Forum » Loža » Ali se samozadovoljujete?
Ali se samozadovoljujete?

OmegaBlue ::
Se še jest uklopim u temo...
Če že drugega ne si pri samozadovoljevanju saj nabildaš roke
. Ne resno ne vidim nič slabeda v tem kot nekakšen "trening" za prevo "tekmo". Poleg tega pa naj bi koža na spodnji glavi otrdela v bistvu postala manj občutljiva, kar posledično pomeni da dalj časa zdržiš v postli se pravi na eno rundo.
Če že drugega ne si pri samozadovoljevanju saj nabildaš roke

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Mercier ::
...the following health problems are caused by masturbation:
1. Brain weakened
2. Cancerous tumors
4. Dropsy
5. Eye-sight weakened
6. Headache
7. Head decay
8. Insanity
9. Kidney disease
10. Liver disease
11. Lung disease
12. Memory loss
13. Nervous system damage
14. Neuralgia
15. Pains in the system
16. Premature death
17. Rheumatism
18. Spinal weakness/problems
ROTFLMAO!!! Ej, celo naselje sem zbudil z režanjem. Tole je bol noro od vseh klasičnih zdravstvenih svaril, ala dlakave dlani... Tale samozloraba je hujša od slovenskega alkoholizma.
BTW, kaj so Pains in the system? A to mislijo "drain system"?
1. Brain weakened
2. Cancerous tumors
4. Dropsy
5. Eye-sight weakened
6. Headache
7. Head decay
8. Insanity
9. Kidney disease
10. Liver disease
11. Lung disease
12. Memory loss
13. Nervous system damage
14. Neuralgia
15. Pains in the system
16. Premature death
17. Rheumatism
18. Spinal weakness/problems
ROTFLMAO!!! Ej, celo naselje sem zbudil z režanjem. Tole je bol noro od vseh klasičnih zdravstvenih svaril, ala dlakave dlani... Tale samozloraba je hujša od slovenskega alkoholizma.
BTW, kaj so Pains in the system? A to mislijo "drain system"?

Double_J ::
Praviš Vegi - vzdržnost od mesa!? Od živalskega, ženskega in lastnega!
Haha, samo sej je sam prikrajšan, če se tega vzdržuje.
Samo dvomim da, pomojem se kr lepo poslužuje tega + moralizira, kar je še dodaten užitek.

DavidJ ::
Iceman, tvoja hiperaktivnost ne govori v prid temu, da te zenske tolk zmatrajo ...

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'. "
- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')
- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')

undefined ::
> nekako se mi dozdeva da hoče ledenko povedat kokrat on seksa:)
Narobe. Samo hočem vam povedat, kaj je bolj zdravo. O sebi nisem prav ničesar zinil, niti ne vidim potrebe. Ker debata teče o drugi stvari, ne o osebnih izpovedih. Če pa kdo vidi potrebo, da pove stvar ali dve o sebi, pa kar z besedo na dan, bomo tudi o tem predebatirali. Magar v novi temi s tem namenom.
Narobe. Samo hočem vam povedat, kaj je bolj zdravo. O sebi nisem prav ničesar zinil, niti ne vidim potrebe. Ker debata teče o drugi stvari, ne o osebnih izpovedih. Če pa kdo vidi potrebo, da pove stvar ali dve o sebi, pa kar z besedo na dan, bomo tudi o tem predebatirali. Magar v novi temi s tem namenom.

Darko ::
Hm a so vsi metalci kopja single?
Očitno je sex boljši kot samozadovoljevanje (vsaj več ljudi spoznaš pri tem), vendar pa po drugi strani ti ni potrebno desne roke prej peljati na večerjo.
Očitno je sex boljši kot samozadovoljevanje (vsaj več ljudi spoznaš pri tem), vendar pa po drugi strani ti ni potrebno desne roke prej peljati na večerjo.

undefined ::
Perci, a se še kar učiš? Daj raje drago poklič, da te malo sprosti.
Tigrr, sam če te s tisto roko pokne, je konc s tabo.
Tigrr, sam če te s tisto roko pokne, je konc s tabo.

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: undefined ()

BlackHole ::
...O sebi nisem prav ničesar zinil, niti ne vidim potrebe. Ker debata teče o drugi stvari, ne o osebnih izpovedih...
emm, naslov debate je "Ali se samozadovoljujete", tako da bi debata v bistvu nekako "morala" teči tudi o osebnih izpovedih.
emm, naslov debate je "Ali se samozadovoljujete", tako da bi debata v bistvu nekako "morala" teči tudi o osebnih izpovedih.

||_^_|| ::
IceMan: Hočeš nam dopovedat kaj je bolj zdravo? Komu to? Tistim k mamo s kom seksat al tistim ki nimajo? Al vsem?
In zakaj je seks bolj zdrav od samozadovoljevanja?
In zakaj je seks bolj zdrav od samozadovoljevanja?

Asgard ::
Sexat je ql, sam drkat pa se bolj ker ne zapravis cisto nic, mogoce malo vode de si jajca operes. Mislem kdor misli da je drkat skodljivo naj gre k zdravniku in ga vprasa. Jaz sem ga (no je bla zdravnica ) pa se je samo rezala in rekla da ni nic narobe. In veselo gonimo naprej !!!!!!!!!

undefined ::
Physical and spiritual dangers of masturbation or "self-abuse"
Few topics have generated more ridicule from critics than Ellen White's statements regarding "self-abuse," "solitary vice," "self-indulgence," "secret vice," "moral pollution," etc. Ellen White never used the term "masturbation."
Her first reference to this subject appeared in a 64-page pamphlet, An Appeal to Mothers, April 1864, nine months after her first comprehensive health vision. Primarily devoted to masturbation, pages 5 to 34 were from her own pen; the remainder consisted of quotations from medical authorities. [1]
Ellen White did not say that all, or even most, of the potentially serious consequences of masturbation would happen to any one individual. Nor did she say that the worst possible degree of a serious consequence would happen to most indulgers.
Modern research indicates that Ellen White's strong statements can be supported when she is properly understood. The general view today, however, is that masturbation is normal and healthy.
Two medical specialists have suggested a link between masturbation and physical abnormalities due to zinc-deficiency. Dr. David Horrobin, an M.D. and Ph.D. from Oxford University, states:
"The amount of zinc in semen is such that one ejaculation may get rid of all the zinc that can be absorbed from the intestines in one day. This has a number of consequences. Unless the amount lost is replaced by an increased dietary intake, repeated ejaculation may lead to a real zinc deficiency with various problems developing, including impotence.
"It is even possible, given the importance of zinc for the brain, that 19th century moralists were correct when they said that repeated masturbation could make one mad!" [2]
More recent research has confirmed the critical role of zinc as a principal protector of the immune system, with a host of physical illnesses attributable to zinc-deficiency.
Two professionals in the area of clinical psychology and family therapy have compared Ellen White's statements on masturbation with current medical knowledge. [3] Dr. Richard Nies defended Ellen White's general counsel on masturbation, making four main points:
(1) Masturbation leads to "mental, moral, and physical deterioration. . . . It is not the stimulation, per se, that is wrong. It's what's going on in . . . [persons] when they're becoming self-referenced and self-centered."
(2) Masturbation "breaks down the finer sensitivities of our nervous system. . . . It is not difficult to see in terms of the electrical mediation of our nervous system, how disease becomes a natural result of individuals who have placed their own gratification at the center of their being. . . . Disease is the natural result of this."
(3) Masturbation is a predisposition that can be "inherited and passed on and transmitted from one generation to another, even leading to degeneration of the race."
(4) In dealing with others, especially children, Ellen White's counsel lies in the direction of dealing with the consequences, of showing them that we should be training for love and eternity, not self-gratification with its terrible consequences. Dr. Nies concluded his paper, "Self-gratification is synonymous with destruction."
Alberta Mazat observed that Ellen White's concern regarding masturbation was primarily on the mental consequences rather than the "purely physical act. She was more concerned with thought processes, attitudes, fantasies, etc." Mazat quoted Ellen White's references to the fact that "the effects are not the same on all minds," that "impure thoughts seize and control the imagination," and that the mind "takes pleasure in contemplating the scenes which awake base passion."
Mazat further noted that some may be embarrassed by Ellen White's strong statements regarding masturbation. However, many of Mrs. White's other statements also seemed "unrealistic and exaggerated before science corroborated them, for example, cancer being caused by a virus, the dangers of smoking, overeating, and the overuse of fats, sugar, and salt, to name a few. . . . It seems worthwhile to remind ourselves that medical knowledge at any point is not perfect." [4]

Sid Izprijeni ::
Jajks, Thomas, kako rad bi se strinjal s tabo, ampak si zajebal.
Napisal si mastRUbation, namesto mastURbation.
Google, Take Two.
Napisal si mastRUbation, namesto mastURbation.
Google, Take Two.

The true challenge of Creation lies not in the engineering...
...but rather in the ability to control one's project.
...but rather in the ability to control one's project.

Thomas ::
Ojejejej! My bad, my big bad.
Ja nč .. gremo gledat, kaj pravijo izvedeni potem!
Ja nč .. gremo gledat, kaj pravijo izvedeni potem!

Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

undefined ::
Alice believes that the desire to masturbate, and the fulfillment of that desire, are as natural and healthy as eating a sandwich when you're hungry -- as long as these behaviors don't interfere with school, work, socializing, physical health, and emotional well-being.
Prav nič nisi izpodbil zgoraj napisano, Thomas.
Prav tako je zanimivo prav to dejstvo, da ravno sodobne raziskave potrjujejo trditve pokojne mamce Ellen White. People with M.D. and Ph.D..

Thomas ::
Where the latter is concerned, Alice observes from her readers that guilt about masturbation, and not masturbation itself, is the more problematic condition.
Where the latter is concerned, Alice observes from her readers that guilt about masturbation, and not masturbation itself, is the more problematic condition.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

undefined ::
Thomas, ja, to je njeno osebno opazovanje in mnenje, popolnoma enakovredno mojemu mnenju.

Tody ::
Za une k se ne bojijo mazlojev in dlakavosti in podobnik zadev KLIIIIIIIIIK!
Predvsem poglejte HOW TO sekcijo čeprav se sliši glupo se boste marsikaj naučili
Predvsem poglejte HOW TO sekcijo čeprav se sliši glupo se boste marsikaj naučili
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Tody ()

Thomas ::
> to je njeno osebno opazovanje in mnenje, popolnoma enakovredno mojemu mnenju.
Copyright (c) 2003 by The Trustees of Columbia University
To Alice, da se razumemo.
Copyright (c) 2003 by The Trustees of Columbia University
To Alice, da se razumemo.

Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Thomas ()

Thomas ::
Ja ne vem jest. Medicinci, psihiatri, psihologi, sexologi ... trdijo pač tako.
Kdo sva midva IceMan, da bi jim oporekala?
No, vsaj meni se ne ljubi prav dosti ukvarjati s tem več kot toliko, da pač sprejmem kar trdijo in ne verjamem preveč 100 let in več starim teorijam.
Kdo sva midva IceMan, da bi jim oporekala?
No, vsaj meni se ne ljubi prav dosti ukvarjati s tem več kot toliko, da pač sprejmem kar trdijo in ne verjamem preveč 100 let in več starim teorijam.

Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

undefined ::
No sej, Thomas. Jest sem ti zgoraj več nabil napisanega od takih, katere ti omenjaš. Medtem ko si ti meni nazaj vrgel le eno slamico od Alice.

||_^_|| ::
ledo..kaj naj rečem..če verjameš temu bulšitu dej..najbrž si edini delč naokol

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ||_^_|| ()

undefined ::
> Vsako pretiravanje je škodljivo.
Saj ravno o tem je govora, o pretiravanju. Če se masturbira le občasno, je to čist ok zadeva, saj seme zahteva "obtok", se pravi izločitev in ponovna generacija. Če pa pretiravamo, pa prav lahko pride do posledic, katere so bile zgoraj že omenjene. Pa se lahko maska na trepalnice postavi.
Saj ravno o tem je govora, o pretiravanju. Če se masturbira le občasno, je to čist ok zadeva, saj seme zahteva "obtok", se pravi izločitev in ponovna generacija. Če pa pretiravamo, pa prav lahko pride do posledic, katere so bile zgoraj že omenjene. Pa se lahko maska na trepalnice postavi.

perci ::
Jah, potemtakem je tut seks škodljiv. Pretiravanje seveda :).
Mislm, sej ne rečem, da vsak dan po 10krat seksat ne škodi ampak, o ekstremih govorit je brezveze. 2-3 krat na dan pa nima kej škodt. Vpraš Rugla ;).
Mislm, sej ne rečem, da vsak dan po 10krat seksat ne škodi ampak, o ekstremih govorit je brezveze. 2-3 krat na dan pa nima kej škodt. Vpraš Rugla ;).

ripmork ::
če bi vsi Ruglja poslušal bi nas blo že več kolker makaronarjev
...samo sej se tut torte naveličaš,če jo ješ vsak dan 3x ane?
1xna dan je glih še beljakovin ne gre preveč

...samo sej se tut torte naveličaš,če jo ješ vsak dan 3x ane?
1xna dan je glih še beljakovin ne gre preveč

BigWhale ::
Sexa se ne navelicas, oz ce se ga, pol je nekaj narobe s tabo... Ali pa partnerjem ;>
Sicer pa ene raziskave govorijo o tem, da imajo moski omejeno stevilo izlivov, tam nekje do sedem tisoc...
Tko da pazite...
Sicer pa ene raziskave govorijo o tem, da imajo moski omejeno stevilo izlivov, tam nekje do sedem tisoc...
Tko da pazite...

Sergio ::
Torej lahko ljudje, ki seksajo dnevno, seksajo samo 20 let? Neee, dvomim da je kaj na tem ;)
Tako grem jaz, tako gre vsak, kdor čuti cilj v daljavi:
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.

Thomas ::
Ma če eden ne da nobenga edu linka na trditev, potem je trditev najbrž urbana legenda.
No, če ga ne more dati. Edu linka namreč.
No, če ga ne more dati. Edu linka namreč.

Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

CaqKa ::
vprašanje je tudi če še jih tako pozno sploh rabiš... metke namreč :)
jaz tega tudi ne verjamem.. to bi v bistvu pomenilo da 'jajce' naredijo samo določeno količino semenčeč potem pa nehajo delovat, kar se mi pa zdi malo za lase privlečeno.
jaz tega tudi ne verjamem.. to bi v bistvu pomenilo da 'jajce' naredijo samo določeno količino semenčeč potem pa nehajo delovat, kar se mi pa zdi malo za lase privlečeno.
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