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ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020

ZDA predsedniške volitve 2020

Temo vidijo: vsi
37 / 55

Sp3m ::

c3p0 ::

Next Mr. President.

PrimoZ_ ::

Urbano#Desno je izjavil:

Trump ne bo nikoli v zaporu, ker ni naredil ničesar kar bi bilo narobe. Še vedno je daleč najbolj etični predsednik ZDA.
Svojih davkov pa ni dolžan nikomur pokazati, če ga IRS nikoli ni preganjala so verjetno urejeni. Plača absolutno precej več kot pa nek povprečni američan pa čeprav morda zaradi davčne gimnastika (povsem upravičeneno pri nori obdavčitve premožnih) plača samo kakšen odstotek od dohodka.

Si mogoče miljonar, da te skrbi obdavčitev bogatih ?
3,5 ali pa magar 10kEUR bruto plače še vedno nisi pravi bogataš, če pa vlečeš težke miljone pa ne vidim kake krivice da se to obdavči. Koneckoncev lahko to služiš zaradi vse družbene infrastrukture in vsega kar je družba nekoč vložila vate.

On topic:
Mislim sicer da bo zmagal Trump, ker očitno je norost v polnem razmahu.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()

Pac-Man ::

Conini je izjavil:

"After 3 years of telling us to go to war with Russia, a nuclear power, Democrats are now saying it was wrong to kill a terrorist #Soleimani

Kdo je navijal za vojno z Rusijo? Ker sankcije niso vojna.

Plus tale eliminacija močno dvigne verjetnost, da Iran postane jedrska sila. Sledi mu SA, izraelski odziv je vprašljiv. Fun times.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Tega si ne moreš zmislit.

Model na desni je Val Broeksmit, v Ukrajini rojeni wannabe muzkontar.
Njegov l. 2014 umrli očim je bil Chief Risk Officer pri Deutsche Bank. Preko te povezave je prišel do celega kupa notranjih dokumentov in mailov, tudi o poslovanju z Rusijo in Trump Inc.

Dokumenti v Valovi lasti kažejo, da so bila (nekatera) posojila Trumpu zavarovana s strani VTB, ruske državne banke. Stran je trenutno prezasedena, kopija članka je na scribdu.



The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Conini ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Plus tale eliminacija močno dvigne verjetnost, da Iran postane jedrska sila. Sledi mu SA, izraelski odziv je vprašljiv. Fun times.

Ne, ta eliminacija sploh ne dvigne nobene verjetnosti za tole. Kakšna bedarija je sploh to? Iran bi prišel do jedrskega orožja z Obaminimi sporazumom kasneje. V nobenem primeru to ni v interesu ZDA. In Trump hoče spremembo tega + ustavitev razvoja daljnosežnih raket.

Poldi112 ::

In kako misli preprečiti Iranu, da razvije nuklearno orožje in balistične rakete? Enako, kot so preprečili Kitajski in S. Koreji? Ziher bo tokrat rezultat drugačen, glede na, to da so metode identične...
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

V odgovor na



The assertion by Lindsay Graham that today’s bizarre performance by Sniffles The Clown was on par with “Tear Down This Wall” is part of the Saddamification of the GOP.

What are the new rules?

- Never be the first guy to stop clapping when Trump speaks.
- It is always the Year Zero; memory and consistency is the enemy of loyalty in the Trump world.
- Your superlatives are insufficient. Praising Trump properly demands a new vocabulary of obsequiousness.
- Your humiliation in his service will asymptotically approach infinity, with the pain and shame mounting but never reaching the sweet release of death.
- Never tell him the truth. He is the tallest, most handsome, brilliant, and richest man in the room.
- Even when he’s wrong (and he’s almost always wrong), race for the TV cameras to proclaim that you and everyone else was simply unable to grasp the sublime complexity of his 47-dimensional chess game.
- If he wants to mount your spouse, let him. You let him screw your reputation, honor, dignity, principles, and political priors. Why not your wife?
- Always give the Trump Crime Family a cut of your consulting contracts for the campaign and the RNC.
- Never forget that if you don’t suck the chrome off the metaphorical trailer hitch, someone else in Washington will. It is a city without elected heroes.
- He will let you die in prison. Prepare accordingly.
- Snitch or get snitched on. Trust no one. Lie constantly. Don’t sleep in the same place more than two nights. Moscow rules.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Poglavje iz sveže knjige. Vredno branja.

If Trump Wins in 2020, Get Ready for President Don Jr.

Eight years of Trump sucks, right? It’s terrible, isn’t it? I mean, it can’t get worse, right?


Oh, you cockeyed optimists.

As in all things Trump, it can get much, much worse. If he wins in 2020, we’re never getting rid of these dolts. Even if shit goes really, really off the rails, Immortan Don and the rest of his Mad Max crew will still be racing around the desert far into the future.

A second term guarantees the rise of the Imperial Trumps, a family cult built on the remains of the moldering corpse of the GOP, featuring all the warmth of North Korea’s Kim dynasty and a kind of Hapsburg-jawed je ne sais dumbfuck rien.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Urbano#Desno ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Poglavje iz sveže knjige. Vredno branja.

If Trump Wins in 2020, Get Ready for President Don Jr.

Eight years of Trump sucks, right? It’s terrible, isn’t it? I mean, it can’t get worse, right?


Oh, you cockeyed optimists.

As in all things Trump, it can get much, much worse. If he wins in 2020, we’re never getting rid of these dolts. Even if shit goes really, really off the rails, Immortan Don and the rest of his Mad Max crew will still be racing around the desert far into the future.

A second term guarantees the rise of the Imperial Trumps, a family cult built on the remains of the moldering corpse of the GOP, featuring all the warmth of North Korea’s Kim dynasty and a kind of Hapsburg-jawed je ne sais dumbfuck rien.


Sliši se realno. Hmm NOT. Jaz bi bolj ciljal na Ivanko 2024, katera bo čisto lepo legalno izvoljena. Ljudje imajo poln kurac progresivnih politik.
Me pa veseli da demoti počasi že pripravljajo svoje ovčke na neizbežno prihodnost izvolitve Trumpa na 2020.

Zgodovina sprememb…

VaeVictis ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Poglavje iz sveže knjige. Vredno branja.

If Trump Wins in 2020, Get Ready for President Don Jr.

Eight years of Trump sucks, right? It’s terrible, isn’t it? I mean, it can’t get worse, right?


Oh, you cockeyed optimists.

As in all things Trump, it can get much, much worse. If he wins in 2020, we’re never getting rid of these dolts. Even if shit goes really, really off the rails, Immortan Don and the rest of his Mad Max crew will still be racing around the desert far into the future.

A second term guarantees the rise of the Imperial Trumps, a family cult built on the remains of the moldering corpse of the GOP, featuring all the warmth of North Korea’s Kim dynasty and a kind of Hapsburg-jawed je ne sais dumbfuck rien.


Zakaj naj bi bilo to problematično?

Če ga ljudje izvolijo je lahko predsednik, če ga ne bodo hoteli ne bo.

Če je lahko Bill Clinton bil predsednik, zakaj ne bi potem mogla biti Hillary in posledično še Chelsea?

Saj smo že imeli predsednika, kjer sta bile oče in sin predsednika...

Pa še malce nazaj k Crazy Bernieju.

Sanders Didn’t Think A Woman Could Be President, Warren Says

Je malce šovinističen tale Bernie!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: VaeVictis ()

Pac-Man ::

Urbano#Desno je izjavil:

Me pa veseli da demoti počasi že pripravljajo svoje ovčke na neizbežno prihodnost izvolitve Trumpa na 2020.

Avtor knjige je nikoli Trump republikanec in član projekta Lincoln odgovoren za ta oglasa.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VaeVictis ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Urbano#Desno je izjavil:

Me pa veseli da demoti počasi že pripravljajo svoje ovčke na neizbežno prihodnost izvolitve Trumpa na 2020.

Avtor knjige je nikoli Trump republikanec in član projekta Lincoln odgovoren za ta oglasa.

Vseeno kaj je on, odgovori raje, zakaj bi bilo problematično, če američani legitimno izvolijo Don Jr.?

Sp3m ::

Pac-Man resno vprašanje, zakaj tako aktivno poročaš samo o Trumpu, glede na to, da si na tekočem, bi lahko tudi kako novico o demokratih napisal!

Pa da ne boš mislil, da te zafrkavam, resno se sprašujem, ker nekdo, ki tako aktivno piše samo o eni osebi ob vseh urah čez dan, ima lahko kake neodkrite mentalne probleme in za tvoje dobro upam, da si plačan novinar ali pa da odkriješ te mentalne probleme in se greš zdravit!

Sicer ste pa vsi novinarji (če si tudi ti plačan novinar seveda) enaki, jokate čez Trumpa in ga kritizirate, v ozadju ste pa vsi mokri, ker vas vsaj nekdo bere in vsak dan molite k kipcu Trumpa, da ga ne premaga kak demokrat, ker potem ne boste mogli vsak dan napisati par člankov čez Trumpa in vas spet ne bo noben bral!

Pac-Man ::

VaeVictis je izjavil:

Tako kot so se na Krimu in v Donbasu legitimno odločili, da bi bili raje z Rusijo, seveda z malo strašenja z ruske TV?

Morda preberi članek? Vedno me ugrizne v rit, ko premalo citiram in se najde idiot, ki komentira brez da bi prebral.

The fantasy self-image of Donald Trump has always been that of royalty, and as I wrote in Everything Trump Touches Dies, it’s just that pesky Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the Constitution that forbids titles of nobility. Since he’s not, you know, famously dedicated to the Constitution in most areas, why this one?


The ambition that drives the Trump spawn these days is powerful, and the corruption and collapse of the GOP as a party will enable their dynastic fantasies to play out with real consequences for the country. The Orange Kardashians will have the brand power of Trump, as well as the shameless hucksterism of Fox and the degraded conservative media, behind them. Mark my words, even the “respectable” elements of the conservative media will soon be producing think pieces on why Don Jr. is the bridge from raw Trumpism to a smoother, smarter populist nationalism.


Even Eric the Wide-Gummed and Tiffany have been dragged along for some of the high-profile state visits and glam events. Trump wants to maximize the reach of the brand, even for the children he loves the least. This is how real dynastic politics come to America, not with a bang but a reality show. For the Trumps, it’ll be easy—with the rigid control of the GOP this president exercises, there will be none of those pesky primary elections the Bushes and even the Kennedys had to endure.

Yes, the Imperial Trumps are here to stay. Get ready for four years of the right-wing press writing strained profiles of the Strange New Respect that Ivanka is generating among conservatives, and how the first woman Republican president might not be Nikki Haley but rather the deceptively smart and successful fashion icon supermom Ivanka Trump, who is surprisingly down-to-earth. They’ll “discover” she has an easy, self-deprecating sense of humor.

She’ll even appear on Colbert or (again) SNL, poking fun at her image, and even—just a bit—at her famous father. Even skeptical conservative media will find themselves drawn to how the Princess Royal now represents the Trump nationalism without the rough edges and ugly tweets.

One other factor about the soon-to-be endless presence of Trumps in our lives: They’re breeding like rabbits, so if we don’t play our cards right now, they’ll have enough offspring to get a majority in the U.S. Senate before long.

Sp3m je izjavil:

Pac-Man resno vprašanje, zakaj tako aktivno poročaš samo o Trumpu, glede na to, da si na tekočem, bi lahko tudi kako novico o demokratih napisal!

Bom, ko bo o čem za pisat.

Trenutno sem zadovoljen z vsakim demokratom, ki je 3. novembra sposoben premagati Donalda Trumpa*

*v kolikor tip do takrat ne bo obsojen v senatu
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Urbano#Desno ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Trenutno sem zadovoljen z vsakim demokratom, ki je 3. novembra sposoben premagati Donalda Trumpa*

*v kolikor tip do takrat ne bo obsojen v senatu

Misliš da ne bo zmagal, če ga po krivem obsodijo

Pac-Man ::

Tale 2x dve urni film zgleda zanimiv.


America's Great Divide: From Obama to Trump, Part One (full film) | FRONTLINE

America's Great Divide: From Obama to Trump, Part Two (full film) | FRONTLINE

YT kanal ima cele intervjuje in par izsekov.

Urbano#Desno je izjavil:

Misliš da ne bo zmagal, če ga po krivem obsodijo

Za obsodbo do novembra potrebujejo sodelovanje tam polovice republikanskih senatorjev.

V tem primeru boš težko trdil, da je bil po krivem obsojen.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Leaker49 ::

Berni, seksist in lažnjivec :))

A woman can't win? Alleged comment reopens feminist grievances against Bernie Sanders.

A CNN report detailed a private conversation Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) had with Sanders in 2018, in which they allegedly disagreed about a woman's chances to win the White House in the coming election.

Sanders disputed the report, slamming it as "ludicrous." His campaign called the account, initially attributed to four anonymous individuals, "a lie."

But then Warren confirmed it, albeit not in so many words, suggesting Sanders was untruthful or at best remembered the conversation very differently.

Fritz ::

Jeba je to, ko Warrenova zaostaja za kandidatom, ki bi edini lahko povozil stabilnega genija.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Conini ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Jeba je to, ko Warrenova zaostaja za kandidatom, ki bi edini lahko povozil stabilnega genija.

Američani in socialistični norci? Nope. Pozabi.
Pol Demokratov ne bo volilo Bernija, kamoli kdorkoli desno od sredine.

Sicer pa, saj vemo kaj so delali komunistični in socialistični norci.. Gulagi, pa Goli otoki in podobno.
Bernijev stuff že "ve", kako je to šlo.


drvo ::

Conini je izjavil:

Fritz je izjavil:

Jeba je to, ko Warrenova zaostaja za kandidatom, ki bi edini lahko povozil stabilnega genija.

Američani in socialistični norci? Nope. Pozabi.
Pol Demokratov ne bo volilo Bernija, kamoli kdorkoli desno od sredine.

Sicer pa, saj vemo kaj so delali komunistični in socialistični norci.. Gulagi, pa Goli otoki in podobno.
Bernijev stuff že "ve", kako je to šlo.


Sem ravno misli to prilepit. Dečko ima kar romantičen pogled na gulage. Predstavlja si jih skoraj kot dopust na katerem malo delaš.

drvo je izjavil:

Conini je izjavil:

Fritz je izjavil:

Jeba je to, ko Warrenova zaostaja za kandidatom, ki bi edini lahko povozil stabilnega genija.

Američani in socialistični norci? Nope. Pozabi.
Pol Demokratov ne bo volilo Bernija, kamoli kdorkoli desno od sredine.

Sicer pa, saj vemo kaj so delali komunistični in socialistični norci.. Gulagi, pa Goli otoki in podobno.
Bernijev stuff že "ve", kako je to šlo.


Sem ravno misli to prilepit. Dečko ima kar romantičen pogled na gulage. Predstavlja si jih skoraj kot dopust na katerem malo delaš.


Še video.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: drvo ()

Pac-Man ::

Novi dokazi s parnasovih elektronskih naprav.

Tole postaja hujše kot Watergate. Jovanovičevi so sledili, se dogovarjali kdaj bo "on the move" da se nekaj stori in pokali ???štose??? o njeni eliminaciji proti plačilu.


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Leaker49 ::

Sanders ni ravno priljubljen :)

Conini ::

Kakšnemu še rata kaj po pravici povedat...

Steyer: Democrats are going to destroy the economy in 15 minutes if they get in control.

Mr.B ::

Danes je bil dober ölanek na propadanje pokojninskih skladov v Amerik. Bo zanimivo...
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::

Demokrati so res zanič pri politiki.

Nekako se jim posreči zbrat 38 strani dokazov, da so ameriški veleposlanici v Ukrajini sledili v imenu predsednika ZDA in planirali še kaj hujšega, nato pa jih obelodanijo / prenesejo v senat ravno na dan, ko imajo primarno predsedniško debato.

Medijski cikl, ljudje. Ni težko.

Meet the Trump Donor Who Allegedly Stalked America’s Ambassador in Ukraine

Before Tuesday, he was best known as a little-known, scandal-scarred Republican congressional candidate who tweeted an obscene joke at Kamala Harris. But new documents from the House Intelligence Committee have put a completely different kind of spotlight on Robert F. Hyde, the Trump donor who appears to have tracked U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch’s movements in Ukraine.

In WhatsApp messages exchanged in March 2019 with Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas, who provided the committee with the files, Hyde and Parnas discussed Yovanovitch’s location. Hyde, a retired Marine, appeared to have associates in Ukraine monitoring her.

“They know she’s a political puppet,” Hyde wrote to Parnas. “They will let me know when she’s on the move… They are willing to help if you/we would like a price.”

“Guess you can do anything in Ukraine with money… what I was told,” Hyde wrote in another message. Parnas responded: “LOL.”

Roberta je nato maja 2019 zajela panika v Trump Doral resortu. Prepričan je bil, da ga deep state želi eliminirat, zato je posredovala policija in so ga hospitalizirali.

New Figure in Ukraine Scandal Was Taken Into Police Custody at Trump Resort Last Year


According to an “incident/investigation” report filed by the Doral, Florida, police department, on May 16, 2019, an officer was dispatched to the Trump National Doral Miami to deal with a “male in distress fearing for his life.” That man was Hyde. The report noted that Hyde explained to the police officer that “he was in fear for his life, was set up and that a hit man was out to get him. Mr. Hyde spoke about e-mails he sent that may have placed his life in jeopardy. Mr. Hyde explained several times that he was paranoid that someone was out to get him.”

The report stated that Hyde cited “a variety of different names, contacts and provided information in reference to why he felt his life was in danger.” After being taken into custody by the police, according to the report, “Mr. Hyde continued to act paranoid telling us not to stop next to certain vehicles…[H]e explained that he was scared due to several painting workers and landscape workers trying to do harm to him because they weren’t working. Additionally Mr. Hyde explained that his computer was being hacked by Secret Service. And then went on to further explain that the secret service [sic] was arrival [sic] on the premises watching him.”

The police report said that “it was determined that Mr. Hyde was suffering from a [redacted],” that he was “transported to [redacted] for further evaluation,” and that a “crisis form was filled and filed.”

The report classified the incident as “Baker/Marchman Act.” In Florida, the Baker Act and the Marchman Act allow for holding people who might harm themselves involuntarily for assessment.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Conini ::

Prebral sem do "Allegedly" in potem sem nehal.

Ne prihajat več s tem šitom sem. It's really too dumb...

Conini ::

Allegedly, presumably, we assume, supposedly, undoubtedly, in all probability, based on reliably sources etc, etc...



Šele po 38 straneh mešanja megle? :))

Pac-Man ::

Nedolžen do pravnomočne obsodbe.

Tip se je po WhatsApp hvalil, da sledi Jovanovičevi in jo lahko za pravi denar eliminira. Dva meseca za tem ga je na trumpovem posestvu zajel življenjski strah.


Potem imamo tu sporočila Lutsenka, ki je želel za obtožbe na račun B (Burisma ali Biden) [politično] odstranitev določene madam (Jovanovičeva).

Watergate je bil vrtec, demokrati pa to spravijo ven na dan primarne debate. Enostavno se ne znajo it politike.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Sp3m ::

Pac-Man, Demokrati se znajo dobro iti politiko.

Samo ti ne vidiš dveh zadev.

1. Vsi kandidati so relativno zanič, nobenih pravih prvokategornikov ni, ker se vsi po vrsti zavedajo, da v tej ekonomiji nihče iz demokratov ne more premagati Trumpa.

Imaš Pochahontas, komunista in gulag ljubitelja Crazy Bernieja, pedofila Creepy Joeja in potem še par, ki jih noben ne pozna Steyera, major Peta in Klobucharjevo, ter Bloomberga, ki ne ve kaj bi sam s seboj in svojim denarjem delal.

2. Nobenga več ne zanima impeachment, ker se vsi zavedajo, da gre direktno po partijskih linijah in bo na koncu tako, kakor je bilo že 100x rečeno, impeachan v kongrestu, oproščen v senatu.

Sp3m ::

ps: Še tole, se lepo vidi, kako raznoliki so ti kandidati demokratov.

5 belih moških in 2 bele ženske (no ena je mislila, da je rdeča) in največ možnosti za zmago imata pa dva bela 77+ letna moška!

Sp3m ::

Tole pravijo pa swing voterji, koga bi izbrali, če bi imeli na voljo Trumpa ali Obamo.

Conini ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Watergate je bil vrtec, demokrati pa to spravijo ven na dan primarne debate.

Čigav vrtec? A to da Bidenov sine dobi službo ter miljone v Ukrajini (medtem ko so v konfliktu z Rusijo), ko je stari podpredsednik ZDA?! Res, WT je bil res vrtec. Glede Trumpa, so pa Ukrajinci jasno zanikali, da so jih izsiljevali.

Enostavno se ne znajo it politike.

Ali je pa to, kar navajaš, vse laž in ponarejeno etc etc..

Sp3m je izjavil:

5 belih moških in 2 bele ženske (no ena je mislila, da je rdeča) in največ možnosti za zmago imata pa dva bela 77+ letna moška!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Conini ()

Pac-Man ::

Dolga nit o demokratih, ki se ne znajo it politike. Cilj je zmagovanje, ne imeti prav ali biti v dobrih odnosih. To pride po zmagi.


So, I got my hands on a copy of Rick Wilson’s Running Against the Devil...
Of all the political books this season, this is one I’ve been particularly looking forward to reading.
I’ll have more to say about it as I get through it but first a little insight into why that is...

In ordinary times, politically, Rick and I would be just about diametrically opposed.
Professionally, we have nothing in common. We have never traveled in circles that even tangentially brushed up against each other.

These aren’t ordinary times though.

Rick has spent his career in politics. I spent most of mine in the private sector.
Never the two shall meet.
Yet, there are some analogs in our respective experiences.

I spent most of my career working in marketing and advertising.
I worked for ad agencies big and small.
Part of that work was running what they call “agency new business”.
Agencies have to compete for accounts. Home Depot doesn’t just hire you; you have to win a shootout.

Most people who work in ad agencies kinda hate “new business”. It is a shitload of work; a ton of pressure; by the end everybody is at each other’s throats; and then most agencies lose far more than they win.

I had a love/hate relationship with it though.

The work was a slog but it is also the biggest strategic challenge of any work an agency does.
It is a two-dimensional competition.
An agency has to both:
1) Have the best ideas for a client’s business; and
2) Distinguish itself from its competitors

It’s a lot like a political campaign.
The agency is like a candidate up against other candidates.
The agency’s ideas are like a candidate’s policies and platforms.

And just like in politics, you can win by selling the candidate the right way; and you can lose even with the best ideas.
Democrats, historically, have had a terrible time grasping that.

As an agency new biz person, I could get a bag of old socks into the finals against far better competition.
That wasn’t actually hard.
The hard part was the internal struggle among the team (i.e. us) - and that’s relevant in 2020 - and it’s what makes Rick’s book relevant.

Winning campaigns aren’t kumbaya, collective affairs run on consensus by big teams group-hugging after team meetings.
They’re tense, stressful, pressure cookers that lead to occasional internal skirmishes and friction.

That is how they work. That is a healthy sign.

Democrats are notoriously bad at getting this.
Democrats perpetually overweight policy and platform (the “ideas”) while getting pummeled by visceral messaging that sours the audience on the candidate offering them.

I had clients like that. Agencies who wouldn’t or couldn’t listen as I told them that I could get them into the finals but if they didn’t let me steer how they presented themselves, they’d walk away with a loss and a lot of bills. And the ones who adamantly insisted that their ideas would carry the day did lose.

The most stinging of those was a pitch I ran for a huge piece of business.
I worked 80-hours a week on it for six months.
In the end, the client said to me “You guys won every round until the final meeting. We just couldn’t hire that team.”

The ideas weren’t the problem. The “candidate” was - or rather, how that candidate presented themselves. Poof. From a transformational win to a gutting loss.

We, as Democrats need to swallow some hard medicine:
No matter how much we love and believe in our ideas, elections are two-dimensional contests where the worst person can and will win if Dems think reason, policy and platform are all it takes.

See: Trump

So far, Rick’s book is what I had expected it to be:
A blunt, needed and helpful bucket of truth about what it takes to win...if we’re up for hearing it.

Nothing unites a clubhouse like winning. No amount of camaraderie heals losing.
We don’t need to all be besties for the next 11 months. We need to win in November.
If that made you uncomfortable to hear, you’re a person who needed to hear it.

The goal isn’t to be comfortable throughout 2020.
The goal is to be happy when it’s over.

We’ve got some lessons to learn and things to change and advice to take.
So far, Rick’s book is on track to be a healthy part of all that.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Leaker49 ::

Sandersovi podrejeni že fantazirajo o gulagih in nasilni vstaji :))

"Milwaukee will burn" if Sanders does not get the nomination.

A campaign organizer for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders warned about mass violence and advocated for the use of gulags for "re-education"

Kot bi poslušal jypa:

Jurek said the candidate's "free education" policies will "teach you how not to be a f*cking Nazi."

Me zanima kaj bo star komi Sanders naredil sedaj. Štartal nasilno revolucijo in prevzel oblast, ali tko kot zadnjič pobasal donacije in kupil novo vilo?

Sp3m ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Dolga nit o demokratih, ki se ne znajo it politike. Cilj je zmagovanje, ne imeti prav ali biti v dobrih odnosih. To pride po zmagi.

Prvo moraš imeti kandidata, ki lahko zmaga.

Če pa postaviš same shitty kandidate, ti pa tudi bojevanje nič ne pomaga!

In demokrati so postavili same shitty kandidate, ker se zavedajo, da Trumpa ne morejo premagati!

c3p0 ::

Leaker49 je izjavil:

Me zanima kaj bo star komi Sanders naredil sedaj. Štartal nasilno revolucijo in prevzel oblast, ali tko kot zadnjič pobasal donacije in kupil novo vilo?

Za prvo kot karierni politik nima karizme ali znanja, z drugim pa precej izkušenj, beri: no refunds. Župac je upam na suicide watch.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: c3p0 ()

Sp3m ::

Warren accused Sanders in tense post-debate exchange of calling her a 'liar' on national TV

"I think you called me a liar on national TV," Warren can be heard saying.
"What?" Sanders responded.
"I think you called me a liar on national TV," she repeated.
"You know, let's not do it right now. If you want to have that discussion, we'll have that discussion," Sanders said, to which Warren replied, "Anytime."
"You called me a liar," Sanders continued. "You told me -- all right, let's not do it now."

Ni več ljubezni med indijanko Warren in crazy Berniejem!

Fritz ::

Sp3m je izjavil:

Ni več ljubezni med indijanko Warren in crazy Berniejem!

Kakšna ljubezen neki..saj konkurirata za isto mesto. Sicer pa bi Berniju kot sokandidatka bolj ustrezala Tulsi Gabbard ali AOC kot Warrenova, ki je sama preveč vpeta v obstoječi establishment. Ljudje hočejo spremembe in če ne bodo dobili progresivnih sprememb, bodo pa glasovali za moronske spremembe oz. še en mandat stabilnega genija.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::

Ya dumb as a rock.

Progresivne spremembe se odlično prodajajo v CA in NY, ampak tam je rezultat znan. Treba je zmagat elektorski kolidž torej rust belt, Florido in morda Teksas.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Parnasov intervju v treh minutah.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Progresivne spremembe se odlično prodajajo v CA in NY, ampak tam je rezultat znan. Treba je zmagat elektorski kolidž torej rust belt, Florido in morda Teksas.

Važno, da so NAŠI na oblasti ne glede na posledice. V tvoji glavi so očitno iste motnje kot pri tistih, kateri so nosili sveče pred sodišče.

zmaugy ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Parnasov intervju v treh minutah.


Pa res, ampak mislim da za trumptard teflonce tudi to še ne bo dovolj...
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: zmaugy ()

zmaugy ::

Pa da je mera polna in sramota za Trumpa popolna, je Ukrajina začela preiskovati nezakonit fizični nadzor nad bivšo ameriško ambasadorko v Ukrajini s strani republikancev.
To se pa ni izteklo po pričakovanjih...

PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: zmaugy ()

sparovcek2 ::

Mene zanima, ce se kdo spozna... Kaksne so dejanske moznosti da trumpa razresijo?

Kolikor sem videl bo trajalo od 21.1-21.2 in potem razglasijo odlocitev, ali kako?

Sam nevem tocno niti cesa ga obtozujejo, ampak ce morda kdo ve... So moznosti da ga dejansko vrzejo z prestola?

Pac-Man ::

sparovcek2 je izjavil:

Mene zanima, ce se kdo spozna... Kaksne so dejanske moznosti da trumpa razresijo?

Bolj male, ker bi morala za obsodbo glasovati približno polovica republikanskih senatorjev.

Je pa solidna verjetnost, da demokrati s tem dobijo material za negativne oglase in prevzamejo senat.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

DarwiN ::

Jap, glede na to, da so praktično vsi republikanci skoruptirani izdajalci ter sovražniki človeštva in planeta kot takšnega, je možnost Trumpove razrešitve IMO še vedno zelo blizu 0%. Trumpov kult med opranim ljudstvom je pa tudi neomajan in mu podpora takorekoč ne more pasti pod ~35%, pa naj se zgodi karkoli.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Pac-Man ::

KAVINSKY je izjavil:

Važno, da so NAŠI na oblasti ne glede na posledice. V tvoji glavi so očitno iste motnje kot pri tistih, kateri so nosili sveče pred sodišče.

Politika je umetnost možnega...bla bla bla.

Saj progresivne ideje se mi zdijo super&krasne, ampak da jih preneseš v prakso moraš biti na oblasti. Z vztrajanjem na moralni čistosti bo to trajalo vsaj par desetletij.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
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