Forum » Problemi človeštva » Nutella in drugi proizvodi za tržišče ''vzhodnega bloka''...
Nutella in drugi proizvodi za tržišče ''vzhodnega bloka''...
Temo vidijo: vsi
zmaugy ::
a mora pisati na jedilniku Nutella? Tudi ragu je lahko iz konzerve. Polnozrnati piškoti? A jih sami pečejo?
krho ::
Hrenovke so tud svinjarija.
P.S. Drugače je dober jedilnik.
P.S. Drugače je dober jedilnik.
si.Mail odprto-kodni odjemalec elektronske pošte. -
Uredite si svojo zbirko filmov, serij in iger -
Uredite si svojo zbirko filmov, serij in iger -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: krho ()
zmaugy ::
Ja, pri hrenovkah tudi nikoli ne veš, kaj je notri.
Drugače so pa meni tudi prodali takšen jedilnik v vrtcu, potem sem pa enkrat šel mimo kant za smeti in je okrog bilo nekaj prazne embalaže (verjetno so ravno spraznili kante in je moralo kaj pasti po tleh). Na moje negativno presenečenje je bilo veliko teh fensi artiklov na njihovem jedilniku industrijskega izvora.
Drugače so pa meni tudi prodali takšen jedilnik v vrtcu, potem sem pa enkrat šel mimo kant za smeti in je okrog bilo nekaj prazne embalaže (verjetno so ravno spraznili kante in je moralo kaj pasti po tleh). Na moje negativno presenečenje je bilo veliko teh fensi artiklov na njihovem jedilniku industrijskega izvora.
next3steps ::
@blackbfm: Ah, kako smo moralno superiorni in vzvišeni. Glede na to, da gre za mega močne znamke, je očitno, da to prizadene zelo veliko ljudi. Dejstvo pa je, da gre za vsaj moralno sporno prakso, če ne za kaj hujšega, ker kdo ti garantira, da se ne dogaja isto tudi pri tebi ljubih "superiornih" izdelkih.
Ce celo življenje ješ slovensko nutelo in ti je ok, zakaj bi te potem motlo da je avstrijska boljsa?
Boljša je relativen pojem v danem ko tekstu
Temo lahko zdaj zapremo.
joze67 ::
Ampak ker je nismo: Masleni piškoti proizvajalca Bahlsem bodo odslej dejansko videli maslo
Scaramouche ::
The same orange juice on the shelves, but a different colour and even flavour under the microscope. This is just one of the revelations from recent tests of the same goods sold here and abroad, carried out by Slovak food inspectors. Though rumours have long swirled about differences in the quality of foods sold in Slovakia and its western European neighbours, there had been little hard evidence, until now.
Up to one half of the products contained differences that significantly impact their quality," Matečná said. These were mainly, with respect to the products sold in Slovakia, a lower proportion of meat, and a higher proportion of fats, more artificial sweeteners and preservatives, and a lower weight in grams, she added.
The same orange juice on the shelves, but a different colour and even flavour under the microscope. This is just one of the revelations from recent tests of the same goods sold here and abroad, carried out by Slovak food inspectors. Though rumours have long swirled about differences in the quality of foods sold in Slovakia and its western European neighbours, there had been little hard evidence, until now.
Up to one half of the products contained differences that significantly impact their quality," Matečná said. These were mainly, with respect to the products sold in Slovakia, a lower proportion of meat, and a higher proportion of fats, more artificial sweeteners and preservatives, and a lower weight in grams, she added.
Scaramouche ::
The same orange juice on the shelves, but a different colour and even flavour under the microscope. This is just one of the revelations from recent tests of the same goods sold here and abroad, carried out by Slovak food inspectors. Though rumours have long swirled about differences in the quality of foods sold in Slovakia and its western European neighbours, there had been little hard evidence, until now.
Up to one half of the products contained differences that significantly impact their quality," Matečná said. These were mainly, with respect to the products sold in Slovakia, a lower proportion of meat, and a higher proportion of fats, more artificial sweeteners and preservatives, and a lower weight in grams, she added.
The same orange juice on the shelves, but a different colour and even flavour under the microscope. This is just one of the revelations from recent tests of the same goods sold here and abroad, carried out by Slovak food inspectors. Though rumours have long swirled about differences in the quality of foods sold in Slovakia and its western European neighbours, there had been little hard evidence, until now.
Up to one half of the products contained differences that significantly impact their quality," Matečná said. These were mainly, with respect to the products sold in Slovakia, a lower proportion of meat, and a higher proportion of fats, more artificial sweeteners and preservatives, and a lower weight in grams, she added.
Scaramouche ::
Priznal je vrh EU!
Predsednik EK Žan Klod Junker priznao je posle susreta sa slovačkim premijerom Robertom Ficom da zaista postoji problem dvostrukih aršina za namirnice i robe.
Priznal je vrh EU!
Predsednik EK Žan Klod Junker priznao je posle susreta sa slovačkim premijerom Robertom Ficom da zaista postoji problem dvostrukih aršina za namirnice i robe.
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