Forum » Loža » Violation of Privacy by DURS
Violation of Privacy by DURS
Bankey ::
First, I'm very sorry to write now in english, but my slovenian is not sufficient enough for this kind of subjects.
I run here in Slovenia a SP. Sinds last year I'm registrated resident in slovenia.
Now Durs made 2 fuckups after eachother. One just a stupid action of incompetence..
the second is a bit more serious. Durs sent their "Sklep" to the wrong person and wrong address, but was addressed on my name.
Personally I see this as violation of privacy and take this kind of incompetence quite serious.
So, I am looking for any leads to accurate privacylaws and procedures. As well any advice how to wash their ears..
For your information. sinds I started SP here in slovenia in januari last year, the authorities here show a great ignorance and incompentence. and create by this not really the right atmosphere for "skilled immagrants and entrepeneurs" to start doing business in slovenia.. My file about slovenia is getting thicker by the day..
So any help and advice is very welcome..
greatfully yours,
Arno van der Veen
I run here in Slovenia a SP. Sinds last year I'm registrated resident in slovenia.
Now Durs made 2 fuckups after eachother. One just a stupid action of incompetence..
the second is a bit more serious. Durs sent their "Sklep" to the wrong person and wrong address, but was addressed on my name.
Personally I see this as violation of privacy and take this kind of incompetence quite serious.
So, I am looking for any leads to accurate privacylaws and procedures. As well any advice how to wash their ears..
For your information. sinds I started SP here in slovenia in januari last year, the authorities here show a great ignorance and incompentence. and create by this not really the right atmosphere for "skilled immagrants and entrepeneurs" to start doing business in slovenia.. My file about slovenia is getting thicker by the day..
So any help and advice is very welcome..
greatfully yours,
Arno van der Veen
- premaknil iz Mali oglasi: bluefish ()
Ziga Dolhar ::
There is far too little information to assess your position in any meaningful way. However, do feel free to contact the Information Commissioner and inform her of the alleged breach of privacy.
This is not to say that there was an actual breach of privacy, but that she holds the jurisdiction (on 1st level) on protection of one's privacy in administrative matters. However, should you elect to seek damages (again, this is not saying you are already entitled to them), you will have to fill a claim with the court - in Slovene, of course, so you'd better find a lawyer :).
This is not to say that there was an actual breach of privacy, but that she holds the jurisdiction (on 1st level) on protection of one's privacy in administrative matters. However, should you elect to seek damages (again, this is not saying you are already entitled to them), you will have to fill a claim with the court - in Slovene, of course, so you'd better find a lawyer :).
andrea86 ::
He opened s.p. 6 years ago, and did not open it last year the first time.. zato ne klasti bale!
Mislim da gre za zlorabo identite -_-
Mislim da gre za zlorabo identite -_-
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: andrea86 ()
BlueRunner ::
No, bizi pravi, da je Arno van der Veen s.p. registriran od 1.1.2010 in zavezanec za DDV od 12.3.2010 naprej. Torej "odprl lansko leto" velja. Označeno je tudi, da še vedno posluje, torej ne moreš reči, da več nima s.p.-ja.
Če nimaš v rokah karkoli, kar bo negiralo podatke AJPES-a, kot se jih replicira na N koncev, potem tukaj ti klestiš bale.
Glede tukajšnjega lažnega predstavljanja pa kdo bi vedel. Razen tega, da je človek v polomljeni angleščini postavil generično vprašanje, ni do tukaj naredil še nobene posebne škode ali pa koga prepričeval, da kaj kupi.
Če nimaš v rokah karkoli, kar bo negiralo podatke AJPES-a, kot se jih replicira na N koncev, potem tukaj ti klestiš bale.
Glede tukajšnjega lažnega predstavljanja pa kdo bi vedel. Razen tega, da je človek v polomljeni angleščini postavil generično vprašanje, ni do tukaj naredil še nobene posebne škode ali pa koga prepričeval, da kaj kupi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: BlueRunner ()
Bankey ::
@Ziga, Thank you very much.
@ascotto: No, I'm not a scammer..
@bluerunner: tnx for explaining it to ascotto.. You're completly right.
12th may Durs sent out "sklep" for late payment.
13th may Durs receives my payments.
17th may Durs gives certificate I have no debts with Durs
19th may Banka blocks my account
Still I did not receive the sklep.
23th may I get a notification by a villager that he received my sklep at his address.
This addres is not my registrated addres, nor the company's, nor ever been my address.
This is where the privacy gets an issue..
This morning the skep is handed over to me by the villager.
In the sklep the correct address is mentioned, but on the sendingslip the wrong name and address are mentioned.
So, sensitive financial and private data has been sent to the wrong person.
Durs corrected their mistake of blocking the account. So this part is finished.. Now only the privacy part.
Sincerely yours,
Arno van der Veen
@ascotto: No, I'm not a scammer..
@bluerunner: tnx for explaining it to ascotto.. You're completly right.
12th may Durs sent out "sklep" for late payment.
13th may Durs receives my payments.
17th may Durs gives certificate I have no debts with Durs
19th may Banka blocks my account
Still I did not receive the sklep.
23th may I get a notification by a villager that he received my sklep at his address.
This addres is not my registrated addres, nor the company's, nor ever been my address.
This is where the privacy gets an issue..
This morning the skep is handed over to me by the villager.
In the sklep the correct address is mentioned, but on the sendingslip the wrong name and address are mentioned.
So, sensitive financial and private data has been sent to the wrong person.
Durs corrected their mistake of blocking the account. So this part is finished.. Now only the privacy part.
Sincerely yours,
Arno van der Veen
St235 ::
You should contact Information Commissioner to get here opinion on the matter. Other then that you can file a civil lawsuit, but you will have to pruve that actual damage accured due to DURS mistake.
Bankey ::
@ Lakotnik29:
I filed a complain here
The civil lawsuit is not appliable I think, because it's a criminal offence.
At least according to european law, and also as far as I can read in Uradni list št. 94, 16. 10. 2007; Št. 210-01/89-3/33 (translated version). Here article 12,13,14, 18, 22 sub 3, 24,25 are more, or less violated.
so, procedure as article 34 should be executed.. if I am not mistaking.. again.. My slovenian is about 50% of understanding, and the google translation of the law gives me a 80% of understanding.
As well my Civil rights as described in the the convention of Rome (1950) (which is rectivied by Slovenia!) are violated.(luckly this is also in english published, as well in Dutch (my mothertongue)
So, to narrow down the question: where to file this criminal offence, done by the state of Slovenia (and/or it's departments)..
I'm entrepeneur, no lawer.. So please forgive me my ignorance..
But I'm no sheep, which just will bow his head and continiu to eat the grass, my sheperd wants me to eat..
Because I don't like old,dead grass, given by a bad sheperd.
These sheperds have made rules, we have to follow.. But also they have to follow the same rules! If they fail, although they are supposed to KNOW the rules (responsibility if you want to be the authority!), then it's at least great incompetence.. But very close to Abuse of Power/authority! which is in my perspective injustice.. and that I don't like!
So therefor they can receive the (bad) earnings of their behaviour. But I think, a judge should decide if it was incompetence or Abuse.. and decide what penalty has to be given, if any..
Arno van der Veen
I filed a complain here
The civil lawsuit is not appliable I think, because it's a criminal offence.
At least according to european law, and also as far as I can read in Uradni list št. 94, 16. 10. 2007; Št. 210-01/89-3/33 (translated version). Here article 12,13,14, 18, 22 sub 3, 24,25 are more, or less violated.
so, procedure as article 34 should be executed.. if I am not mistaking.. again.. My slovenian is about 50% of understanding, and the google translation of the law gives me a 80% of understanding.
As well my Civil rights as described in the the convention of Rome (1950) (which is rectivied by Slovenia!) are violated.(luckly this is also in english published, as well in Dutch (my mothertongue)
So, to narrow down the question: where to file this criminal offence, done by the state of Slovenia (and/or it's departments)..
I'm entrepeneur, no lawer.. So please forgive me my ignorance..
But I'm no sheep, which just will bow his head and continiu to eat the grass, my sheperd wants me to eat..
Because I don't like old,dead grass, given by a bad sheperd.
These sheperds have made rules, we have to follow.. But also they have to follow the same rules! If they fail, although they are supposed to KNOW the rules (responsibility if you want to be the authority!), then it's at least great incompetence.. But very close to Abuse of Power/authority! which is in my perspective injustice.. and that I don't like!
So therefor they can receive the (bad) earnings of their behaviour. But I think, a judge should decide if it was incompetence or Abuse.. and decide what penalty has to be given, if any..
Arno van der Veen
St235 ::
Civil lawsuit is needed if you expect a compensation for the damage done.
Criminal offence as such will result in a small fine at best. It will be filed by Information Commissioner if she believes it is neccessary or you can file it at the police. Keep in mind that fine will be payed by one branch of government to another. None of the above has anything to do with a direct damage you and your company have or might have suffered due to the misstake.
Criminal offence as such will result in a small fine at best. It will be filed by Information Commissioner if she believes it is neccessary or you can file it at the police. Keep in mind that fine will be payed by one branch of government to another. None of the above has anything to do with a direct damage you and your company have or might have suffered due to the misstake.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: St235 ()
JayKay ::
some people are just hung on suing someone. Personally, I think you should give it a rest. From what you have written I do not see any damages incurred by you or your company. Therefore it will be difficult to receive any damages by means of a lawsuit. Ultimately, I will cost you more.
Bankey ::
Forgive me, I'm not looking for money..
I don't care so much about money..
I do care about injustice.. especially executed by authorities.. and the more if they knok on my door..
The first one who can find something on me, I will congratulate.. And this will not happen in my lifetime!
If I may being wrong, I'll take my responsibility and penalty.. And you will not see a question for advice..
Thanks anyway,
I don't care so much about money..
I do care about injustice.. especially executed by authorities.. and the more if they knok on my door..
The first one who can find something on me, I will congratulate.. And this will not happen in my lifetime!
If I may being wrong, I'll take my responsibility and penalty.. And you will not see a question for advice..
Thanks anyway,
Bankey ::
Civil lawsuit is needed if you expect a compensation for the damage done.
Criminal offence as such will result in a small fine at best. It will be filed by Information Commissioner if she believes it is neccessary or you can file it at the police. Keep in mind that fine will be payed by one branch of government to another. None of the above has anything to do with a direct damage you and your company have or might have suffered due to the misstake.
Thank you.. For me this is enough.. Compensation for damage is a laugh.. because it did not exceed 70 eur..
For me it will be already great satisfaction, when they get a fine due criminal lawsuit, and pay more attention to their work in future.. Furthermore, my file "Slovenia" grows with the proofs of incompetence.. Let's say.. Till I can publish it as a book.. ;-)
Thank you very much.. I files it at ip-rs, so I'll wait a bit for their response. Filing it here @ police has completly no use.. They were the reason to start making the file "slovenia" in first place, with all respect for the good ones,but here I did not find them..
With kind regards,
Arno van der Veen
BlueRunner ::
Information Comissioner (IP-RS) will weigh the evidence and decide what corrective actions and what punishment will be levied against DURS and responsible person at DURS. This is a good thing, as it ensures, that mistakes are deteced, noted, sancitioned and ideally followed by corrective actions to prevent further occurences.
As for the criminal part, you could go at it alone, but you would have hard time proving that any actual harm was done and that there was intent to cause harm. Without proving intent you probably won't come any further than paying attorney to represent you and losing the case on every step of the way. Your best bet is still to get one to explain you in detail how to approach this kind of lawsuit.
As for IP-RS... the office is known to sometimes give out harsh fines if it senses that it's dealing with repeat offender and/or somebody not really interested in fixing the problem. DURS was fined before (unrelated incident) and corrective action was taken. So the IP-RS has no qualms about giving out fines to those that deserve it.
I think they even managed to fine themselves once for revealing personal information...
As for the criminal part, you could go at it alone, but you would have hard time proving that any actual harm was done and that there was intent to cause harm. Without proving intent you probably won't come any further than paying attorney to represent you and losing the case on every step of the way. Your best bet is still to get one to explain you in detail how to approach this kind of lawsuit.
As for IP-RS... the office is known to sometimes give out harsh fines if it senses that it's dealing with repeat offender and/or somebody not really interested in fixing the problem. DURS was fined before (unrelated incident) and corrective action was taken. So the IP-RS has no qualms about giving out fines to those that deserve it.
I think they even managed to fine themselves once for revealing personal information...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: BlueRunner ()
Bankey ::
BlueRunner je izjavil:
Information Comissioner (IP-RS) will weigh the evidence and decide what corrective actions and what punishment will be levied against DURS and responsible person at DURS. This is a good thing, as it ensures, that mistakes are deteced, noted, sancitioned and ideally followed by corrective actions to prevent further occurences.
. So the IP-RS has no qualms about giving out fines to those that deserve it.
I think they even managed to fine themselves once for revealing personal information...
Thank you very much Bluerunner, I think I'll be wise and wait a little.. If IP-RS takes sufficient action, I don't need to spend time,money and energy..
If it will be no action, I'll first examine their conclusion, before I make other steps..
Again (actually to all) Thank you very much..
I appriciate it..
Best Regards,
Arno van der Veen
fosil ::
I don't know what data Sklep contained, but perhaps you don't know this. Many fianancial data about your company is public knowledge and available to all.
Here is an example. More detailed reports are available on
Here is an example. More detailed reports are available on
Tako je!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fosil ()
Bankey ::
I don't know what data Sklep contained, but perhaps you don't know this. Many fianancial data about your company is public knowledge and available to all.
Here is an example. More detailed reports are available on
Thank, I was aware of ajpes..
But the info what was in the sklep should not be pubic info, ever.. the more because it was at my private person addressed!
Ahim ::
It is not DURS that delivers any correspondence to the recepient - it is the postal service (Posta Slovenije; DURS has no control over postal service. If they [the postal service people] have managed to deliver mail which was addressed to you to somebody else, you should be talking to the person in charge of delivery screw-ups and similar incidents at the nearest post office/mail distribution center.
This person's job title is "kontrolor", if one isn't present at your nearest post office you will be given information on how to contact the one closest to you instead.
It would appear that the nearest post office to the address where your s.p. is registered is in Most na Soči (address: Most na Soči 5, 5216 Most na Soči, tel. #: 05 384 12 60), however it doesn't seem that they have a "kontrolor" employed there. You can find one at the office in Tolmin (address: Trg maršala Tita 10, 5220 Tolmin, direct phone number for "kontrolor" is 05 384 12 05).
It is him/her that you should be speaking to so they can investigate and assist you further.
This person's job title is "kontrolor", if one isn't present at your nearest post office you will be given information on how to contact the one closest to you instead.
It would appear that the nearest post office to the address where your s.p. is registered is in Most na Soči (address: Most na Soči 5, 5216 Most na Soči, tel. #: 05 384 12 60), however it doesn't seem that they have a "kontrolor" employed there. You can find one at the office in Tolmin (address: Trg maršala Tita 10, 5220 Tolmin, direct phone number for "kontrolor" is 05 384 12 05).
It is him/her that you should be speaking to so they can investigate and assist you further.
Bankey ::
It is not DURS that delivers any correspondence to the recepient - it is the postal service (Posta Slovenije; DURS has no control over postal service. If they [the postal service people] have managed to deliver mail which was addressed to you to somebody else, you should be talking to the person in charge of delivery screw-ups and similar incidents at the nearest post office/mail distribution center.
thank you for your posting, but you are completly wrong.
Durs print sklep as well as the addresslabel.
So if Durs put on a wrong label onto the wrong sklep, the post delivers to address mentioned on the label, post is correct, Durs not.
Further postings are not needed.. procedures are running. let them run first..
Ahim ::
You stated in your original post that it was addressed to you.
Now you are saying they addressed it to someone else. Which one is it ?
... but was addressed on my name.
Now you are saying they addressed it to someone else. Which one is it ?
Bankey ::
You stated in your original post that it was addressed to you.
... but was addressed on my name.
Now you are saying they addressed it to someone else. Which one is it ?
In the sklep itself, the correct address is mentioned. On the addresslabel there is printed:
ulica xxxxxxxxxxxx yy
5220 Tolmin
As you can understand I'm not posting this mister his full name, neither posting scans of the SPOROCILO or sklep in public area!! Because I do not violate privacy of others!!!
Further a personal note: I don't know what you think. But it seems that you and some others think by definition that an non-slovenian writer is somekind of fraudster.. Well, I'm not. and it does not feel right to me to be addressed in the way you do.. Please take note of this! Your writing is not appriciated!!
Again for all: Procedures are running.. No further response needed.. Thank you...
Arno van der Veen
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