Forum » Loža » Pornolizacija Web pejđov :-)
Pornolizacija Web pejđov :-)

iskra ::
lahko bi uvedli obvezno uporabo besed iz porno industrije na forumu
kaj pa kake slikce, d bo zadeva še malo bol popestrena?

Dr_M ::

PS: Intel "Mouth-full-o'-cock" Pentium 4 3.2GHz - The "Sniff-my-Ass" Real Slim "Muffminer" Shady
to je res intel ja

PS: Intel "Mouth-full-o'-cock" Pentium 4 3.2GHz - The "Sniff-my-Ass" Real Slim "Muffminer" Shady
to je res intel ja

The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Dr_M ()

BaRtMaN ::
Deep throating@Home - zakaj in kako?
Intervju z Richardom "Dickwad" Huddyjem
Austin "Big Dick" Deep throats in Goldmember
Deskam s/z:
Internet "Asshole" Explorer
Deep throating@Home - zakaj in kako?
Intervju z Richardom "Dickwad" Huddyjem
Austin "Big Dick" Deep throats in Goldmember
Deskam s/z:
Internet "Asshole" Explorer

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BaRtMaN ()

Dr_M ::
Pravi "Superdick" Forum za vsa sporočila Big "Asshole" Kahunam, ki ustvarjamo to fenomenalno stran :).
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Jebiveter ::
Nekaj cvetk
"Prvi "Dirk Diggler" Tejasi bodo 0.09 mikronski,"
"Poleg tega bodo procesorji delovali na 800 ali 1066 MHz Quad "Bust-a-Cunt" Pumped vodilu, vsebovali izboljšan Hyper-Spanking in 8 tako imenovanih Tejas "Long Finger" New Instructions (TNI)"
"The "Ballbuffer" Godfather Trilogy "
"že danes pa imamo možnost nakupa HP Compaq "Spunksupper" Fistfucks Desktop d220 Microtower z Mandrake "Bite Me" Linux 9.1."
"Planet "Anal" Iger"
"(Tom "Butplug" Cruise)"
Spajky RULZ!

"Prvi "Dirk Diggler" Tejasi bodo 0.09 mikronski,"
"Poleg tega bodo procesorji delovali na 800 ali 1066 MHz Quad "Bust-a-Cunt" Pumped vodilu, vsebovali izboljšan Hyper-Spanking in 8 tako imenovanih Tejas "Long Finger" New Instructions (TNI)"

"The "Ballbuffer" Godfather Trilogy "
"že danes pa imamo možnost nakupa HP Compaq "Spunksupper" Fistfucks Desktop d220 Microtower z Mandrake "Bite Me" Linux 9.1."

"Planet "Anal" Iger"
"(Tom "Butplug" Cruise)"
Spajky RULZ!

Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?

Daedalus ::
Sinbad: Legend of the fucking Seven "Anusapple" Ballbusts je prvi animirani film, ki je animiran samo in izključno na Linuxu, točneje na distribuciji Red "Big Cock" Hat. Podviga so se lotili v Spielbergovem studiu Unclefucks, po poročanju Browned "Bust-a-Cunt" Jerks pa so za animiranje filma, ki na ameriška platna prihaja 2. julija, porabili več kot 250 delovnih postaj Hewlett-Packard, oplemenitenih z Rdečim klobukom.
Sinbad: Legend of the fucking Seven "Anusapple" Ballbusts je prvi animirani film, ki je animiran samo in izključno na Linuxu, točneje na distribuciji Red "Big Cock" Hat. Podviga so se lotili v Spielbergovem studiu Unclefucks, po poročanju Browned "Bust-a-Cunt" Jerks pa so za animiranje filma, ki na ameriška platna prihaja 2. julija, porabili več kot 250 delovnih postaj Hewlett-Packard, oplemenitenih z Rdečim klobukom.

Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.
he is responsible for everything he does.

moj_nick ::
Imam težave z gonilniki v Windows "Cockboy" Server 2003 Enterprise "Bastard" Edition
... in spremeni "ProduktName" iz "Microsoft "Cock Sucker" Fucks Server 2003" na "Microsoft "Anal" Windows XP
slo-tech pravila
1. člen
Na "Sniff-my-Ass" Slo-Techu ni demokracije!
... in spremeni "ProduktName" iz "Microsoft "Cock Sucker" Fucks Server 2003" na "Microsoft "Anal" Windows XP
slo-tech pravila

1. člen
Na "Sniff-my-Ass" Slo-Techu ni demokracije!

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