Forum » Šola » Studying in Slovenia
Studying in Slovenia

millos ::
First of all, sorry for using English, since my Slovenian is not so great yet, and I guess you wouldn't understand Serbian well. At the moment, I am finishing third grade of high school in Serbia, and I have one more year of high school to go. I'm planning to continue my studies either on FRI in Ljubljana or FERI in Maribor or ETF in Belgrade if I don't sign up for universities in Slovenia. I read about an agreement between Serbian and Slovenian government, that allows Serbian students to have same privileges as Slovenian students. So, I would like to know couple of things.
When I come up with some additional question, I'll feel free to post it below.
- Maribor vs Ljubljana, FERI vs FRI
- Is it possible to work while studying, and how much? (I know it's technically possible, but I need to know if it's possible to manage high grades and working same time)
- Are dormitories available for students from Serbia?
- Are scholarships available for students from Serbia?
- What is criteria for signing up for some faculty? Like is there any test from mathematics, informatics etc..
When I come up with some additional question, I'll feel free to post it below.

BivšiUser2 ::
I guess you wouldn't understand Serbian wellMožeš da prićaš srpski.

SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

nsa_ag3nt ::
Pomoje so vsaj uradni naravoslovni faksi v Bg boljši kot v Slo...
Delaš na študenstsko napotnico lahko do 26 leta starosti.
FERI, FRI ni računalništvo temveč matematika !
Če so omejitve pri vpisu, potem gledajo točke iz mature.
Delaš na študenstsko napotnico lahko do 26 leta starosti.
FERI, FRI ni računalništvo temveč matematika !
Če so omejitve pri vpisu, potem gledajo točke iz mature.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()

Alexius Heristalski ::
Regarding dormitories in Ljubljana, check this website, also available in English:
University of Ljubljana has basic info also in Serbian:
Cost of living is lower in Maribor, I don't know by how much, though.
University of Ljubljana has basic info also in Serbian:
Cost of living is lower in Maribor, I don't know by how much, though.
fantje, ni blo slabo, samo dajte še v herbicidščini

CartmanF ::
Če imaš iste privilegije in status študenta, potem lahko brez problema bivaš v študentskih domovih. V osnovi ti priporočam Maribor zaradi nižjih stroškov (študent stane 70€-100€), boni so super, ješ lahko 2x na dan v razmaku 4 ur in za odlično kosilo doplačaš od 2-4€.
Glede samega študija pa bi prvo leto priporočal, da ne delaš, ampak se posvetiš faksu ker se dela dosti selekcije, šele nato ko poznaš način dela in vsega pa greš delati (v 2 letniku).
Glede samega študija pa bi prvo leto priporočal, da ne delaš, ampak se posvetiš faksu ker se dela dosti selekcije, šele nato ko poznaš način dela in vsega pa greš delati (v 2 letniku).

Isotropic ::

sandmat ::
Pomoje so vsaj uradni naravoslovni faksi v Bg boljši kot v Slo...
Delaš na študenstsko napotnico lahko do 26 leta starosti.
FERI, FRI ni računalništvo temveč matematika !
Če so omejitve pri vpisu, potem gledajo točke iz mature.
WTF did I just read?
spet rant nekoga, ki analize ne more zdelat?

Guzzy ::
I'm currently studying on FRI.
I would suggest for you to go to FRI. Lots of foreign people study at FRI nowadays, lots of them are from Macedonia.
On FRI, you will find it easier to ease into society as people are generally more open and from all across the country (I know this from experience and sources). Also, if you are interested in more than just faculty, you will have lots of freedom and other options to choose from in Ljubljana. That is, joining associations and other activities, traveling is easier. + great nightlife:)
Regarding quality of faculty, FRI is broader and a bit more theoretical than FERI, while FERI is a bit more practical. Both are great.
Regarding work, it is possible to work part-time but students generally start to work in the second or third grade of faculty (some drop out because work becomes too important (if in IT)). Working and keeping the high grades, is going to be really hard. Depending on your will and how much you work. (I'm speaking for Ljubljana now). Like CartmanF said, it's best to focus on studying for the first year. There are tons more of work options in IT in Ljubljana.
In Ljubljana, I know of one dorm that is mostly foreign (Rožna Dolina), you can also check this out. Lots of students from Serbia, Macedonia, etc., live in rented appartments. Country provides subsidy.
I am not sure how it is about criteria. It's higher on FRI than on FERI (I think there is none on FERI, correct me if I'm wrong). But it's not that demanding.
HMU if you come to Ljubljana :)
I would suggest for you to go to FRI. Lots of foreign people study at FRI nowadays, lots of them are from Macedonia.
On FRI, you will find it easier to ease into society as people are generally more open and from all across the country (I know this from experience and sources). Also, if you are interested in more than just faculty, you will have lots of freedom and other options to choose from in Ljubljana. That is, joining associations and other activities, traveling is easier. + great nightlife:)
Regarding quality of faculty, FRI is broader and a bit more theoretical than FERI, while FERI is a bit more practical. Both are great.
Regarding work, it is possible to work part-time but students generally start to work in the second or third grade of faculty (some drop out because work becomes too important (if in IT)). Working and keeping the high grades, is going to be really hard. Depending on your will and how much you work. (I'm speaking for Ljubljana now). Like CartmanF said, it's best to focus on studying for the first year. There are tons more of work options in IT in Ljubljana.
In Ljubljana, I know of one dorm that is mostly foreign (Rožna Dolina), you can also check this out. Lots of students from Serbia, Macedonia, etc., live in rented appartments. Country provides subsidy.
I am not sure how it is about criteria. It's higher on FRI than on FERI (I think there is none on FERI, correct me if I'm wrong). But it's not that demanding.
HMU if you come to Ljubljana :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Guzzy ()

Ganon ::
Pomoje so vsaj uradni naravoslovni faksi v Bg boljši kot v Slo...
Delaš na študenstsko napotnico lahko do 26 leta starosti.
FERI, FRI ni računalništvo temveč matematika !
Če so omejitve pri vpisu, potem gledajo točke iz mature.
Ne tipkaj kretenizmov, ti bo še kakšen naivnež nasedel.

Sopomenka ::
Pomoje so vsaj uradni naravoslovni faksi v Bg boljši kot v Slo...
This is FAKE NEWS.
...Slovenian faculties are higher ranked as Serbian. Go ahead and come to Slovenia. You are welcome. :)

Guzzy ::
Pomoje so vsaj uradni naravoslovni faksi v Bg boljši kot v Slo...
This is FAKE NEWS.
...Slovenian faculties are higher ranked as Serbian. Go ahead and come to Slovenia. You are welcome. :)
Tako je, to je tudi razlog, zakaj vedno več študentov iz Jugo držav hodi k nam študirat. Sem se pogovarjal z večimi Makedonci na našem faksu, hitro zveš resnico.

BivšiUser2 ::
Pomoje so vsaj uradni naravoslovni faksi v Bg boljši kot v Slo...
Delaš na študenstsko napotnico lahko do 26 leta starosti.
FERI, FRI ni računalništvo temveč matematika !
Če so omejitve pri vpisu, potem gledajo točke iz mature.
WTF did I just read?
spet rant nekoga, ki analize ne more zdelat?
Saj dejansko ni računalništvo. C smo edino koristno do zdaj uporabljali pri IoT projektu, kjer smo naredili merilnike za burjo (fe), prej pa smo se ukvarjali z nekimi kraljicami, s čemer se lahko z xy jezikom ukvarjaš ker je čista matematika (FRI).
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

shadeX ::
Kaj več ne vemo nekdanji skupnji jezik?
Nam ni potreba.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: bajsibajsi ()

BivšiUser2 ::
Ja in zakaj bi morali vlačiti angleščino, ko se komot lahko po domače pogovarjamo?
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.

[D]emon ::
First of all, sorry for using English, since my Slovenian is not so great yet, and I guess you wouldn't understand Serbian well.
Mavrik ta forum uporablja za daljsanje e-penisa. Ker si ne upa iz hise.

Cruz ::
Otroka moraš v vodo vrčt, da se plavat nauči.
One of the most moral acts is to create a space in which life can move forward.

Guzzy ::
BivšiUser2 je izjavil:
Pomoje so vsaj uradni naravoslovni faksi v Bg boljši kot v Slo...
Delaš na študenstsko napotnico lahko do 26 leta starosti.
FERI, FRI ni računalništvo temveč matematika !
Če so omejitve pri vpisu, potem gledajo točke iz mature.
WTF did I just read?
spet rant nekoga, ki analize ne more zdelat?
Saj dejansko ni računalništvo. C smo edino koristno do zdaj uporabljali pri IoT projektu, kjer smo naredili merilnike za burjo (fe), prej pa smo se ukvarjali z nekimi kraljicami, s čemer se lahko z xy jezikom ukvarjaš ker je čista matematika (FRI).
Ne bluzi. Smer je računalništvo in študira se tudi to. Matematika je očitno potrebno znanje, matematični problemi ki se jih obravnava pa so potrebni za razumevanje konceptov in so v bistvu osnovno znanje.
Primerjaj FRI in FMF, pa boš videl, kje je matematika - na FRI UNI sploh ni Calculus II

m0LN4r ::
I'm currently studying on FRI.
I would suggest for you to go to FRI. Lots of foreign people study at FRI nowadays, lots of them are from Macedonia.
On FRI, you will find it easier to ease into society as people are generally more open and from all across the country (I know this from experience and sources). Also, if you are interested in more than just faculty, you will have lots of freedom and other options to choose from in Ljubljana. That is, joining associations and other activities, traveling is easier. + great nightlife:)
Regarding quality of faculty, FRI is broader and a bit more theoretical than FERI, while FERI is a bit more practical. Both are great.
Regarding work, it is possible to work part-time but students generally start to work in the second or third grade of faculty (some drop out because work becomes too important (if in IT)). Working and keeping the high grades, is going to be really hard. Depending on your will and how much you work. (I'm speaking for Ljubljana now). Like CartmanF said, it's best to focus on studying for the first year. There are tons more of work options in IT in Ljubljana.
In Ljubljana, I know of one dorm that is mostly foreign (Rožna Dolina), you can also check this out. Lots of students from Serbia, Macedonia, etc., live in rented appartments. Country provides subsidy.
I am not sure how it is about criteria. It's higher on FRI than on FERI (I think there is none on FERI, correct me if I'm wrong). But it's not that demanding.
HMU if you come to Ljubljana :)
The first part is practically also true for Maribor. Most of the teachers are very good and use a lot of practical examples that are up to date, but anyway the first 1-2 years are basics, the fun stuff comes later if u decide to participate in some school project and work in laboratories and maybe if u are successful enough _you can work and earn some money there_ at the university.
It is also true that Maribor as a city is very laid back and party oriented, but it is not as hard core as it was 10-15 years ago back in my days, when there were parties every fckng day.
There are also a lot of foreign students in Maribor, I lived in a dorm with them. There are called Erasmus Students, some are doing 1 Year Study, the others do 1 Year Erasmus Practicum and some do both. There are people from like Germany, Spain, Serbia, Montenegro, Bolgaria, France, Portugal, Bolgaria, Hungary and even Turkey.
But most importantly, if you study as a Slovenian student u can benefit from this to and I strongly recommend you to also use the Erasmus program to go study for a year outside of Slovenia and the Slovenian goverment will pay a good amount of money to do so.
Living in dorms in Slovenia is amazing and we all like Serbians ofc.
Maribor is sometimes party hard, like your Guca festival:
Welcome !
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM

tony1 ::
Miloš: Zdravo, brate.
I suggest you look into FRI, as it is generally known as more academically challenging and thus better.
I have no idea if any courses are now available in English (it just could be that all are in Slovenian) so you'll have to learn Slovenian along the way, but, since you'll be surrounded by Slovenian students I believe it's absolutely doable.
(You could try reading some Slovene books and watching some movies for a start to maybe get a bit of a hang of it. Even though to most non-Slovene Slavic speakers Slovene sounds somewhat foreign you will definitely get a grasp much faster while you are in contact with the language daily. If you're from Belgrade you could try finding a Slovenian society/club (there should be a couple) and ask them for advice about which books to read for beginners.)
As for curriculum you should not have much of a problem if you're a (very) good student and also as CS and maths are quite universal topics the foreign language shouldn't be a problem.
Best of luck.
I suggest you look into FRI, as it is generally known as more academically challenging and thus better.
I have no idea if any courses are now available in English (it just could be that all are in Slovenian) so you'll have to learn Slovenian along the way, but, since you'll be surrounded by Slovenian students I believe it's absolutely doable.
(You could try reading some Slovene books and watching some movies for a start to maybe get a bit of a hang of it. Even though to most non-Slovene Slavic speakers Slovene sounds somewhat foreign you will definitely get a grasp much faster while you are in contact with the language daily. If you're from Belgrade you could try finding a Slovenian society/club (there should be a couple) and ask them for advice about which books to read for beginners.)
As for curriculum you should not have much of a problem if you're a (very) good student and also as CS and maths are quite universal topics the foreign language shouldn't be a problem.
Best of luck.

jernejl ::
Most people do not have experience with studying on both faculties, thus you should take such opinions with a grain of salt.
It is common that students are biased towards the one they have studied at
What you will learn is mostly up to you, the choice of the faculty (FERI or FRI) is not nearly that important.
There is more going on in Ljubljana, it is easier to get a job there... on the other hand, cost of living is lower in Maribor.
Most people do not have experience with studying on both faculties, thus you should take such opinions with a grain of salt.
It is common that students are biased towards the one they have studied at

What you will learn is mostly up to you, the choice of the faculty (FERI or FRI) is not nearly that important.
There is more going on in Ljubljana, it is easier to get a job there... on the other hand, cost of living is lower in Maribor.

Guzzy ::
Most people do not have experience with studying on both faculties, thus you should take such opinions with a grain of salt.
It is common that students are biased towards the one they have studied at
What you will learn is mostly up to you, the choice of the faculty (FERI or FRI) is not nearly that important.
There is more going on in Ljubljana, it is easier to get a job there... on the other hand, cost of living is lower in Maribor.
Mine is a bit biased, however, mostly true. I've got lots of former high school mates studying on FERI and we talk a lot about how it is, and what do they do.
"I have no idea if any courses are now available in English (it just could be that all are in Slovenian) so you'll have to learn Slovenian along the way, but, since you'll be surrounded by Slovenian students I believe it's absolutely doable."
There are options for english tests, and most of subjects have English labs in subjects. Faculty offers you to do a course on Slovenian language, which is not that easy but, those who did it now speak Slovenian almost fluently.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Guzzy ()

m0LN4r ::
And also there are some, who switch from FRI to FERI, cuz they are looking for more practical knowledge and later return to work to LJubljana. Dont worry about Language problems, there are a lot of helpfull students on FERI, who will gladly help you for some rakia in exchange :)
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM

Isotropic ::
And also there are some, who switch from FRI to FERI, cuz they are looking for more practical knowledge and later return to work to LJubljana. Dont worry about Language problems, there are a lot of helpfull students on FERI, who will gladly help you for some rakia in exchange :)
ne, to je zato, ker jim na fri očitno ne gre

sandmat ::
"preveč teorije" rant :D
spominja me na mariborsko pravno ... če ne gre v ljubljani, greš tja, ker je tam "več praktičnega znanja" (nižji standard je samo obroben aspekt) :D
spominja me na mariborsko pravno ... če ne gre v ljubljani, greš tja, ker je tam "več praktičnega znanja" (nižji standard je samo obroben aspekt) :D

T-h-o-r ::
Če pa ne gre niti v MB, greš v Novo Gorico.
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

BivšiUser2 ::
Tak BTW, kolikokrat smo že imeli ta prepucavanja?
SloTech - če nisi z nami, si persona non grata.
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