Forum » Problemi človeštva » 3. teden trumpove administracije
3. teden trumpove administracije
Temo vidijo: vsi
sivistol ::
petrus> Lahko so srečni, ker Gorsuch se bo držal ustave kot pijanec plota.
Ustavo si norci čist po svoje predstavljajo. Drugi popravek ustave govori o "well regulated militia", mnogi Američani pa verjamejo, da jim to zagotavlja pravico do lastništva orožja.
A well regulated Militia, ( vejica ) being necessary to the security of a free State, ( vejica ) the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
veš dupe vejica pomeni da se stavek breaka
in če boš pisal sej tam so imeli muškete, ampak tle ne piše mušket ampak arms torej strelno orožje
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sivistol ()
konspirator ::
Brez panike, vse je v redu, novica o napadu je fake news.
Policaji vadijo za parado, par ton smrdljivega sira se je raztreslo iz tovornjaka, voznik je namreč za malico jedel pokvarjen suši in zaradi tega na momente izgubil oblast nad vozilom
- zato tak kaos.
Če na posnetkih gledamo švedske policiste z avtomatskimi puškami in zbegane policistke z gasmaskami, potem ne gre za prometno nesrečo, bolj za vojno stanje.
Brez panike, vse je v redu, novica o napadu je fake news.
Policaji vadijo za parado, par ton smrdljivega sira se je raztreslo iz tovornjaka, voznik je namreč za malico jedel pokvarjen suši in zaradi tega na momente izgubil oblast nad vozilom
- zato tak kaos.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: konspirator ()
arnecan1 ::
voji islamofašisti bombardirajo zaradi verskih razlogovPijejo in travo kadijo tudi zaradi verskih razlogov?
Vem, da ubijajo zaradi verskih razlogov.
Budisti in hindujci pač ne mečejo bomb v Evropi in govorijo o zavzetju celega sveta v imenu svoje vere.
P.S.: Boljše bi pa res bilo, da bi pili in kadili travo. Samo kaj, ko šarija alkohol prepoveduje. Dovoli in vzpodbuja pa džihad.
cirecire ::
Ustavo si norci čist po svoje predstavljajo. Drugi popravek ustave govori o "well regulated militia", mnogi Američani pa verjamejo, da jim to zagotavlja pravico do lastništva orožja.
Dupe, ti nisi noben ustavni pravnik. Mene bi bolj kot Amerika skrbelo kdo bo nosil orožje na Švedskem. Sedaj spet uvajajo naborniški sistem na Švedskem. Povprečnemu švedskemu 18 letniku je ime Ahmed in komaj čaka, da dobi avtomatsko puško v roke in dostop do skladišča orožja.
mtosev ::
hvala za smeh. allahu akbarUstavo si norci čist po svoje predstavljajo. Drugi popravek ustave govori o "well regulated militia", mnogi Američani pa verjamejo, da jim to zagotavlja pravico do lastništva orožja.
Dupe, ti nisi noben ustavni pravnik. Mene bi bolj kot Amerika skrbelo kdo bo nosil orožje na Švedskem. Sedaj spet uvajajo naborniški sistem na Švedskem. Povprečnemu švedskemu 18 letniku je ime Ahmed in komaj čaka, da dobi avtomatsko puško v roke in dostop do skladišča orožja.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()
Matej22 ::
arnecan1> Se spomnim nekaj časa nazaj, ko je Trump omenjal Švedsko kot kraj, kjer se dogajajo teroristični napadi. Marsikdo se je takrat delal norca.
Saj se lahko še vedno. Prometna nesreča s tremi mrtvimi in več ranjenimi je vsakodneven dogodek, histeriki pa pravite, da je Stockholm zdaj kot vojno območje.
Očitno je Stockholm res najbolj mirno mesto na svetu, če zaradi ene prometne nesreče, kjer je povzročitelj pobegnil s kraja nesreče, zaprejo celo mesto. Da pa je kot vojno območje, pa pravijo tisti, ki tam živijo.
Zaenkrat upoštevajo navodila policije, ki je pozvala vse, naj ostajajo doma, pripoveduje Stipanovič. Ulice v središču mesta je policija izpraznila, podzmena železnica pa ne deluje. "Nekaj mojih prijateljev je ujetih v različnih trgovinah v mestu, saj je prepovedano hoditi naokoli," pripoveduje.
zmaugy ::
arnecan1> Se spomnim nekaj časa nazaj, ko je Trump omenjal Švedsko kot kraj, kjer se dogajajo teroristični napadi. Marsikdo se je takrat delal norca.
Saj se lahko še vedno. Prometna nesreča s tremi mrtvimi in več ranjenimi je vsakodneven dogodek, histeriki pa pravite, da je Stockholm zdaj kot vojno območje.
Ne, policistke so _boljše_ v policijskem delu kot policisti.
mtosev> a se delaš norca ali ne veš, da je trump o prejšnjih incidentih lagal?
Širi fake novice, ker je za to plačan.
sivistol> Gorsuch confirmed , in rand paul dal 51 glas
Mhm, praktično je konec demokracije v ZDA.
A si to razložil ljudem na Švedskem? Daj poskusi v kontekstu tega dogodka in poročaj, kaj ti bojo rekli na to.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
vostok_1 ::
Jz mislim, da če so bili sorodniki/bližnji teh žrtev klasični švedski SJWji, vrjetno sedaj niso več...
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Pac-Man ::
Partnerska agencija NSA je vlomila v nadzorne kamere v prostorih ruskih hekerjev, tako da jih imajo posnete, ko so l. 2014 srali po email sistemu state departmenta.
tale incident
nov članek
The NSA was alerted to the compromises by a Western intelligence agency. The ally had managed to hack not only the Russians’ computers, but also the surveillance cameras inside their workspace, according to the former officials. They monitored the hackers as they maneuvered inside the U.S. systems and as they walked in and out of the workspace, and were able to see faces, the officials said.
Partnerska agencija NSA je vlomila v nadzorne kamere v prostorih ruskih hekerjev, tako da jih imajo posnete, ko so l. 2014 srali po email sistemu state departmenta.
tale incident
nov članek
The NSA was alerted to the compromises by a Western intelligence agency. The ally had managed to hack not only the Russians’ computers, but also the surveillance cameras inside their workspace, according to the former officials. They monitored the hackers as they maneuvered inside the U.S. systems and as they walked in and out of the workspace, and were able to see faces, the officials said.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Spajky ::
Ma IMHO se je spet začela serija false Flag-ov ... Švedska, pa oni tomahawk-ki, katerih se je baje tretjina izgubila oz "odpovedala" etc (so jih rusi sklatli, pa ne povejo, ali pa so bili namenjeni IsiS-u) ...
Švedi rabijo malce prestrašit folk, da bo manj multikulti, oni Sarin v Siriji, pa bi znal priti čez turško mejo, saj Erdo spet nekaj želi menjavo Asada. Trump pa je rabil en trdogovorni stunt in posredno sporočilo Severni koreji ...
Vse je možno ... Pač predstava za medije in ovce ...
Švedi rabijo malce prestrašit folk, da bo manj multikulti, oni Sarin v Siriji, pa bi znal priti čez turško mejo, saj Erdo spet nekaj želi menjavo Asada. Trump pa je rabil en trdogovorni stunt in posredno sporočilo Severni koreji ...
Vse je možno ... Pač predstava za medije in ovce ...
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...
cirecire ::
Partnerska agencija NSA je vlomila v nadzorne kamere v prostorih ruskih hekerjev, tako da jih imajo posnete, ko so l. 2014 srali po email sistemu state departmenta.
tale incident
nov članek
The NSA was alerted to the compromises by a Western intelligence agency. The ally had managed to hack not only the Russians’ computers, but also the surveillance cameras inside their workspace, according to the former officials. They monitored the hackers as they maneuvered inside the U.S. systems and as they walked in and out of the workspace, and were able to see faces, the officials said.
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
V Ameriki lahko vsakdo kritizira Ruse, nihče pa ne sme kritizirati Izraelcev. Izraelci so tisti, ki stalno hackajo, vohunijo, podkupujejo kongres in senat za svoje koristi. Vsi ameriški predsedniški kandidati se jim morajo klanjati in jim prisegati zvestobo, drugače pa jih uničijo. Sedaj imajo Izraelci tudi Trumpa za svojo lutko.
Poldi112 ::
Narobe. V USA vlada orožarski lobi. Izraelci so zgolj pripravno locirani in idealno poravnani z strategijo USA (kontrolirati bližnji vzhod).
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
zmaugy ::
Ni brez osnove, res. Je pa očitno, da je Dump nesposoben, če pade na takšne finte.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Zagor_tenay ::
Samo poglejte kakšne zahrbtne lažnive hijene obvladujejo ameriške medije. Isti ljudje, ki so Trumpa trgali na kose od prvega dne, ko je stopil v predsedniško bitko, ga sedaj hvalijo, da je dober predsednik, ker bombardira neko malo suvereno državo na drugem koncu sveta, ki ni nikoli nič hudega naredila Američanom. In te "novinarji" niso desničarji s Foxa, to so progresivni levičarji s CNN-a. Za kozlat. Te ljudje, ki ga sedaj hvalijo, mu bodo ob prvi priliki spet zabili nož v hrbet.
Upam, da ima Trump še vedno vsaj eno možgansko celico v glavi in da bere komentarje na breitbartu. Ljudje, ki so ga volili, se počutijo prevarare. Nočejo ameriškega vpletanja v Sirijo.
konspirator ::
Narobe. V USA vlada orožarski lobi. Izraelci so zgolj pripravno locirani in idealno poravnani z strategijo USA (kontrolirati bližnji vzhod).
Ne bi se strinjal s tabo, aipac lobi je zelo močan
Izrael dobiva od ZDA vsako leto ne vem koliko milijonov/milijard, s tem da so tako razvita država kot npr Belgija, Japonska, Italija.
Zadnji ZDA predsednik, ki ji se upal kritizirati ravnanje Izraelcev (in ostal živ) je bil Eisenhower 1956 .
'Don't attack Syria': Donald Trump's old tweets to Obama 2012-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: konspirator ()
Zagor_tenay ::
Najbolj zgovoren se mi zdi en komentar Trumpovega volivca na facebooku. "Volili smo Trumpa, dobili smo Kushnerja"
mtosev ::
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
jype ::
vostok_1> Jz mislim, da če so bili sorodniki/bližnji teh žrtev klasični švedski SJWji, vrjetno sedaj niso več...
Seveda so. Niso vzeli v roke pušk in šli pobit par 100 indijcev, tako kot to storite nacisti, ampak bodo zahtevali, da se nič ne spremeni, ker že živijo v svobodni in demokratični družbi.
Seveda so. Niso vzeli v roke pušk in šli pobit par 100 indijcev, tako kot to storite nacisti, ampak bodo zahtevali, da se nič ne spremeni, ker že živijo v svobodni in demokratični družbi.
Jst ::
V zadnjih dneh sem površno spremljal "novice sveta". In ni mi jasno, zakaj bi Bašar Al Assad spet uporabil kemično orožje... Nekaj tukaj ne gre skupaj.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
mtosev ::
V zadnjih dneh sem površno spremljal "novice sveta". In ni mi jasno, zakaj bi Bašar Al Assad spet uporabil kemično orožje... Nekaj tukaj ne gre skupaj.cnn assad je preizkušal kak daleč bo šel trump.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
arnecan1 ::
vostok_1> Jz mislim, da če so bili sorodniki/bližnji teh žrtev klasični švedski SJWji, vrjetno sedaj niso več...
Seveda so. Niso vzeli v roke pušk in šli pobit par 100 indijcev, tako kot to storite nacisti, ampak bodo zahtevali, da se nič ne spremeni, ker že živijo v svobodni in demokratični družbi.
mtosev ::
sem zdaj na cnn vido, linka na pa ne najdem
The United States launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a government-controlled Syrian air force base in the Homs province, purportedly where the nerve agent sarin was loaded on to aircraft that attacked a village in the rebel-held Idlib province.
Trump authorised this attack to ostensibly demonstrate that he will take a harder line against Syria, unlike his predecessor Barack Obama. While Trump's actions represent the first time the US has attacked Assad's forces since the civil war began six years, this military strike is embedded in a deeper history of America disciplining countries from the air over their weapons of mass destruction (WMD) facilities. Trump is in fact carrying on the legacy of President Bill Clinton.
The US launched cruise missile attacks against Iraqi WMD sites throughout the 1990s, and as of 2017 it is doing the same in Syria. The attacks seem to achieve little in the long run in changing the targeted government's behaviour, but they provide symbolic proof to the international community of the US taking concrete action to discipline a country that violates the norm prohibiting WMD use.
grdi, grdi trump
The United States launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a government-controlled Syrian air force base in the Homs province, purportedly where the nerve agent sarin was loaded on to aircraft that attacked a village in the rebel-held Idlib province.
Trump authorised this attack to ostensibly demonstrate that he will take a harder line against Syria, unlike his predecessor Barack Obama. While Trump's actions represent the first time the US has attacked Assad's forces since the civil war began six years, this military strike is embedded in a deeper history of America disciplining countries from the air over their weapons of mass destruction (WMD) facilities. Trump is in fact carrying on the legacy of President Bill Clinton.
The US launched cruise missile attacks against Iraqi WMD sites throughout the 1990s, and as of 2017 it is doing the same in Syria. The attacks seem to achieve little in the long run in changing the targeted government's behaviour, but they provide symbolic proof to the international community of the US taking concrete action to discipline a country that violates the norm prohibiting WMD use.
grdi, grdi trump
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Pac-Man ::
One reliable constant stands out over these tumultuous weeks: for every Trump policy, there is an old Trump tweet calling it dumb
One reliable constant stands out over these tumultuous weeks: for every Trump policy, there is an old Trump tweet calling it dumb
ZaphodBB ::
V zadnjih dneh sem površno spremljal "novice sveta". In ni mi jasno, zakaj bi Bašar Al Assad spet uporabil kemično orožje... Nekaj tukaj ne gre skupaj.
Kako te bo šele na rit vrglo, ko boš ugotovil, da ga je uporabil "več kot 50 krat" od leta 2013.
Najsposobnejši in najmodrejši Obama pa samo črički.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
arnecan1 ::
V zadnjih dneh sem površno spremljal "novice sveta". In ni mi jasno, zakaj bi Bašar Al Assad spet uporabil kemično orožje... Nekaj tukaj ne gre skupaj.
Kako te bo šele na rit vrglo, ko boš ugotovil, da ga je uporabil "več kot 50 krat" od leta 2013.
Več ko 50 krat? U, to pa je dosti. A je to dokazano ali samo obtožba "zmernih sirijskih upornikov" iz sedeža v stanovanju iz Londona?
Saj pravim, ko zmaguješ, pač še malo zapliniš par civilistov. Tak, za hec. Da malo vpleteš še kakšno velesilo v konflikt. Pa vso mednarodno javnost obrneš proti sebi. Ja, ima smisel.
ZaphodBB ::
Več ko 50 krat? U, to pa je dosti. A je to dokazano ali samo obtožba "zmernih sirijskih upornikov" iz sedeža v stanovanju iz Londona?
Ne vem, nisem bil zraven. To trdi Tillerson. Meni se ne zdi nemogoče.
"Naši dedje so se borili za to, da lahko odločamo
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
o lastni usodi - ne o usodi drugih ljudi." -jype
arnecan1 ::
Več ko 50 krat? U, to pa je dosti. A je to dokazano ali samo obtožba "zmernih sirijskih upornikov" iz sedeža v stanovanju iz Londona?
Ne vem, nisem bil zraven. To trdi Tillerson. Meni se ne zdi nemogoče.
Upam samo, da Tillersona ne obveščajo isti ljudje, ki so obveščali Busha o najdenem orožju v Iraku.
Spajky ::
... ma ista je to "globalistična" mreža ko zmeraj; ostalo je samo kozmetika. Poglej samo obnašanje one babe v ZN-ju zadnje dneve ... no change over years ...
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...
Pac-Man ::
One thing that we know from all of Trump's behavior is that he has the attention span of a gnat on meth. That's why the messy complexities of Syria will soon grow tiresome for him. He likes the Whoosh Woosh Boom Boom part, but not the, you know, work. He's almost pathologically unable to process complex multivariate problems because he lacks attention span and mental discipline.
One thing that we know from all of Trump's behavior is that he has the attention span of a gnat on meth. That's why the messy complexities of Syria will soon grow tiresome for him. He likes the Whoosh Woosh Boom Boom part, but not the, you know, work. He's almost pathologically unable to process complex multivariate problems because he lacks attention span and mental discipline.
vostok_1 ::
Sicer to se lepo vidi pri njegovem najmlajšem sinu, ki mu je tudi najbolj podoben. ADD
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
Pac-Man ::
Once you accept Trump is nothing but a carnival barker lacking any principles outside himself, this gets easier. Pepe has a major sad now b/c God-Emperor Trump bombed Assad. Wait till they discover the WH is totally run by Goldman Sachs & NY banksters.
If you were stupid enough to think Trump meant a damn thing he said, on anything, you deserve your SAD! now, idiots
59 TLAMs didn't do much damage in #Syria, but they seem to have killed Pepe quite nicely.
Bannon could be out. First #SyriaStrikes, now this. Pepe just shot himself in a bathroom stall with a Luger.
Big advantage Moscow has now over Cold War is no party line -- they appeal to both Western kook-left & kook-right.
So weird how someone sponsored by an Assad regime front sounds exactly like an Assad regime front.
Reminder: Once you realize #ISIS is the Assad regime's silent partner more than its enemy, you see #Syria's awful war for what it really is. Assad regime is using same CT rulebook used by Algeria in the '90s. Not coincidentally, it was written by the KGB.
Once you understand the discreet relationship between Assad regime & #ISIS à l'algérienne, you have questions about #ISIS external ops too. Algeria's DRS manipulated GIA/AQ terror to its own ends. Safe to assume Assad's spies are doing something similar.
Kremlin #natsec bigwig says #StockholmAttack was caused by the US/Western attack on #Syria. Very subtle there.
FYI -- Klintsevich, dep chair of Duma Defense & Security Ctte, is a made guy; outed Snowden as Russian spy last year
After Gadhafi got killed in a sewage ditch, everybody got it: Don't believe US promises & never give up your WMDs.
Nikki Haley's response to Bolivia's request for a closed UN Security Council meeting is absolutely savage.
Wait until Pres Kushner finds out that dummy Dan Scavino is the source for a certain thoft-palate conspirathy blogger with a throng lispth.
//Alex Jones?
Betcha a dollar that Bannon & Reince were in collusion & directly involved in the #Nunes stunt. #TrumpRussia #NyetExcuses Takers?
Once you accept Trump is nothing but a carnival barker lacking any principles outside himself, this gets easier. Pepe has a major sad now b/c God-Emperor Trump bombed Assad. Wait till they discover the WH is totally run by Goldman Sachs & NY banksters.
If you were stupid enough to think Trump meant a damn thing he said, on anything, you deserve your SAD! now, idiots
59 TLAMs didn't do much damage in #Syria, but they seem to have killed Pepe quite nicely.
Bannon could be out. First #SyriaStrikes, now this. Pepe just shot himself in a bathroom stall with a Luger.
President Donald Trump is considering a major shake-up of his staff, a senior administration official said Friday, as he looks to build a more cohesive operation after a tumultuous start in the White House.
Mr. Trump is specifically evaluating whether to keep his chief of staff, Reince Priebus, and his chief strategist, Steve Bannon, in their current positions.
Big advantage Moscow has now over Cold War is no party line -- they appeal to both Western kook-left & kook-right.
Alt-right now gravitating toward progressive Tulsi Gabbard. Why? Mutual love affair with Putin. Far left/right are supported by Russia.Dismayed by Trump, Richard Spencer suggests he'll support Tulsi Gabbard for president in 2020
So weird how someone sponsored by an Assad regime front sounds exactly like an Assad regime front.
Footing regained by @TulsiGabbard: not even the Pentagon's evidence would convince her #Assad used chemical weapons if she would change her mind if the Pentagon would present her with hard evidence that Assad was behind the chemical attack, the lawmaker replied "no."
Reminder: Once you realize #ISIS is the Assad regime's silent partner more than its enemy, you see #Syria's awful war for what it really is. Assad regime is using same CT rulebook used by Algeria in the '90s. Not coincidentally, it was written by the KGB.
Once you understand the discreet relationship between Assad regime & #ISIS à l'algérienne, you have questions about #ISIS external ops too. Algeria's DRS manipulated GIA/AQ terror to its own ends. Safe to assume Assad's spies are doing something similar.
Kremlin #natsec bigwig says #StockholmAttack was caused by the US/Western attack on #Syria. Very subtle there.
FYI -- Klintsevich, dep chair of Duma Defense & Security Ctte, is a made guy; outed Snowden as Russian spy last year
After Gadhafi got killed in a sewage ditch, everybody got it: Don't believe US promises & never give up your WMDs.
Nikki Haley's response to Bolivia's request for a closed UN Security Council meeting is absolutely savage.
Wait until Pres Kushner finds out that dummy Dan Scavino is the source for a certain thoft-palate conspirathy blogger with a throng lispth.
//Alex Jones?
Betcha a dollar that Bannon & Reince were in collusion & directly involved in the #Nunes stunt. #TrumpRussia #NyetExcuses Takers?
Berserker ::
Antifa works, but we have to treat nazis like nazis.
Ironično so uporabili rasistične metode po sodobnih standartih. Saj veš name calling, stereotipi, itd...
Sicer pa če se malo pozanimaš o povojnem obdobju, bi moral vedet, da so ravno ti zahodni zavezniki Jude še vedno obravnavali kot tujce brez domovine, jim prepovedali vrnitev v Palestino in jih celo od tam deportirali nazaj v določena taborišča po Evropi.
Pac-Man ::
Za SyrianGirlPartisan je Trump prestrašen ščurek, Mar-a-lago jedrsko zaklonišče![:))](
ista punca, februar 2016:
Donald Trump fans reacted to the news that their candidate was a total loser Monday by coming up with a nefarious plot to rob him of the presidency, summarized in the hashtag #MicrosoftRubioFraud.
The gist of the conspiracy (which– surprise!– was started by Breitbart) is this: the app used by Democrats and Republicans to report caucus votes was created by Microsoft. Microsoft has donated money to Marco Rubio, and supports an increase in skilled migrants to the United States. Ergo, the cuckservatives at Microsoft fixed the Iowa caucus so that Rubio can Make America Awful Again and herald in a white genocide.
Microsoft "Here is some free software to count up the votes, totally free, no agenda in it at all" #MicrosoftRubioFraud
november 2016:
Totalno se ji je snelo :)
Za SyrianGirlPartisan je Trump prestrašen ščurek, Mar-a-lago jedrsko zaklonišče
BREAKING: Sources tell me #Trump is hiding in Nuclear Bunker, NOT "playing Golf", Evidence Here #WW3 #FireKushner
ista punca, februar 2016:
Donald Trump fans reacted to the news that their candidate was a total loser Monday by coming up with a nefarious plot to rob him of the presidency, summarized in the hashtag #MicrosoftRubioFraud.
The gist of the conspiracy (which– surprise!– was started by Breitbart) is this: the app used by Democrats and Republicans to report caucus votes was created by Microsoft. Microsoft has donated money to Marco Rubio, and supports an increase in skilled migrants to the United States. Ergo, the cuckservatives at Microsoft fixed the Iowa caucus so that Rubio can Make America Awful Again and herald in a white genocide.
Microsoft "Here is some free software to count up the votes, totally free, no agenda in it at all" #MicrosoftRubioFraud
november 2016:
Clinton could mean we world war 3. Her claim to be pro muslim and pro women is a sick joke.
Trump Attacks #Syria starts WW3 #Syriastrike
Totalno se ji je snelo :)
Zagor_tenay ::
Antifa works, but we have to treat nazis like nazis.
Kolesar, ti in tvoji ste še najbolj podobni nacistom. Vi ste samo druga stran kovanca. Nacisti so s pranjem možganov in nasiljem hoteli ustrarit neko utopično etnično ćisto družbo, vi pa hočete z enakimi metodami ustvariti neko utopično mešano družbo, kjer skupaj silite ljudi, ki skupaj ne pašejo. Oba družbena eksperimenta sta obsojena na propad.
jype ::
Zagor_tenay> Kolesar, ti in tvoji ste še najbolj podobni nacistom.
Mi ne brcamo nezavestnih v glavo, kot to počnete Slovenci.
Mi ne brcamo nezavestnih v glavo, kot to počnete Slovenci.
gruntfürmich ::
se samo meni zdi da so to temo ukradli low iq levi dušebrižniki?
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
dice7 ::
Smo se ze dokopali do veroizpovedi tega mudela, ki je vceraj s pistolo haral po osnovni soli? Glede na pomanjkanje infa v tej temi je zgleda ze znano javnosti
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Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
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