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Nova runda zgražanja nad Facebook-om zarad prodajanja podatkov

Poldi112 ::
Kje sploh začeti? ;)
Facebook pravi, da je vse znotraj terms of services. Kar je dejansko res. Par hintov pri zadnji zgodbi je sicer bilo, da hranijo podatke dlje, kot bi jih smeli, a razen tega stvar dejansko funkcionira tako, kot bi pričakoval. V skladu s kapitalizmom maksimizirajo profit, se pravi iščejo kupce za svoje (naše) podatke.
Vlada se dela jezno, ko pravi, da to pa ni ok. S tem, da je vprašanje, kako efektivno lahko naredijo regulacijo, glede na to, da se gredo 1. amandma, ki jim omogoča svobodo nekaznovanega masovnega laganja. Ter da firme ziher ne bodo hotele omejitev pri poslovanju. Ter da smo v fazi, ko je republikancem jasno, da bodo šli v opozicijo in zdaj 100 na uro demontirajo vse možne regulacije, da bodo ja čim bolj ustregli svojim gospodarjem (podjetjem).
Vprašanje je bolj, če lahko kaj naredimo v EU, kjer imamo malenkost bolj resen pristop do zasebnosti. Sploh zdaj, ko nas glavni špijun zapušča.
Kje sploh začeti? ;)
Facebook pravi, da je vse znotraj terms of services. Kar je dejansko res. Par hintov pri zadnji zgodbi je sicer bilo, da hranijo podatke dlje, kot bi jih smeli, a razen tega stvar dejansko funkcionira tako, kot bi pričakoval. V skladu s kapitalizmom maksimizirajo profit, se pravi iščejo kupce za svoje (naše) podatke.
Vlada se dela jezno, ko pravi, da to pa ni ok. S tem, da je vprašanje, kako efektivno lahko naredijo regulacijo, glede na to, da se gredo 1. amandma, ki jim omogoča svobodo nekaznovanega masovnega laganja. Ter da firme ziher ne bodo hotele omejitev pri poslovanju. Ter da smo v fazi, ko je republikancem jasno, da bodo šli v opozicijo in zdaj 100 na uro demontirajo vse možne regulacije, da bodo ja čim bolj ustregli svojim gospodarjem (podjetjem).
Vprašanje je bolj, če lahko kaj naredimo v EU, kjer imamo malenkost bolj resen pristop do zasebnosti. Sploh zdaj, ko nas glavni špijun zapušča.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
- zaklenilo: zee ()

PaX_MaN ::
S tem, da je vprašanje, kako efektivno lahko naredijo regulacijo, glede na to, da se gredo 1. amandma, ki jim omogoča svobodo nekaznovanega masovnega laganja.
To ni res, kajti če bi bilo, Mueller ne bi imel nobenega primera.
Ter da smo v fazi, ko je republikancem jasno, da bodo šli v opozicijo in zdaj 100 na uro demontirajo vse možne regulacije, da bodo ja čim bolj ustregli svojim gospodarjem (podjetjem).
Ustreževanje bo kar izrazito dvopartijsko. Mimogrede, dobrodošli v ZDA!
Vprašanje je bolj, če lahko kaj naredimo v EU, kjer imamo malenkost bolj resen pristop do zasebnosti. Sploh zdaj, ko nas glavni špijun zapušča.
"Resen pristop", ahahahahahaha.
A to uno resno ko je sodišče že ene dvajsetkrat pravlo "pizdomater nehite že v Erar osebne podatke lifrat!", pa se še vedno ni nikomur od odgovornih nič zgodilo?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

Pac-Man ::
Sod s Cambridge Analytico se še naprej vrti.
Senior executives at Cambridge Analytica - the data company that credits itself with Donald Trump's presidential victory - have been secretly filmed saying they could entrap politicians in compromising situations with bribes and Ukrainian sex workers.
19 minut:
1. del
In part one of Channel 4 News’ ‘Data, Democracy and Dirty Tricks’ investigation, in an exclusive television interview, Chris Wylie, former Research Director at Cambridge Analytica tells all.
16 minut:
Tretji del, o njihovem udejstvovanju v ZDA, pride jutri.
Senior executives at Cambridge Analytica - the data company that credits itself with Donald Trump's presidential victory - have been secretly filmed saying they could entrap politicians in compromising situations with bribes and Ukrainian sex workers.
19 minut:
1. del
In part one of Channel 4 News’ ‘Data, Democracy and Dirty Tricks’ investigation, in an exclusive television interview, Chris Wylie, former Research Director at Cambridge Analytica tells all.
16 minut:
Tretji del, o njihovem udejstvovanju v ZDA, pride jutri.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Wow. Britain's Information Officer announces she is seeking a warranting to raid Cambridge Analytica and seize servers
To be clear: this is @chrisinsilico's work. He gave a dossier of evidence to ICO last month and has been fully co-operating with the authorities...
Facebook has been "co-operative" with ICO says Elizabeth Denham. Cambridge Analytica on the other hand has required them to seek to use their statutory powers to compel evidence....
I'm really glad the House Intelligence Committee closed up shop without interviewing Cambridge Analytica.
Wouldn't want CA's upstanding rep to get dragged.
Breaking: Channel 4 just announced they’re airing another undercover film tomorrow where Cambridge Analytica say they won the election for Donald Trump and describe how. This is a car crash airing live on TV. Journalism matters.
Wow. Britain's Information Officer announces she is seeking a warranting to raid Cambridge Analytica and seize servers
To be clear: this is @chrisinsilico's work. He gave a dossier of evidence to ICO last month and has been fully co-operating with the authorities...
Facebook has been "co-operative" with ICO says Elizabeth Denham. Cambridge Analytica on the other hand has required them to seek to use their statutory powers to compel evidence....
I'm really glad the House Intelligence Committee closed up shop without interviewing Cambridge Analytica.
Wouldn't want CA's upstanding rep to get dragged.
Breaking: Channel 4 just announced they’re airing another undercover film tomorrow where Cambridge Analytica say they won the election for Donald Trump and describe how. This is a car crash airing live on TV. Journalism matters.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
NY Times reporting that Facebook security chief Alex Stamos is to leave after clashes over disinformation … I can't see how this would be a good thing for Facebook or Facebook's users.
Alex is a standup guy, and this is not the first time he's left a very high profile role when he didn't feel the company was doing the right thing. Didn't turn out so well for the company last time, and I don't imagine this time will be much different.
in to (januar 2017)
Even before he took the job of Chief Security Officer of Yahoo, Alex Stamos had a reputation for being a badass: a thoughtful security ethicist who served as an expert witness in defense of Aaron Swartz, Stamos cemented his reputation by publicly humiliating the director of the NSA over mass surveillance.
When Stamos left Yahoo to take the CSO job at Facebook, people assumed it was just a routine high-level Silicon Valley job-shuffle -- but it turns out that Stamos quit after refusing to countenance an illegal wiretapping tool for the NSA, which wanted to put a rootkit into Yahoo's servers.
There's plenty of reason to worry about Facebook's role in the trumpist authoritarian agenda, which includes mass deportations and surveillance of all Muslims. Trump advisor Peter Theil is on Facebook's board, Facebook ads and hoax news stories were key to getting Trump elected, and Facebook has ready-made tools for all the spying that Trump could ask for (and then some).
But as Recode points out, Stamos attended a recent meeting of senior techies who have vowed to resist the use of their tools to help Trump abuse civil and human rights. And as Pando elaborates, Stamos has shown that he's willing to quit his job rather than be complicit in the kinds of abuses we fear from a Trump era.
NY Times reporting that Facebook security chief Alex Stamos is to leave after clashes over disinformation … I can't see how this would be a good thing for Facebook or Facebook's users.
Alex is a standup guy, and this is not the first time he's left a very high profile role when he didn't feel the company was doing the right thing. Didn't turn out so well for the company last time, and I don't imagine this time will be much different.
in to (januar 2017)
Even before he took the job of Chief Security Officer of Yahoo, Alex Stamos had a reputation for being a badass: a thoughtful security ethicist who served as an expert witness in defense of Aaron Swartz, Stamos cemented his reputation by publicly humiliating the director of the NSA over mass surveillance.
When Stamos left Yahoo to take the CSO job at Facebook, people assumed it was just a routine high-level Silicon Valley job-shuffle -- but it turns out that Stamos quit after refusing to countenance an illegal wiretapping tool for the NSA, which wanted to put a rootkit into Yahoo's servers.
There's plenty of reason to worry about Facebook's role in the trumpist authoritarian agenda, which includes mass deportations and surveillance of all Muslims. Trump advisor Peter Theil is on Facebook's board, Facebook ads and hoax news stories were key to getting Trump elected, and Facebook has ready-made tools for all the spying that Trump could ask for (and then some).
But as Recode points out, Stamos attended a recent meeting of senior techies who have vowed to resist the use of their tools to help Trump abuse civil and human rights. And as Pando elaborates, Stamos has shown that he's willing to quit his job rather than be complicit in the kinds of abuses we fear from a Trump era.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

zee ::
Temo zaklepam in vas vabim, da debato nadaljujete pod novico, s cimer se bomo izognili podvojenim temam.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zee ()
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