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ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020
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Pac-Man ::
Še najboljša rešitev bi bil Trumpov impeachment in alternativni skrbno izbrani kandidat republikancev.
Nimaš kaj iskati najboljše rešitve. Tako kot je elektorski sistem edina igra v mestu, je tudi tu določen seznam naslednikov.
United States presidential line of succession @ Wikipedia
Naslednji v vrsti je Pence, ampak je dal Donald jasno vedeti, da ga misli kneecapat.
Nato pride Pelosijeva, zato ga republikanci ne bodo odpoklicali.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Tako kot Putin ne vleče vseh štrikov v Rusiji, jih tudi Trump ne v ZDA, vseeno se opranoglavi totalitarizem širi skozi ameriško družbo. Brez dvoma s pomočjo Fox News in še bolj fuknjenih medijev. Ne gre za vzorec enega.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Ko izgubiš Tuckerja...ti ostane samo klient št. 3 in nekaj novoregistriranih trolov na slo-tech.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
I don't know who needs to hear this, but back in the day, when I was a lawyer, over 30 years, I represented 2 high-functioning narcissistic sociopaths. So I know how the endgame is going to be played out: Bail out now, enablers. Quit. Cut your best deal.
I was the guy the awful people came to after they'd screwed up so badly in front of federal judges with their first lawyers and wanted saving. It's seductive, thinking that you're making a difference, making it marginally less awful, managing to a result that's slightly okay.
Here's the thing: Narcissistic sociopaths can't change course. Not even when it's in their self-interest. They--literally--don't see that people other than them have legitimate self-interests that need to be satisfied in any agreed solution. It's like they're colorblind.
Narcissistic sociopaths don't have loyalty. They don't have empathy that extends beyond themselves and a narrowly-defined family. Even if you're taking care of them, keeping them out of jail (literally) they won't take care of you, even by paying their legal bills. Seriously.
Narcissistic sociopaths are unable to straighten up and fly right, even when it's in their self-interest. And they hang in there long after the rest of us would throw in the towel (from self interest or otherwise.) See, the rules don't apply to them. Never have.
That's why they do so well--for a while--narcissistic sociopaths, among the rest of us: We assume we're dealing with rational people who think like us--they couldn't possibly expect to get away with...
Sorry. They do. But you won't. They won't take care of you. No pardon.
So if you're in the WH, State Department, etc., and you've been pulled into this fiasco, you might be going to jail. Sorry. That's what happens when you facilitate crimes. I was lucky--I was an outside lawyer with a clear duty to act within the bounds of the law. Each time, I was in front of a federal judge who had more power than my client, and I had a lot of other clients, which made it easier to resign. And easier to see and set limits. I had a clear duty, to zealously represent my clients _within the bounds of the law_. You don't.
So I'm sorry--but if you're working for the President, you're screwed. Depending on your involvement, it's quite possible you'll lose your job, your license, your career, or even your freedom. But the sooner you jump, the less damage. And: Your soul. Do the right thing.
The endgame here is going to be almost inconceivably worse than anyone who hasn't worked with narcissistic sociopaths expects. Now is the time to unstrap yourself from the "suicide bomber" President, as @TheRickWilson calls him. Good luck. Seriously.
You probably think of yourself as a competent, nice person, with specific political beliefs that didn't include fascism, authoritarianism, and letting Russians, Ukrainians, and other foreigners pick our leaders. Sorry. If you broke the law, you may be going down.
But life has multiple chapters. John Dean created a meaningful life after doing time because of Watergate. John Mitchell? Not so much. Be a hero, not a victim. Those of us who write fiction know that heroes suffer. But meaningfully--they get to a better place.
Anyway, if you work for this president, do some research about narcissistic sociopaths, so you know how this ends, for him and for you. And my DMs are open. (Create a new account. Seriously, y'all--if you're in this WH, your life sucks enough.)
Best--been there, Dean
I don't know who needs to hear this, but back in the day, when I was a lawyer, over 30 years, I represented 2 high-functioning narcissistic sociopaths. So I know how the endgame is going to be played out: Bail out now, enablers. Quit. Cut your best deal.
I was the guy the awful people came to after they'd screwed up so badly in front of federal judges with their first lawyers and wanted saving. It's seductive, thinking that you're making a difference, making it marginally less awful, managing to a result that's slightly okay.
Here's the thing: Narcissistic sociopaths can't change course. Not even when it's in their self-interest. They--literally--don't see that people other than them have legitimate self-interests that need to be satisfied in any agreed solution. It's like they're colorblind.
Narcissistic sociopaths don't have loyalty. They don't have empathy that extends beyond themselves and a narrowly-defined family. Even if you're taking care of them, keeping them out of jail (literally) they won't take care of you, even by paying their legal bills. Seriously.
Narcissistic sociopaths are unable to straighten up and fly right, even when it's in their self-interest. And they hang in there long after the rest of us would throw in the towel (from self interest or otherwise.) See, the rules don't apply to them. Never have.
That's why they do so well--for a while--narcissistic sociopaths, among the rest of us: We assume we're dealing with rational people who think like us--they couldn't possibly expect to get away with...
Sorry. They do. But you won't. They won't take care of you. No pardon.
So if you're in the WH, State Department, etc., and you've been pulled into this fiasco, you might be going to jail. Sorry. That's what happens when you facilitate crimes. I was lucky--I was an outside lawyer with a clear duty to act within the bounds of the law. Each time, I was in front of a federal judge who had more power than my client, and I had a lot of other clients, which made it easier to resign. And easier to see and set limits. I had a clear duty, to zealously represent my clients _within the bounds of the law_. You don't.
So I'm sorry--but if you're working for the President, you're screwed. Depending on your involvement, it's quite possible you'll lose your job, your license, your career, or even your freedom. But the sooner you jump, the less damage. And: Your soul. Do the right thing.
The endgame here is going to be almost inconceivably worse than anyone who hasn't worked with narcissistic sociopaths expects. Now is the time to unstrap yourself from the "suicide bomber" President, as @TheRickWilson calls him. Good luck. Seriously.
You probably think of yourself as a competent, nice person, with specific political beliefs that didn't include fascism, authoritarianism, and letting Russians, Ukrainians, and other foreigners pick our leaders. Sorry. If you broke the law, you may be going down.
But life has multiple chapters. John Dean created a meaningful life after doing time because of Watergate. John Mitchell? Not so much. Be a hero, not a victim. Those of us who write fiction know that heroes suffer. But meaningfully--they get to a better place.
Anyway, if you work for this president, do some research about narcissistic sociopaths, so you know how this ends, for him and for you. And my DMs are open. (Create a new account. Seriously, y'all--if you're in this WH, your life sucks enough.)
Best--been there, Dean
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

xxxul ::
Ko izgubiš Tuckerja...ti ostane samo klient št. 3 in nekaj novoregistriranih trolov na slo-tech.
Zgubi Tuckerja?! si sploh prepral Tuckerjev OPED?
v tvojem svetu absolutne podpore seveda ne zmores doumet da lahko nekdo kritizira “svojega” politika pa ga kljub temu podpira...
Te matra ta ukrajinski pregled, se vidi da si zdaj se dvakrat bolj agresiven z svojimi impeachment now in ostalimi bullshit enodnevnimi novicami iz katerih ni pol nikol nič


ZaphodBB ::
Ko izgubiš Tuckerja...ti ostane samo klient št. 3 in nekaj novoregistriranih trolov na slo-tech.
Zgubi Tuckerja?! si sploh prepral Tuckerjev OPED?
v tvojem svetu absolutne podpore seveda ne zmores doumet da lahko nekdo kritizira “svojega” politika pa ga kljub temu podpira...
Te matra ta ukrajinski pregled, se vidi da si zdaj se dvakrat bolj agresiven z svojimi impeachment now in ostalimi bullshit enodnevnimi novicami iz katerih ni pol nikol nič![]()
Ti pričakuješ, da bo to vprašanje resno jemal človek, ki podpira to, da njegova stran uporablja lastne zunanje obveščevalne službe za notranji politični boj?
Saj vem, da ne. Samo retorično vprašanje.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Sp3m ::
What Democrats Could Lose With Their Left Turn
A survey experiment shows that some independents are already being turned off.
Tole je lep primer primer, zakaj bo Warrenova (ali Sanders, čeprav je njegova zmaga na demokratskih volitvah zelo malo verjetna) v primeru nominacije izgubila volitve.
Plus, črni del volivcev ne mara Warrenove.
No, če smo malce cinični tudi njeni lastni - indijanci, se otepajo Pochahontas!
Takole je pa v belih hiši:
ps: You lose one, you get one...
Steven Crowder: I was really wrong on Trump...
A survey experiment shows that some independents are already being turned off.
Tole je lep primer primer, zakaj bo Warrenova (ali Sanders, čeprav je njegova zmaga na demokratskih volitvah zelo malo verjetna) v primeru nominacije izgubila volitve.
Plus, črni del volivcev ne mara Warrenove.
No, če smo malce cinični tudi njeni lastni - indijanci, se otepajo Pochahontas!
Takole je pa v belih hiši:
ps: You lose one, you get one...
Steven Crowder: I was really wrong on Trump...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Sp3m ()

Zheegec ::
Zanimivo, nikoli in nikjer ni novic in anket v stilu "What Republicans could lose by going bat-shit extreme right-wing crazy".
Je kdo naredil anketo levega položaja (Green New Deal) vs desnega položaja (global warming doesn't exist and might be a Chinese hoax)? Garantiram, da ne bi izgledalo lepo za desni položaj. Ali pa levi položaj (boljše pokojnine in tax the rich) vs desni položaj (nižje in privatizirane pokojnine in trickle-down economics)? Spet ne bi izgledalo lepo za Republikanski right-wing turn. Tukaj se pač vidi, kako so US (in ostali) mediji zelo desničarsko naravnani in morajo vedno ekstremno analizirati levičarski položaj in se bati za vsakega volilca, ki bo odšel (tudi takšnega, ki bo vedno glasoval za Republikance ne gede na vse, desničarski položaj pa je vedno "default" in ga ni treba analizirati in concern trollati, ker pač vedno ekonomsko pomaga bogatim (ki so lastniki in šefi teh medijskih hiš).
Pa kdor resno linka karkoli od Stevena Crowderja ima najbrž zelo osnovno razumevanje politike in sveta.
Je kdo naredil anketo levega položaja (Green New Deal) vs desnega položaja (global warming doesn't exist and might be a Chinese hoax)? Garantiram, da ne bi izgledalo lepo za desni položaj. Ali pa levi položaj (boljše pokojnine in tax the rich) vs desni položaj (nižje in privatizirane pokojnine in trickle-down economics)? Spet ne bi izgledalo lepo za Republikanski right-wing turn. Tukaj se pač vidi, kako so US (in ostali) mediji zelo desničarsko naravnani in morajo vedno ekstremno analizirati levičarski položaj in se bati za vsakega volilca, ki bo odšel (tudi takšnega, ki bo vedno glasoval za Republikance ne gede na vse, desničarski položaj pa je vedno "default" in ga ni treba analizirati in concern trollati, ker pač vedno ekonomsko pomaga bogatim (ki so lastniki in šefi teh medijskih hiš).
Pa kdor resno linka karkoli od Stevena Crowderja ima najbrž zelo osnovno razumevanje politike in sveta.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Pac-Man ::
Zgubi Tuckerja?! si sploh prepral Tuckerjev OPED?
Takrat ne.
Donald in Tucker naj se zmenita, ali je bil klic "popoln" ali "slaba ideja".
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

xxxul ::
če bi jst linkal dailycaller-ja bi me verjetno brisal kot nazi propagando.
sej Tucker je kritiziral Trumpa, ni se mu pa “odrekel” kot si ti predstavu;
vidiš, na desni lahko kritiziraš “svoje”, je to sprejemljivo, ni da bi se takoj samoumoril kot pri tvojih
@Zheegec - razultat anket je lahko zelo odvisen od tega kdo jih dela, kje jih dela, kako postavi vorašanje... zato so edina pomembna anketa volitve, sej bo na volitvah 2020 ravo to, Trump (nizki davki, climate change is not important, zid, etc) vs kdorkoli bo demokratski kandidat (višji davki, greeeeen, pro-begunci, etc). in se bo videlo kak bod volilci volil.
če bi jst linkal dailycaller-ja bi me verjetno brisal kot nazi propagando.
sej Tucker je kritiziral Trumpa, ni se mu pa “odrekel” kot si ti predstavu;
vidiš, na desni lahko kritiziraš “svoje”, je to sprejemljivo, ni da bi se takoj samoumoril kot pri tvojih

@Zheegec - razultat anket je lahko zelo odvisen od tega kdo jih dela, kje jih dela, kako postavi vorašanje... zato so edina pomembna anketa volitve, sej bo na volitvah 2020 ravo to, Trump (nizki davki, climate change is not important, zid, etc) vs kdorkoli bo demokratski kandidat (višji davki, greeeeen, pro-begunci, etc). in se bo videlo kak bod volilci volil.

jype ::
če bi jst linkal dailycaller-ja bi me verjetno brisal kot nazi propagando.Kar je prav, ker dailycaller točno to tudi je.
sej Tucker je kritiziral Trumpa, ni se mu pa "odrekel" kot si ti predstavu;Seveda, ne moreš se odreči nekomu, s katerim si vpleten v korupcijo na takem nivoju.
in se bo videlo kak bod volilci volil.Ne. Videlo se bo, ali so volilci dovolj oprani, da bodo ignorirali dejstva in sprejeli pravljico.

Pac-Man ::
sej Tucker je kritiziral Trumpa, ni se mu pa “odrekel” kot si ti predstavu;
vidiš, na desni lahko kritiziraš “svoje”, je to sprejemljivo, ni da bi se takoj samoumoril kot pri tvojih![]()
Morda pred ero Trumpa. Zdaj je je ta trditev navadni gaslighting.
Tudi Tucker na Fox News poje povsem drugačno pesmico. Ker ve, kdo ga gleda.
Bi rekel, da želi sedet na dveh stolih.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jype ::

Pac-Man ::
tl;dr z Vice News. 5 minut.
How Trump Got On the Wrong Side of Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Fight
His call to Zelensky shows him siding with an office that activists have been fighting to do away with
How Trump Got On the Wrong Side of Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Fight
His call to Zelensky shows him siding with an office that activists have been fighting to do away with
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Smrekar1 ::
Še najboljša rešitev bi bil Trumpov impeachment in alternativni skrbno izbrani kandidat republikancev.
Nimaš kaj iskati najboljše rešitve. Tako kot je elektorski sistem edina igra v mestu, je tudi tu določen seznam naslednikov.
To se da. Odstreliš Penca, na mesto podpredsednika postaviš skrbno izbranega kandidata Republikancev (rabi potrditev Senata, bi šlo), nato odstreliš Trumpa.
Kakršnekoli podobnosti s kariero Geralda Forda niso zgolj naključne.
Spiro Agnew
Edini problem je, da moraš vse to narediti najkasneje do konca marca prihodnje leto. Brez akutne zastrupitve Penca z devetimi grami svinca v tilnik ne bo šlo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

BigWhale ::
To bi bil kr kul plot twist za ta reality show.
Potem lahko pricakujemo se en presidential pardon za Trumpa. :>
Potem lahko pricakujemo se en presidential pardon za Trumpa. :>

zuzelka ::

ZaphodBB ::
How Trump Got On the Wrong Side of Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Fight
A ni zanimivo kako se mediji borijo proti razkritju dejanskega škandala pri Beidnu, medtem ko so vsi zagreti trobili o "pee tape".
Ni čudno da jim noben več ne verjame.
Cilj opravičuje sredstva, tovariš!
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Pac-Man ::
Tale trend projekcije mi je res zanimiv.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

ZaphodBB ::
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

zuzelka ::
Tale trend projekcije mi je res zanimiv.
A to uporabljaš Frojdovo analizo? A ne veš da je to enen najbolj deskreditiranih "mislecev" v tem tisočletju?
Ti uporabljaš tehniko človeka ki je ustvaril vejo psihologije ki je zaključila da pridejo vojaki s fronte "šokirani" ne ker so okoli njih letele kugle in bombe, ker so jim razmesarili soborce, kjer so morali srati v hlače... ampak zaradi odnosov z očetom v otroštvu :D

Smrekar1 ::
To bi bil kr kul plot twist za ta reality show.
Potem lahko pricakujemo se en presidential pardon za Trumpa. :>
V dotičnem primeru bi mu bolj malo koristil. Dobršen del masla na glavi je na ravni zvezne države New York, tam ga lahko pomilosti le guverner.
Rezultat zadnjih volitev je bil Demokrat 60 - 36 Republikanec. Veliko sreče pri tem.
2018 New York gubernatorial election @ Wikipedia

jype ::
Trump je pod vlak vrgel Kurde. Podporniki Erdogana (Zaphod, semafor, smrekar) v tej temi že pripravljajo teren za propagandno kampanjo: Ne gre za genocid, turška vojska z ameriškim orožjem zgolj "separira pesek v puščavi".

gruntfürmich ::
nič ni prav kar naredi. če se umakne ni prav, če še naprej napada ni prav, če se sami zmenijo ni prav, če posreduje zda ni prav...
verjamem da si zmeden, ampak nekje je potrebno potegniti črto.
verjamem da si zmeden, ampak nekje je potrebno potegniti črto.
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

jype ::
gruntfürmich je izjavil:
verjamem da si zmedenNe sodi drugih po sebi.
gruntfürmich je izjavil:
nekje je potrebno potegniti črto.Pri genocidu bi jo komot, ampak če nočeš, nič za to. Tudi mi bomo veseli, če lahko brez slabe vesti izkoristimo priložnost za genocid ali dva.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

VaeVictis ::
Da, ne bo samo prazno govorjenje.
Evo tukaj lahko stavite na zmagovalca na demokratskih nominacijah...
Ukraine Joe in crazy Bernie kar lepo polzita dol po lestvici...
Evo tukaj lahko stavite na zmagovalca na demokratskih nominacijah...
Ukraine Joe in crazy Bernie kar lepo polzita dol po lestvici...

jype ::

VaeVictis ::
Ukraine Joe in crazy Bernie kar lepo polzita dol po lestvici...Vse ustreza agendi, ki jo od sebe dajejo MSM. Kot da bi tisti, ki stavijo, gledali večerni dnevnik.
Ali pa tisti, ki bodo resnično odločali, vidijo, da je Ukraine Joe in crazy Bernie nista kandidata, ki bi dovolj pritegnila ljudi, da bi zmagala na demokratskih volitvah?
Zanimivo kako se "Antifa" jype in "America First" Trump strinjata, da imajo MSM določeno agendo!
Počasi se bosta še poenotila, da so MSM real enemy of the people!

jype ::
Ali pa tisti, ki bodo resnično odločali, vidijo, da je Ukraine Joe in crazy Bernie nista kandidata, ki bi dovolj pritegnila ljudi, da bi zmagala na demokratskih volitvah?A naj ne bi resnično odločali volilci?
Počasi se bosta še poenotila, da so MSM real enemy of the people!Ja, saj so, ampak ne zaradi kakršnekoli skrite agende: Zgolj zato, ker si jih lastijo najbogatejši posamezniki v državi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

VaeVictis ::
Ali pa tisti, ki bodo resnično odločali, vidijo, da je Ukraine Joe in crazy Bernie nista kandidata, ki bi dovolj pritegnila ljudi, da bi zmagala na demokratskih volitvah?A naj ne bi resnično odločali volilci?
Saj tisti, ki bodo resnično odločali so samo in edino volilci, tako kot so na prejšnjih predsedniških volitvah odločili, da ne marajo Crooked Hillary!

jype ::
Saj tisti, ki bodo resnično odločali so samo in edino volilci, tako kot so na prejšnjih predsedniških volitvah odločili, da ne marajo Crooked Hillary!Slabo si raziskal te reči:
The Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Skratka, odločali niso volilci, ampak "deep state".
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

VaeVictis ::
Saj tisti, ki bodo resnično odločali so samo in edino volilci, tako kot so na prejšnjih predsedniških volitvah odločili, da ne marajo Crooked Hillary!Slabo si raziskal te reči:
The Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Skratka, odločali niso volilci, ampak "deep state".
Odločil je "electoral college", sistem, ki ga imajo v ZDA že leta in leta in ki so ga uzakonili predstavniki ljudstva, ki so jih izbrali ljudje.
Torej še vedno velja, da ljudje niso želeli imeti Crooked Hillary in so izvolili Donald Trump-a!
Pa spet je zanimivo kako se "Antifa" jype in "America First" Trump strinjata, samo vprašanje časa je, kdaj se bo jype začel dreti "Build the Wall"

jype ::
Odločil je "electoral college", sistem, ki ga imajo v ZDA že leta in leta in ki so ga uzakonili predstavniki ljudstva, ki so jih izbrali ljudje.Trump pravi, da se motiš.
Torej še vedno velja, da ljudje niso želeli imeti Crooked Hillary in so izvolili Donald Trump-a!Trump pravi, da se motiš.
Pa spet je zanimivo kako se "Antifa" jype in "America First" Trump strinjata, samo vprašanje časa je, kdaj se bo jype začel dreti "Build the Wall"Trump pravi, da se motiš.
Jaz mu sicer ne verjamem, ampak motiš se pa definitivno.

Pac-Man ::
The phone call that could get Trump impeached
The impeachment inquiry into President Trump started with a phone call. And despite Trump's efforts to muddle the story, his transgression here is incredibly simple.
The impeachment inquiry into President Trump started with a phone call. And despite Trump's efforts to muddle the story, his transgression here is incredibly simple.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Urbano#Desno ::
Še ena za naše navdušence nad bogatuni:
Lepo da smo na poti v pravicnejso druzbo. Nobenega razloga ni da bi za storitve drzave uspesnejsi placevali vec. Res ok pa bo ko bo davek fiksni znesek in ne zgolj enak odstotek prihodka.

Poldi112 ::
Odločil je "electoral college", sistem, ki ga imajo v ZDA že leta in leta in ki so ga uzakonili predstavniki ljudstva, ki so jih izbrali ljudje.
Kako so ga uzakonili predstavniki ljudstva, ki so jih zbrali ljudje, če je sam sistem tam čez ene par 100 let starejši od splošne volilne pravice?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

ZaphodBB ::
Trump je pod vlak vrgel Kurde. Podporniki Erdogana (Zaphod, semafor, smrekar) v tej temi že pripravljajo teren za propagandno kampanjo: Ne gre za genocid, turška vojska z ameriškim orožjem zgolj "separira pesek v puščavi".
Jaz bom rekel, da je čas, da greste Verhoufstadt, ti in Videmšek sedaj reševat in podpirat svoje komunistične prijatelje, sedaj ko so se znebili zlobnega imperialističnega kapitalističnega jarma. Saj gre to tako?
A si kaj presenečen, da se je zaveznik katerega neprestano demoniziraš naveličal?
Ali pa tisti, ki bodo resnično odločali, vidijo, da je Ukraine Joe in crazy Bernie nista kandidata, ki bi dovolj pritegnila ljudi, da bi zmagala na demokratskih volitvah?A naj ne bi resnično odločali volilci?
Počasi se bosta še poenotila, da so MSM real enemy of the people!Ja, saj so, ampak ne zaradi kakršnekoli skrite agende: Zgolj zato, ker si jih lastijo najbogatejši posamezniki v državi.
Globoko v vsakem jypetu se skriva nacist, ki se bori, da bi našel pot na prostost!
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ZaphodBB ()

Pac-Man ::
Here’s what we’re being asked to believe:
• A nation so powerless in the face of Russia that it lost major chunks of its territory and needed billions in foreign aid to forestall collapse devised and executed an undetected plan to frame Russia for hacking U.S. election
• This plan was executed with the help of a conspiracy of Deep State actors throughout the intelligence community who falsely accused Russia of crimes while aiding Kyiv.
• This was also done in a way that led IC leaders in Obama & Trump admins to conclude Russia did it.
• The conspiracy involved actors in other national governments that still say it was Russia.
• The Trump DOJ indicted Russians despite knowing it was actually the Ukrainians framing Russia.
• Trump has sometimes said Russia did it even though he knew it was Ukraine.
• The top anti-corruption priority in cleaning up the Washington swamp is a foreign prosecution of a former Vice President who doesn’t hold office.
• That has nothing to do with that Vice President running for president against the current president.
• It is not only appropriate, but required, that the current president use both the force of the federal government, his personal attorney and his leverage with foreign governments to open investigations into one of his opponents that couldn’t be done by his own DOJ.
• Somehow, Hunter Biden was not only not qualified or competent to sit on the board of a Ukrainian gas co. but was also — inexplicably — involved in a Ukrainian effort to influence the 2016 election.
• It’s corrupt for Biden’s kid to profit from his name but not for Trump
• The president withheld money for Ukraine and asked Ukraine to open the investigation as one of two favors on the same call; there are text messages showing a broader scheme for same; and POTUS has blamed Portman and Perry ex post facto; but he did nothing wrong.
• Rudy Giuliani is the super-sleuth who has figured it all out.
• The Ukraine theory isn’t just some fever swamp hybrid of propaganda and conspiracy theory created to distract, protect POTUS and help his re-elect.
Here’s what we’re being asked to believe:
• A nation so powerless in the face of Russia that it lost major chunks of its territory and needed billions in foreign aid to forestall collapse devised and executed an undetected plan to frame Russia for hacking U.S. election
• This plan was executed with the help of a conspiracy of Deep State actors throughout the intelligence community who falsely accused Russia of crimes while aiding Kyiv.
• This was also done in a way that led IC leaders in Obama & Trump admins to conclude Russia did it.
• The conspiracy involved actors in other national governments that still say it was Russia.
• The Trump DOJ indicted Russians despite knowing it was actually the Ukrainians framing Russia.
• Trump has sometimes said Russia did it even though he knew it was Ukraine.
• The top anti-corruption priority in cleaning up the Washington swamp is a foreign prosecution of a former Vice President who doesn’t hold office.
• That has nothing to do with that Vice President running for president against the current president.
• It is not only appropriate, but required, that the current president use both the force of the federal government, his personal attorney and his leverage with foreign governments to open investigations into one of his opponents that couldn’t be done by his own DOJ.
• Somehow, Hunter Biden was not only not qualified or competent to sit on the board of a Ukrainian gas co. but was also — inexplicably — involved in a Ukrainian effort to influence the 2016 election.
• It’s corrupt for Biden’s kid to profit from his name but not for Trump
• The president withheld money for Ukraine and asked Ukraine to open the investigation as one of two favors on the same call; there are text messages showing a broader scheme for same; and POTUS has blamed Portman and Perry ex post facto; but he did nothing wrong.
• Rudy Giuliani is the super-sleuth who has figured it all out.
• The Ukraine theory isn’t just some fever swamp hybrid of propaganda and conspiracy theory created to distract, protect POTUS and help his re-elect.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Smrekar1 ::
Here’s what we’re being asked to believe:
• A nation so powerless in the face of Russia that it lost major chunks of its territory and needed billions in foreign aid to forestall collapse devised and executed an undetected plan to frame Russia for hacking U.S. election
• This plan was executed with the help of a conspiracy of Deep State actors throughout the intelligence community who falsely accused Russia of crimes while aiding Kyiv.
• This was also done in a way that led IC leaders in Obama & Trump admins to conclude Russia did it.
• The conspiracy involved actors in other national governments that still say it was Russia.
• The Trump DOJ indicted Russians despite knowing it was actually the Ukrainians framing Russia.
• Trump has sometimes said Russia did it even though he knew it was Ukraine.
• The top anti-corruption priority in cleaning up the Washington swamp is a foreign prosecution of a former Vice President who doesn’t hold office.
• That has nothing to do with that Vice President running for president against the current president.
• It is not only appropriate, but required, that the current president use both the force of the federal government, his personal attorney and his leverage with foreign governments to open investigations into one of his opponents that couldn’t be done by his own DOJ.
• Somehow, Hunter Biden was not only not qualified or competent to sit on the board of a Ukrainian gas co. but was also — inexplicably — involved in a Ukrainian effort to influence the 2016 election.
• It’s corrupt for Biden’s kid to profit from his name but not for Trump
• The president withheld money for Ukraine and asked Ukraine to open the investigation as one of two favors on the same call; there are text messages showing a broader scheme for same; and POTUS has blamed Portman and Perry ex post facto; but he did nothing wrong.
• Rudy Giuliani is the super-sleuth who has figured it all out.
• The Ukraine theory isn’t just some fever swamp hybrid of propaganda and conspiracy theory created to distract, protect POTUS and help his re-elect.
Še ena manjka:
Hunter Biden je v volitvah leta 2016 načrtno sabotiral Hillary, da bi pomagal Trumpu.

ZaphodBB ::
Če si leta 2016 verjel, da imajo demokrati dokaze o tem, da so prostitutke v moskvi lulale po Trumpu. Zakaj danes ne bi verjel tega?
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Sp3m ::
Očitno ni samo Hunter Bidden zelo prijateljski z Ukrajino.
Tudi sin Nacny Pelosi Paul Pelosi Jr. je malce povezan z Ukrajino in je bil eden izmed direktorjev v Viscoil in NRG Labs.
Baje tudi sin John Kerrya dobro pozna Ukrajino.
Tudi sin Nacny Pelosi Paul Pelosi Jr. je malce povezan z Ukrajino in je bil eden izmed direktorjev v Viscoil in NRG Labs.
Baje tudi sin John Kerrya dobro pozna Ukrajino.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Sp3m ()

Smrekar1 ::
Če si leta 2016 verjel, da imajo demokrati dokaze o tem, da so prostitutke v moskvi lulale po Trumpu. Zakaj danes ne bi verjel tega?
Saj čisto možno to res imajo, Rusi če ne Demokrati. Samo taka neobičajna spolna praksa ni ravno bistvenega pomena pri tem ali je nekdo primeren predsednik ali ne. Trump je že na meji izdajalca, to je precej pomembnejše.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

ZaphodBB ::
Če si leta 2016 verjel, da imajo demokrati dokaze o tem, da so prostitutke v moskvi lulale po Trumpu. Zakaj danes ne bi verjel tega?
Saj čisto možno to res imajo, Rusi če ne Demokrati. Samo taka neobičajna spolna praksa ni ravno bistvenega pomena pri tem ali je nekdo primeren predsednik ali ne. Trump je že na meji izdajalca, to je precej pomembnejše.
Pravi patrioti sodelujejo z Rusijo. Kajne Smrekar.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man ::
Womp womp, več na povezavi.
Washington Post poll: Voters overwhelmingly approve of opening an impeachment inquiry by twenty net points, 58-38.
That's a jump of *forty two* net points since their July poll when 37% supported compared to 59% who opposed.
Washington Post poll: Voters overwhelmingly approve of opening an impeachment inquiry by twenty net points, 58-38.
That's a jump of *forty two* net points since their July poll when 37% supported compared to 59% who opposed.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
NEW: Early this morning, Trump admin advised Gordon Sondland, top diplomat enmeshed in Ukraine scandal, NOT to testify at his scheduled House deposition today. Move will likely fuel Dems calls to also impeach on obstruction.
I knew this test was coming.
Say it with me: "Sir, you are in contempt. Sargent at arms, take that man into custody."
Here's a simple test:
The Democrats either hold Sonland in contempt based on obstruction, or they don't.
Hey, it's just a Constitutional crisis. Why bother with protecting the prerogatives of a co-equal branch of government in the face of lawlessness and obstruction?
Also, the Democrats need to cut it out with closed-door hearings. This president throws around TS/SCI to our enemies like it's candy.
Our security is already profoundly compromised.
Sunlight. Disinfectant.
(Also, unless Trump sees it on TV it isn't real.)
I keep going back to how badly the Democrats screwed the pooch in the Lewandowski hearing.
This White House, like all abusers, knows that once they break one unbreakable line with no consequence, they can keep doing it.
Power unexercised is power lost.
The Democrats are terrible at politics, terrible at power, and terrible at communications.
They're in a Constitutional crisis, and they're playing this like weaklings.
Spectacle demands spectacle, power demands power. They suck at it.
If you think you're winning right now, I have a condo in Trump tower to sell you.
The exercise of power is politically agnostic. You're not going to win this with a drum circle, a visioning session, and the power of positive intentions.
Gordon Sondland just went from being the Ambassador to the EU to being the Ambassador to the FU.
As a reminder, Kamala Harris is on Senate Judiciary, and Giuliani will be under oath.
in to
If Rudy goes to the Senate he’ll have zero legal defense to the House subpoenas. I honestly can’t believe how stupid Republicans are being about this.
NEW: Early this morning, Trump admin advised Gordon Sondland, top diplomat enmeshed in Ukraine scandal, NOT to testify at his scheduled House deposition today. Move will likely fuel Dems calls to also impeach on obstruction.
I knew this test was coming.
Say it with me: "Sir, you are in contempt. Sargent at arms, take that man into custody."
Here's a simple test:
The Democrats either hold Sonland in contempt based on obstruction, or they don't.
Hey, it's just a Constitutional crisis. Why bother with protecting the prerogatives of a co-equal branch of government in the face of lawlessness and obstruction?
Also, the Democrats need to cut it out with closed-door hearings. This president throws around TS/SCI to our enemies like it's candy.
Our security is already profoundly compromised.
Sunlight. Disinfectant.
(Also, unless Trump sees it on TV it isn't real.)
I keep going back to how badly the Democrats screwed the pooch in the Lewandowski hearing.
This White House, like all abusers, knows that once they break one unbreakable line with no consequence, they can keep doing it.
Power unexercised is power lost.
The Democrats are terrible at politics, terrible at power, and terrible at communications.
They're in a Constitutional crisis, and they're playing this like weaklings.
Spectacle demands spectacle, power demands power. They suck at it.
If you think you're winning right now, I have a condo in Trump tower to sell you.
The exercise of power is politically agnostic. You're not going to win this with a drum circle, a visioning session, and the power of positive intentions.
Gordon Sondland just went from being the Ambassador to the EU to being the Ambassador to the FU.
As a reminder, Kamala Harris is on Senate Judiciary, and Giuliani will be under oath.
in to
If Rudy goes to the Senate he’ll have zero legal defense to the House subpoenas. I honestly can’t believe how stupid Republicans are being about this.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jype ::
Če si leta 2016 verjel, da imajo demokrati dokaze o tem, da so prostitutke v moskvi lulale po Trumpu. Zakaj danes ne bi verjel tega?Putin ni demokrat.
Samo taka neobičajna spolna praksa ni ravno bistvenega pomena pri tem ali je nekdo primeren predsednik ali ne.Trump je itak serijski posiljevalec, tako da je že zaradi tega neprimeren za predsednika, drži pa, da ga ostali serijski posiljevalci v tej temi smatrajo za ustreznega predstavnika njihovih interesov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

dice7 ::

ZaphodBB ::
In 2018, for the first time in history, America's richest billionaires paid a lower effective tax rate than the working class.
Trikrat hura za MAGA
Če ni miljarderjev, potem morajo delavci plačati ves davek. Ampak saj vemo, da socialisti ne ljubite revežev, samo sovražite tiste, ki imajo več od vas.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 270802 (230821) | OmegaBlue |