Forum » Problemi človeštva » Žitije Donalda Trampa
Žitije Donalda Trampa
Temo vidijo: vsi
Pac-Man ::
Ta suhi škafec pušča.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s frustrations with the White House have been building for months. Last Friday, they exploded.
The normally laconic Texan unloaded on Johnny DeStefano, the head of the presidential personnel office, for torpedoing proposed nominees to senior State Department posts and for questioning his judgment.
Tillerson also complained that the White House was leaking damaging information about him to the news media, according to a person familiar with the meeting. Above all, he made clear that he did not want DeStefano’s office to “have any role in staffing” and “expressed frustration that anybody would know better” than he about who should work in his department — particularly after the president had promised him autonomy to make his own decisions and hires, according to a senior White House aide familiar with the conversation.
The episode stunned other White House officials gathered in chief of staff Reince Priebus’ office, leaving them silent as Tillerson raised his voice. In the room with Tillerson and DeStefano were Priebus, top Trump aide Jared Kushner and Margaret Peterlin, the secretary of state’s chief of staff.
The encounter, described by four people familiar with what happened, was so explosive that Kushner approached Peterlin afterward and told her that Tillerson’s outburst was completely unprofessional, according to two of the people familiar with the exchange, and told her that they needed to work out a solution.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s frustrations with the White House have been building for months. Last Friday, they exploded.
The normally laconic Texan unloaded on Johnny DeStefano, the head of the presidential personnel office, for torpedoing proposed nominees to senior State Department posts and for questioning his judgment.
Tillerson also complained that the White House was leaking damaging information about him to the news media, according to a person familiar with the meeting. Above all, he made clear that he did not want DeStefano’s office to “have any role in staffing” and “expressed frustration that anybody would know better” than he about who should work in his department — particularly after the president had promised him autonomy to make his own decisions and hires, according to a senior White House aide familiar with the conversation.
The episode stunned other White House officials gathered in chief of staff Reince Priebus’ office, leaving them silent as Tillerson raised his voice. In the room with Tillerson and DeStefano were Priebus, top Trump aide Jared Kushner and Margaret Peterlin, the secretary of state’s chief of staff.
The encounter, described by four people familiar with what happened, was so explosive that Kushner approached Peterlin afterward and told her that Tillerson’s outburst was completely unprofessional, according to two of the people familiar with the exchange, and told her that they needed to work out a solution.
Jst ::
Pac-Man zadnja pašta:
Prva tretjina je "normalna" "utečena" "vsem vidna" korupcija, ki jo noben demokrat niti republikanec ne zanika.
Potem pridejo špekulacije in na koncu že kar teorije zarote.
McMullin je takrat jasno povedal, da bo preganjal vsak leak iz njegove ekipe. Glede na to, da so "kao" sources, ni nobenega vrgel na cesto. Če bi bilo karkoli kredibilno, bi vedel od koga je prišlo in bi vsaj proti ENEMU vložena tožba.
Waw, kako zanimivo dela človekova psiha, how deep vas potegne Russia-collusion-narrative, da ne morete niti iz enega metra višje pogledati več.
Da je pa DNC, Hillary in Sorosev Open Society 2, zakuhal zgodbo o Manafortu v Ukrajini, potem so se pa opravičili prvo januarja, prejšnji teden pa javno priznali, da nimajo ničesar nezakonitega proti Manafortu. In to ni objavil Alex Jones, ampak Politico in drugi "kredibilni" MSM mediji.
DNC, Clinton, Soros povezave pa sploh ne skrivajo, samo pogooglati je treba in je timeline jasen kot beli dan. Ampak Russia je bolj zanimiva, "Anti-Trump", rejtingi in objava dobesedno izmišljenih "novic".
Nisem si nikoli mislil, da bom zagovarjal Trumpa, veliko kar počne, je v nasprotju, v kar verjamem. Ampak MSM je pa v full retard mode že eno leto. Russia, Russia, Russia.
Prva tretjina je "normalna" "utečena" "vsem vidna" korupcija, ki jo noben demokrat niti republikanec ne zanika.
Potem pridejo špekulacije in na koncu že kar teorije zarote.
McMullin je takrat jasno povedal, da bo preganjal vsak leak iz njegove ekipe. Glede na to, da so "kao" sources, ni nobenega vrgel na cesto. Če bi bilo karkoli kredibilno, bi vedel od koga je prišlo in bi vsaj proti ENEMU vložena tožba.
Waw, kako zanimivo dela človekova psiha, how deep vas potegne Russia-collusion-narrative, da ne morete niti iz enega metra višje pogledati več.
Da je pa DNC, Hillary in Sorosev Open Society 2, zakuhal zgodbo o Manafortu v Ukrajini, potem so se pa opravičili prvo januarja, prejšnji teden pa javno priznali, da nimajo ničesar nezakonitega proti Manafortu. In to ni objavil Alex Jones, ampak Politico in drugi "kredibilni" MSM mediji.
DNC, Clinton, Soros povezave pa sploh ne skrivajo, samo pogooglati je treba in je timeline jasen kot beli dan. Ampak Russia je bolj zanimiva, "Anti-Trump", rejtingi in objava dobesedno izmišljenih "novic".
Nisem si nikoli mislil, da bom zagovarjal Trumpa, veliko kar počne, je v nasprotju, v kar verjamem. Ampak MSM je pa v full retard mode že eno leto. Russia, Russia, Russia.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
Pac-Man ::
Enquirer je sicer trash, ampak capo je trumpov dober prijatelj
In ekspresna potrditev.
In case you missed #MorningJoe I am going to sum up the HUGE news they exposed re: Trump and the White House BLACKMAILING them.
So... Trump was using THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER to blackmail Joe & Mika. They were calling Mika AND HER CHILDREN. The NE was calling Mika & her children saying her ex husband was feeding them stories. Mika said she knew that was a lie.
At that point, the WHITE HOUSE started calling Joe. THREE senior people from the White House were calling Joe, continuously & repeatedly. Said WH senior ppl told Joe they could make the National Enquirer prob disappear if he called Trump and stopped talking badly about him.
This is BLACKMAIL and extortion, bc extortion doesn't need cash to be called such, it's about demanding a ransom in whatever form. Joe was to CALL Trump, he would have had to apologize on the air, and Trump would have picked up the phone and stopped the NE.
Joe was clear that WH senior ppl were calling him REPEATEDLY and CONTINUOUSLY, DEMANDING that he call Trump, so problem would disappear. Both Mika and Joe said "screw it, run the story". Of course the calls from WH continued and then yesterday the tweets happened. (...) The entire story was shared by them live on their show today AND it's in the WaPo op-ed that they penned. FACTS: WH blackmail/extortion.
Vredno branja:
Da je pa DNC, Hillary in Sorosev Open Society 2, zakuhal zgodbo o Manafortu v Ukrajini, potem so se pa opravičili prvo januarja, prejšnji teden pa javno priznali, da nimajo ničesar nezakonitega proti Manafortu. In to ni objavil Alex Jones, ampak Politico in drugi "kredibilni" MSM mediji.
Imaš kak vir o teh opravičilih. Ker Manafort se je ta teden s precej zamude registriral kot tuji agent.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
jype ::
Jst ::
Politico januarja: Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
Bolj greš nazaj v čas, več najdeš o DNC "operaciji" v Ukrajini. Celo do Sorosa, ki je dal 100 miljonov za "color revolution", ideja Clintonove, takrat kot State Sec. Google Atlantic Council in Open Society Fundation, če te zanima.
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
Bolj greš nazaj v čas, več najdeš o DNC "operaciji" v Ukrajini. Celo do Sorosa, ki je dal 100 miljonov za "color revolution", ideja Clintonove, takrat kot State Sec. Google Atlantic Council in Open Society Fundation, če te zanima.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jst ()
Jst ::
Civil Society 2.0 is an initiative to create a self-sustaining movement to connect social good organizations with technology based tools and volunteers to help raise digital literacy and increase their impact in the 21st century.
What is the background?
Secretary Clinton announced Civil Society 2.0 in Morocco in November of 2009 with a vision to increase capacity for civil society organizations through the use of connection technologies such as mobile, web, and social software.
Deep goes this rabbit hole.
In April 2016, a Democratic consultant named Alexandra Chalupa spoke to a gathering of 68 journalists to hear about Manafort's efforts in Ukraine. Chalupa had worked in the White House Office of Public Liaison during the Clinton Administration and was paid $412,000 by the DNC from 2004 to 2016, according to Federal Election Commission records.
An email released by Wikileaks dated May 3, 2016 from Chalupa to Luis Miranda, communications director of the Democratic National Committee, said: "They put me on the program to speak specifically about Paul Manafort...there is a big Trump component you need to be aware of that will hit in the next few weeks."
"Ali Chalupa naturally was interested on behalf of the DNC to paint Mr. Manafort in the most negative light possible," says Ukraine expert Adrian Karatnycky of the Atlantic Council. Critical to their efforts to find evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, Democrats wanted to figure out who was paying Manafort, and how much.
Glede na to, da delamo pašto...
Civil Society 2.0 is an initiative to create a self-sustaining movement to connect social good organizations with technology based tools and volunteers to help raise digital literacy and increase their impact in the 21st century.
What is the background?
Secretary Clinton announced Civil Society 2.0 in Morocco in November of 2009 with a vision to increase capacity for civil society organizations through the use of connection technologies such as mobile, web, and social software.
Deep goes this rabbit hole.
In April 2016, a Democratic consultant named Alexandra Chalupa spoke to a gathering of 68 journalists to hear about Manafort's efforts in Ukraine. Chalupa had worked in the White House Office of Public Liaison during the Clinton Administration and was paid $412,000 by the DNC from 2004 to 2016, according to Federal Election Commission records.
An email released by Wikileaks dated May 3, 2016 from Chalupa to Luis Miranda, communications director of the Democratic National Committee, said: "They put me on the program to speak specifically about Paul Manafort...there is a big Trump component you need to be aware of that will hit in the next few weeks."
"Ali Chalupa naturally was interested on behalf of the DNC to paint Mr. Manafort in the most negative light possible," says Ukraine expert Adrian Karatnycky of the Atlantic Council. Critical to their efforts to find evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, Democrats wanted to figure out who was paying Manafort, and how much.
Glede na to, da delamo pašto...
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jst ()
Jst ::
Evo pa še zadnja iz par dni nazaj:
Ukraine Says There's No Evidence of Illicit Payments to Manafort
Ukraine Says There's No Evidence of Illicit Payments to Manafort
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Jst ()
Pac-Man ::
Mater si trd, sicer pa nobenih opravičil ali retraktov s strani medijem.
Dokler je bil Trump kandidat, je bilo njegovo miniranje v ukrajinskem interesu. Na željo njegove ekipe so iz republikanskega programa izvzeli podporo Ukrajini, pismo.
Zdaj je predsednik in ga potrebujejo na svoji strani. Ruši ga lahko kaka druga (evropska) država, ki trenutno ni v vojni z Rusijo. Zaenkrat deluje, v ameriškem proračunu za 2018 je 500 mio namenjenih ukrajinski vojski. Tudi za orožje, česar ni bilo niti pod Obamo.
Pac-Man ::
Konzervativna biblija je izvedla vrhunski roast Donalda z malo kolateralega prijateljskega ognja.
Junkie Running Dry
Some people simply cannot handle the fact that Donald Trump was elected president.
One of those people is Donald Trump.
Trump has shown himself intellectually and emotionally incapable of making the transition from minor entertainment figure to major political figure. He is in the strange position of being a B-list celebrity who is also the most famous man in the world.
Trump may have his problems with women, but it is his unrequited love of the media that is undoing him.
“I always tell the president, ‘You don’t need them,’” says Sean Hannity, the self-abasing monkey-butler of the Trump regime. The president, Hannity says, can reach more Americans via Twitter than he could through the conventional media. That isn’t true, of course: Only about one in five Americans uses Twitter. Hannity might be forgiven for not knowing this, a consequence of his much more general habit of not knowing things. But he actually does know the president. How could he possibly believe that this man — this man — does not need them?
He needs them the way a junkie needs his junk.
Donald Trump cares more about how he is perceived in the media than he cares about anything else in the world, including money. Trump is a true disciple of Bishop Berkeley, professing the creed of the social-media age: Esse eat percipi— “To be is to be seen.” Trump is incapable of enjoying anything — money, success, sex — without being perceived enjoying it.
Donald Trump is a man who invented an imaginary friend, John Barron, to call up members of the New York press and lie to them about his business success and his sex life. (He claimed, among other things, to be dating Carla Bruni.) A man who “does not need” the media does not do that.
Trump wrote of the third lady that he chose her because he wanted to be able to enter a room with her and make other men envious — to see “grown men weep” — a very strange admission that his satisfaction in his marriage rests neither with himself nor with his wife but with third parties who might ogle her.
He doesn’t understand what’s going on between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but has taken to Twitter to argue — surprise — that, whatever it is, it’s all about him.
What do you think he reads first in the morning: His national-security briefing or Page Six?
I’d wager that Trump could list at least three times as many cable-news commentators as world leaders. He is much better versed in CNN’s lineup than in NATO’s.
Doesn’t need the media? He is the media, a former contract employee at NBC with a sideline in casinos. He was born to conduct Twitter feuds with second-tier cable-television hosts. Figuring out health-care policy?
Nobody watches that.
Junkie Running Dry
Some people simply cannot handle the fact that Donald Trump was elected president.
One of those people is Donald Trump.
Trump has shown himself intellectually and emotionally incapable of making the transition from minor entertainment figure to major political figure. He is in the strange position of being a B-list celebrity who is also the most famous man in the world.
Trump may have his problems with women, but it is his unrequited love of the media that is undoing him.
“I always tell the president, ‘You don’t need them,’” says Sean Hannity, the self-abasing monkey-butler of the Trump regime. The president, Hannity says, can reach more Americans via Twitter than he could through the conventional media. That isn’t true, of course: Only about one in five Americans uses Twitter. Hannity might be forgiven for not knowing this, a consequence of his much more general habit of not knowing things. But he actually does know the president. How could he possibly believe that this man — this man — does not need them?
He needs them the way a junkie needs his junk.
Donald Trump cares more about how he is perceived in the media than he cares about anything else in the world, including money. Trump is a true disciple of Bishop Berkeley, professing the creed of the social-media age: Esse eat percipi— “To be is to be seen.” Trump is incapable of enjoying anything — money, success, sex — without being perceived enjoying it.
Donald Trump is a man who invented an imaginary friend, John Barron, to call up members of the New York press and lie to them about his business success and his sex life. (He claimed, among other things, to be dating Carla Bruni.) A man who “does not need” the media does not do that.
Trump wrote of the third lady that he chose her because he wanted to be able to enter a room with her and make other men envious — to see “grown men weep” — a very strange admission that his satisfaction in his marriage rests neither with himself nor with his wife but with third parties who might ogle her.
He doesn’t understand what’s going on between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but has taken to Twitter to argue — surprise — that, whatever it is, it’s all about him.
What do you think he reads first in the morning: His national-security briefing or Page Six?
I’d wager that Trump could list at least three times as many cable-news commentators as world leaders. He is much better versed in CNN’s lineup than in NATO’s.
Doesn’t need the media? He is the media, a former contract employee at NBC with a sideline in casinos. He was born to conduct Twitter feuds with second-tier cable-television hosts. Figuring out health-care policy?
Nobody watches that.
Jst ::
Pametni realisti, ki vidijo, da imajo Trumpa za POTUS vsaj za štiri leta, in ne boste verjeli, to so tudi prijatelji Steve Bannona in pokojnega Andrew Breibarta, ga kritizirajo, ko izjavlja neumnosti.
Sicer pa:
NyTimes: Trump's Deflections and Denials on Russia Frustrate Even His Allies
25 Junij.
Če bodo USA državljani do konca tega leta verjeli MSM še vsaj 5%, bo to uspeh za MSM. ZMAGA, v bistvu, ker se vztrajno bliža 0.1%.
Sicer pa:
NyTimes: Trump's Deflections and Denials on Russia Frustrate Even His Allies
25 Junij.
Correction: June 29, 2017
A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump's deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year's presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies -- the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.
Če bodo USA državljani do konca tega leta verjeli MSM še vsaj 5%, bo to uspeh za MSM. ZMAGA, v bistvu, ker se vztrajno bliža 0.1%.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
PaX_MaN ::
Joj, še kar ni impeachmenta.
Zdaj bom moral pa vrnit tovornjak kokic, ki sem jih prav zato naročil.
Zdaj bom moral pa vrnit tovornjak kokic, ki sem jih prav zato naročil.
Pac-Man ::
Joj, še kar ni impeachmenta.
Zdaj bom moral pa vrnit tovornjak kokic, ki sem jih prav zato naročil.![]()
Reči mu naj počaka, Avengersi so dolgi.
A top New York federal prosecutor is joining the team of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director leading an investigation into alleged Russian interference in the presidential election, a senior Justice Department official with knowledge of the matter confirmed to NBC News.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Goldstein of the Southern District of New York will join Mueller’s team, the official said.
Goldstein was former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara's top public corruption prosecutor and kept the same role under Acting U.S Attorney Joon Kim.
He's known for multiple successful prosecutions of New York lawmakers on corruption charges. He's also highly regarded in the Southern District and across Justice for those prosecutions, his thoroughness in investigations, and high level of success.
Separately, a person with direct knowledge of the matter says that all cases previously handled in New York, which includes the probe of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, have been transferred to Mueller.
As a line prosecutor, Mr. Goldstein was a member of the team that in 2015 won the conviction of Sheldon Silver, a Manhattan Democrat who had been the longtime speaker of the State Assembly.
Under Mr. Kim, the office’s corruption unit, overseen by Mr. Goldstein and Ms. Martins, has continued to aggressively pursue cases, most notably its pending prosecution of an alleged bribery and bid-rigging scheme against eight people, including two former advisers to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo. (They all have pleaded not guilty.)
Mr. Goldstein, 43, joined the United States attorney’s office in 2010 and has also worked in its money laundering and asset forfeiture unit. In 2013, Mr. Goldstein helped win the convictions of three men in connection with a scandal-ridden payroll modernization project known as CityTime.
Ko bodo tile opravili svoje, bo Melanija lahko srečna, če hiša v Sevnici ne bo last ameriške zvezne vlade.
//Tista o prenosu primerov iz FBIjeve NY pisarne verjetno najbolj boli. Možen razlog, da Trumpa zadnje dni tako razmetava.
Giuliani je imel tam dobre povezave in bi se morda dalo kaj naredit, med prijatelji.
Along with Giuliani's other connections to New York FBI agents, his former law firm, then called Bracewell Giuliani, has long been general counsel to the FBI Agents Association (FBIAA), which represents 13,000 former and current agents.
When the FBIAA threw its first G-Man Honors Gala in 2014 in Washington, Giuliani was the keynote speaker and was given a distinguished service award named after him. Giuliani left Bracewell this January and joined Greenberg Traurig, the only other law firm listed as a sponsor of the FBIAA gala. He spoke again at the 2015 gala.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Donald Trump iz dneva v dan boljši predsednik. Demokrati mu mečeje hlode pod kolena Donald pa jih prestopi in dela dobra dela. Res je neverjeten američani so izbrali dobrega predsednika kar zavidam jim.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: Iatromantis ()
Pac-Man ::
No shit. Tole mora biti prank. Prosim, recite, da je backdejtan prank. Zadane praktično vsak "talking point" zadnjega leta.
New Yorker Magazine, maj 1997:
As could be expected, given the fact that his three-and-a-half-year-old marriage to Marla Maples was ending, paparazzi were staking out the exits of Trump Tower, while all weekend helicopters had been hovering over Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach. And what would come of it? “I think the thing I’m worst at is managing the press,” he said. “The thing I’m best at is business and conceiving. The press portrays me as a wild flamethrower. In actuality, I think I’m much different from that. I think I’m totally inaccurately portrayed.”
Meanwhile, was I aware of what a success he’d had with the Nation’s Parade, the Veterans Day celebration he’d been very supportive of back in 1995? (...) A million four hundred thousand people had turned out for the celebration, he said, handing me some press clippings. “O.K., I see this story says a half million spectators. But, trust me, I heard a million four.” Here was another clipping, from the Times, just the other day, confirming that rents on Fifth Avenue were the highest in the world. “And who owns more of Fifth Avenue than I do?”
Everywhere inside the Trump Organization headquarters, the walls were lined with framed magazine covers, each a shot of Trump or someone who looked an awful lot like him. The profusion of these images—of a man who possessed unusual skills, though not, evidently, a gene for irony—seemed the sum of his appetite for self-reflection.
If the gossips hinted that he’d been cuckolded, they had it all wrong; untying the marital knot was based upon straightforward economics.
The last time around, splitting with Ivana, he’d lost the P.R. battle from the git-go. After falling an entire news cycle behind Ivana’s spinmeisters, he never managed to catch up. In one ill-advised eruption, he told Liz Smith that his wife reminded him of his bête noire Leona Helmsley, and the columnist chided, “Shame on you, Donald! How dare you say that about the mother of your children?”
A securities analyst who has studied Trump’s peregrinations for many years believes, “Deep down, he wants to be Madonna.” In other words, to ask how the gods could have permitted Trump’s resurrection is to mistake profound superficiality for profundity, performance art for serious drama.
The festivities that day included a feng-shui ritual in the lobby, a gesture of respect to the building’s high proportion of Asian buyers, who regard a Trump property as a good place to sink flight capital. An efficient schmoozer, Trump worked the room quickly—a backslap and a wink, a finger on the lapels, no more than a minute with anyone who wasn’t a police commissioner, a district attorney, or a mayoral candidate—and then he was ready to go.
Back at the office, a Times reporter, Michael Gordon, was on the line, calling from Moscow. Gordon had just interviewed a Russian artist named Zurab Tsereteli, a man with a sense of grandiosity familiar to Trump. Was it true, Gordon asked, that Tsereteli and Trump had discussed erecting on the Hudson River a statue of Christopher Columbus that was six feet taller than the Statue of Liberty?
“Yes, it’s already been made, from what I understand,” said Trump, who had met Tsereteli a couple of months earlier, in Moscow. “It’s got forty million dollars’ worth of bronze in it, and Zurab would like it to be at my West Side Yards development”—a seventy-five-acre tract called Riverside South—“and we are working toward that end.”
According to Trump, the head had arrived in America, the rest of the body was still in Moscow, and the whole thing was being donated by the Russian government. “The mayor of Moscow has written a letter to Rudy Giuliani stating that they would like to make a gift of this great work by Zurab. It would be my honor if we could work it out with the City of New York. I am absolutely favorably disposed toward it. Zurab is a very unusual guy. This man is major and legit.”
A lecture agency in Canada was offering Trump a chance to give three speeches over three consecutive days(...)
How did Trump feel about it?
“My attitude is if somebody’s willing to pay me two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars to make a speech, it seems stupid not to show up. You know why I’ll do it? Because I don’t think anyone’s ever been paid that much.”
“Part of my problem,” Trump said to me, “is that I have to do a lot of things myself. It takes so much time. Julio Iglesias is coming to Mar-a-Lago, but I have to call Julio, I have to have lunch with Julio.
During Trump’s ascendancy, in the nineteen-eighties, the essence of his performance art—an opera-buffa parody of wealth—accounted for his populist appeal as well as for the opprobrium of those who regard with distaste the spectacle of an unbridled id.
At times, neither glitz nor flash could disguise financial reality. A story in the Times three months ago contained a reference to his past “brush with bankruptcy,” and Trump, though gratified that the Times gave him play on the front page, took umbrage at that phrase.
The bravado diminished somewhat for a couple of years—largely because the press stopped paying attention—but by 1993 he was proclaiming, “This year has been the most successful year I’ve had in business.” Every year since, he’s issued the same news flash. A spate of Trump-comeback articles appeared in 1996, including several timed to coincide with his fiftieth birthday.
When Forbes published its annual list of the four hundred richest Americans, he sneaked on (three hundred and seventy-third position) with an estimated net worth of four hundred and fifty million. Trump, meanwhile, had compiled his own unaudited appraisal, one he was willing to share along with the amusing caveat “I’ve never shown this to a reporter before.” According to his calculations, he was actually worth two and a quarter billion dollars—Forbes had lowballed him by eighty per cent. Still, he had officially rejoined the plutocracy, his first appearance since the blip.
When I met with Trump for the first time, several months ago, he set out to acquaint me with facts that, to his consternation, had remained stubbornly hidden from the public. Several times, he uttered the phrase “off the record, but you can use it.” I understood the implication—I was his tool—but failed to see the purpose. “If you have me saying these things, even though they’re true, I sound like a schmuck,” he explained. (...) Alair Townsend, a former deputy mayor in the Koch administration, once quipped, “I wouldn’t believe Donald Trump if his tongue were notarized.” (...) Last fall, after Evander Holyfield upset Mike Tyson in a heavyweight title fight, Trump snookered the News into reporting that he’d collected twenty million bucks by betting a million on the underdog. This prompted the Post to make calls to some Las Vegas bookies, who confirmed—shockingly!—that nobody had been handling that kind of action or laying odds close to 20-1. Trump never blinked, just moved on to the next bright idea.
By appearing to exert control over assets that aren’t necessarily his—at least not in ways that his pronouncements suggest—he exercises his real talent: using his name as a form of leverage. “It’s German in derivation,” he has said. “Nobody really knows where it came from. It’s very unusual, but it just is a good name to have.”
//Drumpf, hehe
One day, when I was in Trump’s office, he took a phone call from an investment banker, an opaque conversation that, after he hung up, I asked him to elucidate.
“Whatever complicates the world more I do,” he said.
Come again?
“It’s always good to do things nice and complicated so that nobody can figure it out.”
Of course, the “comeback” Trump is much the same as the Trump of the eighties; there is no “new” Trump, just as there was never a “new” Nixon. Rather, all along there have been several Trumps: the hyperbole addict who prevaricates for fun and profit; the knowledgeable builder whose associates profess awe at his attention to detail; the narcissist whose self-absorption doesn’t account for his dead-on ability to exploit other people’s weaknesses; the perpetual seventeen-year-old who lives in a zero-sum world of winners and “total losers,” loyal friends and “complete scumbags”; the insatiable publicity hound who courts the press on a daily basis and, when he doesn’t like what he reads, attacks the messengers as “human garbage”; the chairman and largest stockholder of a billion-dollar public corporation who seems unable to resist heralding overly optimistic earnings projections, which then fail to materialize, thereby eroding the value of his investment—in sum, a fellow both slippery and naïve, artfully calculating and recklessly heedless of consequences.
Trump-l’oeil: Instead of trying to persuade the world that he owned something that wasn’t his, he was trying to convey the impression that he would part with an onerous asset that, as a practical matter, he would still be stuck with. In any event, in March the entire deal fell apart. Trump, in character, claimed that he, not Colony, had called it off.
From the re-theming meeting, we headed for the casino, and along the way Trump received warm salutations. A white-haired woman wearing a pink warmup suit and carrying a bucket of quarters said, “Mr. Trump, I just love you, darling.” He replied, “Thank you. I love you, too,” then turned to me and said, “You see, they’re good people. And I like people. You’ve gotta be nice. They’re like friends.”
Only Trump and certain of his minions know who among Mar-a-Lago’s more than three hundred listed members has actually forked over initiation fees and who’s paid how much for the privilege. Across the years, there have been routine leaks by a mysterious unnamed spokesman within the Trump Organization to the effect that this or that member of the British Royal Family was planning to buy a pied-à-terre in Trump Tower. It therefore came as no surprise when, during early recruiting efforts at Mar-a-Lago, Trump announced that the Prince and Princess of Wales, their mutual antipathy notwithstanding, had signed up. Was there any documentation? Well, um, Chuck and Di were honorary members. Among the honorary members who have yet to pass through Mar-a-Lago’s portals are Henry Kissinger and Elizabeth Taylor.
My fellow-passengers included Eric Javits, a lawyer and nephew of the late Senator Jacob Javits, bumming a ride; Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of the late publishing tycoon and inadequate swimmer Robert Maxwell, also bumming a ride; Matthew Calamari, a telephone-booth-size bodyguard who is the head of security for the entire Trump Organization; and Eric Trump, Donald’s thirteen-year-old son.
Trump, by the way, is a skilled golfer. A source extremely close to him—by which I mean off the record, but I can use it*—told me that Claude Harmon, a former winner of the Masters tournament and for thirty-three years the club pro at Winged Foot, in Mamaroneck, New York, once described Donald as “the best weekend player” he’d ever seen.
*za avtiste, Trump osebno
Evidently, Trump’s philosophy of wellness is rooted in a belief that prolonged exposure to exceptionally attractive young female spa attendants will instill in the male clientele a will to live. Accordingly, he limits his role to a pocket veto of key hiring decisions. (...) Trump introduced me to “our resident physician, Dr. Ginger Lea Southall”—a recent chiropractic-college graduate. As Dr. Ginger, out of earshot, manipulated the sore back of a grateful member, I asked Trump where she had done her training. “I’m not sure,” he said. “Baywatch Medical School? Does that sound right? I’ll tell you the truth. Once I saw Dr. Ginger’s photograph, I didn’t really need to look at her résumé or anyone else’s.
When a call came a while back from Aleksandr Ivanovich Lebed, the retired general, amateur boxer, and restless pretender to the Presidency of Russia, explaining that he was headed to New York and wanted to arrange a meeting, Trump was pleased but not surprised. (...) In 1987, fresh from his grandest public-relations coup (...) Trump contemplated how, in a larger sphere, he could advertise himself as a doer and dealmaker. One stunt involved orchestrating an “invitation” from the federal government to examine the Williamsburg Bridge, which was falling apart. Trump had no real interest in the job, but by putting on a hard hat and taking a stroll on the bridge for the cameras he stoked the fantasy that he could rebuild the city’s entire infrastructure. From there it was only a short leap to saving the planet. What if, say, a troublemaker like Muammar Qaddafi got his hands on a nuclear arsenal? Well, Trump declared, he stood ready to work with the leaders of the then Soviet Union to coördinate a formula for coping with Armageddon-minded lunatics.
The clear purpose of Lebed’s trip to America, an unofficial visit that coincided with the second Clinton Inaugural, was to add some reassuring human texture to his image as a plainspoken tough guy. (...) Somewhere in Lebed’s calculations was the understanding that, to the nouveau entrepreneurs of the freebooter’s paradise that is now Russia, Trump looked and smelled like very old money.
Inside his office, Trump immediately began sharing with Lebed some of his treasured possessions. “This is a shoe that was given to me by Shaquille O’Neal,” he said. “Basketball. Shaquille O’Neal. Seven feet three inches, I guess. This is his sneaker, the actual sneaker. In fact, he gave this to me after a game.”
He moved on to a replica of a Mike Tyson heavyweight-championship belt, followed by an Evander Holyfield glove.
Trump introduced Lebed to Howard Lorber, who had accompanied him a few months earlier on his journey to Moscow, where they looked at properties to which the Trump moniker might be appended. “Howard has major investments in Russia,” he told Lebed, but when Lorber itemized various ventures none seemed to ring a bell.
I’ll soon be going again to Moscow. We’re looking at the Moskva Hotel. We’re also looking at the Rossiya. That’s a very big project; I think it’s the largest hotel in the world. And we’re working with the local government, the mayor of Moscow and the mayor’s people. So far, they’ve been very responsive.”
Lebed: “I hope I’m not offending by saying this, but I think you are a litmus testing paper. You are at the end of the edge. If Trump goes to Moscow, I think America will follow. So I consider these projects of yours to be very important.
Trump: “Well, that’s very nice. Thank you very much. I have something for you. This is a little token of my respect. I hope you like it. This is a book called ‘The Art of the Deal,’ which a lot of people have read. And if you read this book you’ll know the art of the deal better than I do.”
When Trump returned from escorting Lebed to the elevator, I asked him his impressions.
“First of all, you wouldn’t want to play nuclear weapons with this fucker,” he said. “Does he look as tough and cold as you’ve ever seen? This is not like your average real-estate guy who’s rough and mean. This guy’s beyond that. You see it in the eyes. This guy is a killer.
//In tu je Donald zmagal na razgovoru za 45. predsednika ZDA ;)
New Yorker Magazine, maj 1997:
As could be expected, given the fact that his three-and-a-half-year-old marriage to Marla Maples was ending, paparazzi were staking out the exits of Trump Tower, while all weekend helicopters had been hovering over Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach. And what would come of it? “I think the thing I’m worst at is managing the press,” he said. “The thing I’m best at is business and conceiving. The press portrays me as a wild flamethrower. In actuality, I think I’m much different from that. I think I’m totally inaccurately portrayed.”
Meanwhile, was I aware of what a success he’d had with the Nation’s Parade, the Veterans Day celebration he’d been very supportive of back in 1995? (...) A million four hundred thousand people had turned out for the celebration, he said, handing me some press clippings. “O.K., I see this story says a half million spectators. But, trust me, I heard a million four.” Here was another clipping, from the Times, just the other day, confirming that rents on Fifth Avenue were the highest in the world. “And who owns more of Fifth Avenue than I do?”
Everywhere inside the Trump Organization headquarters, the walls were lined with framed magazine covers, each a shot of Trump or someone who looked an awful lot like him. The profusion of these images—of a man who possessed unusual skills, though not, evidently, a gene for irony—seemed the sum of his appetite for self-reflection.
If the gossips hinted that he’d been cuckolded, they had it all wrong; untying the marital knot was based upon straightforward economics.
The last time around, splitting with Ivana, he’d lost the P.R. battle from the git-go. After falling an entire news cycle behind Ivana’s spinmeisters, he never managed to catch up. In one ill-advised eruption, he told Liz Smith that his wife reminded him of his bête noire Leona Helmsley, and the columnist chided, “Shame on you, Donald! How dare you say that about the mother of your children?”
A securities analyst who has studied Trump’s peregrinations for many years believes, “Deep down, he wants to be Madonna.” In other words, to ask how the gods could have permitted Trump’s resurrection is to mistake profound superficiality for profundity, performance art for serious drama.
The festivities that day included a feng-shui ritual in the lobby, a gesture of respect to the building’s high proportion of Asian buyers, who regard a Trump property as a good place to sink flight capital. An efficient schmoozer, Trump worked the room quickly—a backslap and a wink, a finger on the lapels, no more than a minute with anyone who wasn’t a police commissioner, a district attorney, or a mayoral candidate—and then he was ready to go.
Back at the office, a Times reporter, Michael Gordon, was on the line, calling from Moscow. Gordon had just interviewed a Russian artist named Zurab Tsereteli, a man with a sense of grandiosity familiar to Trump. Was it true, Gordon asked, that Tsereteli and Trump had discussed erecting on the Hudson River a statue of Christopher Columbus that was six feet taller than the Statue of Liberty?
“Yes, it’s already been made, from what I understand,” said Trump, who had met Tsereteli a couple of months earlier, in Moscow. “It’s got forty million dollars’ worth of bronze in it, and Zurab would like it to be at my West Side Yards development”—a seventy-five-acre tract called Riverside South—“and we are working toward that end.”
According to Trump, the head had arrived in America, the rest of the body was still in Moscow, and the whole thing was being donated by the Russian government. “The mayor of Moscow has written a letter to Rudy Giuliani stating that they would like to make a gift of this great work by Zurab. It would be my honor if we could work it out with the City of New York. I am absolutely favorably disposed toward it. Zurab is a very unusual guy. This man is major and legit.”
A lecture agency in Canada was offering Trump a chance to give three speeches over three consecutive days(...)
How did Trump feel about it?
“My attitude is if somebody’s willing to pay me two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars to make a speech, it seems stupid not to show up. You know why I’ll do it? Because I don’t think anyone’s ever been paid that much.”
“Part of my problem,” Trump said to me, “is that I have to do a lot of things myself. It takes so much time. Julio Iglesias is coming to Mar-a-Lago, but I have to call Julio, I have to have lunch with Julio.
During Trump’s ascendancy, in the nineteen-eighties, the essence of his performance art—an opera-buffa parody of wealth—accounted for his populist appeal as well as for the opprobrium of those who regard with distaste the spectacle of an unbridled id.
At times, neither glitz nor flash could disguise financial reality. A story in the Times three months ago contained a reference to his past “brush with bankruptcy,” and Trump, though gratified that the Times gave him play on the front page, took umbrage at that phrase.
The bravado diminished somewhat for a couple of years—largely because the press stopped paying attention—but by 1993 he was proclaiming, “This year has been the most successful year I’ve had in business.” Every year since, he’s issued the same news flash. A spate of Trump-comeback articles appeared in 1996, including several timed to coincide with his fiftieth birthday.
When Forbes published its annual list of the four hundred richest Americans, he sneaked on (three hundred and seventy-third position) with an estimated net worth of four hundred and fifty million. Trump, meanwhile, had compiled his own unaudited appraisal, one he was willing to share along with the amusing caveat “I’ve never shown this to a reporter before.” According to his calculations, he was actually worth two and a quarter billion dollars—Forbes had lowballed him by eighty per cent. Still, he had officially rejoined the plutocracy, his first appearance since the blip.
When I met with Trump for the first time, several months ago, he set out to acquaint me with facts that, to his consternation, had remained stubbornly hidden from the public. Several times, he uttered the phrase “off the record, but you can use it.” I understood the implication—I was his tool—but failed to see the purpose. “If you have me saying these things, even though they’re true, I sound like a schmuck,” he explained. (...) Alair Townsend, a former deputy mayor in the Koch administration, once quipped, “I wouldn’t believe Donald Trump if his tongue were notarized.” (...) Last fall, after Evander Holyfield upset Mike Tyson in a heavyweight title fight, Trump snookered the News into reporting that he’d collected twenty million bucks by betting a million on the underdog. This prompted the Post to make calls to some Las Vegas bookies, who confirmed—shockingly!—that nobody had been handling that kind of action or laying odds close to 20-1. Trump never blinked, just moved on to the next bright idea.
By appearing to exert control over assets that aren’t necessarily his—at least not in ways that his pronouncements suggest—he exercises his real talent: using his name as a form of leverage. “It’s German in derivation,” he has said. “Nobody really knows where it came from. It’s very unusual, but it just is a good name to have.”
//Drumpf, hehe
One day, when I was in Trump’s office, he took a phone call from an investment banker, an opaque conversation that, after he hung up, I asked him to elucidate.
“Whatever complicates the world more I do,” he said.
Come again?
“It’s always good to do things nice and complicated so that nobody can figure it out.”
Of course, the “comeback” Trump is much the same as the Trump of the eighties; there is no “new” Trump, just as there was never a “new” Nixon. Rather, all along there have been several Trumps: the hyperbole addict who prevaricates for fun and profit; the knowledgeable builder whose associates profess awe at his attention to detail; the narcissist whose self-absorption doesn’t account for his dead-on ability to exploit other people’s weaknesses; the perpetual seventeen-year-old who lives in a zero-sum world of winners and “total losers,” loyal friends and “complete scumbags”; the insatiable publicity hound who courts the press on a daily basis and, when he doesn’t like what he reads, attacks the messengers as “human garbage”; the chairman and largest stockholder of a billion-dollar public corporation who seems unable to resist heralding overly optimistic earnings projections, which then fail to materialize, thereby eroding the value of his investment—in sum, a fellow both slippery and naïve, artfully calculating and recklessly heedless of consequences.
Trump-l’oeil: Instead of trying to persuade the world that he owned something that wasn’t his, he was trying to convey the impression that he would part with an onerous asset that, as a practical matter, he would still be stuck with. In any event, in March the entire deal fell apart. Trump, in character, claimed that he, not Colony, had called it off.
From the re-theming meeting, we headed for the casino, and along the way Trump received warm salutations. A white-haired woman wearing a pink warmup suit and carrying a bucket of quarters said, “Mr. Trump, I just love you, darling.” He replied, “Thank you. I love you, too,” then turned to me and said, “You see, they’re good people. And I like people. You’ve gotta be nice. They’re like friends.”
Only Trump and certain of his minions know who among Mar-a-Lago’s more than three hundred listed members has actually forked over initiation fees and who’s paid how much for the privilege. Across the years, there have been routine leaks by a mysterious unnamed spokesman within the Trump Organization to the effect that this or that member of the British Royal Family was planning to buy a pied-à-terre in Trump Tower. It therefore came as no surprise when, during early recruiting efforts at Mar-a-Lago, Trump announced that the Prince and Princess of Wales, their mutual antipathy notwithstanding, had signed up. Was there any documentation? Well, um, Chuck and Di were honorary members. Among the honorary members who have yet to pass through Mar-a-Lago’s portals are Henry Kissinger and Elizabeth Taylor.
My fellow-passengers included Eric Javits, a lawyer and nephew of the late Senator Jacob Javits, bumming a ride; Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of the late publishing tycoon and inadequate swimmer Robert Maxwell, also bumming a ride; Matthew Calamari, a telephone-booth-size bodyguard who is the head of security for the entire Trump Organization; and Eric Trump, Donald’s thirteen-year-old son.
Inside Donald Trump’s Surveillance Operations
Sources: Trump’s little-known home near Washington, DC, has security cameras inside and outside, monitored from New York, according to insiders. Politicians have stayed there for “safe haven.” Ubiquitous surveillance equipment is also threaded throughout his Trump National Golf Club.
Overseeing Trump’s surveillance operations is Matthew Calamari, a powerful behind-the scenes figure who has been in Trump’s world for 35 years.
Trump, by the way, is a skilled golfer. A source extremely close to him—by which I mean off the record, but I can use it*—told me that Claude Harmon, a former winner of the Masters tournament and for thirty-three years the club pro at Winged Foot, in Mamaroneck, New York, once described Donald as “the best weekend player” he’d ever seen.
*za avtiste, Trump osebno
Evidently, Trump’s philosophy of wellness is rooted in a belief that prolonged exposure to exceptionally attractive young female spa attendants will instill in the male clientele a will to live. Accordingly, he limits his role to a pocket veto of key hiring decisions. (...) Trump introduced me to “our resident physician, Dr. Ginger Lea Southall”—a recent chiropractic-college graduate. As Dr. Ginger, out of earshot, manipulated the sore back of a grateful member, I asked Trump where she had done her training. “I’m not sure,” he said. “Baywatch Medical School? Does that sound right? I’ll tell you the truth. Once I saw Dr. Ginger’s photograph, I didn’t really need to look at her résumé or anyone else’s.
When a call came a while back from Aleksandr Ivanovich Lebed, the retired general, amateur boxer, and restless pretender to the Presidency of Russia, explaining that he was headed to New York and wanted to arrange a meeting, Trump was pleased but not surprised. (...) In 1987, fresh from his grandest public-relations coup (...) Trump contemplated how, in a larger sphere, he could advertise himself as a doer and dealmaker. One stunt involved orchestrating an “invitation” from the federal government to examine the Williamsburg Bridge, which was falling apart. Trump had no real interest in the job, but by putting on a hard hat and taking a stroll on the bridge for the cameras he stoked the fantasy that he could rebuild the city’s entire infrastructure. From there it was only a short leap to saving the planet. What if, say, a troublemaker like Muammar Qaddafi got his hands on a nuclear arsenal? Well, Trump declared, he stood ready to work with the leaders of the then Soviet Union to coördinate a formula for coping with Armageddon-minded lunatics.
The clear purpose of Lebed’s trip to America, an unofficial visit that coincided with the second Clinton Inaugural, was to add some reassuring human texture to his image as a plainspoken tough guy. (...) Somewhere in Lebed’s calculations was the understanding that, to the nouveau entrepreneurs of the freebooter’s paradise that is now Russia, Trump looked and smelled like very old money.
Inside his office, Trump immediately began sharing with Lebed some of his treasured possessions. “This is a shoe that was given to me by Shaquille O’Neal,” he said. “Basketball. Shaquille O’Neal. Seven feet three inches, I guess. This is his sneaker, the actual sneaker. In fact, he gave this to me after a game.”
He moved on to a replica of a Mike Tyson heavyweight-championship belt, followed by an Evander Holyfield glove.
Trump introduced Lebed to Howard Lorber, who had accompanied him a few months earlier on his journey to Moscow, where they looked at properties to which the Trump moniker might be appended. “Howard has major investments in Russia,” he told Lebed, but when Lorber itemized various ventures none seemed to ring a bell.
I’ll soon be going again to Moscow. We’re looking at the Moskva Hotel. We’re also looking at the Rossiya. That’s a very big project; I think it’s the largest hotel in the world. And we’re working with the local government, the mayor of Moscow and the mayor’s people. So far, they’ve been very responsive.”
Lebed: “I hope I’m not offending by saying this, but I think you are a litmus testing paper. You are at the end of the edge. If Trump goes to Moscow, I think America will follow. So I consider these projects of yours to be very important.
Trump: “Well, that’s very nice. Thank you very much. I have something for you. This is a little token of my respect. I hope you like it. This is a book called ‘The Art of the Deal,’ which a lot of people have read. And if you read this book you’ll know the art of the deal better than I do.”
When Trump returned from escorting Lebed to the elevator, I asked him his impressions.
“First of all, you wouldn’t want to play nuclear weapons with this fucker,” he said. “Does he look as tough and cold as you’ve ever seen? This is not like your average real-estate guy who’s rough and mean. This guy’s beyond that. You see it in the eyes. This guy is a killer.
//In tu je Donald zmagal na razgovoru za 45. predsednika ZDA ;)
Pac-Man ::
Mike Judge je bil optimist. To naj bi bilo l. 2506:
jype ::
Trump supporters will want audiovisual recordings of this. For evidence, of course, not for personal pleasure.
kratos ::
Običajno se vzdržim političnih komentarjev, samo kakor svetovni mediji (ki so seveda pod vplivom določenih elitnih medijev) na vse pretege poročajo in blatijo Trumpa in vsako njegovo dejanje - čeprav dobro, spremenijo v slabo, ti je že na prvo žogo jasno (če si vsaj malo razgledan) da Gospod predsednik Donald dela nekaj v pravi smeri.
Pac-Man ::
Običajno se vzdržim političnih komentarjev, samo kakor svetovni mediji (ki so seveda pod vplivom določenih elitnih medijev) na vse pretege poročajo in blatijo Trumpa in vsako njegovo dejanje - čeprav dobro, spremenijo v slabo, ti je že na prvo žogo jasno (če si vsaj malo razgledan) da Gospod predsednik Donald dela nekaj v pravi smeri.
Twita dank meme ukradene reddit uporabniku "HanAssholeSolo"? Medij s par pulitzerjevimi pripravi do resne analize objav reddit uporabnika "HanAssholeSolo"? Potem mi zmanjka idej, ti jih pa očitno sploh nimaš.
The user whose screen name is an unprintable corruption of “Han Solo” spent about a year on Reddit before attaining stardom, courtesy of a share from President Trump.
Some posts were unpopular. “That cat would be in a blender if it did that to me,” for instance. Or recollections of visits to Paris armed with “punch blades,” in case a Muslim needed to be stabbed in the neck.
HanAssholeSolo: “Holy shit! I wake up and have my morning coffee and who retweets my shitpost by the MAGA EMPORER himself!!! I am honored!!!”
Han‑‑‑‑‑‑‑Solo appears to be part of that campaign, posting a conspiratorial meme about Rich on r/The_Donald in May.
But the user is prolific, posting multiple times a day, and frequently ranging into other groups.
“It’s all part of United’s Remove A [n-word] Over The Ocean program” the user wrote on a “dark humor” board two months ago, beneath a photo of a black child on an airplane.
Za vse je pravi čas in kraj. Ko je Obumbo pokal te na Donijev račun, je že dal ukaz za eliminacijo bin Ladna. Od Meyersa je pokasiral tudi eno na račun izmuzljivosti najbolj slavnega terorista in se samo lepo nasmejal. Doni bi 99% zasral operacijo, "Fake news, he's in Pakistan, Mattis explain the plan to these total losers."
Death of Osama bin Laden @ Wikipedia
On April 29 at 8:20 a.m. EDT,[65] Obama conferred with his advisers and gave the final go-ahead. The raid would take place the following day. That evening the president was informed that the operation would be delayed one day due to cloudy weather.
On April 30, Obama called McRaven one more time to wish the SEALs well and to thank them for their service.[57] That evening, the President attended the annual White House Correspondent's Association dinner, which was hosted by comedian and television actor Seth Meyers. At one point, Meyers joked: "People think bin Laden is hiding in the Hindu Kush, but did you know that every day from 4 to 5 he hosts a show on C-SPAN?" Obama laughed, despite his knowledge of the operation to come.[68]
On May 1 at 1:22 p.m., Panetta, acting on the president's orders, directed McRaven to move forward with the operation. Shortly after 3 p.m., the president joined national security officials in the Situation Room to monitor the raid.
ZaphodBB ::
Če bi bili mediji res neki anti-Trumpovski fanatiki bi med kampanijo na dolgo in široko poročali o tem. Toliko o 'analizi' nekaterih tule.
Ali pa so odstopili, ker so vedeli, da bi tak primer s seboj potegnil tudi Hillary?
Naj se preganja in pozapre vse.
Trump supporters will want audiovisual recordings of this. For evidence, of course, not for personal pleasure.
Še ena projekcija s skrajne levice. Zanimivo koliko komunistov in "feminističnih zaveznikov" je v resnici pedofilov. Dejte mal popucat svoje vrste.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ZaphodBB ()
Smrekar1 ::
Ali pa so odstopili, ker so vedeli, da bi tak primer s seboj potegnil tudi Hillary?
Kako točno?
Naj se preganja in pozapre vse.
Vsekakor. Stvar je v tem, da če bi bili mediji res izrazito proti-Trumpovski bi lahko kar dosti govorili o tem, da mu sodijo zaradi pedofilije. Ampak ker poročajo precej nevtralno so o tej zadevi, kjer ni bilo kaj dosti za poročati (upam), bili več ali manj tiho.
Možno je sicer, da je bilo res in da je tip samo plačal odškodnino. To bi bilo precej slabo
jype ::
Možno je sicer, da je bilo res in da je tip samo plačal odškodnino.Ah, pa saj on tega ne dela.
Kako točno?Desničarski koncept pravice je malce drugačen, kot si predstavljajo normalni ljudje.
ZaphodBB ::
Vsekakor. Stvar je v tem, da če bi bili mediji res izrazito proti-Trumpovski bi lahko kar dosti govorili o tem, da mu sodijo zaradi pedofilije. Ampak ker poročajo precej nevtralno so o tej zadevi, kjer ni bilo kaj dosti za poročati (upam), bili več ali manj tiho.
Malo težko, glede na to koliko demokratov in holivudskih elit se je vozilo na Epsteinov čarobni otok. Ne pozabi, Trump je bil takrat Demokrat.
Pac-Man ::
Sicer že 2 tedna staro
A second lawyer from the U.S. solicitor general’s office has signed on to the legal team of special counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation of possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Elizabeth Prelogar (nee Barchas), an assistant to the solicitor general, is working with deputy solicitor general Michael Dreeben in his part-time role in Mueller’s legal team, according to lawyers familiar with the assignment. The participation of Dreeben, the Justice Department’s top criminal law expert, was widely seen as a sign that Mueller was investigating possible criminal violations by President Donald Trump or others.
Prelogar, a former law clerk to Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, is a Harvard Law School graduate and formerly worked in private practice at Hogan Lovells. Her involvement in the Russia probe has not previously been reported.
Prelogar also appears to be fluent in Russian. As an Emory College undergraduate, she majored in English and Russian. After graduating from Emory she was a Fulbright scholar in Russia. When she was a 1L at Harvard Law in 2006, she won an Overseas Press Club scholarship to study Russian media and censorship.
Former solicitor general Donald Verrilli Jr., now a partner at Munger, Tolles & Olson, hired Prelogar in 2014. “Like Michael Dreeben, she is a person of superb intellect and deep integrity,” Verrilli said Monday. “She can be counted on to call it as she sees it.”
Hogan partner Neal Katyal, who worked with her at the firm, said, "Elizabeth is perhaps the best young lawyer with whom I have ever worked. She is brilliant, completely apolitical, and as by the book as they come. It's no surprise to me Mueller snapped her up” from the solicitor general’s office.
Gospa imajo že malenkost izkušenj s Trumpom.
Miss USA 2001 @ Wikipedia
Two of those who competed at Miss USA 2001, Katee Doland and Elizabeth Barchas, later became Triple Crown winners, for holding state titles for Miss Teen USA, Miss USA and Miss America
Donald Trump was forced to sell the Miss Universe Organization – which also includes sister scholarship programs Miss USA and Miss Teen USA – in 2015 after his incendiary comments about Mexicans drove away broadcasters NBC and Univision. But Trump owned the pageant for nearly two decades, during which time he would have had the opportunity to come into contact with nearly 4,000 beauty queens.
A second lawyer from the U.S. solicitor general’s office has signed on to the legal team of special counsel Robert Mueller in his investigation of possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Elizabeth Prelogar (nee Barchas), an assistant to the solicitor general, is working with deputy solicitor general Michael Dreeben in his part-time role in Mueller’s legal team, according to lawyers familiar with the assignment. The participation of Dreeben, the Justice Department’s top criminal law expert, was widely seen as a sign that Mueller was investigating possible criminal violations by President Donald Trump or others.
Prelogar, a former law clerk to Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, is a Harvard Law School graduate and formerly worked in private practice at Hogan Lovells. Her involvement in the Russia probe has not previously been reported.
Prelogar also appears to be fluent in Russian. As an Emory College undergraduate, she majored in English and Russian. After graduating from Emory she was a Fulbright scholar in Russia. When she was a 1L at Harvard Law in 2006, she won an Overseas Press Club scholarship to study Russian media and censorship.
Former solicitor general Donald Verrilli Jr., now a partner at Munger, Tolles & Olson, hired Prelogar in 2014. “Like Michael Dreeben, she is a person of superb intellect and deep integrity,” Verrilli said Monday. “She can be counted on to call it as she sees it.”
Hogan partner Neal Katyal, who worked with her at the firm, said, "Elizabeth is perhaps the best young lawyer with whom I have ever worked. She is brilliant, completely apolitical, and as by the book as they come. It's no surprise to me Mueller snapped her up” from the solicitor general’s office.
Gospa imajo že malenkost izkušenj s Trumpom.
Miss USA 2001 @ Wikipedia
Two of those who competed at Miss USA 2001, Katee Doland and Elizabeth Barchas, later became Triple Crown winners, for holding state titles for Miss Teen USA, Miss USA and Miss America
Donald Trump was forced to sell the Miss Universe Organization – which also includes sister scholarship programs Miss USA and Miss Teen USA – in 2015 after his incendiary comments about Mexicans drove away broadcasters NBC and Univision. But Trump owned the pageant for nearly two decades, during which time he would have had the opportunity to come into contact with nearly 4,000 beauty queens.
VaeVictis ::
Anarchist Extremists: Antifa
New Jersey Homeland Security has declared Antifa a Domestic Terrorist organization
New Jersey Homeland Security has declared Antifa a Domestic Terrorist organization
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VaeVictis ()
jype ::
MadMicka ::
Trump je bolan človek. Nesposoben biti predsednik. Dobra stran je ena sama in sicer, da prebivalci EU vidijo, kako je, če izvolijo populista in radikalca. Izvolitev tega idiota se je gotovo poznalo npr. pri volitvah v Franciji.
belo mleko ::
Gotovo se je poznalo, multikulti socialiste so skoraj do popolnosti iztrebili iz parlamenta. Glejte Avstrijo, Poljsko, Češko, Slovaško, Madžarsko. Povsod so multikultiji v iztrebljanju. Leve vlade gradijo na mejah ograje in tja pošiljajo tanke. Nič več ne bo tako kot je bilo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: belo mleko ()
MadMicka ::
belo mleko, a obstajajo leve in desne vlade? In če ne prideš v parlament, pomeni, da si iztrebljen, ker si multikulti socialist, ti revček, pejt še mal v šolo.
dice7 ::
Clovek se kar nacudi, da so komentarji na spletni strani ameriskega dnevnega casopisa na veliko visjem nivoju, kot pa na najvecjem tehnoloskem forumu v Sloveniji
xxxul ::
Seveda, tudi nacisti so bli zelo kulturni med seboj, samo z drugace mislečimi so imel probleme.
dice7 ::
Verjetno si malce zmeden, ilegalnih prehodov nihce ne zagovarja. Preden se spotaknes ob begunce ima vsak pravico do due process, nekaj kar nacisti nimajo razcisceno
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()
Looooooka ::
Trump je bolan človek. Nesposoben biti predsednik. Dobra stran je ena sama in sicer, da prebivalci EU vidijo, kako je, če izvolijo populista in radikalca. Izvolitev tega idiota se je gotovo poznalo npr. pri volitvah v Franciji.
Izvoljeni idiot v Franciji je hujsi, Francija pa prakticno gotova.
Ceste take kot, da se vozis po Sharm El Sheiku.
Ampak kar pametujte. Ce bo slo tako naprej bodo Evropejci manjsina.
dice7 ::
Pac-Man ::
Za nestrpne:
Just a reminder from someone who remebers Watergate. We thought the investigation was going nowhere until they charged 43 people.
Agreed. I was a Senate staffer then. Until the Sat Night Massacre it was a Nothing.
Za ostale:
Seems clear that Trump is preparing his base for what will be incontrovertible evidence to the rest of us of his collusion.We've had sources telling us that IC had recorded evidence. Lately sources have said the WaPo has the story-but are being asked to hold it. All my sources say MSM has a lot of material with most identifying WaPo as being in possession of irrefutable evidence of #Trumptreason
IC source: Manafort maintained the same cell phone number for over a decade and that virtually every word that was spoken was intercepted. It wasn't our IC doing the intercepting. This thing (generally) took off when IC of almost a dozen nations shared what they had. Crucial.
Over a decade. So that includes the years Manafort worked as Putin's personal PR consultant to the west. The stories that number will tell.
Za nestrpne:
Just a reminder from someone who remebers Watergate. We thought the investigation was going nowhere until they charged 43 people.
Agreed. I was a Senate staffer then. Until the Sat Night Massacre it was a Nothing.
Za ostale:
Seems clear that Trump is preparing his base for what will be incontrovertible evidence to the rest of us of his collusion.We've had sources telling us that IC had recorded evidence. Lately sources have said the WaPo has the story-but are being asked to hold it. All my sources say MSM has a lot of material with most identifying WaPo as being in possession of irrefutable evidence of #Trumptreason
IC source: Manafort maintained the same cell phone number for over a decade and that virtually every word that was spoken was intercepted. It wasn't our IC doing the intercepting. This thing (generally) took off when IC of almost a dozen nations shared what they had. Crucial.
Over a decade. So that includes the years Manafort worked as Putin's personal PR consultant to the west. The stories that number will tell.
ZaphodBB ::
ZaphodBB ::
jype ::
Sounds flattering
Seveda, ker zagovarjaš nasilje.
To je pravi obraz Antifa
Napadalca so že odkrili.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ADIJOOO ()
Truga ::
CNN Threatens to dox redditor unless they delete posts
Skoda k ga niso, bi bili heroji, tko so pa pussy blackmailerji
Pac-Man ::
I have a series of quotes from Senior CNN Executives candidly describing their Network, relationship with WH and what they know..follows
Senior CNN Executive: "We have seen and have copies of transcripts of calls between Kushner, Bannon and high level Russian officials. At the least, those two committed treason, and it's hard to believe Trump wasn't part of it".
Senior CNN Executive: "Trump is going to do everything he can to lift the sanctions and there might not be any way to stop him".
Senior CNN Executive: "We used to get hate mail. Now we get death threats. Hundreds a day."
Senior CNN: "We get 30 calls a day from Senior White House officials screaming at us for publishing stories that are irrefutably accurate. The fake news campaign has been remarkably effective. 1/3 of America had been brainwashed, and nothing will change their minds."
Bi znalo bit kaj na tem. V zadnjem tednu ali dveh je complicit folk na foxu preklopil iz "TrumpRussia je bulšit" na "Saj to ni n'č tazga". Verjamem, da ne slučajno.
I have a series of quotes from Senior CNN Executives candidly describing their Network, relationship with WH and what they know..follows
Senior CNN Executive: "We have seen and have copies of transcripts of calls between Kushner, Bannon and high level Russian officials. At the least, those two committed treason, and it's hard to believe Trump wasn't part of it".
Senior CNN Executive: "Trump is going to do everything he can to lift the sanctions and there might not be any way to stop him".
Senior CNN Executive: "We used to get hate mail. Now we get death threats. Hundreds a day."
Senior CNN: "We get 30 calls a day from Senior White House officials screaming at us for publishing stories that are irrefutably accurate. The fake news campaign has been remarkably effective. 1/3 of America had been brainwashed, and nothing will change their minds."
Bi znalo bit kaj na tem. V zadnjem tednu ali dveh je complicit folk na foxu preklopil iz "TrumpRussia je bulšit" na "Saj to ni n'č tazga". Verjamem, da ne slučajno.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Dr. Drumpflove (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 33 34 35 36 )Oddelek: Problemi človeštva | 268145 (228164) | OmegaBlue |