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The DaVinci Code

The DaVinci Code


Kaboom ::

hmmm, na duobleknightbooks ne najdem gesla... dlje pa se mi ne da...
Če se zatakne - pritisni močneje. Če se zlomi - bil je skrajni čas za nakup novega.

BaRtMaN ::

Isto sem se spraševal sam - poglej na prvo stran teme.

Jackal ::

Pa ne da je že spet treba klicat....
:( ;(( :O :'(
Je kdo klical na koncu?
A ti čestitajo al je spet kak url?
Walking the way is something completely different than imagining the way.

Sid Izprijeni ::

Jaz sem poklical za foro. Itak je blo po sedmi in minuta je mislim da pod 30 SIT. No, traja kake pol minute in tip naredi reklamo za knjigo.

Mal brezveze, ampak drugega itak ni za pričakovat. Sploh je pa to vendar ena bolj zanimivih reklam dosedaj!
The true challenge of Creation lies not in the engineering...
...but rather in the ability to control one's project.

mare_ ::

Ja, jaz sem na koncu tud klical. Pač, čestita ti in naredi reklamo:D :D

Keyser Soze ::

In kaj ti pove tist "Andrea Botticelli" po mailu?

Meni namreč ne odgovori.

mare_ ::

Kater je to, prvi al drug mail?

Keyser Soze ::

Ma tisti prvi.

P.S.: Sem mislil, da je res kakšna uganka. NE pa skomercializirano sranje.

mare_ ::

Thank you for writing. I apologize for this automated
response, but I am currently in Florence attempting
to locate the key to "The Prophecy" - an encoded
parchment that may have been written by Leonardo Da
Vinci. I will respond to your message upon my return.


Robert Langdon


If this is you, DON'T erase this email - I can only
send it once. Something terrible has happened. I was
attacked outside my hotel, and the parchment was
stolen! I think the thieves intend to auction it on-
line. I don't have reliable web access here, and I
need your help. You must find this auction
immediately and track down the parchment. Here are
the two best art-related auction sites:


When you search, you should definitely include the
initials "LSPDV" because they are so rare. Please do
everything in your power to locate the parchment
soon - I must get it back. I'm getting very close to
uncovering the key to the code.

- Robert

----------- Original message follows -----------

Tody ::

Jah fol se ne bol lih tok trudu za kr neki (:

mare_ ::

No, knjiga je postala popularna, prebral so jo tut moji kolegi in sem jim pokazal še tole igrco. No, in očitno so naredl še en del:D. Je sicer velik krajši in velik težji, pa tut mišljen je bil kot nagradna igra, k se je že zdavnej končala... Ampak, vseeno, men je blo sicer bolj kr neki, mogoče bo pa komu, ki je rešu originalni "web quest", všeč ;)

link je isti kot je v 1. postu

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: mare_ ()

andper ::

Ja, meni je bila všeč tudi druga serija. Hvala, ker si opozoril. :)

mlamat ::

Tole mi je dones pisal sam Noam Chomsky:

These are more than theories. A great deal has been conceded by former CIA head William Colby in congressional testimony, which led to an important congressional report by the Pike Committee. THe CIA was deeply involved in undermining democracy in Italy, and probably supporting right-wing terror and coup attempts, into the 1970s, when the record runs dry. Haven't read Yallop, but there is a lot of literature about it, including a new book by Daniele Ganser called, I think, Gladio. There's another a few years ago by Edward Herman and O'Sullivan, called The Bulgarian Connection. And a lot in Italian.

Noam Chomsky

At 10:26 AM 9/13/2004 -0400, you wrote:

> Hello from Slovenia.
> I know you write and speak a lot about USA military operations in Central
> America, but have you written about or do you accept the "theories" of CIA operations
> in Italy against left-wing parties (communism) in the 80's? Have you read the
> book: In God's name by David Yallop ... the laundering of CIA money in the
> Vatican bank Ambrosiano... ? If you have ... sorry, I haven't read a lot of your
> earlier work...
> Bye

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