Forum » Problemi človeštva » Konflikt v Siriji
Konflikt v Siriji
Temo vidijo: vsi
7982884e ::
Ojej, spet eden s spominom zlate ribice...
Ukrajinci so že v Donetsku obstreljevali ruske vasi in mesta, in sicer takoj, po ukrajinsko, nelegitimnem referendumu...
bralno razumevanje spet sepa?
se enkrat preberi, mogoce bo tokrat bolje.
torej: ce je obstreljevanje civilnih ciljev v idlibu ok, ker naj bi to bila razglasena vojna cona in "se je, kdor je hotel, ze umaknil", ali potem velja isto za ukrajince, ce (ko) obstreljujejo donetsk?
respons tipa "hurr durr sej so ze obstreljevali" nima vrednosti, nevem zakaj je treba bit dvolicen pri temu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 7982884e ()
7982884e ::
sicer se pa rusom dones kar mesa:
ocitno bodo danes pustili asadu da spusti se kaksno zadevscino, z jutrijsnjim soncem pa bodo internetni podrepniki ze vsi vedeli, da je false flag.
ocitno bodo danes pustili asadu da spusti se kaksno zadevscino, z jutrijsnjim soncem pa bodo internetni podrepniki ze vsi vedeli, da je false flag.
hammock ::
sicer se pa rusom dones kar mesa:
ocitno bodo danes pustili asadu da spusti se kaksno zadevscino, z jutrijsnjim soncem pa bodo internetni podrepniki ze vsi vedeli, da je false flag.
Kaj tocno naj bi imeli Rusi in Assad od tega, ce spustijo malo klora med ljudi? Kemicno orozje na tem bojiscu nima _nobene_ takticne vrednosti.
Ko kdorkoli spusti sod klora, bo SAA spet fasala 200 Tomahawkov. Mi lahko prosim nekdo razlozi zakaj tocno bi bilo Assadu v interesu da se to zgodi?
Mr.B ::
Ojej, spet eden s spominom zlate ribice...
Ukrajinci so že v Donetsku obstreljevali ruske vasi in mesta, in sicer takoj, po ukrajinsko, nelegitimnem referendumu...
bralno razumevanje spet sepa?
se enkrat preberi, mogoce bo tokrat bolje.
torej: ce je obstreljevanje civilnih ciljev v idlibu ok, ker naj bi to bila razglasena vojna cona in "se je, kdor je hotel, ze umaknil", ali potem velja isto za ukrajince, ce (ko) obstreljujejo donetsk?
respons tipa "hurr durr sej so ze obstreljevali" nima vrednosti, nevem zakaj je treba bit dvolicen pri temu.
Tako kot tvoj humanitarni koridor za neobstojeci humanitarni problem.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Ko kdorkoli spusti sod klora, bo SAA spet fasala 200 Tomahawkov. Mi lahko prosim nekdo razlozi zakaj tocno bi bilo Assadu v interesu da se to zgodi?
Ker so mu vsi rekli, da tega ne sme. Pa je vseeno.
In je požrl 200 tomahawkov od gnilih imperialistov. Ampak še vedno stoji.
Zato je alfa.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Timurlenk ::
Se že bliža trenutek, ko bo bodo v Idlibu dokončno počistili s teroristično nesnago, ki se še nahaja na ozemlju Sirije?
Demokracija je zdej v drugem planu, to je vendar jasno.
c3p0 ::
sicer se pa rusom dones kar mesa:
Izraelci so objavili "novico" že 2 dni nazaj:,734...
hammock ::
Ko kdorkoli spusti sod klora, bo SAA spet fasala 200 Tomahawkov. Mi lahko prosim nekdo razlozi zakaj tocno bi bilo Assadu v interesu da se to zgodi?
Ker so mu vsi rekli, da tega ne sme. Pa je vseeno.
In je požrl 200 tomahawkov od gnilih imperialistov. Ampak še vedno stoji.
Zato je alfa.
Dokler letijo tomahawki na opuscene objekte in tiste stare MiGe ki so tako za odpis mu je vseeno, zagotovo pa se zaveda da lahko kadarkoli dobi raketo v svojo spalnico.
Sorry, zelo tezko verjamem da on stoji za tem.
Mr.B ::
tomahawki, ki jihuporablhajo soprakticno out of servicelive. Nadgradnja enega je blizu cene novega, torej se jih ne splaca...torej kamorkoli padejo so dobra invisticija..
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Dokler letijo tomahawki na opuscene objekte in tiste stare MiGe ki so tako za odpis mu je vseeno, zagotovo pa se zaveda da lahko kadarkoli dobi raketo v svojo spalnico.
Sorry, zelo tezko verjamem da on stoji za tem.
Sorry, če ne razumeš arabske kulture.
In bi jo že, če bi bilo po Trumpovo. Pa je Mad Dog rekel ne.
Donald Trump wanted to have the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, assassinated last year but his defense secretary ignored the request, according to the book, which depicts top Trump aides sometimes sidestepping instructions to limit what they see as his damaging and dangerous behavior.
According to the book, Trump told the defense secretary, Jim Mattis, that he wanted to have Assad assassinated after the Syrian president launched a chemical attack on civilians in April 2017. “Let’s fucking kill him! Let’s go in. Let’s kill the fucking lot of them,” Trump said, according to Woodward.
Mattis told Trump he would “get right on it” but instead developed a plan for a limited air strike that did not threaten Assad personally.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Ker je ravno obletnica.
Verjetno prvič in zadnjič, da se strinjajo Moore, Schindler in Curtis.
For nearly 15 years, ever since jihadists took down the Twin Towers and killed nearly 3,000 Americans, many have wondered how a bunch of novice terrorists—several of whom could barely fly an airplane, much less a big jetliner—could pull off such complex and audacious attack. What al-Qa’ida termed their ‘Planes Operation’ was meticulously planned prior to execution—but by whom, exactly?
That key question remains partly open, and the American public has never received the full explanation from our government that they deserve. I know what they have not been allowed to see: When 9/11 happened I was a counterintelligence officer with the National Security Agency and part of my purview was looking into state connections to international terrorism. I was one of the few officials in our Intelligence Community seriously looking into al-Qa’ida’s links to foreign intelligence before the Twin Towers fell.
In the months after the attacks, a complex intelligence picture emerged of who secretly aided al-Qa’ida in the run-up to 9/11—large portions of which were kept highly classified.
Let me state that the job done by the 9/11 Commission was essentially accurate but incomplete. The attacks were the work of al-Qa’ida and their airborne assaults on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon unfolded as the U.S. Government has told you. The backstory they have omitted, however, is vitally important and needs public airing.
This vexing issue is back in the news again thanks to CBS, whose 60 Minutes program reported on the so-called “28 Pages,” the portion of the official report on 9/11 that has been withheld from the public since 2003, through two presidencies.
As the 28 Pages make clear, Saudi officials had contacts with some of the 9/11 hijackers that can charitably be termed odd. To any counterintelligence professional, these connections—combined with the fact that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals—raise enormous red flags, particularly because there were visible connections between some of the hijackers and Saudi intelligence agents in the United States.
Worse, the Bush administration enabled numerous Saudi nationals—including some with worrying connections to the hijackers—to flee the United States after 9/11, preventing any real investigation from taking place. While it is overwrought to present this as a grand conspiracy, as some seek to do, Americans should have questions about what was going on here.
What exactly Saudi Arabia is hiding, though, may be less nefarious than some suspect. It’s evident that Saudi officials, both from their government and from several jihad-linked “Islamic charities,” provided material assistance to some of the 9/11 hijackers. This was the same template that Riyadh employed for decades—throwing money at radicals and terrorists in the hope they cause trouble outside the Kingdom rather than inside it—right until the Planes Operation exposed how toxic this nefarious Saudi bargain really was.
There is no evidence that Saudi assistance to 9/11 was more than tactical. Based on their usual modus operandi with jihadists, it seems extraordinarily unlikely that Riyadh, per se, had anything to do with the Planes Operation. Low-level support to radicals had been Saudi policy for so long that they may have done so here without pondering consequences.
That Iran had some sort of hand in the Planes Operation has long been suspected by many insiders. Contrary to what “terrorism experts” may say, Tehran was always willing to aid Sunni extremists like al-Qa’ida, while Osama bin Laden and his ilk were equally willing to accept secret help from the Shia they despise. Iranian intelligence has enjoyed a clandestine relationship with al-Qa’ida going back to the early 1990s, and U.S. intelligence has known of meetings between their leadership and top Tehran spies since 1996.
Despite these facts, the 9/11 Commission demonstrated little interest in Iranian ties to the Planes Operation. While admitting that several of the hijackers had transited Iran, and that Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, the notorious KSM, the jihadist entrepreneur who came up with the Planes Operation, had stashed his family in Iran for years, it went no further.
In fairness to the 9/11 Commission, they were not allowed to see important information that might have changed their minds. In particular, they did not see NSA signals intelligence that shed significant light on Iran’s clandestine role supporting al-Qa’ida generally and the Planes Operation particularly.
Verjetno prvič in zadnjič, da se strinjajo Moore, Schindler in Curtis.
For nearly 15 years, ever since jihadists took down the Twin Towers and killed nearly 3,000 Americans, many have wondered how a bunch of novice terrorists—several of whom could barely fly an airplane, much less a big jetliner—could pull off such complex and audacious attack. What al-Qa’ida termed their ‘Planes Operation’ was meticulously planned prior to execution—but by whom, exactly?
That key question remains partly open, and the American public has never received the full explanation from our government that they deserve. I know what they have not been allowed to see: When 9/11 happened I was a counterintelligence officer with the National Security Agency and part of my purview was looking into state connections to international terrorism. I was one of the few officials in our Intelligence Community seriously looking into al-Qa’ida’s links to foreign intelligence before the Twin Towers fell.
In the months after the attacks, a complex intelligence picture emerged of who secretly aided al-Qa’ida in the run-up to 9/11—large portions of which were kept highly classified.
Let me state that the job done by the 9/11 Commission was essentially accurate but incomplete. The attacks were the work of al-Qa’ida and their airborne assaults on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon unfolded as the U.S. Government has told you. The backstory they have omitted, however, is vitally important and needs public airing.
This vexing issue is back in the news again thanks to CBS, whose 60 Minutes program reported on the so-called “28 Pages,” the portion of the official report on 9/11 that has been withheld from the public since 2003, through two presidencies.
As the 28 Pages make clear, Saudi officials had contacts with some of the 9/11 hijackers that can charitably be termed odd. To any counterintelligence professional, these connections—combined with the fact that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals—raise enormous red flags, particularly because there were visible connections between some of the hijackers and Saudi intelligence agents in the United States.
Worse, the Bush administration enabled numerous Saudi nationals—including some with worrying connections to the hijackers—to flee the United States after 9/11, preventing any real investigation from taking place. While it is overwrought to present this as a grand conspiracy, as some seek to do, Americans should have questions about what was going on here.
What exactly Saudi Arabia is hiding, though, may be less nefarious than some suspect. It’s evident that Saudi officials, both from their government and from several jihad-linked “Islamic charities,” provided material assistance to some of the 9/11 hijackers. This was the same template that Riyadh employed for decades—throwing money at radicals and terrorists in the hope they cause trouble outside the Kingdom rather than inside it—right until the Planes Operation exposed how toxic this nefarious Saudi bargain really was.
There is no evidence that Saudi assistance to 9/11 was more than tactical. Based on their usual modus operandi with jihadists, it seems extraordinarily unlikely that Riyadh, per se, had anything to do with the Planes Operation. Low-level support to radicals had been Saudi policy for so long that they may have done so here without pondering consequences.
That Iran had some sort of hand in the Planes Operation has long been suspected by many insiders. Contrary to what “terrorism experts” may say, Tehran was always willing to aid Sunni extremists like al-Qa’ida, while Osama bin Laden and his ilk were equally willing to accept secret help from the Shia they despise. Iranian intelligence has enjoyed a clandestine relationship with al-Qa’ida going back to the early 1990s, and U.S. intelligence has known of meetings between their leadership and top Tehran spies since 1996.
Despite these facts, the 9/11 Commission demonstrated little interest in Iranian ties to the Planes Operation. While admitting that several of the hijackers had transited Iran, and that Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, the notorious KSM, the jihadist entrepreneur who came up with the Planes Operation, had stashed his family in Iran for years, it went no further.
In fairness to the 9/11 Commission, they were not allowed to see important information that might have changed their minds. In particular, they did not see NSA signals intelligence that shed significant light on Iran’s clandestine role supporting al-Qa’ida generally and the Planes Operation particularly.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Fritz ::
Blaha blaha katere edini cilj je iskanje možnih razlogov za napad na Iran, najsi so še tako za ušesa privlečeni.
Da je 15 od 19 teroristov bilo Savdijcev pove več kot vsa namigovanja na Iran, v celi zgodbi pa je še vedno več vprašanj kot je odgovorov:
Da je 15 od 19 teroristov bilo Savdijcev pove več kot vsa namigovanja na Iran, v celi zgodbi pa je še vedno več vprašanj kot je odgovorov:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Invictus ::
Dajmo pol napasti Savdsko Arabijo .
Aja, to se ne bo zgodilo, ker potem crkne cela orožarska industrija na zahodu .
Aja, to se ne bo zgodilo, ker potem crkne cela orožarska industrija na zahodu .
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
kunigunda ::
SimplyMiha ::
Turčija je v Idlib poslala konvoje težkega orožja in vojaškega osebja. Invazija Sirije se nadaljuje.
Fritz ::
Turčija je kot plesen. Zelo hitro se širi in težko se je znebiš. Al-Bab je malodane anektiran Turčiji, Afrin v postopku, Idlib pa naslednji cilj.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kunigunda ::
Cervantes ::
SimplyMiha je izjavil:
Turčija je v Idlib poslala konvoje težkega orožja in vojaškega osebja. Invazija Sirije se nadaljuje.
Se nista sultan in Putin nič dogovrila ?
kunigunda ::
SimplyMiha je izjavil:
Turčija je v Idlib poslala konvoje težkega orožja in vojaškega osebja. Invazija Sirije se nadaljuje.
Se nista sultan in Putin nič dogovrila ?
Sta se mogla ze zato, da nauta drug po drugem streljala ko bo zacelo, glede na to da mata enote dosti skupaj okoli idliba :)
Pa ne bi reku da je glih sultan (ceprov si zeli biti drugi ataturk) :P
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kunigunda ()
nsa_ag3nt ::
Erdogan grozi, da bo šel na Aleppo mesto, če Rusija in Sirija ne bosta ustavili operacije deratizacija Idliba.
Cervantes ::
RT je pred par urami objavil, da imajo čeladarji vse pripravljeno za kemičnega na neko vas.
Me prav zanima, če bo kaj.
Me prav zanima, če bo kaj.
Fritz ::
Medtem se je začela luščiti propagandna fasada ti. Belih čelad tudi skozi nizozemski contradictio in adiecto:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
windigo ::
Potem, ko sta se danes Erdogan in Putin sporazumela, da bota na razmejitveni črti okrog Idliba vzpostavila 20km demilitarizirano cono, je nekdo (im ne ve se kdo, špekulirajo da Izrael) z droni in izstrelki napadel Latakijo in Tartus. Izstrelki in/ali droni naj bi po nekaterih podatkih prihajali "z morja". Na netu se najde nekaj posnetkov eksplozij, ena naj bi bila v nekem vojaškem razvojno/tehnološkem centru (kar tudi lahko pomeni marsikaj). Govori se, da je tokrat reagirala tudi ruska protizračna obramba.
Več bomo najbrž zvedeli jutri.
Več bomo najbrž zvedeli jutri.
Mr.B ::
Rusi spet niso sposobni uspisohiti s400 . Itak da ne bodo niv naredili, mislim rusi.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
kunigunda ::
Mr.B ::
Rusi spet niso sposobni uspisohiti s400 . Itak da ne bodo niv naredili, mislim rusi.
Kako ne, sej je deloval, in jih vec kot polovico polovil. 2 dni nazaj je blo podobno v Damasku, so jih se vec.
Ocitno "nekdo" firbca, kje vse imajo protizracno na zahodu sirije.
Pa se vedno ne vejo kaj tocno....samo nekaj zmorja...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
kunigunda ::
Rusi spet niso sposobni uspisohiti s400 . Itak da ne bodo niv naredili, mislim rusi.
Kako ne, sej je deloval, in jih vec kot polovico polovil. 2 dni nazaj je blo podobno v Damasku, so jih se vec.
Ocitno "nekdo" firbca, kje vse imajo protizracno na zahodu sirije.
Pa se vedno ne vejo kaj tocno....samo nekaj zmorja...
Ponavad na raketah ne pise ne naslovnik ne posiljatelj :)
Sicer pa priletijo tud pod takim kotom, da ne ves a je iz letala, ladje itd.
Bojo ze raziskal tisti k jih zanima, ce bo v medijih dejansko objavljen pa vprasanje.
Zheegec ::
Lots of currently unanswered questions on disappearance of Russian IL20 plane with 14 personnel of the coast of #Syria, went off radar at the time of multiple Israeli strikes in Syria, SAA air defenses were active for a long time & French frigate also reportedly launched missiles
So a Russian Military Plane with 14 personnel on-board goes missing the same time Israel was launching strikes in Syria, and Syrian air defenses were firing en-mass in response, and a French Frigate reportedly launched a missile at the same time near the Syrian coast. #Problem
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Mr.B ::
Rusi spet niso sposobni uspisohiti s400 . Itak da ne bodo niv naredili, mislim rusi.
Kako ne, sej je deloval, in jih vec kot polovico polovil. 2 dni nazaj je blo podobno v Damasku, so jih se vec.
Ocitno "nekdo" firbca, kje vse imajo protizracno na zahodu sirije.
Pa se vedno ne vejo kaj tocno....samo nekaj zmorja...
Ponavad na raketah ne pise ne naslovnik ne posiljatelj :)
Sicer pa priletijo tud pod takim kotom, da ne ves a je iz letala, ladje itd.
Bojo ze raziskal tisti k jih zanima, ce bo v medijih dejansko objavljen pa vprasanje.
Pa se lastno letalo, ki ni ravno nepomembno so sestrelili...
A Russian military Il-20 aircraft with 14 service members on board went off the radars during an attack by four Israeli jets on Syria’s Latakia province, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Smrekar1 ::
Potem, ko sta se danes Erdogan in Putin sporazumela, da bota na razmejitveni črti okrog Idliba vzpostavila 20km demilitarizirano cono, je nekdo (im ne ve se kdo, špekulirajo da Izrael) z droni in izstrelki napadel Latakijo in Tartus. Izstrelki in/ali droni naj bi po nekaterih podatkih prihajali "z morja". Na netu se najde nekaj posnetkov eksplozij, ena naj bi bila v nekem vojaškem razvojno/tehnološkem centru (kar tudi lahko pomeni marsikaj). Govori se, da je tokrat reagirala tudi ruska protizračna obramba.
Več bomo najbrž zvedeli jutri.
Vsemogočni obrambni S-400, ki lahko kastrirajo komarja na 2000 km, niso sestrelili nobenega F-16, samo enega Il-20.
Iskanje morebitnih preživelih še poteka. ZDA Pomagajo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
Poldi112 ::
Dober spin. Tvoj vir nikjer ne omenja S-400, je pa dobesedno prvi stavek:
A Russian maritime patrol aircraft with multiple personnel on board was inadvertently shot down by Syrian regime anti-aircraft artillery on Monday after the Syrians came under attack by Israeli missiles, according to a US official with knowledge of the incident
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Mr.B ::
Potem, ko sta se danes Erdogan in Putin sporazumela, da bota na razmejitveni črti okrog Idliba vzpostavila 20km demilitarizirano cono, je nekdo (im ne ve se kdo, špekulirajo da Izrael) z droni in izstrelki napadel Latakijo in Tartus. Izstrelki in/ali droni naj bi po nekaterih podatkih prihajali "z morja". Na netu se najde nekaj posnetkov eksplozij, ena naj bi bila v nekem vojaškem razvojno/tehnološkem centru (kar tudi lahko pomeni marsikaj). Govori se, da je tokrat reagirala tudi ruska protizračna obramba.
Več bomo najbrž zvedeli jutri.
Vsemogočni obrambni S-400, ki lahko kastrirajo komarja na 2000 km, niso sestrelili nobenega F-16, samo enega Il-20.
Iskanje morebitnih preživelih še poteka. ZDA Pomagajo.
Če je ga je sestrelil S300 s strani Sircev.
Drugo Il20 brez težav lahko posreduje terget informacijo za lokacijo F16.
Torej počakmo kaj bodo našli, verjetno nič, no skoraj bi rad slišal posnetek med il20 in bazo, verjetno niso tako kot uni iranski patsir, kjer so fantj bili na čik pavzi :-)
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Smrekar1 ::
Mr.B ::
Če je ga je sestrelil S300 s strani Sircev.
Aja, pardon.
Kaj so počeli vsemogočni S-400, ki se jim F-35 ne more približati na 400 km, F-16 je pa itak povsem oplel?
Sorry pardon, sem nekje sfalil da ima Asad S400. Al hočeš povedati da so izraelci napadli ruse v sirije. No samo tolk da sva na isti valovni dolžini.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Poldi112 ::
Če je ga je sestrelil S300 s strani Sircev.
Aja, pardon.
Kaj so počeli vsemogočni S-400, ki se jim F-35 ne more približati na 400 km, F-16 je pa itak povsem oplel?
Težko reči. Glede na to, da Izrael redno bombardira Sirijo (agresor je pa jasno Iran...), Rusi jih pa tolerirajo, bi prej rekel, da Rusi pač nimajo jajc streljati na Izrael.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
MaCoFaCo ::
Ruski IL-20 je oboren raketom sirijskog kompleksa S-200, saopštilo je Ministarstvo odbrane Rusije
Izraelski avioni namerno stvorili opasnu situaciju u području Latakije u Siriji. Krijuči se iza ruskog aviona, izraelski avioni su ga stavili pod udar sirijskih PVO, saopštilo je ministarstvo odbrane Rusije.
Izrael nije upozorio rusku grupu u Siriji da namerava da izvodi operaciju u području Latakije.
Oni su dodali da su izraelski radari morali da primete ruski avion koji se spremao da sleti.
Mr.B ::
The Israeli pilots used the Russian plane as cover and set it up to be targeted by the Syrian air defense forces. As a consequence, the Il-20, which has radar cross-section much larger than the F-16, was shot down by an S-200 system missile," the statement said.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
fikus_ ::
Torej so Izraelci "ubili 2 muhi na en mah".
Izraelci ne letijo v Sirski zračni prostor, ampak koristijo Libanonski zračni prostor, ali kot tokrat mednarodne vode. Tako da Rusi ne sestreljujejo letal zunaj Sirije.
Izraelci ne letijo v Sirski zračni prostor, ampak koristijo Libanonski zračni prostor, ali kot tokrat mednarodne vode. Tako da Rusi ne sestreljujejo letal zunaj Sirije.
Invictus ::
Glede na to, da Izrael redno bombardira Sirijo (agresor je pa jasno Iran...), Rusi jih pa tolerirajo, bi prej rekel, da Rusi pač nimajo jajc streljati na Izrael.
Rusi in Izraelci so precej dobro povezani, saj se je tja preselilo precej ruskih Židov...
Njihovo sodelovanje je čisto O.K.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Invictus ::
Sicer ruski medij, pa vseeno...
Treba je vse brati...
Treba je vse brati...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Mr.B ::
Verjetno, ko so nazadnje zradirali cca 200 ruskih plačancev "res da američani" se ni zgodilo kaj dosti...
Resni odziv bi bil, da zapelje rusija svojo flotilo iz trenutne vaje Vostok, če že ni končana skozi suez, kitajci pa se parkirajo pred iran.
Oboji pa začno jamrat o človeških žrtvah v yemnu.
Resni odziv bi bil, da zapelje rusija svojo flotilo iz trenutne vaje Vostok, če že ni končana skozi suez, kitajci pa se parkirajo pred iran.
Oboji pa začno jamrat o človeških žrtvah v yemnu.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Smrekar1 ::
Verjetno, ko so nazadnje zradirali cca 200 ruskih plačancev "res da američani" se ni zgodilo kaj dosti...
Resni odziv bi bil, da zapelje rusija svojo flotilo iz trenutne vaje Vostok, če že ni končana skozi suez, kitajci pa se parkirajo pred iran.
Oboji pa začno jamrat o človeških žrtvah v yemnu.
Nazadnje ko so poskušali nekaj takega se res ni dobro končalo.
Battle of Tsushima @ Wikipedia
Tokrat ... bi bilo precej težje. Za začetek ne bi imeli številčne premoči.
microchip ::
bi prej rekel, da Rusi pač nimajo jajc streljati na Izrael.
Ko UN omeni da judje streljajo palestince v izraelu se burgerji že pripravljajo na sankcije zoper antisemitskega UN-a, ti pa bluziš kako rusi nimajo jajc streljati na izrael
Kako že gre nek rek o temu kdo vlada in koga ne smeš kritizirat... hmmmm.
Mr.B ::
Verjetno, ko so nazadnje zradirali cca 200 ruskih plačancev "res da američani" se ni zgodilo kaj dosti...
Resni odziv bi bil, da zapelje rusija svojo flotilo iz trenutne vaje Vostok, če že ni končana skozi suez, kitajci pa se parkirajo pred iran.
Oboji pa začno jamrat o človeških žrtvah v yemnu.
Nazadnje ko so poskušali nekaj takega se res ni dobro končalo.
Battle of Tsushima @ Wikipedia
Tokrat ... bi bilo precej težje. Za začetek ne bi imeli številčne premoči.
SA ni ravno nek nasprotnik, kaj šele pomorski nasprotnik. Razen če jim američani ne pomagajo, no so bolj tam tam... Rusija ima pa tudi sedaj verjetno pred izraelom, no skoraj pred izraelom parkiranih koliko raket ?
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Looooooka ::
Verjetno, ko so nazadnje zradirali cca 200 ruskih plačancev "res da američani" se ni zgodilo kaj dosti...
Resni odziv bi bil, da zapelje rusija svojo flotilo iz trenutne vaje Vostok, če že ni končana skozi suez, kitajci pa se parkirajo pred iran.
Oboji pa začno jamrat o človeških žrtvah v yemnu.
Ko bi vsaj. Trenutno je se najboljsi cas. Putim bi moral zadevo samo obrnit v to smer, da je za zadevo nekako kriv Trump. Polovica Američanov bi bila bolj vesela zaradi dejstva, da je zajebal Trump kot pa jeznih zaradi tega, da bodo Izraelci koncno dobili tisto, kar si zasluzijo.
Streljal v tri krasne seveda ne bo. Ni vsekan kavboj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Looooooka ()
Mr.B ::
Verjetno, ko so nazadnje zradirali cca 200 ruskih plačancev "res da američani" se ni zgodilo kaj dosti...
Resni odziv bi bil, da zapelje rusija svojo flotilo iz trenutne vaje Vostok, če že ni končana skozi suez, kitajci pa se parkirajo pred iran.
Oboji pa začno jamrat o človeških žrtvah v yemnu.
Ko bi vsaj. Trenutno je se najboljsi cas. Putim bi moral zadevo samo obrnit v to smer, da je za zadevo nekako kriv Trump. Polovica Američanov bi bila bolj vesela zaradi dejstva, da je zajebal Trump kot pa jeznih zaradi tega, da bodo Izraelci koncno dobili tisto, kar si zasluzijo.
Streljal v tri krasne seveda ne bo. Ni vsekan kavboj.
Putin rabi da Trumpi pumpa dnar v vojsko, ter da se zadolžuje.. Samo letastvo se mora planirano povečati za 25% zaradi strahu pred Rusi, kitajci in severno korejci... Dlje ko je Trumpi na oblasti, več škode na redi ugledu državi...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Smrekar1 ::
SA ni ravno nek nasprotnik, kaj šele pomorski nasprotnik.
Saj tudi Japonska l.1905 ni bila. Razmerje sil je v grobem primerljivo kot takrat. Razlika je samo v tem, da ima KSA še letalske sile.
Kaj se zgodi v takih situacijah je bilo razjasnjeno dne 10.12.1941.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()
Invictus ::
Pleh na tleh ti bolj malo pomaga...
Me prav zanima kdo leti v teh letlih, ki jih ima SA vsj okoli 500 (Tornadi, F-15, eurofighterji,...)
Najbrž evropski plačanci...
Me prav zanima kdo leti v teh letlih, ki jih ima SA vsj okoli 500 (Tornadi, F-15, eurofighterji,...)
Najbrž evropski plačanci...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Smrekar1 ::
Pleh na tleh ti bolj malo pomaga...
Me prav zanima kdo leti v teh letlih, ki jih ima SA vsj okoli 500 (Tornadi, F-15, eurofighterji,...)
Najbrž evropski plačanci...
Vsekakor, če je Khalid Al-Yousuf tipično evropsko ime. Kolikor vem ni (še?).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Smrekar1 ()