Forum » Igre » V razvoju je igra ki jo razvija slovenski razvijalec, vendar to ni Arxel Tribe!
V razvoju je igra ki jo razvija slovenski razvijalec, vendar to ni Arxel Tribe!
VuLc4n0 ::
Ljubitelji prvoosebnih streljačin se boste gotovo razveselili prihajajoče igre Hollow, ki jo razvijajo slovenski razvijalci Zootfly. Več o igri in nekaj slik najdete v napovedi... T-U-K-A-J
darh ::
Zgleda lepo. Upam da se ne bodo avtorji kaj preveč premislili do izzida.
Excuses are useless! Results are priceless!
speed machine ::
To mi deli. Koncn so tud slovenci zacel migat, tako kot nasi sosedi hrvati (serious sam). Upam da jim bo ratal kej skup spravt.
Zheegec ::
glasbo bo prispevala siddharta
Pa sem že mislil, da bo dobra igra
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
freejack ::
xbite: zgleda lepo? ob tehnologiji, ki so jo grafične kartice v tem trenutku zmožne, je tole zgolj povprečje, s čimer tudi ni nič narobe, saj boš ob napetem klanju sovragov imel le malo časa za oglede turističnih atrakcij, pa kljub temu (slike sicer niso dovolj visokih resolucij, da bi lahko kaj več sodili o tem, tako da...)
Kljub vsemu, če druga ne, igro pozdravljam samo zaradi dejstva, ker je "MADE IN SLO"![:D](
Osebno nisem preigral še niti ene igre od Arxel Tribe, sem pa z veseljem nabijal Sama Resnika...
Kljub vsemu, če druga ne, igro pozdravljam samo zaradi dejstva, ker je "MADE IN SLO"
Osebno nisem preigral še niti ene igre od Arxel Tribe, sem pa z veseljem nabijal Sama Resnika...
speed machine ::
Sam en problem bo po moje nastal. Leta 2005 ze vsi vajeni lepot doom3 in half life 2, pa njihovih klonov, pa vseh drugih podobnih iger, bo tale pogon ze zastarel. Tako da se bodo mogl ornk potrudit.
blabla ::
Tole bi bil lahko najboljsi feature igre:
Psychometrics in Games
User's inputs can tell everything one needs to know about the player. How they react in a tight situation, how they use resources, how they interact and communicate, how they deal with challenges. What is their sequence of keys pressed, how jerky are movements of the mouse. What do they do when they enter a new space: do they go in the middle of the room and look around or do they explore details first? What is the average speed of their movement?
Based on such information the engine builds a psychological profile of the player and offer them, among other, an ending that they want. A game could branch at two thirds of the story to several distinctive resolutions, and the psychometrics engine will pick the right one for the player.
Contrary to movies, where the final part can spoil the whole cinematic experience, psychometrics will have enough feedback to deliver what the player wants.
The immediate reaction of the game works on the principle of positive feedback. If the player is cerebral, they will get more cerebral challenges; if the player is violent, they will get more violence. The immediate response works for the benefit of the player on the usability/learning curve level as well. How often does the player quick-save? Maybe the game is too difficult. How many new rooms do they discover in a specific time? Maybe they are lost and need additional stimuli to proceed, maybe they are too fast and the game is not fun anymore and they need more interesting obstacles.
Since the game can't adapt to every single player, the game will make use of its active psychology engine. The players that are out extremes and out of the flexibility span of the game need to be channeled back to the manageable limits of the game by using infrasound stimuli.
For example, if the player is too cerebral for the game to adapt enough to suit their taste, a series of infrasound stimuli will kick in and make the player more violent.
Psychometrics in Games
User's inputs can tell everything one needs to know about the player. How they react in a tight situation, how they use resources, how they interact and communicate, how they deal with challenges. What is their sequence of keys pressed, how jerky are movements of the mouse. What do they do when they enter a new space: do they go in the middle of the room and look around or do they explore details first? What is the average speed of their movement?
Based on such information the engine builds a psychological profile of the player and offer them, among other, an ending that they want. A game could branch at two thirds of the story to several distinctive resolutions, and the psychometrics engine will pick the right one for the player.
Contrary to movies, where the final part can spoil the whole cinematic experience, psychometrics will have enough feedback to deliver what the player wants.
The immediate reaction of the game works on the principle of positive feedback. If the player is cerebral, they will get more cerebral challenges; if the player is violent, they will get more violence. The immediate response works for the benefit of the player on the usability/learning curve level as well. How often does the player quick-save? Maybe the game is too difficult. How many new rooms do they discover in a specific time? Maybe they are lost and need additional stimuli to proceed, maybe they are too fast and the game is not fun anymore and they need more interesting obstacles.
Since the game can't adapt to every single player, the game will make use of its active psychology engine. The players that are out extremes and out of the flexibility span of the game need to be channeled back to the manageable limits of the game by using infrasound stimuli.
For example, if the player is too cerebral for the game to adapt enough to suit their taste, a series of infrasound stimuli will kick in and make the player more violent.
]Fusion[ ::
>For example, if the player is too cerebral for the game to adapt enough to suit their taste, a series of infrasound stimuli will kick in and make the player more violent.
Bi si res zelel igrati igro ki lahko kontrolira tvoja custva? Sicer pa tega sistema se ne bo kar nekaj let.
Bi si res zelel igrati igro ki lahko kontrolira tvoja custva? Sicer pa tega sistema se ne bo kar nekaj let.
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick
]Fusion[ ::
Hmm kolko sn jaz razumel, je ta clanek pod News. Torej je verjetno porocilo o novih tehnologijah.
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick
boom-bar ::
Tega sistema nocm preiykust iy enga rayloga: Igra me ponavadi prisili da pregledam vse prostore ceprav tega ne maram. A to pomeni da mi bo na koncu serviralo labirint.
Legalizirajte mehke droge!!!
boom-bar ::
Brez igralnosti ni nc.
Ampak a bi ti res igral npr. Battlefield v grafiki od Wolfa 3d ali prvega Dooma?
Ampak a bi ti res igral npr. Battlefield v grafiki od Wolfa 3d ali prvega Dooma?
Legalizirajte mehke droge!!!
Matek ::
boom bar, dobro, tako drastična razlika spet ni. Sej če gledaš, zunaj je Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Špil teče na q3a enginu, pa se noben ne sekira za grafiko, ker je stvar igralna.
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona.
boom-bar ::
Vem sam kaj bos o tem mislu cez 3 leta?
Tko kot bi zdej igral HL1
Tko kot bi zdej igral HL1
Legalizirajte mehke droge!!!
siegmund ::
Ampak a bi ti res igral npr. Battlefield v grafiki od Wolfa 3d ali prvega Dooma?
ja, seveda
]Fusion[ ::
> Tko kot bi zdej igral HL1
Counter-strike anyone
Counter-strike anyone
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick
undefined ::
Ta igra bo leta 2005 izgledala tako, kot danes izgleda Quake2. S tem hočem povedat, da bi bila trenutna kakovost grafike komaj zadovoljiva za današnji čas, da o letu 2005 sploh govorimo ne, ko se bo razvijal že DX11.
Vesoljc ::
ob dobri absktrakciji grafičnega pogona se da v pol leta narest q2-> q3 preskok... še prej..
Abnormal behavior of abnormal brain makes me normal...
undefined ::
> ob dobri absktrakciji grafičnega pogona se da v pol leta narest q2-> q3 preskok... še prej..
]Fusion[ ::
Meni je kul da ni prevec zahtevna grafika. Mi bo vsaj gladko delala.
Pa v bistvu je grafika kolk sem jaz vido cisto kul. Pa ce se bo igralnost vredu, bom 100% spilal.
Pa v bistvu je grafika kolk sem jaz vido cisto kul. Pa ce se bo igralnost vredu, bom 100% spilal.
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick
Vesoljc ::
afaik je hollow on hold
bojda se kuje novo železo
bojda se kuje novo železo
Abnormal behavior of abnormal brain makes me normal...
Nejc Pintar ::
Hm, zakaj se slovenci ne spravljajo sploh delat iger?
Ker jih takoj vsi skritizirajo!
Sploh še niste videli igre in že vsi o nekem HL1 sanjate pa nekaj, ne verjamem da je eden od teh ki je igro skritiziral bil sposoben narediti vsaj en model ali teksturo, Zootfly nima založnika, tako da nimajo nobenih denarnih sredstev etc. tako da prosim vsaj malo moralne spodbude...
Ker jih takoj vsi skritizirajo!
Sploh še niste videli igre in že vsi o nekem HL1 sanjate pa nekaj, ne verjamem da je eden od teh ki je igro skritiziral bil sposoben narediti vsaj en model ali teksturo, Zootfly nima založnika, tako da nimajo nobenih denarnih sredstev etc. tako da prosim vsaj malo moralne spodbude...
Lahko je biti prvi, če si edini!
Jst ::
A delaš v Zootfly?
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
Nejc Pintar ::
Ne, niti nisem game developer, in niti ne poznam nikogar iz Zootfly
Lahko je biti prvi, če si edini!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Nejc Pintar ()
Vesoljc ::
mogoče ne bi bilo švoh, da si prebereš novičke na uradni strani zootfly-a, preden govoriš na pamet
mogoče ne bi bilo švoh, da si prebereš novičke na uradni strani zootfly-a, preden govoriš na pamet
Abnormal behavior of abnormal brain makes me normal...
Nejc Pintar ::
Hm, očitno imajo založnika
samo vseeno jih ni treba skritizirat
samo vseeno jih ni treba skritizirat
Lahko je biti prvi, če si edini!
Thomas ::
To so precej ex-key ljudje iz ArxelTribe. Jest jim želim vso srečo, da bi naredili (vnovčili) tisto, kar Arxel nikoli ni. To je visoko igralnost.
Utk ::
Čudno je samo, da je zadnja novica na strani iz 8. avgusta. To ni dober znak...tudi pri arxlu ni bil.
BigWhale ::
Saj ne da kritiziramo trud in jim ne zelimo uspeha. Ko vidis roko, merek in pusko v roki, ves kam pes taco moli.
Kritiziramo pa pomanjkanje idej...
Kritiziramo pa pomanjkanje idej...
Boki_ ::
Js sm vidu nekako razvojno različico že poleti na nestu (jup, nekdo k preizkuša je bil tam), pa že tista zgodnja različicaje bla za moje pojme kar dodelana. Ampak nism niti posvetil toliko pozornosti, kar se pa spomnem je blo to da si lah ful uporabljal stvari okol sebe npr. neki sodi so bli v eni kletki na stropu pa si ustrelu in odprl kletko in so sodi popadali na nasprotnika pa tko.
I'm back
JXS ::
če še kdo ni videl:
poglejte še posebaj "Screenshots from the latest pre-beta demo.", je lepo viden tudi napredek v grafiki.
poglejte še posebaj "Screenshots from the latest pre-beta demo.", je lepo viden tudi napredek v grafiki.
BigWhale ::
dopovej to vsem tistim, ki igrajo nethack! ;>
+------+ | @ | | | |------+
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BigWhale ()
]Fusion[ ::
Kaj morš današnja mladina je razvajena z grafiko ala D3 :)
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick
Tear_DR0P ::
Sej bi reku kaj je to D3, sam ste že preveč govoril o špilu, ki ga verjetno ne bom nikol igral. Jebi ga mam rajš igralnost kot pagrafiko. Eni mamo domišljijo, vidimo pa bolj slabo.
"Figures don't lie, but liars figure."
Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain
Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain
Grey ::
Pr men je point igre zabava in umik iz realnosti...kar pomeni...čimprej mi zrihtite superiorno grafiko, VR headset s surround soundom in smell blaster.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
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» | Gothic IIIOddelek: Igre | 2500 (1931) | Mavrik |
» | Valve & STEAM & On-Line gaming (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Igre | 8417 (6839) | Tilen |