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Žitije Donalda Trampa
Temo vidijo: vsi
c3p0 ::
jype ::
Pacotov komentar želim, zakaj naenkrat tak shift. Drugi twitter sourci? CNN?A lahko polinkaš njegov "impeachment čez pet minut" prispevek?
Melanija. Vzamemo te nazaj.Zase govori.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
vostok_1 ::
Traitor pussy is still pussy...
Traitor pussy is still pussy...
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Pac-Man ::
Še ena zadevica, ki bi se znala vrtet v prihodnosti:
On October 9 2013, New York District Attorney Preet Bharara filed a criminal forfeiture court case against the Prevezon Group – an intricate web of offshore companies, which – the US Government claimed – had been the vehicle behind a $230 m international fraud and money laundering scheme. The group was owned by Denis Katsyv, son of the Vice President of Russian Railroads, a state monopoly and one of the largest companies in Russia.
The rest of the case is familiar to anyone who has followed Bill Browder’s “Magnitsky” case.
Through the following 3 years, the case was proceeding at full speed, its docket exploding to over 10,000 pages of documents (the initial claim can be read here).
On March 9, Donald Trump fired Preet Bharara.
The case against the Prevezon criminal organization was set to begin two months later, on Monday, May 15th. The Government appeared confident of its victory, and appeared to have its act in order: dozens of witnesses, including undercover special FBI agents and European law enforcement officers, were lined up and ready to go – in person, via videolink, or via deposition.
Then, something unexpected happened. On the Friday before the court date, acting NY District Attorney Joon H. Kim settled with the Russian group.
Pervezon was triumphant. In the words of Faith Gay, one of the lawyers for the defendants,
However, the substantive lawyer for Prevezon was not American. As seen in a transcript from a court conference call where Gay was asked to disclose who else is listening in, the Russian lawyer’s name was mentioned – for the first and last time in the court proceedings.
It was Natalia Veselnitskaya – the June 9 2016 informant of Donald Trump Jr. As K. Johnson @ASpinOfTheWheel noticed, Veselnitskaya’s daughter was also part of the defendants’ legal team.
On October 9 2013, New York District Attorney Preet Bharara filed a criminal forfeiture court case against the Prevezon Group – an intricate web of offshore companies, which – the US Government claimed – had been the vehicle behind a $230 m international fraud and money laundering scheme. The group was owned by Denis Katsyv, son of the Vice President of Russian Railroads, a state monopoly and one of the largest companies in Russia.
The rest of the case is familiar to anyone who has followed Bill Browder’s “Magnitsky” case.
Through the following 3 years, the case was proceeding at full speed, its docket exploding to over 10,000 pages of documents (the initial claim can be read here).
On March 9, Donald Trump fired Preet Bharara.
The case against the Prevezon criminal organization was set to begin two months later, on Monday, May 15th. The Government appeared confident of its victory, and appeared to have its act in order: dozens of witnesses, including undercover special FBI agents and European law enforcement officers, were lined up and ready to go – in person, via videolink, or via deposition.
Then, something unexpected happened. On the Friday before the court date, acting NY District Attorney Joon H. Kim settled with the Russian group.
Pervezon was triumphant. In the words of Faith Gay, one of the lawyers for the defendants,
“We are settling for less than 3 percent of the amount initially sought by the U.S. government. This settlement is nothing short of a victory for Prevezon. It’s almost an apology by the government.”
However, the substantive lawyer for Prevezon was not American. As seen in a transcript from a court conference call where Gay was asked to disclose who else is listening in, the Russian lawyer’s name was mentioned – for the first and last time in the court proceedings.
It was Natalia Veselnitskaya – the June 9 2016 informant of Donald Trump Jr. As K. Johnson @ASpinOfTheWheel noticed, Veselnitskaya’s daughter was also part of the defendants’ legal team.
Massacra ::
Not bad at all.
Se bomo rešili nesnage v obeh taborih.
Morda pa je čas za tretjo politično opcijo v USA. Ne vem če kdaj bolj kot sedaj!
c3p0 ::
Pacotov komentar želim, zakaj naenkrat tak shift. Drugi twitter sourci? CNN?A lahko polinkaš njegov "impeachment čez pet minut" prispevek?
To je to.
TrumpRussia je lahko totalen bulšit, Doni čist kot pišuka, nobenega pranja denarja in utaj. Vseeno je zgornji stavek dovolj za impičment. Predsednik ZDA ni porota, tožilec in sodnik v eni osebi, sploh ko je sam v centru procesa. Obstruction of justice, čaubau.
Čakamo samo politično voljo.
1,2,3, akcija
Saj vemo, kaj sledi?
Trump bo padel kot poceni kurba.
I can't speak to the arrests. But I can speak to the Kraken stirring.
Trump took his best shot. Soon, the professionals who are upholding the rule of law will, "Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War".
Poglej si prve strani teme, Rusi so bili vsaka druga beseda, Comeyevo pričanje je še dosti obetalo, ekstaza v zraku. Ah, the good old times.
Zdaj me boš lovil da ni dobesedno napisal 5 minut, you win! :)
RedDrake ::
Hehe, tole je zanimivo ja.
Očitno so bili teli maili in sestanek vzrok za pridobitev FISA naloga.
Hkrati je precej očitno, da je to "smoking gun", ki ga Pacotovi viri uporabljajo (Kushner, Trump Jr. in Manafort so bili omenjeni kot potencialni zaporniški kandidati).
Če je res, kar sedaj trdi Trump jr. in tale odvetnica, potem _dejanski collusion_ odpade iz slike. Možna je samo kakšna obsodba Kushnerja (ki je, če je, lagal pod prisego), ali morda Trumpa mlajšega, ampak to je že precej manj verjetno.
Vsekakor pa je precej očitno, da ni bilo neke zarote, ki bi delovala proti državi.
Me zanima kaj bo iz tega.
Pa še tale posrednik je povsem slučajno vpleten v firmo, ki je imela prste zraven pri tistem Steele dosjeju (aka piss tapes n' shit).
Entrapment much?
Očitno so bili teli maili in sestanek vzrok za pridobitev FISA naloga.
Hkrati je precej očitno, da je to "smoking gun", ki ga Pacotovi viri uporabljajo (Kushner, Trump Jr. in Manafort so bili omenjeni kot potencialni zaporniški kandidati).
Če je res, kar sedaj trdi Trump jr. in tale odvetnica, potem _dejanski collusion_ odpade iz slike. Možna je samo kakšna obsodba Kushnerja (ki je, če je, lagal pod prisego), ali morda Trumpa mlajšega, ampak to je že precej manj verjetno.
Vsekakor pa je precej očitno, da ni bilo neke zarote, ki bi delovala proti državi.
Me zanima kaj bo iz tega.
Pa še tale posrednik je povsem slučajno vpleten v firmo, ki je imela prste zraven pri tistem Steele dosjeju (aka piss tapes n' shit).
Entrapment much?
Clinton je bil impeachan zaradi laganja in oviranja preiskave.
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
RedDrake ::
Trump ni oviral preiskave, lagal pa v zvezi s tem (zaenkrat) še ni.
Btw, Paco je zgoraj prilepil fotko tele odvetnice na zaslišanju ambasadorja. Tam piše, da je bilo to leta 2014.
Ooops, dejansko je bilo leta 2016, par dni po sestanku s Trumpom mlajšim.
Pa še to.
Ženska ne govori angleško. Torej je na sestanku moral biti _vsaj_ še prevajalec, ki bi lahko bil dobra priča.
Btw, Paco je zgoraj prilepil fotko tele odvetnice na zaslišanju ambasadorja. Tam piše, da je bilo to leta 2014.
Ooops, dejansko je bilo leta 2016, par dni po sestanku s Trumpom mlajšim.
Pa še to.
Ženska ne govori angleško. Torej je na sestanku moral biti _vsaj_ še prevajalec, ki bi lahko bil dobra priča.
Pac-Man ::
Slučajno sem spet našel tole nevihto o novinarjih in virih iz maja.
I don't usually talk about my job much on here, I've had stalker problems IRL /online a few yrs ago but I NEED to say a few things.
I've been a journalist in mainstream media for SEVENTEEN years now. IN NO WAY MSM journalists are better sourced than former WH aides. I see the BS spewed by Abramson who by the way is not even a professional journalist, and it shows, & I realize ppl don't have any idea. Being a DC journalist absolutely doesn't mean a. HAVING FBI access or b. being called by sources just bc you're MSM. NOT how it works.
Being a DC journalist for MSM also DOESN'T mean having IC source access. AT ALL. Most MSM journos do NOT have the TRUST of IC ppl. MSM wants ACCESS to the big players first and foremost, nothing that UPSETS big players is published unless confirmed by multiple sources. In NO way would MSM publish the big scoops @TrueFactsStated gets, unless they got AT LEAST three different sources confirming. More importantly, @TrueFactsStated as WH aide had a chance to form connections a journalist can only DREAM of, unless V. good with ppl. Being well sourced is not something that comes with working for MSM. AT ALL. All PR people/politicians speak with you but FBI/IC? LOL NO. A former WH aide like @TrueFactsStated builds sources having 2 things journos don't have a. political capital and b. PERSONAL TRUST.
Most journalists are NOT trusted by anyone who isn't LOOKING for exposure bc most outlets look for maximum EFFECT, NOT maximum TRUTH. Point in case: when I started in big MSM in 2000, I was the new kid on the block. The thing I'm better at is PEOPLE. That's MY thing. In a matter of months I had direct access to ppl that those who had worked for 15 years didn't have. Why? Bc they TRUSTED ME. That's entirely due to my personal approach and to the fact I NEVER looked to screw anyone over but to report facts. They saw it.
The above is DEFINITELY NOT the case for vast majority of MSM now. There are still great journos (see: @Fahrenthold) but they're rare. IC or FBI sources are MUCH more likely to speak to someone they've built a relationship with through time that they trust. That's the case for @TrueFactsStated or @20committee who IS a former IC member. Obviously WAY easier for them to have great IC sources.
When WaPo or NYT or CNN get scoop, it's bc IC people are LOOKING FOR maximum exposure. Instead @TrueFactsStated or @20committee get facts bc of the trust & access they have to IC/FBI. Their knowledge is direct & constant. MSM doesn't have that. AND they wouldn't publish what THEY get w/o at least 3 diff sources confirming. So, CUT THE BS. Trying to constantly belittle those who have intel shows SERIOUS insecurity and transparent petty jealousy. Bear that in mind.
Seveda še vedno lahko nakladata. Obema koristi samopromocija.
I don't usually talk about my job much on here, I've had stalker problems IRL /online a few yrs ago but I NEED to say a few things.
I've been a journalist in mainstream media for SEVENTEEN years now. IN NO WAY MSM journalists are better sourced than former WH aides. I see the BS spewed by Abramson who by the way is not even a professional journalist, and it shows, & I realize ppl don't have any idea. Being a DC journalist absolutely doesn't mean a. HAVING FBI access or b. being called by sources just bc you're MSM. NOT how it works.
Being a DC journalist for MSM also DOESN'T mean having IC source access. AT ALL. Most MSM journos do NOT have the TRUST of IC ppl. MSM wants ACCESS to the big players first and foremost, nothing that UPSETS big players is published unless confirmed by multiple sources. In NO way would MSM publish the big scoops @TrueFactsStated gets, unless they got AT LEAST three different sources confirming. More importantly, @TrueFactsStated as WH aide had a chance to form connections a journalist can only DREAM of, unless V. good with ppl. Being well sourced is not something that comes with working for MSM. AT ALL. All PR people/politicians speak with you but FBI/IC? LOL NO. A former WH aide like @TrueFactsStated builds sources having 2 things journos don't have a. political capital and b. PERSONAL TRUST.
Most journalists are NOT trusted by anyone who isn't LOOKING for exposure bc most outlets look for maximum EFFECT, NOT maximum TRUTH. Point in case: when I started in big MSM in 2000, I was the new kid on the block. The thing I'm better at is PEOPLE. That's MY thing. In a matter of months I had direct access to ppl that those who had worked for 15 years didn't have. Why? Bc they TRUSTED ME. That's entirely due to my personal approach and to the fact I NEVER looked to screw anyone over but to report facts. They saw it.
The above is DEFINITELY NOT the case for vast majority of MSM now. There are still great journos (see: @Fahrenthold) but they're rare. IC or FBI sources are MUCH more likely to speak to someone they've built a relationship with through time that they trust. That's the case for @TrueFactsStated or @20committee who IS a former IC member. Obviously WAY easier for them to have great IC sources.
When WaPo or NYT or CNN get scoop, it's bc IC people are LOOKING FOR maximum exposure. Instead @TrueFactsStated or @20committee get facts bc of the trust & access they have to IC/FBI. Their knowledge is direct & constant. MSM doesn't have that. AND they wouldn't publish what THEY get w/o at least 3 diff sources confirming. So, CUT THE BS. Trying to constantly belittle those who have intel shows SERIOUS insecurity and transparent petty jealousy. Bear that in mind.
Seveda še vedno lahko nakladata. Obema koristi samopromocija.
Iatromantis ::
trerorist ::
Iatromantis je izjavil:
Zakaj bi Donald mlajši objavil ta chain-mail, kjer prizna, kar so pri kampanji vedno zanikali (stike in podporo ruske vlade)
Putin je ukazal.
Pac-Man ::
A je že impič paco? A bo do večera?
Prej moram vzgojiti še par svežih PNGjev. Počakaj malo.
Iatromantis je izjavil:
Zakaj bi Donald mlajši objavil ta chain-mail, kjer prizna, kar so pri kampanji vedno zanikali (stike in podporo ruske vlade), če ne zgolj zato, da bo mogoče on grešni kozel, ko bo šlo predaleč?
NYT je imel maile, objavili bi jih čez par ur in so ga kontaktirali za komentar. Tretjč ali četrtič v prav toliko dneh :)
Pa je nekdo sprejel odločitev, da je bolje, če jih prehiti in to stori sam. Full disclosure, transparentnost & shiz. Controling the narrative.
Večje vprašanje od kod jih je dobil NYT. Menda iz bele hiše, moral je biti nekdo "in the loop", morda celo cc na originalih. Kushner, Manafort?
xxxul ::
Iatromantis je izjavil:
Zakaj bi Donald mlajši objavil ta chain-mail, kjer prizna, kar so pri kampanji vedno zanikali (stike in podporo ruske vlade), če ne zgolj zato, da bo mogoče on grešni kozel, ko bo šlo predaleč?
part of Russia and it's goverment's support for Mr. Trump]
Ker nikjer ne piše da je ženska del Ruske vlade?
No, nekateri mislijo da so vsi rusi del Ruske vlade, ampak se motijo. Drugi se spomnijo da so nekateri pisali da imajo Rusi posnetke Golden Shower Donalda (od ruske vladeje celo nekdo pisu?!), ampak iskanje napak nasprotnika si lahko ocitno dovoli samo ena stran.
Pac-Man ::
Ker nikjer ne piše da je ženska del Ruske vlade?
No, nekateri mislijo da so vsi rusi del Ruske vlade, ampak se motijo.
Tako kot v Ukrajini ni ruskih vojakov, čeprav so mesec nazaj ujeli zadnjega. Bučke prodajajte kje drugje.
Lawyer that met Don Jr. had ties to Russian government, spy agency
Efforts by some in Russia to expose the corruption made their lives extremely difficult. In 2009, the Kremlin attacked lawyers from a Russian-based nongovernmental organization called Spravedlinost, the English translation of which is Justice.
It was in that context that Veselnitskaya allegedly warned attorney Andrey Stolbunov, the leader of Spravedlinost, that the FSB would punish the rights group for its investigation — implying that he should work with the government.
Stolbunov fled Russia in 2013, saying in a 2014 interview with Radio Free Europe that he was being persecuted over his efforts to expose financial misdeeds.
Russian prosecutors by then had accused him and his partners of trying to extort more than $20 million from Pyotr Katsyv, the father of Denis. Two of Stolbunov’s legal partners — Andrey Karasyov and Maxim Roslyakov — were jailed in 2010 despite denials in the matter.
xxxul ::
omenjaš bučke pa linkaš neki čist tretjega?
sej razumem, postat moraš ne glede na to a je totalna neumnost al pa ne.
sej razumem, postat moraš ne glede na to a je totalna neumnost al pa ne.
VaeVictis ::
Čaki mal, a sedaj se govori o tej ženski, da je Trump supporterka in ruska vohunka, ki dela za Trumpa?
Natalia Veselnitskaya - Facebook Archive
Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr linked to investigation group behind salacious Steele Dossier
Natalia Veselnitskaya - Facebook Archive
Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr linked to investigation group behind salacious Steele Dossier
Pac-Man ::
Se vidi, da si še svež in naiven.
McCain-Feygin fotka je z Mccainovega uradnega twitter računa. 14. april 2015.
Sicer možno, da jo je gospa poobjavila (zakaj?), ampak tvoj vir je Posobiec.
Zanimiv falot, zguglaj ga kdaj.
Ostalo imaš iz
kjer poskušajo nekaj zlepit skupaj, ampak jim ni jasno, da urin ruskih prostitutk ni učinkovit lepilo.
Da, Veselnitskaya je delala na primeru Prevezon. Da, navedeni anti-trumpovci prav tako. Ampak ona je bila del obrambe, anti-trumpovci pa so s tožilstva.
Tu pa poskušajo insinuirat sodelovanje.
Pac-Man ::
Pojdimo spet skozi zapise gospoda NSA in kolegov. V glavnem pravijo, da je tole s Trumpom Jr. samo obstranski šov.
I embrace summary firing squads for traitors. Reason 10,001 why I'm not a liberal.
Whole damn GRU network is out now giving each other reach-arounds. First Julian, now his shower buddy. Impressive.
Figure you what you want to call soliciting collaboration with HoIS to flip a US election & get back to us then.
I hope we can all agree this is more substantially serious than lying about getting a blowjob.
WHOA. Don Jr.'s false statement Sat. was drafted by WH aides & seen by Trump. This wasn't Jr being dopey. This was an attempted WH cover-up.
Subtle, those Chekists
This is just SAD! But also utterly hilarious.
Don Jr, counterspymaster.
"There appears 2 have been significant cooperation btwn Russia’s online propaganda machine & individuals in the US”
Translation: Alt-Right online propagandists need to save their pennies for good lawyers. DoJ is coming for them.
And now we're finally getting somewhere....
Theriously, what a twagedy. Ditto on Posobiec, Hannity, Napolitano, and all the other kook-right TrumPutin lovers.
If they think they're gonna outsmart and outlast Mueller, FBI & DoJ....they deserve what's coming.
These are people who don't listen to legal counsel, and are all now exposed.
To continue the Churchill analogy: "Before Alamein we never had a victory. After Alamein, we never had a defeat."
Can confirm. More and worse is coming, as I've said many times.
They're all going down.
The real WH story is how they all hate each other and want to destroy the other guy first. It's kamikaze strategy.
BLUF: Team Trump was a Russian dirty money-washing outfit that transformed in 2016 into a FT Russian intelligence operation. cc @GOP
You should read this. How Donald Trump Jr.'s legal troubles could get even worse
I embrace summary firing squads for traitors. Reason 10,001 why I'm not a liberal.
The curse of liberalism is empathy.If you don't want to accept the FACT that Team Trump wanted Russian intelligence help, because that "helps liberals" you are not a patriot.
Whole damn GRU network is out now giving each other reach-arounds. First Julian, now his shower buddy. Impressive.
Figure you what you want to call soliciting collaboration with HoIS to flip a US election & get back to us then.
@DLoesch//Dana Loesch je ta:
I’m not defending anything. I’m saying this. isn’t. treason. Not sure what y’all don’t get but insulting and name-calling is unhelpful.
I hope we can all agree this is more substantially serious than lying about getting a blowjob.
That is most assuredly NOT treason. Your ignorance betrays you. #MUTED
WHOA. Don Jr.'s false statement Sat. was drafted by WH aides & seen by Trump. This wasn't Jr being dopey. This was an attempted WH cover-up.
Subtle, those Chekists
@pwnallthethings//Z zgodbo o koluziji Clinton-Ukrajina. Ki je bila menda včeraj glavna tema na Fox News.
Oh look, CyberBerkut is back.
This is just SAD! But also utterly hilarious.
Don Jr, counterspymaster.
InfoWars founder Alex Jones says Donald Trump Jr. was just ”doing his job" by "trying to find Russian spies”
@realDonaldTrump returned to Trump Tower hours before his son's meeting. 40 min after it was supposed to start, he tweeted on HRC's emails.
"There appears 2 have been significant cooperation btwn Russia’s online propaganda machine & individuals in the US”
Translation: Alt-Right online propagandists need to save their pennies for good lawyers. DoJ is coming for them.
And now we're finally getting somewhere....
It's not much of an overstatement to say this White House itself is a Russian Intelligence operation. They are connected at so many levels.
Theriously, what a twagedy. Ditto on Posobiec, Hannity, Napolitano, and all the other kook-right TrumPutin lovers.
It would be really sad, really upsetting, if Mike Cernovich found himself caught up in this misunderstanding.
If they think they're gonna outsmart and outlast Mueller, FBI & DoJ....they deserve what's coming.
That cyber conspiracy was used to aid Senators, Representatives & party too that's why they are circling the wagons still.
These are people who don't listen to legal counsel, and are all now exposed.
To continue the Churchill analogy: "Before Alamein we never had a victory. After Alamein, we never had a defeat."
As Winston Churchill famously said, this is the end of the beginning
Can confirm. More and worse is coming, as I've said many times.
A IC source tells me there are "many more" documented instances of Russian/White House collusion to be revealed that are "in the pipeline".
They're all going down.
And maybe more Trump kids in trouble?
The real WH story is how they all hate each other and want to destroy the other guy first. It's kamikaze strategy.
John any take on 1) who leaked emails to NYT? Has to be a principal in the email chain right? 2) what happens to kush who omitted meeting?
BLUF: Team Trump was a Russian dirty money-washing outfit that transformed in 2016 into a FT Russian intelligence operation. cc @GOP
@realDonaldTrump//25. amandma?
The W.H. is functioning perfectly, focused on HealthCare, Tax Cuts/Reform & many other things. I have very little time for watching T.V.
You should read this. How Donald Trump Jr.'s legal troubles could get even worse
DarwiN ::
Kako je zdaj? Jype pometel z vsemi Trumptardi? Samo na zadnjih dveh straneh nitke polno novih botov. Trerorist, josko3, ruskivohun, Unilseptij, IkeaAi, pepelepew. Vsi sveži accounti s prvo prijavo v zadnjih dneh. Ampak nič bat, če imate multije oziroma vas je sram javno izražat podporo Oranžnemu Hitlerju, umetna inteliganca bo v prihodnosti na judgment day razvozljala vašo identiteto, preko načina izražanja, IPja, whatever. :D
BTW, še upate na glas podpirat Dumpa, ko se zbere širša družina na babičinem rojstnem dnevu? Mislim, eno je v ožjem krogu prijateljev, ko se družite z isto-zablojenimi in utrjujete svoja stališča z alternativnimi dejstvi, ampak tako pred neznanci pa se malo potuhnete, kaj?
Še en svež fun fact:
It's official, republikancem se dobesedno meša v glavah v zadnjem letu (še bolj kot poprej, believe it or not). Mogoče od tod ta nov val trumptardov? :)
BTW, še upate na glas podpirat Dumpa, ko se zbere širša družina na babičinem rojstnem dnevu? Mislim, eno je v ožjem krogu prijateljev, ko se družite z isto-zablojenimi in utrjujete svoja stališča z alternativnimi dejstvi, ampak tako pred neznanci pa se malo potuhnete, kaj?
Še en svež fun fact:
It's official, republikancem se dobesedno meša v glavah v zadnjem letu (še bolj kot poprej, believe it or not). Mogoče od tod ta nov val trumptardov? :)
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()
xxxul ::
prepričanih nima smisla prepričevat; nekako tko kot so pač flat earth verniki prepričani v svoj prav - dokazov nimajo, ampak hej, glavno da oni vedo. pa ukrajinskega trolla je občasno fajn vprašat kdaj bo impeachment - očitno še ni pravega twitter vira najdu...
PS Darwin, priporočljivo je dat vir; razn če si jype, on je poseben.
PS Darwin, priporočljivo je dat vir; razn če si jype, on je poseben.
DarwiN ::
PS Darwin, priporočljivo je dat vir; razn če si jype, on je poseben.
Tukaj vir ni potreben. Menda ja ne rabiš dodatnih dokazov, da so republikanci proti izobraževanju, znanosti, napredku, človekovim pravicam, itd.?
Jesus ima rad homeschooling in krščanske šole, Dumpo pa likes the poorly educated.
Novo je edino mogoče le to, da so v zadnjem času šli tile desničarji v ekstrem do te mere, da so dobesedno padli z roba Zemlje, in tako zavračajo skoraj vse, kar ni fake news.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Cervantes ::
Najprej si na svoj (idiotski) način izvolijo predsednika, nato ga probajo na vsak način zrušit.
Rabid Democrats.
Pa sem bil jako amtitrumpovski.
Ampak tole kar se zdaj dogaja je pa res witchunt. Podn od podna.
Najprej si na svoj (idiotski) način izvolijo predsednika, nato ga probajo na vsak način zrušit.
Rabid Democrats.
Pa sem bil jako amtitrumpovski.
Ampak tole kar se zdaj dogaja je pa res witchunt. Podn od podna.
papasmrk ::
-Impičment samo što nije
-Rusi so tik pred invazijo na Ukrajino
-Rusija tik pred razpadom...kaj bo z njihovom jedrskim arzenalom ?
-Iranske rakete tik pred izstrelitvijo proti evropskim mestom
-debeli Kim Un skozi periskop ogleduje New York
-Assad na veliko sarinira po Siriji
-Rusi so tik pred invazijo na Ukrajino
-Rusija tik pred razpadom...kaj bo z njihovom jedrskim arzenalom ?
-Iranske rakete tik pred izstrelitvijo proti evropskim mestom
-debeli Kim Un skozi periskop ogleduje New York
-Assad na veliko sarinira po Siriji
Za komentiranje se moraš prijaviti
Massacra ::
zmaugy ::
Don Jr. se bo žrtvoval za očija, zgodba se malo poleže, nato bo oranžna opica vse vpletene pomilostila.
Cervantes ::
Jaz bi pa rad videl, da bi doonie orenk podkuril barabinskim demokratom.
Ampak kaj. FBI, CIA, NSA in kar je še ostalih 14 tročrkarskih agencij je strogo proti pobalinskemu parveniju. Ki se zgleda ne da kar tako.
In zato mi postaja simpatičen.
Čeprav osebno mislim, da je en dumbo, OK.
Ampak kaj. FBI, CIA, NSA in kar je še ostalih 14 tročrkarskih agencij je strogo proti pobalinskemu parveniju. Ki se zgleda ne da kar tako.
In zato mi postaja simpatičen.
Čeprav osebno mislim, da je en dumbo, OK.
PaX_MaN ::
A je že impeachment?
Za frenda sprašujem.
Za frenda sprašujem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
dice7 ::
A je že impeachment?
Za frenda sprašujem.
Da, pravkar
Democrat files first articles of impeachment against Donald Trump
petrus ::
Tukaj vir ni potreben. Menda ja ne rabiš dodatnih dokazov, da so republikanci proti izobraževanju, znanosti, napredku, človekovim pravicam, itd.?
Točno, ker slamnati možje so že po sami definiciji iz slame in polni vročega zraka, to drži bržkone!
stati inu obstati
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: petrus ()
petrus ::
Novo je edino mogoče le to, da so v zadnjem času šli tile desničarji v ekstrem do te mere, da so dobesedno padli z roba Zemlje, in tako zavračajo skoraj vse, kar ni fake news.
To od nekoga, ki gleda John Oliverja, Daily Show in Young Turks, bi si mislil, da ti je vsaj ironija pojem.
Dobesedno gledaš reality TV in zamenjuješ z realnostjo, breaking news, vse je fake, s CNNom na čelu!
stati inu obstati
DarwiN ::
Tukaj vir ni potreben. Menda ja ne rabiš dodatnih dokazov, da so republikanci proti izobraževanju, znanosti, napredku, človekovim pravicam, itd.?
Točno, ker slamnati možje so že po sami definiciji iz slame in polni vročega zraka, to drži bržkone!
Glej, če nekomu še danes ni jasno, da so republikanci anti-education, znanost, človekove pravice, itd, potem s takšnim človekom nima smisla debatirat. Pod Trumpom so republikanci dobili praktično vse, o čemer so vedno sanjali. Mogoče na kakšnem področju še preveč. Zelo jasno kažejo svoje karte, in če ti še vedno ni jasno, kaj predstavljajo republikanci, ti noben vir ne bo pomagal... Sploh pa za omenjene trditve ta ni potreben, kot rečeno. 1+1 je 2. Za takšne osnove je vir odveč.
Lahko bi debatirali, če bi na primer rekel, da so republikanci najbolj nevarna organizacija v zgodovini človeštva, tako kot pravi Chomsky.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
petrus ::
Ja Darwin, dobesedno Hitler so republikanci in CNN je višek objektivnosti. Baje tudi ženske sovražijo in otroke jejo, čisto zares! Bernie pravi, da celo upokojence ubijajo, ti hudobni republikanci, groza!
Ko vidijo metulja, ga mahnejo, ker sovražijo vse kar je lepo!
>Za takšne osnove je vir odveč.
Kako ugodno, če je moj političen nasprotnik bogeyman, dokaz je seveda odveč...
Mogoče bi lahko republikance v reke metali, kot čarovnice, če splava je hudič!
Ko vidijo metulja, ga mahnejo, ker sovražijo vse kar je lepo!
>Za takšne osnove je vir odveč.
Kako ugodno, če je moj političen nasprotnik bogeyman, dokaz je seveda odveč...
Mogoče bi lahko republikance v reke metali, kot čarovnice, če splava je hudič!
stati inu obstati
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: petrus ()
PaX_MaN ::
A je že impeachment?
Za frenda sprašujem.
Da, pravkar
Democrat files first articles of impeachment against Donald Trump
"He's real bad, like, really really bad, the baddest man on the planet, not gonna lie!"
Ne pravm da tole ni impeachment, ampak impeachment to ni.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()
xxxul ::
Hud tak impeachment da ga se Demokrati ne bodo podprl. Po Darwinovo ne rabm dat vira ker se ve...
DarwiN ::
Hud tak impeachment da ga se Demokrati ne bodo podprl. Po Darwinovo ne rabm dat vira ker se ve...
Evo link, da mi ne boš očital do smrti: Most Republicans now think colleges are bad for America, medtem ko imajo cerkve seveda pozitiven vpliv.
In tukaj nastopi Betsy Devos, Dumpova ministrica za izobraževanje:
Več poneumljanja = več naivnih in paranoičnih ljudi brez kritičnega razmišljanja = lažje pranje možganov in kontrola populacije = več Jesus freakov in več trumptardov.
The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
jype ::
xxxul ::
Priden, sej bo, sam teh tvojih "vsi vemo" se še odvadis pa bo.
pa nagradno vprasanje, ce ta predlog ne dobi podpore (sploh ne gre na glasovanje), to stejemo kot impeachment al ne? (da bo lohk paco reku da ima prav pa to).
To be clear, this resolution is unlikely to go anywhere in the House. Even now, Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas is the only person who has stepped up to support Sherman.
pa nagradno vprasanje, ce ta predlog ne dobi podpore (sploh ne gre na glasovanje), to stejemo kot impeachment al ne? (da bo lohk paco reku da ima prav pa to).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: xxxul ()
jype ::
pa nagradno vprasanje, ce ta predlog ne dobi podpore (sploh ne gre na glasovanje), to stejemo kot impeachment al ne? (da bo lohk paco reku da ima prav pa to).Seveda je impeachment. Ni uspešen, ker so republikanci dementni, ampak prej ali slej jih bo srečala bodisi pamet, bodisi volitve.
Cervantes ::
pa nagradno vprasanje, ce ta predlog ne dobi podpore (sploh ne gre na glasovanje), to stejemo kot impeachment al ne? (da bo lohk paco reku da ima prav pa to).Seveda je impeachment. Ni uspešen, ker so republikanci dementni, ampak prej ali slej jih bo srečala bodisi pamet, bodisi volitve.
Dream on, dude!
jype ::
petrus ::
Več poneumljanja = več naivnih in paranoičnih ljudi brez kritičnega razmišljanja = lažje pranje možganov in kontrola populacije = več Jesus freakov in več trumptardov.
Da ravno ti spet o pranju možganov, ko pa so tvoje blodnje največje, haluciniraš kot Don Homer Kihot:
"None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see." Matthew Henry
stati inu obstati
jype ::
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