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ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020

ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020

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Pac-Man ::

ROFLOL, bela hiša je hotela republikanskim kongresnikom poslati oporne točke. Prejeli so jih (tudi) demokrati.
Ko so v administraciji registrirali svojo zmoto so želeli backsies, pretty please.


Stupid Watergate.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Master_Yoda ::

Mi lahko kdo da kratek TL;DR ? Ker kolikor vidim iz naslovov in novic, ga zelijo impeachati zaradi tega, ker je hotel da ukrajinski predsednik preiskuje Bidena oz njegovega sina ?

Torej ker je zelel preiskavo - ali sta kaksno svinjarijo delala je to narobe.

Izgleda sem nekaj izpustil heh
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.

jype ::

Master_Yoda je izjavil:

ga zelijo impeachati zaradi tega, ker je hotel da ukrajinski predsednik preiskuje Bidena oz njegovega sina ?
Ne. Zato, ker je predstavnika tuje države poizkušal protizakonito izsiljevati v zameno za zunanjepolitične usluge.

DarwiN ::

LMAO, mali je očitno povsem za brezveze izsiljeval Ukrajince.. Biden je namreč še naprej v prostem padu, Warrenova pa ruši vse pred seboj na anketah.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Džoli ::

Warrenova pa ruši vse pred seboj na anketah.

Tudi Hillary je rušila vse pred seboj na anketah 8-) Škoda denarja za volitve če bo ona kandidat

Pac-Man ::

Ne bo Penca, Trump ga je namočil. "Če grem jaz, gre on z menoj."

Tako da #Pelosi2019

United States presidential line of succession @ Wikipedia

Na sploh je bila današnja tiskovka čista štala.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jype ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Na sploh je bila današnja tiskovka čista štala.
Trumptardi se ne strinjajo. MAGA, pa bencin, pa take fore.

Smrekar1 ::

Džoli je izjavil:

Tudi Hillary je rušila vse pred seboj na anketah 8-)

Tole je bilo tik pred volitvami.

V splošnem je bila marginalno boljša od Trumpa. Na volitvah je dobila nekaj več glasov, vendar je imel Trump to srečo (smolo?), da je za las zmagal v treh zveznih državah, ki so mu omogočile zmagati na volitvah.

Ko nekdo ruši vse pred seboj to zgleda tako:

BigWhale ::

Dost je blo memov brez vsebine.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::




BLUF: POTUS cannot pressure foreign leaders to get dirt on his domestic political opponents for his personal (not USG) OPPO investigation. You just can't.
This saga is fundamentally simple in its stupidity. Keep the narrative straightforward so all Americans can understand it.

#ETTD Ukrainian variant is every bit as lit as anticipated.
Trump looks bad, but we all knew he's a reality TV actor playing a mobster POTUS.
It's Zelenskiy who will really take the hit here, unfairly.

in danes

A separate WH computer network? Putting classified USG files on that "private" network?
Man, irony really is dead. I hope Hillary sleeps in late this morning.

"I know what we'll do to hide this: put the transcript on the super-spooky TS+ NSC server for the covert action shit that nobody can see - trust me, nobody will find out."
"Are you sure, bro? The doc's only S/NF, it doesn't belong there."
"Let's just do it and be legends, man!"

TS+ NSC Intel server for CA and other super-hush-hush SAPs, in a WH bathroom.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Nova epizoda locker talka:

Ko lije, lije.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Džoli ::

Demokrati se bodo opekli.
Trump bo zmagal 2020.
S to umetno afero se rešijo tudi Bidna.
Na koncu bo vskočila še Hillary saj je na tabletah od poraza dalje.

Stalinovic ::


Stalinovic je izjavil:

Demokrati so najboljši marketing za Trumpa :D

Trump campaign capitalizes on impeachment threat, raising millions from supporters this week

Čas nazaj sem bil brisan, pa dajmo še 1x:

Prodaja tudi flomastre in slamice, z njimi je zaslužil že milijon dolarjev.


jype ::

Idiotov, ki od njega radi kupujete nekvalitetno robo, narejeno na Kitajskem, je vsekakor ogromno.

Stalinovic ::

Jaz imam 6 kap in 3 majice. Sedaj bom naročil še flomastre in noben od vas intelektualcev me ne more ustaviti :D

jype ::

Čemu naj bi te pa želeli ustaviti?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jype ()

dice7 ::

Glede na to kako se pritozujete o vasi vedno vecji 'depriviligiranosti', je moj zakljucek povsem na mestu

Stalinovic ::

dice7 je izjavil:

Glede na to kako se pritozujete o vasi vedno vecji 'depriviligiranosti', je moj zakljucek povsem na mestu

So brisali in ne vem kaj je bil zaključek?

Pac-Man ::

Moj tejk s poznavanjem situacije v Ukrajini in možganskih funkcij senilnih starih dedcevTM

Rudi je Trumpov libero (v Ukrajini), ki išče kakršenkoli znak o njemu koristni aferi. Zaradi nepoznavanja lokalne situacije in možganskih funkcij senilnega starega dedcaTM, zbranim informacijam verjame na prvo žogo.
Lokalna situacija je taka, da apartčiki z veliko vnemo pletejo zgodbice, ki jih slikajo v pozitivni luči in prikrivajo njihove pomanjkljivosti, grehe in napake. Če je treba post faktum spisati kako lažnivo izjavo priče, pa naj bo. Za Rudija bo glavni vir Lutsenko, malo tudi Šokin in verjetno še kdo.
Zbrano telefonsko posreduje Trumpu, dokumentirano je da tudi kot predsednik izvaja dolge pogovore z znanci, tu pridemo do možganskih funkcij senilnih starih dedcevTM na kvadrat. Vse skupaj rezultira v "very good & very fair" klicu z Zelenskim in prijavi žvižgača.

Ko smo ravno pri možganskih funkcijah senilnih starih dedcevTM in nakladanju apartčikov - tudi Biden kaže simptome.

Njegova zgodba je, da jim je dal do vzleta (menda 6 ur) časa za odstavitev vrhovnega tožilca, če želijo poroštvo za mrd $ posojila. Action Man pa to.

Wiki pravi tako

Viktor Shokin @ Wikipedia
Through 2015 and early 2016, domestic and international pressure built for Shokin to be removed from office. The Obama Administration withheld a billion dollars in loan guarantees to pressure the Ukrainian government to remove Shokin from office.[11][12] His defenders nonetheless argued that he played an important role "balancing competing political interests".[13] His Deputy Prosecutor, Vitaly Kasko, resigned on 15 February 2016 denouncing the corruption and lawlessness of the Prosecutor's office.

On 16 February 2016, Shokin submitted a letter of resignation,[14] although the next day an official of the prosecution office stated, "As far as I know he has taken a paid leave".[15] On 19 February 2016 presidential press secretary Sviatoslav Tsegolko wrote on Twitter that the presidential administration had received an official letter of resignation from Shokin.[16] On 16 March 2016 an official of the prosecution office stated that Shokin had resumed his work.[4] On 16 March 2016 Shokin had not been formally dismissed.[17] Shokin was formally dismissed in a parliamentary vote on 29 March 2016.[18] Following his dismissal Shokin went into retirement.[19]

Vse skupaj traja par mesecev domačega in mednarodnega pritiska.

Če gremo skozi na wikiju citirane vire

After initially supporting Shokin, U.S. and E.U. officials soured on him. To pressure Poroshenko into removing him, the Obama Administration withheld a billion dollars in loan guarantees. (Ukrainians began calling Shokin “the billion-dollar man.”) A senior official in the White House told me that Vice-President Joe Biden spoke to Poroshenko by phone every few weeks and made it clear that, as far as additional loan guarantees were concerned, “you can meet every single other condition, but until you replace this guy you are not getting this money.” At a protest in Kiev, Leshchenko called on parliament to vote on removing Shokin from office. His fellow-deputies, he said, had to decide “whether they are with the people or with the corrupt officials.” Finally, in February, 2016, Shokin announced his resignation—though not before, in his final hours in office, firing a reform-minded deputy who had pursued the diamond-prosecutors case.

Clemons: So you’re sort of like this psychological, political, geostrategic therapist?

Biden: Well in a bizarre sense, every successful foreign-policy person from [Henry] Kissinger on, that’s what they’ve been. I don’t go in and make demands. For example, [Ukraine President] Poroshenko, I pushed him on getting rid of a corrupt [prosecutor] general. We had committed a billion dollars, I said, “Petro, you’re not getting your billion dollars. It’s OK, you can keep the [prosecutor] general. Just understand—we’re not paying if you do.” I suspended it on the spot, to the point where our ambassador looked at me like, “Whoa, what’d you just do? Do you have the authority?” “Yeah, I got the authority. It’s not going to happen, Petro.” But I really mean it. It wasn’t a threat. I said, “Look, Petro, I understand. We’re not gonna play. It’ll hurt us the following way, so make your own call here.” The same with Erdogan.

I look at the people I’ve worked with over the years, at this level in foreign policy, and all of them have basically the same basic modus operandi. Two things that the other world leader recognizes: Either it is the president or you speak for the president, and that’s it; and two, they have a sense of who the hell you are and they know whether or not to have any confidence in what you’re saying and doing. All foreign policy really is—we like to make it this arena that only a few people can play in—is a logical extension of personal relationships with a lot less information to act on. I don’t want to diminish it; it’s consequential.

16. feb
Prosecutor General Shokin resigns

Several Ukrainian media outlets also reported Shokin’s resignation, citing their own sources.
The reports came shortly after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he’d asked his appointed prosecutor, who has failed to bring a single major criminal case to trial in a year

17. feb
Chief of the Main Investigation Department's special investigation division under Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) Serhiy Horbatiuk has said that Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin is on leave now.
"As far as I know he has taken a paid leave," Horbatiuk said at a briefing in Kyiv on Wednesday, answering a question from journalists.


As was reported, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on February 16 that he had advised Shokin to step down.
"This morning I had a meeting and a thorough discussion with the prosecutor general. I suggested that Viktor Mykolayovych [Shokin] write a letter of resignation," Poroshenko said.

19. feb
The presidential administration has received an official letter of resignation from Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin, presidential press secretary Sviatoslav Tsegolko wrote on February 19.
Calls for Shokin's resignation mounted after Deputy Prosecutor-General Vitaliy Kasko resigned on February 15, accusing Shokin of hindering corruption investigations.


During a telephone conversation on February 18, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden told Poroshenko that the United States welcomed his efforts to replace Shokin, which Biden said "paves the way for needed reform of the prosecutorial service."

16. mar
"Indeed, on Wednesday, Viktor Shokin returned from leave and took up his duties. He is holding meetings, giving instructions, because a lot of issues have emerged, and they must be resolved. He is in a good mood. The prosecutor's office is a serious agency, it has to work," Kutsenko said.

The Verkhovna Rada has agreed with President Petro Poroshenko's motion to dismiss Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin.

A total of 289 MPs voted for the measure on Tuesday in parliament.

The parliamentary faction of the Bloc of Petro Poroshenko gave 114 votes in favor of the motion. It was also supported by 72 MPs from Arseniy Yatseniuk's People's Front Party faction, 24 MPs from Andriy Sadovy's Samopomich Party faction and two MPs from the Opposition Bloc.

Vsi kontemporarni viri kažejo, da je šlo za relativno dolgotrajno parlamentarno proceduro in ne nekaj, kar bi se zgodilo v šestih urah. Nikakor pa ne zanikam, da so izvajali pritisk.

Potem pridemo do vprašanja Bidnovega koledarja.

Definitivno je Ukrajino obiskal v začetku decembra 2015

UL je dal kazalo v komentar, o tožilcu govori @24:50

Tule je arhiviran koledar prejšnje administracije
ampak je težko brskati po njem, ker gre RSS samo do aprila 2016.

Če kdo najde Bidna v Ukrajini med decembrom 2015 in aprilom 2016, naj prilepi sem.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

jype ::

Hvala za izčrpen prispevek. Sam sicer verjamem, da je Biden v tem trenutku že dovolj dolgo nepomemben, da je osredotočanje nanj odveč.

Pac-Man ::

Ameriški senator je spisal dolgo nit o NRA in Rusiji podkrepljeno z dokumenti. Kogar zanima, naj klikne na povezavo, začne se pa tako:


NEWS: For more than a year my @SenateFinance staff has been investigating the NRA’s relationship with foreign agent Maria Butina and Russian government official Alexander Torshin and their role in the Kremlin’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 election.
Here’s what they found.

The NRA lied about the December 2015 Moscow trip not being an official trip.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Klice so skrivali v ultra top sekret sistemu mišljenim za tajne operacije.


There is a kind of karmic hilarity to the fact that in order to protect Trump, his staff centralized the materials that could doom him in a highly classified system that can't be erased or manipulated without a record of access by a very small number of people.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Avtor spodnjega prispevka je Kris Kolesnik.

Kris Kolesnik spent 19 years as Senior Counselor and Director of Investigations for Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa). He was instrumental in the passage of the False Claims Act Amendments of 1986, and exposed the FBI Crime Lab scandal of the late 1990s. Following his work in the Senate, Mr. Kolesnik became executive director of the National Whistleblower Center. Finally, he spent 10 years working with the Department of the Interior’s Office of Inspector General as the Associate Inspector General for External Affairs. He was involved with such notable cases as the Jack Abramoff scandal and the investigation into the Minerals Management Service’s cozy relationship with the oil industry.

Ob tej biografiji sem se spomnil na včerajšnjo objavo o NRA, kjer so jim pripravili podobne za vse Ruse s katerimi se bodo srečali. Namesto dosežkov je šlo v smeri kdo koga pozna, kdo kaj ima.

Intelligence community strikes back — an impeachment game-changer


I read the White House “transcript” between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. I read the whistleblower complaint. And I read the inspector general cover letter. By background, I spent 34 years dealing intimately with whistleblowers and protecting them. I spent 19 years in the United States Senate deeply involved in writing every prominent whistleblower law from 1983 to 2000. I then spent five years as executive director of the National Whistleblower Center, which helped write post-Enron corporate whistleblower laws, and defended numerous national security and other whistleblowers.

I have never seen a more buttoned-up set of whistleblower allegations than these.


In every major scandal I investigated in my career, there was always a common phenomenon: Whenever the scandals broke, all the good guys in government with knowledge of the issue came out of the woodwork, and we found each other. We formed an investigative network to assist each other and root out the corruption. That happened in the defense scandals of the 1980s, the Iran-Contra scandal, the John Tower investigation, the FBI scandals under Louis Freeh -- such as Waco and Ruby Ridge -- the FBI crime lab scandal of the late 1990s, and many others.

These sources and contacts became lifelong collaborators. Many of us have had a major, ongoing impact on fighting government corruption for decades, behind the scenes and with no recognition. We dubbed ourselves the "Shit Disturbers." It's a loosely knit group of watchdogs.

I view this whistleblower group as of the same ilk. Trump would refer to them as deep staters who ratted him out. I would call them national treasures who pulled down his knickers for, literally, all the world to see.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Potrdi, da Bidna ni bilo v Ukrajini po decembru 2015 in telefončke Lutsenko>Giuliani>Trump. 5:30.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Lutsenko deluje nekam živčen in vse zanika (video).

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Džoli ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Lutsenko deluje nekam živčen in vse zanika (video).


Zadaj so grožnje deep statea ;)

zuzelka ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Potrdi, da Bidna ni bilo v Ukrajini po decembru 2015 in telefončke Lutsenko>Giuliani>Trump. 5:30.

Očka je svojemu sinku Hunterju zrihtal dober biznis z Ukrajino, po temu ko je svoje politične moči uporabil za odstranitev tožilca ki je preiskoval afero.

Ali je hodil tja je brezpredmetno. Razen če seveda ne misliš da je tudi Trump nadolžen, saj tudi on ni šel v Ukrajino, ampak je uredil po telefonu?

Jarno ::

Biden uživa dokaj konstantno podporo, medtem pa se Warrenova približuje prvemu mestu in za seboj pušča Sandersa:
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

Pac-Man ::

Pozdravljena, kar dva zelenca.

Uporabniško ime
Čas prve prijave
25.09.2019 00:58:01

Uporabniško ime
Čas prve prijave
27.09.2019 11:58:01

zuzelka je izjavil:

Očka je svojemu sinku Hunterju zrihtal dober biznis z Ukrajino, po temu ko je svoje politične moči uporabil za odstranitev tožilca ki je preiskoval afero.
Tvojo trditev negira že kratek pogled na koledar. Hunter se je pri Burismi zaposlil 18. aprila 2014.

Company documents in Cyprus show that Joe Biden's son, R. Hunter Biden, became a member of the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, which describes itself as Ukraine's largest private natural gas producer, on April 18.

Joe je politično moč uporabljal decembra 2015.

Ampak to sploh ni problem, nje? V Area 51 imajo zagotovo kak rezerven časovni stroj.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

MisterM ::

Glede časovnice in pravnih okvirjev, v katerih je osnova za impeachment, je lepo razložil Legal Eagle v spodnjem videu:

zuzelka ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ampak to sploh ni problem, nje?

Velik problem je, če politik zlorabi svojo moč da prikrije korupcijo lastnega sina. Hunter ni ravno kak fant od fare, še iz vojske so ga vrgli ker se je drogiral.

Pac-Man ::

Tole bo potrebno najprej dokazati. Zaenkrat ni popolnoma nobenega dokaza, da je Joe aktivno skrival karkoli. In obilo dokazov, da je bela hiša skrivala marsikaj.

Da je Hunter trouble se strinjam, ampak kaj lahko narediš, če imaš problematičnega sina sredi 40ih?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Sp3m ::

Samo nekaj glede Joe in Hunter Bidena.

Ali bi Hunter Biden dobil službo pri Burisma, če njegov oče ne bi bil Joe Biden?

Če je odgovor da, potem ni problema.

Če je odgovor ne, je pa vprašanje kaj je Burisma pričakovala od Joe Biden, da naredi za Ukrajino?

Sam ideja, da pa sin in oče ne govorita o svojih poslih je pa smešna.

Pa še malce glede Pochahontas in crazy Bernieja.

"Basically at this point if you are still supporting Sanders as opposed to Warren it's kind of showing your sexism," Sussman said.

ps: Še nekaj, je tole res?

Why donations to the Clinton Foundation fell off a cliff when Hillary lost in 2016?

Did those donors suddenly care tens of millions of dollars *less* about charity?

Or was something else going on there all along?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Sp3m ()

zuzelka ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tole bo potrebno najprej dokazati. Zaenkrat ni popolnoma nobenega dokaza, da je Joe aktivno skrival karkoli. In obilo dokazov, da je bela hiša skrivala marsikaj.

Da je Hunter trouble se strinjam, ampak kaj lahko narediš, če imaš problematičnega sina sredi 40ih?

Joea imaš na youtubu ko se hvali kako je v Ukrajini grozil da imajo 8 ur da odstavijo sodnega preiskovalca ali pa naj se obrišejo pod nosom za miljone pomoči.

dice7 ::

Džoli je izjavil:

zuzelka je izjavil:

A so bidena ze impicali?

Sp3m je izjavil:

Why donations to the Clinton Foundation fell off a cliff when Hillary lost in 2016?

Did those donors suddenly care tens of millions of dollars *less* about charity?

Or was something else going on there all along?
You must be new here

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: dice7 ()

Pac-Man ::

Sp3m je izjavil:

Samo nekaj glede Joe in Hunter Bidena.

Ali bi Hunter Biden dobil službo pri Burisma, če njegov oče ne bi bil Joe Biden?

Če je odgovor da, potem ni problema.

Če je odgovor ne, je pa vprašanje kaj je Burisma pričakovala od Joe Biden, da naredi za Ukrajino?

Sam ideja, da pa sin in oče ne govorita o svojih poslih je pa smešna.

Da, Hunter je dobil službo, ker je bil njegov oče podpredsednik ZDA. Burisma je seveda od tega nekaj pričakovala.

Zaenkrat ni niti enega indica, da so se jim pričakovanja izpolnila, razen če je kak lokalni tožilec samovoljno naredil obvoz ker se pač tako dela pri njih.

zuzelka je izjavil:

Joea imaš na youtubu ko se hvali kako je v Ukrajini grozil da imajo 8 ur da odstavijo sodnega preiskovalca ali pa naj se obrišejo pod nosom za miljone pomoči.

Fake news.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

zuzelka ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Fake news.

Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired

Sp3m ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Sp3m je izjavil:

Samo nekaj glede Joe in Hunter Bidena.

Ali bi Hunter Biden dobil službo pri Burisma, če njegov oče ne bi bil Joe Biden?

Če je odgovor da, potem ni problema.

Če je odgovor ne, je pa vprašanje kaj je Burisma pričakovala od Joe Biden, da naredi za Ukrajino?

Sam ideja, da pa sin in oče ne govorita o svojih poslih je pa smešna.

Da, Hunter je dobil službo, ker je bil njegov oče podpredsednik ZDA. Burisma je seveda od tega nekaj pričakovala.

Zaenkrat ni niti enega indica, da so se jim pričakovanja izpolnila, razen če je kak lokalni tožilec samovoljno naredil obvoz ker se pač tako dela pri njih.

Morda so indici, pa se jih ni preiskovalo, dokler je bila še prejšnja vlada na oblasti.

Sedaj, ko se pa hoče preiskovati se pa sliši: "Leave Joe alone...."

Sp3m ::

ps: Še nekaj malega doda, koliko časa ste govorili, da ima Rusija nekaj glede Trumpa, ker je delal nek blok tam.

Po isti logiki, kaj ima Ukrajina šele o Hunter Biden in posledično o Joe Bidenu?

Bo v primeru malo verjetne zmage Joe Bidena na predsedniških volitvah, Pac-Man dnevno postal linke o Joe Biden - Ukraine collusion?

zuzelka ::

Sp3m je izjavil:

Morda so indici, pa se jih ni preiskovalo, dokler je bila še prejšnja vlada na oblasti.

Jop, kot pijanec ki se v gostilni hvali kako je ukradu denarnico.

Pac-Man ::

Sploh prebereš, kar napišem?


in tu:


One of the hardest aspects of being a parent is recognizing that your children are their own people, and that no matter how differently you see things—or how much you want to protect them—they get to make life choices of their own. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t share your perspective in a respectful way
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

zuzelka ::

jype ::

zuzelka ::

Še Bidnove klice v Ukrajino rabimo, pa smo na konju. Levici ne bo niti najbolj zagrizen komunist več zaupal.

MisterM ::

Čemu govoriš v prvi osebi?

ZaphodBB ::

jype je izjavil:

But her emails?


Ja očitno ni nič narobe s tem, ne?
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype

DarwiN ::

Hillaryjini emaili, Benghazi, Bidenov nothingburger.. To so kao med večjimi grehi demokratov.. Trump in njegovi kriminalci zakuhajo tolk zločinov/korupcije/malomarnosti/afer v pičlih 24 urah.. Ko pomisliš, da je bilo samo okrog nekega Benghazija "65" zaslišanj..

Trump menda hoče razkrit identiteto žvižgača, da bi lahko svojim brainless podpornikom postregel zgodbico za njihovo alternativno realnost. Jah, tudi če imaš na voljo fake news in alternativna dejstva, vseeno ni preprosto ustvarit teorije zarote, ko nimaš prave tarče. Zabavno!
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

zuzelka ::

DarwiN je izjavil:

Hillaryjini emaili, Benghazi, Bidenov nothingburger.. To so kao med večjimi grehi demokratov.. Trump in njegovi kriminalci zakuhajo tolk zločinov/korupcije/malomarnosti/afer v pičlih 24 urah.

Kaj pa je Trump zakuhal? Grabil muce?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: DarwiN ()
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