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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

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342 / 869

Zmajc ::

Zdravila verjetno ne spadajo pod stvari, ki bi jih omejevali.

mackilla ::

Zmajc je izjavil:

Zdravila verjetno ne spadajo pod stvari, ki bi jih omejevali.

To je itak logično.

Rambutan ::

mackilla je izjavil:

Zmajc je izjavil:

Zdravila verjetno ne spadajo pod stvari, ki bi jih omejevali.

To je itak logično.

To ni tako logično pričakovati, če pogledamo primera Irana in Kube. Seveda pa ZDA niti nima možnosti tega storiti proti Rusiji. S takim potezami pa Zahod daje BRICSU lepe presedane v primeru konflikta BRICS - Zahod.


Though the US government has built exemptions for humanitarian imports into its sanction regime, broad US sanctions against Iranian banks, coupled with aggressive rhetoric from US officials, have drastically constrained Iran’s ability to finance such humanitarian imports. The consequences of redoubled US sanctions, whether intentional or not, pose a serious threat to Iranians’ right to health and access to essential medicines—and has almost certainly contributed to documented shortages—ranging from a lack of critical drugs for epilepsy patients to limited chemotherapy medications for Iranians with cancer.


For over 30 years an embargo by the USA has restricted Cuba's ability to purchase foods and medicines. In 1992, the USA enacted the Cuban Democracy Act (CDA), which “exempted” the sale of medicines from the embargo. However, the implementation of the CDA's requirements and the intensification of the embargo as a result of the passage of the Helms-Burton Act in March, 1996, have undermined the purpose of the medicine exemption. The resultant lack of food and medicine to Cuba contributed to the worst epidemic of neurological disease this century. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States has informed the US Government that such activities violate international law and has requested that the US take immediate steps to exempt food and medicine from the embargo.

bbbbbb2015 ::

Zmajc je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:

Definiraj "prevelike žrtve".

Vse je odvisno od interesa.

Saj, Ruse boli đoka za žrtve dokler dosežejo to kar so si zadali, zato tudi pošiljajo neskončne valove mesa brez izkušenj v boju. In potem oni sanjajo kako imajo manj žrtev kot Ukrajinci, ki so 90% v defenzivi?

Ne, to ni čisto res, da bi Ruse bolela đoka okrog žrtev. Recimo, Prigožinu več ne dovolijo uporabljati zapornike kot rekrute. Prigožin je čisto zmešan. Ko mu je zmanjkalo pušk (ki so vse obležale zunaj na polju), jim je začel talati lopate. Četudi niso imeli streliva, jih je poslal na fronto.

Posnetek je bil dejansko z ene ceste, ki vodi k Bakmutu. Čez tisto čistino je treba nekako priti. Ni nekih zaklonov. Rusi pa zgleda tudi tankov in nekih oklepnikov nimajo, da bi napadali z neko podporo.

Sicer pa ni malo manjkalo, pa bi Ukrajinci fasali granato direktno v zemunico. Ukrajinci so imeli samo to srečo, da so bili na malenkost višji poziciji in so lahko nadzorovali teren z ene višine 1,5m - 2,5m. Drugače pa so zgleda tudi Rusi imeli izvidniške drone, kako bi sicer vedeli, v kateri zemunici se Ukrajinci skrivajo? To je bolj 1:1 borba, kot je videti. Zdajle so Ukrajinci zmagali. Samo naj bi tista prva bomba bila bolj uspešna, bi se to pa hitro obrnilo.

AtaŠtumf ::

mackilla je izjavil:

Zmajc je izjavil:

Zdravila verjetno ne spadajo pod stvari, ki bi jih omejevali.

To je itak logično.

Na žalost pri teh sankcijah ni kaj dosti logike!
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem

-puhek- ::

A tiste podatke iz leakanih ameriskih dokumentov ste ze predelali? Ukrajinci 70.000 žrtev, Rusi 16.000?

Rambutan ::

Ne, to ni čisto res, da bi Ruse bolela đoka okrog žrtev. Recimo, Prigožinu več ne dovolijo uporabljati zapornike kot rekrute. Prigožin je čisto zmešan. Ko mu je zmanjkalo pušk (ki so vse obležale zunaj na polju), jim je začel talati lopate. Četudi niso imeli streliva, jih je poslal na fronto.

Eh, to ima Wagner specializacijo vojakov. En del vojakov je specializiran samo za kopanje jarkov, tako da ni potrebno vsem nositi tako orožja kot lopat. Zahodna propaganda pa je seveda naredila iz tega celo pravljico. Bo pa zabavno povedati, da so Wagnerji z lopatami osvobodili Bakhmut8-)

Zmajc ::

-puhek- je izjavil:

A tiste podatke iz leakanih ameriskih dokumentov ste ze predelali? Ukrajinci 70.000 žrtev, Rusi 16.000?

Fotoshop, na originalnih leakih so številke zamenjane, ruski vatniki so jih zamenjali.

mackilla ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Ne, to ni čisto res, da bi Ruse bolela đoka okrog žrtev. Recimo, Prigožinu več ne dovolijo uporabljati zapornike kot rekrute. Prigožin je čisto zmešan. Ko mu je zmanjkalo pušk (ki so vse obležale zunaj na polju), jim je začel talati lopate. Četudi niso imeli streliva, jih je poslal na fronto.

Eh, to ima Wagner specializacijo vojakov. En del vojakov je specializiran samo za kopanje jarkov, tako da ni potrebno vsem nositi tako orožja kot lopat. Zahodna propaganda pa je seveda naredila iz tega celo pravljico. Bo pa zabavno povedati, da so Wagnerji z lopatami osvobodili Bakhmut8-)

Se pravi,da imajo dejansko del vojakov oboroženih z lopatami? V normalnih vojskah so tudi tisti,ki kopljejo jarke oboroženi. Oboroženi so celo tisti,ki kuhajo. Neverjetno mar ne?:))

Rambutan je izjavil:

mackilla je izjavil:

Zmajc je izjavil:

Zdravila verjetno ne spadajo pod stvari, ki bi jih omejevali.

To je itak logično.

To ni tako logično pričakovati, če pogledamo primera Irana in Kube. Seveda pa ZDA niti nima možnosti tega storiti proti Rusiji. S takim potezami pa Zahod daje BRICSU lepe presedane v primeru konflikta BRICS - Zahod.


Though the US government has built exemptions for humanitarian imports into its sanction regime, broad US sanctions against Iranian banks, coupled with aggressive rhetoric from US officials, have drastically constrained Iran’s ability to finance such humanitarian imports. The consequences of redoubled US sanctions, whether intentional or not, pose a serious threat to Iranians’ right to health and access to essential medicines—and has almost certainly contributed to documented shortages—ranging from a lack of critical drugs for epilepsy patients to limited chemotherapy medications for Iranians with cancer.


For over 30 years an embargo by the USA has restricted Cuba's ability to purchase foods and medicines. In 1992, the USA enacted the Cuban Democracy Act (CDA), which “exempted” the sale of medicines from the embargo. However, the implementation of the CDA's requirements and the intensification of the embargo as a result of the passage of the Helms-Burton Act in March, 1996, have undermined the purpose of the medicine exemption. The resultant lack of food and medicine to Cuba contributed to the worst epidemic of neurological disease this century. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States has informed the US Government that such activities violate international law and has requested that the US take immediate steps to exempt food and medicine from the embargo.



As for the U.S., the truth is that the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 permits American companies and their subsidiaries to sell medicine and medical equipment to Cuba. Since 1992, the U.S. has approved 36 of 38 license requests for commercial sales of medicines and medical equipment to Cuba. During the same period, the U.S. has licensed over $150 million in humanitarian assistance--more than the total worldwide foreign aid received by Cuba in those years--much of which came in the form of medicines and other health-related items. This total does not include the millions of dollars in medicines sent to Cuba in the form of "care packages" from relatives living in the U.S.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: mackilla ()

-puhek- ::

Zmajc je izjavil:

-puhek- je izjavil:

A tiste podatke iz leakanih ameriskih dokumentov ste ze predelali? Ukrajinci 70.000 žrtev, Rusi 16.000?

Fotoshop, na originalnih leakih so številke zamenjane, ruski vatniki so jih zamenjali.

Baje, da ne.

Rambutan ::

mackilla je izjavil:

To ni tako logično pričakovati, če pogledamo primera Irana in Kube. Seveda pa ZDA niti nima možnosti tega storiti proti Rusiji. S takim potezami pa Zahod daje BRICSU lepe presedane v primeru konflikta BRICS - Zahod.


Though the US government has built exemptions for humanitarian imports into its sanction regime, broad US sanctions against Iranian banks, coupled with aggressive rhetoric from US officials, have drastically constrained Iran’s ability to finance such humanitarian imports. The consequences of redoubled US sanctions, whether intentional or not, pose a serious threat to Iranians’ right to health and access to essential medicines—and has almost certainly contributed to documented shortages—ranging from a lack of critical drugs for epilepsy patients to limited chemotherapy medications for Iranians with cancer.


For over 30 years an embargo by the USA has restricted Cuba's ability to purchase foods and medicines. In 1992, the USA enacted the Cuban Democracy Act (CDA), which “exempted” the sale of medicines from the embargo. However, the implementation of the CDA's requirements and the intensification of the embargo as a result of the passage of the Helms-Burton Act in March, 1996, have undermined the purpose of the medicine exemption. The resultant lack of food and medicine to Cuba contributed to the worst epidemic of neurological disease this century. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States has informed the US Government that such activities violate international law and has requested that the US take immediate steps to exempt food and medicine from the embargo.


As for the U.S., the truth is that the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 permits American companies and their subsidiaries to sell medicine and medical equipment to Cuba. Since 1992, the U.S. has approved 36 of 38 license requests for commercial sales of medicines and medical equipment to Cuba. During the same period, the U.S. has licensed over $150 million in humanitarian assistance--more than the total worldwide foreign aid received by Cuba in those years--much of which came in the form of medicines and other health-related items. This total does not include the millions of dollars in medicines sent to Cuba in the form of "care packages" from relatives living in the U.S.

To je teorija, v praksi pa WHR poroča, da so Iranci zaradi sankcij brez zdravil. Lancet pa pravi, da je blokada Kube povzročila najhujšo epidemijo nevroloških obolenj v tem stoletju. Podobno stanje je v Afganistanu, kjer zaradi ameriških sankcij miljoni Afganistancev stradajo. Tako zgleda ta Rules Based Order, če nisi podložen ZDA...


Even since last month, the situation has deteriorated. According to recent reporting from the Washington Post, nearly 23 million Afghans (out of a total population of 39 million) don’t have enough to eat, while many lack proper shelter and the means to heat their houses. It’s a datapoint you’re unlikely to see take over the news cycle and, in the event that it does appear, existing precedent suggests you’re even less likely to hear about the direct role of US policy in bringing it about. But behind opaque euphemisms like “a man-made crisis” and “dried-up foreign aid” is the unavoidable truth that US-led sanctions coupled with the Biden administration’s decision to freeze the majority of the Afghan government’s assets have quite literally crippled the country’s economy.

tomlin ::

"Let me be clear, Ukraine's rightful place is in the Euro-Atlantic family," Stoltenberg told a press conference. "Ukraine's rightful place is in NATO." He said he and Zelenskyy discussed a NATO support program.

Svoboda in enakost ni isto kot svoboda.
M. Friedman

fikus_ ::

Zmajc je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:

Še vedno pričakujem Definiraj "prevelike žrtve"
Kaj in koga boli, te ne sprašujem.

Nisem ekspet samo meni se zdi za eno manjše mestece žrtvovat 40 - 60k ljudi nesprejemljivo. Kje so šele večja mesta, kjer bi bile izgube eksponencialno večje.

To je stvar interesa.

In ker si tako suvereno napisal št. žrtev, imaš zagotovo vir za to. Pa prosim, če lahko napišeš za obe strani.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

blackbfm ::

Podobno stanje je v Afganistanu, kjer zaradi ameriških sankcij miljoni Afganistancev stradajo

stradajo zaradi lastne nazadnjaške politike

LightBit ::

-puhek- je izjavil:

Zmajc je izjavil:

-puhek- je izjavil:

A tiste podatke iz leakanih ameriskih dokumentov ste ze predelali? Ukrajinci 70.000 žrtev, Rusi 16.000?

Fotoshop, na originalnih leakih so številke zamenjane, ruski vatniki so jih zamenjali.

Baje, da ne.

Meni se zdi slika z višjo resolucijo bolj verodostojna.

Rambutan ::

LightBit je izjavil:

-puhek- je izjavil:

Zmajc je izjavil:

-puhek- je izjavil:

A tiste podatke iz leakanih ameriskih dokumentov ste ze predelali? Ukrajinci 70.000 žrtev, Rusi 16.000?

Fotoshop, na originalnih leakih so številke zamenjane, ruski vatniki so jih zamenjali.

Baje, da ne.

Meni se zdi slika z višjo resolucijo bolj verodostojna.

Ja, to je jasno. Ni pa jasno, ali so Rusi sami to sfejkali al so jim to podtaknili...

Pa še dosti drugih stvari pri vsem tem ni jasno.


During our 18 years of working on these highly classified exercises we have never seen a E3 (i.e., an Airman First Class) anywhere in the SCIF. The enlisted personnel who worked on these TOP SECRET exercises were at least a Staff Sergeant (E5). So what is a lowly E3 doing in a SCIF with TOP SECRET material and no supervision? That is the first red flag.

Another red flag, as I noted in my previous piece, is the partial copy of the CIA Operations Center Intelligence Report. Both of us have had access to CIA systems available on the military servers and we have never seen the CIA Ops Center report on any of those systems. Never! How did this 21 year old kid get his hands on that?

fur80 ::

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Zmajc je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:

Definiraj "prevelike žrtve".

Vse je odvisno od interesa.

Saj, Ruse boli đoka za žrtve dokler dosežejo to kar so si zadali, zato tudi pošiljajo neskončne valove mesa brez izkušenj v boju. In potem oni sanjajo kako imajo manj žrtev kot Ukrajinci, ki so 90% v defenzivi?

Ne, to ni čisto res, da bi Ruse bolela đoka okrog žrtev. Recimo, Prigožinu več ne dovolijo uporabljati zapornike kot rekrute. Prigožin je čisto zmešan. Ko mu je zmanjkalo pušk (ki so vse obležale zunaj na polju), jim je začel talati lopate. Četudi niso imeli streliva, jih je poslal na fronto.

Posnetek je bil dejansko z ene ceste, ki vodi k Bakmutu. Čez tisto čistino je treba nekako priti. Ni nekih zaklonov. Rusi pa zgleda tudi tankov in nekih oklepnikov nimajo, da bi napadali z neko podporo.

Sicer pa ni malo manjkalo, pa bi Ukrajinci fasali granato direktno v zemunico. Ukrajinci so imeli samo to srečo, da so bili na malenkost višji poziciji in so lahko nadzorovali teren z ene višine 1,5m - 2,5m. Drugače pa so zgleda tudi Rusi imeli izvidniške drone, kako bi sicer vedeli, v kateri zemunici se Ukrajinci skrivajo? To je bolj 1:1 borba, kot je videti. Zdajle so Ukrajinci zmagali. Samo naj bi tista prva bomba bila bolj uspešna, bi se to pa hitro obrnilo.

Sem šel še 2x pogledati, prva granata je zadela bunker, 1 ranjen, tako da jim niti druga ne bi kaj veliko pomagala, skratka bolj kot samomor Rusov. O takih napadih poročajo na stotine na dan, se en Ukrajinec na strojnici je rekel, da ne razume tega in Rusi sanjajo da imajo 7:1?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

101teflon ::

Pa ne da bo Ruse zeblo? :))

Lesoto ::

A direct hit by a Javelin on a Russian BMP with infantry on it.

Rambutan ::

101teflon je izjavil:

Pa ne da bo Ruse zeblo? :))

Bučke, gre se za cene plina za industrijske odjemalce, pa še to samo v določenih regijah. Sploh pa je to samo predlog Gazproma, bomo videli če bodo sploh odobrili.
Je treba preverjat vire...


MOSCOW, April 20 (Reuters) - Russian energy giant Gazprom has asked the government to liberalise wholesale gas prices for domestic industrial consumers in some regions as it faces a steep decline in exports, Kommersant daily reported on Thursday.

Sc0ut ::

Ko rus govori, laže. Podražilo se bo, to je vseeno resnica, ampak se bo za vse :)
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

o0o0o0o0o0 ::

Rambutan ::

Sc0ut je izjavil:

Ko rus govori, laže. Podražilo se bo, to je vseeno resnica, ampak se bo za vse :)

Moj vir je Reuters. Kje imaš pa ti vir? Se mi zdi da je to zrastlo na tvojem zelniku8-)


mackilla ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

LightBit je izjavil:

-puhek- je izjavil:

Zmajc je izjavil:

-puhek- je izjavil:

A tiste podatke iz leakanih ameriskih dokumentov ste ze predelali? Ukrajinci 70.000 žrtev, Rusi 16.000?

Fotoshop, na originalnih leakih so številke zamenjane, ruski vatniki so jih zamenjali.

Baje, da ne.

Meni se zdi slika z višjo resolucijo bolj verodostojna.

Ja, to je jasno. Ni pa jasno, ali so Rusi sami to sfejkali al so jim to podtaknili...

Pa še dosti drugih stvari pri vsem tem ni jasno.


During our 18 years of working on these highly classified exercises we have never seen a E3 (i.e., an Airman First Class) anywhere in the SCIF. The enlisted personnel who worked on these TOP SECRET exercises were at least a Staff Sergeant (E5). So what is a lowly E3 doing in a SCIF with TOP SECRET material and no supervision? That is the first red flag.

Another red flag, as I noted in my previous piece, is the partial copy of the CIA Operations Center Intelligence Report. Both of us have had access to CIA systems available on the military servers and we have never seen the CIA Ops Center report on any of those systems. Never! How did this 21 year old kid get his hands on that?

Tudi Iran nima sankcij za uvoz zdravil. Namesto v nakup zdravil Iranci svoje finance namenjajo za jedrski program, sponzoriranje teroristov in leteče eksplozivne kosilnice. Podobno Rusi rajši kot,da bi denar vlagali v infrastrukturo kupujejo jahte in vile. Potem je pa za vse kriv zlobni amerikanec:D

fur80 ::

mackilla je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

LightBit je izjavil:

-puhek- je izjavil:

Zmajc je izjavil:

-puhek- je izjavil:

A tiste podatke iz leakanih ameriskih dokumentov ste ze predelali? Ukrajinci 70.000 žrtev, Rusi 16.000?

Fotoshop, na originalnih leakih so številke zamenjane, ruski vatniki so jih zamenjali.

Baje, da ne.

Meni se zdi slika z višjo resolucijo bolj verodostojna.

Ja, to je jasno. Ni pa jasno, ali so Rusi sami to sfejkali al so jim to podtaknili...

Pa še dosti drugih stvari pri vsem tem ni jasno.


During our 18 years of working on these highly classified exercises we have never seen a E3 (i.e., an Airman First Class) anywhere in the SCIF. The enlisted personnel who worked on these TOP SECRET exercises were at least a Staff Sergeant (E5). So what is a lowly E3 doing in a SCIF with TOP SECRET material and no supervision? That is the first red flag.

Another red flag, as I noted in my previous piece, is the partial copy of the CIA Operations Center Intelligence Report. Both of us have had access to CIA systems available on the military servers and we have never seen the CIA Ops Center report on any of those systems. Never! How did this 21 year old kid get his hands on that?

Tudi Iran nima sankcij za uvoz zdravil. Namesto v nakup zdravil Iranci svoje finance namenjajo za jedrski program, sponzoriranje teroristov in leteče eksplozivne kosilnice. Podobno Rusi rajši kot,da bi denar vlagali v infrastrukturo kupujejo jahte in vile. Potem je pa za vse kriv zlobni amerikanec:D

Zdravila so neka druga sorta, humanost in na to se igra. Rusi nimajo proizvodnje in znanja. Ne vem zakaj ampak parkrat sem naletel na naše Krko, ki je opisovala razmere v Rusiji in svetu. Slovenija je par 10 let v prednosti in znanju pred Rusi v farmaciji. Kaj šele pred kakim Iranom. USA, Švica,.. so pa svetlobna leta spredaj.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

101teflon ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Sc0ut je izjavil:

Ko rus govori, laže. Podražilo se bo, to je vseeno resnica, ampak se bo za vse :)

Moj vir je Reuters. Kje imaš pa ti vir? Se mi zdi da je to zrastlo na tvojem zelniku8-)


Že 3x so ga podražili v zadnjem letu. Za domače prebivalce.

kow ::

Sej ne bi blo panike - vse za motherland - ce ne bi prej razlagali po drzavni TV kako bomo Evropejci zmrznili, heh.

Rambutan ::

101teflon je izjavil:

Že 3x so ga podražili v zadnjem letu. Za domače prebivalce.

To so spet bučke. Vir?

Tudi če bi ga že trikrat podražili v zadnjem letu, so v Rusiji cene plina za gospodinjstva smešno nizke. Npr. septembra 2022 je bil plin v Rusiji 0,007 $ za KWh, v Nemčiji pa 0,328 $ za KWh, približno 46x cenejši kot v Nemčiji.


101teflon ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

101teflon je izjavil:

Že 3x so ga podražili v zadnjem letu. Za domače prebivalce.

Tudi če bi ga že trikrat podražili v zadnjem letu, so v Rusiji cene plina za gospodinjstva smešno nizke. Npr. septembra 2022 je bil plin v Rusiji 0,007 $ za KWh, v Nemčiji pa 0,328 $ za KWh, približno 46x cenejši kot v Nemčiji.


Poglej kak procent dohodka da nec za plin in kak procent da rus.

Rus se mora odločit al bo jkedu al se bo grel. Vodki se pač ne bo odrekel :))

Rambutan ::

101teflon je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

101teflon je izjavil:

Že 3x so ga podražili v zadnjem letu. Za domače prebivalce.

Tudi če bi ga že trikrat podražili v zadnjem letu, so v Rusiji cene plina za gospodinjstva smešno nizke. Npr. septembra 2022 je bil plin v Rusiji 0,007 $ za KWh, v Nemčiji pa 0,328 $ za KWh, približno 46x cenejši kot v Nemčiji.


Poglej kak procent dohodka da nec za plin in kak procent da rus.

Rus se mora odločit al bo jkedu al se bo grel. Vodki se pač ne bo odrekel :))

Si mogoče zamenjal z Veliko Britanijo? Ali je kot ponavadi, ko zmanjka argumentov se začne nabivanje?


Quarter of adults with at least one child under 18 have also cut back on food shopping, study finds
Parents facing soaring energy bills are cutting back on how much food they buy and eating cold meals to save on power as the cost of living crisis bites, a UK study has found.

A quarter of parents with at least one child under 18 have reduced the quantity of food they buy to ensure they can afford other household essentials including gas and electricity bills, which are due to rise from Saturday.

A YouGov poll commissioned by the National Energy Action and Food Foundation charities showed 28% of parents have also reduced the quality of food they were buying.

The survey of 4,280 adults found that more than one in 10 parents had eaten cold meals, or ones that did not require cooking, to save money on energy.

Rambutan ::

Da ne bomo samo neumnosti o cenah plina govorili, Rusi se hvalijo da so se prebili do 0056, ki gre skozi Kromovo.

There are increasing numbers of early reports from several sources that the line of contact has reached the MSR 0056 to the North West of Khromove, including a pro-Ukrainian live map "Deep State"

The track is not yet physically cut, but under increasing fire control.

A clip of a destroyed UF tank on this track is circulating, but not yet confirmed.

The fighting there is now ongoing in realtime, and accurate updates may be difficult, but that it is in contest is of no doubt.

101teflon ::

Rusi zmrzujejo, ne pa EU.

Reveži kurijo na drva namesto na plin.

Tule si preberi: https://www.quora.com/profile/Misha-Fir...

Je pisal o ljudeh k so v penziji pa ljudeh delavskega razreda. Nema plina za njih, predrago.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 101teflon ()

mackilla ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

101teflon je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

101teflon je izjavil:

Že 3x so ga podražili v zadnjem letu. Za domače prebivalce.

Tudi če bi ga že trikrat podražili v zadnjem letu, so v Rusiji cene plina za gospodinjstva smešno nizke. Npr. septembra 2022 je bil plin v Rusiji 0,007 $ za KWh, v Nemčiji pa 0,328 $ za KWh, približno 46x cenejši kot v Nemčiji.


Poglej kak procent dohodka da nec za plin in kak procent da rus.

Rus se mora odločit al bo jkedu al se bo grel. Vodki se pač ne bo odrekel :))

Si mogoče zamenjal z Veliko Britanijo? Ali je kot ponavadi, ko zmanjka argumentov se začne nabivanje?


Quarter of adults with at least one child under 18 have also cut back on food shopping, study finds
Parents facing soaring energy bills are cutting back on how much food they buy and eating cold meals to save on power as the cost of living crisis bites, a UK study has found.

A quarter of parents with at least one child under 18 have reduced the quantity of food they buy to ensure they can afford other household essentials including gas and electricity bills, which are due to rise from Saturday.

A YouGov poll commissioned by the National Energy Action and Food Foundation charities showed 28% of parents have also reduced the quality of food they were buying.

The survey of 4,280 adults found that more than one in 10 parents had eaten cold meals, or ones that did not require cooking, to save money on energy.

Jest sploh nič ne verjamem MSNju. Ampak očitno imaš prav. Britancem je zmanjkalo denarja tudi za "ljubezen". Grozno. Ruski standard pa gre v nebo.

Russian propagandist Skabeyeva = Idiot.
Another nonsensical "news" segment. What's the connection between sanctions and prices for sex acts in the UK?


101teflon ::

while the median monthly salary is 30k plunging Russia to the bottom of the list.

Zdraj pa si zračunaj kolk % dohodka da rus in koliko slovenc ali nemc za 2 tanka bencina, 100L.

gutanoran901 ::

101teflon je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

101teflon je izjavil:

Že 3x so ga podražili v zadnjem letu. Za domače prebivalce.

Tudi če bi ga že trikrat podražili v zadnjem letu, so v Rusiji cene plina za gospodinjstva smešno nizke. Npr. septembra 2022 je bil plin v Rusiji 0,007 $ za KWh, v Nemčiji pa 0,328 $ za KWh, približno 46x cenejši kot v Nemčiji.


Poglej kak procent dohodka da nec za plin in kak procent da rus.

Rus se mora odločit al bo jkedu al se bo grel. Vodki se pač ne bo odrekel :))

O tudi vodki se bo moral odpovedati, https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co... :))

101teflon ::

Za tole vodko itak nimajo.
To je že premium za njih :))

Moskovsko sodišče je oglobilo rusko upokojenko, ki je ukrajinskega predsednika Volodimirja Zelenskega opisala kot "čednega mladeniča z dobrim smislom za humor", je poročala ruska organizacija za človekove pravice Memorial. 70-letna Olga Slegina iz mesta Naljčik na jugu Rusije je bila obtožena "diskreditacije ruskih oboroženih sil".

Clown state tale Rusija :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 101teflon ()

Comandante ::


Today the most important news comes from the south. Here, the intensity of the Ukrainian attacks has reached new peaks, as these opened up several additional lines of attack. Due to the increased pressure, the Russians began to lose their positions, and the occupation authorities suddenly launched the evacuation of the pre-front settlements. The evacuation sparked panic over the start of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, and today the Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister has finally confirmed that the counter-offensive has begun.


Vzemite z velikim scepom soli, vprasanje ce je res. Se pa govori o tem. Verjetno je psy-op, da zivcirajo okupatorja.

Zgodovina sprememb…

connel ::

Da ne pozabimo sistematično brisanje Ukrajine iz zgodovinskih učbenikov,... Če to niso nazi metode, naj me koklja v rit brcne.

101teflon ::

connel je izjavil:

Da ne pozabimo sistematično brisanje Ukrajine iz zgodovinskih učbenikov,... Če to niso nazi metode, naj me koklja v rit brcne.

Direktno od Hitlerja.
Ponosen bi bil na Ruse kakobga emulirajo.

mackilla ::

101teflon je izjavil:

Za tole vodko itak nimajo.
To je že premium za njih :))

Moskovsko sodišče je oglobilo rusko upokojenko, ki je ukrajinskega predsednika Volodimirja Zelenskega opisala kot "čednega mladeniča z dobrim smislom za humor", je poročala ruska organizacija za človekove pravice Memorial. 70-letna Olga Slegina iz mesta Naljčik na jugu Rusije je bila obtožena "diskreditacije ruskih oboroženih sil".

Clown state tale Rusija :))


Story from Russia. The authorities promised to give the wife of the mobilized firewood for free (why in the gas state people still heat with firewood is a big question). But instead of firewood, they brought two tickets to the circus. I am not kidding.


Sheteentz ::

Dejansko je vsa tale zadeva, recimo ji ruska avantura, že toliko absurdna, da te take tragikomične novice kar težko spravijo do smeha. WTF, tako norčevanje iz lastnega naroda, folk pa vse to mirno požira. To je tragedija več kot sto milijonske države, ajde, federativne entitete, ki je še hujša mineštra, kot je Jugoslavija kdaj bila. To ne more večno obstajat. In ljudje so tako sprani, tako duhovno pohabljeni, dejansko oropani človeštva, da sploh več niso ljudje, bolj neki zombiji.

Po drugi strani pa človek ne more pogrešati, oz. hrepeneti po stvari, ki je ne poznaš. Rusi očitno res živijo v taki epski vukojebini, da je jebanje lastnega naroda norma, krzneni plašči v katerih se parkrat slikaš, pa največja zahvala, ki jo prejmeš od države. In to je tem ljudem nekaj normalnega.

Bolano, orng bolano. Kako sploh tako bolan narod pozdravit take patologije...

Pac-Man ::

Denacifikacija, pravijo?

Russian military propagandist Aleksandr Sladkov (not a dodgy milblogger, but fully-fledged government TV correspondent) has interviewed Wagner Group’s top neo-nazi Aleksey Milchakov. Not reposting the interview because it contains open justification of ethnocide and war crimes.

Če ni kaj novega je intervju star, z januarja:

V kolikor komu ni znan, Milčakov je tale herojček:

januar 2015:
Neo-nazis from St. Petersburg Are Fighting “Fascism” in Ukraine on a BTR-80 Armored Personnel Carrier

Alexey Milchakov @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Utk ::

Story from Russia. The authorities promised to give the wife of the mobilized firewood for free (why in the gas state people still heat with firewood is a big question). But instead of firewood, they brought two tickets to the circus. I am not kidding

Nič čudnega. Drva je nekdo spizdu prej ko so prišla do nje, in ji je nekaj dal.

Tidule ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

mackilla je izjavil:

Zmajc je izjavil:

Zdravila verjetno ne spadajo pod stvari, ki bi jih omejevali.

To je itak logično.

To ni tako logično pričakovati, če pogledamo primera Irana in Kube. Seveda pa ZDA niti nima možnosti tega storiti proti Rusiji. S takim potezami pa Zahod daje BRICSU lepe presedane v primeru konflikta BRICS - Zahod.


Though the US government has built exemptions for humanitarian imports into its sanction regime, broad US sanctions against Iranian banks, coupled with aggressive rhetoric from US officials, have drastically constrained Iran’s ability to finance such humanitarian imports. The consequences of redoubled US sanctions, whether intentional or not, pose a serious threat to Iranians’ right to health and access to essential medicines—and has almost certainly contributed to documented shortages—ranging from a lack of critical drugs for epilepsy patients to limited chemotherapy medications for Iranians with cancer.


For over 30 years an embargo by the USA has restricted Cuba's ability to purchase foods and medicines. In 1992, the USA enacted the Cuban Democracy Act (CDA), which “exempted” the sale of medicines from the embargo. However, the implementation of the CDA's requirements and the intensification of the embargo as a result of the passage of the Helms-Burton Act in March, 1996, have undermined the purpose of the medicine exemption. The resultant lack of food and medicine to Cuba contributed to the worst epidemic of neurological disease this century. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States has informed the US Government that such activities violate international law and has requested that the US take immediate steps to exempt food and medicine from the embargo.

Ne nakladaj o stvareh, ki jih ne razumes. Krka lepo posluje tudi v Iranu.

Rambutan ::

Tidule je izjavil:


Though the US government has built exemptions for humanitarian imports into its sanction regime, broad US sanctions against Iranian banks, coupled with aggressive rhetoric from US officials, have drastically constrained Iran’s ability to finance such humanitarian imports. The consequences of redoubled US sanctions, whether intentional or not, pose a serious threat to Iranians’ right to health and access to essential medicines—and has almost certainly contributed to documented shortages—ranging from a lack of critical drugs for epilepsy patients to limited chemotherapy medications for Iranians with cancer.

Ne nakladaj o stvareh, ki jih ne razumes. Krka lepo posluje tudi v Iranu.

Mogoče, da Krka lepo posluje v Iranu, Human Rights Watch pa vseeno navaja, da so ameriške sankcije povzročile pomanjkanje nekaterih kritičnih zdravil v Iranu. Sicer pa OZN označuje te ameriške sankcije za ilegalne, vendar so po zgleda po pravilih Rules Based Orderja(RBO) upravičene.
BTW, kaj so ta RBO pravila kje zapisana ali si jih ZDA izmišljuje sproti, po potrebi? Zanimivo, da so mediji polni propagande o obveznosti ohranitve RBO, nihče se pa ne vpraša, kakšna sploh so ta pravila in kdo jih določa...


An independent United Nations expert said Wednesday that the impact of sanctions imposed by the US on Iran was "devastating," describing them as illegal and urging they be lifted.

"During our visit, we were able to identify [the] devastating humanitarian impact of sanctions," said Alena Douhan, UN special rapporteur focused on the impact of unilateral sanctions.

"The measures imposed against Iran violate international law - they are illegal," Douhan added.

shmandi ::

Čakaj malo... A Američani preprečujejo irancem, da nabavljajo zdravila od rusov, kitajcev, severnih korejcev...? Če je to res, potem res ni o.k.
Z zahoda je pa itak vse pokvarjeno in zanič... Saj imate svoj NWO pa brics pa vsemogočnega putina. Sami se želite kregat z zahodom, ne pol jamrat...

mackilla ::

Ni embarga na uvoz zdravil v Iran. Iranci pač finance rajši namenjajo za delanje pizdarij. Kriv je pa seveda zlobni amerikanec. Kot vedno.:D

Greghorian ::

Kaj je narobe z rules based order? Po domače povedano "vladavino prava"? Multipolarni svet po domače pomeni zakon močnejšega in vsakem dovoljeno vse, brez posledic. Če rambutan v tem ne vidi težav potem nevem kako bolj kristalno razložit. Ko bi enkrat nastale "divje države" z trdim režimom kot SK in z jedrskim orožjem je duh iz steklenice. In da se ne omenja varovanja okolja in drugih stvari, ki čakajo svet v tem stoletju in bi se jih morali vsi držati.

kow ::

Multipolarni svet pomeni nekaj drugega. V osnovi je multipolarni svet dobra rec. Samo ne tak, kot si ga predstavljajo diktatorcki. Ali iranski blaznezi na oblasti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

Pac-Man ::

nitka s strani italijanskega vojaka/oficirja


Is it easy to liberate Crimea? Of course not.
Is it impossible to liberate Crimea? Hell no!

A Crimea liberation campaign thread 🧵:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
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