mobile air defense, then drop unguided munitions (likely FAB-250s). They completely fail to destroy the target.
Vse ruska nesposobnost v enem samem posnetku. Po moje so isto nevarni svojim vojakom kot Ukrajincem.
thundercat ::
Kdo bo vso to mašinerijo plačal? Se vpraša kdo?
Ena vodena raketa, ki jo vojak izstreli, da uniči tank, pride 100 000 €.
Koliko ste vi dali za vaša stanovanja?
Tank je pa par milijonov 😐
fur80 ::
Kdo bo vso to mašinerijo plačal? Se vpraša kdo?
Ena vodena raketa, ki jo vojak izstreli, da uniči tank, pride 100 000 EUR.
Koliko ste vi dali za vaša stanovanja?
Neki ekonomist in prodajalec verjetno nisi. Kam pa gre teh 100 000EUR? ;) Kdo pa se je vse najedel od tvojega stanovanja, za katerega si dal 100 000?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
thundercat ::
Ukrajinci se urijo tudi na najboljših letalih, v rangu za Ukrajino! ;)
Sweden allowed Ukrainian pilots to train on Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighters.
Such actions can be considered as the first step towards Ukraine being able to apply for the supply of these aircraft in the future.
Sicer nisem neki vojaški strateg, ampak a niso letala useless v takem konfliktu? Mislim vsaka malo večja skupina ima že manpade.
Vsaka tank formacija ima anti letalske sisteme?
Če imaš 100% kontrolo na tleh in zraku so letala ok, sam tukaj ni nič od tega
fur80 ::
thundercat je izjavil:
Ukrajinci se urijo tudi na najboljših letalih, v rangu za Ukrajino! ;)
Sweden allowed Ukrainian pilots to train on Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighters.
Such actions can be considered as the first step towards Ukraine being able to apply for the supply of these aircraft in the future.
Sicer nisem neki vojaški strateg, ampak a niso letala useless v takem konfliktu? Mislim vsaka malo večja skupina ima že manpade.
Vsaka tank formacija ima anti letalske sisteme?
Če imaš 100% kontrolo na tleh in zraku so letala ok, sam tukaj ni nič od tega
Bolj je pomembno kaj gre na letalo, katero orožje, kako daleč zadane in kako natančnost ima. Te UK rakete Storm_Shadow imajo dometa 250km iz letala in več, ter zadanejo cilj in se izmikajo radarjem. Lahko jo pa sprožijo samo iz letala, Francoske pa iz ladij.
Storm Shadow @ Wikipedia
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
bbbbbb2015 ::
Verjetno je bistvo f16, da lahko med letom spreminjajo oz. določiji parametre orožju. SS in Jdam npr. Sedaj SS sprogramirajo na tleh in s Suhojem izstrelijo.
Pa v bistvu je bistvo f16, da lahko izstreli praktično vsak tip orožja v zahodnem NATO arzenalu:
Od Sidewinderjev, AMRAAM, Maverika, celo Harpuno. Ter JDAMe.
Drugače pa zna tudi F-16 odvreči navadne gravitacijske bombe. Rusi so pa res precej zgrešili. Verjetno v nervozi, da jih čakajo MANPADi. Saj to so rekli, da je prednost MANPADov. Avioni si ne upajo leteti nizko. Če pa letijo, pa je prelet hiter in v osnovi nenatančen.
bbbbbb2015 ::
thundercat je izjavil:
Sicer nisem neki vojaški strateg, ampak a niso letala useless v takem konfliktu? Mislim vsaka malo večja skupina ima že manpade.
Odmetavanje toplotnih vab je še vedno, kljub vsemu, zelo učinkovit način, kako odvrneš MANPAD. Vaba precej zaslepi seeker na raketi. Zdaj rešitvi za ta problem sta dve:
- navajanje z laserskim painterjem: Starstreak @ Wikipedia
- Poljaki poskušajo z nekimi večkratnimi filtri odpraviti zaslepitev: Piorun (missile) @ Wikipedia
Zdi se, da je Piorun nekako bolj praktičen. Čeprav se ga da v večini preletov (še vedno) zaslepiti.
Pac-Man ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Rusi so pa res precej zgrešili. Verjetno v nervozi, da jih čakajo MANPADi. Saj to so rekli, da je prednost MANPADov. Avioni si ne upajo leteti nizko. Če pa letijo, pa je prelet hiter in v osnovi nenatančen.
Sami so si krivi, ker niso uporabili Su-24 ali Su-25, ki imata SVP-24 @ Wikipedia
To pošola tudi JDAM bombe
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Verjetno grajenje mita, ampak takle mamo
New details in a profile by Ukrainian outlet NV about Ukraine's military intelligence head Kyrylo Budanov, including leading a legendary 2016 operation to destroy a group of Russian military helicopters that had arrived at Dzhankoi airbase in occupied Crimea
Judging by a photo of Budanov's four-man team, they entered the area by sea In the course of the operation, they also took out a Russian Vimpel special forces unit in a brief two-minute action and killed its commander, a decorated Chechen war vet
In retaliation, Russia targeted Budanov with over 10 assassination attempts
Budanov was later wounded three times at the front in Donbas (he still has a mine fragment near his heart from one of the incidents), and after the full-scale invasion personally participated in the liberation of Ruska Lozova near Kharkiv in spring 2022
He reportedly had to be virtually dragged off a chopper headed to liberate Snake Island, NV reports
New details in a profile by Ukrainian outlet NV about Ukraine's military intelligence head Kyrylo Budanov, including leading a legendary 2016 operation to destroy a group of Russian military helicopters that had arrived at Dzhankoi airbase in occupied Crimea
Judging by a photo of Budanov's four-man team, they entered the area by sea In the course of the operation, they also took out a Russian Vimpel special forces unit in a brief two-minute action and killed its commander, a decorated Chechen war vet
In retaliation, Russia targeted Budanov with over 10 assassination attempts
Budanov was later wounded three times at the front in Donbas (he still has a mine fragment near his heart from one of the incidents), and after the full-scale invasion personally participated in the liberation of Ruska Lozova near Kharkiv in spring 2022
He reportedly had to be virtually dragged off a chopper headed to liberate Snake Island, NV reports
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
fikus_ ::
Da vam dvignem pritisk. Kar je že javna skrivnost, sedaj še črno na belem, amerikanci preko gugla vplivajo na pisanje medijev, kot jim ustreza. Ker je govora o vojni v UA, paše v to temo.
In še eno mnenje Jeffreya Sachsa s katerim se mnogi ne boste strinjali, še več pa vas ne bo prebralo do konca. Če pustimo ob strani, da vojaški napad ne paše več v sedanje obdobje t.i. civiliziranega sveta, je poanta pisanja, da vsaka posledica ima svoj vzrok. Naučeni smo blažiti posledice in ne odstraniti/minimalizirati vzrok. Vem, da boste mnogi kar na prvo žogo kot iz topa izstrelili, da je kriv Putin. Seveda je kriv, da je napadel UA, potrebno je pa gledati širše, zakaj se je odločil za to, kaj je pripeljalo do tega,... (pa ne spet priti naprej s posiljevalcem).
RU s Putinom na čelu je imela eno obdobje idejo, da bi se gospodarsko in vojaško integrirali v EU, pa so temu nasprotovali jastrebi na drugi strani Atlantika. Verjamem, da jih je bilo strah, da bi takšna velika EU bila premočna, Velik trg, dostop do poceni energentov, surovin,... Podobno sedaj stiskajo amerikanci in EU brezjajčna politika Kitajce. Pomnite, kar vam pišem sedaj, tako dolgo bodo stiskali Kitajce, da bo prišlo do vojne, potem vam bodo pa prodajali grdi grdi Kitajci. Saj ne, da bi bila Kitajska kak biser demokracije (tudi "demokratičen" zahod ni), tudi človekove pravice so bolj tako tako (amerikanci so boj za človekove pravice prodajali, ko so šli podjarmljat druge države), ampak trenutno se zavzemajo za gospodarsko sodelovanje, v tem vidijo koristi, prevzeli so politično pobudo združevanja (spravili Irance in Savdijce), ... Medtem ko amerikanci vnašajo razdor, se gredo taktiko palice in korenčka (bolj palice), vsiljujejo svoje interese, ...
In v kombinaciji u guglovim pisanjem vam od te "resnice" amerikanci prodajajo samo posledico (vojno), kot nekaj grdega (kar tudi je), zamolčijo in zavajajo pa pri vzrokih. Je pa to pisanje mnenje človeka, ki je več naredil v življenju (tudi zase), kot marsikdo, ki bo pljuval po njegovem pisanju. Sicer pričakujem preveč, ampak fajn bi bilo komentirat z argumenti in ne s "Kill the Messenger".
Lep dan.
In še eno mnenje Jeffreya Sachsa s katerim se mnogi ne boste strinjali, še več pa vas ne bo prebralo do konca. Če pustimo ob strani, da vojaški napad ne paše več v sedanje obdobje t.i. civiliziranega sveta, je poanta pisanja, da vsaka posledica ima svoj vzrok. Naučeni smo blažiti posledice in ne odstraniti/minimalizirati vzrok. Vem, da boste mnogi kar na prvo žogo kot iz topa izstrelili, da je kriv Putin. Seveda je kriv, da je napadel UA, potrebno je pa gledati širše, zakaj se je odločil za to, kaj je pripeljalo do tega,... (pa ne spet priti naprej s posiljevalcem).
RU s Putinom na čelu je imela eno obdobje idejo, da bi se gospodarsko in vojaško integrirali v EU, pa so temu nasprotovali jastrebi na drugi strani Atlantika. Verjamem, da jih je bilo strah, da bi takšna velika EU bila premočna, Velik trg, dostop do poceni energentov, surovin,... Podobno sedaj stiskajo amerikanci in EU brezjajčna politika Kitajce. Pomnite, kar vam pišem sedaj, tako dolgo bodo stiskali Kitajce, da bo prišlo do vojne, potem vam bodo pa prodajali grdi grdi Kitajci. Saj ne, da bi bila Kitajska kak biser demokracije (tudi "demokratičen" zahod ni), tudi človekove pravice so bolj tako tako (amerikanci so boj za človekove pravice prodajali, ko so šli podjarmljat druge države), ampak trenutno se zavzemajo za gospodarsko sodelovanje, v tem vidijo koristi, prevzeli so politično pobudo združevanja (spravili Irance in Savdijce), ... Medtem ko amerikanci vnašajo razdor, se gredo taktiko palice in korenčka (bolj palice), vsiljujejo svoje interese, ...
In v kombinaciji u guglovim pisanjem vam od te "resnice" amerikanci prodajajo samo posledico (vojno), kot nekaj grdega (kar tudi je), zamolčijo in zavajajo pa pri vzrokih. Je pa to pisanje mnenje človeka, ki je več naredil v življenju (tudi zase), kot marsikdo, ki bo pljuval po njegovem pisanju. Sicer pričakujem preveč, ampak fajn bi bilo komentirat z argumenti in ne s "Kill the Messenger".
Lep dan.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Pac-Man ::
Spodaj pa prvi komentar urednika pri Dnevniku:
Polona, tole je totalni bullshit in laž in to sama dobro veš. Sem urednik enega od teh portalov in nikoli, ampak res nikoli noben tak dopis ni prišel do nas. Pa tudi če bi, nam glede na % oglasnih prihodkov na netu to ne pomeni ama bas ništa. Tako da smanji doživljaj pliz.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
kow ::
Ti se odlocil, da je kriva Murica: sedaj klikas po netu in isces razlage, ki odgovarjajo tvoji teoriji. Jeffrey Sachs je pac pisun za ruse. Skrajna levica ga ima nenadoma rada, ko je Rusiji prodajal ekonomsko "sok terapijo", pa je bil hudic. Vprasanje, ce ga Rusi kaj ne izsiljujejo ali pa ima samo financni motiv, da hodi po ruskih televizijah ipd.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kow ()
mackilla ::
Da vam dvignem pritisk. Kar je že javna skrivnost, sedaj še črno na belem, amerikanci preko gugla vplivajo na pisanje medijev, kot jim ustreza. Ker je govora o vojni v UA, paše v to temo.
In še eno mnenje Jeffreya Sachsa s katerim se mnogi ne boste strinjali, še več pa vas ne bo prebralo do konca. Če pustimo ob strani, da vojaški napad ne paše več v sedanje obdobje t.i. civiliziranega sveta, je poanta pisanja, da vsaka posledica ima svoj vzrok. Naučeni smo blažiti posledice in ne odstraniti/minimalizirati vzrok. Vem, da boste mnogi kar na prvo žogo kot iz topa izstrelili, da je kriv Putin. Seveda je kriv, da je napadel UA, potrebno je pa gledati širše, zakaj se je odločil za to, kaj je pripeljalo do tega,... (pa ne spet priti naprej s posiljevalcem).
RU s Putinom na čelu je imela eno obdobje idejo, da bi se gospodarsko in vojaško integrirali v EU, pa so temu nasprotovali jastrebi na drugi strani Atlantika. Verjamem, da jih je bilo strah, da bi takšna velika EU bila premočna, Velik trg, dostop do poceni energentov, surovin,... Podobno sedaj stiskajo amerikanci in EU brezjajčna politika Kitajce. Pomnite, kar vam pišem sedaj, tako dolgo bodo stiskali Kitajce, da bo prišlo do vojne, potem vam bodo pa prodajali grdi grdi Kitajci. Saj ne, da bi bila Kitajska kak biser demokracije (tudi "demokratičen" zahod ni), tudi človekove pravice so bolj tako tako (amerikanci so boj za človekove pravice prodajali, ko so šli podjarmljat druge države), ampak trenutno se zavzemajo za gospodarsko sodelovanje, v tem vidijo koristi, prevzeli so politično pobudo združevanja (spravili Irance in Savdijce), ... Medtem ko amerikanci vnašajo razdor, se gredo taktiko palice in korenčka (bolj palice), vsiljujejo svoje interese, ...
In v kombinaciji u guglovim pisanjem vam od te "resnice" amerikanci prodajajo samo posledico (vojno), kot nekaj grdega (kar tudi je), zamolčijo in zavajajo pa pri vzrokih. Je pa to pisanje mnenje človeka, ki je več naredil v življenju (tudi zase), kot marsikdo, ki bo pljuval po njegovem pisanju. Sicer pričakujem preveč, ampak fajn bi bilo komentirat z argumenti in ne s "Kill the Messenger".
Lep dan.
Seveda smo je za vojno odgovorni tudi ZDA in Evropa. Ker nismo maksimalno stisnili kremeljskega diktatorja že leta 2014 smo za nagrado dobili eskalacijo. Popolnoma pričakovano in že večkrat videno skozi zgodovino. Popuščanje Hitlerju mu je samo dvigavalo apetite dokler ni odtrgalo pokrova. Tudi takrat smo imeli ljudi,ki so firerja zagovarjali dokler je haral drugod po Evropi. Pravzaprav smo jih imeli tudi,ko nam je vlomil vrata. Tip je samo hotel zaščitit nemške prebivalce v Sloveniji. To pa ja ni nič.
fikus_ ::
Pozabil si na (ne)izvajanje Minsk 1,2, ko si EU politiki s figo v žepu podpisovali papirje in s tem kupovali čas za okrepitev UA vojske in priprave na vojno.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
kow ::
Ti pa si pozabil, da so Minsk 1 krsili Rusi. Hecno, ne? Kar verjames ruski propagandi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kow ()
fikus_ ::
PS tukaj nekateri pišejo, da se z dostavljanjem orožja UA podaljšuje vojno. To je sicer res, res pa je tudi, da imajo Ukrajinci pravico do samoobrambe.
To pišem zato, ker se amerikanci pritožujejo, da naj bi RU/Wagner dostavljali AA orožje v Sudan.
"U.S. Claims Wagner Supplied Anti-Aircraft Missiles To Sudan's Rapid Support Force"
Russia's Wagner Group has supplied anti-aircraft missiles to the paramilitary Rapid Support Force (RSF) in Sudan, the United States Department of Treasury said on May 25.
Most recently in Sudan, the Wagner Group has been supplying Sudan's Rapid Support Forces with surface-to-air missiles to fight against Sudan's army, contributing to a prolonged armed conflict that only results in further chaos in the region, the statement reads."
Torej eni lahko dostavljajo orožje, drugi pa ne?! Dvojni vatli?!
Ne pričakujem korektnega odgovora, ker ga poznam, eni so "naši", drugi pa ne.
To pišem zato, ker se amerikanci pritožujejo, da naj bi RU/Wagner dostavljali AA orožje v Sudan.
"U.S. Claims Wagner Supplied Anti-Aircraft Missiles To Sudan's Rapid Support Force"
Russia's Wagner Group has supplied anti-aircraft missiles to the paramilitary Rapid Support Force (RSF) in Sudan, the United States Department of Treasury said on May 25.
Most recently in Sudan, the Wagner Group has been supplying Sudan's Rapid Support Forces with surface-to-air missiles to fight against Sudan's army, contributing to a prolonged armed conflict that only results in further chaos in the region, the statement reads."
Torej eni lahko dostavljajo orožje, drugi pa ne?! Dvojni vatli?!
Ne pričakujem korektnega odgovora, ker ga poznam, eni so "naši", drugi pa ne.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Gregor P ::
Da, dobro je vedeti, kateri so tvoji in ruski agresorji seveda to niso; razen če imaš željo se jim totalno podrediti.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
fur80 ::
PS tukaj nekateri pišejo, da se z dostavljanjem orožja UA podaljšuje vojno. To je sicer res, res pa je tudi, da imajo Ukrajinci pravico do samoobrambe.
To pišem zato, ker se amerikanci pritožujejo, da naj bi RU/Wagner dostavljali AA orožje v Sudan.
"U.S. Claims Wagner Supplied Anti-Aircraft Missiles To Sudan's Rapid Support Force"
Russia's Wagner Group has supplied anti-aircraft missiles to the paramilitary Rapid Support Force (RSF) in Sudan, the United States Department of Treasury said on May 25.
Most recently in Sudan, the Wagner Group has been supplying Sudan's Rapid Support Forces with surface-to-air missiles to fight against Sudan's army, contributing to a prolonged armed conflict that only results in further chaos in the region, the statement reads."
Torej eni lahko dostavljajo orožje, drugi pa ne?! Dvojni vatli?!
Ne pričakujem korektnega odgovora, ker ga poznam, eni so "naši", drugi pa ne.
Sirija je uradno zaprosila za pomoč v vojni Rusijo! Je kdo skakal, da to podaljšuje vojno? Ni! Ukrajina je uradno zaprosila NATO, za pomoč pred napadom? Je kdo skakal? Ja vsi rusofili in Rusija!