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Žitije Donalda Trampa

Žitije Donalda Trampa

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jype ::

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

More like USC 101
Strawmen, strawmen everywhere. Smo že vajeni, ko gre za PaX_MaNove "argumente".

PaX_MaN ::

jype je izjavil:

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

More like USC 101
Strawmen, strawmen everywhere. Smo že vajeni, ko gre za PaX_MaNove "argumente".

Cakes, cakes everywhere, more like.
Jesen bo pestra.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

jype ::

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

Jesen bo pestra.
Fašisti se že veselite fašističnega nadzora nad sodno vejo oblasti.

MadMicka ::

To, da bi lahko prodajalna zavrnila prodajo gejem, to se v razvitem svetu z izjemo ZDA sploh ne postavlja kot vprašanje. Podobno, kot se v razvitem svetu vključno z ZDA ne postavlja vprašanje, če lahko prodajalna zavrne prodajo črncu.

Cervantes ::

Fact: Donny je POTUS.
Fact: Demokratično (pač po ameriško) izvoljen.
Fact: Dems are pissed (Rusi so krivi!)...
Fact: Pissed or not, spoštuj svojega POTUSa, da boš dolgo živel in ti bo dobro na svetu.
Osnove demokracije.
Tudi če na naslednjih zmaga Jajo, bo pač moj predsednik.
Čeprav se mi želodec obrača, samo če ga zagledam.
Osnove demokracije.

PaX_MaN ::

jype je izjavil:

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

Jesen bo pestra.
Fašisti se že veselite fašističnega nadzora nad sodno vejo oblasti.

Sovražni govor!

MadMicka je izjavil:

To, da bi lahko prodajalna zavrnila prodajo gejem, to se v razvitem svetu z izjemo ZDA sploh ne postavlja kot vprašanje. Podobno, kot se v razvitem svetu vključno z ZDA ne postavlja vprašanje, če lahko prodajalna zavrne prodajo črncu.

Oh kako se motite.

tikitoki ::

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

jype je izjavil:

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

Jesen bo pestra.
Fašisti se že veselite fašističnega nadzora nad sodno vejo oblasti.

Sovražni govor!

MadMicka je izjavil:

To, da bi lahko prodajalna zavrnila prodajo gejem, to se v razvitem svetu z izjemo ZDA sploh ne postavlja kot vprašanje. Podobno, kot se v razvitem svetu vključno z ZDA ne postavlja vprašanje, če lahko prodajalna zavrne prodajo črncu.

Oh kako se motite.

Kaj pa ima poroka z postrezbo v trgovini?


Dejstvo je, da je Donald trump neverjetno dober predsednik, ki je začel izponjevati svoje preddvoline obljube.

Včeraj velika zmaga zavaroval ZDA pred terorizmom.

Ns meji ideja vseh idej zid z sončničnimi celicami večji bo več bo energije GENIALNO naravnost GENIALNO

Donald Trump je bvvrez dvoma eden najboljši poredsednikov v zgodovini TDA vsaj zadnjih 200 let.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Smrekar1 ::

Btw, kaj nam ni ZaphodBB pred dobrega pol leta obljubljal, da bo Trump najbolj transparented predsednik v ZDA, sicer ga bodo Republikanci sami odstavili?

Si o tem kaj spremenil mnenje, ZaphodBB?

ZaphodBB ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Btw, kaj nam ni ZaphodBB pred dobrega pol leta obljubljal, da bo Trump najbolj transparented predsednik v ZDA, sicer ga bodo Republikanci sami odstavili?

Si o tem kaj spremenil mnenje, ZaphodBB?

Saj je. Mediji poročajo o čisto vsaki potezi, ki jo naredi. Pa še o celem kupu namšiljenih za povrh.

Če to ni transparenca prvega reda, potem res ne vem kaj je.

Sploh, če gledaš kakšne poteze so vlekli njuni predhodniki.

D3m ::

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

ZaphodBB ::

Trump je nastavil sodnika, ki ga lahko izsiljuje.

Hudo vpliven tale Trump za enega klovna, ki ni imel čisto nobenih možnosti...

Smrekar1 ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Saj je. Mediji poročajo o čisto vsaki potezi, ki jo naredi. Pa še o celem kupu namšiljenih za povrh.

Če to ni transparenca prvega reda, potem res ne vem kaj je.

V pomoč:


Pomen pod 2.a, v določeni meri tudi b-d.

Ni za kaj :)

ZaphodBB ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Saj je. Mediji poročajo o čisto vsaki potezi, ki jo naredi. Pa še o celem kupu namšiljenih za povrh.

Če to ni transparenca prvega reda, potem res ne vem kaj je.

V pomoč:


Pomen pod 2.a, v določeni meri tudi b-d.

Ni za kaj :)

Hvala lepa, lepo od teba da priznaš, da si se motil zadnje leto in pol. Sedaj pa priznaš, da sem jaz precej boljše začutil pulz situacije.

Kar se Trumpa tiče, meni sploh ni mar. Meni je mar za vse te sladke solze katerih razlivanje lahko opazujem.

Res mi je v veselje.

PaX_MaN ::

tikitoki je izjavil:

Kaj pa ima poroka z postrezbo v trgovini?

Ki se menda "sploh ne postavlja kot vprašanje".
Mimogrede, impeachment, je že/ga ni/ga ne bo sploh?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

jype ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Kar se Trumpa tiče, meni sploh ni mar.
Nenavadno, da podpornik Putina, Erdogana in Duterteja ne bi obrajtal Trumpa.

Več kot očitno si navdušen nad sinergijo vodenja države in podjetij v zasebni lasti. Pred Trumpom bi lahko rekli, da gre za putinistični vzorec, zdaj je pa jasno, da je oligarhija že ves čas agenda tebe in drugih avtoritarnih desničarjev.

PaX_MaN ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Btw, kaj nam ni ZaphodBB pred dobrega pol leta obljubljal, da bo Trump najbolj transparented predsednik v ZDA, sicer ga bodo Republikanci sami odstavili?

Si o tem kaj spremenil mnenje, ZaphodBB?

Toliko leakov kolikor jih je pod Trumpom, ni bilo v vseh administracijah doslej skupaj.

jype ::

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

Mimogrede, impeachment, je že/ga ni/ga ne bo sploh?
Je že: http://www.newsweek.com/democrats-quit-...

Samo še SCOTUS potrdi, da ima to pravno veljavo, pa je to to.

Smrekar1 ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Hvala lepa, lepo od teba da priznaš, da si se motil zadnje leto in pol.

V čem točno? Da bi bila Hillary manjše zlo kot Trump? Še vedno sem tega mnenja, čeprav ga bo seveda precej težko dokazati.

jype ::

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

Toliko leakov kolikor jih je pod Trumpom, ni bilo v vseh administracijah doslej skupaj.
In vendar še vedno ne spoštuje Title of Nobility Clause @ Wikipedia poleg tega da njegovi davčni papirji še vedno niso javni, ker ga je strah, da bi kdo ugotovil, da je loser.

PaX_MaN ::

jype je izjavil:

Več kot očitno si navdušen nad sinergijo vodenja države in podjetij v zasebni lasti. Pred Trumpom bi lahko rekli, da gre za putinistični vzorec, zdaj je pa jasno, da je oligarhija že ves čas agenda tebe in drugih avtoritarnih desničarjev.

A Ameriki ima vso izvršno oblast predsednik. USC 101.

jype ::

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

A Ameriki ima vso izvršno oblast predsednik. USC 101.
In vendar mu ustava prepoveduje, da bi imel tudi poslovne interese. Putinistov v tej temi to ne moti.


jype je izjavil:

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

A Ameriki ima vso izvršno oblast predsednik. USC 101.
In vendar mu ustava prepoveduje, da bi imel tudi poslovne interese. Putinistov v tej temi to ne moti.

jype ti se ne razumeš v politiko.

PaX_MaN ::

jype je izjavil:

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

Mimogrede, impeachment, je že/ga ni/ga ne bo sploh?
Je že: http://www.newsweek.com/democrats-quit-...

Samo še SCOTUS potrdi, da ima to pravno veljavo, pa je to to.

#FAKE NEWS vreden Oniona.

jype je izjavil:

In vendar še vedno ne spoštuje Title of Nobility Clause @ Wikipedia

Seveda spoštuje.
In to ni povezano s transparentnostjo.

jype je izjavil:

poleg tega da njegovi davčni papirji še vedno niso javni, ker ga je strah, da bi kdo ugotovil, da je loser.

Nič ne zavezuje Trumpa da mora pokazati davčne zaključene pred, med in po nastopu funkcije.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

ZaphodBB ::

#FAKE NEWS vreden Oniona.

Democrats 4 sharia!

poleg tega da njegovi davčni papirji še vedno niso javni, ker ga je strah, da bi kdo ugotovil, da je loser.

Seveda je loser, če pa plačuje višje davke kot komunisti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ZaphodBB ()

PaX_MaN ::

jype je izjavil:

PaX_MaN je izjavil:

A Ameriki ima vso izvršno oblast predsednik. USC 101.
In vendar mu ustava prepoveduje, da bi imel tudi poslovne interese. Putinistov v tej temi to ne moti.

Ni res. Prepoveduje mu darila zgolj tujih držav, če kongres ne dovoli.
Ampak kongres je že davno dovolil.

Iatromantis ::

Delo pravi, da je Trump priznal rusko vpletanje v ameriške volitve

A glede na vse:

 Trump Trump Trump

Trump Trump Trump

Zgodovina sprememb…

dice7 ::

Zgleda je Trump tudi demokrat; tako kot vsi, ki mi niso vsec


Iatromantis je izjavil:

Delo pravi, da je Trump priznal rusko vpletanje v ameriške volitve

A glede na vse:

 Trump Trump Trump

Trump Trump Trump

Ah ja DELO greznica slovenskega novinarstva

ZaphodBB ::

dice7 je izjavil:

Zgleda je Trump tudi demokrat; tako kot vsi, ki mi niso vsec

Left can't meme for shit.

energija ::

>John Bonifield, CNN employee for nearly 15 years was exposed by Project Veritas on video admitting the whole thing is bullshit.
>Even throws CEO Jeff Zucker under the bus admitting he was the one keeping the Russia coverage continuous.
>Makes joke about journalism ethics not being important because "This is business"


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: energija ()

Jst ::

Waw, če komu to ni logično, potem res ne vem, kaj mislite, da so CNN/MSNBC/... dobrodelne organizacije?


Pa še nekaj glede vira: poglejte na wikiju, kaj je ta Jack O'Kieefe počel v preteklosti. Če samo preletiš, vidiš, da je več dima, kot ognja.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Pac-Man ::

Trumpov PAC je kupil za mio $ oglasov proti republikanskemu senatorju iz Nevade, ki misli glasovat proti reformi zdravstvenega sistema.


Donald Trump is attacking Republicans.
Let that sink in, you supine cowards in Congress.
It's only a matter of time for you, too.
@AmericaFirstPol $1 mil TV+ radio ads castigate Heller, saying that he "needs to keep his promise"

Source tells me @AmericaFirstPol ad attacking @SenDeanHeller on #BCRA is real. Group has *placed* TV buys in Nevada's two markets.

Now watch how fast Trump loses his mind with the Senate GOP...

(Oh. Guess what?)
Now this health care is DOA, back to Russia!

Here's a q I think a lot of R Senators were asking themselves;
"What decision will have a thousand angry people in my face every day?"

This isn't to say the Senate *won't* eventually make a deal, but it's a high hill to climb.

jype ::

ZaphodBB je izjavil:

Left can't meme for shit.
You Orange Juche are all the same.

Pac-Man ::

Še ena runda čistega trumpizma.


The framed copy of Time Magazine was hung up in at least four of President Trump’s golf clubs, from South Florida to Scotland. Filling the entire cover was a photo of Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump: The ‘Apprentice’ is a television smash!” the big headline said. Above the Time nameplate, there was another headline in all caps: “TRUMP IS HITTING ON ALL FRONTS . . . EVEN TV!”

This cover — dated March 1, 2009 — looks like an impressive memento from Trump’s pre-presidential career.


But that wasn’t true.

The Time cover is a fake.

There was no March 1, 2009, issue of Time Magazine. And there was no issue at all in 2009 that had Trump on the cover.

In fact,the cover on display at Trump’s clubs, observed recently by a reporter visiting one of the properties, contains several small but telling mistakes. Its red border is skinnier than that of a genuine Time cover, and, unlike the real thing, there is no thin white border next to the red. The Trump cover’s secondary headlines are stacked on the right side — on a real Time cover, they would go across the top.

And it has two exclamation points. Time headlines don’t yell.

“I can confirm that this is not a real TIME cover,” Kerri Chyka, a spokeswoman for Time Inc., wrote in an email to The Washington Post.


While it’s not difficult to mock up a fake cover using graphic-design software, whoever made this one actually sought out real Time headlines, to add to the fake.

There are secondary headlines on the Trump cover that tout stories on President Barack Obama, climate change and the financial crisis. Two of those are taken from a real March 2, 2009, issue of Time, which featured actress Kate Winslet on the cover. But the issue makes no mention of Trump.

 The real Time cover, left, and the fake Donald Trump cover. (Left: Time. Right: Angel Valentin for The Washington Post)

The real Time cover, left, and the fake Donald Trump cover. (Left: Time. Right: Angel Valentin for The Washington Post)

 Magazine covers hang on a wall at the Trump National Doral golf shop. (Angel Valentin for The Washington Post)

Magazine covers hang on a wall at the Trump National Doral golf shop. (Angel Valentin for The Washington Post)

Jst ::

Gremo nazaj na Ukrajino in Clinton & Soros.

Politico: Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Ukraine says there's no evidence of illicit payments to Paul Manafort

DNC Operative Chalupa wikileaks:

A lot more coming down the pipe. I spoke to a delegation of 68 investigative journalists from Ukraine last Wednesday at the Library of Congress - the Open World Society's forum - they put me on the program to speak specifically about Paul Manafort and I invited Michael Isikoff whom I've been working with for the past few weeks and connected him to the Ukrainians. More offline tomorrow since there is a big Trump component you and Lauren need to be aware of that will hit in next few weeks and something I'm working on you should be aware of. Since I started digging into Manafort these messages have been a daily occurrence on my yahoo account despite changing my password often.

yours truly: Clinton & Soros Open Society Fundation
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

jype ::

Jst je izjavil:

Gremo nazaj na Ukrajino in Clinton & Soros.
Forget about it. The fake Time cover will be the downfall of Trump.

To, da je nesposoben, je njegovim podpornikom itak všeč.

Pac-Man ::

Playboyev dopisnik iz bele hiše:

Jebeni narobe svet.

vostok_1 ::

and....Brad Pitt will never star in a significant movie ever again...

holivud je svoja kasta, ki seveda sodeluje s kasto bankirjev.

Mislim, če je 10% resnice v teh teorijah zarot, je to že kar skrb vzbujajoče.

Tudi nekateri kao intelektualci ranga jype, mislijo, da ni več skupin moči. Powers that be so samo obliko menjal, they are still here. In ne. Pretežno se ne zbirajo v nekih temnih sobah in kujejo načrte. Nope. Zbirajo se na raznih resortih. Ga pijejo, uživajo pa kako tudi rečejo. Vsi pa vedo, da si ne smejo preveč skakat v zelje, ker namreč strmijo k istim ciljem.

Nipple plant???? 3 obrati nipla....what the holy fuck!! That's not possible...
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: vostok_1 ()

vostok_1 ::

Mislim, saj jih razumem po eni strani...so tudi ljudje z prekomerno količino denarja. They are probably bored out of their minds. Pa zagotovo želijo pripadati nečemu, kot vsi ostali ljudje. Pa pol si izmislijo take odštekane/kriminalne rituale.

Sm enkrat gledal nek docu o nekem sinu bogatuna. Rekel je, da si, hočeš ali nočeš ujet v tem ozkem krogu elite, kjer se vsi poznajo. You can't really go out. Nižji sloji te ne sprejmejo, bogatejših pa ni.

Sadly, i don't think there is a solution. Not as long as we are humans.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: vostok_1 ()

vostok_1 ::

Kaligula je imel žurke, med katero so metali sužnje moške, ženske in otroke z velike višine. Torture party je bil tudi pogost even takih cesarjev.
And i don't even want to think about everything we don't know. Neron je bil poet-klavec.
Sm že pozabu kiri papeš je organiziral orgije v vatikanu.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: vostok_1 ()

dice7 ::

Hillary pa fura pedofilsko mrezo izven neke nakljucne picerije

ZaphodBB ::

Kaligula je imel žurke, med katero so metali sužnje moške, ženske in otroke z velike višine. Torture party je bil tudi pogost even takih cesarjev.

Zanimiv primer Gaja Julija Kaligule... Zgodovinarji danes pravijo, da je žrtev ene prvih velikih fake news kampanj. V bistvu gre za zelo podobne razmere kot tale ruska scena...

To misliš verjetno papeža Aleksandra VI oz. Ceaser Borgia.

Ne, Alexander VI ni bil tako dekadenten v tem smislu. Njega je bolj zanimalo širjenje vpliva in je bil tudi reformator in uspešen diplomat ter administrator.

Vostok je verjetno mislil Janeza XII: http://www.onthisday.com/articles/pope-...

dice7 je izjavil:

Hillary pa fura pedofilsko mrezo izven neke nakljucne picerije

To je fake news. Hillarijina pedo mreža je povezana s Haitijem.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ZaphodBB ()

vostok_1 ::

Se mi zdi, da so naše elite dokaj benigne v tem pogledu. A nipple plant is still better than being blinded and murdered.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: vostok_1 ()

PaX_MaN ::

CNN spet s #FAKE NEWS o Trumpu.
Mimogrede, impeachment sam še podpise rab, ja? Al ne?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

Iatromantis ::

Zelo zanimiv članek o možnostih, ki se nudijo EU po izolaciji ZDA

How Europe could be the unexpected beneficiary of America's fall from global grace

The US has taken its allies for granted before. Back in 2015, China announced its decision to form an Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank. Washington tried to stop its allies from joining out of fear that this financial giant would threaten the status of the World Bank. This strategy collapsed, however, when the United Kingdom broke ranks and decided to become a founding member of AIIB.

The fallout was such that Singaporean diplomat Kishore Mahbubani claimed this event heralded the end of the American century: "No ally has been as faithful to the US as the British. Only they would follow the United States into the Iraqi quagmire-- and that was only 12 years ago."

ZaphodBB ::

Iatromantis je izjavil:

Zelo zanimiv članek o možnostih, ki se nudijo EU po izolaciji ZDA

How Europe could be the unexpected beneficiary of America's fall from global grace

The US has taken its allies for granted before. Back in 2015, China announced its decision to form an Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank. Washington tried to stop its allies from joining out of fear that this financial giant would threaten the status of the World Bank. This strategy collapsed, however, when the United Kingdom broke ranks and decided to become a founding member of AIIB.

The fallout was such that Singaporean diplomat Kishore Mahbubani claimed this event heralded the end of the American century: "No ally has been as faithful to the US as the British. Only they would follow the United States into the Iraqi quagmire-- and that was only 12 years ago."

Zakon komedija, že naslov me je nasmejal do solz.

Pac-Man ::


On March 25, 2011, a Qatar Air Force Mirage 2000-5, took off from Souda Air Base, in Crete, to help enforce a no-fly zone protecting rebels being attacked by Libyan strongman Muammar Qaddafi.


“We never had to hold their hand,” a retired senior U.S. military officer says. “They knew what they were doing.” Put simply, while the U.S. was leading from behind in Libya, the Qataris were walking point.

The Qatar intervention has not been forgotten at the Pentagon and is one of the reasons why Defense Secretary James Mattis has worked so diligently to patch up the falling out between them and the coalition of Saudi-led countries (including the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt), that have isolated and blockaded the nation.


At the time of the Saudi announcement, Mattis was in Sydney with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to dampen concerns about the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Paris climate accords.


The two huddled in Sydney and decided that Tillerson would take the lead in trying to resolve the falling out. Which is why, three days after the Sydney press conference, Tillerson called on Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt to ease their anti-Qatar blockade and announced that the U.S. supported a Kuwaiti-led mediation effort. The problem for Tillerson was that his statement was contradicted by Donald Trump who, during a Rose Garden appearance on the same day, castigated Qatar, saying the emirate “has historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level.”

A close associate of the secretary of state says that Tillerson was not only “blind-sided by the Trump statement,” but “absolutely enraged that the White House and State Department weren’t on the same page.” Tillerson’s aides, I was told, were convinced that the true author of Trump’s statement was U.A.E. ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba, a close friend of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner. “Rex put two-and-two together,” his close associate says, “and concluded that this absolutely vacuous kid was running a second foreign policy out of the White House family quarters.
Otaiba weighed in with Jared and Jared weighed in with Trump. What a mess.” The Trump statement was nearly the last straw for Tillerson, this close associate explains: “Rex is just exhausted. He can’t get any of his appointments approved and is running around the world cleaning up after a president whose primary foreign policy adviser is a 36-year-old amateur.”


While Trump’s June 9 statement signaled that the U.S. was tilting towards the Saudis and the UAE, Tillerson and Mattis have been tilting towards Qatar. And for good reason. “Every time we’ve asked the Qataris for something they’ve said ‘yes,’ which isn’t true for the Saudis,” the retired senior U.S. military officer with whom I spoke says. “It really started with the help the Qataris gave us in Libya, but it goes well beyond that. They’ve been absolutely first rate on ISIS. The Saudis, on the other hand, have been nothing but trouble – in Yemen, especially. Yemen has been a disaster, a stain. And now there’s this.”


“The Saudis and Emiratis have told us repeatedly that they want to weaken Iran, but they’ve actually empowered them,” a senior Pentagon consultant who works on the Middle East told me. The Saudi actions, this official went on to explain, have backfired. Instead of intimidating the Qataris, the Saudis have “thrown them into the arms of the Iranians.” The result is an uneasy, but emerging Turkish-Qatari-Iranian alliance backed by Russia. “This isn’t just some kind of Gulfie dust-up, where we can go out and hold everyone’s hands,” this Pentagon consultant says. “The Saudis have handed the Iranians a gift and we’re on the outside looking in.”

The official then shook his head. “Listen, I can certainly understand where Mattis and Tillerson are coming from. I mean, with friends like these, who needs enemies.”

Pac-Man ::

Louise Mensch, trditvam dajte težo po želji. Lepim večinoma zato, ker je specifično, eksplozivno in ekstenzivno. Ampak najprej je treba predpostavit, da je bila cela serija vpletenih dovolj neumna, da so o tem govorili okrog (vključenih) komunikacijskih naprav in da je precej obveščevalnih agencij zelo sposobnih. Tista z azilom v SA je že na prvo žogo nora, čeprav si Rienca lahko predstavljam paničarit :)


Countless intelligence agencies, mostly hostile, hacked Trump’s insecure Android phone. The British, Ukranians and Germans all have recordings of Carter Page in Moscow offering treason for hacking, and recordings of Page playing the tape of Donald Trump for his Moscow paymasters, wherein Trump promises unspecificed (to us) shifts of policy in exchange for hacking help.


As I further reported, Sergei Kislyak’s phone was ‘hot miked’ through an SS7 exploit by a Five Eyes nation for a portion of last year. By request, I am withholding the nation and the amount of time that Kislyak’s phone was recording all those with whom he came in contact*.


The United Kingdom in particular has a treasure trove of intelligence on Donald Trump. Before Nigel Farage – acting as a courier, sources say – went in to see Julian Assange, Donald Trump called his phone (the previous night). British intelligence taped that conversation, sources say, as Farage was under surveillance, and have provided the resulting fresh evidence of treason to the USIC.

Julian Assange’s conversations about Trump and with his couriers are all on tape. British intelligence and the NSA have been inside the Ecuadorean Embassy for some time.


Vladimir Putin, for the avoidance of doubt, was recorded by both British intelligence and private allied intelligence firms of more than one nation, directly ordering an attack on the United States election and on Hillary Clinton. This recording was given to the Washington Post, and they held it back out of respect for US intelligence, for which I applaud them.


Donald Trump Jr was directly taped by the French before the election, colluding treacherously with the Russians. As with all NATO allies who are not part of the Five Eyes agreement, there is no legal reason why they cannot directly tape Americans abroad. The FBI would need permission with a FISA warrant to listen to any such intelligence on U.S. persons.


The SIGINT on Eric Trump is mostly held by the United States. Eric, who is not loved by his father nearly as much as his sister Ivanka, has been left holding the baby on the Kelhios botnet. As his father tries to scrub Ivanka from Trump holding companies like TIHM, he has left Eric in place. The Kelhios botnet was delivered from Trump Tower by a command and control center activated by Eric Trump.

However, the United Kingdom also holds SIGINT on Eric Trump, because it had ears on the Alfa Bank boardroom, and Eric’s communications with Alfa Bank washed through the server in Trump Tower and the Spectrum Health server were intercepted by the NSA – as all the packet data was – but the UK owned the phones, computers and boardrooms on the Russian end, so has ‘written’ SIGINT on Eric Trump.


Ivanka Trump is on tape with multiple unnamed allied intelligence services over her fraudulent hotel in Baku, sources report. She is on tape talking to her traitor husband Jared about the hack on America. Most significantly and recently Australia has Ivanka Trump on tape talking treason with the Chinese, who allied with Russia in its attempt to hack America.


The SIGINT on Mike Pence, and there is a lot of it, is held mainly by the USIC. I will write an article separately later detailing the case on Pence. Russia holds extensive kompromat on Pence, having hacked his emails to keep him in line.


Again, SIGINT on Ryan is the near-exclusive preserve of the USIC and RIS (Russian Intelligence Services).


Almost exclusively American intelligence on McConnell, with, among enemy nations, Iran and Russia both having a good deal of their own. A separate article follows.


SIGINT on Gowdy is extensive from the USIC but also Great Britain, in that Britain still gathers intelligence in her overseas territories like the British Virgin Islands. A separate piece follows.


Portugal’s intelligence service has had Devin Nunes on tape for quite some time. He is a loathsome traitor and long-time colluder with Russia.


As I exclusively reported, Flynn, who is as delusional as he is dishonorable, was taped by almost every European intelligence service. Great Britain has extraordinary amounts of SIGINT on Flynn, as it has been gathering intel on the Russian spy ring at Cambridge for some years now. Flynn’s role in the Russian hack is under-appreciated. He is one of the greatest traitors in American history, and his treason far pre-dates the present lunatic operation of Vladimir Putin.


The younger Flynn, currently under investigation for espionage, traveled with his father to Russia for RT, coordinated with Sputnik operatives like Cassandra Fairbanks in the US, and pushed RIS propaganda and malware. He was taped in Russia by Great Britain as part of MI6’s wholescale ownership of all Kremlin comms – that is to say that the UK listened to the remote and local mikes on any Russian with whom Flynn jr was conversing – but most SIGINT on Flynn Jr is held in America.


Mostly held by the USA and Russia. Bannon has been a Russian asset of medium significance for at least five years.


Sergei Kislyak was under surveillance by the NSA throughout 2016. The NSA has SIGINT on Reince Priebus resulting from this, that is extensive, and now in possession of the FBI.

However, in terms of foreign allies, Saudi Arabia has recent SIGINT on Reince Priebus. According to our impeccable sources, Mr. Priebus decided to ‘run’ when in Saudi Arabia. He panicked when he learned on Air Force One what the SIGINT gained from surveillance of Kislyak at the RNC amounted to.


Saudi Arabian intelligence picked up a voice recording of a panicked Mr. Priebus, fresh off the plane, claiming he would seek asylum, sources say. He was under a UFAP warrant, sources with links to the U.S. Marshals report, and was immediately brought back to America under compulsion by Air Marshals who had been placed on Air Force One, these sources say, less than 24 hours later.

Pac-Man ::


Breaking: Just confirmed by source with knowledge of Mueller investigation. Paul Manafort is not cooperating. He has no deal. Full stop.

What I think this means:not what I was told which is the tweet. Prosecutors neither need nor want Manafort's cooperation. They have Flynn and mountains-decades of evidence against Manafort. They want him punished. He's a dead man walking.

Enquirer je sicer trash, ampak capo je trumpov dober prijatelj


When Donald Trump decided to run for President, some people at the Enquirer assumed that the magazine would apply the same scrutiny to the candidate’s colorful personal history. “We used to go after newsmakers no matter what side they were on,” a former Enquirer staffer told me. “And Trump is a guy who is running for President with a closet full of baggage. He’s the ultimate target-rich environment. The Enquirer had a golden opportunity, and they completely looked the other way.”

Throughout the 2016 Presidential race, the Enquirer embraced Trump with sycophantic fervor. The magazine made its first political endorsement ever, of Trump, last spring. Cover headlines promised, “Donald Trump’s Revenge on Hillary & Her Puppets” and “Top Secret Plan Inside: How Trump Will Win Debate!” The publication trashed Trump’s rivals, running a dubious cover story on Ted Cruz that described him as a philanderer and another highly questionable piece that linked Cruz’s father to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

It was even tougher on Hillary Clinton, regularly printing such headlines as “ ‘Sociopath’ Hillary Clinton’s Secret Psych Files Exposed!” A 2015 piece began, “Failing health and a deadly thirst for power are driving Hillary Clinton to an early grave, The National Enquirer has learned in a bombshell investigation. The desperate and deteriorating 67-year-old won’t make it to the White House—because she’ll be dead in six months.” On election eve, the Enquirer offered a special nine-page investigation under the headline “Hillary: Corrupt! Racist! Criminal!” This blatantly skewed coverage continued after Trump took office. Post-election cover stories included “Trump Takes Charge! Success in just 36 days!” and “Proof Obama Wiretapped Trump! Lies, leaks & Illegal Bugging.”

Pecker and Trump have been friends for decades—their professional and personal lives have intersected in myriad ways—and Pecker acknowledges that his tabloids’ coverage of Trump has a personal dimension.



Nat'l Enquirer, which has touted Trump ties, says he will do mass firings & treason charges in July--bulls eyes incl Conway, McGahn, Price


A room full of "wow"s after @HouseAppropsGOP adopted this AUMF repeal amendment by @RepBarbaraLee

Wow is right. A Republican House committee is moving to strip Trump of authorization to use military force, which has been law since 9/11. AUMF has been used to justify American wars for 15 years, and in 14 countries. Looks like some House Republicans don't trust Trump with it.
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