Forum » Problemi človeštva » Žitije Donalda Trampa
Žitije Donalda Trampa
Temo vidijo: vsi
Mr.B ::
Že vidim, kaj bo jutri v nemških vcajtngih pisalo...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
DarwiN ::
Yup, officially a rogue country.
Dobro, odslej ves svet proti Ameriki. Tudi prav. Da vidimo, kdo zmaga ekonomsko.
Dobro, odslej ves svet proti Ameriki. Tudi prav. Da vidimo, kdo zmaga ekonomsko.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
belo mleko ::
Ja, ravno to bo. Če Trump še bolj pritisne na nemški trgovinski presežek se bo tudi nemški wunder počasi zaključil. O Kitajski nebi, ker je od ZDA še bolj odvisna. Ti bi pa šel "cel svet proti ZDA"? Jao.
jype ::
Eh, nič ne bo treba zmagovati proti ZDA. Ve se, kakšno je stališče prebivalstva.
Sprejeli bomo morebitne begunce in organizirali "regime change" operacijo v ZDA - plačal bo pa Trump, jasno.
Sprejeli bomo morebitne begunce in organizirali "regime change" operacijo v ZDA - plačal bo pa Trump, jasno.
Cervantes ::
Mi tukaj sklepamo neke klimatske sporazume.
Planeta pa noben nič ne vpraša.
Pradlagam, da se sprejme mednarodni sporazum, s katerim bi zmanjšali gravitacijski pospešek z 0.98ms-2 na vsaj 0.6.
Kako bi ta lahko pocenilo gradnje!
Planeta pa noben nič ne vpraša.
Pradlagam, da se sprejme mednarodni sporazum, s katerim bi zmanjšali gravitacijski pospešek z 0.98ms-2 na vsaj 0.6.
Kako bi ta lahko pocenilo gradnje!
mtosev ::
Trump spet zajebal. očitno, da boli za zemljo/okolje.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Mr.B ::
belo mleko je izjavil:
Ja, ravno to bo. Če Trump še bolj pritisne na nemški trgovinski presežek se bo tudi nemški wunder počasi zaključil. O Kitajski nebi, ker je od ZDA še bolj odvisna. Ti bi pa šel "cel svet proti ZDA"? Jao.
Pritisnili bodo kaj ? Amerika ravno v nemškem presešku ni na prvem mestu, kaj šele po uvozu... V Bistvu lahko vso razliko kompenzira s Kitajsko izvozno in uvozno, zato pa je bil sedaj simbolični uvoz kitajskega avta...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
belo mleko ::
Če jo lahko kompenzira bi jo že kompenzirala s povečanje izvoza na Kitajsko. Merklova naj bo raje lepo tiho ker je res zadnja, ki lahko drugim pametuje. Američani imajo jajca in počijo po mizi. Nemci navijajo za višje eko standarde, njihova industrija pa te skrivaško sistematično izigrava.
PaX_MaN ::
PaX_MaN> No, karma jo je že dobila, lulz.
Tako je to v patriarhalni družbi: Da te odpustijo moraš bodisi posiliti več žensk, ali pa biti ženska, ki si dovoli s svojo svobodo izražanja užaliti snežinkice.
Če je Milo pretrpel, bo pa tut tale.
O, glej:
She gave a public apology on social media for the photo, saying that she went too far and adding, "I beg for your forgiveness."
Jeba bit na drugi strani palce, a?
Pac-Man ::
Poskusili so spremenit/poj*bat sistem, ampak ni šlo. Dobro zastavljen sistem vedno zmaga.
Six days after Donald Trump was elected president, his soon-to-be national security adviser Mike Flynn offered the job of director of the Central Intelligence Agency to James Woolsey, who had served in that position in Bill Clinton’s administration.
In an interview, Mr. Woolsey said he turned the job down when it was offered to him on Nov. 14 because it came with a caveat: He would report directly to Mr. Flynn, the former Army lieutenant general who President Barack Obama fired from the post of defense intelligence chief.
Robert Kelner, Mr. Flynn’s lawyer, said in an email: “This story is false.” Asked to elaborate, Mr. Kelner didn’t respond.
Six days after Donald Trump was elected president, his soon-to-be national security adviser Mike Flynn offered the job of director of the Central Intelligence Agency to James Woolsey, who had served in that position in Bill Clinton’s administration.
In an interview, Mr. Woolsey said he turned the job down when it was offered to him on Nov. 14 because it came with a caveat: He would report directly to Mr. Flynn, the former Army lieutenant general who President Barack Obama fired from the post of defense intelligence chief.
Robert Kelner, Mr. Flynn’s lawyer, said in an email: “This story is false.” Asked to elaborate, Mr. Kelner didn’t respond.
jype ::
PaX_MaN> Jeba bit na drugi strani palce, a?
Ker ni nesramna se je opravičila. Milo se pa ne namerava: Resnično verjame, da je kot priviligiran bel moški, s privilegiji, ki so mu jih izborili drugi, varen pred naslednjim predsednikom ZDA.
Ker ni nesramna se je opravičila. Milo se pa ne namerava: Resnično verjame, da je kot priviligiran bel moški, s privilegiji, ki so mu jih izborili drugi, varen pred naslednjim predsednikom ZDA.
Mr.B ::
belo mleko je izjavil:
Če jo lahko kompenzira bi jo že kompenzirala s povečanje izvoza na Kitajsko. Merklova naj bo raje lepo tiho ker je res zadnja, ki lahko drugim pametuje. Američani imajo jajca in počijo po mizi. Nemci navijajo za višje eko standarde, njihova industrija pa te skrivaško sistematično izigrava.
Merkica ni edina v nemski vladi, ki je uporabila sarkazem. Kaj mislis da bodo nemci povecali uvoz neevropske nafte ali pa uvoz ameriskih avtomobilov narejenih v mehiki, da bodo zadovolili utopije trumpa. Verjamem da so si z blokado rusije, amerji zadali idejo, da bodo prodali vec, ampak kot kaze so ostali lahko kompenzirali. Topgear pa je tudi veckrat nakazal shitty cars za rajo made in america. Pa da ne bo pomote, prodaja avtov v ameriki je pred kolapsom, stanje je s krediti za avte tako kot leta 2008 s krediti na nepremicnine...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Poskusili so spremenit/poj*bat sistem, ampak ni šlo. Dobro zastavljen sistem vedno zmaga.
2. del
In the early weeks of the Trump administration, former Obama administration officials and State Department staffers fought an intense, behind-the-scenes battle to head off efforts by incoming officials to normalize relations with Russia, according to multiple sources familiar with the events.
Unknown to the public at the time, top Trump administration officials, almost as soon as they took office, tasked State Department staffers with developing proposals for the lifting of economic sanctions, the return of diplomatic compounds and other steps to relieve tensions with Moscow.
Fried said he grew so concerned that he contacted Capitol Hill allies — including Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., the ranking minority member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee — to urge them to move quickly to pass legislation that would “codify” the sanctions in place, making it difficult for President Trump to remove them.
These concerns led some department officials to also reach out to Malinowski, an Obama political appointee who had just stepped down. Malinowski said he, like Fried, called Cardin and other congressional allies, including aides to Sen. John McCain, and urged them to codify the sanctions — effectively locking them in place — before Trump could lift them
The lobbying effort produced some immediate results: On Feb. 7, Cardin and Sen. Lindsay Graham introduced bipartisan legislation to bar the administration from granting sanctions relief without first submitting a proposal to do so for congressional review.
The proposed bill lost some of its urgency six days later when Flynn resigned as White House national security adviser following disclosures he had discussed political sanctions relief with Kislyak during the transition and misrepresented those talks to Vice President Mike Pence. After that, “it didn’t take too long for it to become clear that if they lifted sanctions, there would be a political firestorm,” Malinowski said.
In the meantime, Malinowksi said he is concerned that there may be other, less public ways the administration can undermine the Russian sanctions. He noted that much of their force results from parallel sanctions imposed by the European Union, whose members must unanimously renew them each year.
“I had this nightmare vision of [White House senior adviser ] Steve Bannon or [National Security Council staffer] Sebastian Gorka calling in the Hungarian ambassador and telling them President Trump would not be displeased” if his country opposed the renewal of sanctions, he said.
dice7 ::
VaeVictis ::
Donald Trump would 'cancel' Paris climate deal
Paris climate deal: Dismay as Trump signals exit from accord
Še ena obljuba, ki jo je predsednik Trump napovedal in sedaj uresničil.
Paris climate deal: Dismay as Trump signals exit from accord
Še ena obljuba, ki jo je predsednik Trump napovedal in sedaj uresničil.
Pac-Man ::
Ko je globalni konsenz jasen in je doma za drugo opcijo glasovalo 3 mio več volivcev, z večjo kupno močjo, se morajo multinacionalke temu prilagoditi. When money talks, bullshit walks.
America’s top chief executives are in revolt against reality TV’s pretender. Donald Trump’s ill-informed decision to quit the Paris climate accord drew swift opposition from some of the country’s most influential bosses, including the heads of Disney, GE and Goldman Sachs. Losing fellow businessmen this early in the game bodes ill for the administration’s economic promises.
Tesla boss Elon Musk carried out his threat to resign from the president’s advisory council shortly after Trump made his Rose Garden announcement on Thursday. Disney Chief Bob Iger quickly followed his lead.
Goldman Sachs’s Lloyd Blankfein was so incensed he took to Twitter for the first time to decry the decision as “a setback for the environment and for the U.S.’s leadership position in the world.” GE’s Jeffrey Immelt echoed the disappointment in his own tweet, saying, “Climate change is real. Industry must now lead and not depend on government.”
Business was quick to rally to Trump’s side after his unexpected election victory last November, hoping he would deliver on his promises of tax and regulatory reform. Those initiatives have been stalled, however, by the administration’s internal chaos and divisions within the Republican-led Congress. Alienating corporate America over climate change risks leaving those goals even further out of reach.
America’s top chief executives are in revolt against reality TV’s pretender. Donald Trump’s ill-informed decision to quit the Paris climate accord drew swift opposition from some of the country’s most influential bosses, including the heads of Disney, GE and Goldman Sachs. Losing fellow businessmen this early in the game bodes ill for the administration’s economic promises.
Tesla boss Elon Musk carried out his threat to resign from the president’s advisory council shortly after Trump made his Rose Garden announcement on Thursday. Disney Chief Bob Iger quickly followed his lead.
Goldman Sachs’s Lloyd Blankfein was so incensed he took to Twitter for the first time to decry the decision as “a setback for the environment and for the U.S.’s leadership position in the world.” GE’s Jeffrey Immelt echoed the disappointment in his own tweet, saying, “Climate change is real. Industry must now lead and not depend on government.”
Business was quick to rally to Trump’s side after his unexpected election victory last November, hoping he would deliver on his promises of tax and regulatory reform. Those initiatives have been stalled, however, by the administration’s internal chaos and divisions within the Republican-led Congress. Alienating corporate America over climate change risks leaving those goals even further out of reach.
VaeVictis ::
Toliko postov Pac-Man, efekta pa nič.
Kje so aretacije, kje je impeachment, kje je ... vsaj nekaj?
Predsednik Trump pa vlada naprej!
Kje so aretacije, kje je impeachment, kje je ... vsaj nekaj?
Predsednik Trump pa vlada naprej!
jype ::
VaeVictis> Predsednik Trump pa vlada naprej!
Mhm, diktatorčka špila. Bomo vidl, kolk časa ga bodo Američani še prenašal.
Mhm, diktatorčka špila. Bomo vidl, kolk časa ga bodo Američani še prenašal.
aycabron ::
PaX_MaN ::
PaX_MaN> Jeba bit na drugi strani palce, a?
Ker ni nesramna se je opravičila.
Opravčla se je šele ko je vidla da se bo v denarnci poznal. #sorrynotsorry
petrus ::
Pozdravljam in podpiram odločitev Trumpa, škoda je device žrtvovat klimatskim bogovom, se jih da bolje drugače uporabit. :)
Ogljikovega dioksida dejansko rabimo več, nestrupen plin brez vonja, ne manj!
Podvojitev bi pospešilo rast flore na zemlji za 33% ali celo več:
AMB CO2 385 ppm, +150 535 ppm, +300 685 ppm, +450 838 ppm iglavec je skoraj pol večji
Ste pa zeleni trenutno hujši kot največji kristjani s to vašo paniko o apokalipsi, tokrat bo konec sveta zares omg sure!
Ni vam jasno, da so vse kulture imele mit o koncu sveta, climate change je le novodobna sekularna manifestacija istega.
Ogljikovega dioksida dejansko rabimo več, nestrupen plin brez vonja, ne manj!
Podvojitev bi pospešilo rast flore na zemlji za 33% ali celo več:
AMB CO2 385 ppm, +150 535 ppm, +300 685 ppm, +450 838 ppm iglavec je skoraj pol večji
Ste pa zeleni trenutno hujši kot največji kristjani s to vašo paniko o apokalipsi, tokrat bo konec sveta zares omg sure!
Ni vam jasno, da so vse kulture imele mit o koncu sveta, climate change je le novodobna sekularna manifestacija istega.
stati inu obstati
Cervantes ::
Dejte ga že nehat srat s tem"osnaževanjem"!Krave s svojimi prdci naredijo več škode kot cela zahodna industrija.
Tukaj dam trumpku prav!
Tukaj dam trumpku prav!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
Massacra ::
Dejte ga že nehat srat s tem"osnaževanjem"!Krave s svojimi prdci naredijo več škode kot cela zahodna industrija.
Tukaj dam trumpku prav!
Neizobražencu, neotesancu in avtokratu je treba dat prav! Čestitam Cervantes.
Massacra ::
Kaj je zdaj Drump, kje so delovna mesta???
Še to je treba dodati
Še to je treba dodati
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Massacra ()
jype ::
petrus> Ti živiš v paralelnem svetu kjer je CO2 nekaj nevarnega, ne jaz...
To ti trdiš, ne jaz.
Komot se tudi preseliš na Venero, če si tak navdušenec nad CO2.
To ti trdiš, ne jaz.
Komot se tudi preseliš na Venero, če si tak navdušenec nad CO2.
ziga1990 ::
Zanimivo EU razmišlja o ekonomskih ukrepih za USA. Lahko se zgodi, da bo EU spremenila politiko do Rusije in namesto, da bbo zaostrevala napetosti jih bomo zniževali samo USA nebo tega pustila
Ryzen 1700, 16gb RAM, GTX1070, NH-D15, Bequiet Darkbase pro 900
Massacra ::
Zanimivo EU razmišlja o ekonomskih ukrepih za USA. Lahko se zgodi, da bo EU spremenila politiko do Rusije in namesto, da bbo zaostrevala napetosti jih bomo zniževali samo USA nebo tega pustila
USA pod Trumpom (Kushnerjem) ves čas znižujejo napetost z Rusijo (beri drugače: delajo sebi profitabilen biznis).
tikitoki ::
Vodja skorajda najvecjih onesnazevalcev pravi, da je nepravicni, ce bi morali rahlo znizati svinjanje.trump je pac bogi v glavi. Suse v kaliforniji pa so pokazale. Da niso imuni na pomankanje vode.
belo mleko ::
Vodja skorajda najvecjih onesnazevalcev pravi, da je nepravicni, ce bi morali rahlo znizati svinjanje.trump je pac bogi v glavi. Suse v kaliforniji pa so pokazale. Da niso imuni na pomankanje vode.
Ne vem kdo je bogi v glavi. V Kaliforniji so problemi z vodo še izpred časa industrijske revolucije.
Corsa Coal bo Trumpovem uničenju pariškega dogovora avgusta v Pensilvaniji začela odpirati nove rudnike. Trumpa so že povabili na slovesno rezanje traka. Rudarji bodo ponovno dobili delo. MAGA
tikitoki ::
Si pac bogi k trump, ki se tudi ne sekira ce bo visanje temperatur znizalo padavine se dodatno, kot napovedujejo.
Rudarjenje je pa tko number one zelja vsakega otroka.
Rudarjenje je pa tko number one zelja vsakega otroka.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: tikitoki ()
Dejv ::
poročajo da se je oz se bo naša Melanija ločila od Trumpa, je pa res da sem v tujih medijih to zasledil, baje zato, ker ga vara z enim od svojih varnostnikov haha
Cervantes ::
Nedolžne ljudi?
Nekdo, ki verjame, da bo prišel v nebesa k 72 devicem in do neomejenih količin svete vode iz vrelca zemzem, ce se razstreli v slavo alahu in pri tem pospravi čim več infidelov, nedolžen človek?
Še huje - tak je nepremagljiv.
Če ga ubiješ, je zmagal.
Nekdo, ki verjame, da bo prišel v nebesa k 72 devicem in do neomejenih količin svete vode iz vrelca zemzem, ce se razstreli v slavo alahu in pri tem pospravi čim več infidelov, nedolžen človek?
Še huje - tak je nepremagljiv.
Če ga ubiješ, je zmagal.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()
dice7 ::
Se huje, nekateri se vedno krivijo tujce za lastne probleme
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()
jype ::
Nedolžne ljudi?
Nekdo, ki verjame, da bo prišel v nebesa k 72 devicem in do neomejenih količin svete vode iz vrelca zemzem, ce se razstreli v slavo alahu in pri tem pospravi čim več infidelov, nedolžen človek?
Tistega ultradesničarji nikoli ne pretepete. Pretepete njegovega bratranca, ki že deset let prodaja zelenjavo in ima doma družino.
Če ga ubiješ, je zmagal.Ne. Zmagal je, če pretepeš njegovega bratranca.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
Pac-Man ::
Doni solira.
(...) president also disappointed—and surprised—his own top national security officials by failing to include the language reaffirming the so-called Article 5 provision in his speech. National security adviser H.R. McMaster, Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson all supported Trump doing so and had worked in the weeks leading up to the trip to make sure it was included in the speech, according to five sources familiar with the episode. They thought it was, and a White House aide even told The New York Times the day before the line was definitely included.
It was not until the next day, Thursday, May 25, when Trump started talking at an opening ceremony for NATO’s new Brussels headquarters, that the president’s national security team realized their boss had made a decision with major consequences—without consulting or even informing them in advance of the change.
“They had the right speech and it was cleared through McMaster,” said a source briefed by National Security Council officials in the immediate aftermath of the NATO meeting. “As late as that same morning, it was the right one.”
Added a senior White House official, “There was a fully coordinated other speech everybody else had worked on”—and it wasn’t the one Trump gave. “They didn’t know it had been removed,” said a third source of the Trump national security officials on hand for the ceremony. “It was only upon delivery.”
The frantic, last-minute maneuvering over the speech, I’m told, included “MM&T,” as some now refer to the trio of Mattis, McMaster and Tillerson, lobbying in the days leading up to it to get a copy of the president’s planned remarks and then pushing hard once they obtained the draft to get the Article 5 language in it, only to see it removed again. All of which further confirms a level of White House dysfunction that veterans of both parties I’ve talked with in recent months say is beyond anything they can recall.
No one would find this episode more disturbing than Strobe Talbott, the Washington wise man who as much as anyone could be considered an architect of the modern NATO.
“I had a very high-placed Asian official from a major ally in Asia not long ago, where you’re sitting, who shook his head with sorrow, and said, ‘Washington, D.C. is now the epicenter of instability in the world,’” Talbott recounted. “What it means is something that our friends and allies around the world have taken for granted for 70 years is no longer something that they can take for granted.”
McMaster, a widely respected three-star general before he took the job, had been presumed by the Trump-wary foreign policy establishment to be a smart pick because of his track record of being unafraid to speak truth to power (and a book on Vietnam in which he specifically argued that LBJ’s generals had failed by not doing so). But he’s now being pilloried by some early supporters for his very public efforts to spin Trump’s trip as a success—and claim the president supported the Article 5 clause he never explicitly mentioned.
Mattis, meanwhile, has taken a different route.
Not only has the defense secretary, a former top general at NATO, not joined in the administration’s spinning, he set Twitter abuzz over the weekend with an appearance at an Asian security forum in Singapore. In his speech, he praised the international institutions and alliances sustained by American leadership, seeking to reassure allies once again that the U.S. was not really pulling back from the world despite Trump’s “America First” rhetoric.
But when asked about Trump moves like withdrawing from the Paris accord and whether they meant America was abandoning the very global order that Mattis was busy touting, the secretary responded with an allusion to Winston Churchill’s famous quote about the dysfunctions of democracy.
“To quote a British observer of us from some years back, bear with us,” Mattis told the questioner. “Once we have exhausted all possible alternatives, the Americans will do the right thing.”
“So,” he added: “we will still be there, and we will be there with you.”
The audience chuckled, one attendee told me, because “it was an elegant way out of an awkward question.”
But the awkward question remains: Should we believe James Mattis, or Donald Trump?
(...) president also disappointed—and surprised—his own top national security officials by failing to include the language reaffirming the so-called Article 5 provision in his speech. National security adviser H.R. McMaster, Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson all supported Trump doing so and had worked in the weeks leading up to the trip to make sure it was included in the speech, according to five sources familiar with the episode. They thought it was, and a White House aide even told The New York Times the day before the line was definitely included.
It was not until the next day, Thursday, May 25, when Trump started talking at an opening ceremony for NATO’s new Brussels headquarters, that the president’s national security team realized their boss had made a decision with major consequences—without consulting or even informing them in advance of the change.
“They had the right speech and it was cleared through McMaster,” said a source briefed by National Security Council officials in the immediate aftermath of the NATO meeting. “As late as that same morning, it was the right one.”
Added a senior White House official, “There was a fully coordinated other speech everybody else had worked on”—and it wasn’t the one Trump gave. “They didn’t know it had been removed,” said a third source of the Trump national security officials on hand for the ceremony. “It was only upon delivery.”
The frantic, last-minute maneuvering over the speech, I’m told, included “MM&T,” as some now refer to the trio of Mattis, McMaster and Tillerson, lobbying in the days leading up to it to get a copy of the president’s planned remarks and then pushing hard once they obtained the draft to get the Article 5 language in it, only to see it removed again. All of which further confirms a level of White House dysfunction that veterans of both parties I’ve talked with in recent months say is beyond anything they can recall.
No one would find this episode more disturbing than Strobe Talbott, the Washington wise man who as much as anyone could be considered an architect of the modern NATO.
“I had a very high-placed Asian official from a major ally in Asia not long ago, where you’re sitting, who shook his head with sorrow, and said, ‘Washington, D.C. is now the epicenter of instability in the world,’” Talbott recounted. “What it means is something that our friends and allies around the world have taken for granted for 70 years is no longer something that they can take for granted.”
McMaster, a widely respected three-star general before he took the job, had been presumed by the Trump-wary foreign policy establishment to be a smart pick because of his track record of being unafraid to speak truth to power (and a book on Vietnam in which he specifically argued that LBJ’s generals had failed by not doing so). But he’s now being pilloried by some early supporters for his very public efforts to spin Trump’s trip as a success—and claim the president supported the Article 5 clause he never explicitly mentioned.
Mattis, meanwhile, has taken a different route.
Not only has the defense secretary, a former top general at NATO, not joined in the administration’s spinning, he set Twitter abuzz over the weekend with an appearance at an Asian security forum in Singapore. In his speech, he praised the international institutions and alliances sustained by American leadership, seeking to reassure allies once again that the U.S. was not really pulling back from the world despite Trump’s “America First” rhetoric.
But when asked about Trump moves like withdrawing from the Paris accord and whether they meant America was abandoning the very global order that Mattis was busy touting, the secretary responded with an allusion to Winston Churchill’s famous quote about the dysfunctions of democracy.
“To quote a British observer of us from some years back, bear with us,” Mattis told the questioner. “Once we have exhausted all possible alternatives, the Americans will do the right thing.”
“So,” he added: “we will still be there, and we will be there with you.”
The audience chuckled, one attendee told me, because “it was an elegant way out of an awkward question.”
But the awkward question remains: Should we believe James Mattis, or Donald Trump?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
Schindler&co. Talking shit and taking names.
I see his lawyers' ardent efforts to get Trump off Crazy Twitter are going splendidly....
If I were them I'd be tearing my hair out. Maddening. Sure helps the impeachment cause though.
Trump has filled 5 out of 53 top jobs at the Pentagon, and 2 out of 16 at the Department of Homeland Security.
Unbelievable dysfunction. Just imagine how this Trumpian clown car would deal with an actual #natsec crisis.
If you're a GOP candidate and you think this is a good idea, get professional medical attention.
NSA Dir Rogers to testify Wednesday may reveal #Trump's Obstruction of Justice reported by @20committee‼️
Reminder: We already know what DIRNSA Rogers thinks about Trump & Putin. Not actually news.
DIRNSA won't say much detailed in open (UNCLAS) session -- anybody saying different is trying to fool you. I doubt the effectiveness of open sessions on #KremlinGate -- all shadow-dancing & political games; nothing good. #NSA was absolutely FURIOUS that I broke this story. You should calibrate expectations on Rogers' UNCLAS testimony. To be clear, DIRNSA & staff were furious. I've gotten great feedback from Agency personnel. Most despise Rogers. Rogers is a poor mgr, seldom bothers to talk to the workforce, is aloof, & gives big jobs to inexperienced cronies. Rogers is also just a weird dude. He brings his own (ie 'Murican) food with him when travels abroad. I swear.
BLUF: I hope Rogers does the Republic a solid in his open, UNCLAS testimony. I don't necessarily expect it.
Deutsche Bank has loaned Trump $364M, but it won't tell Congress whether any of those loans were backed by Russia.
Here we go again. Trump wants to be impeached. There is no other explanation here, save severe mental illness.
And this might be the reason twitter is doing nothing about the bot army: $800 Million from Russia!
Twitter confirms 'significant' round of funding led by Russian investment company
Why is Trump trying to get Jeremy Corbyn elected? Is it
A. He’s completely clueless
B. Following Kremlin’s orders?
As usual, Putincept is revealing TS/SI+ #NSA sources & methods -- which hurts us and helps Moscow. The level of detail Putincept has published, incl original #NSA intel, is a YUGE gift to GRU & the Kremlin -- per usual. know what's in Augusta (other than golf)? Georgia Cryptologic Center @ Wikipedia
Intercept source caught? Per FBI affidavit, TS doc WINNER stole & passed to "online news org" was published 5 May.
TS/SI+ #NSA report on GRU hacking run today by Intercept was ALSO pub'd on 5 May and Augusta = NSA Georgia. Looks like quite a coincidence. So, DoJ announces arrest of the #NSA leaker the same day Putincept runs its YUGE #NSA exclusive...#WINNING This is truly one for the CI record-books
Well, I'm kinda guessing that somebody named Reality Winning may not be the sharpest tool in the intel shed.
Passing hugely sensitive TS/SI+ #NSA doc on Russian election hacking to outfit that hates #NSA was epically stupid.
You leak to NYT or WaPo when you want serious, fact-based journalism done. You leak to Putincept when you want to fuck the IC & help Moscow. If you don't get how publishing a bunch of TS+ #NSA tech data about GRU election hacking helps Moscow, um.....
Folks, NSA Georgia is an intel facility run by the Army for #NSA, located on Ft Gordon in Augusta, GA. About 4K employees (CIV, MIL & CTR).
No. FBI doesn't arrest your ass if you leak a fake TS doc to Putincept. And the #NSA doc looks 100% authentic.
TOLD YA. Not a "theory," folks. I used to work CI for #NSA. Done work @ NSA Georgia. This was kinda obvious.
Wow. Went to work for contractor in Feb; began leaking classified within 90 days of hire. 25 years old. Does she have a cousin named Eddie?
Congrats to Putincept. I'm not aware of ANY IC/DoD leaker ever being arrested on the SAME DAY their Big Leak got published. So much #WINNING
If you were an experienced GRU SIGINT/cyber officer, you now know a lot about how #NSA tracks your dirty e-tricks.
Inertia. Laziness. Above all, b/c all the big IC/DoD contractors donate lots of $ to Congress-members, both D & R.
NSA Hawaii (Navy) gave us dirtbag contractor Eddie.
NSA Georgia (Army) gave us dirtbag CTR Reality.
Guess you're next, NSA Texas (USAF).
If Ms Winner was under control of an FI service, they'd have told her NOT to email Putincept from an NSA IT system.
After 9/11, "need to know" became "need to share" - and Snowden didn't fundamentally change that. Which is insane.
Junior IC personnel, esp MIL and/or CTR, are often insanely clueless about such things.
The fact that Putincept blew Ms Winner's cover by going to #NSA with the TS/SI+ docs she stole is quite darkly hilarious. Way to go, guys! Heard from an old #NSA CI buddy today about this case. Needless to say, he was laughing his ass off at Happy Hour.
Disloyal or just kinda crazy? Either way, not someone who should have maintained TS/SCI and access to #NSA spaces.
Watching Carter Page, I realize I've seen saner interviews that were based on screams of "Tiger blood!" and "Not bi-polar, bi-winning!"
Passing a VERY highly classified #NSA report to an objectively pro-Putin outlet should be severely prosecuted.
Speaking of Ed... Check out Reality's "anonymous" twitter page @Reezlie for a good laugh.
FFS Sanders DoJ would have done it. This case is a no-brainer. Open-shut. Don't make everything about Trump.
Remember when Bannon had Katie McHugh call my some of my clients trying to get me fired?
I do.
Listen now to my tiny violin
Breitbart News Editor Says She Was Fired After Anti-Muslim Tweets
I see his lawyers' ardent efforts to get Trump off Crazy Twitter are going splendidly....
If I were them I'd be tearing my hair out. Maddening. Sure helps the impeachment cause though.
Problem is POTUS will do as he pleases. I am certain legal counsel have advised 45 to stop tweeting—probably numerous times—but he ignores.
Trump has filled 5 out of 53 top jobs at the Pentagon, and 2 out of 16 at the Department of Homeland Security.
Amid Trump tweets, notable there is no FBI Director; no US Ambassador to London; and the State Department is missing leaders at all levels.
Unbelievable dysfunction. Just imagine how this Trumpian clown car would deal with an actual #natsec crisis.
Trump National Security Team Blindsided by NATO Speech
If you're a GOP candidate and you think this is a good idea, get professional medical attention.
GOP strategists say Republicans plan to make 2018 a referendum on the media.
NSA Dir Rogers to testify Wednesday may reveal #Trump's Obstruction of Justice reported by @20committee‼️
Reminder: We already know what DIRNSA Rogers thinks about Trump & Putin. Not actually news.
DIRNSA won't say much detailed in open (UNCLAS) session -- anybody saying different is trying to fool you. I doubt the effectiveness of open sessions on #KremlinGate -- all shadow-dancing & political games; nothing good. #NSA was absolutely FURIOUS that I broke this story. You should calibrate expectations on Rogers' UNCLAS testimony. To be clear, DIRNSA & staff were furious. I've gotten great feedback from Agency personnel. Most despise Rogers. Rogers is a poor mgr, seldom bothers to talk to the workforce, is aloof, & gives big jobs to inexperienced cronies. Rogers is also just a weird dude. He brings his own (ie 'Murican) food with him when travels abroad. I swear.
BLUF: I hope Rogers does the Republic a solid in his open, UNCLAS testimony. I don't necessarily expect it.
Deutsche Bank has loaned Trump $364M, but it won't tell Congress whether any of those loans were backed by Russia.
Here we go again. Trump wants to be impeached. There is no other explanation here, save severe mental illness.
Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who had to think fast on his "no reason to be alarmed" statement. MSM is working hard to sell it!
And this might be the reason twitter is doing nothing about the bot army: $800 Million from Russia!
Twitter confirms 'significant' round of funding led by Russian investment company
Why is Trump trying to get Jeremy Corbyn elected? Is it
A. He’s completely clueless
B. Following Kremlin’s orders?
As usual, Putincept is revealing TS/SI+ #NSA sources & methods -- which hurts us and helps Moscow. The level of detail Putincept has published, incl original #NSA intel, is a YUGE gift to GRU & the Kremlin -- per usual. know what's in Augusta (other than golf)? Georgia Cryptologic Center @ Wikipedia
Intercept source caught? Per FBI affidavit, TS doc WINNER stole & passed to "online news org" was published 5 May.
TS/SI+ #NSA report on GRU hacking run today by Intercept was ALSO pub'd on 5 May and Augusta = NSA Georgia. Looks like quite a coincidence. So, DoJ announces arrest of the #NSA leaker the same day Putincept runs its YUGE #NSA exclusive...#WINNING This is truly one for the CI record-books
Well, I'm kinda guessing that somebody named Reality Winning may not be the sharpest tool in the intel shed.
Yeah, something really stinks here. I don't know why anyone legit would leak to Greenwald of all people, given his nonstop Russia apologia.
Passing hugely sensitive TS/SI+ #NSA doc on Russian election hacking to outfit that hates #NSA was epically stupid.
For all my Jewish friends out there who have sat through passover seders with me...what makes this leak different than all other leaks?
You leak to NYT or WaPo when you want serious, fact-based journalism done. You leak to Putincept when you want to fuck the IC & help Moscow. If you don't get how publishing a bunch of TS+ #NSA tech data about GRU election hacking helps Moscow, um.....
Folks, NSA Georgia is an intel facility run by the Army for #NSA, located on Ft Gordon in Augusta, GA. About 4K employees (CIV, MIL & CTR).
No. FBI doesn't arrest your ass if you leak a fake TS doc to Putincept. And the #NSA doc looks 100% authentic.
Does anyone else here smell US disinformation ruse. Just too weird to take at face value
TOLD YA. Not a "theory," folks. I used to work CI for #NSA. Done work @ NSA Georgia. This was kinda obvious.
Wow. Went to work for contractor in Feb; began leaking classified within 90 days of hire. 25 years old. Does she have a cousin named Eddie?
Congrats to Putincept. I'm not aware of ANY IC/DoD leaker ever being arrested on the SAME DAY their Big Leak got published. So much #WINNING
If you were an experienced GRU SIGINT/cyber officer, you now know a lot about how #NSA tracks your dirty e-tricks.
So what did we learn from the report? That Putin is effing with us by putting doubts in our minds about the election?
Inertia. Laziness. Above all, b/c all the big IC/DoD contractors donate lots of $ to Congress-members, both D & R.
Why is NSA still using contractors? Serious question?
NSA Hawaii (Navy) gave us dirtbag contractor Eddie.
NSA Georgia (Army) gave us dirtbag CTR Reality.
Guess you're next, NSA Texas (USAF).
If Ms Winner was under control of an FI service, they'd have told her NOT to email Putincept from an NSA IT system.
What if the leaker was a double agent? Is that common?
After 9/11, "need to know" became "need to share" - and Snowden didn't fundamentally change that. Which is insane.
Think IC needs to go away and have a little chat about WTF a linguist contractor had access to FISA-derived reports about RIS operations.
Junior IC personnel, esp MIL and/or CTR, are often insanely clueless about such things.
Junior IC personnel, esp MIL and/or CTR, are often insanely clueless about such things.
The fact that Putincept blew Ms Winner's cover by going to #NSA with the TS/SI+ docs she stole is quite darkly hilarious. Way to go, guys! Heard from an old #NSA CI buddy today about this case. Needless to say, he was laughing his ass off at Happy Hour.
Disloyal or just kinda crazy? Either way, not someone who should have maintained TS/SCI and access to #NSA spaces.
Watching Carter Page, I realize I've seen saner interviews that were based on screams of "Tiger blood!" and "Not bi-polar, bi-winning!"
Passing a VERY highly classified #NSA report to an objectively pro-Putin outlet should be severely prosecuted.
@MarkSZaidEsq replying to @adamgoldmanNYT
I realize you want leaks for stories, and that's understandable, but this has little to do with Trump. Classified leaks can't be condoned
Speaking of Ed... Check out Reality's "anonymous" twitter page @Reezlie for a good laugh.
FFS Sanders DoJ would have done it. This case is a no-brainer. Open-shut. Don't make everything about Trump.
Easy to view arrest of @theintercept's source as the first salvo in a Trump admin. war on leaks. I suspect Obama DOJ would've done it too.
Remember when Bannon had Katie McHugh call my some of my clients trying to get me fired?
I do.
Listen now to my tiny violin
Breitbart News Editor Says She Was Fired After Anti-Muslim Tweets
vostok_1 ::
Bahahahaha. Kdo bi si mislil, da lahko gremo še nižje od Busha. Pogrešam tega starega mačka. Good ol' dubya. Vsaj smo se lepo nasmejali, medtem ko nas je oligarhija na suho porivala.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
jype ::
Gospodarska škoda je že ogromna. Trump je zagotovo navdušen tudi zato, ker je Qatar (letalska družba) eden glavnih kupcev novega A350.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()
Pac-Man ::
Comey bo pričal v četrtek. Kokice.
OMG, Bob Costa reports that in lieu of "war room," Trump intends to be "his own messenger" and will tweet WHILE Comey testifies. Marc Kasowitz (and any other lawyers Trump has managed to sign in) must be pulling their hair out. ANYTHING Trump tweets about Comey is admissible EVIDENCE in a grand jury, impeachment trial or court proceedings. It's nuts. Seriously nuts. He really is unhinged. I tweeted a story a little while ago that many high-powered defense lawyers have declined to represent Trump. This is one of the reasons.
OMG, Bob Costa reports that in lieu of "war room," Trump intends to be "his own messenger" and will tweet WHILE Comey testifies. Marc Kasowitz (and any other lawyers Trump has managed to sign in) must be pulling their hair out. ANYTHING Trump tweets about Comey is admissible EVIDENCE in a grand jury, impeachment trial or court proceedings. It's nuts. Seriously nuts. He really is unhinged. I tweeted a story a little while ago that many high-powered defense lawyers have declined to represent Trump. This is one of the reasons.
vostok_1 ::
To se zgodi če manchild-u daš več miljonov v roke in rečeš naj gre v svet. Bankrotira podjetja, tisoče nategne, sebe spravi v velik puf, nastavi rit despotom in idjoti ga izvolijo na prestol, kjer uniči kraljestvo.
Jz mislim, da se Putin vsako jutro zbudi z nasmeškom, lula z nasmeškom, je zajtrk z nasmeš is great.
Jz mislim, da se Putin vsako jutro zbudi z nasmeškom, lula z nasmeškom, je zajtrk z nasmeš is great.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
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