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Žitije Donalda Trampa

Žitije Donalda Trampa

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DarwiN ::

Ampak je res prav zabavno.. Sta iz Swampa odletela dva patološka sociopata, Sean Spicer in Reince Priebus.. Dumpo medtem napada "najbolj zvestega" državnega tožilca Jeff Sessionsa, ker naj bi ga naenkrat zmotilo, da se je ta marca izločil iz preiskave ruske afere.

Torej Muellerja - ki je po odstavitvi FBI direktorja Comeyja prevzel preiskavo Trumpa, njegove kampanje in družine - menda lahko odpusti le državni tožilec Jeff Sessions.... A ker se je Sessions prostovoljno izločil iz preiskave, saj je bil sam del volilne kampanje in ne more preiskovat samega sebe, zdaj ne more odpustiti Muellerja. Tako zdaj nihče ne more odpustit Muellerja.. Niti sam Dumpo ne. Dumpo se mora najprej znebit Sessionsa in na njegovo mesto postavit drugega sociopata, ki lahko nato odpusti Sessionsa...;))))))))))) Now, Dumpo sicer lahko sam odslovi Sessionsa, ampak bi utrpel precej negativnih posledic, zato ga napada, da bi Sessions sam odstopil. Vendar ta se ne da in noče odstopit. :P Alternativno pa je menda celo v igri play, da Dumpo počaka, da gre kongres na počitnice in takrat obglavi Sessionsa. V tem primeru ga baje nihče ne nadomesti do naslednjega leta in je ta položaj pač nezaseden. :P

Skratka LMAO, you cannot make this shit up..

Medtem smo v Swamp dobili dva nova sociopata.. Prvi je prav simpatičen douchebag Scaramucci, drugi je pa tale tipo, pristni Jesus freak republikanec - Brownback:

You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Pac-Man ::

DarwiN je izjavil:

Tako zdaj nihče ne more odpustit Muellerja.. Niti sam Dumpo ne.

Lahko ga odpusti namestnik generalnega tožilca, ki zdaj nadzira preiskavo. Rod Rosenstein.


“I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt,” the president said on Twitter.

Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, had written a memo castigating James B. Comey before Trump dismissed the FBI director — a memo that the White House at first said was critical to the decision, before Trump suggested it was irrelevant because his mind was already made up.


Rosenstein, the former U.S. attorney in Maryland, was forced to take over supervision of the Russia investigation because Attorney General Jeff Sessions had recused himself.

And it was Rosenstein who appointed Robert S. Mueller III as the special counsel to lead that investigation after Comey was fired.


But Rosenstein has privately told people at the Justice Department, as ABC News first reported, that he may need to step aside from his role supervising the special-counsel investigation, according to officials familiar with the conversations.

If Rosenstein were to recuse himself, the responsibility of overseeing the special counsel would fall to the department’s third-highest-ranking official, Rachel Lee Brand, who was confirmed a month ago to be associate attorney general.

If Trump ordered Brand to fire Mueller and she refused, the responsibility to oversee the special counsel would fall to Dana Boente, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, according to a presidential executive order. Boente is serving as the acting head of the Justice Department’s national security division.

After Boente, the responsibility would fall to the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina and then the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Texas.

DarwiN je izjavil:

Alternativno pa je menda celo v igri play, da Dumpo počaka, da gre kongres na počitnice in takrat obglavi Sessionsa. V tem primeru ga baje nihče ne nadomesti do naslednjega leta in je ta položaj pač nezaseden.

Tu je malo luknje. Trump lahko med počitnicami odstavi Sessionsa in na pozicijo imenuje drugega kandidata. Tega bi moral potrditi senat, ampak ker je ta na počitnicah po X dneh avtomatično nastopi funkcijo.

Recess appointment @ Wikipedia

Ampak tudi to luknjo se da poflikat. Bodo šli na dopust, ampak vseeno bodo vsakih par dni sklicali 15-minutne pro-forma seje, tako da uradno še vedno zasedajo :)

DarwiN ::

Good stuff, Pac-Man. Real life kriminalka. Komaj čakam naslednjo epizodo. Who's gonna bite the dust next? :P
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Cervantes ::

Če spremljate FoxNews je tam novica dneva boa constrictor, ki je davila eno babo.
V primeru, da je to CNN, je WH tik pred implozijo, USA pe sredi državljanske vojne.
Cui credere?
Ne nasedajte.

jype ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Ne nasedajte.
Saj ne nasedamo mi.

Včeraj ob desetih zvečer so prvič objavili zakon, ob pol enih zjutraj jim je pa McCain kot tretji republikanec pokazal sredinca.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jype ()

Pac-Man ::


Tale prvi screenshot je zabeležen pod trebaprebrat & zakaj je ameriška politika zanimiva.

 Amazing. Also clear now that McCain's yes on motion to proceed is what killed the bill.

Amazing. Also clear now that McCain's yes on motion to proceed is what killed the bill.

Zato je Trump danes tvital o dolgočasnih senatnih pravilih.


Republican Senate must get rid of 60 vote NOW! It is killing the R Party, allows 8 Dems to control country. 200 Bills sit in Senate. A JOKE! The very outdated filibuster rule must go. Budget reconciliation is killing R's in Senate. Mitch M, go to 51 Votes NOW and WIN. IT'S TIME! Republicans in the Senate will NEVER win if they don't go to a 51 vote majority NOW. They look like fools and are just wasting time, 8 Dems totally control the U.S. Senate. Many great Republican bills will never pass, like Kate's Law and complete Healthcare. Get smart! If the Senate Democrats ever got the chance, they would switch to a 51 majority vote in first minute. They are laughing at R's. MAKE CHANGE!

gremo naprej:
 Remember Chuck Johnson?

Remember Chuck Johnson?

 It looks like Chuck is being investigated by the Senate re Russia. Rut Roh

It looks like Chuck is being investigated by the Senate re Russia. Rut Roh

 and it looks like @Cernovich is worried, too. Because they work together.

and it looks like @Cernovich is worried, too. Because they work together.

 Oh, and Chuck has set up a legal defense fund. In case you want to help out.

Oh, and Chuck has set up a legal defense fund. In case you want to help out.

Eyes on Prize. Some girls from Trump Model Management were sent on to "resort" in California. NYAG Schneiderman has looped in California Attorney General. Some high profile names are coming up with that part of investigation....Erik Prince, among them.

Retreat" may be better term than "Resort". I'm told. Trump was there, too.

Many questions re Trump models. Some were underage. Some were not. Some did model-some did model and "entertain". Some mostly "entertained".

In resna alu scena:

We may never know what happened to Maria. That's tragic. Trump should be made to tell us. For those of you who ask "who is Maria?"

Trump's buddy: The ‘sex slave’ scandal that exposed pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein

Dershowitz along w others including Acosta represented Epstein in his sex case:

Out of the ordinary, although I'd guess very well compensated for. The compensation, in this case, could be silence. These liaisons were being recorded. There was a special room under the stairs.

Here is some more on this rape case

Še malo o Melaniji:


A couple of weekends ago, Paolo Zampolli received a text message from Melania Trump, the wife of the Republican candidate for president, urging him to give her a call. The next day, Mr. Zampolli, a former modeling agent who had discovered the Slovene 20 years ago in Milan, listened as Ms. Trump expressed anguish over a gossipy report in the British tabloid The Daily Mail accusing her and Mr. Zampolli of operating an escort service in the 1990s.

“This is outrageous,’” Ms. Trump said on the call, according to Mr. Zampolli, explaining that she was considering filing a suit against The Daily Mail for making false and defamatory statements. He said she sounded “extremely disturbed.”


By stepping back into the spotlight, Mr. Zampolli, a tireless self-promoter of mysterious means, brings into the 2016 presidential race an explicit reminder of the company the Trumps and Clintons kept in the behind-the-velvet-rope heyday of fin-de-20th-siècle New York. For two couples often accused of having an exceptionally transactional worldview, Mr. Zampolli is both Zelig and an open-collared emblem of the social waters in which they swam.

He secured Ms. Trump’s visa to the United States and introduced her to her future husband at a 1998 party he hosted at the Kit Kat Club. (Mr. Zampolli’s parties have featured an alligator, tiger cubs and models at nightclubs blowing kisses at Fashion Television cameras.)


By then, he said, he had already met Mr. Clinton “many, many, many” times. He called Mr. Clinton’s former adviser Doug Band “Dougie” and used to be close to Ronald Burkle, the billionaire investor who was once a close friend, private-jet provider and business partner of Mr. Clinton.


These days, Mr. Zampolli has traded in the fashion business for real estate and diplomatic pursuits. In 2013 he became, by appointment, the United Nations ambassador of Dominica, a country of which he is not a citizen. A Brazilian model, Amanda Ungaro, his wife of a decade and the mother of his young son, herself became ambassador of Grenada to the United Nations, also by appointment.


An only child, Mr. Zampolli was raised in a wealthy Milanese family.


Mr. Zampolli had his eye on other amusements. In 1994, he organized the Look of the Year contest in Ibiza, Spain (“Sponsored by Replay Jeans,” he said, out of habit). He then became friendly with John Casablancas, the founder of Elite Model Management, who suggested he move to New York to work in the modeling business.

//Casablancas je tudi en svoj smad, google him.

He rented an apartment in Union Square and met Mr. Trump, whose grandiosity he admired and who, like him, was a fixture on the city’s nightclub circuit. “We both have a common interest,” Mr. Zampolli said. “We both like beautiful things.”


He also traveled the world scouting talent for his agency and met Ms. Trump at a Milan casting call.

Mr. Zampolli recalled that he asked her, “Would you like to come to New York to try the market?” where, he explained, she could make more money. “I would be very interested,” he said she replied.


In late 2004, Mr. Zampolli’s fortunes in the modeling business had faltered and he lost a public auction to buy Elite Model Management. After taking in a Victoria’s Secret fashion show, he squeezed into a small banquette at his favorite restaurant, Cipriani Downtown, where he often ate twice a day, with the Trumps and David Copperfield, the illusionist and one-time boyfriend of the supermodel Claudia Schiffer.


Mr. Zampolli entered the real estate business as Mr. Trump’s director of international development. (“Ciao, Paolo! Donald’s Matchmaker Goes From Pin-Ups to Penthouses” a New York Observer headline read.)


Mr. Zampolli said he soon left Mr. Trump because the developer stopped developing and “there wasn’t much to do because there was no inventory.” Instead, he started shuttling around clients in a Rolls-Royce and helicopters as the founder of Paramount Group. The company made headlines for using former models as brokers to sell luxury apartments.

Back then, Mr. Zampolli explained his thinking to CNBC. “The gorgeous ladies,” he said. “They meet the most rich and powerful people of the world, and some of them, they keep this connection.”

Pac-Man ::


As an Obama DHS/DOJ guy, here’s my two cents on what DHS Sec. Kelly becoming Chief of Staff means for WH and DHS -- and maybe DOJ.

Kelly is far more competent than any of Trump’s WH courtiers. A retired four-star Marine general, he knows how to make and break things. Priebus, by contrast, had virtually no government experience. Even without the idiotic infighting & lunatic boss, he was doomed to fail.

Kelly knows how to run stuff. Last DoD gig: heading US Southern Command, which is responsible for Latin America & Caribbean. In that job he worked closely w/Obama's DHS. At his January confirmation hearing, Kelly spoke highly of Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson. He even wanted Johnson’s ex-chief of staff, Christian Marrone, for the #2 spot at DHS!

The Trump team nixed that & boosted Kris Kobach, who wrote Arizona's anti-immigrant law (& now heads Trump's BS voter-fraud commission). Kelly resisted and kept Kobach out of DHS. But the White House kept trying to put unqualified fire-breathers in key DHS posts. Most notably, Kelly fought off efforts to name deranged Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke, who’s a verifiable sadist, to a key post.Yet Kelly himself seemed to drift rightwards, attacking advocates of more discretion in immigration enforcement.

So what’s next for DHS? Elaine Duke (who got the #2 job over Kobach, and who's eminently sane) will be Acting Secretary. Trump will likely nominate a replacement in the usual way. A confirmation would require Senate hearings and a vote.

Some wonder why Trump would want another confirmation battle. But I suspect he’s salivating at the prospect! DHS’s purview includes two of Trump’s favorite topics – immigration and terrorism. He’d *love* a slew of news cycles on those issues. Trump knows this stuff made him POTUS. His base eats it up, especially when it angers Dems. Unless a loon, his pick will get confirmed.

But what if he moves Sessions to DHS? He could then install an AG who isn’t recused from Russia and who might fire/limit Mueller. Why would Sessions go along? He might prefer it to getting constantly undermined by Trump (and that’s his best-case scenario!).

DHS would fit Sessions like a glove. He’s passionate about immigration & terrorism -- thumbs down to both! -- and wouldn't annoy Trump. And if Sessions is happy, then the conservatives inside and outside government who recently rallied to his defense would also be happy.

Under the DOJ succession statute, the acting AG would be the current #2, Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller after Sessions recused. Instead of appointing a new AG, the World’s Worst Boss™ could just slowly undermine Rosenstein until he can’t take it anymore and quits. Or he could name a new AG – and he could do so without seeking Senate approval.

How would the GOP Senate react? They’d probably ok moving Sessions to DHS. But sneaking in a new AG w/o hearings might make them mad. I *think* for now Trump will resist the temptation to install a rogue AG, push out Mueller or otherwise make his GOP allies go bananas. But the best way to protect Mueller is Sen. Graham’s: legislation to provide judicial review if he gets fired.

What’s the best way to protect the rest of us? Kelly is a grown-up and will do his best to minimize WH dysfunction. But that’s a tall order, to say the least, when the source of that dysfunction is the Commander-in-Chief.

drvo ::

Pac man,si ti plačan, da od jutra do večera smetiš temo s copy/paste, ki so brez glave in repa in se vlečejo čez pol strani?
Tema je postala totalno nepregledna in odvračujoča, napiši s svojimi besedami prilepi linke za tiste ki jih zanima ne pa, da je treba poscrolat pol strani, da prideš do nasledenjega posta in potem še naslednje pol strani, da se po tvojem naslednjem copy/paste prebiješ naprej.
Pa brez zamere, mišljeno je dobronamerno, imaš pravico, da pišeš kot pišeš. Samo predlog.

jype ::

Jaz sem mu hvaležen, da vse bistvene novice lepo povzame v tej temi.

Hvala, Pac-man.

Cervantes ::

jype je izjavil:

Jaz sem mu hvaležen, da vse bistvene novice lepo povzame v tej temi.

Hvala, Pac-man.

Čisto tebi podobno.
Mi ostali imamo zato STA, ki celo objavlja v slovenščini.

jype ::

Ma, po pravici povedano me silno veseli predvsem to, da ste zelene snežinke ves čas tako zelo sprožene.

nejclp ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

jype je izjavil:

Jaz sem mu hvaležen, da vse bistvene novice lepo povzame v tej temi.

Hvala, Pac-man.

Čisto tebi podobno.
Mi ostali imamo zato STA, ki celo objavlja v slovenščini.

"Vi ostali" zaradi mene lahko ostanite omejeni na STA oz. na tisto, kar vam paše. Sicer se redko oglašam, ker nimam tako dobrega želodca kot jype, da bi se z rasistki, fašistki in podobnimi ukvarjal, sem pa redno prisoten; in če se je treba opredeliti: pacmanovi posti so kar informativni, tako da podpiram.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: nejclp ()

DarwiN ::

Brez Pac-Mana bi bila nitka precej neaktivna, zdaj ko so trumptardi poniknili, ker se jim je flow z alternativnimi dejstvi upočasnil. Poleg tega se neo-nacijem več ne da odpirat anonimnih s&t računov.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

next3steps ::

Dejstva ne morejo biti alternativna.
Nice try, dumbtard.

DarwiN ::

next3steps je izjavil:

Dejstva ne morejo biti alternativna.
Oh, dobri stari časi, ko še ni bilo tega fenomena oz. ni bil tako v ospredju. >:D
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: DarwiN ()

Cervantes ::

Pa naj se paco potrudi pa kaj prevede.
Jaz začnem naslednji teden pastat članke v mandžurščini.

thed0g195 ::

Na videu so miroljubni pripadniki levice, pripravljeni na dialog in izmenjavo mnenj*:

*ce nisi mentalno prizadet, zgornje propagande ne jemljes resno

Toliko o tem kdo je pravi "naci".

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: thed0g195 ()

Pac-Man ::

Ya Burnt!



These guys don’t want to see Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross. What they want is to be Blake. They want to swagger, to curse, to insult, and to exercise power over men, exercising power over men being the classical means to the end of exercising power over women, which is of course what this, and nine-tenths of everything else in human affairs, is about. Blake is a specimen of that famous creature, the “alpha male,” and establishing and advertising one’s alpha creds is an obsession for some sexually unhappy contemporary men. There is a whole weird little ecosystem of websites (some of them very amusing) and pickup-artist manuals offering men tips on how to be more alpha, more dominant, more commanding, a literature that performs roughly the same function in the lives of these men that Cosmopolitan sex tips play in the lives of insecure women. Of course this advice ends up producing cartoonish, ridiculous behavior. If you’re wondering where Anthony Scaramucci learned to talk and behave like such a Scaramuccia, ask him how many times he’s seen Glengarry Glen Ross.


For the pick-up artists, the idea is that simply acting in social situations as though one were confident, successful, and naturally masterful is a pretty good substitute for being those things. Never mind the advice of Cicero (esse quam videri, be rather than seem) or Rush — just go around acting like Blake and people will treat you like Blake.

If that sounds preposterous, remind yourself who the president of the United States of America is.

Trump is the political version of a pickup artist, and Republicans — and America — went to bed with him convinced that he was something other than what he is. Trump inherited his fortune but describes himself as though he were a self-made man.

He has had a middling career in real estate and a poor one as a hotelier and casino operator but convinced people he is a titan of industry. He has never managed a large, complex corporate enterprise, but he did play an executive on a reality show. He presents himself as a confident ladies’ man but is so insecure that he invented an imaginary friend to lie to the New York press about his love life and is now married to a woman who is open and blasé about the fact that she married him for his money. He fixates on certain words (“negotiator”) and certain classes of words (mainly adjectives and adverbs, “bigly,” “major,” “world-class,” “top,” and superlatives), but he isn’t much of a negotiator, manager, or leader. He cannot negotiate a health-care deal among members of a party desperate for one, can’t manage his own factionalized and leak-ridden White House, and cannot lead a political movement that aspires to anything greater than the service of his own pathetic vanity.

He wants to be John Wayne, but what he is is “Woody Allen without the humor.” Peggy Noonan, to whom we owe that observation, has his number: He is soft, weak, whimpering, and petulant. He isn’t smart enough to do the job and isn’t man enough to own up to the fact. For all his gold-plated toilets, he is at heart that middling junior salesman watching Glengarry Glen Ross and thinking to himself: “That’s the man I want to be.” How many times do you imagine he has stood in front of a mirror trying to project like Alec Baldwin? Unfortunately for the president, it’s Baldwin who does the good imitation of Trump, not the other way around.

jype ::

thed0g195 je izjavil:

Na videu so miroljubni pripadniki levice, pripravljeni na dialog in izmenjavo mnenj*:
Ne, to je "tester" za novo formulo antikapitalisitčne revolucije. Kar nadaljujte v tej smeri, če vas zanima razlika med protestom zoper tiste, ki vse imajo, pa jim to ni dovolj, in začetkom sovražnosti zoper vse, ki podpirajo sistem, v katerem najbogatejši dobijo še več, vsi ostali pa vedno manj.

thed0g195 je izjavil:

Toliko o tem kdo je pravi "naci".
Jasno je, kdo je pravi naci: Kdorkoli podpira nacizem. Tile zamaskiranci branijo vaše pravice.

Brane22 ::

Meanwhile in GB:

Tommy Robinson: The Truth About the Koran

Update par zadnjih tednov, pač tisto, kar nikjer uradno ni bilo objavljeno...
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Pac-Man ::

Ahahahaha. Pod mus poglejte še 2. video.


jype ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Meanwhile in GB:
Nazis gonna nazi, sure.

Brane22 je izjavil:

Update par zadnjih tednov, pač tisto, kar nikjer uradno ni bilo objavljeno...
Mhm, ultradesničarska propaganda, ki "nikjer ni bila uradno objavljena", hvala bogu.

Me prav zanima, zakaj se tako osredotočata na islamski terorizem, če je po številu žrtev ta šele petnajsti? Menda ja ne zaradi islamofobije?

Brane22 ::

jype je izjavil:

Me prav zanima, zakaj se tako osredotočata na islamski terorizem, če je po številu žrtev ta šele petnajsti? Menda ja ne zaradi islamofobije?

Če gre za islamofobijo, potem nikakor ne moreta biti nacija.
Hićo & Co. niso reševali stvari z nekakšnimi fobijami...
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

jype ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Če gre za islamofobijo, potem nikakor ne moreta biti nacija.
Ionako nisi sasvim čitav.

Pac-Man ::



GOP stalwarts in this piece have cause and effect reversed.

Worry That White House Disarray Is Undermining Trump

Not one person works in the WH without the approval of Donald Trump. Not. One. The pathetic excuses these folks make for President Failure Mode are hilarious. It's always something or someone else to blame for Trump's patent inability to lead. It's always traitors in his midst, sunspots, witchcraft, crop failures, or Shadowy Forces Beyond His Control.

Every new drama requires the former champions and heroes of MAGA world world to become villains and the latest players to become heroic. There will come a day whe even the people whom MAGAmerica believed were the architects, saviors, and made men of Trump's victory will draw Trump's fire, and be banished into the Outer Darkness. Of course, this can't last. Trump is already beginning to scrape down to a more desperate class of appointee.

Official Washington is incredibly nervous and the loss of either sessions, Mattis, or Tillerson will send them into a panic. And by official Washington, I will remind you once again that Congress is a co-equal branch of government. They do not work for Trump.

The wolves of this world don't think Donald Trump is a strong man, an alpha male, a smart leader, or a strong president. But by all means, without the Electoral College map for the four hundredth time. That should make you feel better.

Pac-Man ::



A military analyst contact whose mentors are in Trump orbit, in a back and forth exchange on some personnel stuff, told me: The "Administration wants to do North Korea & Iran in Year 1, to go into 2018 with national security capital"

Who wouldn't, right? But in what alt reality do they formulate policy in where they think they can do DPRK & Iran as first year checklist? Like a whiteboard in Bannon office, with items to be checked off.

There was more to exchange, suggesting that cuz Trump does not want his own "Iraq" war, they may feel bit constrained in their options. But was dumbstruck by Strangelovean alt reality in which Trump aides could think North Korea is a problem that can be "done" on a convenient political calendar. (Also, Iran.)

Ilan is not joking. believe this is the idea. Why didn't Obama think of that?

Year 1: Iran & North Korea
Year 2: China & Russia
Year 3: world peace
Year 4: reelection

Brilliant. Easy


I've known Secretary Kelly nearly half my adult life & while I've never worked w/him directly, I've enough experience to have insights.

Sec. Kelly is a by-the-book guy, who cares about his personal integrity, and has really good political instincts. He's done 2 tours in Congressional liaison during a period when USMC was considered the best of the services in working the HIll.

He's got deep relationships with members of Congress, having traveled with many over the years & can get most on the phone. He's got deep respect for the power of Congress, and risked Rumsfeld's wrath to do Congressional notification on Haditha b4 it hit press.

I worked w/him on gender integration of basic training, and while he personally didn't want it for USMC, once law changed, he saluted. On Muslim Ban in Aspen, Kelly said DHS are working to ensure that they don't get cross-wise with the courts on enforcement.

So, I believe he will enforce the law, but also push to the limit of the statutory law in President's direction. If you don't like it, you'll have to work to change the law (in Congress). Kelly will have to push in Trump's direction to maintain his trust & stay in job.

I don't believe Kelly will let Trump push past statutory limits or violate the Constitution. (on things like Habeas, for example). Yet, I think Kelly will help Trump be more effective in focusing on parts of agenda that are scary (immigration) vs. stupid (infighting).

I also think Kelly's reputation as a tough-as-nails warrior will help him back down ppl like Scaramucci & Bannon, but maybe not Trump. Kelly believes in Chain of Command, so Trump is the only one who outranks him in the WH. The Q is can he convince Trump to moderate.

Having had a # of convos w/Kelly about civil-military relations, I think he's taking this job out of a sense of duty, to curb excesses.

With Kelly at WH, I think you will see more nationalist-leaning policies coming forward, but not to the point of breaking democracy. Then it will be up to American ppl in 2018 & 2020 to decide if this is the direction we want to go. I hope not. But that's on voters.

At least, w/Kelly, I think we'll continue to have the option of elections to make a change. So get/stay engaged, tweeple.

jype ::

Massacra ::

Najbolje za vse bi bilo, da ta Trump do konca mandata dela na samem sebi in svojih ljudeh v Beli hiši. In da ne dela nič drugega. Tako bo najmanj škode.

Samuel ::

If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Pac-Man ::

To se bo dobro končalo.


New White House chief of staff John Kelly was so upset with how President Donald Trump handled the firing of FBI Director James Comey that Kelly called Comey afterward and said he was considering resigning, according to two sources familiar with a conversation between Kelly and Comey.


Comey, who took Kelly's call while traveling back from Los Angeles to Washington, responded to Kelly by telling him not to resign, one of the sources said.

The sources said Comey and Kelly are not close friends but that they had a professional relationship and a deep mutual respect for each other.

Comey declined to comment for this story. The White House and the Department of Homeland Security have not responded to requests for comment.

Brane22 ::

Wow. Zdej ko imamo tvoje insajderske informacije direkt z izvira, lahko House Of Cards kar ukinejo.

Folk itak ne more spat brez stalne obveščenosti o pogovrih birokratov na drugem kontinentu.

Maš mogoče transkript, ki bi ga pripopal sem ?
On a journey of life I chose a psycho path...

Samuel ::

Tale Trump ima srečo. Predseduje med ameriškim gospodarskim razcvetom.
Boga ZDa in cel svet, če bi moral prevzet državo leta 2009 (kot Obama) v najhujši krizi od depresije v 1930ih.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Massacra ::

Ne cvetijo najbolj rožice v USA! Je pa vsekakor boljše, kot za časa prevzema oblasti Clontona in Obame.

Saj, staro pravilo pravi, da v obdobju razcveta oblast ptevzemajo republikanci, v 4-8 letih večino stvari zajebejo (ker delajo najbolj po pravilu koruptivnosti in klientelizma), v obdobju recesije pa spet zmagajo demokrati in poslušajo vzpostaviti nazaj neko "najbolj optimalno stanje".

Samuel ::

The 13 Funniest Tweets About Anthony Scaramucci Leaving the White House Already

ta najboljš:
"Unfortunately for the Mooch, the minimum tenure to get invited to the annual WH Comms Directors Reunion is 3 weeks"
"Scaramucci about to write a 20 page book about his time in the White House"
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Massacra ::

Da delajo na način koruptivnosti in klientelizma se še najbolj vidi pri Drumpu: vse stare prijatelje (in mords upnike njegovega dolga?) ter vso familijo je spravil na pozicije oblasti.

Na bruhanje mi gre...

Samuel ::

Massacra je izjavil:

Ne cvetijo najbolj rožice v USA! Je pa vsekakor boljše, kot za časa prevzema oblasti Clontona in Obame.

Praktično vsi kazalniki so zelo dobri.. npr: najnižja brezposelnost v zadnjih 17ih letih, borze cvetijo...
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Cervantes ::

Bruhaj raje zaradi novih ruskih sankcij.
Marsikatera evropska firma bo šla na kant.

Pac-Man ::

Robert Reich @ Wikipedia

Robert Bernard Reich is an American political commentator, professor, and author. He served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997.


This morning I spoke with my friend, a former Republican member of Congress.

Spotted huddling in Press Sec office (where Scaramucci statement was being drafted): Spicer. Could explain choice of "clean slate" line

Spicer emerged from his office, promised a statement soon. Didn't answer Qs about his future.

He was smiling.

Cervantes je izjavil:

Bruhaj raje zaradi novih ruskih sankcij.
Marsikatera evropska firma bo šla na kant.

Nord Stream II recimo. In nato crički.

Tole so sankcije, če bi kdo bral. Klikni na Text.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
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