Forum » Igre » Destiny 2
Destiny 2
yoco ::
Očitno jim nekaj ne štima, če je forum poln primerov ot pri meni. Folk je enostavno zbrisan ne da bi prej dobil kakšno obvestilo kaj in kako. jaz sem še včeraj zvečer igral čist lepo, danes zaženem pa vidim obvestilo da je account banned! lol
Tr0n ::
Bungie you're temporarily banning comfirmed ddos cheaters and permanently banning PC players running software they were unaware would get them banned.
Banali so PvP cheaterje in DDOS attacke. Pa ce si imel kak cuden overlay program v ozadju, je tudi to lahko vzrok.
Banali so PvP cheaterje in DDOS attacke. Pa ce si imel kak cuden overlay program v ozadju, je tudi to lahko vzrok.
Tr0n ::
Kmalu bom mel 60 ur v igri.
GOTY 2017!
(ce ne bi blo Breath of the Wild in Super Mario Odyseey) :P
GOTY 2017!
(ce ne bi blo Breath of the Wild in Super Mario Odyseey) :P
Tr0n ::
Jutri se zacne prvi Faction Rally event na PCju, ki bo trajal od 7.11 do 14.11.
Faction Rally - What you need to know v2
Future War Cult amirite?
Faction Rally - What you need to know v2
Future War Cult amirite?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()
Tr0n ::
PC Hotfix - Monday, November 6th 2017
Hotfix should address framerate 'hitching' issues introduced in Hotfix
Gregex ::
Tr0n ::
Tr0n ::
Pazite torej, da nimate Cheat Engine-a zagnanega ali kaj podobnega.
We do not ban players for simply having cheat tools installed, but do ban for running them while playing Destiny 2. We do not differentiate between cheat tools for Destiny 2 and cheat tools for other games because it would be easy to avoid a ban by making a Destiny 2 cheat tool that pretends to be a cheat tool for another game. Make sure you turn all cheat tools off before running Destiny 2 and you won’t have to worry about bans. No one is being banned for third-party applications that try to inject overlays like Discord, XSplit, OBS, RTSS, Shadowplay, etc.
Pazite torej, da nimate Cheat Engine-a zagnanega ali kaj podobnega.
yoco ::
Še en njihov bullshit. Imam inštaliran cheat engine, a ga ne uporabljam v ozadju, še posebej kadar igram online igre.
Tr0n ::
Mogoce ti je laufal v ozadju ali pod drugim userjem, pa nisi vedel.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()
yoco ::
Ne, sem siguren, da ni bil odprt. Nisem edini, folk po forumu ima isti problem, in skoraj vsi imamo nekaj skupnega. Asus hardware, al je to MB al je GPU.
Tr0n ::
Nekak dvomim, da je hardware kriv. :) Mam sam Asus Z170 board.
Je pa res, da nimam CE in podobnih bedarij instaliranih.
Je pa res, da nimam CE in podobnih bedarij instaliranih.
Tr0n ::
Prve informacije o novem expansion packu, ki pride istocasno tudi na PCja 5. decembra. ![:)](
Curse of Osiris Stream Summary
Vracajo se heroic strikes (se tezji od nightfall), pa nov raid lair (ista mapa, druga lokacija, drugi boss etc.). Zgleda, da bo tudi veliko weapon questov po koncani kampanji.
Ce ste na PCju, se splaca instalirat zadnje NVIDIA gonilnike 388.31. Lep performance boost v Destiny 2.
Curse of Osiris Stream Summary
Vracajo se heroic strikes (se tezji od nightfall), pa nov raid lair (ista mapa, druga lokacija, drugi boss etc.). Zgleda, da bo tudi veliko weapon questov po koncani kampanji.
Ce ste na PCju, se splaca instalirat zadnje NVIDIA gonilnike 388.31. Lep performance boost v Destiny 2.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()
krefi ::
pozdravljeni zanimam se za nakup igre. pa me zanima kasno je vase mnenje ali se splaca kupiti? ter kaj moram kupiti ce je season pass obvezn?
do sedaj sem igral wow pa me je malo minilo in cakam nov expansion,
do sedaj sem igral wow pa me je malo minilo in cakam nov expansion,
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
Tr0n ::
yoco ::
In potem naj mi nekdo reče, da so vsi njihovi bani legit! LOL
In potem naj mi nekdo reče, da so vsi njihovi bani legit! LOL
Zmajc ::
As Destiny 2 Players Rage, Bungie Struggles To Respond
krefi ::
pozdravljeni zanima me kje ste kupili igro sam sem jo hotel preko ker je biu dopoudne popust 30% a sem jo prvo želel testirati sedaj ko pa sem se odločil za nakup pa ni več popusta zato me zanima kje najceneje dobiti igro ?
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
ahac ::
Poglej tole:
Jaz sem sicer kupil zadnjič v akciji pa me ni preveč navdušil.
Sicer ni slaba igra, ampak v nobenem pogledu si ne zasluži hype, ki ga je imela pred izidom.
Gameplay je povprečen, movement je prepočasen.
Stranski questi so čisto generični open world questi, glavne misije so pa čisto generične FPS misije.
Story je krneki, characterji niso zanimivi, voice acting je povprečen.
Map design je slab. Sploh Titan je obupen s tistim platformingom. Če bi želel skakat po scifi platformah, raje igram Titanfall 2, kjer je to 10x bolje narejeno.
Enemy AI je zabit. Če si dovolj daleč, ti nasprotniki dovolijo da jih streljaš in se niti ne premaknejo...
UI je preveč konzolast (na nekatere stvari se ne da kliknit, ampak moraš držat nek gumb, itd).
Poleg tega te pa igra slabo nauči novih stvari. Npr. ravno zadnjič sem v neki knjigi bral, da je slabo, če ima igra nasprotnike, ki eksplodirajo in igralec to ugotovi šele ko umre ter da mora igralec takega nasprotnika spoznat drugače. To so ugotovil indie developerji, v Destiny 2 sem takoj umrl, ko sem srečal prvo skupino takih enemyjev...
Jaz sem sicer kupil zadnjič v akciji pa me ni preveč navdušil.
Sicer ni slaba igra, ampak v nobenem pogledu si ne zasluži hype, ki ga je imela pred izidom.
Gameplay je povprečen, movement je prepočasen.
Stranski questi so čisto generični open world questi, glavne misije so pa čisto generične FPS misije.
Story je krneki, characterji niso zanimivi, voice acting je povprečen.
Map design je slab. Sploh Titan je obupen s tistim platformingom. Če bi želel skakat po scifi platformah, raje igram Titanfall 2, kjer je to 10x bolje narejeno.
Enemy AI je zabit. Če si dovolj daleč, ti nasprotniki dovolijo da jih streljaš in se niti ne premaknejo...
UI je preveč konzolast (na nekatere stvari se ne da kliknit, ampak moraš držat nek gumb, itd).
Poleg tega te pa igra slabo nauči novih stvari. Npr. ravno zadnjič sem v neki knjigi bral, da je slabo, če ima igra nasprotnike, ki eksplodirajo in igralec to ugotovi šele ko umre ter da mora igralec takega nasprotnika spoznat drugače. To so ugotovil indie developerji, v Destiny 2 sem takoj umrl, ko sem srečal prvo skupino takih enemyjev...
Slo-Tech Discord -
krefi ::
hvala za odgovor se kdo kasno mnenje ?
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
yoco ::
Jaz na tvojem mestu ne bi kupoval igre. Hype je bil res velik, a žal igra razočara po vsej črti. Prvič in zadnjič, da sem kupil igro od Bungija!
Tr0n ::
hvala za odgovor se kdo kasno mnenje ?
Jaz sem jo kupil na, ko je bila okoli 38 EUR. Trenutno je zgleda ze 48 EUR. :)
Tr0n ::
Kar nekaj zanimivih novosti prihaja, med drugim tudi masterwork level itemov, armor ornaments in boljsi sistem nagrad.
The State of Destiny 2
The State of Destiny 2
chucki ::
Kupi kdo key? Sem ga dobil zraven gtx 1080
AMD Ryzen 5 5600/NZXT Kraken X62/Asus ROG Crosshair VI hero/DDR4 32gb/1TB SSD
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Tr0n ::
next3steps ::
dolenc ::
"Battle to level 8 in the free trial..." S tem si omejen.. Ql zame k se hiter naveličam :)
Tr0n ::
next3steps je izjavil:
Changelog pravi do +50%, kar lahko s prve roke potrdim. Pri meni je edino namesto + znak -.
Heh aja? V nasem klanu so vsi z NVIDIA karticami imeli kr lep FPS boost. Nekaj mas pri sebi v qurcu. :)
"Battle to level 8 in the free trial..." S tem si omejen.. Ql zame k se hiter naveličam :)
Bolj natancno:
# Campaign Mission on EDZ & Titan
# Adventure and Explore two full worlds
# PvP Multiplayer: Crucible Quickplay Playlist
# Character Progression: to Level 7
# Gameplay carries over to full game with purchase
# Clan Functionality
oo7 ::
Destiny 2 gets new content, new systems and a new focus on giving you reasons to keep playing this week.
Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris releases later today (check what time Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris releases in your region), but whether you buy into the expansion or not, you'll benefit from a series of major updates in December and early 2018 as part of the Season 2 retuning.
Destiny 2 Season 2 update downtime
Destiny 2 will be down for three hours from 7am PST while Bungie rolls out Curse of Osiris and the Season 2 update. We've converted that to a few other timezones below and provided a link where you can check your region. Note that the end time is an estimate, and there's a possibility it may be pushed back.
US West: 7am to 10am
US East: 10am to 1pm
UK: 3pm to 6pm
West Europe 4pm to 7pm
Sydney: 2am to 5am (Wednesday)
Other timezones - click here
When you can download Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris
You can download Curse of Osiris from 8am PST, after Destiny 2 has been down for about an hour. Again, we've got that in a few timezones below with a link to check other regions.
US West: 8am
US East: 11am
UK: 4pm
West Europe: 5pm
Sydney: 3am (Wednesday)
Other timezones - click here
When you can play Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris
Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris will unlock for play when the Destiny 2 servers come back online at the end of the scheduled downtime. As mentioned above, this is an estimated time early and may be pushed back. Once again, here are a few timezones plus a link to manually check the time in other regions.
US West: 10am
US East: 1pm
UK: 6pm
West Europe: 7pm
Sydney: 5am (Wednesday)
Other timezones - click here
Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris releases later today (check what time Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris releases in your region), but whether you buy into the expansion or not, you'll benefit from a series of major updates in December and early 2018 as part of the Season 2 retuning.
Destiny 2 Season 2 update downtime
Destiny 2 will be down for three hours from 7am PST while Bungie rolls out Curse of Osiris and the Season 2 update. We've converted that to a few other timezones below and provided a link where you can check your region. Note that the end time is an estimate, and there's a possibility it may be pushed back.
US West: 7am to 10am
US East: 10am to 1pm
UK: 3pm to 6pm
West Europe 4pm to 7pm
Sydney: 2am to 5am (Wednesday)
Other timezones - click here
When you can download Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris
You can download Curse of Osiris from 8am PST, after Destiny 2 has been down for about an hour. Again, we've got that in a few timezones below with a link to check other regions.
US West: 8am
US East: 11am
UK: 4pm
West Europe: 5pm
Sydney: 3am (Wednesday)
Other timezones - click here
When you can play Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris
Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris will unlock for play when the Destiny 2 servers come back online at the end of the scheduled downtime. As mentioned above, this is an estimated time early and may be pushed back. Once again, here are a few timezones plus a link to manually check the time in other regions.
US West: 10am
US East: 1pm
UK: 6pm
West Europe: 7pm
Sydney: 5am (Wednesday)
Other timezones - click here
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()
Zmajc ::
Naslednjo zimo bo genau dovolj contenta za en mesec igranja. ![:))](
Same shit kot Destiny 1.
Same shit kot Destiny 1.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()
krefi ::
prišel sem do stopnje 260 zato sem hotel sprobati raid a vidim da ti ne najde fireteama kako je najlažje najti skupino?
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
Zmajc ::
Še vedno ni za raide nobenega matchmakinga in moraš iskati grupo peški? Ne hvala, to smo delal leta 2004.
krefi ::
ja vidm da majo zkreseno tole
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
Tr0n ::
prišel sem do stopnje 260 zato sem hotel sprobati raid a vidim da ti ne najde fireteama kako je najlažje najti skupino?
V igri izberes Guided games pod raid menijem, ali preko Bundgie find fireteam foruma. Ampak svetujem, da igras s folkom, ki jih ali poznas ali pa sami dobro poznajo raid. Ker je kr zajeban content, kjer brez voice komunikacije ne bo slo. :) Pa power level 260 je premalo. Za kolko tolko normalen raid, moras bit vsaj 280.
Destiny 2 expansion day!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tr0n ()
krefi ::
prišel sem do stopnje 260 zato sem hotel sprobati raid a vidim da ti ne najde fireteama kako je najlažje najti skupino?
V igri izberes Guided games pod raid menijem, ali preko Bundgie find fireteam foruma. Ampak svetujem, da igras s folkom, ki jih ali poznas ali pa sami dobro poznajo raid. Ker je kr zajeban content, kjer brez voice komunikacije ne bo slo. :) Pa power level 260 je premalo. Za kolko tolko normalen raid, moras bit vsaj 280.
Destiny 2 expansion day!
kako najhitrjr nalevelat powe od 260 naprej do ene 290 ?
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
Tr0n ::
kako najhitrjr nalevelat powe od 260 naprej do ene 290 ?
Expansion je zunaj!
Destiny 2 Update 1.1.0 patch notes
krefi ::
kako najhitrjr nalevelat powe od 260 naprej do ene 290 ?
Expansion je zunaj!
Destiny 2 Update 1.1.0 patch notes
kje se pogleda ogralni cas ?
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
krefi ::
kje bi lahko videl katere stvari so najbolj op za hunterja?
e3 1231v3|asus gtx 970 strix OC edition|2x8gb kingston|
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
cosair rm650| crucial 500gb|fractal define s
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
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» | Shadow of War (Shadow of Mordor 2) (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Igre | 11484 (4582) | oo7 |
» | Destiny (strani: 1 2 3 )Oddelek: Igre | 20849 (12184) | Zmajc |