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3. teden trumpove administracije

3. teden trumpove administracije

Temo vidijo: vsi
29 / 48

mtosev ::

ti pa veš ja. a si rus jype?
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Iatromantis ::

Medtem, ko se folk obklada z vzdevki in identifikacijami, si poglejmo kaj pomeni 'trol' v letu 2017: Trolling Scholars Debunk the Idea That the Alt-Right's Shitposters Have Magic Powers

In še en znak, da živimo v drugačni dobi: FoI - Carterjev sin ni smel delati v Beli hiši četudi brez plačila:

[...] it is my conclusion that 5 U.S.C. 3110 prohibits the President from appointing his son to a White House staff position. As pointed out in our memorandum of February 18 regarding Mrs. Carter, it makes no difference that he would serve without compensation.

mtosev ::

Trmup je pač na vse požvižga. upam, da ga kdaj napade angry mob ljudi
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

leiito ::

Ti terorisrični napadi so podobno sumljivi kot ISISovi posnetki dekapitacij. Že od 9/11 redno izgubljajo ali pozabljajo osebne dokumente, ali pa pasoši preživijo to, česar avioni ne.

Brane22 ::

mtosev je izjavil:

Rusija s Putinom je bananaland država. putin je bolj evil kot troll trump. točno včeraj v ukrajini je še en russia critic bil umorjen. Putinland glavni osumljenec

That's fucking epic. V Kijevu, v kjer so črni počili, zaklali, zažgali in razmesarili toliko Rusov, počijo nekoga, ki je imel nekoč nekaj s Putinom. Kdoj je kriv ? Putin, seveda! Kdo drug ?

MadMicka ::

Brane22, Putin je ali zločinec ali pa ima neverjetno srečo, da njegove največje kritike - novinarje, gospodarstvenike, politike, nekdo pobije.

Ja, dej se probi mal skoncentrirat...

Brane22 ::

MadMicka je izjavil:

Brane22, Putin je ali zločinec ali pa ima neverjetno srečo, da njegove največje kritike - novinarje, gospodarstvenike, politike, nekdo pobije.

Ja, dej se probi mal skoncentrirat...

Saj če je tip dilal na veliko sredi Ukrajine je izdajalec, torej...

Kaj bi naredu recimo Obama v tem primeru ? Blo bi "We killed that motherfucker" po vseh "demokratičnih" trobilih.

BTW, kup folka okrog Hillary je umrl čudne smrti. Kdo je bil kriv ? Samo čakam na izpeljavo do Putina.

dice7 ::

leiito je izjavil:

Ti terorisrični napadi so podobno sumljivi kot ISISovi posnetki dekapitacij. Že od 9/11 redno izgubljajo ali pozabljajo osebne dokumente, ali pa pasoši preživijo to, česar avioni ne.
No saj ce malo postudiras; kdo je najvecji sovraznik muslimanov? Zidje. Kdo uvaza muslimane v EU? Soros/zidje. Kdo najbolj pridobi ob valu nizkocenovne delovne sile? Kapitalisti/zidje. Kdo najvec pridobi ob stigmatizaciji muslimanov? Ponovno zidje.

Se je moralo Okamu kar smejati ko je klepu svojo britvico

Pac-Man ::

Spet je čas za crookice


Until there's some evidence -- not "Devin saw TS stuff nobody else did" -- allegations that Obama abused IC USP protections = nothingburger. Nunes made an extraordinarily serious accusation against IC+NSA without any evidence. Just like his boss in the WH.

Wherein Rep Nunes admits that his entire Trumpian tirade against IC+NSA is entirely speculative, based on 0 evidence
Intel chair Devin Nunes unsure if Trump associates were directly surveilled

Reads like @DPRK_News, but not funny
MNUCHIN on Trump: "He's got perfect genes. He has incredible energy and he's unbelievably healthy."

Preberite še ostalo, tako se dobi pozicijo pri Trumpu. Več analne akcije kot na gay swinger partyu v ekstazi laboratoriju.

Never a good sign when the Kremlin signals to White House, "That dumbass Nunes stunt was too obvious, you morons."
House intel chair admits he doesn’t know ‘for sure’ if Trump team was surveilled

Shorter Nunes: "TS report wasn't unmasked but I knew 'USP 3' was Manafort because he mentioned Big $ laundered thru Russian banks in Cyprus"

Devin Nunes Just Now: Paul Manafort has volunteered to do an interview with the House Intel Committee.

Old and busted: Trump the dealmaker will bend Congress to his will.
New hotness: [flips table] "This game is STUPID and I HATE IT."

Nunes is trying to have an illegal TS/SCI presser with the media....and it ain't pretty. Remember when Nunes completely melted down on camera about LEAKS OF CLASSIFIED....4 days ago? BLUF: Nunes thinks it's up to him to decide what legitimate SIGINT FI tasking should be, and how USP unmasking should work. What an asshat.

Nunes' big reveal is Paulie Walnuts wants a deal before he gets polonium tea. There is nothing else, just word salad at the edge of TS/SCI. If you expected Nunes to actually have evidence of IC or Obama WH illegality -- well aren't you a sucker.
cc @FoxNews

BREAKING: Trump and his inner circle of super-smart guys did not have Google or Internet access in 2015-16.
WH insists Trump wasn't aware of ex-campaign chairman Paul Manafort's work helping Russia

Basically, Nunes told IC+NSA that they're on double-secret probation with the #GOP+WH, but he actually has no idea why. He just "feels" it.

WH full panic has set in....

BREAKING: Chairman just cancelled open Intelligence Committee hearing with Clapper, Brennan and Yates in attempt to choke off public info.

Nunes went from #GOP Anti-Leak Crusader to (As Yet) Unindicted Co-Conspirator in just 4 days, all in public view. Devin's got a gift there.

If #NSA would just put trigger warnings on their LIMDIS TS/SI reports, Devin's fee-fees wouldn't be so easily hurt.
Nunes says information from Trump surveillance ‘concerned me’

Schiff reiterates call for 9/11 Comm-like independent inquiry into #TrumpRussia: "This week's event have made that all the more necessary". Rep Schiff brutally summarizes the HPSCI's week from hell: "A zero validation of the President, even if you accept what [Nunes] has said."

Your RealTruPatriotSuperMAGANewz3000 update.

You mean besides several members of Trump's inner circle?
Will anyone go to jail?

Like the campaign manager Trump's known since the 1970s, who got him the GOP nom, yet whose name Don can't recall?

As a Federal prosecutor, Schiff sent a crooked FBI agent who was spying for the Kremlin to the slammer. It shows.
Schiff is impressing the hell out of me. He's shaping up to be the leader I didn't know I needed.

Trump's about to learn his just-throw-my-old-pal-under-the-bus routine doesn't work on folks facing indictments + decades in Federal prison.

Looks like Trump's terrified that #MoscowMike's cooperating with DoJ. I always suspected Flynn would flip first.


National Enquirer brands Flynn a “Russian spy” — Trump just threw Flynn under the bus. Why?

No one should believe anything the National Enquirer writes. The fact that the National Enquirer says Flynn is a Russian spy likely means Flynn isn’t a Russian spy. But this story matters because the man who runs the National Enquirer, David Pecker, is a huge longtime friend of Trump. The Enquirer only runs stories that help Trump. And there is no way the Enquirer would run this story unless Team Trump thought this story helped Trump.

I know that Nunes's Monday testimony was coordinated with WH because top WH official told me, "Watch the predicate that is set" by Nunes.

Trump train ponovno vstopa v atmosfero. Eno vprašanje za vse 9/11 trutherje - pri kateri temperaturi se tali jeklo?

MadMicka ::

Brane22, kup folka okol Hilary umira, misliš tako kot okoli Putina? A si ti res tolk zaslepljen samo zaradi narodnosti? To je pomoje ena razlika, ki loči Zahod od Vzhoda.

Brane22 ::

MadMicka je izjavil:

Brane22, kup folka okol Hilary umira, misliš tako kot okoli Putina? A si ti res tolk zaslepljen samo zaradi narodnosti? To je pomoje ena razlika, ki loči Zahod od Vzhoda.

Ja, tako kot okrog Putina mislim. Oziroma bližje. In to ne folk, ki je nekoč imel nekaj z njo ampak leakerji. In to ne v drugi državi ampak v istem mestu.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Cervantes ::

Saj res, kaj pa naša Trumpeta?
Vsi sam Ivanka, Ivanka...

jype ::

Cervantes> Vsi sam Ivanka, Ivanka...

Incest je od nekdaj zelo zanimal ljudi, ki radi berejo rumeni tisk.

xmetallic ::

jype je izjavil:

A mene ne skrbi, sub pussyji in cucki še nikoli niso preživeli revolucije, pa če so se še tako po prsih tolkli.

Interesi državljanov nekoč se med seboj niso tako razlikovali kot se danes. Dejstvo je da je USA danes razdeljena na dva pola. Tudi Evropa, in sleherna zahodna država. Na eni ste liberalci, ki bi naš denar trošili na migrante, na drugi pa vsi ostali. V takem naelektrenem ozračju revolucija ne more uspeti. Še posebej revolucija pod vodstvom liberalcev, ker imate podpore med državljani razvitih držav manj ko 35%. Migrantov pač nihče ne želi. Pa če se s tem sprijazniš ali ne. Temu v prid govori tudi sprememba evropske politike do migrantov. Ko so dojeli, da bodo Evropejci volili antimigrantske stranke oz. jim je množično začela padati podpora med Evropejci so hitro obrnili ploščo in zaustavili popotovanje skozi Balkan. Ni dvoma, da bo prišlo do podobnega, glede na teroristične in posiljevalske izkušnje v preteklih letih verjetno celo večjega, odpora Evropejcev če politiki zopet odprejo meje.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: xmetallic ()

Cervantes ::

Incest je itak edino priporočljiv način razmnoževnja, od Adama in Eve naprej.
Da starega Lota in njegovih punc ne omenjam.
Le tako se lahko ohranja edinstveni genetski zapis.

Matako ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Incest je itak edino priporočljiv način razmnoževnja, od Adama in Eve naprej.
Da starega Lota in njegovih punc ne omenjam.
Le tako se lahko ohranja edinstveni genetski zapis.

Ha, razloži to mohamedancem, oni imajo s tem težavo:


Pa ne samo v Inbredfordu, čeprav je tipičen primer. Stvar postaja že problem zaradi obremenitve zdravstvenega sistema. Jasno, takoj ko kdo samo omeni je cel alkuakbar v hiši
Rahlo... monotona demografska sestava profesorjev seveda k tej sliki ne bo pripomogla.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Matako ()

mtosev ::

mtosev je izjavil:

danes niso glasovali o repeal obamacare, ker niso imeli dovolj glasov.
bill pulled :D

Trump has outsmarted himself
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: mtosev ()

Looooooka ::

mtosev je izjavil:

mtosev je izjavil:

danes niso glasovali o repeal obamacare, ker niso imeli dovolj glasov.
bill pulled :D

Trump has outsmarted himself

V bistvu je slo za verzijo, ki je nihce ne podpira niti ni priblizno podobna tistemu, kar je obljubljal Trump. Republikanci zahtevajo popolno odstranitev Obama care.
Se ne bi cudil ce bo v ponedeljek konferenca z izjavo, da je to dokaz, da ga je treba odstranit ne pa spreminjat.

Samuel ::

MadMicka je izjavil:

Brane22, kup folka okol Hilary umira, misliš tako kot okoli Putina? A si ti res tolk zaslepljen samo zaradi narodnosti? To je pomoje ena razlika, ki loči Zahod od Vzhoda.

Ne ukvarjaj se preveč z Branetom...
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

jype ::

Trumpisti so se poskrili. Kdo bi vedel, čemu?

Truga ::

Tok so zmagoval da so se navelical.

Meanwhile, trump se vedno ni dostavil prakticno nicesar. Hmm.

sivistol ::

Truga je izjavil:

Tok so zmagoval da so se navelical.

Meanwhile, trump se vedno ni dostavil prakticno nicesar. Hmm.

Kaj da ne plani za wall so dobesedno v polni pari , zdej so dali constuction tocke kako specifikacije mora zid bit narjen
- ze skor 1miljon novih jobs ,
-taxplan tud ze delajo

Truga ::

itak niso hotli tistga health care billa, tist je bla sam diverzija, cucked again

mtosev ::

Truga je izjavil:

Tok so zmagoval da so se navelical.

Meanwhile, trump se vedno ni dostavil prakticno nicesar. Hmm.
slikica lol. trump just lost big
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Matako ::


Ne krivite Črnca... ena beseda: Soraš.

Kdaj bo ta priletni trgovec z belim blagom nehal?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Matako ()

vostok_1 ::

jype je izjavil:

A mene ne skrbi, sub pussyji in cucki še nikoli niso preživeli revolucije, pa če so se še tako po prsih tolkli.

Res je. Vedno ste ga dobili po pički.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Pac-Man ::


If TrumpCare dies, the White House won’t forget who killed it — and plans on keeping a “shit list” of Republicans who stood in their way.

According to multiple Trump administration officials speaking to The Daily Beast on the condition of anonymity to talk freely, the president is angry that his first big legislative push is crumbling before his eyes—and his chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon is advising him to take names and keep a hit list of Republicans who worked for Trumpcare’s defeat.

“[Bannon] has told the president to keep a shit list on this,” one official told The Daily Beast. “He wants a running tally of [the Republicans] who want to sink this…Not sure if I’d call it an ‘enemies list,’ per se, but I wouldn’t want to be on it.”


“Burn the boats,” Bannon (in his typical, pugnacious style) advised Trump, according to one official involved. Burning one’s boats is a reference to when military commanders in hostile territories order his or her troops to destroy their own ships, so that they have to win or die trying.
Podobne ideje je imel Nixon, s tem da se je spravljal na malo bolj ideološko oddaljene osebe.

Nixon%27s Enemies List @ Wikipedia

Ni se dobro končalo.

Pac-Man ::


The Republican healthcare plan just failed because Trump is bad at making deals


Specifically, the bill can't pass because Trump is a bad dealmaker. We have a president who cannot close. Sad!

I realize Trump and his fans would object to this characterization. How could I malign the dealmaking skill of the author of "The Art of the Deal"?

Let us count the ways that Trump's dealmaking deficits have derailed the bill he said was "terrific."

Trump weakened his negotiating position by showing his hand

Trump is too untrustworthy to make credible side deals

Trump's policy ignorance hinders his judgment about what terms to propose

Trump has never been good at deals

Razlaga vsake točke je na povezavi.

Pac-Man ::

Po odhodu iz politike se drugemu oranžnemu Američanu vrača intelekt.

Februar 2017

jype ::

vostok_1> Res je. Vedno ste ga dobili po pički.

Let us examine this: http://www.marxist.com/1936-the-battle-...

Pac-Man ::


Republicans' original sin on Obamacare was falsely portraying the centrist substance of the ACA as strictly partisan.

It wasn't.

The votes were party-line, but that was a front manufactured by McConnell. He bragged about it at the time.

McConnell rarely gives much away but he let the mask slip here, saying he planned to oppose Obamacare regardless of what was in the bill.

Those who worked on and covered the bill know there were GOP senators who wanted to support ACA - but McConnell twisted their arms. On Obamacare, Democrats spent months holding hearings and seeking GOP input - we accepted 200+ GOP amendments!

Now, Republicans' seven-year lie that Obamacare was a partisan bill *in substance* is caching up with them for one simple reason. Obamacare IS what bipartisan, centrist health reform that keeps the private market intact looks like. There aren't many other options. So Republicans have to either embrace a bill that's basically Obamacare, or something devastating to millions. That's the bed they made. Rank cynicism on policy may work to win elections, but it hollows out your party and renders you unable to use the power you win.

Karaya 52 ::

vostok_1 je izjavil:

jype je izjavil:

A mene ne skrbi, sub pussyji in cucki še nikoli niso preživeli revolucije, pa če so se še tako po prsih tolkli.

Res je. Vedno ste ga dobili po pički.

Tako enostavno kot bo zdaj, še ni bilo nikoli. Švedski SJW solidaren do nošenja naglavnih cerad. Takole je prišel na šiht po zadnjem primeru "cerada vs. civilizacija" na sodišču.

Sub-mangina med pripravo bio-humusa:

Zgodovina sprememb…

jype ::

Ni nenavadno, da fašist ne razume.


Pac-Man ::


This is how Nancy Pelosi lobbied @tomperriello to back the DREAM Act. Imagine Ryan being this competent

SimplyMiha ::

jype je izjavil:

Ni nenavadno, da fašist ne razume.


Ni nenavadno, da regresivec ne razume. Dizajner je našel navdih v staroegiptovski religiji. Kakšen islam neki?

jype ::

SimplyMiha> Dizajner je našel navdih v staroegiptovski religiji.

SimplyMiha ::

Vemo, da nisi.

Brane22 ::

MadMicka je izjavil:

Brane22, kup folka okol Hilary umira, misliš tako kot okoli Putina? A si ti res tolk zaslepljen samo zaradi narodnosti? To je pomoje ena razlika, ki loči Zahod od Vzhoda.

Daj poduči mojo zaslepljenost. Kako točno moraš umreti, da nastopi "Putin faktor" ?

Pac-Man ::


Obama dedicated 13 months to passing Obamacare. Trump has been working on it for few weeks & WH is touting how he left everything on field


GOP cave on Obamacare repeal is the biggest broken promise in political history

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

mtosev ::

me zanima, če bodo kmalu spet probali skiniti Obamacare
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Samuel ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

MadMicka je izjavil:

Brane22, kup folka okol Hilary umira, misliš tako kot okoli Putina? A si ti res tolk zaslepljen samo zaradi narodnosti? To je pomoje ena razlika, ki loči Zahod od Vzhoda.

Daj poduči mojo zaslepljenost. Kako točno moraš umreti, da nastopi "Putin faktor" ?

Ti res ne bi vedeli, kdaj nastopi "Putin faktor".
Lahko pa daš kakšen link iz srbskih medijev, po možnosti v ćirilici (tako, da tega res NE bomo tega prebrali).
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Pac-Man ::


House Rs voted over 60x to repeal Obamacare while Obama was president. They voted 0 times on it under Trump, and are now ready to move on.

Bivši pomočnik Harrya Reida:

I just want to say something about all the people around the country who did something to make their voices heard on health care.

You saved health care for 24 MILLION people.

You literally did that.

With your calls, signs, protests, office vists...

That was you. If you ever thought it didn't matter - IT MATTERS.

We have crossed the Rubicon.

There's no going back to thinking nothing matters.

Members of Congress are human beings. They don't like getting yelled at by people they want - need - to like them any more than you do.

After years feeling the brunt of the Tea Party, it's hard to put in words how energizing it is to see that energy tenfold on our side.



spent lots of time writing/thinking about the GOP during Obama years. This might be one of their biggest problems

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Brane22 ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Ti res ne bi vedeli, kdaj nastopi "Putin faktor".
Lahko pa daš kakšen link iz srbskih medijev, po možnosti v ćirilici (tako, da tega res NE bomo tega prebrali).

Zakaj potem predavaš ? Če imaš snov za predavanje, prosim.
Pridem poslušat.

Če je edini tvoj argument, da pač določeni skupini ljudi ne misliš dat osnovnih pravic, potem pač tako povej.
Ampak ne pričakuj, da noben ne bo vprašal, kako gredo moderni nazori proti diskriminaciji skupaj s tako diskriminacijo.

mtosev ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:



trump je tud ponosen :)
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

vostok_1 ::

Jz bi jypeta poslal na pol-letno izobraževanje v Savdsko Arabijo. Sam se bojim za njegov anus.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

jype ::

vostok_1> Jz bi jypeta poslal na pol-letno izobraževanje v Savdsko Arabijo. Sam se bojim za njegov anus.

O, vemo, fašisti bi itak radi Savdsko Arabijo po celem svetu.

SimplyMiha ::

Brez skrbi, tam bi ga takoj vrgli z nebotičnika. In on bi med padanjem še veselo ploskal v imenu strpnosti.

jype ::

SimplyMiha> Brez skrbi, tam bi ga takoj vrgli z nebotičnika. In on bi med padanjem še veselo ploskal v imenu strpnosti.

Kaj pa naj bi človek storil ob takem nasilju? Jokal, kot ste jokali fašisti, ko ste se po desetletjih represije drugih končno srečali s svojimi metodami?

SimplyMiha ::

Kolikor vem, smo "mi" edini, ki vas branimo pred nasiljem, ki ga sami vabite. Pojdite futrat svojo samouničevalno nrav drugam.

Zgodovina sprememb…

29 / 48

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