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Pornland: Gail Dines
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FormerUser ::
Ali je končno napočil trenutek, ko se bo vsemogočne tehnološke velikane pozvalo na odgovornost zaradi vloge, ki jo imajo pri širjenju otroške pornografije? Novi zakon, ki se obeta, se zdi droben korak v pravo smer.
Povzeto iz članka v The New York Timesu
Legislation announced on Thursday aimed at curbing the spread of online child sexual abuse imagery would take the extraordinary step of removing legal protections for tech companies that fail to police the illegal content. A separate, international initiative that was also announced takes a softer approach, getting the industry to voluntarily embrace standards for combating the material.
The two measures come as tech companies continue to detect an explosion of abusive content on their platforms, and amid complaints that neither Congress nor the companies have been aggressive enough in stopping its spread. An investigation last year by The New York Times found that many companies knew about the problem but failed to quash it, despite having the tools to do so, and that the federal government had not been adequately enforcing a previous law meant to stem the abuse.
Last year, tech companies reported nearly 70 million images and videos related to online child exploitation. They are obligated to report the material when they become aware of it on their platforms, but they are not required to go looking for it. Companies are generally not responsible for content uploaded by their users, because of a 1990s-era provision in the law known as Section 230.
The new bill, called the EARN IT Act, would carve out an exception to that rule. Companies that don't follow the recommended standards would lose civil liability protections for that type of content. The legislation would also lower the bar for suing those tech firms.
In an interview, Mr. Blumenthal said the bill reflected the ideas that tech was no longer the fragile sector it was in the 1990s, and that the public would benefit from reasonable rules of the road.
"The industry received this sweetheart deal when they were in their infancy struggling to stay alive, and now they are these behemoths that have incredible impact on the lives of ordinary people," he said. "They have an obligation to the most vulnerable among us, mostly children who are criminally and cruelly abused, to take some action."
Mr. Graham said in a statement that it was vital to "put some guardrails on tech companies," while recognizing the benefits the industry had brought.
Povzeto iz članka v The New York Timesu
Legislation announced on Thursday aimed at curbing the spread of online child sexual abuse imagery would take the extraordinary step of removing legal protections for tech companies that fail to police the illegal content. A separate, international initiative that was also announced takes a softer approach, getting the industry to voluntarily embrace standards for combating the material.
The two measures come as tech companies continue to detect an explosion of abusive content on their platforms, and amid complaints that neither Congress nor the companies have been aggressive enough in stopping its spread. An investigation last year by The New York Times found that many companies knew about the problem but failed to quash it, despite having the tools to do so, and that the federal government had not been adequately enforcing a previous law meant to stem the abuse.
Last year, tech companies reported nearly 70 million images and videos related to online child exploitation. They are obligated to report the material when they become aware of it on their platforms, but they are not required to go looking for it. Companies are generally not responsible for content uploaded by their users, because of a 1990s-era provision in the law known as Section 230.
The new bill, called the EARN IT Act, would carve out an exception to that rule. Companies that don't follow the recommended standards would lose civil liability protections for that type of content. The legislation would also lower the bar for suing those tech firms.
In an interview, Mr. Blumenthal said the bill reflected the ideas that tech was no longer the fragile sector it was in the 1990s, and that the public would benefit from reasonable rules of the road.
"The industry received this sweetheart deal when they were in their infancy struggling to stay alive, and now they are these behemoths that have incredible impact on the lives of ordinary people," he said. "They have an obligation to the most vulnerable among us, mostly children who are criminally and cruelly abused, to take some action."
Mr. Graham said in a statement that it was vital to "put some guardrails on tech companies," while recognizing the benefits the industry had brought.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: FormerUser ()
A. Smith ::
Da je zlorabo otrok treba preganjati, je razumljivo. Ampak vse prepogosto je zadaj cilj centrov moči, da se internet in to, kar se nanj zapiše, nadzira.
Tipičen primer takega ravnanja je kitajski Zlati Jez. Naj bi ščitil državljane pred neprimerno vsebino na spletu, ampak na koncu se izkaže, da je po mnenju Partije neprimerna že vsebina na New York Timesu.
Tipičen primer takega ravnanja je kitajski Zlati Jez. Naj bi ščitil državljane pred neprimerno vsebino na spletu, ampak na koncu se izkaže, da je po mnenju Partije neprimerna že vsebina na New York Timesu.
"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
FormerUser ::
Dobre novice tudi iz Avstralije:
At eChildhood, we are super excited about today's announcement by the Parliamentary Committee of its support for the implementation of online Age Verification for online pornography here in Australia.
The next steps will see the eSafety Commissioner leading the development of a road map for bringing in mandatory age verification of online pornography sites.
In one of the submissions to the inquiry, an Australian school counsellor stated that "In a meeting with 140 year six children (aged 11), 90 per cent said they had viewed pornography."
Reportedly, sexting and pornography are rife. Children as young as seven are asking classmates for 'naked selfies', most students have seen explicit images or videos by year seven, and there's concern about the number of young children with porn addiction. It's clear that this is not a problem that parents and kids can solve alone.
Today's announcement is a big step in the right direction for Australia's children. Parents and carers will soon be able to feel that their kids are less likely to access online pornography when using the internet, as access to online pornography becomes more difficult.
At eChildhood, we are super excited about today's announcement by the Parliamentary Committee of its support for the implementation of online Age Verification for online pornography here in Australia.
The next steps will see the eSafety Commissioner leading the development of a road map for bringing in mandatory age verification of online pornography sites.
In one of the submissions to the inquiry, an Australian school counsellor stated that "In a meeting with 140 year six children (aged 11), 90 per cent said they had viewed pornography."
Reportedly, sexting and pornography are rife. Children as young as seven are asking classmates for 'naked selfies', most students have seen explicit images or videos by year seven, and there's concern about the number of young children with porn addiction. It's clear that this is not a problem that parents and kids can solve alone.
Today's announcement is a big step in the right direction for Australia's children. Parents and carers will soon be able to feel that their kids are less likely to access online pornography when using the internet, as access to online pornography becomes more difficult.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: FormerUser ()
xmetallic ::
Hipatija, daj si vzemi kakšen teden časa in malo naštudiraj kako deluje splet. Morda ti bo potem jasno, da ni vzvodov, ki bi onemogočili kakršno koli vsebino na spletu (še kitajski zid je luknjast kot švicarski sir). Vsa ta natolcevanja o omejitvi pornografije so zgolj predstava za občinstvo. Za občinstvo, ki o delovanju spleta nima pojma.
Da si otroci med seboj izmenjujejo 'naked selfies' je posledica neuspešne vzgoje staršev. Tega nobena zakonodaja ne more preprečiti in nadzorovati.
Da si otroci med seboj izmenjujejo 'naked selfies' je posledica neuspešne vzgoje staršev. Tega nobena zakonodaja ne more preprečiti in nadzorovati.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: xmetallic ()
poweroff ::
Še več. To je posledica feministične propagande o "osvobajanju partiarhalnih spon glede seksualnosti".
sudo poweroff
Jarno ::
Če je kdo od tukaj služil v JNA, se morda spomni opazk, da so pili čaj z bromom.
Brihte se znajo domisliti, da bi bili "anaphrodisiaci" del šolske prehrane.
Brihte se znajo domisliti, da bi bili "anaphrodisiaci" del šolske prehrane.
Cruz ::
Vse kaže, da bo Avstralija prva zahodna država z redno in javno znano uporabo totalitaristične tehnologije.
In če jim bodo feministke ploskale, se bo potrebno vprašati, če se splača podpreti tovrsten feminizem.
In če jim bodo feministke ploskale, se bo potrebno vprašati, če se splača podpreti tovrsten feminizem.
One of the most moral acts is to create a space in which life can move forward.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Cruz ()
xmetallic ::
Vse kaže, da bo Avstralija prva zahodna država z redno in javno znano uporabo totalitaristične tehnologije.
In če jim bodo feministke ploskale, se bo potrebno vprašati, če se splača podpreti tovrsten feminizem.
Podporniki tovrstnih "prepovedi" ne razumejo, da bodo ti vzvodi slej ko prej uporabljeni tudi zoper njih same. Samo vprašanje časa je oz. menjave oblasti. Danes so na strani tistih, ki bi prepovedovali, jutri bodo pa jokali, ko bo nova oblast uporabila enake vzvode zoper njih.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: xmetallic ()
Cruz ::
Res je, verjamem, da feministke niso za totalitarizem, ampak se ne zavedajo, da ga takšne prepovedi hitro omogočijo, zato jim je nevarno dati popolno podporo.Vse kaže, da bo Avstralija prva zahodna država z redno in javno znano uporabo totalitaristične tehnologije.
In če jim bodo feministke ploskale, se bo potrebno vprašati, če se splača podpreti tovrsten feminizem.
Podporniki tovrstnih "prepovedi" ne razumejo, da bodo ti vzvodi slej ko prej uporabljeni tudi zoper njih same. Samo vprašanje časa je oz. menjave oblasti. Danes so na strani tistih, ki bi prepovedovali, jutri bodo pa jokali, ko bo nova oblast uporabila enake vzvode zoper njih.
One of the most moral acts is to create a space in which life can move forward.
poweroff ::
Zelo pomembno je vztrajati pri tem, da je treba pravice žensk izbojevati predvsem v imenu žensk, ampak hkrati tudi v imenu vseh ostalih. Težavo imam z določenim delom feminizma skozi zgodovino in tudi danes, ko o enakosti žensk razmišlja skozi ženske kvote, skozi zahtevo po več ženskah v politiki, gospodarstvu, kulturi, umetnosti. Meni je popolnoma vseeno, če je na položaju moči ženska ali moški. Če sem jaz izkoriščana, mi je vseeno, ali me izkorišča ženska ali moški. Deluje, kot da tisti, ki zastopajo idejo enakopravnosti žensk, pravijo, da je ženska že sama po sebi, esencialno, nekaj drugačnega. Pa ni. Zato zahtevajmo enake pravice, enako plačilo, enake pogoje, vendar v imenu neke radikalne spremembe, po kateri spol ne bo več generiral neke pomembne razlike. Odnos med moškim in žensko mi je sicer zelo pomemben, na performativnem področju sem se veliko ukvarjala z vprašanji seksualizacije, objektivizacije, stereotipizacije ženskega telesa, a ko govorimo o politični enakosti, ni prostora za glorifikacijo, občudovanje žensk ali izpostavljanje njihove senzualnosti ali česa podobnega, ker to nikamor ne pripelje v političnem smislu enakosti.
-- Lana Zdravković
Zdi se mi zelo pomembno zavedati se, da niso samo moški nosilci patriarhata, to so lahko tudi ženske. In preden smo zmožni to prepoznati, se patriarhat ne more spremeniti. Stvar je v dekonstrukciji samega mesta oblasti, ne pa ali bo na njem moški ali ženska.
-- Lana Zdravković
Celoten intervju:
Se ne bi mogel bolj strinjati z njo.
Razne nosilke fašističnih idej pa bodo sedaj skočile v zrak...
sudo poweroff
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» | Britanskega filtra pornografije ne bo (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )Oddelek: Novice / Omrežja / internet | 119326 (114028) | Cruz |