Forum » Strojna oprema » NVIDIA Ampere (2020)
NVIDIA Ampere (2020)
Temo vidijo: vsi
AapocalypseE ::
Nujno potrebujemo hitrejše kartice.
2080 Ti na 1440p komaj izpljune avg. 75fps. Katastrofalno glede na cene kartic.
2080 Ti na 1440p komaj izpljune avg. 75fps. Katastrofalno glede na cene kartic.
FlyingBee ::
Eh, lousy console port and they known it.
P200 MMX, 32mb ram, 2gb HDD, s3 virge 2mb, 14" CRT 640x480
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
gddr85 ::
ah, nekej čist normalnega...konzolaši špilajo, pcjaši pa se predrkavajo o benchih, fpsjih, štekanjih, osveževanjih itd. ;)
tikitoki ::
FlyingBee ::
ah, nekej čist normalnega...konzolaši špilajo, pcjaši pa se predrkavajo o benchih, fpsjih, štekanjih, osveževanjih itd. ;)
ja, špilajo s ploščkom :-)
P200 MMX, 32mb ram, 2gb HDD, s3 virge 2mb, 14" CRT 640x480
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
AapocalypseE ::
Mam PS4 Pro. Sem že pozabil kdaj sem ga nazadnje prižgal. Aja točno, lahko bi ga prodal. Kupi kdo?
FlyingBee ::
1. sept. bo očitno 3000 serija alive:
As we are getting close to September 1st, the day NVIDIA launches its upcoming GeForce RTX graphics cards based on Ampere architecture, we are getting even more leaks. Today, an alleged PCB of the NVIDIA's upcoming GeForce RTX 3090 has been pictured and posted on social media. The PCB appears to be a 3rd party design coming from one of NVIDIA's add-in board (AIB) partners - Colorful. The picture is blurred out on the most of the PCB and has Intel CPU covering the GPU die area to hide the information. LOL There are 11 GDDR6X memory modules covering the surrounding of the GPU and being very near it. Another notable difference is the NVLink finger change, as there seems to be the new design present. Check out the screenshot of the Reddit thread and PCB pictures below
As we are getting close to September 1st, the day NVIDIA launches its upcoming GeForce RTX graphics cards based on Ampere architecture, we are getting even more leaks. Today, an alleged PCB of the NVIDIA's upcoming GeForce RTX 3090 has been pictured and posted on social media. The PCB appears to be a 3rd party design coming from one of NVIDIA's add-in board (AIB) partners - Colorful. The picture is blurred out on the most of the PCB and has Intel CPU covering the GPU die area to hide the information. LOL There are 11 GDDR6X memory modules covering the surrounding of the GPU and being very near it. Another notable difference is the NVLink finger change, as there seems to be the new design present. Check out the screenshot of the Reddit thread and PCB pictures below
P200 MMX, 32mb ram, 2gb HDD, s3 virge 2mb, 14" CRT 640x480
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: FlyingBee ()
Wrop ::
Če se prav spomnim, sem pred meseci na YT poslušal eno špekulacijo, da naj bi Nvidia dodala na PCB, poleg GPU, še en čip, ki naj bi posebej pospeševal iskanje v BVH, mogoče je celo rekel, da tudi testiranje zadetkov žarkov v BVH strukturi. Ne spomnim se več točno. Je sploh kaj na tem?
gddr85 ::
AapocalypseE je izjavil:
Mam PS4 Pro. Sem že pozabil kdaj sem ga nazadnje prižgal. Aja točno, lahko bi ga prodal. Kupi kdo?
ti dam jst 30 bucks za ta pos in se ga rešiš ;)
Vuli ::
wow, 3x 8pin pcie
|Gb x570 Pro|R9 5900x|64GB DDR4 RAM G.Skill V@ 3600 cl16|6800XT Merc319 Black|
FlyingBee ::
shit, imam leadex 750 W unit pa nima treh, šajse
P200 MMX, 32mb ram, 2gb HDD, s3 virge 2mb, 14" CRT 640x480
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
DarwiN ::
Usrani 8nm proces pač. :S Pa tukaj tudi ram doda svoje.. 1Gb pije cirka 4W, medtem ko bi naj ta pošast imela 24Gb rama..
Sicer pa ima najhudejša 2080Ti tudi 3x 8-pin napajanje.
Sicer pa ima najhudejša 2080Ti tudi 3x 8-pin napajanje.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
FlyingBee ::
11x 2gb = 22gb
P200 MMX, 32mb ram, 2gb HDD, s3 virge 2mb, 14" CRT 640x480
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
DarwiN ::
En ram čip je bojda leaker zameglil, torej 24gb.. Bojda!
Micron confirms NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 gets 21Gbps GDDR6X memory
Micron confirms NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 gets 21Gbps GDDR6X memory
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Vuli ::
te slike so meni malo čudne, še posebej tale: Kaj naj bi bilo pokrito pod unim cpujem, tam so itak keramični kondiči ponavadi.
tale je bolj smiselna, in 12 gddr čipov.
redko kjir jih ima. zato je fajn met kak server psu pri roki.
tale je bolj smiselna, in 12 gddr čipov.
shit, imam leadex 750 W unit pa nima treh, šajse
redko kjir jih ima. zato je fajn met kak server psu pri roki.
|Gb x570 Pro|R9 5900x|64GB DDR4 RAM G.Skill V@ 3600 cl16|6800XT Merc319 Black|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Vuli ()
FlyingBee ::
Pokrito je, ker na gpuji piše info.
Čudno je, da bi 3090 imela samo 12gb vrama
Čudno je, da bi 3090 imela samo 12gb vrama
P200 MMX, 32mb ram, 2gb HDD, s3 virge 2mb, 14" CRT 640x480
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: FlyingBee ()
Vuli ::
aha, zaenkrat so gddr6x samo 1GB moduli. pff to bo zauzelo enga placa.
|Gb x570 Pro|R9 5900x|64GB DDR4 RAM G.Skill V@ 3600 cl16|6800XT Merc319 Black|
Mr.B ::
Se kaj ve, ali se bo poznala razlika med pcie gen3 in pcie gen4 za top rtx kartico ?
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
DarwiN ::
Ne sme bit neke razlike, glede na to, da še PCIE 3.0 X8 ni do konca zasičen z 2080Ti kartico.. In ker bo 3090 tam ~50% hitrejša, mora bit PCIE 3.0 x 16 polna kapa.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
AapocalypseE ::
Dve igri spodaj kjer je razlika med x16 in x8 3.0 (2.0 x16)
Pri drugih igrah razlike ni oz. je minimalna.
3.0 x16 še bo dolgo aktualen.
We are happy to report that the RTX 2080 Ti is finally able to overwhelm PCIe gen 3.0 x8, posting a small but tangible 2%-3% performance gain when going from gen 3.0 x8 to gen 3.0 x16, across resolutions. Granted, these are single-digit percentage differences, and you won't be able to notice them in regular gameplay.
Pri drugih igrah razlike ni oz. je minimalna.
3.0 x16 še bo dolgo aktualen.
We are happy to report that the RTX 2080 Ti is finally able to overwhelm PCIe gen 3.0 x8, posting a small but tangible 2%-3% performance gain when going from gen 3.0 x8 to gen 3.0 x16, across resolutions. Granted, these are single-digit percentage differences, and you won't be able to notice them in regular gameplay.
Jarno ::
PCIe 4.0 x16 je smiselen za kartica z manj VRAM-a in visokoločljivostnimi teksturami, ker se tam podatki iz sistemskega pomnilnika pretakajo bolj pogosto ter je posledično manj cukanja. Torej bolj zna vplivati na min fps kot pa na avg fps, pa še to ne povsod.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.
tikitoki ::
Zanimivo. Ko je imel INTEL vodstvo v litografiji, dolocenih oseb to ni motilo. Sedaj pa stalno jokajo kako je AMD v nefer prednosti in ne pozabijo omeniti, da je za to zasluzna druga firma. Mogoce INTEL nima moznosti izdelave cipov drugje:).
FlyingBee ::
Napačna tema, Tikiboy.
P200 MMX, 32mb ram, 2gb HDD, s3 virge 2mb, 14" CRT 640x480
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
FlyingBee ::
Ja, party like it's 1999.
P200 MMX, 32mb ram, 2gb HDD, s3 virge 2mb, 14" CRT 640x480
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
D3m ::
nostalgia overload![]()
Vse lepo in prav.
Pozabili so na Unreal GOLD, Final Fantasy VII in Unreal Tournament, C&C, StarCraft in Warcraft.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: AapocalypseE ()
strumf666 ::
Se kaj ve, ali se bo poznala razlika med pcie gen3 in pcie gen4 za top rtx kartico ?
V igrah precej malo verjetno, v programih se pa v določenih workloadih pozna:
Member of OC-Lab Team
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: strumf666 ()
Mr.B ::
Se kaj ve, ali se bo poznala razlika med pcie gen3 in pcie gen4 za top rtx kartico ?
V igrah precej malo verjetno, v programih se pa v določenih workloadih pozna:
Potem bo intel v tezavah in bodo njihove hedt platforma.... no se presenetimo kaj bo septembra z novimi intli...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
FlyingBee ::
Edino instagram je easter egg.
P200 MMX, 32mb ram, 2gb HDD, s3 virge 2mb, 14" CRT 640x480
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
DarwiN ::
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
FlyingBee ::
Vprašanje koliko je to resnično, ne bom pa začuden, če bo dražja od 2080ti.
Seveda bo tudi odvisno od konkurence in ko se zaloga uravna, day one pa mogoče 1500eur, zakaj pa ne.
Seveda bo tudi odvisno od konkurence in ko se zaloga uravna, day one pa mogoče 1500eur, zakaj pa ne.
P200 MMX, 32mb ram, 2gb HDD, s3 virge 2mb, 14" CRT 640x480
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: FlyingBee ()
Senior Dev ::
2000 ni nek denar roko na srce. Novac treba da kroži.
ZenaDeva d.o.o. - Oddaja nepremičnin
neo5468 ::
Nekje do 700€ sem pripravljen dat. Gtx 1060 je premalo zraven 10700k, za 144hz. Upam, da se dobi 3080. Če ne bo velike razlike v performanceu, potem pa 3070. Še slaba 2 tedna. Bo pa kr joke, če ne bojo grafov pokazal na predstavitvi, tako kot pri turing
DarwiN ::
700€ za 3080? Pozabi.. Okrog 1000€ zna bit.. Za 700€ boš dobil 3070.. Za 400-500 pa 3060.. Ray tracing bo po novem samo za "privatnike". Za siromake bo GTX serija in pa AMD jajca.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Telbanc ::
Tele serija graf bo mela dost vrama .
Prihaja čas, ko grafe z manj ko 12gb vrama ne bomo niti pogledali. No, grafe so sicer zlo močne. In nekoliko drage.
Prihaja čas, ko grafe z manj ko 12gb vrama ne bomo niti pogledali. No, grafe so sicer zlo močne. In nekoliko drage.
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
oo7 ::
Rumor: Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 'Ampere' GPU's price expected to be around $2,000 USD ballpark
FlyingBee ::
Kitajski source, kitajska firma, preračunano iz kitajskega dnarja, tam naj bi bile rtx zelo drage, itd.
P200 MMX, 32mb ram, 2gb HDD, s3 virge 2mb, 14" CRT 640x480
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
mailer ::
700€ za 3080? Pozabi.. Okrog 1000€ zna bit.. Za 700€ boš dobil 3070.. Za 400-500 pa 3060.. Ray tracing bo po novem samo za "privatnike". Za siromake bo GTX serija in pa AMD jajca.Če sploh še bo kakšna non rtx grafa na voljo.![]()
Asus B560-I, Intel 11500, Corsair 16GB 3200MHz
FlyingBee ::
Sigurno, če ne pa refresh Pascala na 7nm, bo imel AMD tudi z rdna2 še veliko posla :-)
P200 MMX, 32mb ram, 2gb HDD, s3 virge 2mb, 14" CRT 640x480
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan
New Sphincter Kvartet:
Roko Spestner, Namaž Zlevčar, Daje Heading, Maraje Spetan