Forum » Igre » Grand Theft Auto VI
Grand Theft Auto VI
Horas ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Ce ga dobim zastonj, tako kot sem GTA 5, potem kul. Kupovati ga ne mislim.
seveda, saj bo na travniki.
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
hipertija ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Ah ne, sem ga za Steam dobil zastonj. Se splaca poznati ljudi, ki so opisovalci iger.![]()
Uau kak fajn, za 70EUR si se ti zdej ven "fuknu". Pa koga boli spodnji kje si dobil igrco in kako? Hvala bogu da te ne poznam preseratorja. Jaz pa z veseljem plačam igro, v katero je bil vložen trud (in sam ne piši, da sem ti fouš, ker ti res nisem - še najmanj pa tvojga preseravanja). Gta iv in GTA V sem še dolgo po izidu prižgal in si sproščal tako ali drugače misli. Če greš v gostilno sprostit misli s 70EUR boš častil par pijač in se drug dan zbudil brez njih, malce omotičen morda, ti si pa zdj car ker ti je en jack častu igrco.
Kire igrce ti je še kej zrihtu? Dej povej, da bomo vedli vsi tu gor.
Prekle za kurnk
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: hipertija ()
hipertija ::
Zard 70€ al ka? Butthurt je, da moreš met "kolega", ki ti opisuje igrce, da jo dobiš free. Sicer pa dej ti pejd v vrtec komu razlagat.
Prekle za kurnk
Kayzon ::
Ah gta igre niso vec dobre odkar je prisel GTA4 ven. Ta je imel res dobro fiziko in se kar napeto zgodbo,ampak linearne in ponavljajoce misije niso bile za nikamor. Ko smo dobili GTA5 si pa videl da ne mislijo izboljsat nicesar,razen grafike. Se sama fizika je bila zelo slabsa od stirke. Pa glede na to da leta 2020 se zgodi:
"Who were the key people to leave Rockstar?
Rockstar is losing one of its most important employees. It's also losing a co-founder. Dan Houser, Rockstar's vice president for creative, will be exiting the company in approximately a month."
Plus dodamo da se potanovem rockstar zavzema za to da ne uzali manjsin ali cesarkoli,bo novi GTA po vsej verjetnosti kar dokaj WOKE. Ker srz gta iger je bilo norcevanje ameriske druzbe,norcevanje levih in desnih,manjsin in vsega moznega. Ce tega ni igra zgubi ves svoj car.
"Who were the key people to leave Rockstar?
Rockstar is losing one of its most important employees. It's also losing a co-founder. Dan Houser, Rockstar's vice president for creative, will be exiting the company in approximately a month."
Plus dodamo da se potanovem rockstar zavzema za to da ne uzali manjsin ali cesarkoli,bo novi GTA po vsej verjetnosti kar dokaj WOKE. Ker srz gta iger je bilo norcevanje ameriske druzbe,norcevanje levih in desnih,manjsin in vsega moznega. Ce tega ni igra zgubi ves svoj car.
Gagatronix ::
V GTA4 so absolutno prevec pretiravali v smeri realizma kar se voznega modela in fizike tice.
Kayzon ::
Meni je pa glih to bilo vsec, da ima igra dejansko tezo. Tudi sama vozila so bila tezka za voziti ,dokler se nisi naucil kako upravljati z njimi. Sami pretepi so bili boljsi,pa streljanje itd...
Linko ::
oo7 ::
Grand Theft Auto VI: Take-Two CEO confirms the release of 'several groundbreaking titles' in early 2024 and 2025
oo7 ::
No ja lahko bi bila tudi katera druga igra ?
Take-two ima trenutno v izdelavi 52 iger. Njihove največje franšize so
BioShock series
Borderlands series
Civilization series
Grand Theft Auto series
Mafia series
Max Payne series
NBA 2K series
PGA Tour 2K series
Red Dead series
WWE 2K series
XCOM series
Take-two ima trenutno v izdelavi 52 iger. Njihove največje franšize so
BioShock series
Borderlands series
Civilization series
Grand Theft Auto series
Mafia series
Max Payne series
NBA 2K series
PGA Tour 2K series
Red Dead series
WWE 2K series
XCOM series
oo7 ::
GTA 6 "needs to be something you've never seen before" says Take-Two CEO
oo7 ::
The actor considered the voice of the protagonist in GTA 6 is teasing the community again. His conversation with a former Rockstar Games employee featured the themes of Miami, car theft and nightclubs.
oo7 ::
Heker kateri je leakal GTA 6 je ocenjen kot duševno nesposoben za sojenje.
oo7 ::
GTA 6 marca 2025 ?
GTA 6 is coming March 2025, Rockstar parent company teases
GTA 6 is coming March 2025, Rockstar parent company teases
hipertija ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Dokler bodo z GTA5 Online in Shark card-i sluzili...![]()
točno tako, po drugi strani pa, kdo bi jim zameril? Osebno se še vedno vsake toliko časa spravim za comp in free roamam po mapi... nikoli pa nisem bil pristaš online v seriji gta online. Igra je po vseh letih še vedno daleč pred kakšno drugo.
Škoda mi je edino za WATCH DOGS, predvsem da nikoli ni podpiral moddov!
Prekle za kurnk
ahac ::
GTA6 bo itak za PC šele z vsaj 1 leto zamude...
Rockstar never fails to disappoint.
Rockstar never fails to disappoint.
Slo-Tech Discord -
Kayzon ::
Bloomberg reports that in addition to trying to improve working conditions internally, the studio is also trying to be more culturally sensitive, especially since American culture has become, as the article puts it, a parody of itself in modern times. GTA games, parodies of American culture dialed up to 11, have been criticized in the past for their misogynistic treatment of women and offensive jokes that target marginalized communities. A playable female lead is apparently part of trying to address that.
Bloomberg reports that in addition to trying to improve working conditions internally, the studio is also trying to be more culturally sensitive, especially since American culture has become, as the article puts it, a parody of itself in modern times. GTA games, parodies of American culture dialed up to 11, have been criticized in the past for their misogynistic treatment of women and offensive jokes that target marginalized communities. A playable female lead is apparently part of trying to address that.
Gagatronix ::
Gagatronix je izjavil:
Dokler bodo z GTA5 Online in Shark card-i sluzili...![]()
točno tako, po drugi strani pa, kdo bi jim zameril? Osebno se še vedno vsake toliko časa spravim za comp in free roamam po mapi... nikoli pa nisem bil pristaš online v seriji gta online. Igra je po vseh letih še vedno daleč pred kakšno drugo.
Škoda mi je edino za WATCH DOGS, predvsem da nikoli ni podpiral moddov!
Watch Dogs hitro postane dolgocasen.
Horas ::
Bloomberg reports that in addition to trying to improve working conditions internally, the studio is also trying to be more culturally sensitive, especially since American culture has become, as the article puts it, a parody of itself in modern times. GTA games, parodies of American culture dialed up to 11, have been criticized in the past for their misogynistic treatment of women and offensive jokes that target marginalized communities. A playable female lead is apparently part of trying to address that.
za kozlat.
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
oo7 ::
Bloomberg reports that in addition to trying to improve working conditions internally, the studio is also trying to be more culturally sensitive, especially since American culture has become, as the article puts it, a parody of itself in modern times. GTA games, parodies of American culture dialed up to 11, have been criticized in the past for their misogynistic treatment of women and offensive jokes that target marginalized communities. A playable female lead is apparently part of trying to address that.
za kozlat.
Dan Hauser pisec zgodb GTA 3, Vice city, GTA 4 , GTA V , Red dead redemption in Red dead redemption 2 je leta 2020 zapustil Rockstar tako, da zna biti, da to ne bo več to :(
ahac ::
Ja, dober writing je ko med izredno dolgočasno misijo, kjer se sicer nič ne zgodi, glavni lik 5 minut govori o tem kako ga bo kdo komu potegnil...
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()
hendriks ::
Đizs, tole lgbt/feministično sranje se je zažrlo v čisto vse pore.. Očitno res ne bomo kupovali novih iger, ampak igrali stare..
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: hendriks ()
hipertija ::
za mene bi bil dovolj map expand gta 5-ke. Grafika je solidna, kaka San Fiero mapa in bi bil mir nadaljnjih 5 let :D
Prekle za kurnk
oo7 ::
Kayzon ::
Ajde djmo woke greznjco na stran,rockstar ima problem linearbosti v svojih sandbox igrah. Kljub temu da se lahko peljes gor dol,se misije resuje tako enolicno da postane vse skupaj zelo ponavljajoce. Kle me vedno zgubijo,saj nisem koncal niti ene gta igre.
oo7 ::
Izgubili še enega pisca.
GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption writer seemingly leaves Rockstar after 16 years
It has been reported that Vice President of writing at Rockstar Games, Michael Unsworth, has left the company after 16 years. Unsworth is best known for writing on both entries in the Red Dead Redemption series, Grand Theft Auto 4 and Grant Theft Auto 5, L.A. Noire and Max Payne 3.
GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption writer seemingly leaves Rockstar after 16 years
It has been reported that Vice President of writing at Rockstar Games, Michael Unsworth, has left the company after 16 years. Unsworth is best known for writing on both entries in the Red Dead Redemption series, Grand Theft Auto 4 and Grant Theft Auto 5, L.A. Noire and Max Payne 3.
oo7 ::
Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick o tem kdaj naj bi izšla igra GTA VI - "We leave the announcement of upcoming titles to our developers, but we said that we have a very solid list of titles and great prospects for fiscal year 2025 [April 2024 to March 2025 - ed. note]. We reiterated our belief that we will generate about $8 billion," he said.
Računajo na to, da bodo zaslužili 8 milijard $ s prodajo igre GTA VI ? Nič čudnega, da imajo budget 2 milijardi $.
Računajo na to, da bodo zaslužili 8 milijard $ s prodajo igre GTA VI ? Nič čudnega, da imajo budget 2 milijardi $.
Skyman ::
Ta tema je res bedna... itak vsi neki spekulirajo da se jim dvigne.Ko bo bo do takrat pa GTA V
oo7 ::
Take-Two je lastnik Rockstar games in franšize GTA tako, da špekuliranje CEO Strauss Zelnicka je malo drugače kot navadnih leakerjev.
Gagatronix ::
Ah, se vidi, da ste nekateri res otroci. Take-two si lasti Rockstar Interactive. Rockstar Interactive je bivsi DMG Design.
oo7 ::
GTA 6 Set to Feature Joe Rogan Podcasts on In-Game Radio Stations!
Nič potrjenega mogoče bo res mogoče ne... apparently there's a leaked voice note from the Take 2 interactive CEO where he discusses the release for GTA 6 , he says 'An announcement is expected very soon this October 23rd' 'the next GTA is expected to launch in October 24'
Nič potrjenega mogoče bo res mogoče ne... apparently there's a leaked voice note from the Take 2 interactive CEO where he discusses the release for GTA 6 , he says 'An announcement is expected very soon this October 23rd' 'the next GTA is expected to launch in October 24'
oo7 ::
Nekdo je glede na pozicijo lune napovedal, da bodo jutri uradno najavili igro GTA VI ? ![:))](
Horas ::
nalašč ali
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
oo7 ::
ahac ::
Važno, da se že 7 let zabavate pri teh ugibanjih, ki se v 99% izkažejo za napačna.
Slo-Tech Discord -
Horas ::
kakorkol že še vedno uživamo v 5ki ane
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
Gagatronix ::
Jaz se petke ze leta nisem dotaknil. Online nisem nikdar spilal ker ni "my cup of tea".
oo7 ::
Grand Theft Auto 6 has been rated MA15+ on the Australian Classification board
oo7 ::
4chan leak
Trailer comes out 26.10.23
it's about a minute and a half...
Trailer comes out 26.10.23
it's about a minute and a half...
oo7 ::
GTA 6 naj bi bil najavljen še ta teden, prvi napovednik pa naj bi dobili decembra
oo7 ::
Zdaj je uradno šef Rockstarja Sam Houser potrdil,da v začetku decembra prvi trailer za igro GTA VI.