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Angleščina - ing form/full infinitive

Angleščina - ing form/full infinitive

Bikica195 ::

kako veš kdaj uporabiti kateri glagol. Npr. primeri:

- I really do not feel going/to go out tonight.
- Everyone expected his bussines failing/to fail within the first few months.
- What would you like doing/to do this evening?
- We discussed turning/to turn the attic into a spare bedroom with the architect.
- She was not able speaking/to speak very clearly after his accident.
- Do you mind moving/to move your car, please? You are blocking the road.
- They are going to postpone making/to make a decision until next month.
- Are you planning of getting/to get a new DVD player?
- Are you thinking of getting/to get a PlayStation?
- I am very pleased telling/to tell you that you have passed!
- Sarah is offered putting/to put us up for the weekend.
- I am really looking forward to going/to go on a cruise.

Hvala za pomoč :)
I walk. I look. I see. I stop. I photograph.

jype ::

A tebe zanima pravilo, ali ti mora nekdo povedat, kaj je prav v teh primerih?

Bikica195 ::

Pravilo pa tudi razlaga če se da na katerem izmed teh primerov.
I walk. I look. I see. I stop. I photograph.

Spxy ::

Čimveč angleških filmov gledat (brez slo podnapisov, ali pa z eng), potem pa po posluhu. :)

al_z ::

Ena oblika glagola je dovršna (se zgodi enkrat, se konča), druga pa nedovršna (traja nekaj časa ali pa se ne konča). Razjasni si, katera je katera in potem pri vsakem primeru uporabiš bolj smiselno.

al_z ::

Primeri v slovenščini iz tvojih primerov: hoditi /iti
propadati / propasti
delati / narediti
preurejati / preurediti
govoriti / reči
prestavljati / prestaviti
odločevati se / odločiti se
kupovati / kupiti
pripovedovati / povedati

Bikica195 ::

Najlepša hvala :)
I walk. I look. I see. I stop. I photograph.

janezvalva ::

kako veš kdaj uporabiti kateri glagol. Npr. primeri:

- I really do not feel going/to go out tonight.
- Everyone expected his bussines failing/to fail within the first few months.
- What would you like doing/to do this evening?
- We discussed turning/to turn the attic into a spare bedroom with the architect.
- She was not able speaking/to speak very clearly after his accident.
- Do you mind moving/to move your car, please? You are blocking the road.
- They are going to postpone making/to make a decision until next month.
- Are you planning of getting/to get a new DVD player?
- Are you thinking of getting/to get a PlayStation?
- I am very pleased telling/to tell you that you have passed!
- Sarah is offered putting/to put us up for the weekend.
- I am really looking forward to going/to go on a cruise.


- I really do not feel going out tonight.
- Everyone expected his bussines to fail within the first few months.
- What would you like to do this evening?
- We discussed turning the attic into a spare bedroom with the architect.
- She was not able to speak very clearly after his accident.
- Do you mind moving your car, please? You are blocking the road.
- They are going to postpone making a decision until next month.
- Are you planning of getting a new DVD player?
- Are you thinking of getting a PlayStation?
- I am very pleased telling you that you have passed!
- Sarah is? (verjetno "has") offered to put us up for the weekend.
- I am really looking forward to going on a cruise.
IQ test: v enem vedru imaš 2l vode, v drugem 1l vode. koliko veder imaš?

Bikica195 ::

V večini primerov sem rešila ravno nasprotno. Ni mi jasno npr. česi prevedem 3. primer: logično je bol --> Kaj si želiš delati - doing in ne narediti (to do), in prava rešitev je revno to do. Zakaj?

Hvala za rešitve drugače :) !
I walk. I look. I see. I stop. I photograph.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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