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sesuvanje xpjev

fictionel ::
Mam en problem, k se mi vlece ze cca 1,5 leta. Racunalnik se mi skos sesuva, podira... krkol!
Bil je ze velikrat na servisu, ampak oni trdijo da ne najdejo nobene napake. Pa se dons lih ne bi cez servis pizdu...
V xpjih mi napise tele errorje:
2.) STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x8057237A, 0xBAE4EB54, 0x00000000)
Ti problemi se mi pojavljajo najvec ko mam odprt IE, Outlook exp. al pa Cstrike.
Lih ucer sm ponovno instalirov, zj se mi sesujejo s temi STOP-i sam se 2x/dan, ampak v IEju pa ne morm cist nc vec delat - pisem iz OPERE (tuki dela ql).
Na servisu so rekl, da ma moja plata tut ene probleme z ramom (chispet->ram)
abit kg7 raid
512 ddr rama
atlonXP 1700+
creative SBlive!
ibmov disk 40gb/7200
geforce 4200 (leadtek)
350w napajalnik
Prosm ce mi svetujete kaj narest. V mislih mam tut ze novo plato, sam ni kesa... Ce pa kdo hoce tole plato kupt, nj me pa kontaktira!
Mam en problem, k se mi vlece ze cca 1,5 leta. Racunalnik se mi skos sesuva, podira... krkol!
Bil je ze velikrat na servisu, ampak oni trdijo da ne najdejo nobene napake. Pa se dons lih ne bi cez servis pizdu...
V xpjih mi napise tele errorje:
2.) STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x8057237A, 0xBAE4EB54, 0x00000000)
Ti problemi se mi pojavljajo najvec ko mam odprt IE, Outlook exp. al pa Cstrike.
Lih ucer sm ponovno instalirov, zj se mi sesujejo s temi STOP-i sam se 2x/dan, ampak v IEju pa ne morm cist nc vec delat - pisem iz OPERE (tuki dela ql).
Na servisu so rekl, da ma moja plata tut ene probleme z ramom (chispet->ram)
abit kg7 raid
512 ddr rama
atlonXP 1700+
creative SBlive!
ibmov disk 40gb/7200
geforce 4200 (leadtek)
350w napajalnik
Prosm ce mi svetujete kaj narest. V mislih mam tut ze novo plato, sam ni kesa... Ce pa kdo hoce tole plato kupt, nj me pa kontaktira!

fictionel ::
medtem k sm iz sobe preganjov oso, se mi je spet sesul!!!
STOP: 0x0000004E (0x00000007, 0x0000427F, 0x00000001, 0x00000000)
na netu sm pa ugotovu, da error 8e povzroča slb ram, al pa slabi settingsi rama. any help?
aja; ram nj bi biu uredu (stestiran na drugi plati)
se errorji:
STOP: c0021a {fatal system error}
STOP: 0x00000023 (0x00e0100, 0xee772668, 0xee772668, 0xf846012b) - fastfat.sys
STOP: 0x0000004E (0x00000007, 0x0000427F, 0x00000001, 0x00000000)
na netu sm pa ugotovu, da error 8e povzroča slb ram, al pa slabi settingsi rama. any help?
aja; ram nj bi biu uredu (stestiran na drugi plati)
se errorji:
STOP: c0021a {fatal system error}
STOP: 0x00000023 (0x00e0100, 0xee772668, 0xee772668, 0xf846012b) - fastfat.sys
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fictionel ()

fictionel ::
najvecji problem je, da je computer se u garanciji in ma spet nalepko gor!
na servisu se jim pa itak nc ne da dopovedat/zment z njimi!
na servisu se jim pa itak nc ne da dopovedat/zment z njimi!

Highlag ::
Če imaš dve ploščici rama poizkusi samo z eno. Drugače pa snami z neta Memtest86 in preveri če spomin res ne dela težav. Celoten test (1 cikel) traja kar nekaj časa. Vendar zadeva preverjeno dobro preveri delovanje spomina.

Mr.B ::
Lepo shranjuj DMP datoteke, itd...Vse si zapisuj. Potem pa se lep odpelji do servisa, jim povej kje se nahajajo zadeve itd.. Če je v garanciji zadeva, ti morajo zamenjati,če ne pa lepo inšpekcija in odpelji računalnik na drug servis. Seveda nam povej kateri servis je to.
Dmp datoteka se naredi vsakič ko se ti skrešera, v event logu, pa imaš ponavadi, v odvisnosti od napake zapisan točno to kar si ti iz ekrana prebral. Sklepam da dmp datoteke itak ne bodo znali prebrati, zato bodo brali event log.
Dmp datoteka se naredi vsakič ko se ti skrešera, v event logu, pa imaš ponavadi, v odvisnosti od napake zapisan točno to kar si ti iz ekrana prebral. Sklepam da dmp datoteke itak ne bodo znali prebrati, zato bodo brali event log.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mr.B ()

fictionel ::
za vse to je kriv mlacom... ga ne nameravam niti z veliko pisat!
sam to se; ce nocte met problemov s servism&neprijaznim osebjem stran od njih!
kje pa so te dmp datoteke? bom pretestiru kasnej...
sam to se; ce nocte met problemov s servism&neprijaznim osebjem stran od njih!
kje pa so te dmp datoteke? bom pretestiru kasnej...

fictionel ::
zele sm pognov standardni test memtesta86...
pri testu št.5 je najdu cca 400 errorjev. evo opis testa:
Test 5 [Block move, 64 moves, cached]
This test stresses memory by using block move (movsl) instructions
and is based on Robert Redelmeier's burnBX test. Memory is initialized
with shifting patterns that are inverted every 8 bytes. Then 4MB blocks
of memory are moved around using the movsl instruction. After the moves
are completed the data patterns are checked. Because the data is checked
only after the memory moves are completed it is not possible to know
where the error occurred. The addresses reported are only for where the
bad pattern was found. Since the moves are constrained to a 8MB segment
of memory the failing address will always be lest than 8MB away from the
reported address. Errors from this test are not used to calculate
BadRAM patterns.
kaj nj bi blo to? in kaj narest?
a mislte da je kriva plata (amd 761 chipset), al ram???
pri testu št.5 je najdu cca 400 errorjev. evo opis testa:
Test 5 [Block move, 64 moves, cached]
This test stresses memory by using block move (movsl) instructions
and is based on Robert Redelmeier's burnBX test. Memory is initialized
with shifting patterns that are inverted every 8 bytes. Then 4MB blocks
of memory are moved around using the movsl instruction. After the moves
are completed the data patterns are checked. Because the data is checked
only after the memory moves are completed it is not possible to know
where the error occurred. The addresses reported are only for where the
bad pattern was found. Since the moves are constrained to a 8MB segment
of memory the failing address will always be lest than 8MB away from the
reported address. Errors from this test are not used to calculate
BadRAM patterns.
kaj nj bi blo to? in kaj narest?
a mislte da je kriva plata (amd 761 chipset), al ram???

mspiller ::
Skor zihr ram, oz njegova nekompatibilnost. Probi timing spremenit v biosu. Drugace pa na mlacom nesi pa jim magar screenshot pokazi (pa rec nej se sami probajo) ... pol se pa nej jebejo naprej... Pr mlacomu zaleze samo ce si taka pizda kokr so oni, tko da don't hold back... :)

fictionel ::
u zadno je zlo zalegl, k smo mal inspekcijo omenil.. so poj najdl napako na plat pa jo poslal na test, ampak je bla uredu.. pa ram tut...
so mi zamenal napajalnik
in kasna pizda nj bom natancneje?
so mi zamenal napajalnik

in kasna pizda nj bom natancneje?

Highlag ::
Pri kolegu sem zadevo rešil tako, da sem nastavil delilnik frekvence za delovanje spomina tako, da je bil enak FSB-ju procesorja (1:1 ....-> 266MHz) Čeprav je bil spomin hitrejši. Motherboard pa je mel NF7, verzijo 1.0 Drugače je vedno prihajalo do napak pri testiranju spomina in posledično tudi do sesuvanja. Ni pomagalo niti menjava spomina (čeprav sta bila oba modula enkrat zamenjana), ne menjanje slota v katerega sta bila modula za spomin vstavljena.

JP ::
Ti bodi na servisu kar tečen!!! Morajo zrihtat...
Kar pa se errorjev tiče... skoraj gotovo je ram...
A hardware driver or system service requested data that was not in memory, causing an exception error. The cause may be defective physical memory or incompatible software, especially remote control and antivirus programs. If the error occurs immediately after installing a device driver or application, try to use Safe Mode to remove the driver or uninstall the program.
Stop 0x0000000A or IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
A kernel-mode process or driver attempted to access a memory location without authorization. This Stop error is typically caused by faulty or incompatible hardware or software. The name of the offending device driver often appears in the Stop message and can provide an important clue to solving the problem. If the error message points to a specific device or category of devices, try removing or replacing devices in that category. If this Stop message appears during Setup, suspect an incompatible driver, system service, virus scanner, or backup program.
Samo toliko za prvi vtis...ram!
Lp by JP
Kar pa se errorjev tiče... skoraj gotovo je ram...
A hardware driver or system service requested data that was not in memory, causing an exception error. The cause may be defective physical memory or incompatible software, especially remote control and antivirus programs. If the error occurs immediately after installing a device driver or application, try to use Safe Mode to remove the driver or uninstall the program.
Stop 0x0000000A or IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
A kernel-mode process or driver attempted to access a memory location without authorization. This Stop error is typically caused by faulty or incompatible hardware or software. The name of the offending device driver often appears in the Stop message and can provide an important clue to solving the problem. If the error message points to a specific device or category of devices, try removing or replacing devices in that category. If this Stop message appears during Setup, suspect an incompatible driver, system service, virus scanner, or backup program.
Samo toliko za prvi vtis...ram!
Lp by JP
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