Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Datoteka
Deep_G ::
Je že imel kdo kakšno "bližnje srečanje" z datoteko img.js ki kroži po mailu? Jaz sem jo po po neumnem odrl. Sledilo je spreminjanje raznih datotek (word, excel, acad,itd....). Vse datoteke so dobile končnico .vvv. (npr. Text_1.docx.vvv). Kljub temu da končnico .vvv zbrišem ostane program za Word neprepoznaven.
Aja. Zraven sem poleg katastrofe dobil seveda tudi tolažilno pismo (SPODNJIH LINKOV NISEM ODPIRAL, TO NAREDITE NA LASTNO ODGOVORNOST):
What happened to your files ?
All of your files were protected by a strong encryption with RSA-2048.
More information about the encryption keys using RSA-2048 can be found here: RSA (cryptosystem) @ Wikipedia
What does this mean ?
This means that the structure and data within your files have been irrevocably changed, you will not be able to work with them, read them or see them,
it is the same thing as losing them forever, but with our help, you can restore them.
How did this happen ?
Especially for you, on our server was generated the secret key pair RSA-2048 - public and private.
All your files were encrypted with the public key, which has been transferred to your computer via the Internet.
Decrypting of your files is only possible with the help of the private key and decrypt program, which is on our secret server.
What do I do ?
Alas, if you do not take the necessary measures for the specified time then the conditions for obtaining the private key will be changed.
If you really value your data, then we suggest you do not waste valuable time searching for other solutions because they do not exist.
For more specific instructions, please visit your personal home page, there are a few different addresses pointing to your page below:
If for some reasons the addresses are not available, follow these steps:
1. Download and install tor-browser:
2. After a successful installation, run the browser and wait for initialization.
3. Type in the address bar: tw7kaqthui5ojcez.onion/9C664DE95358F9A
4. Follow the instructions on the site.
Your personal pages:
Your personal page (using TOR-Browser): tw7kaqthui5ojcez.onion/9C664DE95358F9A
Your personal identification number (if you open the site (or TOR-Browser's) directly): 9C664DE95358F9A
Lp. G.
Je že imel kdo kakšno "bližnje srečanje" z datoteko img.js ki kroži po mailu? Jaz sem jo po po neumnem odrl. Sledilo je spreminjanje raznih datotek (word, excel, acad,itd....). Vse datoteke so dobile končnico .vvv. (npr. Text_1.docx.vvv). Kljub temu da končnico .vvv zbrišem ostane program za Word neprepoznaven.
Aja. Zraven sem poleg katastrofe dobil seveda tudi tolažilno pismo (SPODNJIH LINKOV NISEM ODPIRAL, TO NAREDITE NA LASTNO ODGOVORNOST):
What happened to your files ?
All of your files were protected by a strong encryption with RSA-2048.
More information about the encryption keys using RSA-2048 can be found here: RSA (cryptosystem) @ Wikipedia
What does this mean ?
This means that the structure and data within your files have been irrevocably changed, you will not be able to work with them, read them or see them,
it is the same thing as losing them forever, but with our help, you can restore them.
How did this happen ?
Especially for you, on our server was generated the secret key pair RSA-2048 - public and private.
All your files were encrypted with the public key, which has been transferred to your computer via the Internet.
Decrypting of your files is only possible with the help of the private key and decrypt program, which is on our secret server.
What do I do ?
Alas, if you do not take the necessary measures for the specified time then the conditions for obtaining the private key will be changed.
If you really value your data, then we suggest you do not waste valuable time searching for other solutions because they do not exist.
For more specific instructions, please visit your personal home page, there are a few different addresses pointing to your page below:
If for some reasons the addresses are not available, follow these steps:
1. Download and install tor-browser:
2. After a successful installation, run the browser and wait for initialization.
3. Type in the address bar: tw7kaqthui5ojcez.onion/9C664DE95358F9A
4. Follow the instructions on the site.
Your personal pages:
Your personal page (using TOR-Browser): tw7kaqthui5ojcez.onion/9C664DE95358F9A
Your personal identification number (if you open the site (or TOR-Browser's) directly): 9C664DE95358F9A
Lp. G.
- spremenilo: Deep_G ()
anko ::
.jp datotek od neznanih, pa tudi od znanih pošiljateljev se po "defaultu" NE odpira.
Boš vedel za drugič
.jp datotek od neznanih, pa tudi od znanih pošiljateljev se po "defaultu" NE odpira.
Boš vedel za drugič
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: anko ()
MrGTO ::
Zato ker rešitve zaenkrat še ni =)
Edina rešitev, da pridobiš podatke nazaj je plačilo.. na žalost.
To namreč priporoča tudi FBI :/
Če plačas pa načeloma pošljejo programček s ključem, da si lahko odkleneš vse datoteke.
Edina rešitev, da pridobiš podatke nazaj je plačilo.. na žalost.
To namreč priporoča tudi FBI :/
Če plačas pa načeloma pošljejo programček s ključem, da si lahko odkleneš vse datoteke.
SimplTech ::
Do sedaj sem opazil 2 takšni sporočili v Spam folderju na Gmail accountu. Gmail poleg tega tudi jasno napiše da je priponka škodljiva in jo blokira.
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