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The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann | Netflix [ Where is Madeleine McCann?]

The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann | Netflix [ Where is Madeleine McCann?]

WallSreet ::

The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

Topic odpiram v loži saj se mi zdi, da bo debata bolj aktivna. Naj najprej povem da o tem primeru nisem vedel praktično ničesar razen tega da je deklico nekdo "ugrabil" oziroma da je izginila. Vse kar se spomnim (še kot otrok) glede tega primera je to, da so o tem incidentu poročali tudi na naših televizijah in da se je vse skupaj zgodili na Portugalskem. Kar želim povedati je to, da sem šel v dokumentarec brez pristranskosti (saj o dogodku nisem vedel prav veliko).

No zdaj pa še mnenje po dokumentarcu:

Spoiler alert:

The parents did it...Accidentally. Težko verjamem da bi šlo za kaj drugega, po ogledu dokumentarca. Torej v dokumentarcu opisujejo 2 možnosti in sicer: 1. da je bila deklica ugrabljena ter 2. Da sta starša deklico ubila po nesreči zaradi prevelikega odmerka Calpola. To se mi je na začetku zdelo čudno vendar so v 3 in 4 delu podali kar nekaj odličnih razlogov zakaj je temu tako.

Mimogrede ta primer ima toliko Red Flagov da se vseh sploh ne spomnim:

1. Oba starša sta odklonila poligrafski test (major red flag)
2. Alibi obeh staršev se je v prvih 3 dneh vsaj 3 krat spremenil. Čas in kraj se ne ujemata. Poleg tega je v stanovanju nekdo brisal dokaze in prirejal prizorišče zločina.
3. Kate ni odgovorila na 48 ključnih vprašanj med zaslišanjem na Portugalskem
4. Oba Cadaver-a sta zavohala vonj Madelaine za kavčem na istem mestu!!! Starša sta kavč poleg tega premaknila. Cadaver "Eddie" je poleg tega začel lajati že v omari sosednje sobe!
5. Še en major red flag: Pes je začutil vonj (kri) v avtomobilu Renault Scénic, ki sta ga starša "najela" 24 dni po dogodku. Kar pomeni da gre za vozilo s katerim sta odpeljala deklico. Naj omenim še to na kakšen način je pes zavohal vonj v avtomobilu. V garaži je bilo 10 avtomobilov (20–30 feet apart) in po nekaj minutah je pes začel lajati pri avtomobilu, ki sta ga najela starša.
6. V avtomobilu so našli kri, vendar je britanski lab vse skupaj zanikal. Vodjo preiskave na Portugalskem so po obtožbah "da brez dokazov obtožuje" odstranili.
7. Oba starša imata močne veze v Veliki Britaniji. Celo tako močne veze, da so blokirali prodajo knjige, ki jo je napisal vodja primera na Portugalskem, potem ko so ga odstavili.
8. Očividec je prepričan da je tistega večera videl Gerry-a kako je nosil otroka, v smeri plaže. Očividec je očeta prepoznal šele potem ko sta se oba starša vrnila v Veliko Britanijo in ko so jih kamere ujele na letališču.
9. Če je šlo za ugrabitev, zakaj ugrabitelj ni ugrabil še ostalih dveh otrok?
10. Kate je v svoji prvi izjavi dejala, da je ko je vstopila v apartma najprej pogledala pod posteljo LOL (postelja je dvignjena 5 cm od tal in otrok ne more pod njo, ni pogojev).
11. Ostala dva dojenčka sta med samo preiskavo apartmaja, takoj po ugrabitvi trdno spala (kar je čudilo tudi preiskovalce, saj je bilo v sobi ogromno hrupa in ni pogojev, da dojenčka nebi zgubili). Kar naj bi nakazovalo nato, da je dala dojenčkom dozo pomirjeval, da sta lahko starša šla ven uživati.
12. Še en red flag: Kate je potem ko je vstopila v apartma in ko je videla da Madeleine ni v sobi z vso hitrostjo začela teči v smeri kjer so bili njeni prijatelji. Številni pravijo, da tega nikoli nebi storili in da bi se najprej prepričali o tem, če je storilec še vedno v sobi, oziroma večina ljudi bi začela na ves glas kričati na pomoč. Vse skupaj nima nobenega smisla.

Skratka to je samo nekaj točk, ki so jih izpostavili v dokumentarcu. Naj poudarim da vendarle ni jasno, kaj se je dogajalo tistega večera in da vendarle obstaja možnost, da je šlo za ugrabitev (dokler ne rešijo primera).
Po zaključku dokumentarca se moje mnenje bolj nagiba na to, da sta za izginotje, kriva starša.

Mimogrede poglejte si komentarje pod dokumentarcem za Youtubu. Skoraj 90% ljudi je mnenja, da za tem incidentom stojita starša.
  • spremenilo: WallSreet ()

WallSreet ::

Revealed: The 48 questions Kate McCann didn't answer about the disappearance of daughter Madeleine - 2007 police interview resurfaces in controversial Netflix documentary

1. On May 3, 2007, around 22:00, when you entered the apartment, what did you see? What did you do? Where did you look? What did you touch?
2. Did you search inside the master bedroom wardrobe?
3. (Shown two photographs of her bedroom wardrobe) Can you describe its contents?
4. Why was the curtain by the sofa near the side window tampered with? Did someone go behind the sofa?
5. How long did your search of the apartment take after you detected Madeleine's disappearance?
6. Why did you say Madeleine had been abducted?
7. Assuming Madeleine was abducted, why did you leave the twins to go to the 'Tapas' and raise the alarm? The supposed abductor could still be in the apartment.
8. Why didn't you ask the twins then what happened to their sister or why didn't you ask them later on?
9. When you raised the alarm at the 'Tapas' what exactly did you say - what were your exact words?
10. What happened after you raised the alarm there?
11. Why did you go and warn your friends instead of shouting from the verandah?
12. Who contacted the authorities?
13. Who took place in the searches?
14. Did anyone outside the group learn of her disappearance in those following minutes?
15. Did any neighbour offer you help?
16. What does 'we let her down' mean?
17. Did Jane Tanner tell you that night she'd seen a man with a child?
18. How were the authorities contacted and which police force was alerted?
19. During the searches, with the police there, where did you search for Maddie, how and in what way?
20. Why did the twins not wake up during that search or when they were taken upstairs?
21. Who did you phone after the occurrence?
22. Did you call Sky News?
23. Did you know the danger of calling the media, because it could influence the abductor?
24. Did you ask for a priest?
25. By what means did you divulge Madeleine's features, by photographs or by any other means?
26. Is it true that during the searches you remained seated on Maddie's bed without moving?
27 What was your behaviour that night?
28. Did you manage to sleep?
29. Before travelling to Portugal, did you make any comment about a foreboding or a bad feeling?
30. What was Madeleine's behaviour like?
31. Did Maddie suffer from any illness or take any medication?
32. What was Madeleine's relationship like with her brother and sister?
33. What was Madeleine's relationship like with her brother and sister, friends and school mates?
34. As for your professional life, in how many and which hospitals have you worked?
35. What is your medical speciality?
36. Have you ever done shift work in any emergency services or other services?
37. Did you work every day?
38. At a certain point you stopped working. Why?
39. Are the twins difficult to get to sleep? Are they restless and does that cause you uneasiness?
40. Is it true sometimes you despaired at your children's behaviour and it left you feeling very uneasy?
41. Is it true that in England you even considered handing over Madeleine's custody to a relative?
42. In England, did you medicate your children? What type of medication?
43. In the case files, you were shown canine forensic testing films. After watching them, did you say you couldn't explain any more than you already had?
44. When the sniffer dog also marked human blood behind the sofa, did you say you couldn't explain any more than you already had?
45. When the sniffer dog marked the scent of corpse coming from the vehicle you hired a month after the disappearance, did you say you couldn't explain any more than you already had?
46. When human blood was marked in the boot of the vehicle, did you say you couldn't explain any more than you already had?
47. When confronted with the results of Maddie's DNA, carried out in a British lab, collected from behind the sofa and the boot of the vehicle, did you say you couldn't explain any more than you already had?
48. Did you have any responsibility or intervention in your daughter's disappearance?



Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: WallSreet ()

WallSreet ::

Še več zavajanja? Pa ravno na obletnico so našli nekega novega osumljenca hah

Portuguese police probing 'new suspect' in Madeleine McCann disappearance

louser ::

Nisem gledal, le spoiler prebral.
Nedolžna kot solza. End of story.

WallSreet ::

louser je izjavil:

Nisem gledal, le spoiler prebral.
Nedolžna kot solza. End of story.


louser ::

Saj je vseeno. Sodnik je v imenu ljudstva že od sodil svoje.

WallSreet ::

louser je izjavil:

Saj je vseeno. Sodnik je v imenu ljudstva že od sodil svoje.

Ti priporočan da si najprej pogledaš dokumentarec saj je več kot očitno, da pojma nimaš o čem blebetaš.

louser ::

Ti priporočam, da mi v loži v prvotnem prispevku napišeš vse, kar se tiče debate.
Nismo v PČ, da bi postopoma ugotavljali in razmišljali.

c3p0 ::

Slaba starša v vsakem primeru. Otroke vsak večer spat/uspavat, sama pa ure in ure čebljat s prijatelji na večerji in vinčkat. Če sta jo po nesreči ubila, žal ne bomo izvedeli.

WallSreet ::

c3p0 je izjavil:

Slaba starša v vsakem primeru. Otroke vsak večer spat/uspavat, sama pa ure in ure čebljat s prijatelji na večerji in vinčkat. Če sta jo po nesreči ubila, žal ne bomo izvedeli.

Detektiv ki je delal na primeru in so ga potem odstranili iz primera na pobudo staršev. Intervju je iz leta 2007. Ta detektiv je tudi v dokumentarcu in lepo razloži celoten primer.

“The McCanns hid the body on the beach”

Gonçalo Amaral was the first inspector who coordinated the search for Madeleine, the girl who disappeared in Praia da Luz on 3rd May 2007. In October 2007, after having considered the girl’s parents Kate and Gerry McCann, arguidos, of having hidden their daughter’s body, he was removed from the investigation. In July 2008 he decided to leave the police force in order to narrate his version of the events.

The result is Maddie, The Truth Of the Lie, published by Esquilo.

Question: According to you, what happened on 3rd May 2007?

Answer: Madeleine McCann died in an accidental manner, upon falling behind the sofa in the apartment. This sofa had been moved when the disappearance was announced. I think that someone found the body, hid it, cleaned everything and moved the sofa against the window.

Q: Who?

A: Madeleine’s parent

Q: Upon what basis do you make this statement?

A: The dogs provided by the British police discovered cadaver odour behind the sofa and in the parents’ room. Also on the little girl’s cuddly toy, on Kate’s clothing and in the cupboard and on the keys of the car that they hired later.

Q: How did they hide the body without anyone seeing them?

A: They were seen! An Irish family saw a man pass carrying a child at 22.05, heading for the beach. They later identified the child as Maddie. But they did not realise that the man they had seen was Gerry until they saw the McCanns arriving in the UK on TV.

Q: What happened?

A: The manner in which Gerry was carrying one of the twins and his way of walking were identical to what they had seen that night.

Q: But, 22.05 was when Kate said that the girl had disappeared and Gerry was with her...

A:The times are not clear. The only thing that is sure is that the McCanns contacted the National Guard at 22.40. So, before then, Gerry had time to hide the girl’s body on the beach.

Q: And nobody saw the body there? During the night they were already searching for the girl.

A: Yes, but they were looking for a living child, not a dead child. Furthermore, I am not saying that the body remained on the beach all of the time. It is clear that the first thing was to remove the body from the apartment. Afterwards they could find other solutions to hide it. Witnesses from the National Guard said that they had seen the McCanns go towards the beach twice very early in the morning. They surely found a better place quickly.

Q: How do you explain that the dogs found cadaver odour in the McCanns’ car? They rented it 24 days after the disappearance.

A: I was investigating that when I was removed from the case.

Q: Do you think that they preserved the body in a freezer for all of this time? Where?

A: There is a journalist who claims to have seen the McCanns enter an apartment block near to the beach, during the month of June.... But we do not know what floor of the block they went to. It is a building for tourists and many people go in and out.

Q: And why did the dogs not detect cadaver odour on Gerry McCann’s clothing?

A: Do you know what clothing Gerry was wearing that night? I still do not know.

Q: Is there any more information that hasn’t been provided?

A: We asked the British police for reports about the couple, whether they had a nanny in the UK, if they had any problems at work...we never received these replies.

Q: Why not? Do you believe the McCanns have high level connections?

A: I don’t know. I do not want to comment on this, but it is curious how the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, showed his support for the couple even after they were declared arguidos.


Zgodovina sprememb…

WallSreet ::


Pomemben preboj v primeru Madeleine McCann: osumljen 43-letni Nemec

13 let po izginotju Madeleine McCann imajo preiskovalci novega osumljenca

UK police identify new suspect in 2007 disappearance of Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann: German paedophile identified as new prime suspect

Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect

The mystery that captured the world's attention: How Madeleine McCann's disappearance unfolded

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