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ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020
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Leaker49 ::
Opažam da si izjemno nervozen od kar je Butigeg pogasil Bern požar?
Kaj a si proti Butigegu? Homofobija?
Kaj a si proti Butigegu? Homofobija?
Master_Yoda ::
Fake news gospoda (loosely termed): Bernie je zmagal v Iowi za 6000 glasov. Recanvas pomeni to da hocejo vedeti po katerih formulah / matematiki so potem dodelili luzerji vec delegatov. In vsi vemo po kateri - hocejo ga spet zajebati.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
zmaugy ::
Še Sandersov čevelj je pa bolj usposobljen za predsednika od Trumpa.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Fritz ::
Gets FBI Director Wray to admit that FBI tampered with Evidence and conducted Illegal Surveillance using FISA Warrant!
Čas, da se zabriše bivše FBIjevce in ostalo sodrgo v čuzo.
A veš kaj je zanimivo pri tem? FBI in obveščevalne službe ZDA že cel čas kršijo pooblastila, zakone in ustavo, pa ste šele sedaj to dojeli. Tako kot demokrati in republikanci skupaj kršijo ustavo in mednarodno pravo z ilegalnimi sankcijami in prevrati.
Zato potrebujemo Sandersa, ker mora nekdo počistiti ta Avgijev hlev
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
jype9 ::
Opažam da si izjemno nervozen od kar je Butigeg pogasil Bern požar?Zanimiva zabloda. Tako kot je Hillary s 3 milijoni glasov več kot Trump izgubila, je tudi Bernie s 6000 glasovi več kot Buttigieg izgubil?
Zato potrebujemo Sandersa, ker mora nekdo počistiti ta Avgijev hlev 8-)Predvsem zato, da srednji razred spet dobi znaten razpoložljiv prihodek.
Master_Yoda ::
Napacna primerjava. Trump je zmagal zato ker tako potekajo volitve v USA - z elektorskimi glasovi posameznih zveznih drzav. Popular vote nima veze. Sandersu pa so s 6000 vec glasovi znotraj posamezne zvezne drzave izracunali manj delegatov kot mayor Pete-u.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Master_Yoda ()
Conini ::
A veš kaj je zanimivo pri tem? FBI in obveščevalne službe ZDA že cel čas kršijo pooblastila, zakone in ustavo, pa ste šele sedaj to dojeli. Tako kot demokrati in republikanci skupaj kršijo ustavo in mednarodno pravo z ilegalnimi sankcijami in prevrati.
Zato potrebujemo Sandersa, ker mora nekdo počistiti ta Avgijev hlev
In ti to pričakuješ od 80 let starega politika, ki je desetletja v tem, zaseda praktično najvišja mesta, vse to ve in pri tem miži. Je absolutno odgovoren za nastalo situacijo. Ne samo to. Leta 2016 se mu je Clintonova usrala na glavo. Naredil ni nič.
Prav neverjetno, kako si z lahkoto pokazal, da o politiki v ZDA nimaš blage veze.
Pač, slediš kultu osebnosti.
Master_Yoda je izjavil:
Napacna primerjava. Trump je zmagal zato ker tako potekajo volitve v USA - z elektorskimi glasovi posameznih zveznih drzav. Popular vote nima veze. Sandersu pa so s 6000 vec glasovi znotraj posamezne zvezne drzave izracunali manj delegatov kot mayor Pete-u.
Lani v Kanadi je popular vote zmagal konzervativec. Pa vseeno ni predsednik vlade.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Conini ()
Truga ::
@ conini
Saj veš, da nismo v 2016, ko Trump zmaga temveč v 2020, ko ga Sanders povozi
Tole pove vse glede Buttigieg vs Sanders v nekaj minutah:
SIcer ne vem, če si bil podpornik komunista Bernie-ja v tem času na prejšnjih volitvah, samo enako bi lahko govoril v istem času na prejšnjih volitvah.
Pa vseeno še HRC ni mogel komunist Bernie premagati, kaj šele Trumpa!
Sedaj, če bo sploh demokratski kandidat letos bomo pa še videli!
Did Bernie Sanders Support Dumping Nuclear Waste in a 'Poor Latino Community'? - Mostly true
jaz takoj podpisem papirje da mi za bajto zgradijo nukular waste dump, sigurno bom za to dobil kaksne odskodnine
Miki N ::
Mene ta scena z Bernijem spominja na Corbyna - koliko časa smo poslušali razne "strokovnjake" iz dežel kislega zelja, mesnih kroglic ali orehovih potic razlagati Britancem "jaaaa, jaaa Geremy iz ze popoolar tchoice" kako se je končalo pa vemo. Tukaj je podobno, cel svet je za Bernija, samo škoda, ker ne volijo.
Pac-Man ::
Master_Yoda je izjavil:
Fake news gospoda (loosely termed): Bernie je zmagal v Iowi za 6000 glasov. Recanvas pomeni to da hocejo vedeti po katerih formulah / matematiki so potem dodelili luzerji vec delegatov. In vsi vemo po kateri - hocejo ga spet zajebati.
Elektorski kolidž, baby.
In past Iowa Democratic caucuses, the state party never actually recorded or reported the number of attendees who supported each presidential candidate.
Instead, Democrats reported their results in terms of “state delegate equivalents.” Basically, each precinct caucus culminates in the allotment of county convention delegates to each candidate. The precinct chair would report those county delegate results to the state party. They’d look something like: 2 delegates for Candidate A, 1 for Candidate B.
The state party would then calculated an estimate of how many state delegates to which those results corresponded. The weighting depends on how much each county voted for the last Democratic presidential and gubernatorial candidate. So that result could look something like: .06 of a state delegate equivalent for Candidate A, .03 for Candidate B.
So when Barack Obama “won” the Iowa caucuses with 37.6 percent in 2008, that meant he won 37.6 percent of state delegate equivalents (940 of them, in total). And when Hillary Clinton “beat” Sanders 49.84 percent to 49.59 percent in the 2016 caucuses, those percentages were also of state delegate equivalents, not votes. Nobody knew how many actual votes each candidate got.
This practice proved to be controversial after Sanders’s narrow defeat in 2016. Sanders suspected he would have won in a “popular” vote of Iowa, if there was one (due to bigger turnout in college towns and other areas that wouldn’t be reflected in the delegate calculations).
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
jype9 ::
Super sistem!
The party's re-examination of the results -- after it failed to report results on Monday night, throwing the Democrats' nominating race into an uproar -- is unlikely to assure the candidates and voters. Internal Iowa Democratic Party emails over the weekend revealed that although the party was taking a second look at some problematic precincts, close to 5 percent of the total, it would not fix errors that occurred on the official handwritten tally sheets from precincts.
Those records are known as "caucus math worksheets." The party only corrected discrepancies between the data as recorded on the worksheets and what was officially reported in public releases of the results.
The party could not change even blatant miscalculations on the worksheets, according to a lawyer for the party, because they were a legal record and altering them would be a crime.
Super sistem!
Fritz ::
Ok, spet so goljufali a jim ni uspelo tako kot 2016, izgovori pa so še bolj bedni kot tedaj. Gremo naprej, New Hampshire.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
jype9 ::
The lawyer said correcting the math would introduce "personal opinion" into the official record of results.
Stalinizem že imajo, Bernie bi jim pa zrihtal svobodo!
Fritz ::
Zionistom gre Sanders na živce:
Če za Rusijo pravijo, da se vmešava v ameriške volitve, potem jih Izrael lastnoročno upravlja.
Če za Rusijo pravijo, da se vmešava v ameriške volitve, potem jih Izrael lastnoročno upravlja.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Pac-Man ::
Trump budget includes deep cuts to health care and safety net programs
Donald Trump is proposing a federal budget that increases spending on defense and decreases spending on everything worth defending.
Donald Trump is proposing a federal budget that increases spending on defense and decreases spending on everything worth defending.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Fritz ::
Preveč napihujejo Buttigiega. Glavni tekmec Sandersu na nacionalni ravni bo Bloomberg. Bo pa DNC proti Sandersu podpiral tako Bloomberga kot Buttigiega.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
jype9 ::
Jasno. Všeč mi je tudi, kako je Mike "stop and frisk" Bloomberg nenadoma tako zelo priljubljen med ljudmi, ki ga iz dna srca sovražijo.
Urbano#Desno ::
Odličen komentar ma kaj odličen fenomenalen
Svoboda pomeni tudi prosto razpolaganje z lastnim denarjem in ne višje davke ter zblaznelo razporejanje ustvarjenega.
The lawyer said correcting the math would introduce "personal opinion" into the official record of results.
Stalinizem že imajo, Bernie bi jim pa zrihtal svobodo!
Svoboda pomeni tudi prosto razpolaganje z lastnim denarjem in ne višje davke ter zblaznelo razporejanje ustvarjenega.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Urbano#Desno ()
Zheegec ::
Stotine miljonov $$$ za oglase deluje. To bo še dolga.
National RCP Poll Average:
Sanders 23%
Biden 21%
Warren 14.3%
Bloomberg 13.7%
Buttigieg 10%
Klobuchar 4.3%
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Urbano#Desno ::
Stotine miljonov $$$ za oglase deluje. To bo še dolga.
National RCP Poll Average:
Sanders 23%
Biden 21%
Warren 14.3%
Bloomberg 13.7%
Buttigieg 10%
Klobuchar 4.3%
Ko bi vsaj izbrali sandersa, ker potem lahko trump računa tudi na progresivce v kaliforniji. Sej ne da bi bili posebej kompatabilni z Trumpom samo ko nekdo politično kampanijo bazira na uničenju države je pač vojna za vse.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Urbano#Desno ()
Zheegec ::
Uničenje države kaj?
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
jype9 ::
Urbano#Desno je izjavil:
Ko bi vsaj izbrali sandersa, ker potem lahko trump računa tudi na progresivce v kaliforniji.Nenadoma je CNN všeč tudi neoconom.
Pac-Man ::
I think that Bloomberg should purchase all of Trump’s debts and then call the loans. Take everything.
in to
This is a truly great idea.
I mean, TRULY great.
Hell, it’s only a couple billion and routing Trump from his properties when he defaulted would be a karmic pleasure.
I think that Bloomberg should purchase all of Trump’s debts and then call the loans. Take everything.
in to
This is a truly great idea.
I mean, TRULY great.
Hell, it’s only a couple billion and routing Trump from his properties when he defaulted would be a karmic pleasure.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
This is a horrible and very unfair situation. The real crimes were on the other side, as nothing happens to them. Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice!
kot odziv na to
Prosecutors recommend up to NINE YEARS in prison for Roger Stone.
They call foreign election interference a "deadly adversary" even though Stone was never accused of working with Russians or WikiLeaks.
kar je sprožilo to
The DOJ is changing its sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, according to a Senior DOJ official.
“The Department finds seven to nine years extreme, excessive and grossly disproportionate," the source said, adding the DOJ will clarify its position on sentencing later today
A U.S. Attorney who actually believed in the rule of law and/or any modicum of prosecutorial independence would resign in protest.
If this is true, it’s deeply alarming. DOJ does not make sentencing recommendations based on a president‘s tweets. If you believe sentencing reform is necessary, as many of us do, the way to approach that is through legislative reform that impacts everyone in the system equally and fairly, not in doing a favor for a friend of the president. If Trump is able to exert this sort of control over DOJ‘s criminal cases, we are in uncharted waters. Imagine a POTUS with unlimited ability to manipulate the criminal justice system for his own benefit.
in to
Wow, Mueller prosecutor Zelinsky withdraws from the Stone case AND includes this footnote(!):
"The Court is advised that the undersigned attorney has resigned effective immediately after this filing as a Special Assistant United States Attorney for District of Columbia"
This is a horrible and very unfair situation. The real crimes were on the other side, as nothing happens to them. Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice!
kot odziv na to
Prosecutors recommend up to NINE YEARS in prison for Roger Stone.
They call foreign election interference a "deadly adversary" even though Stone was never accused of working with Russians or WikiLeaks.
kar je sprožilo to
The DOJ is changing its sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, according to a Senior DOJ official.
“The Department finds seven to nine years extreme, excessive and grossly disproportionate," the source said, adding the DOJ will clarify its position on sentencing later today
A U.S. Attorney who actually believed in the rule of law and/or any modicum of prosecutorial independence would resign in protest.
If this is true, it’s deeply alarming. DOJ does not make sentencing recommendations based on a president‘s tweets. If you believe sentencing reform is necessary, as many of us do, the way to approach that is through legislative reform that impacts everyone in the system equally and fairly, not in doing a favor for a friend of the president. If Trump is able to exert this sort of control over DOJ‘s criminal cases, we are in uncharted waters. Imagine a POTUS with unlimited ability to manipulate the criminal justice system for his own benefit.
in to
Wow, Mueller prosecutor Zelinsky withdraws from the Stone case AND includes this footnote(!):
"The Court is advised that the undersigned attorney has resigned effective immediately after this filing as a Special Assistant United States Attorney for District of Columbia"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
zmaugy ::
Ja, razgradnja ameriške "demokracije" v diktaturo se nadaljuje.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
jype10 ::
Weak on crime:
Weak on borders:
Weak on Iran:
Weak on borders:
Weak on Iran:
Conini ::
Weak on crime:
Edino pravilno po razpadu Russia Collusion nonsense. Niti ene same stvari iz Muellerjeva reporta Demokrati niso vključili v shampeachment. Hoax.
Weak on borders:
Donald Trump’s Budget Promises 1,000 Miles of Border Wall
Weak on Iran:
Weak? Eliminiral je praktično drugega človeka Irana. Za izrazito nizko ceno.
jype10 ::
Bernie je zmagal v NH, Trump je pa pokazal, da si lahko kriminalec, če ga osebno poznaš, poleg tega da je dokazal, da njegov zid odpihne že povprečna sapica, da so mu Iranci pojahali vojaško bazo in da ne zna preprečiti niti tega, da bi Iran dobil jedrsko orožje.
Conini ::
Bernie je zmagal v NH, Trump je pa pokazal, da si lahko kriminalec, če ga osebno poznaš, poleg tega da je dokazal, da njegov zid odpihne že povprečna sapica, da so mu Iranci pojahali vojaško bazo in da ne zna preprečiti niti tega, da bi Iran dobil jedrsko orožje.
Bernie je v NH pokazal predvsem to, da je njegov "ceiling" izjemno nizek. Praktično ne pridobiva glasov od drugih. Dobil je tudi bistveno manj glasov kot leta 2016. Še ne tako dolgo nazaj sta Bernie in Warrenova bila preko 50% glasov. Zdaj, če sešteješ njune glasove sta tam nekje na tretjini. Biden in Bernie, oba postajata history.
Conini ::
Tipična zgrešena analiza.
Žal tako je. V NH bi moral Bernie zmagat z bistveno višjo razliko, zdaj pa kaže, da bosta oba z Butiegigom dobila enako število delegatov.
po 85% preštetih glasovih:
Buttigieg in kompatibilna Klobuchar skupaj preko 45%.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Conini ()
jype10 ::
Žal tako je.Ne, v resnici ni, razumem pa, da to zvezno državo očitno zelo slabo poznaš.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: c3p0 ()
jype10 ::
Pa si poglejmo leto 2016:Ja, poglejmo si ga. Koliko kandidatov vidiš? Kdo je drugouvrščeni?
V NH bi se zelo težko zgodilo drugače: Clintonovo tam vsi, ki niso "fucking centrists", sovražijo iz dna srca. Letos ni bilo tako: Med demokratskimi kandidati razen Bidna (ki je, hvala bogu, pogorel) ni bilo nobenega, ki bi bil resnično odvraten.
Republikanci so, pričakovano, podprli največjo gnido, razen tistih 10%, ki se jim želodec obrača, pa so raje glasovali za nekoga, ki ga sploh ne poznajo, samo da ni Trump.
Conini ::
V NH bi se zelo težko zgodilo drugače: Clintonovo tam vsi, ki niso "fucking centrists", sovražijo iz dna srca. Letos ni bilo tako: Med demokratskimi kandidati razen Bidna (ki je, hvala bogu, pogorel) ni bilo nobenega, ki bi bil resnično odvraten.
Če je to res, zakaj je Bernie dobil samo cca 25% glasov? In ne preko 50%? Saj Buttigieg in Klobuchar sta tudi centrista.
jype10 ::
Conini ::
Jaz ne vidim, da bi imel Bernie tisti "punch", kokr ga je imel leta 2016. Njegov "ceiling" je nižji vsaj za ene 10 odstotnih točk. In nisem niti približno edini, ki misli tako.
jype10 ::
Jaz vidim predvsem to, da Bernie raste, ostali pa padajo:
VaeVictis ::
Sanders je nedvomno frontrunner.
Vprasanje je samo, kje so vsi ti novi volilci, o katerih komunist Bernie govori.
Bloomberg je neznanka.
Biden je veliki porazenec Iowa-e in New Hampshire-a.
Yang je uradno out!
Vprasanje je samo, kje so vsi ti novi volilci, o katerih komunist Bernie govori.
Bloomberg je neznanka.
Biden je veliki porazenec Iowa-e in New Hampshire-a.
Yang je uradno out!
jype10 ::
Vprasanje je samo, kje so vsi ti novi volilci, o katerih komunist Bernie govori.Prišli so volit:
A je res Yang odstopil?Ja.
Leaker49 ::
Edin z zagonom in upanjem na zmago je Butigeg. Pa če se homofobi razpočite, vi bi itak volili samo za Bernija ker je belec, nehomoseksualni moški. Za žensko pa še v sanjah ne bi navijali.
jype10 ::
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 264272 (224291) | OmegaBlue |