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Fear of the Wolves

Fear of the Wolves

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Vostok games delajo novo igro.

Fear of the Wolves is a new post-apocalyptic battle royale game from the developers of STALKER

Focus Home Interactive and Vostok Games – the developers who created the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise – have announced that their working on a new post-apocalyptic first-person shooter battle royale game. This is called Fear of the Wolves, will release in 2018, and promises to offer a new and original take on the growing Battle Royale genre.

Fear the Wolves drops players, in squads or as lone wolves, into the oppressive environments of a radiation-ravaged Chernobyl. The classic Battle Royale mode forces them to fight to be the last man standing out of 100 fighters. Another intense and original game mode will also bring a fierce new twist to the genre.

To secure the top spot, players will need to worry about more than just other survivors. Across the hostile wastes, everyone is threatened by deadly anomalies and the dynamically-changing weather. Along with a day-night cycle, this constantly forces survivors to adapt their strategies, and players can find protective gear that allows them to explore dangerous off-limit zones. All the while, the howls of mutated creatures echo through the wasteland…

More details on Fear the Wolves will be unveiled to attendees at the What’s Next de Focus press event in Paris, February this year. Developers at Vostok Games will be available for interviews and presentations to share more information about their upcoming hardcore Battle Royale shooter.

Fear the Wolves comes to PC and Consoles in 2018. Early Access begins this year on PC.


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Vostok Games, the studio of ex-STALKER devs, have released new screenshots from their upcoming battle royale, Fear the Wolves


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Bolje če bi pokazali navaden gameplay kot pa to pijano kamero.

Fear The Wolves - E3 Trailer

Drugače pa grafika zgleda dobro + Stalker atmosfera. Škoda, ker ni single player igra.

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Fear The Wolves - Release Date Trailer

28 avgust

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FEAR THE WOLVES - New Unified Update Features 2019 - Online Multiplayer FPS Game

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Fear The Wolves - Launch Trailer

Slabih 10 eur na Steamu

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V bistvu je zdaj 5 dni igra zastonj če bi kdo rad probal.

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