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Cisco odklep
winto ::
Dobil sem Router, ki je že par let ni več v uporabi, posledično ga tudi nihče več ne pozna dostopa do njega. Rad bi ga resetiral, da bi se lahko malo igral z IOS v živo ne samo preko packet tracerja. Gre za model 2621XM. Ko se naloži mi napiše
User Access Verification
Userja seveda ne poznam.
Imam navodila, kako odklenit zadevo samo mi ne uspe.
a. Console into the router and enter global configuration mode.
b. Copy the following basic configuration and paste it to the running-configuration on the router.
no ip domain-lookup
service password-encryption
hostname R1
enable secret 5 $1$SBb4$n.EuL28kPTzxMLFiyMLl5/
banner motd #
Unauthorized access is strictly prohibited. #
line con 0
logging sync
Ne vem kako naj to skopiram, če me že takoj vpraša za geslo?
Naprej piše,
Step 1: Reboot the router.
a. While still consoled into R1, remove the power cord from the back of R1.
Note: If you are working in a NETLAB pod, ask your instructor how to power cycle the router.
b. From the console session on PC-A, issue a hard break to interrupt the routers normal boot process and enter ROMMON mode.
Note: To issue a hard break in Tera Term, press the Alt and the B keys simultaneously.
Probal sem ustavit bootanje z alt + B samo se ne zgodi nič. Delam v win10 preko bootcampa na MacbookPro za dostop pa uporabljam putty.
Kaj delam narobe?
Dobil sem Router, ki je že par let ni več v uporabi, posledično ga tudi nihče več ne pozna dostopa do njega. Rad bi ga resetiral, da bi se lahko malo igral z IOS v živo ne samo preko packet tracerja. Gre za model 2621XM. Ko se naloži mi napiše
User Access Verification
Userja seveda ne poznam.
Imam navodila, kako odklenit zadevo samo mi ne uspe.
a. Console into the router and enter global configuration mode.
b. Copy the following basic configuration and paste it to the running-configuration on the router.
no ip domain-lookup
service password-encryption
hostname R1
enable secret 5 $1$SBb4$n.EuL28kPTzxMLFiyMLl5/
banner motd #
Unauthorized access is strictly prohibited. #
line con 0
logging sync
Ne vem kako naj to skopiram, če me že takoj vpraša za geslo?
Naprej piše,
Step 1: Reboot the router.
a. While still consoled into R1, remove the power cord from the back of R1.
Note: If you are working in a NETLAB pod, ask your instructor how to power cycle the router.
b. From the console session on PC-A, issue a hard break to interrupt the routers normal boot process and enter ROMMON mode.
Note: To issue a hard break in Tera Term, press the Alt and the B keys simultaneously.
Probal sem ustavit bootanje z alt + B samo se ne zgodi nič. Delam v win10 preko bootcampa na MacbookPro za dostop pa uporabljam putty.
Kaj delam narobe?
rokp ::
Tudi v putty-ju bi moralo, ce ne drugace, pritisnes Ctrl in desni klik miske, izberes "Special Command" in "Break".
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