Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
mackilla ::
Poldi ne verjame. Njegov prispevek iz 29.januarja 2022.
Pa saj to pravim - 100k vojakov je tam zavoljo pogajanj. To je politična poteza, ne vojaška. Lahko simbolično okupirajo par vasi, samo kaj bodo imeli od tega?
Sem kdaj trdil, da sem nezmotljiv?
Nisi samo zmotljiv ampak sploh nimaš pojma. Furaš uradno rusko propagando. Zraven vržeš se gospodarja,brutalno,Kuba,imperij... To je to. Eno in isto skozi tisoče postov.
MadMen ::
gozdar1 ::
Fed dviga obresti , poleg tega dolar v kriznih časih veja za varno pribežališče. Evropa je predvsem žrtev svoje (nemške) naivne politike do rusije.
Ha ha.
Ha ha.
A joke from Moscow:
Patriarch Kirill announces that all Russian soldiers dying in war in Ukraine will immediately go to heaven.
Hearing this Heaven immediately applies for NATO membership.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gozdar1 ()
Unchancy ::
Fed dviga obresti , poleg tega dolar v kriznih časih veja za varno pribežališče. Evropa je predvsem žrtev svoje (nemške) naivne politike do rusije.
Ha ha.
A joke from Moscow:
Patriarch Kirill announces that all Russian soldiers dying in war in Ukraine will immediately go to heaven.
Hearing this Heaven immediately applies for NATO membership.
A 70 devic pa to bo tudi?
mackilla ::
Fed dviga obresti , poleg tega dolar v kriznih časih veja za varno pribežališče. Evropa je predvsem žrtev svoje (nemške) naivne politike do rusije.
Ha ha.
A joke from Moscow:
Patriarch Kirill announces that all Russian soldiers dying in war in Ukraine will immediately go to heaven.
Hearing this Heaven immediately applies for NATO membership.
A 70 devic pa to bo tudi?
Niti slučajno. Tisti,ki so padli proti vojski,ki ji poveljuje predsednik,ki je posnel video v visokih petah nimajo vstopa v jannah.
redtech ::
Prejšni teden, največ v petek so vse valute proti USD izgubile do 5%, RUB je proti USD pridobil. Učinki prodaje resursov v RUB..
Z RUB se prosto ne trguje, zato lahko rečeš da je tudi žnj vrednosti.
Ja forex retail ne tisti, ki rabi nafto plin pa mora kupit RUB. Lahko pa mi jih daš po 150, če je že žnj :)
bluefish ::
Mimogrede, dragi sodelujoči, spet vas zanaša v osebne napade. Ne hitite s klikanjem na gumb "Pošlji".
Pac-Man ::
Arestovič včeraj:
🔥 Mobilization in 🇷🇺
Several sources report possible closure of 🇷🇺 international borders for the potential recruits. While the date is unknown, it will most probably happen next week (26.09-2.10).
Numerous violations, such as recruitment of people with disability, are registered. The authorities do not show willingness to correct the mobilization “mistakes” or set up a selection process – everyone is going to be sent to war.
Note that this is the 1st wave of mobilization.
Overall, there are 3 waves planned, with the 3rd starting in November & finishing in December and aiming at drafting about 1M people in total (maybe more). Every family in 🇷🇺 will be affected.
-The General Bulgakov, Vice-minister of the Defence responsible for rear logistics, was relieved of his functions (probably due to failure to fulfil the army’s objectives)
This means that the 🇷🇺 Gov. expects that not only people will try to evade mobilization but also companies & businesses will be unable to cope with the war effort.
All these facts indicate a catastrophic state of 🇷🇺 mobilization and the failure of logistics and the capacity to supply the newly mobilized.
🔥 🇺🇦 defence in the face of 🇷🇺 mobilization:
🇺🇦 has means to respond to 🇷🇺 mobilizing an additional 1M troops. UA has 1M army right now, with potential to mobilize up to 5M people.
🔥 Evolution of 🇷🇺 propaganda’s rhetoric:
While at the beginning of the full-scale invasion 🇷🇺 portrayed 🇺🇦 as “🇷🇺-with-a-funny-accent” but part of the same people, now they are discussing the destruction of the 🇺🇦 nation.
The Kremlin’s regime openly proposes murder all 🇺🇦 men & enslave the 🇺🇦 women. This makes the parallels between Putin’s fascist regime in 🇷🇺 and Nazi Germany truly remarkable.
While we cannot completely exclude the use of tactical nuclear weapons by 🇷🇺, 1) the probability is quite low, 2) there are no signs of any preparatory activities so far, 3) this would require exceptional conditions and 4) the response and consequences for 🇷🇺 & Putin will be dire & catastrophic.
To prevent 🇷🇺 from using nuclear weapons the West must show that it will reply with a nuclear or a massive non-nuclear strike on 🇷🇺, destroying all 🇷🇺 military potential.
This raises the question on how India and China will react to use of nuclear weapons by the 🇷🇺 – there is a chance that they may enter the anti-Russian coalition.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
mackilla ::
Patetično. Rusi morajo groziti z atomskim orožjem. Po drugi strani pa Putin pravi,da imajo boljše orožje kot zahod. Če kljub mobilizaciji ne morejo obdržati okupiranih področij potem so največje zgube v zgodovini. 20 himarsov in +100 zahodnih havbic jim je zjebalo vso vojsko. Zdaj bi se pa branili pred Ukrajinci z atomskimi bombami kljub vsemu ostalemu arzenalu,ki ga baje imajo. Ukrajinci pa nimajo niti mornarice in raket dolgega dosega. Kot posiljevalec ki v besu vedno huje mlati žrtev,ki se mu upira. Zdaj bi se pa Rusi radi prelevili iz posiljevalca v žrtev. Naj požrejo kar so odgriznili ali pa se zadavijo. Američani tudi niso znukali Afganistana in Vietnama po odhodu.
Utk ::
gozdar1 ::
Pac-Man ::
Nedeljsko branje:
Špekulirata, da bodo vpoklicali mladino v 20ih, ampak (sicer anekdotni) videi tega ne potrjujejo:
Estonski politik:
The dismissal of Dep Defence Minister Bulgakov, head of logistics, is widely seen as punishment for the evident failings of the Russian military in #UkraineRussianWar. A short thread.
Špekulirata, da bodo vpoklicali mladino v 20ih, ampak (sicer anekdotni) videi tega ne potrjujejo:
The Russian economists Maxim Mironov (@mironov_fm) and Oleg @itskhoki (of IE University and UCLA respectively) have published an important thread estimating the likely demographic impacts of mobilisation on Russia. A translation follows. ⬇️
Estonski politik:
Everyone jumping to critisize the Baltic states for not promising preemtive asylum to all Russians in danger of being mobilised, please take a breath.
This is a thread on our policy:
Estonia has said that the mobilisation in Russia does not give every Russian male theoretically under threat of being mobilised a legal ground to get asylum.
This is exactly what the EU law says. A legal ground for getting asylum is a proven danger of being punished for refusing and order to fight in a conflict.
That means, we will consider an asylum applications from Russians who have received mobilisation orders and not followed them. Not from all 25 million who are of mobilisation age.
Again, just to say that I want asylum because I might be drafted is not a legal ground to get asylum in the EU.
However, there might well be other grounds for not-drafted Russians to get asylum, like track record of anti-regime activity, proven expression of democratic positions etc.
All these applications, once they start to come in, will be reviewed case by case under EU and Estonian law and with no prejudice.
Estonia, by the way, already has about 20 000 residents with Russian citizenship that theoretically can be drafted by Putin's military.
We have communicated with them and keep communicating. Our policy is this: Estonia does not encourage our residents to answer the draft.
We will not stop anyone to follow the orders but participation in a crime against peace is a criminal offense under Estonian law.
An Estonian resident joining the Russian military in war against Ukraine will lose the residency permit and will be banned from the EU. There is no return for those who go.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Sc0ut ::
Nenormalno dosti rusov beži iz rusije. Pa ta država je patetika od države. Na koncu bo riot police tepla še samo sebe.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850
Malidelničar ::
Nenormalno dosti rusov beži iz rusije. Pa ta država je patetika od države. Na koncu bo riot police tepla še samo sebe.
Dogaja se v Dagestanu.
The situation in the village of Endirey, #Dagestan is heating up.
It is reported that this video reportedly shows women from #Dagestan voicing their demands to local officials.
#Dagestani Telegram channels report that a main protest rally is planned to take place in the center of #Makhachkala at 3 p.m. local time.
To bo pa realnost na bojišču, kot kaže:
The Russian drunk soldiers that have just been mobilized will soon be sent to the forests of Ukraine and run into this:
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
redtech ::
Musk je odstopil od posla, ko je pogruntal kakšna farma je Twitter :)
Musk je odstopil od posla, ko je pogruntal kakšna farma je Twitter :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: HitraSperma ()
kuall ::
Rusi posiljujejo, kradejo, lažejo. Potem so pa užaljeni, ko jim Hitler reče untermensch.
Pa že same grožnje z atomskimi bombami lahko dela samo untermensch. To je na nivoju posilstva.
Pa že same grožnje z atomskimi bombami lahko dela samo untermensch. To je na nivoju posilstva.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kuall ()
TezkoDihanje ::
Rusija je u vojsku pozvala i ovog čovjeka. Ima rak kože, loše vidi, ne čuje dobro...
RUSIJA je u sklopu djelomične mobilizacije navodno regrutirala i 59-godišnjeg kirurga s rakom kože u prvom stadiju i brojnim drugim zdravstvenim problemima. Postavili su ga za zapovjednika medicinske postrojbe i za dva tjedna ga šalju u Ukrajinu, rekla je njegova kći za neovisni ruski medij Novaja Gazeta.
Ima rak kože, ne vidi na jedno oko, ne čuje dobro...
RUSIJA je u sklopu djelomične mobilizacije navodno regrutirala i 59-godišnjeg kirurga s rakom kože u prvom stadiju i brojnim drugim zdravstvenim problemima. Postavili su ga za zapovjednika medicinske postrojbe i za dva tjedna ga šalju u Ukrajinu, rekla je njegova kći za neovisni ruski medij Novaja Gazeta.
Ima rak kože, ne vidi na jedno oko, ne čuje dobro...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
klap ::
U matr dobr ga je poknlo. Zgleda se Rusi pripravljajo na obisk Odese v kratkem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
mackilla ::
U matr dobr ga je poknlo. Zgleda se Rusi pripravljajo na obisk Odese v kratkem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: TezkoDihanje ()
klap ::
Nevem če kdo spremlja tega modela, nevem veliko o njem razen to da je spajperist in je na fronti. Občasno posta vloge in podobno. Je nadloga ukrajinskim nacistom, očitno.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
Pac-Man ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
To bo pa realnost na bojišču, kot kaže:
The Russian drunk soldiers that have just been mobilized will soon be sent to the forests of Ukraine and run into this:
Grmovje bo spregovorilo.
Bomo imeli kmalu kako novo religijo :D
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
TezkoDihanje ::
Of the 5,000 people who received subpoenas in Crimea, 90% are Crimean Tatars. Kyrymly make up 15% of the population of the peninsula.
It's called genocide.
Of the 5,000 people who received subpoenas in Crimea, 90% are Crimean Tatars. Kyrymly make up 15% of the population of the peninsula.
It's called genocide.
mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Of the 5,000 people who received subpoenas in Crimea, 90% are Crimean Tatars. Kyrymly make up 15% of the population of the peninsula.
It's called genocide.
Očitno ruska različica končne rešitve za njihove manjšine. Ne rabiš imet tetovirane svastike,da si naci.
TezkoDihanje ::
Russian blackmail for nuclear catastrophe is no one way ticket. Several Russian nuclear powerplants are in close proximity to Ukraine, close enough for Neptune missiles, one even in HIMARS range, in Kurchatov, Kursk. Besides, Russia would be regarded as enemy by all states. All!
Yep, in isto hočejo delat z Ukrajinci, ki jih ne priznavajo kot narod.
Russian blackmail for nuclear catastrophe is no one way ticket. Several Russian nuclear powerplants are in close proximity to Ukraine, close enough for Neptune missiles, one even in HIMARS range, in Kurchatov, Kursk. Besides, Russia would be regarded as enemy by all states. All!
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Of the 5,000 people who received subpoenas in Crimea, 90% are Crimean Tatars. Kyrymly make up 15% of the population of the peninsula.
It's called genocide.
Očitno ruska različica končne rešitve za njihove manjšine. Ne rabiš imet tetovirane svastike,da si naci.
Yep, in isto hočejo delat z Ukrajinci, ki jih ne priznavajo kot narod.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
TezkoDihanje ::
A #Dagestani policeman running away from women.
Kaj bo šele, ko jih bo tisoče mrtvih.
Kje najdeš te lažnivce, ki niso sposobni niti tega ugotovit, da je Ukrajina osvobodila preko 10+ tisoč km2 v dveh tednih.
In Rusija ne bo obdržala tega ozemlja v Ukrajini.
A #Dagestani policeman running away from women.
Kaj bo šele, ko jih bo tisoče mrtvih.
Bala za ukrajince
Kje najdeš te lažnivce, ki niso sposobni niti tega ugotovit, da je Ukrajina osvobodila preko 10+ tisoč km2 v dveh tednih.
In Rusija ne bo obdržala tega ozemlja v Ukrajini.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
mackilla ::
klap ::
Sej več ozemlja kot 2k niso dobil nazaj. Dokazano
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
klap ::
Splošno znano in sprejeto dejstvo, tudi med ukrajinci. Slabo si obveščen. Bo treba še kaj več prebrat kot
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: connel ()
TezkoDihanje ::
Splošno znano in sprejeto dejstvo, tudi med ukrajinci. Slabo si obveščen. Bo treba še kaj več prebrat kot![]()
A lahko konstruktivno diskutiraš in podaš ta dokaz.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
TezkoDihanje ::
#Serbia will not accept the results of "referendums" in the occupied territories, because they are contrary to international law. This was stated by the head of the #Serbian Foreign Ministry.
#Serbia will not accept the results of "referendums" in the occupied territories, because they are contrary to international law. This was stated by the head of the #Serbian Foreign Ministry.
darkolord ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:, še eden, ki misli, da je jedrsko orožje, kot da bi metal naokoli metal jedrske reaktorje .
Russian blackmail for nuclear catastrophe is no one way ticket. Several Russian nuclear powerplants are in close proximity to Ukraine, close enough for Neptune missiles, one even in HIMARS range, in Kurchatov, Kursk. Besides, Russia would be regarded as enemy by all states. All!
TezkoDihanje ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:, še eden, ki misli, da je jedrsko orožje, kot da bi metal naokoli metal jedrske reaktorje .
Russian blackmail for nuclear catastrophe is no one way ticket. Several Russian nuclear powerplants are in close proximity to Ukraine, close enough for Neptune missiles, one even in HIMARS range, in Kurchatov, Kursk. Besides, Russia would be regarded as enemy by all states. All!
Če bi hipotetično jedrski terorizem s strani Rusije uspel, bodo čisto vsi na tem svetu tuhtali samo to, kako priti do jedrske bombe. Še prav posebej Ukrajinci.
TezkoDihanje ::
Ampak jedrske bombe nimajo nobene veze z jedrskimi elektrarnami.
Jao, bože mili...
seveda, nuklearne elektrarne so na nivoju hidroelektrarn.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
darkolord ::
Ne vem, čemu je služil ta komentar.
Očitno vlada neko prepričanje, da je približno enak efekt, če vržeš jedrsko bombo ali če zbombardiraš nuklearko.
Očitno vlada neko prepričanje, da je približno enak efekt, če vržeš jedrsko bombo ali če zbombardiraš nuklearko.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: darkolord ()
kopriwa ::
Ne vem, čemu je služil ta komentar.
Očitno vlada neko prepričanje, da je približno enak efekt, če vržeš jedrsko bombo ali če zbombardiraš nuklearko.
Enako res ni, reči pa "Ampak jedrske bombe nimajo nobene veze z jedrskimi elektrarnami." je pa tudi totalno mimo. V kontekstu onesnaženja in vpliva na okolje imata obe stvari velik pomen.
TezkoDihanje ::
Malidelničar ::
Samo špekulacija:
"Pro-Russian TG (Rybar) admits that not only did Ukrainian break through at Lozove, but Lyman is now threatened & "the whole line could collapse."
3 Ukrainian efforts are on the move to clear the rest of Kharkiv & push further into Donetsk b4 Russia can bring new conscripts in."
"Pro-Russian TG (Rybar) admits that not only did Ukrainian break through at Lozove, but Lyman is now threatened & "the whole line could collapse."
3 Ukrainian efforts are on the move to clear the rest of Kharkiv & push further into Donetsk b4 Russia can bring new conscripts in."
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
darkolord ::
mackilla ::
Enako res ni, reči pa "Ampak jedrske bombe nimajo nobene veze z jedrskimi elektrarnami." je pa tudi totalno mimo. V kontekstu onesnaženja in vpliva na okolje imata obe stvari velik pomen.Ne, nimata.
Seveda nimata. Uničen reaktor bi imel dosti hujše posledice kot atomska bomba.
endelin ::
Kaj delajo z ženskami v kombijih? Ne bi se čudil da posiljujejo kar rusi dobro znajo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
s1m0n ::
Kaj delajo z ženskami v kombijih? Ne bi se čudil da posiljujejo kar rusi dobro znajo
Ah BS... Kako pomirjevalo, da se umirijo :)
scythe ::
Srbija ne bo priznala rezultatov referendumov v Ukrajini
Kaj pa je zdaj to? A niso par dni nazaj rekli, da bodo priznali referendum?
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Pac-Man ::
V Dagestanu je kar vroče, cela nit videov od tam:
Najprej sem sicer mislil, da gre za Iran, toliko o Rusiji kot braniku krščanske civilizacije.
Če kdo, bodo to državo spravile v red Dagestanke. :)
Najprej sem sicer mislil, da gre za Iran, toliko o Rusiji kot braniku krščanske civilizacije.
Če kdo, bodo to državo spravile v red Dagestanke. :)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.