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Kolonializem po ameriško - part deux: Resnica o hladni vojni

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Part ceux:
Ameriški problem v 2. sv. vojni je, da izgleda, da bo Hitler nabutal ruse, s čimer bi postal hegemon v Evropi. Glavni strah je, da bodo japonci nemcem pomagali sesuti ruse. Skupaj z japonsko hegemonijo v aziji bi američani izgubili komplet kontrolo nad svetom. Zato leta 1941 zamrznejo japonska sredstva, uvedejo embargo ter dajo japoncem jasno vedeti, da bodo lahko ekonomsko zadihali zgolj, če se umaknejo s Kitajske, Indochine in Manchurije (japonci so tam že leta, samo prej njihova okupacija ni motila USA). Japonci se še pol leta trudijo s pogajanji, a ne pridejo nikamor. Efektivno jim ostane zgolj vojna, za katero sicer vedo, da jo bo zelo težko dobiti.
Leta 1946 George F. Kennan napiše The Long Telegram, v katerem zagovarja izolacijo komunizma. V mislih ima ekonomsko in politično izolacijo Rusije, planerji pa so navdušeni in sebi in državi efektivno z idejo operejo možgane in dobimo Cold War. Ne pomaga, da Kennen kmalu potem začne zagovarjati kontra idejo, ne pomaga, da jih angleži prepričujejo, da komunizem pač ni en in da so države pač primarno nacionalistične ter samostojne. Indijski premier jim govori, da kitajci in vietnamci pač niso satelit, ampak ne pomaga. Tito leta 1948 Stalinu pokaže sredinec, guess what - ne pomaga. Imajo človeka 3 leta na kitajskem (Melby, od 45-48, nato mora počasi iti, ker komunisti zmagujejo), da spremlja ruske vplive na kitajce. Jasno pove, da jih ni. Ni efekta, razen da on par let kasneje izgubi šiht, ker se druži s potencialno komunistko.
Po vojni so američani edina nedotaknjena velesila v porušenem svetu. Priložnost izkoristijo, da dokončajo svojo svetovno dominacijo. To naredijo tako, da nevtralizirajo nasprotnike dominaciji (rusi, kitajci) ter svoboden svet prisilijo v skupni globalni trg, s katerim se jih potem s kontrolo ekonomije drži na ketni. Kar je bil fenomenalni izziv, sploh, ker za razliko od USA svet želi mir, stik in trgovino s kitajci, USA pa jim ne pusti, ker imajo napačno vlado (enako kot danes Iran in Koreja). Sploh za japonce je kriza, ker res rabijo to sodelovanje s kitajci, ter ker v primeru, da gredo japonci po svoje in se povežejo s kitajci... Tako dobijo japonci poleg standardnega paketa podpore demokraciji še priviligiran dostop do US tehnike ter pravico do protekcionizma domače ekonomije.
Za zagotavljanje enosti v prostem svetu (in države se hudo puntajo) se nujno rabi konflikt oz. zunanjega sovražnika. Ki pride kot naročen s Korejo. Kjer američane šokira, ko srečajo kitajce. Pričakujejo ruse, ker so za USA kitajci zgolj lutka, medtem ko rusi furajo imperializem. Kitajci so jim sicer jasno povedali, da ne bodo tolerirali vpada v severno korejo, samo američani jih niso resno jemali (dobili sporočilo posredno preko več države, ker ni diplomatskih odnosov - USA se ne pogaja s teroristi). Na podlagi te kitajske agresije gre politika širjenja demokracije v višjo prestavo. Hkrati tako Eisenhower kot kasneje Kennedy razumeta, da kitajci razvijajo nuke in da je glede tega kontraproduktivno, da nimajo diplomatskih stikov. Ampak to ni ravno prioriteta, ker so še daleč od efektivne samostojnosti svojih partnerjev. Kitajec leta 1965 postane nuklearna sila, leta 1971 pa končno pridejo v UN. Po tistem, ko je US že kakih 5 let v interesu, da jih vključijo, samo rabijo pravo priložnost, da ne izpade, kot da so diplomatsko popušili. Za ozemeljsko celovitost bodo morali pa še malo počakati, ker je USA pač neomajana glede človekovih pravic na Tajvanu.
Zanimiva je tudi debata, ko imajo Kitajci enkrat nuke, kaj narediti, če bodo kitajci šli na pomoč vietnamcem. Odločitev je, da bodo kitajce direkt napadli (kar razumem kot letališča in podobno). A kitajci se niso vmešali iz več razlogov. En dokument pravi, da sicer ni bilo del plana, da pa je masa vojakov v Vietnamu definitivno sprožila kitajsko kulturno revolucijo. Kitajci v Vetnam niso šli iz več razlogov, poglavitna pa sta, da jih Vietnamci niso hoteli, ker so hoteli ostati suvereni, ter da jih je bilo res strah novega odziva USA po korejski avanturi.
Po koncu hladne vojne je vprašanje kaj narediti z NATO. Kot obramba proti SZ je nesmiselen, ker SZ ne obstaja več, a se hitro najde nov zunanji sovražnik - teroristi. In misija širjenja demokracije gre naprej.
Poglavitni viri:
James Peck: Washington's China: The National Security World, the Cold War, and the Origins of Globalism
Herman, Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
Chomsky: Hegemony or Survival
Chomsky: Culture of terrorism
Barbara W. Tuchman: The march of folly - From Troy to Vietnam
John J. Maersheimer: The tragedy of great power politics
Sheldon S. Wolin: Democracy Inc.
Opomba - svobodni svet uporablja Orwellovski filter, tako da je njihove izjave potrebno jemati v tem kontekstu. Par primerov:
communist state - suverena država
terrorist state - suverena država po koncu hladne vojne, navadno v primeru, ko ljudje kljub trudom propagande in CIA ne izberejo prave opcije
človekove pravice - veto na suverenost
svetovna skupnost - ameriški imperij, sicer pa odvisno od situacije, dostikrat tudi samo USA, ali USA in Izrael.
ekstremizem, radikalizem, ... - vse, kar daje prioriteto človekovim pravicam, ekonomski suverenosti, delavcem, ... pred interesom kapitala
demokracija - svobodne volitve, na katerih ljudje odločajo o nujnosti tretje verzije stranišča.
stabilizacija - zagotovitev osnovnih pogojev za delovanje demokracije (spopad z radikalnimi elementi v državi).
vietnamski sindrom / kriza demokracije - politična situacija, ko civilne iniciative začenjajo hromiti delovanje prostega sveta.
Relevantni citati, ki efektivno povedo enako zgodbo kot povzetek zgoraj, z nedavnima relevantnima primeroma samocenzure svobodnih medijev.
You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Morpheus, vodja teroristične organizacije, o težkem bremenu resnice.
Hence, likewise, they will avoid the necessity of those overgrown military establishments, which, under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty, and which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to Republican Liberty.
George Washington, 1796, poslovilni govor o izzivih širjenja svobode.
Lawmakers and officials representing communities with some of the 180 military bases targeted for closure on Friday vowed to fight to get off the list, saying their areas would be crippled and national security would be damaged.
američani leta 2005, o potrebi po domači varnosti
I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. ... I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
Smedley Butler, marinec, generalmajor, prejemnik 16 medalj (5 za hrabrost), o uspešnem vzpostavljanju ekonomskih povezav s svobodnimi državami.
If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don't want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances.
Harry Truman, o stragetiji boja zoper komunizem in nacizem
In Saudi Arabia, where the oil resources constitute a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history ... It seems to us to be important that this area, because of its resources and geographical position athwart the sea and air routes between East and West, should be in the hands of a people following the paths of democratic civilization rather than those of Eastern dictatorships.
USA 1945, o razlogih, da bodo savdijci dobili demokracijo.
I didn’t have to get permission from some old goat in the United States Congress to kick Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait.
George H.W. Bush o pooblastilih kongresa v globalnem svetu.
Obviously, we can no more win the peace than we could win the war if we must go to Congress to justify and obtain piecemeal appropriations for political and strategic purposes.
USA 1945, o potrebi po fleksibilnih internih pravilih za lažje zagotavjanje varnosti in stabilnost partnerjev.
In no part of the constitution is more wisdom to be found than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace to the legislature, and not to the executive department. Beside the objection to such a mixture of heterogeneous powers: the trust and the temptation would be too great for any one man: not such as nature may offer as the prodigy of many centuries, but such as may be expected in the ordinary successions of magistracy.
Alexander Hamilton, eden od ustanovnih očetov USA, o kritičnem pomenu kongresa pri vprašanjih vojne
Power is what they like - it is the greatest of all aphrodisiacs.
Napoleon Bonaparte, vrhovni skrbnik pridobitev revolucije, še posebej Liberté, o tem, zakaj po vsaki revoluciji ljudje demokratično izvolijo tistega, ki jim jo je prinesel.
Power is the great aphrodisiac.
Henry Kissenger, državni svetovalec za varnost, o svojem veselju do dela.
A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.
Napoleon Bonaparte o neprivlačnosti komunizma.
He could not accept international control. This would mean that by formal agreement he was accepting not merely return of the form of colonialism exemplified by “a French company” but a permanent subordination to “nearly everybody”. Everything he stood for and for which he had pledged himself to the people of Egypt was against this.
O Nasserju in grožnji esktremnega islamizma svobodnemu svetu.
In retrospect it is apparent that Nasser’s efforts to build a solidarity of the Arab countries, especially Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria, even at the expense of economic progress in Egypt
Developments of the past few weeks, however, point clearly to the conclusion that Nasser is an international political adventurer of considerable skill with clearly defined objectives that seriously threaten the Western world, though probably with no definitely planned tactics or timetable.
it is to the interest of the West that they be dealt with as nearly separately as possible and that no leader of the Hitlerian type be permitted to merge the emotions and resources of the entire Middle East and Africa into a single onslaught against Western civilization.
.. the U.S. and the U.K. should lose no time in implementing policies designed to reduce … Nasser as a force in the Middle East and Africa.
1956, O nevarnosti koalicije agresivnih teokracij za svetovni mir.
It is time for highly secret discussions between the U.S. and the IG with respect to what the West needs and what Israel could provide in the way of making it the Western stronghold that it should be. The U.S. should, therefore, take immediate steps to put Israel in a position to be a bastion of strength.
1956, o pomoči Izraelu pri obrambi.
Whether we like it or not, we are in the midst of economic warfare and the entire aid program should, in my opinion, recognize this. The trade embargo against Red China is one weapon
USA 1956, o strategiji boja zoper komunizem.
we have about 50% of the world’s wealth but only 6.3% of its population. This disparity is particularly great as between ourselves and the peoples of Asia. ... Our real task it ... to maintain this position of disparity ... We should cease to talk about vague and—for the Far East—unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization.
USA 1948, o moralni dolžnosti, da pomagamo azijcem.
... many peoples will fall, for varying periods, under the influence of Moscow, whose ideology has a greater lure for such peoples, and probably greater reality, than anything we could oppose to it.
USA 1948, o prednostih zahodnega sistema pred ruskim enoumjem v aziji
... our policy and actions must be such as to foster a fundamental change in the nature of the Soviet system, ... In a shrinking world, which now faces the threat of atomic warfare, it is not an adequate objective merely to seek to check the Kremlin design, for the absence of order among nations is becoming less and less tolerable. This fact imposes on us, in our own interests, the responsibility of world leadership. It demands that we make the attempt, and accept the risks inherent in it, to bring about order and justice by means consistent with the principles of freedom and democracy.
NSC 68, April 14, 1950, o hrepenenju sveta po demokraciji ter ameriških benevolentnih poiskusih, da bi pomagali rusom na poti do osebne svobode (legalno jasno, brez vplivanja na volitve)
For the free society does not fear, it welcomes, diversity. It derives its strength from its hospitality even to antipathetic ideas.
NSC 68 o svobodomiselnosti ameriške družbe v McCarthy eri.
In the Far East ... the United States have tended to be a law unto themselves since the end of the war, with results that have been far from happy.
Lewis Douglas, US veleposlanik v UK, august 1950, v sporočilu UK kabinetu o navdušenju nad ameriškim širjenjem svobode.
China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move the world.
Napoleon Bonaparte, o kitajski agresiji.
The Peiping regime had no views of its own and... its views were those of Moscow
USA o razlogu, da kitajci niso povabljeni na mirovna pogajanja z japonci (ker se USA ne pogaja s komunisti).
Atlee, in his turn, reiterated the British position that the Chinese could "be Marxists and yet not bow to the Stalin. Chinese civilization is very old and is accustomed to absorbing new thigs. They may wear Red Flag with a difference."
Citat UK zunanjega ministra (Washingtion China, p114), o naivnem pogledu angležev na komunistično emoumje.
Not a hobnail or a horseshoe should the colonies be allowed to manufacture.
William Pitt, o neodtujljivi pravici ameriških kolonij do samostojne ekonomske politike.
There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.
Niccolò Machiavelli, Prince, 1532, o pomembnosti zagotavljanja miru.
The occupation of Formosa by Communist forces woud be a direct threat to the security of the Pacific area and to the United States forces performing their lawful and necessary functions in that area
Harry Truman o pooblastilih ter odgovornosti USA na Tajvanu v dobi Pax Americana
we would find the world divided with practically all of the Asiatic countries siding with the Chinese Communists and indeed some of the Western European contries.
Lewis Douglas, US veleposlanik v UK, o doplomatski grožnji svobodnemu svetu v primeru, da bi kitajci izvajali agresijo na Tajvan.
Washington is guided by the economic imperialism of American business interests and is attempting to elbow us out under the cloak of a benevolent and avuncular internationalism
UK spozna, da v svobodnem svetu ni več prostora za njen izkoriščevalski kolonializem.
By late September, China had sent numerous diplomatic signals expressing its concern regarding a US occupation of North Korea. The Acting PLA chief of staff told the Indian Ambassador in Peking that China would never allow US forces to reach Chinese territory. The Indian Foreign Minister conveyed this message to the US Ambassador in New Delhi; in Washington, the British Ambassador passed the same message to the State Department.3 These private notices were matched by a September public announcement in which the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman issued the statement “We clearly reaffirm that we will always stand on the side of the Korean people.."
In the face of these warnings, the JCS instructed MacArthur to continue his advance north to destroy the DPRK armed forces as long as there was no threat of a major Chinese or Soviet intervention. ... The Secretary of State also disregarded these warnings, telling the press that Chinese intervention would be “sheer madness.”
CIA, 1950, o presenečenju nad kitajsko agresijo
his motivation in acting had more to do with Chinese traditional concerns about their borders, and fears based upon previous US involvement with Chinese Nationalist forces, than it did with any Communist worldwide strategy. ... Chinese military doctrine still focuses on defensive war, and there is virtually no evidence ... thinking in terms of offensive strategy ... outside Chinese territory
CIA o grožnji kitajskega imperializma svetu
Communist China would not constitute a major threat to the basic security of the United States for a period of years, and therefore the inclusion in the initial step should not be a condition precedent, even though desirable.
The United States should not sacrifice its present relative position of strength for agreement, and, therefore, should not add special concessions to the USSR. Unless there is a genuine mutual desire to level off and limit armaments on the part of the USSR, it is preferable to United States security interests that there be no agreement.
USA leta 1955 o tem, da imajo človeške pravice prednost pred atomsko bombo.
The united states would have to disarm and remove the threat of Communist China. We simply could not just ignore a Communist China which remained untouched and intact.
Eisenhower, o komunistični grožnji svobodnemu svetu v primeru, da bi se z rusi zapletli v totalno vojno.
The decision to bomb vietnam in Februaty 1965 and to escalate troop deployments in July "make sense only if they are in support of a long-run United States policy to contain Communist China."
Robert McNamara, US obrambni minister, o strateškem pomenu nadaljevanja demokratizacije Vietnama.
One highest priority task for American policy-makers in the years ahead is to help domesticate the Chinese Communist revolution in its relations with other nations—or, to put it another way, to help reclaim the Chinese mainland to responsible membership in the world community. ... generous assistance to the fragile societies on the Chinese perimeter that were in the process of nation building, and the defeat of revolutionary romantics in the Third world.
USA, 1966, o načrtih za pomoč kitajcem.
Anything that flies on everything that moves.
Henry Kissinger, dobitnik nobelove nagrade za mir, prenaša navodila Nixona vojski glede 'winning hearts and minds' v Kambodži.
You may exert power over, but you can never govern an unwilling people.
Thomas Pownall o tem, kako angleški parlament dobesedno sili američane v terorizem.
Frank, you trying to fuck me?
Lyndon B. Johnson šefu NBC-ja Frank Stanton-u o neodgovornosti medijev, ki bodo izgubili vojno v Vietnamu.
The destruction was mutual. We went to Vietnam without any desire to capture territory or impose American will on other people. I don't feel that we ought to apologize or castigate ourselves or to assume the status of culpability.
Jimmy Carter, diplomatsko, o svojem preziru do nehvaležnih pridelovalcev riža, za osebno svobodo katerih je amerika žrtvovala stotisoče vojakov ter porabila 3x več bomb kot v 2. sv. vojni.
They protected by your arms? They have nobly taken up arms in your defence.… And believe me, and remember that I this day told you so, that same spirit of freedom which actuated that people at first, will accompany them still.… They are a people jealous of their liberties and who will vindicate them if ever they should be violated—but the Subject is too delicate and I will say no more.
Colonel Isaac Barré, parlamentarec in veteran Sedemletne vojne, v UK parlamentu o nujnosti zagotavljanja varnosti kolonijam.
The growth of the power of Athens, and the alarm which this inspired in Sparta, made war inevitable.
Thucydides, grški general in zgodovinar, o pomembnosti dobrih medsosedskih odnosov.
What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?
Zbigniew Brzezinski, o tem, da na svobodo ne moreš postaviti cene.
I don't think he's writing as briliantly or agruing as well now and i think it has to do with impossible task he set himself with effectively explaining away islamic jihadism as a function of american policy mistakes.
Christopher Hitchens, ateist in prestavnik intelektualne levice, o radikalni levici, ki ne vidi nevarnosti Islama.
I really think it is cause some people can't see a new situation when it hits them. ... Chomsky, whose work i admired... he said "Oh, this is nothing new, it reminds me of another atrocity that US commited in another country". I thought the comparison was wrong morally but I also though it was very lazy intelectually. ... There's a better justification, which is some people are so upset about what they know about what american foreign policy has done in palestine, chille, guatemala, they can't belive US can be morally right, they're queasy, they don't wanna be on a winnig side with Pentagon and the CIA.
Christopher Hitchens, ateist in prestavnik intelektualne levice, o moralni dolžnosti USA, da pomagajo Afganistanu in Iraku.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jeffersen, o tem, da brez osebnega žrtvovanja za varnost ne more biti svobode.
Johnny Rico: Someone asked me once if I knew the difference between a civilian and a citizen. I know now. A citizen has the courage to make the safety of the human race their personal responsibility. Dizzy was my friend. She was a soldier. But most important, she was a citizen of the Federation.
Starship Troopers, 1997, o efektivno isti stvari v prihodnosti.
In what I'm sure was a huge shock to people who know me, I made a poor choice last week. No, i did. I made a joke about Liutenant Commander Dan Crenshaw, and on behalf of the show and myself, I apologize. ...
SNL, nov 2018, o odgovornosti zmernih levičarjev.
William Blum, US Policy Critic Cited by bin Laden, Dies at 85
William Blum, who raged against United States foreign policy in relative obscurity for decades until one of his published anti-imperialist broadsides received a surge in sales thanks to a surprise public tribute from Osama bin Laden, died on Sunday in Arlington, Va. He was 85.
New Yort Times, o smrti simpatizerja teroristov, ki ni imel niti toliko integritete, da bi se opravičil za Bin Ladnovo podporo.
Private companies, first of all, have the right to do whatever they want. If you threaten the brand of the company, the company has the responsibility to the shareholders to take you out.
Ben Shapiro, predstavnik intelektualne desnice, o pravicah in dolžnostih svobodnega tiska, da ne postane platforma teroristov. [dec 2018, ko zagovarja CNN odločitev, da odpustijo Marc Lamont Hill-a].
We had bags of money that we delivered to selected politicians, to defray their expenses
F. Mark Wyatt, CIA operativec, ki je do leta 1972 skrbel za stabilnost Italije.
You have to fight violence with violence. At times you cannot avoid hurting innocent people.
Orlando Bosch, borec za svobodo Kube, o tem, da so bili na avionu itak sami komunisti.
If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America.
Nelson Mandella, terrorist do 2008, danes rehabilitiran borec za pravice, o tem, da US ne naredi dovolj za mir na svetu.
... inescapable that it would be prejudicial to the public interest for the United States to provide save haven for Bosch [because] teh security of this nation is affected by its ability to urge credibly other nations to refuse and shelter to terrorists.
Justice department (vodi ga John Ashcroft, šef pravosodja ter ter kasneje skrbnik 4. in 6. člena ustave pod Bush Jr.), poda mnenje, da ni optimalno, da se pomilosti preveč zagrizene borce za svobodo.
not one inch eastward
James Baker, US zunanji minister, o neodtujljivi pravici vzhodnih držav do NATO zaščite pred rusko agresijo.
A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise.
Niccolò Machiavelli, Prince, 1532, o potrebnem nezaupanju do komunistov.
And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.
Hillary Clinton, o tem, zakaj arabci še niso zreli za demokracijo.
In politics stupidity is not a handicap.
Napoleon Bonaparte o zahodnih vrednotah.
... ko se bo oblikovala skupina članic Unije za priznanje Palestine. Ko se bo to zgodilo, bo med prvimi v njej tudi Slovenija, a samostojno slovensko priznanje ne bi imelo pozitivnih učinkov in večjega pomena za samo priznanje Palestine.
Dr. Miroslav Cerar, avtor Večrazsežnosti človekovih pravic in dolžnosti, o slovenski proaktivnosti v EU glede zagovarjanja človekovih pravic.
As a strong supporter of non-proliferation and disarmament in the field of weapons of mass destruction, Slovenia is committed to treaty-based nuclear disarmament and arms control. We are of firm belief that we have to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons progressively through the full implementation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). In this regard we strongly condemn the DPRK's violations of Security Council resolutions and of its international commitments. They pose a serious threat to peace and security in the region-and-wider
Dr. Miroslav Cerar, avtor (I)racionalnosti modernega prava, sept. 2017 v UN o razlogih, da smo glasovali proti resuluciji.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
S kapitalizmom je marsikaj narobe, in ko bomo iznašli boljši sistem, ki ga bomo sposobni tudi živeti, bom zelo vesel
Dr. Miroslav Cerar, predsednik vlade, o kruti realnosti, da že stoletja iščemo alternative, samo izgleda ne obstajajo.
Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.
Thucydides, grški general in zgodovinar cca 400BC, o The White Man's Burden.
In 1949, China declared independence, an event known in Western discourse as "the loss of China" – in the US, with bitter recriminations and conflict over who was responsible for that loss. The terminology is revealing. It is only possible to lose something that one owns. The tacit assumption was that the U.S. owned China, by right, along with most of the rest of the world, much as postwar planners assumed. The "loss of China" was the first major step in "America's decline." It had major policy consequences.
Noam Chomsky, častni doktor Univerze v Ljubljani, o zgodovini kitajskih kršitev človekovih pravic ter ameriški predanosti, da jih osvobodijo komunizma.
Lenin was a right wing deviation of socialist movement. And he was so regarded by the mainstream marxists. We forgot them, cause they lost. ... What you had is that the 2 major propaganda agencies were claiming that this destruction of socialism is socialism. And it's very hard to break out of the control of the world's two major propaganda agencies when they agree. They agreed for different reasons, and that became doctrine and dogma.
Noam Chomsky, extremni levičar, o ruski propagandi.
In their analysis of the evolution of the media in Great Britain, James Curran and Jean Seaton describe how, in the first half of the nineteenth century, a radical press emerged that reached a national working-class audience. This alternative press was effective in reinforcing class consciousness: it unified the workers because it fostered an alternative value system and framework for looking at the world, and because it "promoted a greater collective confidence by repeatedly emphasizing the potential power of working people to effect social change through the force of ‘combination’ and organized action." This was deemed a major threat by the ruling elites
Noam chomsky, ekstremni levičar, o vitalnem pomenu svobode tiska v demokraciji.
In the light of King's powerful demagogic speech. ... We must mark him now if we have not done so before, as the most dangerous Negro of the future in this nation from the standpoint of communism, the Negro, and national security.
FBI 1963, o ultimativni grožnji nacionalni varnosti in komunizmu.
COINTELPRO @ Wikipedia
To say that the press brought down Nixon, that's horseshit.
Woodward, novinar, ki se je pogumno zoperstavil sistemu s tem, da je upal objaviti, kar mu je dal pomočnik FBI.
Karl Marx, Komunistični manifest 1848, o ideologiji, ki je ugonobila največ ljudi v zgodovini človeštva.
Neo: What truth?
History is written by the victors.
Winston Churchill, o univerzalnosti resnice
Ameriški problem v 2. sv. vojni je, da izgleda, da bo Hitler nabutal ruse, s čimer bi postal hegemon v Evropi. Glavni strah je, da bodo japonci nemcem pomagali sesuti ruse. Skupaj z japonsko hegemonijo v aziji bi američani izgubili komplet kontrolo nad svetom. Zato leta 1941 zamrznejo japonska sredstva, uvedejo embargo ter dajo japoncem jasno vedeti, da bodo lahko ekonomsko zadihali zgolj, če se umaknejo s Kitajske, Indochine in Manchurije (japonci so tam že leta, samo prej njihova okupacija ni motila USA). Japonci se še pol leta trudijo s pogajanji, a ne pridejo nikamor. Efektivno jim ostane zgolj vojna, za katero sicer vedo, da jo bo zelo težko dobiti.
Leta 1946 George F. Kennan napiše The Long Telegram, v katerem zagovarja izolacijo komunizma. V mislih ima ekonomsko in politično izolacijo Rusije, planerji pa so navdušeni in sebi in državi efektivno z idejo operejo možgane in dobimo Cold War. Ne pomaga, da Kennen kmalu potem začne zagovarjati kontra idejo, ne pomaga, da jih angleži prepričujejo, da komunizem pač ni en in da so države pač primarno nacionalistične ter samostojne. Indijski premier jim govori, da kitajci in vietnamci pač niso satelit, ampak ne pomaga. Tito leta 1948 Stalinu pokaže sredinec, guess what - ne pomaga. Imajo človeka 3 leta na kitajskem (Melby, od 45-48, nato mora počasi iti, ker komunisti zmagujejo), da spremlja ruske vplive na kitajce. Jasno pove, da jih ni. Ni efekta, razen da on par let kasneje izgubi šiht, ker se druži s potencialno komunistko.
Po vojni so američani edina nedotaknjena velesila v porušenem svetu. Priložnost izkoristijo, da dokončajo svojo svetovno dominacijo. To naredijo tako, da nevtralizirajo nasprotnike dominaciji (rusi, kitajci) ter svoboden svet prisilijo v skupni globalni trg, s katerim se jih potem s kontrolo ekonomije drži na ketni. Kar je bil fenomenalni izziv, sploh, ker za razliko od USA svet želi mir, stik in trgovino s kitajci, USA pa jim ne pusti, ker imajo napačno vlado (enako kot danes Iran in Koreja). Sploh za japonce je kriza, ker res rabijo to sodelovanje s kitajci, ter ker v primeru, da gredo japonci po svoje in se povežejo s kitajci... Tako dobijo japonci poleg standardnega paketa podpore demokraciji še priviligiran dostop do US tehnike ter pravico do protekcionizma domače ekonomije.
Za zagotavljanje enosti v prostem svetu (in države se hudo puntajo) se nujno rabi konflikt oz. zunanjega sovražnika. Ki pride kot naročen s Korejo. Kjer američane šokira, ko srečajo kitajce. Pričakujejo ruse, ker so za USA kitajci zgolj lutka, medtem ko rusi furajo imperializem. Kitajci so jim sicer jasno povedali, da ne bodo tolerirali vpada v severno korejo, samo američani jih niso resno jemali (dobili sporočilo posredno preko več države, ker ni diplomatskih odnosov - USA se ne pogaja s teroristi). Na podlagi te kitajske agresije gre politika širjenja demokracije v višjo prestavo. Hkrati tako Eisenhower kot kasneje Kennedy razumeta, da kitajci razvijajo nuke in da je glede tega kontraproduktivno, da nimajo diplomatskih stikov. Ampak to ni ravno prioriteta, ker so še daleč od efektivne samostojnosti svojih partnerjev. Kitajec leta 1965 postane nuklearna sila, leta 1971 pa končno pridejo v UN. Po tistem, ko je US že kakih 5 let v interesu, da jih vključijo, samo rabijo pravo priložnost, da ne izpade, kot da so diplomatsko popušili. Za ozemeljsko celovitost bodo morali pa še malo počakati, ker je USA pač neomajana glede človekovih pravic na Tajvanu.
Zanimiva je tudi debata, ko imajo Kitajci enkrat nuke, kaj narediti, če bodo kitajci šli na pomoč vietnamcem. Odločitev je, da bodo kitajce direkt napadli (kar razumem kot letališča in podobno). A kitajci se niso vmešali iz več razlogov. En dokument pravi, da sicer ni bilo del plana, da pa je masa vojakov v Vietnamu definitivno sprožila kitajsko kulturno revolucijo. Kitajci v Vetnam niso šli iz več razlogov, poglavitna pa sta, da jih Vietnamci niso hoteli, ker so hoteli ostati suvereni, ter da jih je bilo res strah novega odziva USA po korejski avanturi.
Po koncu hladne vojne je vprašanje kaj narediti z NATO. Kot obramba proti SZ je nesmiselen, ker SZ ne obstaja več, a se hitro najde nov zunanji sovražnik - teroristi. In misija širjenja demokracije gre naprej.
Poglavitni viri:
James Peck: Washington's China: The National Security World, the Cold War, and the Origins of Globalism
Herman, Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
Chomsky: Hegemony or Survival
Chomsky: Culture of terrorism
Barbara W. Tuchman: The march of folly - From Troy to Vietnam
John J. Maersheimer: The tragedy of great power politics
Sheldon S. Wolin: Democracy Inc.
Opomba - svobodni svet uporablja Orwellovski filter, tako da je njihove izjave potrebno jemati v tem kontekstu. Par primerov:
communist state - suverena država
terrorist state - suverena država po koncu hladne vojne, navadno v primeru, ko ljudje kljub trudom propagande in CIA ne izberejo prave opcije
človekove pravice - veto na suverenost
svetovna skupnost - ameriški imperij, sicer pa odvisno od situacije, dostikrat tudi samo USA, ali USA in Izrael.
ekstremizem, radikalizem, ... - vse, kar daje prioriteto človekovim pravicam, ekonomski suverenosti, delavcem, ... pred interesom kapitala
demokracija - svobodne volitve, na katerih ljudje odločajo o nujnosti tretje verzije stranišča.
stabilizacija - zagotovitev osnovnih pogojev za delovanje demokracije (spopad z radikalnimi elementi v državi).
vietnamski sindrom / kriza demokracije - politična situacija, ko civilne iniciative začenjajo hromiti delovanje prostega sveta.
Relevantni citati, ki efektivno povedo enako zgodbo kot povzetek zgoraj, z nedavnima relevantnima primeroma samocenzure svobodnih medijev.
You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Morpheus, vodja teroristične organizacije, o težkem bremenu resnice.
Hence, likewise, they will avoid the necessity of those overgrown military establishments, which, under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty, and which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to Republican Liberty.
George Washington, 1796, poslovilni govor o izzivih širjenja svobode.
Lawmakers and officials representing communities with some of the 180 military bases targeted for closure on Friday vowed to fight to get off the list, saying their areas would be crippled and national security would be damaged.
američani leta 2005, o potrebi po domači varnosti
I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. ... I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
Smedley Butler, marinec, generalmajor, prejemnik 16 medalj (5 za hrabrost), o uspešnem vzpostavljanju ekonomskih povezav s svobodnimi državami.
If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don't want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances.
Harry Truman, o stragetiji boja zoper komunizem in nacizem
In Saudi Arabia, where the oil resources constitute a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history ... It seems to us to be important that this area, because of its resources and geographical position athwart the sea and air routes between East and West, should be in the hands of a people following the paths of democratic civilization rather than those of Eastern dictatorships.
USA 1945, o razlogih, da bodo savdijci dobili demokracijo.
I didn’t have to get permission from some old goat in the United States Congress to kick Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait.
George H.W. Bush o pooblastilih kongresa v globalnem svetu.
Obviously, we can no more win the peace than we could win the war if we must go to Congress to justify and obtain piecemeal appropriations for political and strategic purposes.
USA 1945, o potrebi po fleksibilnih internih pravilih za lažje zagotavjanje varnosti in stabilnost partnerjev.
In no part of the constitution is more wisdom to be found than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace to the legislature, and not to the executive department. Beside the objection to such a mixture of heterogeneous powers: the trust and the temptation would be too great for any one man: not such as nature may offer as the prodigy of many centuries, but such as may be expected in the ordinary successions of magistracy.
Alexander Hamilton, eden od ustanovnih očetov USA, o kritičnem pomenu kongresa pri vprašanjih vojne
Power is what they like - it is the greatest of all aphrodisiacs.
Napoleon Bonaparte, vrhovni skrbnik pridobitev revolucije, še posebej Liberté, o tem, zakaj po vsaki revoluciji ljudje demokratično izvolijo tistega, ki jim jo je prinesel.
Power is the great aphrodisiac.
Henry Kissenger, državni svetovalec za varnost, o svojem veselju do dela.
A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.
Napoleon Bonaparte o neprivlačnosti komunizma.
He could not accept international control. This would mean that by formal agreement he was accepting not merely return of the form of colonialism exemplified by “a French company” but a permanent subordination to “nearly everybody”. Everything he stood for and for which he had pledged himself to the people of Egypt was against this.
O Nasserju in grožnji esktremnega islamizma svobodnemu svetu.
In retrospect it is apparent that Nasser’s efforts to build a solidarity of the Arab countries, especially Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria, even at the expense of economic progress in Egypt
Developments of the past few weeks, however, point clearly to the conclusion that Nasser is an international political adventurer of considerable skill with clearly defined objectives that seriously threaten the Western world, though probably with no definitely planned tactics or timetable.
it is to the interest of the West that they be dealt with as nearly separately as possible and that no leader of the Hitlerian type be permitted to merge the emotions and resources of the entire Middle East and Africa into a single onslaught against Western civilization.
.. the U.S. and the U.K. should lose no time in implementing policies designed to reduce … Nasser as a force in the Middle East and Africa.
1956, O nevarnosti koalicije agresivnih teokracij za svetovni mir.
It is time for highly secret discussions between the U.S. and the IG with respect to what the West needs and what Israel could provide in the way of making it the Western stronghold that it should be. The U.S. should, therefore, take immediate steps to put Israel in a position to be a bastion of strength.
1956, o pomoči Izraelu pri obrambi.
Whether we like it or not, we are in the midst of economic warfare and the entire aid program should, in my opinion, recognize this. The trade embargo against Red China is one weapon
USA 1956, o strategiji boja zoper komunizem.
we have about 50% of the world’s wealth but only 6.3% of its population. This disparity is particularly great as between ourselves and the peoples of Asia. ... Our real task it ... to maintain this position of disparity ... We should cease to talk about vague and—for the Far East—unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization.
USA 1948, o moralni dolžnosti, da pomagamo azijcem.
... many peoples will fall, for varying periods, under the influence of Moscow, whose ideology has a greater lure for such peoples, and probably greater reality, than anything we could oppose to it.
USA 1948, o prednostih zahodnega sistema pred ruskim enoumjem v aziji
... our policy and actions must be such as to foster a fundamental change in the nature of the Soviet system, ... In a shrinking world, which now faces the threat of atomic warfare, it is not an adequate objective merely to seek to check the Kremlin design, for the absence of order among nations is becoming less and less tolerable. This fact imposes on us, in our own interests, the responsibility of world leadership. It demands that we make the attempt, and accept the risks inherent in it, to bring about order and justice by means consistent with the principles of freedom and democracy.
NSC 68, April 14, 1950, o hrepenenju sveta po demokraciji ter ameriških benevolentnih poiskusih, da bi pomagali rusom na poti do osebne svobode (legalno jasno, brez vplivanja na volitve)
For the free society does not fear, it welcomes, diversity. It derives its strength from its hospitality even to antipathetic ideas.
NSC 68 o svobodomiselnosti ameriške družbe v McCarthy eri.
In the Far East ... the United States have tended to be a law unto themselves since the end of the war, with results that have been far from happy.
Lewis Douglas, US veleposlanik v UK, august 1950, v sporočilu UK kabinetu o navdušenju nad ameriškim širjenjem svobode.
China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move the world.
Napoleon Bonaparte, o kitajski agresiji.
The Peiping regime had no views of its own and... its views were those of Moscow
USA o razlogu, da kitajci niso povabljeni na mirovna pogajanja z japonci (ker se USA ne pogaja s komunisti).
Atlee, in his turn, reiterated the British position that the Chinese could "be Marxists and yet not bow to the Stalin. Chinese civilization is very old and is accustomed to absorbing new thigs. They may wear Red Flag with a difference."
Citat UK zunanjega ministra (Washingtion China, p114), o naivnem pogledu angležev na komunistično emoumje.
Not a hobnail or a horseshoe should the colonies be allowed to manufacture.
William Pitt, o neodtujljivi pravici ameriških kolonij do samostojne ekonomske politike.
There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.
Niccolò Machiavelli, Prince, 1532, o pomembnosti zagotavljanja miru.
The occupation of Formosa by Communist forces woud be a direct threat to the security of the Pacific area and to the United States forces performing their lawful and necessary functions in that area
Harry Truman o pooblastilih ter odgovornosti USA na Tajvanu v dobi Pax Americana
we would find the world divided with practically all of the Asiatic countries siding with the Chinese Communists and indeed some of the Western European contries.
Lewis Douglas, US veleposlanik v UK, o doplomatski grožnji svobodnemu svetu v primeru, da bi kitajci izvajali agresijo na Tajvan.
Washington is guided by the economic imperialism of American business interests and is attempting to elbow us out under the cloak of a benevolent and avuncular internationalism
UK spozna, da v svobodnem svetu ni več prostora za njen izkoriščevalski kolonializem.
By late September, China had sent numerous diplomatic signals expressing its concern regarding a US occupation of North Korea. The Acting PLA chief of staff told the Indian Ambassador in Peking that China would never allow US forces to reach Chinese territory. The Indian Foreign Minister conveyed this message to the US Ambassador in New Delhi; in Washington, the British Ambassador passed the same message to the State Department.3 These private notices were matched by a September public announcement in which the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman issued the statement “We clearly reaffirm that we will always stand on the side of the Korean people.."
In the face of these warnings, the JCS instructed MacArthur to continue his advance north to destroy the DPRK armed forces as long as there was no threat of a major Chinese or Soviet intervention. ... The Secretary of State also disregarded these warnings, telling the press that Chinese intervention would be “sheer madness.”
CIA, 1950, o presenečenju nad kitajsko agresijo
his motivation in acting had more to do with Chinese traditional concerns about their borders, and fears based upon previous US involvement with Chinese Nationalist forces, than it did with any Communist worldwide strategy. ... Chinese military doctrine still focuses on defensive war, and there is virtually no evidence ... thinking in terms of offensive strategy ... outside Chinese territory
CIA o grožnji kitajskega imperializma svetu
Communist China would not constitute a major threat to the basic security of the United States for a period of years, and therefore the inclusion in the initial step should not be a condition precedent, even though desirable.
The United States should not sacrifice its present relative position of strength for agreement, and, therefore, should not add special concessions to the USSR. Unless there is a genuine mutual desire to level off and limit armaments on the part of the USSR, it is preferable to United States security interests that there be no agreement.
USA leta 1955 o tem, da imajo človeške pravice prednost pred atomsko bombo.
The united states would have to disarm and remove the threat of Communist China. We simply could not just ignore a Communist China which remained untouched and intact.
Eisenhower, o komunistični grožnji svobodnemu svetu v primeru, da bi se z rusi zapletli v totalno vojno.
The decision to bomb vietnam in Februaty 1965 and to escalate troop deployments in July "make sense only if they are in support of a long-run United States policy to contain Communist China."
Robert McNamara, US obrambni minister, o strateškem pomenu nadaljevanja demokratizacije Vietnama.
One highest priority task for American policy-makers in the years ahead is to help domesticate the Chinese Communist revolution in its relations with other nations—or, to put it another way, to help reclaim the Chinese mainland to responsible membership in the world community. ... generous assistance to the fragile societies on the Chinese perimeter that were in the process of nation building, and the defeat of revolutionary romantics in the Third world.
USA, 1966, o načrtih za pomoč kitajcem.
Anything that flies on everything that moves.
Henry Kissinger, dobitnik nobelove nagrade za mir, prenaša navodila Nixona vojski glede 'winning hearts and minds' v Kambodži.
You may exert power over, but you can never govern an unwilling people.
Thomas Pownall o tem, kako angleški parlament dobesedno sili američane v terorizem.
Frank, you trying to fuck me?
Lyndon B. Johnson šefu NBC-ja Frank Stanton-u o neodgovornosti medijev, ki bodo izgubili vojno v Vietnamu.
The destruction was mutual. We went to Vietnam without any desire to capture territory or impose American will on other people. I don't feel that we ought to apologize or castigate ourselves or to assume the status of culpability.
Jimmy Carter, diplomatsko, o svojem preziru do nehvaležnih pridelovalcev riža, za osebno svobodo katerih je amerika žrtvovala stotisoče vojakov ter porabila 3x več bomb kot v 2. sv. vojni.
They protected by your arms? They have nobly taken up arms in your defence.… And believe me, and remember that I this day told you so, that same spirit of freedom which actuated that people at first, will accompany them still.… They are a people jealous of their liberties and who will vindicate them if ever they should be violated—but the Subject is too delicate and I will say no more.
Colonel Isaac Barré, parlamentarec in veteran Sedemletne vojne, v UK parlamentu o nujnosti zagotavljanja varnosti kolonijam.
The growth of the power of Athens, and the alarm which this inspired in Sparta, made war inevitable.
Thucydides, grški general in zgodovinar, o pomembnosti dobrih medsosedskih odnosov.
What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?
Zbigniew Brzezinski, o tem, da na svobodo ne moreš postaviti cene.
I don't think he's writing as briliantly or agruing as well now and i think it has to do with impossible task he set himself with effectively explaining away islamic jihadism as a function of american policy mistakes.
Christopher Hitchens, ateist in prestavnik intelektualne levice, o radikalni levici, ki ne vidi nevarnosti Islama.
I really think it is cause some people can't see a new situation when it hits them. ... Chomsky, whose work i admired... he said "Oh, this is nothing new, it reminds me of another atrocity that US commited in another country". I thought the comparison was wrong morally but I also though it was very lazy intelectually. ... There's a better justification, which is some people are so upset about what they know about what american foreign policy has done in palestine, chille, guatemala, they can't belive US can be morally right, they're queasy, they don't wanna be on a winnig side with Pentagon and the CIA.
Christopher Hitchens, ateist in prestavnik intelektualne levice, o moralni dolžnosti USA, da pomagajo Afganistanu in Iraku.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jeffersen, o tem, da brez osebnega žrtvovanja za varnost ne more biti svobode.
Johnny Rico: Someone asked me once if I knew the difference between a civilian and a citizen. I know now. A citizen has the courage to make the safety of the human race their personal responsibility. Dizzy was my friend. She was a soldier. But most important, she was a citizen of the Federation.
Starship Troopers, 1997, o efektivno isti stvari v prihodnosti.
In what I'm sure was a huge shock to people who know me, I made a poor choice last week. No, i did. I made a joke about Liutenant Commander Dan Crenshaw, and on behalf of the show and myself, I apologize. ...
SNL, nov 2018, o odgovornosti zmernih levičarjev.
William Blum, US Policy Critic Cited by bin Laden, Dies at 85
William Blum, who raged against United States foreign policy in relative obscurity for decades until one of his published anti-imperialist broadsides received a surge in sales thanks to a surprise public tribute from Osama bin Laden, died on Sunday in Arlington, Va. He was 85.
New Yort Times, o smrti simpatizerja teroristov, ki ni imel niti toliko integritete, da bi se opravičil za Bin Ladnovo podporo.
Private companies, first of all, have the right to do whatever they want. If you threaten the brand of the company, the company has the responsibility to the shareholders to take you out.
Ben Shapiro, predstavnik intelektualne desnice, o pravicah in dolžnostih svobodnega tiska, da ne postane platforma teroristov. [dec 2018, ko zagovarja CNN odločitev, da odpustijo Marc Lamont Hill-a].
We had bags of money that we delivered to selected politicians, to defray their expenses
F. Mark Wyatt, CIA operativec, ki je do leta 1972 skrbel za stabilnost Italije.
You have to fight violence with violence. At times you cannot avoid hurting innocent people.
Orlando Bosch, borec za svobodo Kube, o tem, da so bili na avionu itak sami komunisti.
If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America.
Nelson Mandella, terrorist do 2008, danes rehabilitiran borec za pravice, o tem, da US ne naredi dovolj za mir na svetu.
... inescapable that it would be prejudicial to the public interest for the United States to provide save haven for Bosch [because] teh security of this nation is affected by its ability to urge credibly other nations to refuse and shelter to terrorists.
Justice department (vodi ga John Ashcroft, šef pravosodja ter ter kasneje skrbnik 4. in 6. člena ustave pod Bush Jr.), poda mnenje, da ni optimalno, da se pomilosti preveč zagrizene borce za svobodo.
not one inch eastward
James Baker, US zunanji minister, o neodtujljivi pravici vzhodnih držav do NATO zaščite pred rusko agresijo.
A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise.
Niccolò Machiavelli, Prince, 1532, o potrebnem nezaupanju do komunistov.
And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.
Hillary Clinton, o tem, zakaj arabci še niso zreli za demokracijo.
In politics stupidity is not a handicap.
Napoleon Bonaparte o zahodnih vrednotah.
... ko se bo oblikovala skupina članic Unije za priznanje Palestine. Ko se bo to zgodilo, bo med prvimi v njej tudi Slovenija, a samostojno slovensko priznanje ne bi imelo pozitivnih učinkov in večjega pomena za samo priznanje Palestine.
Dr. Miroslav Cerar, avtor Večrazsežnosti človekovih pravic in dolžnosti, o slovenski proaktivnosti v EU glede zagovarjanja človekovih pravic.
As a strong supporter of non-proliferation and disarmament in the field of weapons of mass destruction, Slovenia is committed to treaty-based nuclear disarmament and arms control. We are of firm belief that we have to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons progressively through the full implementation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). In this regard we strongly condemn the DPRK's violations of Security Council resolutions and of its international commitments. They pose a serious threat to peace and security in the region-and-wider
Dr. Miroslav Cerar, avtor (I)racionalnosti modernega prava, sept. 2017 v UN o razlogih, da smo glasovali proti resuluciji.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
S kapitalizmom je marsikaj narobe, in ko bomo iznašli boljši sistem, ki ga bomo sposobni tudi živeti, bom zelo vesel
Dr. Miroslav Cerar, predsednik vlade, o kruti realnosti, da že stoletja iščemo alternative, samo izgleda ne obstajajo.
Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.
Thucydides, grški general in zgodovinar cca 400BC, o The White Man's Burden.
In 1949, China declared independence, an event known in Western discourse as "the loss of China" – in the US, with bitter recriminations and conflict over who was responsible for that loss. The terminology is revealing. It is only possible to lose something that one owns. The tacit assumption was that the U.S. owned China, by right, along with most of the rest of the world, much as postwar planners assumed. The "loss of China" was the first major step in "America's decline." It had major policy consequences.
Noam Chomsky, častni doktor Univerze v Ljubljani, o zgodovini kitajskih kršitev človekovih pravic ter ameriški predanosti, da jih osvobodijo komunizma.
Lenin was a right wing deviation of socialist movement. And he was so regarded by the mainstream marxists. We forgot them, cause they lost. ... What you had is that the 2 major propaganda agencies were claiming that this destruction of socialism is socialism. And it's very hard to break out of the control of the world's two major propaganda agencies when they agree. They agreed for different reasons, and that became doctrine and dogma.
Noam Chomsky, extremni levičar, o ruski propagandi.
In their analysis of the evolution of the media in Great Britain, James Curran and Jean Seaton describe how, in the first half of the nineteenth century, a radical press emerged that reached a national working-class audience. This alternative press was effective in reinforcing class consciousness: it unified the workers because it fostered an alternative value system and framework for looking at the world, and because it "promoted a greater collective confidence by repeatedly emphasizing the potential power of working people to effect social change through the force of ‘combination’ and organized action." This was deemed a major threat by the ruling elites
Noam chomsky, ekstremni levičar, o vitalnem pomenu svobode tiska v demokraciji.
In the light of King's powerful demagogic speech. ... We must mark him now if we have not done so before, as the most dangerous Negro of the future in this nation from the standpoint of communism, the Negro, and national security.
FBI 1963, o ultimativni grožnji nacionalni varnosti in komunizmu.
COINTELPRO @ Wikipedia
To say that the press brought down Nixon, that's horseshit.
Woodward, novinar, ki se je pogumno zoperstavil sistemu s tem, da je upal objaviti, kar mu je dal pomočnik FBI.
Karl Marx, Komunistični manifest 1848, o ideologiji, ki je ugonobila največ ljudi v zgodovini človeštva.
Neo: What truth?
History is written by the victors.
Winston Churchill, o univerzalnosti resnice
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
- zaklenilo: zee ()

vostok_1 ::
Upam, da je copypasta, ker itak bo mod zaklenil, pa bo šlo vse v nič.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Poldi112 ()

Jarno ::
Če Karađorđevići oziroma Črna roka ne bi potamanili Obrenovićev, bi bil svet danes morebiti boljši, vsekakor pa drugačen.
V svojih zgodovinskih raziskavah je včasih potrebno identificirati tudi kritične dogodke in jim nameniti pozornost.
Sicer pa hvala bogu, da so v sicer neizbežbi hladni vojni ZDA uveljavile svojo doktrino. Ni pa bilo trivialno.
V svojih zgodovinskih raziskavah je včasih potrebno identificirati tudi kritične dogodke in jim nameniti pozornost.
Sicer pa hvala bogu, da so v sicer neizbežbi hladni vojni ZDA uveljavile svojo doktrino. Ni pa bilo trivialno.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.
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