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Tesla 3

Tesla 3

Temo vidijo: vsi
46 / 183

Utk ::

masevc je izjavil:

Utk je izjavil:

Pa ves v kolkih primerih ne bo napajanja pa da ne bi bila tolk razbita, da jih z mehansko kljuko pa bi lahko odprl? A mislis da vsak dotik prekine vso napajanje? V kolkih primerih je danes problem, ker se nekateri vozijo zaklenjeni?
Zakaj ne vidite problemov danasnjih avtov? So idealni? Najdite kaksno prednost samo elektricne kljuke, ce ste objektivni.

Kako odpres taka vrata v avtu pod vodo? Torej poplavljen do amena

A nisi videl na posnetku? Gumb pritisneš.

Utk ::

Bmw kvaliteta ni tako zanimiva: https://siol.net/avtomoto/novice/zatakn...

RedDrake ::

Utk je izjavil:

Bmw kvaliteta ni tako zanimiva: https://siol.net/avtomoto/novice/zatakn...

Ziher se je kaj mehanskega pokvarilo. In to očitno več stvari na enkrat, da revež še v ler ni mogu vržt avtomatika.
Elektronika nikoli ne crkne, baje, čeprav so novi avti praktično fly-by-wire ...

BigWhale ::

To je morali iti nekaj katastrofalno narobe. Ce se ti plin zatakne, lahko se vedno bremzas ali pa ugasnes avto. Tudi keyless sistemi imajo moznost override-a in samo drzis tipko stop.

DamijanD ::

Ta je še boljša :-)
Ampak gre za predelan avto za invalide...

WarpedGone ::

Nemci hvalijo Model 3, nimajo pojma o avtih!
Čaki... ne... ja ... ne ne...

Das Model 3 ist Teslas neues Glanzstück

Each sub-assembly system was put to the test, but the testers were especially impressed by the power electronics. Compact, expandable, fully integrated, modular, easily accessible, well-protected, reasonably priced and astonishingly clever in many details - that was the verdict of the experts, to which colleagues from other manufacturers also agreed.

A friend of mine works for a small EV-research subsidiary of BMW in Munich and he told me just last week that they reversed engineered a Model 3. He was severely impressed by the technology and said it was years ahead of BMW has to offer...
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

Zgodovina sprememb…

Magic1 ::

Noben ne pluva čez električni sklop Tesle. Problem je vse ostalo.

WarpedGone ::

The Model 3 is not perfect. Mine gave me a warning message for the airbag. Tesla replaced the cover. They most likely didn't make the part themselves. But while they were fixing it, they loaned me a BMW 430C. If Tesla ever gets to the point that they can make cars faster than they can sell them, they should keep a new BMW on the lot, offer people test drives in a BMW and then have them drive the Model 3. Or they can drive the Model 3 first. I really don't care. It will save people the trouble of visiting a BMW dealership.

I'm not even going to bother commenting on the difference. I encourage anybody interested to make the comparison and draw conclusions from that.

I'm not familiar with every model that BMW makes, nor have I driven most of them. But nobody looking to buy a car should care about that. Try it for yourself.

Noben ne pluva čez električni sklop Tesle.

Šur da ne... tesla bricked ... stranded, "je ostal sredi križišča" (si bil ti al pa fpbs).
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

Zgodovina sprememb…

Okapi ::

Prijatelj od soseda pozna enega, ki dela za BMW, in je rekel, da ...:))

s1m0n ::

A friend of mine works for a small EV-research subsidiary of BMW in Munich and he told me just last week that they reversed engineered a Model 3. He was severely impressed by the technology and said it was years ahead of BMW has to offer...

Dobro elektronsko ni nič posebnega, da bi bili presenečeni. Tehnologija, ki stoji zadaj je utrjene že desetletja vsaj kar se pogonskega sklepa tiče. Ostalo pa so tak samo zasloni pa UI. Možgani elektronike pa so tak stvar okusa in si jih bi vsak proizvajalec po svoje razlagal.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: s1m0n ()

WarpedGone ::

Hehe ... ko je pljuvanje, pljuvamo pljuvamo pljuvamo pljuvamo.
Ko je pohvala, razlagamo da to ni nič posebnega.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

s1m0n ::

Pol nam pa razloži?

Programsko, strojno ali kaj od tega je tehnološko uh pa joj, da so pri BMW bili presenečeni?
Itak, da ni nič slabega, če je stvar dobra ampak to še ne pomeni, da je tehnološki višek. HW, ki te stvari poganja pa že moderni telefoni prehitijo.

WarpedGone ::

Ne vem, vprašaj BMW.
Ki so motor v svojem i3 tolk zajebal, da so jih moral zamenjat komplet vse v cca 30.000 prvih primerih, v novejših so pa znižali max navor pri nižjih hitrostih da stvar preživi.
Al pa nissan, ki še vedno ni uspel sestavit baterije, ki nebi bila v parih letih fuč.

Stvar je simpl samo za gostilniškim pultom, v praksi pa tipično ne veš česa vsega ne veš.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

VaeVictis ::

s1m0n je izjavil:

A friend of mine works for a small EV-research subsidiary of BMW in Munich and he told me just last week that they reversed engineered a Model 3. He was severely impressed by the technology and said it was years ahead of BMW has to offer...

Dobro elektronsko ni nič posebnega, da bi bili presenečeni. Tehnologija, ki stoji zadaj je utrjene že desetletja vsaj kar se pogonskega sklepa tiče. Ostalo pa so tak samo zasloni pa UI. Možgani elektronike pa so tak stvar okusa in si jih bi vsak proizvajalec po svoje razlagal.

A friend of mine works for BMW service centre in Munich and he told me, that he saw a broken Model 3. He was severely baffled that something so terribly made can be put on the market by an automobile manufacturer. The quality was worse than LADA in 80s or Yugo. He and his coworkers laughed that this was even compared to their products, especially i3. They mentioned that if BMW would make only 1500 cars per week so poorly made, people would tear them a new one. He also said that it is good to be a Tesla employee, cause you will earn all the bonuses for working overtime just to fixing the thing which should be made better in the beginning.

BigWhale ::

WarpedGone je izjavil:

Al pa nissan, ki še vedno ni uspel sestavit baterije, ki nebi bila v parih letih fuč.

Nissan ma se zmeri probleme z baterijami? Se mi je zdel, da je bil problem bolj z zacetnimi baterijami iz leta 2011/12 in da so do 2014 ze odpravil zadeve.

TribesMan ::

WarpedGone je izjavil:

Ne vem, vprašaj BMW.
Ki so motor v svojem i3 tolk zajebal, da so jih moral zamenjat komplet vse v cca 30.000 prvih primerih, v novejših so pa znižali max navor pri nižjih hitrostih da stvar preživi.

ActiveE... ne i3.
Moj kompjuter dela: KVIIIIK ... KVIIIK ... KVIIIK.

Ko ga navijem dela: KVIKKVIKKIVKKVIK. :)

TribesMan ::

Also... ~700 vehicles.

30.000 i3 je blo "vpoklicanih" zaradi težav z:
Moj kompjuter dela: KVIIIIK ... KVIIIK ... KVIIIK.

Ko ga navijem dela: KVIKKVIKKIVKKVIK. :)

DamijanD ::

WarpedGone ::

Še en vernik / sektaš / fanboy / bedak / zaslepljenec / XYZ :
TMC Forum Readers - I took delivery of my Model 3 on 2/14 and thought I would pen a quick post on my initial impressions, hoping that some of my points might be new to others. Now a little background before I get into it...

I have been part of the forum for 2 years now, when I was serious about getting a Tesla and wanted to learn all I could. I then became a bit obsessed with the site and checked it multiple times a day about the MX (which I ordered and took delivery of 75D in July 2016). It's how I learned what I could about the car that I ordered sight unseen and undriven! Now rinse and repeat with the M3 so I thought why not share with others in hopes it answers some of your questions.

Delivery Experience (Orlando SC) - Much more personal this time around, which was a nice change from 2016.
Fit and Finish - I'm no engineer or architect but I did check the car throughly as I did my MX in 2016. Honestly was perfect to me. Know others have made comments about panel gaps but everything looked just fine.
Ride - So yes it doesn't have air suspension but the ride feels great to me. It is "rougher" but it really just feels more sporty to me, nothing to complain about here.
Feels tighter and more nimble than the MX and I thought that was a sports car drive, but this feels more so. Probably helps the smaller size and sitting lower to the ground. But drives great.
Night Driving - Boy that get's some getting used to for sure, but I found a setting where you can turn the lights "on" for the steering wheel arrows. That helped a lot so recommend that.
HUD - Yep, will want to get one I think once somebody figures it out. I know I will get used to glancing to the right for speed, just think something else there in front of you will help. It's not a must have but I would like it after driving for a few days.
Rear View Mirror - I've read lots of comments about the visibility here and I think it is fine. Yes the mirror is small but I got used to that with the MX. And yes if a car is right on your bumper you won't see their headlights but honestly that's better than getting half blinded by them. Again, don't think this is a concern at all.
AP2.5 - Coming from AP 1.0 it generally seems just as good, sometimes better. There are spots on the drive from Orlando to Tampa (I4) where the concrete is so washed white and the lines are also white that my MX would have trouble with it. Not AP2.5, it worked like a champ.
Windshield wipers - Having to fumble thru the screen to change the windshield wipers seemed like a terrible idea before driving, not safe. But what I didn't realize was that a quick one wipe can be easily executed from the turn signal stock so this is a non-issue to me.
Changing cruising speed - I was worried not having the dedicated stock for AP/Cruise. Changing the speed is pretty easy on the screen, it's right under the speedometer.
Engaging/Disengaging AP - Similar concern from above but not an issue. To engage, you pull down twice on the gear shifter. To disengage, either take over the gas/break/wheel or push up once on the gear shifter.
Missing the energy details - I agree with others that they don't have enough options yet to see the energy usage. I particularly like in the MX seeing what I have driven since the car started, and since the last charge. There is a trip view in M3 like on the big screen in the MX, but it's not the same. I did find though that the one energy graph that folks are probably used to (the circular one with the spikes) kinda exists in the M3. Right below the speedometer is a thin line. It changes left to right based on energy usage!
Tires are all the same! - Coming from the MX where the front and back are different, this really hurts the miles you get out of them since you can't rotate them. Happy to see they are the same size here and hopefully can get more miles before having to replace them.
I'm not a tall guy (5'11") but I have long legs and like the seat way back. Doing this means the person behind you, if they have decent size feet (8-9+) will be a bit cramped. Knee space is fine, just foot space a bit of a challenge.
Glass Roof and Heat - Living in Florida, was worried about the all glass roof and heat. Initial impressions (traveled 2 hours in the car in 85+ degree heat) are no issues, seems to be just fine. Unlike the MX and it's huge front windshield which we had heat issues with, this seems ok.
HVAC is Strong - In our MX this is kinda weak especially for the 2nd and 3rd row. Not so here, plenty of air strength.
Cigarette Lighter - They need to fix this. It's located under the armrest, which is normal. Two issues - One they didn't leave a slot under the armrest where the cord can come thru while the armrest is down and two, when you plug anything of size into the lighter, you can't keep the tray that comes with it there. No space. While I don't see using this much, if you have a radar detector (for example) and want to plug in here it will be ugly.
Interior PUP footwell lights are weak IMO - I didn't have this with the MX so I don't have anything to compare to, but the footwell lights seem way too weak. Will probably update those at some point.
Rear HVAC is Smart - Like the MX, it only turns on when it detects somebody sitting in the back seat. Nice!
Built in Phone Charger ROCKS! - I have read lots of post about trying to put a wireless charging pad here but honestly it's not needed. They finally made this charger usable! In the MX, I would have to take my case off to make it charge, not so here. Now I have a very minimal case but it still works which is a nice improvement.
Frunk Light Weak - This one is really weak but not sure it can be replaced as it also doubles as a push button to open the frunk from the inside.
Charge rate much faster - With my MX on a 50A circuit (charging at 40A) at home, I would get about 27 miles an hour. With M3, I now get around 33!
Efficiency YEAH! - As I kinda expected but was still impressed, great efficiency compared to MX. I would normally on the highway run around 350-360 usage in the MX and with my 1 road trip so far was about 260. I am not a driver that looks to eek out every mile, rather I just drive how I did with an ICE car. Generally 8 miles over the limit with AC at 72/73. So in the MX I could expect to get about 87% of the range the MX said I had while my experience with the M3 is 97% under same conditions!
Missing or Haven't figured out yet
Can't find the calendar. I really only used this to pull up addresses for upcoming appointments but I can't seem to find it on the M3. Hope they bring it back with a software update.
Manual - Can't find this either. Was looking for it as I tried to figure things out on the car and couldn't find it. Again assume they will add in a future update.

Hope the above helps and maybe in some areas you hadn't heard from before. Let me know any questions or clarifications I can provide. It is a great car and worth the wait if you can wait...
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

Zgodovina sprememb…

koyotee ::

Pa kaj ti to pomaga, če dobiš avto 2020? Da se naučiš na pamet prej?
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

WarpedGone ::

Če bi bil prej pameten, bi ga prej dobil.
Dlje kot si 'pameten', kasnej ga boš pač dobil.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

hojnikb ::

ALi bo pa še bolj pameten in bo počakal, da pofixajo vse kinke in kupo vsaj napol delujoč izdelek. Vmes pač furaš golfa, megana _vstavi poljuben avto_

VaeVictis ::

s1m0n ::

Popravilo ni poceni, rezervni deli so dragi...

Okapi ::

Hebiga, dobri pospeški, drago zavarovanje>:D

WarpedGone ::

Tesla Model 3 dyno:

Očitno deklarirana max moč (259 HP) velja za daljše časovno obdobje (sustained).
Izmerjen peak power med pospeševanjem je 393 HP pri 110 kmh/h (fudge-factor dinamometra ni znan).
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

hojnikb ::


Gregor P ::

Na srečo za Teslo, to večino njihovih uporabnikov ne moti oz. ne zanima.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Vazelin ::

Jah navdušence verjetno niti ne moti. Ko bo vsa stvar v "serijski proizvodnji" bo tudi tole porihtano (razmaki med deli manjši, barvanje natančno, prtljažnik pokrov obdelan). Vedno rabiš navdušence tipa warpedone v prvi fazi.

hammock ::

hojnikb je izjavil:


Bolece za gledat. Po drugi strani pa sem zadnjic v Nissanovem salonu gledal nekega SUVja (manjsega, ne vem kaj) in sem prav tako bil razocaran. Neenakomerni razmaki med paneli levo/desno, poleg tega pa na treh mestih paneli niso bili poravnani po visini. Najslabsi je letel vsaj 3mm mimo, kar sem opazil od dva metra dalec. Ok, res sem iskal napake, pa vseeno... to je ne najcenejsi japonski avto, made in UK. Clovek bi mislil da bo na koncu linije stal nekdo z gumjastim kladivom in korigiral taksne zadeve.

Vazelin ::

Če hočete minimalne razmike bo treba po Audija.:)

VaeVictis ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

Na srečo za Teslo, to večino njihovih uporabnikov ne moti oz. ne zanima.

Večina trenutnih Tesla kupcev se itak ne sekira, ker so že imeli prej Teslo in so navajeni takih zadev.

BigWhale ::

Mene je mal presenetil, da vrata prtlaznika niso spodaj pobarvana. Karoserija se ponavadi barva tako, da cel 'avto' potopijo v barvo.

mikhaair ::

Tisto je zascita kamoar potopijo, ne barva.

BigWhale ::

Res je, ja. No, vseen potem roboti vse pobarvajo in ne spuscajo vrat.

Andre ::

Pri VW Golfu tudi ne barvajo več pod pokrovom motorja, je samo v temeljni barvi.
To je najboljša slika, ki sem jo našel:

Isotropic ::

tisto s potapljanjem je vroče cinkanje

Utk ::

Kje tocno niso pobarvana? Tam kjer ni vidno je malokater pobarvan, pod tapeto.

s1m0n ::

A bodo M3 za EU trg in druge "mokre, snežne" kraje zaščiteni pred rjavenjem?

s1m0n ::

Andre je izjavil:

Pri VW Golfu tudi ne barvajo več pod pokrovom motorja, je samo v temeljni barvi.

To je verjetno takšen, ki ni za prodajo ampak "testen".
Sem par dni nazaj odpiral pokrov novega Golfa VII pa je vse pod pokrovom pobarvano v barvi vozila!

Zdaj, če so začeli drugače pa naj saj tak nihče ne gleda vsak dan pod pokrov :)
Isto pri M3 kdo bo pa tam gledal.

BigWhale ::

Saj z nekega funkcionalnega vidika je taksno barvanje nepotrebno, mogoce iz estetskega, bi blo pa zanimivo videti kolk se prispara, ce taksno barvanje izpustijo. Casovno in denarno.

Okapi ::

Avto je malo lažji, prihrani tudi lastnik.

s1m0n ::

Saj tudi, če se voziš brez oblačil je lažji :)
Ni to nek prihranek :)

bambam20 ::

BigWhale je izjavil:

Saj z nekega funkcionalnega vidika je taksno barvanje nepotrebno, mogoce iz estetskega, bi blo pa zanimivo videti kolk se prispara, ce taksno barvanje izpustijo. Casovno in denarno.

Še nisem videl avtomobila, kjer bi izpustili barvanje.

krucymucy ::

hojnikb je izjavil:


To je dobro za prodajo rabljenega vozila. Tudi ce bo vozilo poskodovano se ne bo videlo.

Sicer pa lahko tudi o passatu marsikatero napisem o koncni kvaliteti.

bambam20 je izjavil:

BigWhale je izjavil:

Saj z nekega funkcionalnega vidika je taksno barvanje nepotrebno, mogoce iz estetskega, bi blo pa zanimivo videti kolk se prispara, ce taksno barvanje izpustijo. Casovno in denarno.

Še nisem videl avtomobila, kjer bi izpustili barvanje.

V notranjosti ni nobeden barvan.
Mogoce so bili vcasih, ko si imel se pol notranjosti v barvi vozila. Pa se takrat dvomim da so bili barvani pod tepihi.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: krucymucy ()

xxxul ::

ce rpav razumem je tle problem pri Tesli ker ni barvano tam kjer lastnik vidi (sploh ker pritljaznik naceloma clovek uporablja skor vsak dan). ce bi bla tam cez neka plastika verjetno nebi noben opazu, it nebi bili problema.

bambam20 ::

xxxul je izjavil:

ce rpav razumem je tle problem pri Tesli ker ni barvano tam kjer lastnik vidi (sploh ker pritljaznik naceloma clovek uporablja skor vsak dan). ce bi bla tam cez neka plastika verjetno nebi noben opazu, it nebi bili problema.

A tisti neenakomerni razmiki na koreseriji te pa ne motijo. To je takšen polizdelek kot je bil Yugo.

krucymucy ::

bambam20 je izjavil:

A tisti neenakomerni razmiki na koreseriji te pa ne motijo. To je takšen polizdelek kot je bil Yugo.

Malo se umiri ...
jaz bom pa nalepil par fotografij.

bambam20 ::

krucymucy je izjavil:

bambam20 je izjavil:

A tisti neenakomerni razmiki na koreseriji te pa ne motijo. To je takšen polizdelek kot je bil Yugo.

Malo se umiri ...
jaz bom pa nalepil par fotografij.

Sem povsem miren. Nisem jaz tisti, ki izgublja dnevno milijone. :P

Kater polizdelek si dal? Seata, Škodo Fabio?

krucymucy ::

VW B8 2016 letnik.

V notranjosti je razen predalcka oz. pepelnika vrhunski.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: krucymucy ()
46 / 183